The Signal, 1910-2-17, Page 81 TtiURRDAY FEBRUARY 17, 191U
District News.
KIPPEN. TVgsDAY, Feb. 15I.b.
Mummy, Feb. 14th.
NorE-.--Miss May Jones, of London,
is the guest. of her cousin..)lise Ida
Jones Melville Brown and his
sister. Miss Winnie, of Calgary, Alta..
were the guests last week
of their
friends in the home of W. H. John-
ston Mr. Buchanan has returned
after spending two weeks in Essex on
Lydia E. Pinkham
' ,5 account of his lather's death. His
father was in his eighty-seventh year
Vegetable Compound and was hale and hearty, not knowing
what sickness was, until a few hours
Vienna, W.•,Vet.- "I feel that lowe before his death. His aged partner
the last ten years of my life to Lydia died about three months ago
E. 1'inkham'e Vege- Miss Emma Abair has returned alter
table Compound ' spending a few weeks in London.
Eleven years ttgo 1W. -
was.. a walking
shadow.' I had been
under the doctor's
My husband per-
suaded me to try
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegeta-lite Mont.-- *--borne---at IIetinnee.• 1 star -.7--..1.- h.
Le>,undandittddiksd 'foul paid his e,ltiJJxl'visit to the school
like a charm. It re- on Tuesday - `tise� Mary-. Gordon
lieved all my pains wise the guest of Mei!. Mintier; Port
and misery.. 1 advise all suffering ,' Albert, for :slew day* last week
worncin to take Lydia E. l'inkham's Ole.' and \Irs. tragus Gordon visited
Veg,•,le Compound." -:flus. E twit_f-b*-irndt. et Ilruct+fi•'4Ioam.1' other pointe et •emote
IN 1no roe, Vienna, W. I'a. 4 i•eeently - A number of young I gamut, lilies Cecilia Neftel, with a
1.} iia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Corn- I reople from this place a t t ended .a purse of 1dise , in reN: f tel +tin of her
ilrlmni, -lade from --native . roots and 1-1_x r ty _ _ at -Port A It!, r t last tsithHll ePrvi+aes atat�etg the t 6 Year..
herbs. cant ins no narcotics or harm- ' evening• and report a very pleasant Over fifty nu•whers and the
y of
fun d1ngs, and to -day holds the record , time On account of the drifted the t tltty assembled lit 11i. \xftel's
Jur the largest number of actual cures- j stair of the roads and the storm there
of female diseases of any similar medi- I was; uo net' ire in any . •t the churches home on the liuderich road an a very
1 eta., r and thousands- f here nn Yilndav' 1 The Ladies' Aid
pleasant 'evening was spent. ne of
cute +:, too. c try_• gg + ti,., k,.,ig;b1n,ujaL s.
vnitintiir testimonials are on Ale in Most chuni�t met on iednesday the rather. 'unpleasant• exprrirn
'in hath a era or a n. 1 toeing upset in a snow -basil. but as
one was couch hurt very little dam
was -doffs. , • . .
\VeteurstIAv, h'etb.9th.
NEW1'i. Nl.Trs. - Mrs. De Kay and
daughter Mi's Marion, who had teen
steying�..a few weeks with Mrs. G. C.
$itupsou, lett on'ni 4day last for their;
\VKDD1Nu.--On Wednesday evening.
February lith. a happy event took
place at the home of Mn. Sarah Wil-
son, her daughter. Miss Jane, being
united in matrimony to J. C. Jacob-
sen, of Enterprise, Montana. The cere-
mony was performed by t(ev. J. K.
Mann, the bride being given away by
her brother Robert. Mr. and Mrs.
Jacobsen leave in a few tjsya for their
home in Montana. T1* bride ha-
already been ip. the West for a num-
ber of years, and nn returning to
make a home for her husband and tie'v-
self she is accompanied by the good
wishes of her friende here.
WEONesDAY, Feb. Pith.
Rev. Maleohu Lindsay, of Arlo A,
preaetwd in St. Andrew's church Sab
bath Inst.
We are glad to hear that' the two
typhoid fever patients'. Mrs. John
-Whitt-don- and Mtse-'Nona Ferguson,
are both recovering nicely and we
hope t.,see them arot)nd again in a
short tune,
A Pic S -h\ 1•ATION. On Tuesday
evening of last week the congregation
church presented their or-
the1 k I} t Y t l i t t at the home of the eecret u v Miss
)lass , from women who have ben I Il:o r let Hayden; vv hen the Ilt•nn l older
entry} from - almost -every -forut of pas .t„item• x•h:urged c 1 h Members
fenutlo eomplaints, inflammation. uI. were accompanied, by their husbands
cerat inn,dieplacetnents,fibroid tumors, And the tux and social evening m'et'e
irregularities, ii tell en.ioyed by all,
indi •: ,tion and nervous prostration.
'eto:IIAY. Feb. 15th.
h;very such suffering woman owes it, to N KINGSBR1DGE.. I1iT1IN( ,. The session meeting of
t[ersrtf tis l' a Lydia1: 1'inkitatn's Smiths Hill church was held 'I hurl-
-herself -try -giver
Fut y+ iWiatxt trtY,,h'r11• littbt:. aftw't%uo l Cher. was a good
Vegetable ('ompnnini a 1rHAI. Ni:\I. lY.'oun�•r, of t'hi-
I1` ;fou would Iil:esprcial advice "atiembtnce. till church Sunday after
about your case likens n eontlden- aro, it:',.
. nl)1 i t' at ins Mane pert+...• the few etoronyy Sunday-«. ..\ nutu-
tial tetter to eirs. e1 a eon Ink rat, at
\h..- Jen ie Griffin Is Aisiting her- tier from theetl•parls toiok in the pitn-
Ly'nn, .'♦rays. Her advice is free, `i't••1. \IIs. ll \lollit l t.• Duplin.. cake enciel at Auburne lino ist. church•
and altyuya helpful. .1. .1. tilted .' visited tioderie•It a few lae•+y- e
last amindrav,•ni„z._ mom.. of
. tisy-• lest wee John J. Dalton. our talent took pat 1 in the neoprene.
u(.st. Coluin1w4i -Visited his Parents • .Quite it member attendee the
here this week. .. .-jitert V01109. 01 fundal i4tiie late Thos, Campbell: of
Bay Held. L. visltiu his fiend.' Con. lioderids. .in'lii..ane. en bring an,,,l(1
O'Reilly .,... , \\'.• 1r . glad to ,report resident of these pots .... :Hiss Lena
that Mass A. t)'Leary, v ohm; been on Hamilton is visiting friends' nrnund
the sick list, is anis- t.*, to around Auburn School has been eloped is
again . .i .1. Dane, wtio has been .week on stea.unt of diphtheria being in
sick for the past two rtu,nthe,, is able the section. :It opens again today. as
W he around again ' Harty llarris, danger is supposed to he past.
of Ripley, bought a carload of rattle James Bailie. of Nile, passed through
feline Joe Dineen 00 Monday last.. • here to Mcliaw to load his household
Patrick Wallace, .local agent for the effects there. en route teethe \West
Canada Carriage G}. has' gold a rub= Miss Annie Bean has been visiting her
ter -tired buggy to J. C. Mow and a h tee. Mrs. Hugh. Hill ... Rev. W.
to M. J. Dalton. Paddy in• Baugh called On friends inthisneigh-
tends Jo sell automobiles :next sum- en h .d n lav last week Alex
WRIINKafAY. Feb. ItIth.
Kt.:AI'IHIU A 000D ULu Aur:, -John
Moss, of the 4th concession of West
\Wawauosh, after a journey of ninety-
one years, crosieed the bar last Wed-
nesday, Deceased vias an early settler
of swsuosh.satone-tnason by ade.
For w number of years Burin the
summer Tie worked at the \ hand
canal, spending the winter 'home.
He is survived by his part- -in-life,
four sops-(lharhe, John, A •rt and
Fred. -and three daughters The re-
mains were interred i ingantl ell
Cunningham. of Manitoba, visited at
the home of W. '1. Riddell this week.
Geo. I.ampwan is absent at pres-
ent visiting his parents and other
friends in the county 111 Essex. /He in-
tends being absent a eouple of weeds.
'rhe ice harvest is past for an-
other season, as all have got in their
supplies. The ice was not so good this
season : a large quantity of pour lee
was on top (leo. Yunghlut went
to'rurontu the latter part of last week
with a load of cattle Those en-
gaged in hauling sawlogs to the mills
here were obliged to quit for a while
owing to the p. 14+C condition of the
roads The- spring is not far off;
We are justified in our prediction by
'the appearance of the Colborne aases-
s. ii- but Tuesday ......Charles Howson
intends to have evetytbing in readi-
ness for starting;_ his sawmill this
'week •Quite a few from the vil-
lage attended the sale of the effects of
the late Joseph Taylor last Friday.
The annual meeting of Knox
church, which was announced for last ,
Friday, was adjourned to Wednesday
of this 'week George Howatt
has rented his house in the village to
u 1 prat of one village tdaekr
smiths. Mr. Phillips intrude to take!
liAsee+bitn next we. e. .
line. coin 1 ,irk :oche lh,u't expl•r•
bluetiU1103.0.414t witU1103.0.414hut rot the
genuine. -The D. & L. NI/tinier.'Plaster. Itcares.. • Davis k Lawrence
l'... maker's.
Wall Paper
Wee have lust U1'1'4'1(.441 two
complete shipments of WallI'a ties. direct front the pottermitla, end have thelu already
displayed and ready fur sale.
'They ere. certainly very-•
hes even the very
cheapest: coniml'I.eing a s
low as :.c per roll rap to :.Uc
p•r•r'oll. _f1"10, 0111.• factory.
(id the ether ranging in
mice fruiters.. per roll up l
$1.00. TPP very n e we.s t
thing in borders Is the ..tit -out
Boole, (tinders, already
• cut_out range in price from
I:,c per yard up. while the
limiters '*Il reedy to he' (lit
trot range in price 1P,lp-5c
nee yard sip. MITE SPEC-
Borders ner s are sold by the yard.
but are much cheaper, rang-
ing in price from, le per
aril up. Way* our show
windows for (119)18'. .
The Colonial Book Store
0E010 t': I'OitTEli, Prop.
1'11:rte l',. tieslerich.
Quality Store
Now is the time to m e
your marmalade. 'rhe f It js
el its lest, Navel t►raefnes for
msrm blade now in at per
"Sunkist Oranges, he t
afizt fru' at per doses :tile
an Oa
-4 fee s41ip meat .,i Pelmets
eltr rr Veal, Best t• dinirnIa
Prones : h vest +rand, at 2
pounds far. 250
Orngnn I"re ash 1' r u n r' s ;
1;900 1'1 Tlr,,nd, 2 pe)unds for 150
Acadia Codfish, I.10 up 'P
neat wooden two -pound boxes,
anti ,lbsulutel% b 1045. pet
ar(, Frankfort... Lettuce and
Breen Onions •
Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs.
ha R. LONG
'Phone 43
r o o ee s
UAW- • u •
- -
Tt vSn.tY. Feb, 13411.
Combas: LI W A I.s. -T. M A..a Kei t h
c nt.neneed his. duties tom assessor 4,1
t tuwoship on Monday 311s -
Jen Johnston tient Saturday with
Miss 3ta�v Mele•norin,..'.Miss D. M
!item - returned from Detroit after
spend' le some time there Miss
'Me-v lel.eunp
sent a few days in
Mats Ke
guests of .
T. A,
have been\
hall in Luc
weeks, have nnlplett-d their work.
The tvn'.dwnt• at the building der-
tainly biasnredi to the contractor and
Ihe assistants.... .Trouble- over -dogs
l and their diseases '+ all the talk of the
day around this eighborho(td
j We are ple'tsed to able tq report
that Mrs. Rod. Cam 11 is aide Wbe
around again attar a s were illness. Y
This contractor got results.
lie knew how to feed his men.
Some ears ago a contractor build-
ing a railroad in a warm climate was
troubled a. great deal__bY-_ sickness
among the laborers.
He turned his attentionat once to
their food and found that they were
getting full rations of meat and were
drinking waterfrom a stream near by.
He issued orders to cut down the
amount of meat and to increase greatly
the quantity ul Quaker Oats fed to the
Hr also toiled Quaker Oats and
mixed the thinoatmeal water with
their drinking wetter.
A1111,•st instantly all signs of stomach
disorders passed and his men showed
a decided improvement in strength
end spirits.
This contractor had experience that
taught hitt the great value ut good
oatmeal, 53
Chaise hatter and fresh, eggs at
MoRKisH 44‘. \'ANA•t-rI1M s.
CAMKItON S Mooaic have a table of
dk. dress goods on sale this week.
Quality cannot be compared.'
Fresh. salt and cured fi=h at Mint -
menti V.vs.tTTKR's.
(let _your tickets early foe the dra-
matic• pr duction. ••A Southern Ilo-
mauce, at Victoria Opera House next
Thursday evening. Plan at H. I !-
wards' restaurant.
Gogh Mee warn attacked by a sgh and
tem' aver) dangrrous bronchial ad
palrasr'y ailments
25c., 50c. and $1.410 Bottles.
Sold everywhere.
DACIS & LAN•RENCI; Co., Monte-c.a.
his week Mr. Kelly and. - - 'l'
Y, of eeswater. werethe.
es. E. D. Gilmore recently.
tad Jack Henderson. who
eking on the new town
now forthe past few
Tway drawitt(rrsutul- tui• hist
in Goderich.
1uicisnAY. Feb. 15th.
League held a valentine parte at the
h of 0. N-. Erratt on Monday Peen-
ing. The Lea ue members and young
people of the Methodist church eps•nt
a very enjoyable time ; gatIlPR and
amusements were in keeping with the
occasion. - PANCAKE SOCIAL. KtIS IAL. = The Baptist
church. reeve a •'pancake social" last
\Wednesday evening. The culinary
arrangements were in'charge of Janes
Lancing. ` After the supper these in
ilttetulatlee repaired to the auditorium
of the church. where a •urogram con-
. feting of Iden! talent Was ,given.
Proceeds *W. '
.Ierrrtretre -Mise Pearl McPherson Sunday at her home in \Ving-
ham ...... JI iss Mary Searlee. who had
leen,spending a fortnight in Wing-
hartl. returned the latter part of but
week ....,Mrs, Gen Beadle is ill with
bronchitis at present ....:. Miss Maud
Ferguson returned from '4Witlghaui on
Saturday - Joseph Hunter. of
Brussels. visited the Erratt home last
week. ...We are sorry to report
that Miss (iertie Ladd is not improv-
ing very rapidly, t'heumatistn being
the casae of tier illness • Elva
Stonehouse is visiting friends at ihm-
gannnn this week.. -...Miss Erma
Symington has gone to Toronto to at -
MoNta.tY, Feb. llth.
NEWS NIITE1.-\ire. M. Leidy is nu
the.sick lit+t 1►t present Mies Hilda
Boyle is visiting friends in this vicin-
ity miss Corinne I.aurendeau has
returned after a lengthy visit with
friends in Pontiac. Mich' ' Miss
Alice ('lark is visiting her sheer. Mrs.
Win. Thompson . Miss Rebecca
'I'homfeionis visiting l.ncknnw friends
this week Gus McGuire, of Ed-
monton, paid the burg a short visit
hist week Rev. Jas. Wilson. of
Tornntn.•sisitrel his p:cents on the 7th
concession last week. .. ..John Shan-
ahan. of Clinton. was in this vicinity
last week buying horses A. num-
ber of Youths from this vicinity at-
tended a party at-\Vtti. Bray's, on the
ttth c(inceesion, last Monday evening
and report having !kali a gond time.
Tisa Mary Ada Brophy enter-
tagu•d v number of her friends last.
Tiiesilay evening .....Owing to the
stormy weather and bad roads there
was a small attendance• at the Farm-
ers' 014111 me.•3ing on Thursday even-
ing.. A nauutwr from this vicinity
mended the funeral 01 the late John
Moss, which tank place to Dungannon
cemetery last Friday.
Alien's Deng I3xliapi 14 the standard
cure for coughs and colds in the States
and Cahada. '
DUNGANNON. tend the millinery o•lenin a Wm.
' etu to ie home in
W. NON...Athome everyday except Therte- Alb '114.
•1- --:4-1 1 WTON INSNTis \t alper hay r rned h
day. New remedy for exlracttugteethll3onlm)-
forted, better thou, low. Crown and bridge work, ST. HELENS.
ote. tlon i nplates
r it m tnon breakable m •.e
N. -R.- on caalways have your work much THURSDAY, Feb. "10th.
better can always
in the dental other --more time,
better (twilit ies for doing the Mork; more com-
fortabl • for the amticn
N in IMO lion foie The Signal i' et the Post
orrice' nook and Stationery Store, where
Onieret will he received for subwcrtption., ad
.f'ertieing and Job work. and receipts will he
Rives for amount,. paid for the same.
Moaoty, Fel, 11th.
NEws NnTtes,--Miss Lizzie Blake is
visiting friends fn Goderich ... Am-
ick' Phillips, of Penton, is visiting at
his home here .. Mins M. Haste, of
(Crewe, visited her sinter, Mrs. John
111• ke, yestet•dey las. Culbert, of
Crewe, spent `Sunday at the home of
hilt sister, Mrs. Treed Miss Laura.
Phillips is home from Lucknnw for n
few weeks •Our neighbdF'e Mien S.
Irmteeanel John Lasenhy we'ttl`merriest
hot Monday. Their many , friends
wish them happiness Af'ss L.
tewart. of Luckier* spent p�1ndny
With her friend, Mins M..1. IL,sl�dytrele.
who leaver. for 'Toronto this geek.
John and Thomas Miller. of St.
ngleNee. viailed et the home of ,fan.
\\ Oversee bust week ..ur neighbor-
hood is\het'ettpht noted for its music*
inns."' a have a very gotxf
hewtra.1ss t it was eclipsed
when the `•(:talar Palley
an organized fee the puts
open -ail coneertP.. ,5.4 --
of genii
last week
New Gang
R,PP /,f trivia
lar the totem nee semi' to have ip1'
encouraging Aires Oilmen, of Zion.
is visiting his un IP..lns. 'Ws -hetet. (his
week Nam. Is Ai,orick and stcp,h-
Pn ytnlhers paid. A Visit to the roam y'
town last week m. end Mrs, W. ill.
Finla9's,#nterteined n
News of the death of William Cam-
eron was received here with general
regret. The deceased was a native of
this section and had a host of friends
throughout the township and beyond
limits. For about a year he had
been in New Ontario working on an
appointment under the Provincial
Government, and it was in the north-
ern country his death •took place. It
appears that a fire occurred in the
loading house he was living it at
Elk Lake. and in helping to fight the
fire he suffered from cold and expon-
ure and contracted pneumonia, with
fatal refiult. The remains were
brought to his home in this township,
and the funeral took piece to Dungan-
non cemetery' on Monday, 7th inst.
A very large coneK,urse at the 'funeral
showed the.widespread respect and es-
teem in which the deceRRed was held.
A widow, three eons and three daugh-
ters are left to mourn their great loan :
Alpo One sister, Miss Cameron, pnst-
tnistrees of Ht. lleleus.
Alva McLean Takes' His e in Ot-
tawa Boarding -Hon
• Ottawa. Feb. 1:,. - 'God in heaven,'
help rate."
After writing these words Qn the
hack of an envelope, contain a
letter he had received from a yQtmg
lady in Toronto, who is.thought to he
his sweetheart, Alva McLean. -a d
twenty-one, of Hensel!. Outerit,. at
in front of the mirror in his room ate
131 O'Connor street. and deliberately
blew hie \Mains out yesterday after-
noon at 4 o'clock.
The sound of the shot was heard by
A young lady roomer in the house, hut
she was too rrighttned to notify any -
,fa of the oecnrrenae. Shortl - after
.5 o ock the report of three additional
ohotrt•.was .heard. A policeman was
then sutnoned, and the doer, which
was found to be locked on the inside,
broken ()Pm The unconscious form
of the young -men was stretched out
nit his bed. Death occurred about
fifteen minutes Later.
Nothing'is known of the young roan
here. he announcing himself as a stu-
dent when he took up rooms on. his
arrival in the,gity on January' 211th
last. It is thought that the suicide
was caused through a disappointment
in a love affair with a Toronto lady,
whose name is being withheld. .
The only r ommunications or letter.
the -young man received were int a
feminine handwriting, and were post-
marked -Toronto. Deceased was a
science graduate of Toronto Univer-
laity in the 1907 chess.
The young man mentioned in the
!foregoing despatch in a son' of O. 13.
• McLean. Who lives on a farm about
Eine new i alencia Oranges for marmalade opened out this week.
Prices right.
V-• i .
NEW 13E'MONS very choice.
Halibut. Sea Salmon. White Fish, Herrings, Salt Trout, Labrador
Herrings, Yarmouth Bloaters, Smoked Herrings, Smoked Haedies•.
Boneless oneless Codfish. etc. Canned Fish of all kinds.
Two only RIO-pieceslimier Sers, ieautiful decarations, se,
value at $450, choice of either pattern for $8.90 certalgil'
One only 42 -piece Tea Set, oast design, to go at .
M 'pie Syrup, Coin bytur; Vane Ryruis Put•e Honey. Mat mal .,
Jaws, .tellies, e .
Dried Peaches, Prunes, Aptdee, Dates, Figs. etc. , -
Specially good values in Teas and Coffees.
German Sausages, Sauerkraut.'Curd Meats.
Does Your Label Read 1911 ?
two Miles east of Hensel'. He had his
early schooling in Hensall and after-
wards went to the Collegiate in Sea-
foeth, going from there to the School
of Science at Toronto, where he grad-
ptated in 1907 in the department of
civil engineering. He was of a quiet
disposition, and bore a very high char-
acter among his fellows. His family
are am(mg•the best-known and most
highly-reespected members of the com-
munity, Young Mclean was home at
Christmas, apparently in the best of
spirits, and those who know him find
it hard to understand his action. He
is survived by hie mother and two
brothers nod a meter. Dr. Aiken -
head, of ilensel!. is • second c(alein of
the deceased.
WitostreeDAY. Feb. lfith.
Miss Priscilla Dalton left "n Tues"
day for Toronto to finish her trade as
a tnilliher. Iter many friends here
wish her success.
few friends on
I'rle'ndty evening ie.t week and on
Wednesday atHae-
belt's' veto ioai( from Hae -
belt's' alt eninyahlJt\eve•ning at.
the Lorne of Gee 'I•wemiey1 Bailie
Rrdtheris who Was teaehing`st nerves
he. moved to Nagnetawan .\.... Bert
Iteed Inv de.'edret lo, go Went b�rad has
ad eettlared a sale for next Wedn\ssd&y
_v mamilla fs9.LlAtiafa9sL ellhistra3tiBtlfsear stklis>it7 bre
I ra .. •+111, i111Al■$!NOM 111614MIEr
1 �mi-
}� ft�il�i1!1� A�elil$1/-
■ aesOsOla�� _ •tl!
Pelf !sates wear nest -Aeries for Lawns. arts, Perera, aid galleried*. 11.M miter o1 targe
Peaces and 71 000 r.` a Gate* new In nne in ra nods. Out 1010 Penes .re tetter vias ever. rage
Gates for 1110 have Ga), bed Frames. Get mit latest Mices end booklet. •
Largest fence and gate mannla1Mrer. In Canada M
TI t E first shipments of Laces and Embroideries for 1910 are just
out of the cases this week and all really for early shoppers.
New designs by the dozens, and every wanted width. Qualities
you eau depend on to stand' ming a trip . to the wash -tub -a
collection that is worth your while to see even if'rou dont want to
buy ,ltsi yet. ,
Anderson's Scotch
B eImtiful new designs in
the a we.rld-"atiaus gingham,.
Non emit.. s I god wade any-
wher . llhecku. stripes. plaids
in colivr combinations that .bre
decidedly neve and irneonlmon.
Plenty of the ever popular
small checks and stripes in al1
colorings. Qualities that will
stand no end of weer.. and as
they are "Andersern'e" make of
course they will wash.
ISc, 20e, 25c and 30c
the yard,
We are selling a "'4 of them
these days.
Splendid Cotton Values
N`e bright theae 0phons months before •tie sensational jnn.t.
in Cotton prices -bought them right from the maker, tote The
values are away ahead of any we can get today, andou cannot
make an'. mistake buying rix months' supply while we have have
Fine English Cott(ni. bleached. soft finish SC
Heavy'Englisb Catton, cambric Anish,'Splendid cotton
forgeneral use. Special, per yard 10c
An extra fine English Cotton; cambric finish, ;very 12'c
Queen banality Cambric-flaisb Potton. very flnoe, soft 5c
English Nein-oak, full yard -wide. absolutely free from y �1
dressing. a regular G)c quality, per -yard only 1
- Extra fine Cambric and Madapolam for fine Underwear. "In
171', 114c .4
and durable, per yard
25 Coats at $1.48
Most a r e children's
garments, but even mil it is
a very little price for is
good emit of any kind.
We are very, very anxieties
to well them or we wouldn't
think nf'making the price
so low. The ladies' Coats
are all tweed mixtures:
children's are tweeds and
• plain cloths. Af y one;
commencing Hatu rdey
only 1.48.
-Last Chance at the=
Klondyke Tables
To slake a clean pweep of
the ((londyke Tahles Saturday,
we nave reduced all along the
line. They will be wanted for
other purposes next week.
Commencing Saturday rnornin;
The 2 for sic Tehlee wil be 4
for So
The 5cTables will be ? for50
The IUs rabble l be So
TThe-We-T*I+IewwNt4re :-: r, ..10a-
The 1% Tables will be 15
The 23c Tables will be 1 Se
The :We Tables will be 25c
The 50c Tables will be 39c
The 75c Tables will be ' 110o
The $1.00 Tahles will be. 780
The $1.25 and $1.50 Tablet
will be .-..$1.00
The $I.Ilti Tables will be $1.50
The $2.48 Tables will be $1.98
Don't forget that our great February Fur Sale has one more week to
run. We are offering the greatest price reductions in the history of the Fur
trade jn Goderich to clear out the Fur stock to the last dollar's worth. Furs
and r Coats are selling at ridiculously 'low prices, quality considered.
COAT -MAKER WANTED First class Coat --later wanted to work on
ladies' coat •. Work to commence March 1st.