HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-3-3, Page 22 Tot -tu-dinv 04 11 :1, 1010
'• ... 41//t1....
i10Dt11,1(11. ONT
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• THR siltiNAL IltINTINO UnsitorI
• TiktiohongtZall Nall&
• `
;Torras of Subser.ation '• . .
11.00 Pet annum anvanew .
it menthe. s': throe months. 25o. •
To l'nitert Ststes subsertbors,. 111.30 year
trirtly tn-advaneAo.,
Suh.nrihen.. who • foil to receive THE NIGN al
.egnlarly by. wail will holder a favor 'Qy
010.110 OM U. Of 1.110* faket at Itt. tarty a date
nen a change of whine*, 5.. deaired;hoth\che.
old aud the new vddress .hotild be,giveu.
. , Advertising' Rates:
Legal and other similar advert' *anent., Inv
Aar line for find itiwotitot and 5 per line for
elers ...teaseastit 111.1•&41 MO/1,/lt114by
someswil .C161P, twelve lines to NIA t111.h.
Illostiose. cards of Ali 111114* an*.i under..115 per
Advert iseissent. rof Lost. Found, Pt rnyed, Sit
Maim:. Vacant. Sino.tn.. Wattled. H011,4, for
Psde or to Itent, Farm. for Sale o 10 nein,
Article. for Sale., rte.. not exceeding eight
J:a, each insertion ;ill for tiro Mune h. :toe
for each .11d:sapient month. Larger adverti.s
agent. itroroport bolt.
Aver .............. In -olditiory anutteg,yp.
fent. POI111/1t.. %0 4101 5.0 km* t loth "Lie'.
. 414r.t/p/./.1,11 /1015r... 41, 0111.1 of Which is the
pecuniary benign 01 :0Iy individual or aa.ori-
ilition, to be eonodrost adverti,ensent d
be snowed ticeordingly.
Woes for di..1.1sy rart advert Ise.
Wands win be given 04 negates,
. • -
441/1rees all ronen tttt lenteno 10 • -
111K sinsit. PittN1 I Nts
, (traierich.lbut
THURSI)AY M Alt( 41 a, *la' •
•.- s .
oppiating party is equally atrium in
England and in addition represents
the wirers of Ireland and Scotland and
Wales. The detitipirtiad Great Britain
and Ireland rest, 'therefore, with the
Liberal Oat ty, the party which unites
the politieal asepirationr of all parts of
l'he "nLw
. .
- -
Hockey 011, well, who sus saying
anyt Ong about hockey ,
It is a pretty aide prediction that
George E. Knave will never again be
Fitianee M inrster •for t 41110111.
Thlt1fle who take stock in old *awe'
regarding' the weather will IlaVd
ehittflre to teSt NO: his t b.
Marrh cae in like lambman
. 'illa-
• .
the former ergo the..eountry knows
just what it is paying 'dor the 41(hr--
tries Ito protected ; hut as the lllll ney
'mid in laanttiea is raised largely by
impair duties on other vommodities
there Ts really dirle dIfferenre frt. the
lung lun between the two systems lIX
pritetisted in I' 'nada. yht. M inkier of
Finati ie•is to:he ehngrat 'dated upon
hie.alecisiint to • rennovi• this burden
•fritin the 11 tek, of the tax pay..r.
The Stratfond Harald thinks The
:Mail Empire has {sowed the limit
in its attacks *win the 5i; tvernmeut.
444411 1*. it supports Mr. Borden's policy
on the iiavy question. The Herald
believes there is roots' for aliltereni•e
Itt OpiIIii 1111110111/: patritaje'p mph% it
The Midland Emnire should not kitty
that th*' Brit lab Bag. ,ete.. 144 not
acimptaiile (.1 the soda:emir+ at
I It taws' that: the tiovettionent • 11
..%. 1.. alarKayais not, going to re- -liiiiking (4( 14* new Wig for the sep-
sign the. leadership of tilt. provirrelal aratist navy." . The tone 4,1-1 his `eriti.
Is • on just itl.shly ratouwous ; it
1.1 Pert Y• man whir reftisea el""
• Hods rio till. 111 501.1110014' 0(
1-111k in 1-11O1't 1104(I* hrtivY uth.1•14 the t'oosei•vative 1*441.1. %VP 1:11.11V
ot parr Of the
' eminent to pat 'aside the liritiA HAT
along, at amash the • elatt h. to' pieces ...alike,love. Thew k...however. tra-
in 1.0,-w numulp. duo alialtuil, and we think pi•opi,r desire fit
stride I tor the Brit ish 'lig a
..en -re :sin+ a lot: **soot -tad get-tiog---that ;formerly reengnized emblem nrojiest.
rive of Canada. kola on the
lioe,key ;•itattaipiorallip.- •
_Held of their -4g. markitig resimetively •
/The 'peraile whti think so highly of' Shins of Canada.- Snot it..Afiami. Ana:
Doha and New %esti I.' wOold serve
titres should reticct upon the diffei'-
•en;••• lief W14:11, %%Blinn* Ewart 1141- ti further gloi•ilv rather to del
t If A • •
P s OHIO rtolftit to l'011.0.1•1 atives and Littera
10 044timice idea ot I Mom ial kt..wer
stone. who refri,ed itle, and 1 -his son, grader he British Hag, e appeal f(t.
'WHO PAYS THE DUTY?' .1 100,441 tiladst..ne. whis„ has jiist high • lie and t
tn tot...rant IN-
/ • eept04 op, • 't5,t it the dia. stseion -of Camilla •
•• relirtn• :1.1 the 1111 he and the navy
.... i"t•A arr'd'ing A let" by - 'The I Ills' Were warned against
making trouble for them -a -Ns, by re -
One NV Mimi. Criift as the hash. If an
argitmerit tliat the iotitoititer 1101 i..ctinu 3141. 'the warningei
Imi)" the (1111 IP% 1.1."11 l has ing r; 'tine. that- ate • esgrf
he l""11 an '"11". 144' II" "I"11 ti',Ass the. hollttet 4141 have nothing
match' th•tanati,„ 1 mi ais ;ono
e said *boat their atantling • as .
__therianotaa AtIrldhll" tlft4"4---inr 1411 treeeerli;intrknarr-2FhP' '2*
on imports Irons Ilermany he %int.. in. 1.0,1t -to IM anow.4, hor..v.o., to ,es,otIo.
OrlIttql: ly the' fiermaot limit- that the e.e.efsi•leilf491 heir °Wit
goods entild not lie. at the rum,. wiu
1.04,011 rot.."1‘.4.et.trpit• .the.Altufot table
hitt th14.(;i'"1"""I't " 1.1"9 """`• po.stion it 1144 1)4,1 re4 orbit rai
1 n paying *tett t. Imam. ;Ili- pia 11 .41 1 I
on task exported to CI /rile t he
fare if the surtax, '111111 1 ltt on Ile
ramp 'at ion of the suf.:4x is holllItt
WgIf n 11.1111%11. 111weefoli.. argue
t 4. 2,111,
stoner '11,,• •not henelit I.y met
. ditties.
The :mien it as goad as i;
.usually - in la•italf of prob..
- tion. km, that unite' Ble sit
tax imports font iermany fall away
to a inert ion of (454 • (twiner vol
ineretem hi prii-Ptictli Canadian min-.;
.R1111101. Witt* ref.iser I. to boy 5 rerman
g414441* 54110.11 110 01,111t1 tcttt otHIN front
- other countries under mho .erinte of
duty. In spit.. 01 do, fe}.1, that .the
'German Gores ' 'nt, arcialling . to
Lir Croft's information. was paying
the .6elf. INT eoit. 141b1141N the c.,,,,,Ii.i.
(...,,mury lir It...1.4 knight (rev,
• goods .1-, riarlif 'have hail to pay.
largely biere4t,...1 of ittt' 1....• i41.0 of , 1(,'
dairy. It i• idle, then. to mitemilitat i
• the con•iiii er iiiat lint pe ' lIpi chili,
0V14*l if, in air, except helot case-likt; Gm
one in qtatiori. the producing-
trottntry:triem t save itti..-traile from
it. -The etei•ptio '.iserit l'irivrti, the
t nal ataiiIiiirstioi\tr paving a part of
• rule. -' ' • ,.
--.11 • is • woo 5 li nottng. too, that
p1'4Weetirii.istrs• was rearrnsible for the
plight in which' (iermamy found 0.1.rt
in its mint ions ',LI li I 'oinaart. Its. pro..
' dm er.1 1418? half -1,11;ir trittle, with this
country. and its national- eaehispier
lost aim . 1111 1 of the Noma' ant ex-
. ports tot 'tombs. ((5 'Anato)iantrler-
' tioniaa
ts cn extrart tiny sippor . for
their fiscal opinions from these ritt,.
thy ai.. ly.4.1,pe in it.
While the twieparlii e -to this. war of
tariffs were troth Injuring' themselves.
Britian 4 no nin ries wit
lower tiiriffs than that of fiermany
were receiving the benefit of the
, diversion of trade from Germany 11.1111
Were building .nis s. Itrir-trittle.with Ca-
nada at the expense of their German
rivets in epite of the. exceptional
efforta of the German Govianment by
way of bonus. Could a 'dem er 'came
be tirade out for the benefit of A low
tariff -in ort.' listing' export trade 'f..
• Frnettatte Britain Wad't. the world in
• commerce -an °Weil lesion that Cliff-
. 1110t bohiairlen away. - , .
a re • i• t I .
.f_ .
The. T•It Newa\-,iindetiendent 1-)
hald toHsay aittrO4kiitig, which
%would maind like ;t hint to Mr. F;otter
• fait!
fill t.04ife cannot f tactile the W0 -11S.
Ths• worst it can gay is t hat \Ir. Fos-
ter's.-plisitron in seriously prithitliceats
arid- his intiitetive greatly jimmies's! I.y
Ire trrtk trance iiive•tigation and the
.'gal action whittlf Ints just closed With
itagnient ;lilac anti illy in favor ;if
wait- nr;,h -t-f44,
rear• election and 'aim -The Newsitihmit
aor• 1. , .t or in the giatil old Wit.i •
who a en
could stlY
key timer 11 • itrini•ter in the putiort. A
tallow who • •11.1, the eveninpyelling
hints. It a. Ito 141' a. a fog-hornAnd
barn the night r.„ fling. home -on a •1 1113y
1.1111. Anil then I •k next div like
14 14 thy hockey "fans -
t ;I St rat the -other night
tote alemt the evils of hoc-
boileti otei. n I islosl to he lee -
led. I 1 inside of attpl I ing
h --even nit tiottgia
tiod's Bravest.
45/1la fighterh bed.for ghat kntitht
%Vt.% both hr. made ati .111,1 tbrIght.
Whe towrr knew the lirili 10.410:15 P.
Avoli .nay;ped .teel onivering in lit. hand !
tit fate I. ...challenged ,it thedart.
110 .041, !I/ be byttitil•
• I he 4.-•) h ith hail hi- 11.tile.
- .1,1114, linekh.stn."
' - Too Bad ! t
i Se,, the kyen ItIPPIPIC mt.
b;ste the add ind's i sets ;
bowl be r .00t tm.re,
Until the Next Hockey Season, ;
'Moan) Iterord lard& .
\ ,NVheti the,.- is nothing lids fora mon
to\lw enthusiastic over ht. insight as
Welfhe dead.
'\A Word for the Dog.
Allinillton' Herald.
'yen lb ofor 11L.4.' their rug's' s
and eterY ilia/Ants' 1 right to it 00111-
• It. is well to have on hand
a remedy, sitnple, effective and
easily applied, lor_ mosquito,
insect stings, • sores.
suuburn, aud,
1`) the skin, :Ind forty other
• ' tipt • a. ,V.tys 11allgee:
bk. curt:
is 1*.tvis' •Meilt!:(
. „
fur 25
ct:.. tt drIt..;•:.:1.::4
w ket her tw not -he ism German spy in
daily receipt Of k*, whatever'.
coin it; employed 'v the Kaiser for the
00(11114(11 '11 of the people who pi °tees
to owe aileglithee-tti otlf lideitird- V11. -
Hew ft Hitt the Editor.
' Barite, *Miner.
A feW yearteago it required twelve
dozen eggs to pay 41 ,year's. ti"u.1'.y.4' Ile C011itatwitod Bulletin :
now it takes three dozen or less. The.
!matter apparently.la in f • ' as
good a, position as the poor • (Mu%
This contractor got results.
He knew haw. to ked his men.
Some ye:its aijo a tsontrartor heli.-ing-i,aiiroadiai a- Warm clingue W3I
'troubled a grtat Lleal .by tsokner4
amon3,4 the laborer,.
.1 le tamed his .IC: 'fl at once to
thew 1... .d ai.d found, that that: is de
ttantina full ratiott..1 •nic.tt and tt ere
drinking water fr,nr a stream near by.
istirrl orders to. cut down the
4*01;Int-;•1 meat and t- mcraase greatly
the quantity of t2,1akera.)45 kd to the
He that boiled Quaker Oats aind
-mixed the thin oattneal water with
Alm 1st instantly all sin. of stomach
disorders passed and his -men allowed
a -decided improvement in strength
and spirits.
This contractor had ettperience. that
Caught him the great -value 01 good
fortable muzzle.
Johnny's Title to Fame. • •
The Trot It Seel.er.
••44%,11. toy 11511.' mats.- inquirer). a
ii4.1. sr. plea,antly. "who are nu e"
'I to • the Ii) ,* brit; her, Witt tIte
ingenuous reply.
Things That Never Happen.
• -Tht • d441 keit clouds blow'orer.
• "Doi doel the teleith ft). t
wds busy ever fet. •your know 151.11 it
noty at your servire . • •
, Piet Like the Rest of Them. -
• hy attending the lemon's
11 54.1' mid other,. t;
It will PIN e
to day forout hand enity
110. 1yitl • do he sanie think Judwe
"IVO]. 1.•;ve had row blessing," sighs'
nisi the next tane. It's like
the fev. • when a fellow rotates it he
has to le .1 11111 ilt4101011`1-se.
Atli PI tot We that Liberal
p.rets are si /*king mit .on Ulf; 4111..P.
11011 Oia
p; St t02 The 1 11/OltfOrd
Eipattilitr (
allinti41 to daift t !mama the • Sen-
itt, n ill 140 as breet mable laxly as
it e% er,was its t e the Conarta
votive ri•ghtie.. • 'he h'ngstrin Whig
"1'0 ttttt 11111 ',..'ns*' 11(1 il.iNtiet•
demand that the eleYation f men to
the honor of trierribership i the red
chamber might minsidered n non-
timali ,The Woodstoc‘Sen-
Itacilonalif met the had example
'Whit -his potiar of ilppoitititient It
On. Senate! for purely party pi poses,
and likexample has been; frdlo all
toil closely by- theLiberals."
Mr. Mister has lost 111.suit Riga'
the editor The (Bohr for libel i
connection with statements made
regarding Mr. Foster's managem- nt
ot the Union 'Pruitt Company. • The
jury Included •111 its verdict What is
looked upon as to some extent a sav-
ing clause for Mr. Foster, to the
'Vert that "Ise acted in good faith, -
although his act ions' were open to mita
icism, and a section of the Commerce-
tive press Peirce; upon this' 0111111' HIP
sufficientvindication of Mr. Foster's
honor to enable him to maintain his
potation In putrIU! life. From the
party standpoint alone, Mr. Foster's
political opponents need not object to
his remaining in public life as a leader
in the Conservative party. for so long
as he 51001 51) he will he one of the
heaviest burdene his party Will have
to carry. In the last election he was
a great vote -getter for the Liberal
Party. . •
The Government announces. in-
tatttitin of discitht ising the ,t and
steel bountiem et the end of the next
fiscal 'year. The bountiers haus been
in effect fourteen years. and the iron,
and steel industries sho Id now he'en
firmly established as to be able to get
along without this dole from the
tresimury. Sine.' lane over fourteen
IlIlIlion dollar's have-, been paid in
bounties' to these induatries. There is
something t,o said for the bounty
system of protection eompared
with the import duty system, as in
that if alTaii a are
Though the Conseryativea of Great
Britain are railed the Unioniat party,
the title might, be better claimed by
their Opponent.., England, Scotland,
Ireland and Wale, are part.; of the
Union. and in only one of theta. parts
Is the ConaervatiVe ptirty strong.
In 'England they have a majority of
the seats in Parliament (though a
Itn)ttOrity of 11,,' VIII... must). In Scot-
land and Wales Liberalism i* the po-
litical ideal of she overwhelming init.
jock'', of the people, and in Ireland
'the Nationalkto are the poptilarparty.
-mis the Natii,traliwts An. ablee or the
Liberals, the Liberal party may be
said to reprettent the majority of the
people in each port of the Union -a
• Unioniet pal t v in reality, though the
Congers at ive party claims the title.
There ran be no rani strength in a
ration whi‘ h insists that the opinion
of taw part •hall dominate all. The
,party which gets almost Its whole
alrength fr England altrne cannot
ainsurne dietate for Finglend. Scot-
land. Ireland and Wake when the
• the W0111411. •r'Sille Iiiill'L 114*VC 14/ clean
41.011se." such as you may obtain under the
I - treearly,iseZnet.o..niiciobietiiii.os at of IT hoer oOnteon ..
s a sure naeoport to success.
Thousands have proyect O. Why'
not inyrytlfgate for • yourself 1
. , I
Our free calalopueexplains.
Waste for It W. MSHAW,
will1111/1121110 eletillellnineleeNtenlellNI
'No.' agrees the man. ••Itio 111 h .t
ado ai m re r it . just (I1, ig, ..” .
Improving on Dr. Chisholms Scheme.
Montreal Herald. ;. '
We 1144*e 411 1111111'0Yr mellt to sttgltest
to 1 lf. 5 liithiolfif•s s••liesite !.n' Iiirivg a ,
Canadian navy by renting s4.44*11 •
Dread glits. •Why not i end them
from Germany. *Mt thereby Lill tn.
bit ds w it h one stohe F•
- The Opposition Performance. .,
Toronto Star. ,
A Canadian lady- has amazed Park
by singing in two voices. It would
lake more 5141114 1 bat t 11 star tle CH lawn.
.which has heard the Cffriservative
rarty sing in at least hillf-atitozen .sinve
t e naval debate began.
A. W. Wright for the Senate!
Stretford I leagon.
The Toronto News names A. W.
'right, the Tory machine worker, as
of the -"men of distinition” that
literal Government should have
go appointed to the Senate.
s and little fishes, but The
is fine idea of distinction!
Male Pedagogue. '
Mont real Herald.
There 14140 inertia:se in the -percent-
age of male teachers in Ontario for the
Hrst timein for ears. It will have
10 he a large an long -continued hi -
eremite' to bring bac the good old days
of the t'dinninie" of an *century ago,
but it was Certainly' e the reaction
Feeling th Pinch in y.
. • HathIlton Time*.
The German tales on fi and the
crtlithirig import s,tlittie4 on foreign
foodstuffs are havinetheir P ct in
opening the eyes of the messes the
fallacy (het high tariffs make pro r-
out; and happy workmen. A lie n
writer avers that "sincethe dutiem
foodistuffs were raised by e custom);
tariff of 111(2, it has 1 wn the
massem of labs sr by.-1fir-esiett -Pressure
alinost completely on the side nf Ore
trade." 'rhe recent riotous outbreaks
in Gerthany are directly traceable to
the tariff burdens and the election
laws aimed at preventing the work-
ingmen Omer making their discontent
with them felt in proportion to their
numbers '
The New Patriotism.
victoria eoloniet atoneervativel.
Up-to-dste patriotism Peer], to re-
quire every Flritish enhject to believe
that Germany intends to invade Great
Britain *1. 151.' first convenient crppor-
tunny, and that she wiffmake a good,
clean job of it while she is about it,
Malt tanking the British navy to the
bottom of the arm. When a reckless
Person ventures to ressureet Shat the
British nary is not as yet • negligible
quantity, gears doubt. are expressed
A Third of Your Time
is 'spent in bed. 1)0511 sleep
44o Waite "r'a leaden mattress.
- We h*ve ele nt bran •
beds of t appy ved pat-
terns. and dressin tattles
imitable to match, n prices-
von'll aircee are reaa 'liable.
Exit -mine and APO.
Furniture and Undertakin
West Side Square.
IVrito ism at "nee. tor onr free
catalogue and learn the! nature
id our eosurses' Tit Commercial.
Shorthand or Telegraphy depnrt-
mums. We have the leading ,
ihreeticat heisting itch -Mut in
\Crater -it thitai kw. Courses areL
honing!). In', lictoril s. x p.' r i•
e44eet1 gtatitittltm
N11144,1114 are 4*1150111151
earl; week. You should enter -
1). A. MrL.sa %N. • '
. rtincipal.
41 litusinvsmEduration is the
greatest legiacy you can leave
P.'U' children, 'We get thin n to
the bed-kock fowl:let ion 4.1.1 liVicat'
itlitfiltftSti wiener. AIN/ aSsi 14.t .
J ws,.irsliygriu.luateto the choice
. . ,
liEnter any tiny. Individual
inspection.. I 14.doe'stinly (4111! 4.54*
ill Senior Teacher .' Matriculat ion
and Conotireirsiat subjects. Send
.. loll •ts art icirlarm.. •
int.414..affileil. with c.intitie•cial
Editcator.." As-sikr• ion 1.f., Can -
Easter Term Opens
March 29.
,,te for toirtlenlar..
GEO. SPOT TON, PrIncipal.
.1r)- to tt.11 y(tt! •
,• kinds are 66 1 I 54 got -)(l
• But don't you believe it.
insist on the kind that doesn't kink. The kind
that gives the dressmaker minimum trouble
and the customer maximum ustisfactiotr--
,t "4 The Belding
Silk - Sewed
will Stand
a Bull Dog
Write for liot of prentinma
Belding, Paul & Co.
7-1 Hay Street, TOIIONTIT
New -D re s s Ntit te ria 1 s
We feature our %% Dreg 1;00de Ile -617 big display this Week
New Serges
itimitirta halo. 42 to 4$ inches '
New Diagonals
wide, in gseat range of ahisilea
Mack, navy. rose, wietoria, gray, •
wear. Special priest per yard. Mr. "i'tc awl
tam*. braiwns correct. weight tor -Spring and Sunnily'St
Cashmere Hosiery
New Broadcloths
Our big importation. '444
strongly recoil* in e n -0 I; 5.
Hosiery It 33c. or three Nibs ,
for 111.00, 11111118 or winnen'ti: We haVe special lines for boyeand
girls. Stockings of all styles and weights new, and grand ratite.
whitewear Beautiful, fresh and a leave 'assortment. and
high-elaes. and prices ao low it iwerns '
seareely worth -while for anyone attempting
to make Gioia...wit Whitrwear. -, •
'Skirt*, Gown*, ,Corset Covers.' Drawers. reedy for • your
iturnediate 'buying.
liondiesis of light, nredisiM
and dark Prints. ito-14
Prints and Camb
• best mailers- 10e. 12i - e•
and t 1
„ Men's arid Women's Furs and
Fur -lined Coats
tv•ia•••• still a large choice to Kele from. All at wieritire
priceri now -onoly at exactly half Phnom. pt ire and •valae.
TI -14
ger and Brighter
Our Spritig 1V•iollens are,now
and comprise.' all the : newest
ereations in weaves and similes
° • :T-
Cure Your Cold
1 )!1
V.hitc •ill) Wild Cher
3.11 Nat ive BrOnlitle Ouitlinv
2C a Ilack.t...;c.
5,14>1)3 RR I
Hair 'Brush Values!
%.„,.. seetired 4,.' •'u. ly sr • onol•iially go'oft lines of HAIR
1:1RuSHES at special discountsAn.one thinking of getting a
GOOD HAIR BRUSH PIO-Mid 4400 1110111. We hut... thew III all pf jell•••1,
fr ttttt 27e. no to 4551455 and in handlea ot Ebony. Roswood, Celluloid,
Olive Wood. Enamelled Woods and Light Natural Woods.
- .
• COMBS - oll sizetrasnil kinds. from 54, '•
' ittl 1 1141t Ilp to *IMO, f ' 1 •
S. E. HICK, - -Central Drug Store.
G ode rich, Ontario.
Good Clothes
ANOTHER few Weeks and the "Rpring feeling" will b on you.
Likely a. not yogi will resort to mother'. favorite prescription
-sulphur and molasses -or possibly to some of the sarsaparilla
concoctions. You may never have realiv.ed that ow very hest
Spring tonic ii --Good Clothes. A good many men know this fact,
nnd a good many morn are getting to know it each errasufh Thats
wby )011 RPP so man, more good drawers in the country each
austoseding yerier-lo calling your attentirm to Intr-liipring Clothing.
we do so with a feeling of pardonable pride, assured that no such
Clothing has ever been offered to the people of Goderieh. It is our
ambition tosiell Clothe, that will be a credit to ourselves grid a
source of plea/lure and safiefaction to the wearer. Yin* are
invited to call at any time and inspect the new creations in men's
and boys* clothing. Pricesfor men $10 to $20; prices for boys,
4 to 119.
SPECIAL NOTE. ,Special orders taken for 15th Century Brand
of men's flue tailored flarmente.
If you ire really anxious Po rnake •
success of life Wear Good Clothes.