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The Signal, 1910-3-10, Page 5
1. EST t will t, but _t ('Ile hest awi,rt- nrnt we ever i1ered-all ri)4ht on them - W pail s --I e s s of tier great Veal Home that 11 ;x, regular Yin o :jl.'e and eek', %Via make a specialty o f these greets. ,Ions absolutely ish stake.. We ion for having he trod.. It is you always get better--lOc and Fashion Book 11 f� salarislablitaaWkielbasetweil �- Fish THE SIGNAL' (, PERTCH QNTARiO. LOCAL TOPICS. est war taken in the stirring eveute of Board of Trade. 'bore days. Quite a number of those who join Y•11 the toren •to repel the F'en- t1lP minuetTre meeting the held in the ' . ]kpsttioderirld d ut tans are titan Iiviug in and.. around t.n►u l:uuucil chamber mon 1`uesd•+y I:ederioh, secluding J. .1. Wright, (ove'n's( !next, tfith !nets,... setts bbd- tottn-tett'vpbey;--Sammi--t''urse,- Wm.- moo,' repeats will be prrsent.ed and Fr(tser, Capt. Montgomery, George ,,flirts elected. A c ilahlerab{e sub•. Montgotttery, '1V Moen Salkeld and gut of matte* will tw brought up fur John Mitchell. Long life to them all ! discussi.lu anti- an liurini)re, menrand Nev. J. C. Reidt'Not So Very Dead." • tied, every cit irsu.luterrrt(id'fi the wen's welfare las+ wl.rk_sv,++a-rtul►ch concern in town report that Rev. J. C. •will Mt end,.• Itei.t, forther1yy_ pastor of the Metho- Appointed to Admiralty Court. dist-church at Nile, and well known in 'Inc pawitiun of judge of the Admit- (ietterioh, was dying. or wee -dead, of ally Court atTot onto, recently nude hydtopbnbie at the Pasteur institute vacant by the death of Judge. tied- in New York. Having reason to die. 'iu-. has been tutee' by the appoint- believe the repose The Signal cum - tient of \Ir. JUslice.(la►a'ow, turtuerly unitaot situ Mr. Reid at Atwood, of tioderich• Judge Guerre still where he is now Stationed, and re- itebts his seat on the Appeal court of deiced 8 tneteage from him to the (Inturiu• lite Admiralty Comet at Tu- effect Gest he was •'out Ro very di•.ad - losto tine lurtedictinu over a Liter at bast nu half so deed as petrel.) Nay." ar let Ontario and deals with , able dg,Krptpu r„tipr. - M(rrine Club Entertains. Watling to superb orcheeteil and ANNOUNOtiN[NTb. , vocal selections on March 17th at Choice pickier, rslleher and sauces Vleturia Opera homes, at MOKKislt & VAN.trrKK'$. News has been received by hie rela- ttvre here of the sudden death, et Toledo, Ohio, of Thomas McLean. of Lucknow, formerly of Goderich. Par- ticulars are not yet at hand. LION of teed corn. clever and tim- othy seed on hand. 11 in the market, Jtixn_ at►n . & ,salt-_Geodp_ _delivered u, any part of the town. Phone 2117. A. J. Coul'I:It, Hamilton sty att. A word to the wise.: Secure your An array of talent t1uch as has w+1- seats early for the I'uhilatierSisters. dole, it ever, been ween• in t o derich ( Fancy biscuits, choice. varieties, will be gathered in North ,street Meth- new•ehipment, at.Moituuyl & Vos er- ndlNt church next Mundy evening for •egg's. the int Auction of "The Robe Maiden." Jame, jellies, honey, syrup+. etc.. et Save the 1 Ith ter "The Rove Maid- en." ' ' Choice teaa•and coffees at MoRKDiU alk VANATTEd N. A rare treat for music lovere-the Pelmet let. Ladies'Orchcetra. Canned spinach and caulfttower• at Is MoRRlt k VAYlR+1Y7K++. - - _ The Hprtieoltural Society has en- MOKeleit & V.INAT•rlats. r gaged Prof. Hutt to lecture in the Col- 'March 17th --St. Piorick'e Doty -tee Iegiate Institute on Friday evening. Polmatier Ladies OrchestrA:' Erin-go- t/OhOust. "Making Goderich More bragh, Rrautiful" will be' the theme of his Dried peaches, prune$, tipples, figs, diw•ouree. dates, etc.. tet MuKu al Kist V.tNAT• \V. H. Harriaon,who pinobased the y t'K". husineas of \V. E. Kelly, is now in Only one appearance in Ootlerich- cbarKe. 40111+ getting acqu&IUt'd with the Polmmtier Orchestra end l oncert {� his custuurers. Hir card eV jeweler Company. 51 r. Reif( added that Ile wxsiu perfect optician will he found in our • Canned apples, peaches, pewrs,.pine• health atol evorkin F•, hard. and had o advertising columns, and anyope a le$, ru$ ,Jerrie a hhts•i,pee1 , ene- r-eevtrat pounds be. hits weight wanting anything . in thee* lines is atp.'1l e. r-asi & res• 'II l' e • recently. The beret evidentry %veer assured of ,careful attendee and The utmislt els used in "The D. & L." Goo the tact that Me. Heid W85 ill courteous treatment. E { - are the fiin " the mark," New York seeently taking tl'�i• •*NWtlt afrurdr regardless e 1 to at elle 141 -tel•. 1leo ante, hu: hehad te•- turuel itnwe days before the ruiner -or his (both ' wets °sprees) alert- Ilia f i i T he rr and rho torero -metro The • Marine Social Club were -at bow.. to their friends. to the bet- - et- -of--atven sixty: last Fri.lny (right. Pr„r;rrsrive rushee was i:IAyed in the here of the evening. - The lady's; and ge•nelemen'r first -pillow were -woo h4 )Ips. \Wil. Rabb and A1: Hwwtlh011 r sectio•ly. T1s• ••Is'.1) )'' 1u•Izea fell to NIP, P4 !!,loch McLeod and ('am. iteuerl. Refrei•hments were served and t•1w ,•w ening a entertainment WI(e wttutt•lto{ with dancing. Two viuliur owl 4pialn, supplied the ml+sie. input► l 1ud41 4' feel Fish , its of' fresh • ss•ater Fish. STERS )eat at Co.'s - West Side Square. ,Y. ,RK tet I'y' ,up- ine 11 Nave re- lillinery -date NIN(s \ 1 19th e Rq STOCK DEALERS (NADA. ? i(1 more :w York les your ancc by t. ,on all paid to with us t. w • t i h. token. 1 i.•• h,.- shut eight The Lyric Theatre. - 1)14 a the Onto week th Theatre 118, ehaniteal hand,•, tb. Io, tr1n•t„1.1 being tree. tooto ne r. Amyot Says "Suspicious." Katurvlsy the inslrucIIone •of Ute w roues!' iii I,•g:ted to the dog tti.hl.tt F'rauk Dodge's son Were d ar�ldi tr. apt the And renrt a uDr. lif tbe mn - t, n.ed ra he•.It.h `oA1te•r, and 1n•. a.' . V. S.. Toretlto for Pxaolina- tion. tt ole t.N1ay word ens re- rit•dfloor d)r., t. vot., nt the Ih•o- 1 halauuturl', that the. rare was aches • ,-1'1' Mits. Hunter cutdd -+>' u•,L.y whet s. Outlier action Slime Friday chief N ah or ns • deo,. Lyric IICW trot r R. J. Ae•hewonb horse. in charge•of ' mu Nen of ex pens.. l tali, Dietrich, started on -a rampage sauce of wasting direpers. Inas of mound the S,tarr last 5loni�ity worn_ weight, or loss of appetite, it s.; taken intr. The driver was thrown out open gitlr �crat lirnrftt. t• 1' I, N �J sate Gin. P*,,fee's bookstore and N+e+ are 't r•+all\ ,eIir ve'L t' new that the e,itler carne in contact with a tele• ( geni,it ynnrttt els, gv Wan '5"1'11111 the ( )11O0a, Ftele near the Standard Loan I Cameron & Moore's Friday Bargains. hrltel "Ville living. (111.'8 ()Mei', rhe bur1e breaking free.. 1Sr,ys' ltntiekers, ergg, •SUc, 1• •1,1. ;;x , 3f0h Ston --Davidson . Nobody Wa- hurt. but the euto•r was! toysKnkkets, double seat' and thud apathy in regard tp the hospital, ' ,tins$ 4-d .,tu the extent of bryken The into Haste of ale -William John- K' kue1.........• ..• ..... {� that is the cause of the xi parent leek mon ul 'lotto o to Mies Jessie E. Day- ,ehafte, to duz. Linen t'ut'ees each of intrt%st inthe _affairs( of the hos- 1),Oiotaite 1 dquietly u1 Mr. Jelin CHURCH NOTES. ' ii dos. Boys' t1tece•littoe 1'»det•-- 1)•a\'id-on, Ives quietly .•plrtunixd at -- weer. all sizes. 1!)r pita' on the part of the peel',. ,•atilt; 'h.' t'o-1110 a of t of m •'Hr•eciitgrDee ! nox church congregation will hull 113 Boys' Oc .coats, reg. 1Sel to $1(I, the trustees may have reason for "fS nth tt mon on Wed t milers' and clearing. one price -161.'2, 'l)+SnK discouraged it their labors eu Ony tea+ IIIM s c e tMtparrs buttes oo n• I e pastor. tuts c4i ISM iw ., d 'that die meeting w this Friday evening -will bring out a 1 attendance. Thr ,ntv'ting pIare R fele t t o st . the h •host :4111 e•(•. court, ie' at the is $ o'clock. I. "'tit.IN, \IessR.. }dug{tlns & Set, ' iutrt,oi Y` -run i►- first -aeon , Pict at. - i,,,N• tt'11)1 the )eat notate ,♦lwayr dna 014 1,w i •+•sal fo.atittes fr tion• to tine. 1•.-{s•ciwl care will to _ e hoe !I' ubj,•Ctionalrle i• 44rr- tir�.•..n•I in ,•very.wey they will rn- • ,s ' _1444 the people of Ili.,dtriell eine' teiritua•nt every l:ta4• 1 n 1 .c' \1'•• upderatand-that. Mrs. .,t,, .,. n 1 •• h.tn , been .running lh•• .1.,rt another Inclose •• 1...•nheiW• • From W ••iipsg t0 Amherst, N. S. A WORD WITH THE PUBLIC. Twice within the last few weeks a public un4Pting has been called to re- ceive the annus.' report of the bestial of trustees id Alexandra hospital and to elect the hood for 1!110. On bode occasions the attendance was so 8111811 that no business could be done, and a further ati)our•nmeet has been Itiade to Friday eyening of this weeks This iea public meeting. open to 'all who wish to attend, and the attend- ance is especially desired of all those whb are in any way interested ill the maintenance of a ho.ilital in Oode- rich. The inember' ht the trustee board, and particularly the president, His Honor Judge Holt, have given a great deal of tiiue and, attention to the affair, of the hospital. and they are prepared to submit the report of their proceedings for the past year,' and courtesy alone, to say nothing of the public int.reete, demands that they ehmild have the: opportunity of sub- mitting their report to a meeting fairly representative of, the people for whoa► they hold Owl:. trust. In addi- tion,the board for the present year inuet be elected. and a strtllcient 0040- r nt persons Irll,arl4 be rises"" --to conduct this business in proper form. We'bellievc it is carelessness., rather TRUK•4DAY, \I thele 11►, 11) yl fd CLEARING SALE OF FELT FOOTWEAR 1' •,er, IIrnY, ,► mot I 1• ann11al eet•VICe e1• 81+1 a 'r orad+y, F••hrnary •Ll: in the presence 1e.h«1-14.0 "vet Sunday evening, when 1t) dnz. L tdh Kid (!loves,18,i and when so little sutcrret i- shown by of the family tool relents r of the n 11(.641 serl•pu will Ie• prex b d by b• lack only, alt size, ,:IC th. h, ide and groom. 1'ho cep the 1 l l- ' Wool Ho reg. g 104 people. p er r,rl,,.•I1 1iy k'v. .J. t'a,nr 1 ,len, e1 ar•D1I 1''r i r it J �� ttnpr I aw tt'North Moruiugt(sn chm•t1• Iw.dvr new members, otw Whom m Other big specials for aa tu r l N Ihe hied,, who NMN --,seed 11a town eight praetorian of theirfaith. and5unday.N. C. Commute. . Iwhite null, trimmed wide %vto';l1.Led to thecnuln'union roll of ' preparatory ser Ors 'llothil"n\Viglehew ed • •..tip- _reg .lion in %ion-e•htin:J). 1•, ! r•. ,Irei-inn U. neerpt „4I .n4.tn'„ 'n t,: Oee'I111r t.hr l' ' ' r ,tot h h y rie•11nrs fuer ane'. enst+rUun, .i illi tulle .Cnox ..bur, I(t the 1 1 R R C I'f veil and orange LleNsnnt, and -'.111 %ed vice htet Friday evl•ning. Mexico, British Columbia. educed One. of ates to a , ornta, h t u 1 Tee sermon topics at, the • Rapist Oregon, ,The ycuh cough• were unutteude.l -Heading the lege, and Ne %JN. of t) In effect via (.rand t 1 link Railway and .t,e41 in an arch homed of 1111 ys- 'limes," Evening. -An Interview i41 eyatel1I daily until Apt .1 kith. Se- tl men,s with white bell in emit ;c thsert. or 1►id they Meet 1)y -Merl Life tickete and ,further intorulatien f. A buuyurt of white caro.+ tons mei .nlshtx, eves given away by her father. , Burch next •,S11ndity ,41-44: Morning. Wast ingtom, Etc. au Ir Thr ocoo war p'111e ly decorated e t (%hahce:'• F:vrtyhody welcome,. . I from ((rated Trunk agent. fir address l..• ecra-eons I tie wNddi,ig n1.or11 The err c.ices at \ eet11ri8 ,strut, T. 1), McDonald. D. P. -\.. (i, T. Ry., s __g ---A by •\lis,. 'foes!•, of Mill- Methodist church next •' lay will be{'Tormlto, Ont \•t 44-0.. ,u'thP la'ginlrihi,; of the „ nf. IYllr4• y)ear. ' in .July. 1ti. U :le. tvtio is well kboavt4 in tiodrrirh. urld••tiny his thiol year am pa4t.•1 t loin •l'eec'h. nntt had reee.i1id a lin- ansui,al- invite: ion from the biotin! to trio" . 4 tor tIle fourt11 year. 1'he. Atte flet-: 1 pie,.,it mein Is. • irti.ideIed on.- '1the I44.! in the province of Nev.. Kr„;14. 4)-' r; ugreenti fin eying I! site 4•. '1114 1 wralihy organic.:Itl(en. w'a hulk F, iendr were l'e"'"nt 11,11" lir charge of • the. plotter, Rev. R. W. IitI!rMI. NI Overton, NIs111,enk; 'Sew- moor.,d, Be' will speak at Il. R. un' PERSON4L MENTION •. ( a 7 , to hit! • I. • i,.lerirb, V:111e,arver 4114(1 nutlet. ,ern '�11a tv,tpipher , al. . t • y_ -e "le rrrrit•wf_ w 1111111141'"f -(and- subject will t,e' Jesus in the Midst.' ,I I• a visitor in lietroll' s he high church MissIl eP t•.r.rnts, whio'h,•huav t K At 'N„nth ,beret Methodist ch tr iu which she wag hill by all en Sdndwy evrnidg Dr.'lou)4all will W. 1. Hirton.werttoTorontnon Tuesday, taro,iii ai+n- sea to C. k- Bock made °trip to T t onto ue wev:k. ,: w'&mi After• in K - Kive the r"e"nd of J1es addree Wain it * +cud' pts :i . - tbeuf r „en*0 young men. Subject, • •••A Young -Mani d.1.J, McRae left for \t'inn,lx R iwtThur weird. g di44 (-hi,/ 'h. 'the heeds and a11d His Money," In •the 100 R his . Goo. H. Thow�n i. home frau �atutoon. n lett. I u s41.ut stip and on sohrct • wilt • tN, ••Jesus 1)1P .igbtof ,' retlltn w' I leave for thrirdi n4re -h4.) Win Id." 'bete will •.4e .4,0011 Mi. Fun:,y1 lwroaa•rrlsltenluTorontolast r ne:+r Lis iter'. Mr, and Mrs. mt�eic. w"ak. •tun will Lt' • at. •hurtle" do their Mss Anne H41oD left on Tuti day for .is after pe kith.-•otratford 1'he i fission re aAnivi•rsan a of 1)ctrott` . North streett and Vieteria street .'lth- Cain. `ware went to Toro.,to o i. Thundery en. • tapel.thinrhea wi to held on the' strof last ser k. t School Board. S.srd'ay of'this month. Match ' I 'it Mrs. ft.vde. of Hamilton u- 4i-iiinRherstaer. 1• r,•s,•ilar ulrrttnp; a the {iu4)5y The speakers will lie\Hes. IDr..Kilbor .�,,�tn. I`c'es \frrEarlanr. ,1 1,oiltfl •w,w .brld o �gtalaq 4 turni•d miyafonary\-rum (hen ), fan I ci li tuiila 4' 4 iueoen rnnd'roahoa- ,,tunled from a her -resent. W,H: 1linitLla<to Ma r of the cit o ---yt{ -Met en Thur -'1 of lath meek An' Stratford. or fhb We.t. He took out e.., 1 ref horse.. rued L H.•s i4inR••`mith. of ('Ihm4n NIV wiafh,e I _ Itev. Jas. A, Anders n, pastor af' Knox chti+a•h, ltaveN on . ondoy next' b r dam/titer. Aire. 1.. 1 Do we woo .tet.'' for \lontreal to attend the eeting !if .1h weik• - . , he board 'sof French -even elizetson, tl R. Rots•rtbp, of atratYnnl. a.•mmpal l 1 b)')- nr bildmn•.1,cnt. a• 1'4)4"t week al 114 hist awyay hr, will inity the de- horse .f hi -father, tt'. It. Ilobert-on. of,dipeter of divinity t to the AFtI v ut \Innttatl 1'nllege. a will \\•ra. io will nlwko hi. home at Holyw+oee. Alanilo•• . a aeNlflt three weeks, fee' Aid of•Knox ehurt•h annual high tea in . l e't• 1 a4 h•e :1 •it m thins g I•.,en t li'ot horn John n ern • Hear Ptibf The •; oath Th'• clienan,.n 4'1*0)t!•d t let ,(I4.'% ensu srheu1 hacl erre 1 -ince Frhruar'' '21.4 and the 'rent Hulce 11x)1 Inns•• Much 1st.es,thhays ..•,•n {n•utetly fimugnt..d under th. 1srt •'•ton of the un•dl,:el health officer. '1 he princii' " report for February, .hues! the rinetior of pupils•ou theteller be : ftiiy& 2,11, i' girls :il'2. total finou .'11 to 4111- ..11{. Tho average at Prld:111rP was Is.v- It.d _"17 gr1'ls, a total of 181, e1 o5 The• is Mall*. - n the Mas Carrying e (. r K Kine at,l,itr- II4.1Nil ter : The Present .wiritw ba..ri•11 mote• .cow th%11 Ins mangy 'prey loos winters. Out "lir meal- r'p'riti-+ lar(- 1.i.hr congratWetted 1111•.11 'e• bur• the mp11ili•r in whirl) they hat r 'eisa •11 in-get1 u)4 through. The Gudy wit i.+o', this wintr+• 113$ Feer) Verb' I ,•;,s (. I'.. tit .1.Inls•rley to Kint:til 11. t •,.m l' h:,s hod to break the. root . t+, e. ,s Init. ut -het. the 1111111 has • t„ 4 • •n iiia .ri ,.1144' t Ain herley 414 W11 Al it 1!(11111)4 the winter only two 0 nod- helve leen missed. Mr. Mc- ('ennell has sliOeeel411 in getting thomoh one v ay' each of theta' days. Ile hail th.• mt'fortune to lose a good horse• early in the seamen. 1. n Mei.nrty left this week for the Harbor Notes. The .st,:unrr Midland Queen im'leing fitted tilt• (Mr as A package freighter during the rowing neam,n. (:hief Kiner _U((:regor has a 1 teff u1 about twenty torn employed putting in the (lecke Six years ago Lhis ver.Pl Wes '.employed as a packagna ..w n thatlimr she h -g- air,- rice, J. A McKee and Wexford „verh flied preparatory W the, open- iag of vigation, , ..The tug Horton ex gettin irk-. Th went pia d on the drill% � . purl. ,rear. The Spring Aslyze4.• reighter, but will Mr. an Mr.. H. J. Hortml, of Shutt 6:. .ht• aINHe.ha% rot limed homeafter evisittotheir !ends In 1 c old toq•n. is,. rent of the ru it1141 4 t•tt4ietl• I hr , i;ite Ihrt4 Iler uuun• rbmds will be Dlesse,t to learn eche 11l ! 4'..'olute h -hent •will ,I••• day, enifl t the etch 17th iSt. Patric). that Mr. Hu now Mt., who hstbeen iti0eb. in for ..eves' r e ' t tett wisben� day e�. 'I'... oe .ah put t I,it y teens, b ul 1 Tato x o'clock,. aft.. high a musical and 41r. and M u 'hence of sqen. of New York. tot stet' a •hnol nf1+ r E (-ler tor• whom s o'cl 1, 'reit wt be served final tut Mi.. Maude Watson.n, of Toronto. were here t here Is nu pr ,acne gel tatio.I• A et n tarn Il 1* ri ndereel by .he funeral o heir father. the fate Jame, suietun sea puttied that, the begu.ner+ literary pr K' War -on. . n etu- tN• held bock until Il( a the sunnurn • -u11w of the best loot talent. The $ 'WIII Johnston. of 'Hnem,. who has In:' I nloyed is the : am Mfg orb In tilt town. h„Ilday.•, when it is expected there o,i-,ien. tee wi11 be -'Li its. lbbbbbn well he the ' requhr, d accommesla: hen. -i feature of special in rest • in the , hw.1 n trandeareoa the awtnWnl' • breach The ..meetarv' reported payment- ••1 rl1usical service at. North s ret Metwho- ` into! J hnatuo:nf the n,vrhanlcal stiff :11 the 1 Frhruat•ypayroll. :. -"' .list e•hu -eh nn Sunda et' Ing seesaws, h,, matin! hl- family to 'low"ff : !roti ffi rti'1t!i un the y 1. leeslun:ot on 1' " rendering by the, choir an an -Mi nen They are ttkingtui their residence den's, rick "•1"1 - fills rt reef.. n engaged boa are being ready for the slimmer a -dredge John R. Arnoldi is A second di ill will he cow that wog used for e in the harbor last t p 1 4410 b(lil l''KII 1114' t. n• 4. d' A• Itnv at Pat is uta nl1 ti m compose )y on rmnof, and other aruunn lr Mr., Rerlln_hottto. $lis rr!. Arequest- wpbs recettrd feel,, the talents' >r•eest of the ch rch. I her of f.intx,ln. Neb+x+Vaterloo l nest ekes '1',41- for an Inst"' ot '4'he aOlhem i$ set to the words � he nuuI inAmprnd new week in lioderich hefting I hP Son of God her slater. Mir. Jessie roots. There WAR L shot meseion of the $igh t'ourt of Justice his week. The as the of Riggings •vs. eon for personal in- stT is a farm laborer nd the defendant nt h to ten• n London of Middlesex• roots of the sa1•'1 y and en increase of -650 granted The question of homework waw ag'1n taken only cases tri Hodgins, an .juries. The pliiii !muting at Clinton ma farmer residing ship. in the count_ Clain s for $:3,(MMl an action' were entered. Verdict. was Riven for plaintiff for $22/10, each party to pay his own coats. ('has. (Jarrow for(Lon- donsplaintifT and F. W. Scandrett (Ism duns for defendant. The actions of Bird vs. Logan, Wickham vs. Cam- eron, 'rhamer vs, Powell and Woods vs, Woods et al. were postponed. and Oatenhy ve. Horton, (iauley ve. Cul- bert and Krueger ve •Hinkley were settled. Mr. •Jnsti^e Latehfotd pre- sided and the Crown prosecutor wag til. 0. John -Arm. There were no crim- inal cases, however, hymn, •'r Goesor -lo War." and is a. decidedly 11 1-, nri- ous production, the emesis being excel - Mrs. Meow salter), of *trotter'. with her eon t k n ftp And after some ! on; cla'1ed her-1ste1. \111+. P. G. Newton, lent y M h street. thl+ week. ,he anei,npwnied her dis�t.r On it wxs mese by AI r. 1 • tested to the theme. I bus. nd. Rev. Gen. F. Salton. to town, and Hodges's. seconded by Mr. McLean, I On Tuesday evening the life and) re„uui ovcruntilToesday. that h, mework be diala+ntinue(lein all work of Rev. John G. Paton. I). D„ Mr. a Mn. A. Milllan. of Heumillar, and forms up to and including 8the i I,testlonary to the cannibals of the Mr. end . s. H. I. Morrish, of town• went to rlassee. I)r• r.W Hebrides, islands of the South' Toronto Th r-d:,vrnnrnlna Thr. two Rrntlt- •rrnnd reAdPt• nrv111att •dU,e(irwndl.+idReot the A. O. 'Pnrnlull moved in amendment, sec- Pacific. was told in story and riatu:•eI non w. now ate. seen In that city.. . 11 at by Ole - `sturdy. that all home - by Dr. Dowell ' North street �letho- M Frank Ni ,olsnn end family. '.h,' m 1th ill ng ides' Ir belga $start have lett : ria , or •• • 1•a. for Port ot. r a work be dieeontinurd, The Don't try to patch up a linger- ` ing cough by experimenting; Take - Allen's Lung Balsas and relief is; certain to follow Cures the s est obstinate , coughs, colds, c throats, or bronchial inflatulutiolt. All dealers. - DAVI3 & LAWRENCE CO. Montrtat anu•nl dist church. Few more thrilling; Saran. N the purpose making their intent Wa.9 lost and the oriole'et stories of 4nodern' i$eione could Fat � home. Mr. Nichol . •. who prMtvled them motion W** carried. The it,Howi.ng'-Feld. and the rice rtes thrown 'on the some time ago. bas a . re to a fMet at that to ms Mt 'h Kattturinn of condolence vitt cc��4r���� Katt. Watson. • �"m'■ Irtrairt• et the mtaeltona 1 Merin of her, depatttnenCot the Epworth League. Dp1R- Co., to ward echnol, in the death In sed : "We desire as a it ofPQorth street Methodist most to th board to extend to you an the o church was occur 1 t Sunday trtendeln '''111111. while reernitt i1Q •' t•■ sympathy emta•rs your family our Although your Ret 'George F.Salton, o troller& and hid) will be piea.ad to hear of his p • notion. Hrn eels Perot Through the d Falconer. of Toronto L Ste e WAS "hPevening place, Ott . I ae were euro t llktn. �� rfuNews-Recent. r. Karl .Jackson o or the past nine yea , has been r'- father was m 1 The pulp a (•rxlerlrh branch take charge d h then H d by of an immnirtant IN*'hlon the' Ilise with of in your bereavement. ted m n of large congregations ens morning and ( x r lift, 110Th lore well be no lase Pef1ty evening, were heard with great intr.!. The Of, thtrr was instructed to est Selielarly, vet practical. theO Send a copy Of, thi9 resolution to Mess Watson. (notch thought, but Pthose a• LOCAL TOPICS 1N' BRIEF. n' your resent to t' s wereop father had passed the allot hear him His merle' Don't forget Rt. Patrick's Day -March 17th. A tine line of Nt. Pat.rlck's Ila] poetcards at Wilmer tlmtth' haat street. 1adrr follows ' !dock. also n ,e, ta i card. mi t d tV closely after, w deelRna, and they are not Goma very pretty expensive. silts at the Tim was the week for hearing e Tailor den* nHot rntcwm end busuits that are louFA. Pridhant d enough to heard. He believes In good taste and gubet elegance in maiming. Call and see the sttle11 in men's wear for 1141(. Honor St. Patrick by attending the l'olmatier Sisters' entertainment on March 17th. The third and last of the series of berme markets in (Jdarichrid is )winter is held tomorrow The Fenian Excitement of '66. 1t was forty-four years ago \Vednes- day, March Ath, when the (;oderich vnlnnteerm left for Sarnia te, do fron- tier service -the artillery company in charge of the late Horace Horton am first he0tenant and John C. Detlor 418 second lieutenant; the rifles com- manded by Capt. W. T. Hays, Lieut. John Davidson anti Ensign "Batty" Seymour.. With the exception of the Iastnamed gentleman (now ;Hying in Detroit) all the officers have mooed aw*y. Probably no event in the his- tory of Goderich ever caused so much excitement and enthusiasm, and over regio rend& (ion of Pre,! ens - ' r atty. the civil service commission has ween ted C. O. Allln. son of Kew. S. ,►. tllln. of W r. ae instructor of science to the naval earl Were -not only evidently the product I In a new naval *hoot at Halifax. The Were rovnea- l your an to an honor greduwte In science' of nToronto lverslty and (.this year n student five of thought oil the pert ofIn trwinlnR wl�h the Farnity of Itdnrnt tons who heard them -the kind of sermon I leve. 1.4 ded the it lune,!public'st4 1 11" town. n biasfather'. that is earnestly discutised during the teremorset of the lHMhe+�f4et harsh. HL many weekdays after, It ie not surpri$ing old Mende extend congretnbuona. to know that Mr. Melton hes hall T'' --Mar. 10th three invitations to larger church NEW ADVERTISEMENTS path for his next term. The "7" Focht) giyen• by the Mac(Jil• Spring Term -W. H. Shaw. w. Toronto.......... e Band u n Knox chinch Millinery Opening Mr 138 Mission '!tray MI »^hodlrnuul on. Monday evening of I Rargsdns in Groceries P. J. Ryan a F .F L ere ice... A • nnioo unth at- Horn,+eeee kers ' b.xo frac trek the 76h of them 1 traded a'erete gathering. The enter - Porter and Flt 1'attick Yat Carder -Oleo 1, .'%.'':.III tainn)Pnt Was a novel one. The ad• POT4e1' - ".., ... mission fee wwm seven cents and it A New Tooth Rnlsh t-S.lt. tftol....;,...-,-,4...:....11.21 .. • 2 cry Free of ('barge -\v. l:. towboat (beet seven rents to get nut ; e11 4 seventh person wag admitted free and Dress (0mis--J. H. ('olberne every seventh person Was wlloWed nut .t New Man In an old Ruslneeu-W. H. Hare without charge. There were seven rrson In he a number's on the program and those Antilop Rale of Rush Lots --Wm. HHL----- --- The ladies of the W. C. T. U. are who participated in the refreehmente Reduced Kate, Jon. Kidd feeding the hungry with pancakes end were given a seat at A table for seven Friday Rargaln4 N. C- ('ameron n'ap'e syrup at the Crompton some minutes to partake of a lunch con- Fresh Lettuce, -MorrishR\'anatter.... _•..stn today.• misting of seven articles of food, Rev. Cleveland Coiled Wire Gowen Hardware ' A it'e not every day we have chance Jets. A. Anderson occupied the chair ser ....... to to hear something gam. Take ad- and a good program was given. Canned Fruits. II. R. Long well Piper Miss M. RYne. tr+apatwn-----10. ventage of the opportunity on St. Not Vegetarians. ' Foster Cards -Mise M. Ryan. UnneannonIn Patrick's night. "it 1, hard... sai(i the sentimental Auction Rale. Uno. Itcekett The production10Noh of "The Roseors 0.T.tt,.... •...... • •••••••••••••• Maiden" in North street Methndiat landlady at the dinner table, "to -hint M R boat-- Mr* A. tlmtth. • t church next Monday evening will be that this pont', little hl bunt) to be MnW nst- Mr,*R .5 It a lltefiade . •' tet• the musical opportunity of the IleAao(1 demtrnyd in 10) y Renders D. Foraythe,Kinutil .......... 1 our appetites.' polmwrrer Rtmteni Orchestra MenelaetaoR Do not mist its replied the smart boarder, (•ione Club A fish over three inches long camp Yes' with his .tion, "it is through the water tap at the ,Signet struggling he (.nngt'ss portion, Servant Wanted Mr. Walter R. Turnbull.. I office this morning• it looks M if tough T - Retiring from Hndnes+ Persia+' Fair 2 ht to be contented with Investors Pat rlarrhe & C.Mlpany. Toronto.. there ought to be a muzzle on the It ieerrlg taemants-Morrish R.Vanwtter town's intake pipe. whet we have, but never with what Al.nonnounneoemnt. A. J. r,wtisr......... RL i'ate4ct was w Inver of good we ere. -tilt James Mackintosh. '- -• emery 7 rocky i l i e utters 1��ItOr These well - kn 1wu cutters combine the most' up-toolate ideas in style and design with dur- ability of construction. ion. t1 and anyone whois locking for the' hest value in a Cutter should see • the loyal. agent, -- HUGH ROSE,' SE,f who has a full line of these goods. •'Everyone who is interested in Cutters should call and see his stock and get prices. - Nrro 1910 Styles Hugh Rose oderilli, .. Street, et r(J dl Hamilton r un t e whole country the greatest inter-' music. PerpetAtate Change' of ,Business This is your opportunity to secure a genuine bargain. Read .this• list : 41e11* felt, hail -foie .1 Long Boots. regular price $2,.75, for $2•�5 Alen's heavy leather Blu- chers, felt -lintel, regular price $'2. for $1.60 Men's plain felt Congress, regular price $1.:15, for$t.to Ladies' felt Juliet Slippers. regular price rem, for. . 65c Ladies' felt Slippers, reg- uiar pike -We -feu.....•. • • •45r Ladies felt d011g0L't• leather -foxed Lace Shoes, regular price $1.145, for... $r.to Iodine' black and red felt .luliet Slippers, regular price $1.•v. for- $1.00 • Ladies black :end :ed felt Juliet Slippers, regular price 41.10, for ••••• Iodises' felt fur -h 00u.1. Slipper's, regular price $1.l , for ... ' • We have npuierous other lines to cieaC i t equally low prices. • • > MacVicar Downing. NORTH SI DF. O1' SQUARE. (iODHRiCJI. I des to announce to the people a oderich, and vicinity that i has urchweeol the !far- ness Business d Hamilton street 'lately carried n by David Stoddprt, and a icit a continu- ance of fa yore fro old c qqstom- rs toere, and invite new ctletorde come in and get exquaipted with your new HarneR11-maaiirrr1' in addittnn to everything fauna in s first -clam; harness -1lnp. 1 eatery a complete liS1e of -TRUNKS, - DRNS.9 MUTT CASES -RORER - BLANKETS =f3141,1as, WHIPS - HALTERS, RT(•. A SENSATION IN TUE BEST Cleveland Coiled Wire Y THE number of n Klee n e' are of kia t from. wep840 to .vpprie BIdeal iatttci be appreciate else 'tact that we are .Riving rxcepcinnally geed values, which goes to show'that we buy right. and when we get a g,lyd thing we like to share it with rear etiatintivrth In othi.r words, this its the Inst piece to buy HARDWARE. , Wt have .just recesv5'' a cin'. direct from hlvel to dealers at . of hest No; 1).Coilnrl Wire. Coiled %Vire is selling $2.50 to $•well►, and to retail is worth at (east $2.75. --A1te-pi>4r•ed tier n ler away last 1,411 when Wire wee cheaper than it is now, and ate ting it. by the car and paying cash enable, us to sell right. ' VVe,are going to a. 1 up t o, and including. M•trch 221t1t, '^t0. hest toiled Wire 102.4 spot cath. Oar aim is to turn out ,goods --into caehas (1uickly as 1 risible, a1, l Ibe prier dols it. ( Howell ardware Co. SUBSCRIBE F IIA a •e AINS cin • Hu R de reductions to as possible. Can save goo 1 mo Corn Filmes. reg. 10c pkg.. .t!C Tov (,ostia, reg. los pkg... , ... •tkt Malta -Vitae, reg. 11Ic pkg... -... Wheat Flakes, reg. llp Ise p kg....Se Corn.Flak.s• rl► eg. Puffed Rice, reg. IIIc pkg $c„ Maple Leaf Salmon, reg. 'tic, F • for .............. ...... . 11k 'Derby Salmon, req, le•ap for L 5I 13c, or 2 for... ' Cascade Mslrnnn, regic 5e, t Mc or'e for ••••2x • I (loll Dust. for e •l t• Ole(' t er go i ices in e r C g T/i, 1 mtock ia't ey by saki h 'THE SIGNAL NON! f CRC2FS business, 1 aur making greet clear out the st,ockaequickly r and )4rn4(1, and hnnaoitkttrpr 1•N g advapitagr of three atriees Liege }34)tt1Ps 4. %Or+up. 21)C, .. fete t»'.'bottle. 1 ;c mail Bottles Catsup, HO, for, per bottle....-. ••. • . • • ..fee rench Mustards, 10c, ' for, per tett le. ... 8e est Mustards, Sc, • for, bottle .• La 's ,Jelly, 10c, for, r p the r, per. Fresh Water. Herring, reg. pkg ...... • :• ©lo • 25c.. for, per dozen 200 (.Gold Dust. 5c. fo per pkg ...•4o Magic flaking Powder, reg, Hee Borax, 5e. for, r pkg 4e 144e. for ...S3e ' Old Dutch Cleanser, , for... R Snow Flake Baking P.wder, - per package..... reg. 10c, for • Sc Pearline, 5c: for. per pk ' :k' Forest City Baking Powder., O K Soap, 3e a cake. or res. -2.5c, for.. Vaned Plums, 15e, for per Robe nap, to H. J. Fisher 11. Successor i). STOI)1)A1RT. fo, 1• • litefor Canned Apples. 10e, for, per i Beehive Sottp. 5c, for 7 for 26c can g,• 11 Surprise Soap, 5c. for IS for....25c Caned `It'awberries. 'Lex. I Quick Naphtha. 5c, for 0 for..25c for, per can 20e ', Fels -naphtha. 7c, for, per har..6e :-• ' Boxes Toiler, 7 cakes for 25e, 1� Shakable ki alt,; sac, for, ler IIIc 1 for *+ p 1!'avorite Toilet,• bc'& cakes TSaalts, bags, i'5c, tor, per I for 3 for ••+• �4�••� hag r 10 oottleCanada Mined Table -Salt•. bags, 1Oc, for, per z. bottles Yicttle los, for, per Ila 'bag• �., bottle. Se o Canned, eliceitotOoked Beef, 'Ll or bottles Mustard Pickles, 15c, for .. 'do ;i 15c, for, per bottl4. .12c Canned Clerk's 'toast Beefl0o I� 10 -oz. bottles Sweet Mixed 15c, for Canned Ham and Tongue; 5i• for Ic t Csnttd Chicken `Soup, 15c, h)c ! for Canned Boneless Veal, 15e, . Keystone 5lixed Pickles, for o Irk '. 15c, for, per bottle. 10.: Canned Boneless Chicken, ib, for, ::m, [or tdo it Rolled Wheat, 5c per.,,3j<r CannedHonelees 'Turkeyper Ib.... • 2 Cl Scrub Brsh15c, for.. 10c '25c,c, Mr. Canned Thistle Middle. 13c, - \\rash Boanls, 25x, for.. at lO s. for Sc I t fie 201. Canned Aberdeen Haddie, • 10cj f �1r Csnnetd Kippered Herring, 10c,for.... ned Lunch Tongue, !diet for :aro - Cantt�d Pork and Beam,. 5C, Pickles, 15c, for. per 12c Mottle ., 40 -oz. bottles Monarch Mixed Pickles. 'tic, for, per bottle Scrub Brushes, 'Lis, for Scrub 13nuehes, 10c, or Ctder and White W i n e Vinegar, Nk per gallon, for, per gallon. . 'risking Syrup, 4(1c a gallon. for, per gallon. Pe J. RYAN 1'lamiltnf StleAt, (:u(iIri(•I1.