The Signal, 1910-3-3, Page 7CS
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pother for
I for 50c.
TT! Ir CTaN A 1. f:t )D 'k I(`H ONTARIO
IMURaDAY, MOU'tt 3, 1910 ><
******* 0° 4 * 444 144 444 4*** *air ********
The News of the District.,
M 45 41*** 4* i, 4 4 4 4.****456*46
"R.0.0: t4 mala. for last wosk.l
Totestae V. Men.'22nd.
NeWe Narrlw.-Wm.' •Welsh left to-
day for Detroit.. ..... 'Pat Buckley pad
oiecesuful sawlog bee
iJ n
Whitt hias
hush yesterday '
bowie, as valuable team f d t { Patrick
11'all'ai•e for which he a
Ceti. DReilld loot uuother valuable
• horse Last week. Thio it the second
hrst, My'. O'Reilly bar lost this winter.
...Mike Dineen left Lucknow to-
day for the West with a carload of
teases for •Wm• M,:Ko,,zie. We ex•
Pt....JstL.vO'Reillyike gh4Iugltlu bedsits
Ione Tum Joye last week... . . Mor-
an Dalton thew bought a runabout
from our local agent..•: •
•Pet is getting bis aeroplane in reiadi-
pew for an eterly flight next spring:
►) LBS. REDPA'tl Sl
iIsato,. 9ibOatdl!at.wee.
Year( cake..
,,,,,•,I,,Yr•• I":. tantu0 xi,lle. hatfor
masla. I- wtto ilii. a now
w na,.tt"'1'• ,000ts. vneeaery • NOW IA Your
a wirier. Krulember two thing.:
,u,r' -..• ',a.a,e ry,�i %Vivo mors,
it',li•9 1. .:gt t • FILM). A.:FF.Ll.1'.
.. •5u, lott.4 do )'louuwoo
Mosel(kr, Pen. faith. MoNIiav, Feb. kith.
John Redmond, of neer Uelgw•y, is ' Mr. Albert. who her spent the lar 1
visiting his, p,areute. '1I. and Mrs. few months with his parents, leaves
John Redwood. sr. fur the West too March anal.
• John McDowell, jr., who hoe been
working its the I" 1 ry at the Moo for
edge, two month'.. returned house lard
Werk. •
TH AT'M A LL I -T -440K ' :
..11. 1 • I. to hey one of our sons.- sire. St to
s. ..,.,,k .habbY !.Von know you 'mod it.
TA' • , ., 1"•. The Quality anti the ettoe art
right,. If pull doubt 11 call swot -. r- !Sutter
they llt•e111, llyout+right. FttKO. .-J :Ih.1',
l art'
Tt•esitay. March tat.
I..1,•liinnis. of Paramount. is visits.
lug at U. Nit:l)onald's.
(1. •M,Uon,tld elbowed the people.
.mels ti -.I. 1. ss ire when six teams at -
traded lir bee ten Saturday and.
'laded It to the viltayte.
Evans Reifies, a former East Wa-
wanosh boy, lett now of Regime
Bask., wait quietly married on Wed•
nestlay, February 23rd, to Uiw Mary
V ISI Ktax--}{t't it t\Y ax. -Thr house Josue Uhamney, eldest daughter of Mi.
of Itota•rt Bui•h,.uuan was the scene of and Mrs. John Chaulm•y, of Demhy-
a pmt y wedding on W edne,day, Felt- brook. We wish. Mr. and Arses.
rieuy'_r,kd, when 'Ms third daughter. 1Haines tuany }sear$ cit happy wedded
Alai v, was molted in marriage with l lite'. . v _ _. _____,.
Rnlhutd Vincent. They intend Ieav-I THIAN.
nig at. once. for t\NMr.he eat, where r' •
LOruH IAP4s. . March lit.
•\lucent tyres a loomertead. A bum,
leer of the friends el the bride gull=
etttd at the honer of Itcthrrt Mel)tlwrll
end gave her a kitvhen shown• on the
evening of the 21 They hove the
easel wishes of 1heir fric•uds here.
11 \INtt$ (llAMMNEY. A pretty wed -
1 V M
Mrs. (.ilnyore spent a week with her
sun Pet. • .
Jas. Gilmore spent' a day in l:ode-
rich last week.
Alias Flor4nce- McDonald is visiting
her aunt at Ripley.
dine; took PP7a *a at fiver tow Brut. •Alias Jean -Johnston spent the week
*�td' s1tahn .h. iiiuthe on etof U1.
olid Mrs. John Chx"iwey,'on 1Veelnr.• rnd.with her sister; Mts. U. Parrish.
alai\ FNbt•tiaty t5irtl. .when their Mr. and Mrs., Ed. Gilmore are visit
eldest daughter. %lat'y-J.., was united the.'letter's home near Tees -
in 111.1•11.54. to Evens It.. Helene, of
Resgit 1, Sask. .\t 1 5.rloek, ,to the
attaint, of Alenidrlseohter wedding
march played by Urs. (Rev.) A. E.
Jeno, the bride wyt.•i-' 4 -tae parlor on
the grin of tier fast her and Nook her place
under en arch of were eeos. The
eeteuuuty was cotyductrd by Itev. A. E,.
Jones. The bride was very prettily -
attired in. white Persian lawn • neatly-
eatlyDimmed with, valetwieunes litre and
*u,rtliuu and earrtwl a 1, notuet of car•
mations and aspir.iguv tern. Ile,
U:avt•Hinq drew was of taupe with oil
♦ 1ngtaw`,0-trdthe question:
1t ism tearer A 1+1x11. tiptoes a'1. Dewing 5% uta 1.. iu of l amada - - w is y
t} rt..- itiisu relutiv+... Thr glumly l4.aveit fur The 1:11tvorth 1.Pague Will have a
We so,4d for F:ngl:agd. (the We t ah...., the lath of Al,arrh.'seocial evening next- Tuesday evening.
' Rod, Campbell sold one'ofhis fine
horses at a good figure.* He delivered
it at Kincardine:
---Sohn McLeod, Of .tyyylwrn. ace Im.
ponied by his Nona Rolwrt li.. and is
daughter. Margaret, spent a day at
Lothian this week..
• _
MoNuaY, Feb. 11(tb.
Miss Dora Erratt has returned from
(ioderich. .
'ewe het. After congratulations, this t Miss Elva Stoneham has returned
{mists unlrilerteg •snout tatty. per- j from Dungannon.
tes,4 of as dainty limeheon.d Thy I Atis3.11alorlErrett .i, suffering [dein
tale, weer pi 'u .ly dreuretvtl with � tin attack of tonvj}itis.
pink 'and welts 'rarurtionv The John ;reedy. of Win4jhatn; is re -
.I...retool..left fur. Hamilton. ! win ohl act uaintanees here.
`t • •. the(twtllrpeod a f4.;>a -
41Kht we die
11 1 s.' !'ailed» A raphe. 11,
'flag-pirit M•.snir 111.4pply• at f..ol•h•
abb. -Whet alantt lour 11111+. ('gutty
!Or)r+ Avoid.' to taken" now to get at
• •something definite. Spying w.11- soon
hi hoar whef tit' astr i0etin , hrwill
lee,. owl( 1
thitlg 1111 Kot ao work. (:hest them -
no 4.x01«. +Isla 4nglic4nl. who has rrtrivrtl v' I»,t Satltrdwy.
' for pot -enlisting. Copt, J. Menlo will 1:1 11 1 ha+ dr• 1'
"I- Mr-. 11ore nwams herr until 1, 'flee Co:Wien Order iif Foresters
- o - ' willhav'e•an oyster supper on March
• H
Hiss Beatrice Attrotg. of Brut.
MI' sn'v. Fel!, =`�• 'segs. iv visiting relativev ih thio com-
Itt.t. W. II. I►t'Nn.tlt ,•rats•.-Rey.Imuuity,
U' • 11. 11un1lr, incunll,rnt 01 the' Miss Mo-•P.herwtp and Alis' Ferguson
U i .l d le t 1 h•Holtne.ville•S•unmerhill 1 were the guests- •of Miss %elle Myer
give yeti every l•iif, to shoe.
.A'itY. The Focuser.'
(lue. whet h Inset• every. W'rdursday
• evening, ..sous tube only doing half Poors,
well x, it huubl. .or att.•n-u
rte. House tip, yr•ny'. of Iht soil': if,
thinpts worth doing at all it x wroth
Jenne well 1) oo
-i your Iwo 10
this ,-1.t1 -e rt•
nccsv. Knowle•.111e
ggined i5 a good wort which cost -
nothing fly c»Pry Iht'i sigh Illy wTd
which neat at %rune future 'Into) prows
-fa yan that your lilrie at the une'etilg.
ear tar 14.411 waisted.
How's This?
eisll t•oparish neer 5 tit Cnn
o:id••d jolt In lii-crpt. Thi, will tele pod) .rhe Ritts (ln t held their assembly his pivotal* p+els ogees• -Noboru hotel.
tier P.Ynittlllnity ill general, AIIInr1K \\ "
wh ten reverend genllrnyan is vert', Mrs. tie, nate Whitney. of A ...1lla.
pi lura '' 1 intends-'. rettu•oing, !Vest this week.
• SI'll . ,I. Rt•:rs'ttrr The fnlloavinR 1' I having spent iieveral weeks visiting
the 1r1s.rt of s:. '. No: 2. lintlet•ieh 0ntt�llo, friends.
teovn-hep,, for the Monti► of Fein nary : Oeu•ar Windmill ,entertained 11 num-
nano••, in order of Qtel�it : 4 hoax V � hemi young people at hie home last.
1 a ens . 11.• 'I ellen. Sr. IV. Lrolev M,•- ! Morality evenitig. prior to his brother's
.tal.•n. (•ales ti Mills" Me i4-Ytyitt. •-retest n t,, f4*sktaia•.l►rWilin ------ -- - -
V. No Pio ton., Violet ('hafnhrr,•., Tresttav, Al*reh•let.
.hale )(oil'. • Sr. 111. --Maggie White. s:o'Hls,1.-. RKeon r. --(Tor junior de.
111 ges Niue, Ni 1.41. �'fl P'.' .t',hrIflirttrwil1 of 1'.�ihn 44 \. No. 3., nllett.
111. H. -i -'•n I1.•ll, Vary. 'for the• month of Fvhrnore. r. Pt.
('qn»1 „ I•:po.a 11'lir..It;, r. I.i - I. filen Raithhy. Mi.; Gonlnn Tewin.
•: dellsy rewset for :wq' Alc'in 'i'ho.mpssn. Fre.l. \Id'ullogll, :4. -ss: Fred: Serintgronr, :rsi,: Frank
,snot Ise tared by Hall - •prone Haiti on. i4..' 11. Noruea Git • Itaithbv. 3111; Eddie Earle- 1 ►a.' Jr
Desperate 1
Dangerous coughs. Extremely
perilous coughs. Coughs that
rasp and tear the throat and
lungs. Coughs that shake the
whole body. You need a regu-
lar medicine, a doctor's medi-
cine, For such a cough. Ask
your doctor about Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral.
Get the Habit
h and
^11 the evening of Match 'legit at the
w oars. ,out„
..ult dour
. aaa.tor
W. pub. u:. .,•r formol./'
w. b....a .1..h.1
7 fr n our m.el.loe.
Any good doctor will tell you that s medi-
cine like Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot
do its best work if the bowels are con-
stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows
anything better than Avers Pills for cor-
recting tbls sluggishness of the liver.
_�1{asa h7114•J. C. Asir W" zaws .
Splendid service to
(teach Toronto 11.331. w.
Reach Goderich 10.).111.
• Beautiful Coaches.
Travel; once, C. P. Jt.- slow •
1 P. R.
Buy your tickets front
C. P.- R,, Agent. (:olericb. Ont,
Orrice hours tl.:*f a. In. to 44.30 V. tu•
Tt e Champtor1OptImist.
A friend eget a cheerful lrieh citizen
who had plainly started •time .hard
• Well, Pet, how are you getting
'along now''' he inquired.
"Oh, Oi'm hard up yet; but Oi bave
a tine job in Hnnolulee. and. fare paid.
Oi sail to-tuorry." ' •
"Sure loan. you'll never he able to
work thee. •1'h. tem perattire is II IU in
the shade."
Pat had endured ton much cheer.,
[tell to'he disco'iravrd.-
•'�Vell," he replied. lc eternity,' "Oi"Il
not be wot•rukin' in'te' ehede all tl)'
51.41 1 tingldet. 1)',It: 1tette. l un thilo.
GOOD -T0 HAVE HANDY. -fret: i1trrj• 13e•ulle.;Re: Lewi-Reddy, : 1 o'nrgina Beadle. 11'3: Fred Earle
What Mr. Boyd Says of Dodd's Kido_ey 11 t sr. 11. fier•elir Ferguson. 7441)
Pills -A Great Family Medicine. John Stewart. %,117 :• Elwin Raithhv.
k 1' 1 nth ilei • EtliPl Stalker, 17:1: Olive Taman.
oatp,eiel. Att. Sano el• M: flood. well 1117, Average 'moi. ('. 13. Fl{ttut toy.
14'.• I:Y'a 4.44.. Tolydo.•4 t
1%.-', •.• . nn bat.• known F..1 . hrnrc
f r t u , Irl h..11Mro hint fit•rfrelN•
hot , aan Al:h,.ire.- tran•arl 4151 44
nen 'AL, '••1, 10 gassy Ohl emir 01,lixattml•
A h,, son.•
.1.6. trues - m1. t at wens.
tvhol•w v
1iirtlhtn Telohlytt. Sr. 1 t 11. • h. a Pt.• 11. -Ethel M,,,dra•h, :G.+: Vlrtnr
Rutledge. e• barley McCabe. Vera Letup.- 3112 �: Audiev Ilawsot.
I'h'• 4, ,i r. Pt. 11.
Thmna! IlarvNy !saw -on. 3'''': IfigP Artn-
I'' e'asps (0.4.1. AM'Alw. PC. L -.gausses .trong.:lel. Sr. Pt. 11. -Iw•abr.ch111z.
„boy,. /,inn. Meta Har)•iwel'• :AI•+: AtIRgic• Taman. :f i7 : Ezra
tt 11 Kir"nnitNnnin Aldtnnf Rnol.dKr. "1'hoiti• nr4rke.l `rt,nlri._411..'Jr. 11. .Roy Harr,
t 1 1 t T.ny. •' I , done e4. all of the r�'uun Ional!••l•linchev. s:,ti: 4 reenle. vuiing-
' .1 .,'l. row i- token intcrnallr. ••'•�. 1 1.. h:. I'r:srl. asoo. leacher•.
�� f n the blood and WHIM- -'•
N n•• 5•1.:10. 1fr.:lmonia►a seta 11•••••
• Ino• .. • to •• 1'•' 1'.JA by all dreggt-t-.
1''.. 1. r.,n,�., 1'111• for eon••tipatios. .
Unsoaty, Feb.
11.1.11 01 Al -A very 'pretty wed•
ohne 1, ,•i: plate at `fort Allwrt un'�
11'rdne.,i:,�r Frhtnary- :ld, at 1he
h1'nw 1-: '11. and Alt,. '..v Brittle,.
'.1,411111.11 daughter. Moot Dell. W51"
united to the holy 1„nda of ntarri•
mune to \'roman ('ole lough, as 1'0
peril sooting fanner. The cerrulnnv
arm ('tt foot teed at high thein . toys Rev.
1C. 1'otis.v. The bride entered this
f :' •• .1';; on the arm of her
tenths,. I.' I h1•.aar�•t, strain' of the wed -
441g up.i'-h played by MisA Boerne
Schoenhal•. She was dressed Sin
rple silk and cart lest a bouquet of
Mies Mabel ('oieoogh, sister of
groom. tens bridesmaid and John
hyo brother of the bride, wean
woman. The cornpiny spent the
after era In music 'and genies. The
bride' In'esenta w.',1• numerous end
coolly. The happy young couple will
make their h flee miles east of
Blyth. We wish then[ success.
A 50 -cent bottle 'of
Scott's' Emulsion
doses four times a day,
nixed in its bottle, will
ton; 711: i.11reetha \Ithnight, 1p 1; LPn-
Alaid-toms, • Sa- , • e' '.
,k ov't 'end flights t ••wasted 1101.0.'1 o
tifl•• 4.,e the stood work s"' s PROSPERITY.
1 d F Feb. s-
u•iriL (bald'- kidney Pills fur kidney '. tit noel. RN.I'.stt.. The following is
irnelble." says M.- Bteyd. ••1 must slay the report of thepupilsof S. S. No.
that 1 perfectly-nti.ti.•d. i Seel : We,y Wawanoeh : V. George Paz -
like a new person. Nit- kidneys have tet 1V. -Lizzie Flnker. Lawrence
sewn giving nu' trrnthl0 fur *lased five (Baxter, 1Valter ♦Vashiog(nn, Muriel
v,.ar., +and now they are acting post as Washington. Lillie Plunkett. George
good us 1` there, was ensued• nothingi Twantley, Violet Plunkett, Charlie
wrong wi h thein.' Mills. Charlie 'l'walnley. Sr. • 111.-
-1 would not 1e without them in 'toy Muriel Smith. Adeline Smith. Ada
'nese. 1 "eel folly -re.' mend hodd's Medd, Laving H01(141na. Jr. 111.-
h-idney fill+ to anyone for kidney L„! :l IBaxter. Finnin igan. aMass,
(Lis, annth
' k i► 1 t' Kidney 1
'111• a e oils. Fein tl-,
It 1. neatly a noenth shirr 1 yltitwin
rapanese Mentbo1 is unequal-
led as a pain relieving agent
Menthol I'laster iithe most
effective remedy known for
1)ago Sciatica, Rheuma tic
Menthol Plaster the
ti,r.e you arc suffering
y one of these corn-
Dodd'. Kidney l'ills are the greatest
family medicine of the century.
Tug CA,ratitaN Us - The
Canadian Molgazine for 'March con-
tains two valuable articles on trans-
portation. The first is entitled "The
Welland Canal." anti deals with the
history of this importaht waterway
and its relation to the waterborne
emumerce of ()Anode. The other ie hy
Ernest Comeroft, and is entitled "The
Fight for Commerciel summary."
It gives an account o of the new Erie
canal. and tells what its building Will
mean in the fight for contmercial P11-
premacy. The fact that $101,000,000 111
being epent on this canal hy the State
of New York should he mufficient
induce Canadian,' to consider the situ-
ation serkusly. There is also so very
picturesopte description by a Canadian
lady. Mrs. Fred A. Hodason. of bull-
fighting in Mexico), and Harold Sands
contributee a fascinating account of
the Silver King mine at Nelson, Brit-
ish Columbia. AH of these articles
are well illustrated. Short stories are
contributed by Vint* Sheard, W. E.
Elliott (a. Goderich boy), H. Adolph
Gerard, W. Lacey Amy and dant*
which is entitled "The Picture Puzzle,"
is strong evidence ageinst the state-
ment that there is in Canadian
writers no sense of humor. Good
verse hi given by Profeesor George
Herbert Clarke. Dr. Arthur Went-
worth Eaton, .1. FAgar Middleton,
Alan Sullivan, Nlay Austin Low and
Eric Brown.
last a year-old baby near-
ly a tnook,and four bot-
Ves over tlijet- mouths,
and win make the baby
strong aad well and will
healthy, robust boy or
,51.e. AM, Ditt•GrAlliTS
16"4 11111111. Of paper *tot thia for
ine. II.- Mere Shackleton. Sr. Pt.
IL -Prank Washington. Benson Fi
nigan. 'Jr. Pt. 11. -Oliver Smith.
Burton Mille. Russell Mille. F.veret
Finnigan. Pt. 1. Stewart Plunkett,
heelie Smith. ..11feitet. A. BAILIE,
MoNnAv, Fel). 28th.
Curran Norres.-Rev. .1. E. Heist is
conducting a aeries of revival services
in the Colborne Evangelical church..
....R. Young, of Ooderich, preached
inoerillig at.d evening on Sunday and
assisted Ilev.J. E. Heist in the ad-
ministering of the otterament at the
quexterly services in the mot•ning.
S. s. No. 4.-Pollowing is the report
for 8. S. No. 4, Colborne. for Febru-
ary. namee in order of merit : V. -
Thomas Millisn, John Kernighan.
V. -Eddie Malian. Ernest Holz,
hatisen, Joe Mugford. Willie Clark,
Rath. Mabel Elfred Moore.
Olive Contra, Myrtle Good, Charlie
Barker. Sr. 11. -Wilson Rath. Albert
Barker, Vera Good. Jr. 11. -Willie
Naegel. Gladys Munnings, Clarence
Nitegel. Pt. 11. -Allan Moore. Wilson
Harold Munnings. Pt. I. -Ruby Cats
ter. Number ori roll. Si Average
Knew Him Well.
"I hope you don't mind my asking,"
said a woman, diffidently, "but should
I call you profewor or doctor ?" "Oh,
eel! me Anything yam like," was the
great mann rejoinder, "wimp people
call me an old idiot." "Really." the lady
mairmoired, with sweet innocence, "hut
then they wonld he people who know
you Intimately."
livir) vim
("ct..):Isrthosnis the
Ill, all 11111.010.11111 dealers.
Western Canada
!March $, 15, 22 and 29
April 5 and 12
FI•4,1n medials 111 UuLariu, Kingston`
;and West to certain points iti Saskef-
chewan'and Alberta. -
Partkular Attention
is called to the fact thin these rates
apply to points pill, Grand Trunk
Pacific Railway -a •tiew territory full
of "golden opportunities.*
' Secure tickets end full infortuation
nom I;
F, F. Lawrence.
Town Agent. Office hours 41:31) a. tn.
MERITS 01. 1
Mr. Andrews pralINNI Dr.
Morse's Indian Root Pins.
Mr. George Andrews of Halifax, N.S.,
"For many years I have been troubled
with chronic Conatipation. This ail-
ment nevewomes single-handed, and 1
have been a victim to the many ;finesses
that constipation brings in its train,
Medicine after medicine I have taken in
order to find relief, but one and all left
me in the same hopeless condition. It
seemed that nothing would expel from
me the one ailmest that caused so much
trouble, yet at last I read about these
Indian Root Pills.
That was indeed a lucky day for me,
for I was so impressed with the state-
ments made that I determined to
give them a fair trial.
They have regulated my stomach and
bowels. I am cured of constipation, and
I claim they have no equal WI • medi-
For over half a century Dr Morse's
Indian Root Pills have been curing con-
stipation and dogged, inactive kidneys,
with all the ailments which result from
them. They cleanse the whole system
and purify the blood. Sold everywhere
Insufficiently Clad.
Chappie I wee sitting hy my bed
wrapped in my thoughts -
Dottie - :Goodness! Didn't you take
an avail' cold ?
Mee. Youngwife -"My new home
has attained glows in all the windows."
Mrs. Boredwun "Now. that'. too
had. Can't you flnd something that'll
take the NUtine out r
-110w ise your hot Fritz gettiotg
along in der college?"
brill team mid all der way bac 0 Ws
studies." -Holton °lobe.
ing Tailoring
Our Mr. W. L. McLean has recently -returned
front taking a three -weeks' course in
cutting and • garinentAiitting with the
.loan .f. \litchelj::Co., New, York, and
we are now in' a better. position than
ever to suit the most fastidious tin cut,
style and material. -
McLean Bros.
The Established
Route to Gowganda
is be the Canadian Northern Ontario
to Gowiranda Junction and the Gow-
gatida Transport Company. Past anol
relieble service. Fifteen hours shorter
than any other rbute and lower •ratee.
Pamsengers coming from outside of
Toronto can make very fast con-
nection by taking the Canadian l'Seille
Winnipeg Expreset at 10.10, connect
with the C. N. 0. train or Sudbury,
wisieli waits for this train and arrivee
in blowganda that evening at 0.1s)
p. m., or under twenty-three hours.,
For tickets and information apply to
nearest C. P. R. Ticket Avant.
V -fa
of household work is taken
away when Sunlight Soap Is
brought Into the home.
For thoroughly cleaneing
floors. metal -work, walls
and woodwork, Sunlight
is the most economical both
In time and money.
Enables traders+ throughout the World
to coml./mule/De direct with English
in each clams of goods. Brand being
don and its eliburbs. the Di troy
contains lists of
with the good" they ship, and the Oo
onial and Foreign Markets they supply.
People emulate the ireaaon by dressing
themselves in a new garb and the
Shoe question. if! not the I e.a
impertant. To young • people who
desire Ethoe individuality we counnend
our stock. In *0 the realm of Shoedetn,
nothing better can ' be found. We
have •Inere than doubled our stock,
which includes all the,new, shapes
alethe popular leather*. You may
as particubir as you like, because
'.if there is any such •thing as pleasing
these Shoes will do it.
JUST RECE1 VED-a large *hi
Trunks and Suit Cases
t'i.ior and see thew.
5., .=.„ .1==i =ZVI
n A Dpllar Saved 11
II . , is a Dollar Made 0
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Anyone who watches our ad.. during the coming seasoit otol
arranged under t oe porta to which
they sail, and indicating the approxi-
mate seilings
of leading Menufectorers. Merchent
etc., in the principal provincial towns
and industrial centres of the United
A copy of the current edition will 1*
forwarded. freight paid, on receipt of
postai order for 20s.
Dealers welting 'agencies can adver-
ae their trade eaide for LI, or larger
advertisements frotn
The London Directory Co., Ltd.
25 Abel:lurch Lane, London, EX,
We have a large quantity of Fencing, on which you can save
about $5.00 on every one hundrnel rode by buying at preeetit cost
prices instead of waiting until the end of April end paying
Spring prices.
If you want a Radiant Home !leader next Fall, invest $37.00,
which ill only making you 3 per cent. in the Bent, and have it
make over 40 per cent.. as you will save $S.00, on a six months'
inveatment. We are selling other Heaters at :gt eat, reduction, as
we require the room for Spring goods.
If you intend to paint,inside or outside, call in and see
samples of Hollywood oaintrthey will please you. and the price
will assure a sale. We have only a limited quantity, so do not
delay until the best colors are all sold.
When house-cleaning do not raive yoor eaglets ; get our
Vacuuni Cleaner, which will save all the bard work. And don't
forget that, a little Vernieh Stain will renew rubbed anti
scratched furniture -brighten up your house,
Do not forger that the goral old summer time is near at
hand. and that pm will require your lAwn Mower again. le it
sharp or out of repair ? If no, let us know, and w*e will Rend and
get it and put it in repair for you. Do it. now, do not leave it,
until you want to now it and want it in a few minutes.: Those
rush order, do not do justice to you or otireelves.
Are you going to use any Portland Cement, tbi. summer/
1 heve contracted for 1.0011barrele of National Portland Cement,
and will be able to supply yptir immediate wanton
For Plumbing, Fiettlng, Eavestroughang and Electric
Wirine give us a call. All work promptly attended
to and fully guaranteed.
Store 'Phone 22
House 'Phone t 2 CHAS. C. LEE I