The Signal, 1910-3-3, Page 6a THURSDAY. MARCH 1, 1010 MORE -PINK CURES Is if it Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy'. Oiastforti Stat inn. Out.-" 1 have taken LydittE.Pi itham's Vegetable Cote pound for yyr, dote never fouh any medicine : compare w'ittk t. had ulcrs and T. ing of the uterus and doctors did me nu good. I suffered dreadfully twill 1 began taking your •wt•dtebie, It 'has also helped other W061044-w-Yhum,l_, THE SIGNAL! GODERICH ONTARIO THE PORT OF MISSTNG MEN By MEREDITH JNICHOLSOIt. a Author o1 -The Howes tl/ a 'f'Ife•gland Candles" TitE 1l0111SsMERRILL COMPANY (UPY RI(.t1 T. 1907. "ruts is AMt:att'.\. R. ARMtr.ue." • 1' It 1 N l:, planting green and gold bauuurw yR old Virginia battlefields, erusstd the Polomac and e_rupied \Vashwgton. t;klrley t'laiborue Ile Withered his te.us un.I tlrety up his horse, Ilftiva_Itls hay with a perfect gesture: • j "There .are saddler blows than lost i.. one's sovereign, -aindeluolselle!" nue e shook his flared head mournfully and rode back to flnd.bls friend. She "ought now her ,favorite bridle un petits. at' her heart ivns•llght with 'the swie•teess and Treace' of the spring I as` she • heart( the rush aud itplarih of the creek. saw the flush of tviii s and felt the my pry of awakened lite 1 throbi.inl; nbdttit her. The heart of a - girl lu sglriug•ln the holes of drenuu. I __a_.1 for h..r *iiia RIU tock forth to f,.rtTw•ed with and Shirley heart ov Ci Atte Illanford Station, Ontario. greet the %templet -0e The afternoon Ietve recommended lt."- 11ENItl" (Jar -diner. m0.—" 1 %%As a• great glut- Was teen and sunny. and she had to fel cr frout'a female disease. The doe- impatiently from al tea to \t Well torr slid 1' would lave ter go to the she was e-t,wtnittest,, to seek the,epen. ho-Pila' loran operation, but Lydia E. •The cafe of the untdww girds sand In l'inkhatu'redVegetableleCompoundrntf cum- her bleep. ,1►nittdlls :end crocuses 11It- to 16 ger neon tet . • e sear • me v ;torches ret 1 I d • 1u -end. • Hn !ley t .,7 else 'rl oi\ INIs. � A.►tlt.l.ttM .lis F. 11. \u. 14, tel ) 1 ,x •:ird: Shp had Plotted Do[ 'Ni, Gardiner, Maine.'from. ecpry' Because your lease is :t difficult one, a spray of arbutus to the Iapel,of her do, tors laving done you no good, do tap ridiri0 milt. It spoke to her of noten}itinue to suffer without giving the blue horizons of the Virginia• 11111e.. - them until herr putise thrilled anti tang in geIekening eadetieee. The groom marveled at tete sadden eauges of :gait the .•tilops that feel abruptly to . hall: with the alterna- litvis of• mood 111 •the sclN'a heart, the ed 7�pTtst m I I,nses titat w trkr.l 1t mow 4t, t . 1 1 'Lune c . N 1 g rf :ell. ill as she ' .•nrviegAelult Ur J h':1;: :'• of the'mod li ale e`t'te•l: that sent t , Ity' or w'hittty into tett ii "•;; ti It e w �,# iia-k-I'iltYhatn r Vegetable ----- - The J'I+ut1a buds is the ops. s hover 41 the e.hatio s.! t if y t uta t panel a that it sturdy has cured like a Ii,i t he the treetops. TowerbiC crept thruu_h t!tt I':tr•+ r \ t r tnsuy'',t.ii?sof female ills, stfch as alt- over ail. the h,enrnpnetld.. frit' obi Its tt.rtunation honors. irregularities., ritelae eriodi,, climbed to th.• bice ar, b and brought tib old tumors. irreatdaritiietr, perk>'Itc t:asati/T'iekaelte•, that hearing -town it nearer earth q'r..hlneton. the een- ettli,t4, itldige,tirnn,.iliyzinens, and tier- ter of man's 114pe' is also• in spring the van, prostration: It ousts but a trine capital of the l ii.1 of heart's desire. .to try it, and the rentals worth nail. 1 . With a groom '1r:0:M4 after her. lath' lions 1 . rilany_s,Utrrintr women. ley role toward ,hock creek -that rip- ' It y'•irt want s pe•cial :advice write piing. ,nurtunrin,. Pinging trifle reef -W$. helpful. .Mass. ter that laugh er day and night at the i� i rev and always hhul. I margin of the beautiful city, as though • politics and stutesnrtnshlp . were the T - -- - hugest joke'in the world- The dog 00 Heard lit the Hub. the Austro llwu_:,riarl embassy hoax. • And bow old air you, little girl i" atTnnTrnit Tali:1111mm% of .nutrotilg' fluttered from the entire trout of the' house. Shirley lints!' her eyes gravely IS she passed. .Ileithoughts 114,'.v at once to the scene at the house, of the eeeretart' of'stat> n vier`1:-1)(4ore.. when Bar death of his tewereltrn. and by assmcid tlon she tbouetit. tree. of ,Atmita¢e nod of his look and voice as he saki: . "Long licit' the emperor .and king! God nave. AuStrin:" Eniperorti and Oasts! They were as b nposuible today as a snowstorm. The crave amhaiwn,lors an. rhes apni•aree at . And 110w is it you are out walking without your mamma • 'Oh, glow i la doesn't go, in for exer- ,cise. Really; we have very ljtLIJ in yetionun." II You rive a (mgt. time Isar, Tn.tale% Sty. 1.•.1 1'trs� A Mssiso. T. pw� CN t•ii:, Clark, ;;upt.Grace l 1.d::7.'i'un,uttt• tvti'es the: ha t .1•(1 it c•itit t' hest rt•;u1ts. 00 /etaea. .7 -,QTR ^••w.a J fHE-obiect of all expert . bakers and cooks is to make a pure white loaf And this object is attained by the ,use of, PURITY FLO UR Panty is a hard -wheat flour of decidedly superior whiteness. It bakes into a pure white loaf. So. yc see, to get the really beauti fug white loaf you must use PURITY hard - wheat flour FLOUR warm NASD Mn1(1 Western (.o,1.'hew M.11. Ce . Led. M Ms .t Wtnn-nett. br.nden. G,.4.. & "Nora Broad_ and bettor ..ber - had hurried home , e:•' :, pp the (ht.: ": floe spring del.' tau ehe fEu t 1 fin reluctant to kat( and pre i h.•r 'li, 7,r w'itl7 t1 • •ten e l „t I,..• nihctlt \ al . plot 'testa t u• -:. a .. 1:1 :. place that - %1I4 ! ;i u: i1 1t' wild .\6out 1..r,..,7-,-71",.- . -- --.....4^47 11 ,1,14-15"t II THE REASON WHY ino Farmers and Fencers IS TH BEST STRENGTHENING TONIC for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down Persons, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis, is because it combines the two most -world -famed tonics- the medicinal, strengthening, body-building elements orod 'Liver Oil and Tonic Iron, without oil or grease, tastes good, and agrees with every one. We return your money without question if Vinol does not accomplish all we claim for it. H. C. DUNLOP, Druggist. - (=oderich, Ont. , ji1111 f!I!1 1� UhlI!ll uI1U11I jii,UIf!! title_- ! !!!;. 1 11 lllli11111 "1111 elite till li 1 til iil _ 1 ! 1 gl - !IP I..1 11 i (111111 l-- lli 1 uylHulluwulmllal111G'i111IIl1 IHIiIuIUI illi illlli III IIIIIIISIit8111 IIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIii' 111i11ISSOSUIUSIONIO 14111WlnaU MOMS Oe__--guuulunulnnl. argrll------------------- PAGE WHITE FENCES rage Fences wear 11rt-Steles for Lawns. Parka. 1•arms and Railroads, 11.000 miles of Page Fences and 73,000 a eGalvanised Gates now In use Frames.enGet our Getour1prc es Fencesi dabooklet r than ogee. age Oates for IMO THE PAGE WIRE FENCE CO., LIMITED 1.argest fence and gate manufacturers In Canada 700 NALlOPIVILLE TORONTO MONTREAL ST. JOHN WINNIPEG VICTORIA READ Til/8 This is the year to do fencing, and now is the• time to place your order. We handle true Famous Ideal Fenciikg, It has the best reputation, and 'we consider it i, the best fencing on the market. Ifavipg made an extremely gpod purchase, w e have decided to sell .and hook orders for cash for ten days, datinif froth March 4th, to March loth, as follows Ii wires, :19 inches high, per rod, 22.`.c 7 wires, 40 inches high. per rod, 25c wires, 41 inches high, per rod, 27.`.c These ffei}ct'i u't made of all best quality Nu. tI 'hard steel Wire, azul we will not guarantee to these tluotations . (ellen longer than time stated. ' 11,1111N l • Howell Hardware Co. LIMITED -CURE YOUR ,COLO • rip Cure will cure a•coldiu two .lays. • Pi ice Nadruco Throat Gargle A quick. and gpestly relif•f for — sore throat. Per bottle. 25c Zymore Troches The f notelet' for ,hunky lhtn.l, Per isms .. • .... 25c Nadruco Cold Cream me hest thing for chipped bawd. and, cracked ' lips. Per iso. tl.e 25c and SOo Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil A new shipment in, in ,25o and 50o Is atI, delight in the rich- . Hess and delicious- ness of COWAN'S 'ti- PERFECTION I COCOA. It suits every taste. greet Wit IiTh eren rur--41mes,. weartllc their imeorntiops. ett:ay'4' struck her as beltig p7771ieuiatl; diet ingi k'hed. It just now- oeeurred to her that they. were nil linked to the crown and scep- ter, but she illamla.eet the whole mat- ber lays narrow strip yvett� ter nod hawed to two dark, Indies In a _fere: and beyond the wade park molting victoria Leith the- quick little rend would at the foot of u steep hoddhind bbright . smile that . were the wooded cliff. 'rhe place was pet•fibctly same fortliesi titled metitbets of. the quiet save for the spl;Ish and babble of Spanish nmleissa log's household as for the creek. the yonug daughters of a western nen- Several minutes pas -•ed• Once :e rotor, who' democratically waved their heard her g:•en,m sp..ak too t1 • 1: ,r . t I hands. to her !runt a doorstep. Armitage came again to her tnlnd. ile had calked at the eiathor a house twice since the sooretnry's ball, and else had Lore surpr)si.d to find how folly she nteepted hila as an American now that j e was ou her own soli: tie de - Wed. too, a certain stability from the fact that the Sanderson. knew him; he was, indeed, :10 entirely different person situp the Montana senator def- initely connected him with an Amer - lean Inndsl enpe. She had kept her ow counsel touching the sell( on ttherdatt !leek of the Klug Iiloard, but it was Ha not a big lightly to la: forgotten She was half angry. 14 iter herself this atel- lo,r w afternon'u>• find how persistently Arian tee. came Inti: her thoughts and how the knife thrust on the steatner deck kept reeurrinS in her mind and quickening her atyinputhy for n Matt ref seleen she knety se Utile, and she touched her horse impatiently with the and rode e Into the pork ata gait d the grsntu b, A(h ill700. the road Chnuvenet and swung hits viewr- et Chauvenet• Ide her. ids "There art gush,, Moira thin tint's aort•rciyn.- of 101414,1 wu- The Cowan Co. Limited, TORONTO. 136 F J. t-; Gtiderielt THE' STOMA' THAT PLNASLS quick Returns ' tinne.t Assortment Correct Market Prices Paid 1"- all kinds of i• RA* FURS and SKiNS Seed your collections to REVILL ON FRERES The Leader in the world's Fur Trade. 134 et Ice flt01I1Nowt, fleatrwl. 1),o. 1139-i91O PRICE UST FREE for the eking Wit PAY RSPAt:SR CHAR01110 that r. At n lent Frauzel. the 1117 tit:muted, and ns the ;trinnet arts horse and rode " tit, 'these American airs' 1.1...X. -Is it root good to be alive, SI L• I:t l: s 11110?" "II Is 1111 of that!" she replied. it seemed to her that the dal' had not needed C;aiuvenet'a praise. "I 11:111 holed to see you Inter at the (Vnlllegfost} tea." tie continued. "Nb tette for met' on a day like this! I'be� tho,ngbt of being Indoors is trngle." She wi+bed that be would leave her, for !the hnd ridden out into the spring •mnshtne to be alone. Ile somehow'. did not appear to advantage In his riling coat=Nle belongings were' too perfect. She `had really enjoyed his :t, - t bid MIK Here. ord there abrru,t, het she was 111 no mood for ' lii,n naw. and she wondered whnt lie Imd host by the transfer to America. Ile ran on drily In French. spenking .rf the rash of great and small social ABA1111,01.0 marked the end of the men - eon. '•('nor Prance' is lndee'i Write. 11r is inking the elcnth of Johann \\'Ilheln, .1n1tc hart. But hers In Amrrlca the Tenth of nn emperor seems less Im- p;tnrtent A king or a pennant, what .k.(a It tnattet?" "Better oak the robin In yowler hod- ,ling chestnut tree. mmtsienr. '}'his is not nn hour for lints questlnns"' "Ah, you Are very erne!! You drive I me bnek to poor, melancholy Frenzel. { who 1m Indeed n funeral In himself " •'That Is very sled, monsieur," rind she smiled nt him with,misehk•f In her (yea. "My heart Roos otic to any one who le left to mourn -alone." though she email r of ee ,u.. charm of the Ways. bt•tdher.'Y ,. trsi ., her eves from t'1 • t:•11 hli.:: 5 sq... t, fore 'h n:• ` Oft tbruugu t: maple .son_'" T!:nn ••.e Bret. _I" ' wittily and clasped her riding, trop ti zL;t:,: Some one had paused at the farther title of the maple brake and. disulnnuttel. n site had. fur a more its- Innate 8,I mate 010)07 10..411 a' the penile. It was John Armitage. tit -la: 47.4 rifling (root Idly with his crop he leaned against a tree nhd viewed the miniature valley: ale was a little I.etow her, w that site saw him quite distinctly and caught n glimpse of his horse pawing. with nrt'•l'ed tent., In. the' bridle path behind him. She had no wish to meet , him there and turned to steal hack to ber hirer. when h 'movement to the maples below caught her eye. She ptatimed, fascinated and alarmed by the cautions stir of the uudergrow (0. The air was perfectly quiet; the d1s turt,11nee w'BIS not catts,d by the wind. BEANS AND BOY are BOTH READY CLRK'S PORK ANO BEANS are so good that they are always welcomed. They are so economic to buy that they save yon money to spend on other 'c'' - t�► t ,� • Th O {i r are S. nourish- y ing that they supply '!alitistrengtli -,tired t,ge+r,rx•l- ...1 for the gnus- , , ng boys acid giro•, anti grown wen :• and worsen. s • • They ase so well • • known and generally • ncretpted as the I•est m a.le• that theresian pleasure 111 ti.Ving to guests...,_ "These are CLA3t4.:S., ' AI your Grocer's - 6c., IOc., 124c. a {id CLARK'S “CIUATY:AI'" BRAN11 Sc., 10c., ISc. and 20e. • tin WM. CLARK, - Montreal Ma,suraeturee of ia -Grads S .1 co Food Spec (*Moo The News of all the world -Red -Hot 1klfe Toronto Daily`Star's splendid telegraph'• and cable• service brings to its editorial rooms, on eight wires, allthe world's news while it.is news, . . --- - Besides the regular Canadian and Arne -Scan Associated Press and Cable services, the Star has the exclusive use Mr- 'T onto of a leased wire to New York, and gets alltha world's news muarquickeT than any other 'service gives it, and often more fully. From correspondents all over est -mi.', from Sydney to Victorle and Prince Rupert, the Toronto Daily Star Ow a Canadian Telegraph service that is unsurpassed. On account of the difference in time (over S hours) the Star is able to publish in the afternoon an account of Old Country happenings up to G or 7 o'clock the same evening -the same news the morning papers give you the next day. The Star's editing staff present this fresh, world -gleaned news in a torm that is most "newsy" and entertaining, yet always clean and wholesome. The Star does not spare e3pci»c Wien there is an opportunity to serve its readers, as illustrated whentitcr t�ly sent ato England Jos. T. Clark, a member of its staff, to Elections. $1.50 A Year This paper end the "Toronto Daily Star" together for one year, $2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given ter 50c- added to above subscription prices. BETTER TQ - JUST T THAN EVER— Thr ,lark form rnm and poised toe o ' +pri►W Then the head and shoulders of It man were disclosed as he crouched on hands nnd knees, watching Armitage. 1114 small head and beg body as he crept forwnrd suggested to Shirley mottle fantastic monster of legend, and her heart hest fast with terror as a knife daubed In his hand. Ile Moved more rapidly toward the silent figure t,y the tree, and atilt Shirley watched wide eyed, her figure tense and trent- hting, the hand that held the crop half raised to her lips, while the dark form rase and poised for a spring. tTo be code muesli Y ou enjoyed a package six months age. They were delicious. But much more nab to -day. improvement Inrp r,ces=s and materials has resulted in eater crlapnerr, finer flavor, a lure ft"*"_- They are superi_r to all. drove it. Maks a toot. Try them now. •