The Signal, 1910-2-17, Page 7TWV •If:N a 1,: GOI)ICRI(:H ONTARIO TSQIi(IWAT. FM/Mk/AIM 17 1910 ae4v444 civigi°Q4°Q4° ° °lie°iii° 9199 °°ii°4g 9i 44* ** **** ° *4 ** 49??* °s':4 • The News of the istrict. 4. 4 t x 4446 ilhafr b1644484545.4a454545404449414045464545***456#64546456&454546•5654545-45444***4 536 40t PORT A -UN ----4 -------ABT-WAWANOSH.- -- re unanimous invitation to main pas - TUESDAY, Feb, Sth. Basest/slim. Feb. 9th. tor of that church for another year. i'osu •• No Uoistre -klies MyiHe ToWnsilu• Cuu.tvt•11..-The council (In Monday of leaf week at Clinton, with her suet today tursuatlt to adjournment. Mrs. Elizabeth McCourt became the Simile, of Detroit, is shit ing ) 1 wife of James Butler, o Oxbow, hark. i),tt.,,t,te at present- . f.• , Misr ifwanchr Heming nt s alt prts,t•ut. Jtbpiteeed. Moved by v Father Hanlon fierformed the With Ed. Ulver are spending a Mw ies la fdrrlluu illll l seconded cctiandud sib Mr.Caw Y setewony. I frith tetrose :►t bell, that IL Veustone, barrister, of One day last week, while H. Hunter, -i l�:u•1rr, tit Nlltvrrtun, ds the guest l)6 NVwghauh, be reappointed eoliciter tut• her• •ousiu, Mias'R H•'leo• nhala t of Exeter, war on his nonose as asses- her he yi•srr Geitie sud Edith Fielder he towusbip for lel►1. Carried, The nor. he had the misfortune to Ix• tori• teturnsd frons a cheek's Vis rise .Yuditurs' report uud treasurer's, ate thrown from hii horse, dislocating his have jetves at Kincardine sir, end 'tract t tr 1900 received and read. right arta. )Its. Allege Gordon visited friends et Moved by Mr, Hutt, seconded by Mr. M,*•. and Nina. Geo. Lawson, Credi- llrurfield Iaet week . • .... MtsN Allis . Chatuney, that the same as now read ton, were Nurprised by about sixty '.Johnston 1 nrUnr tar returned to li.alrrlchl Paid. elied s timid, is$$ IMtat the I e*cb for their spier.. week and presented eveninge friends on NIondav withMorof ris vices. Carried. • Owing to some die- Chair and wicker. satisfaction Craving arisen of tete years Alex. MacEwen, of Bluevale, has iu txs payment of certain rchsol been appointed tow*nehi) clerk of Mor - money's to mune 'whose sectwur in the eie, to ruccr.d the late William Clark. M. school Gt a u i 'mendinga mouth in. three hiel pparte... rs urex), of t;,al,.j•j,• 1, is attending her niece, Mrs, We". Richardson, who it uuder the can• mf 1)r. t\'bitelyat present. Monies-. Feb. lath. '1'tir: I,A'rx 4 41(4. D0WailN.-Ou Sun- uluuiciptiliey at different iutrrvalr thl•ougho.n. the year. whereli suave MacEwen has taught r seise.' ,iectiou were laced at a Mout- nuluber 01 year". dre. In,Ln�ry ver ' Hernia', grime '4 p The hardis tiro► of Davis & Ballo_ vaat&Ke afunx with pttteF obi n,• l) p,irr.)d awatan tide pl•iof of WON ordered uuannuouwl th•tt no land, of Clinton, which had been in Urn . I►uwsl)n, of the ,e,ldrncr of his rt arrutn.lal ,aid by tbe'tleacure'r for exietense ter &boost twenty years, has daughter. Mrs. Jenkins, in the city u( cacti piopusrr this couhiug reseal) and keen dissolved, The burineem will be Brantford. .l)res'asrd war torn in further tlwt the several trertees 1w.. continued by Mr. Rowland, lurk•I,irr, h:nRiund. over citthty-dvr seked to take note of this resolution Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Anderson. of Exe- v,,,T ,,;err, -sits- tient.. to t'ansds about htuul t:t tjuvrrp thrall-eh/et uccotdin lv ter, announce the marria¢e of their db., y, ar, Igo. lir w•ulstd in til. t'hs (olluwing&(nonce were preseotrd slaughter, Nike Florence htbel. to H. for nsti �,I .tile cumertli t10 y�1111$0111111)0111utette ro 1 .,nler,vl to l,e pins : Alex. Push r N. Been. of HurtiMbueg, to take plica held. 'e tt'il'NY as division regi►trar, ,.n Wednesday, February 16th. lb,. %..,,t isvti, ami living affil at out 415.0 311.10; The Municipal Wo, Id, as- J. J. Darwin, who had barn nut the 45,4454). eau near Port Albert. He e.-nlin,it rolls and other suppliee, $7.. oaf( +.f The Se&forth Expositor for then went first to Brantford. then to yi :.Jodi/ H. JleUlinton, refund of dog over thirty-five years, huts resigned his Ns-tw, Neve Yank State, then to • t»x, I*MrJ, $1.011; Joh( II. Nlcelinton. position to bee heel agent for the titan elij-jdg.•, �Illf keit&, la VIe1L Ills •,-,uf'Jaxes w 11. • 1 1!rudeatiat ln•u,'ance Cow anther,, Hrnelurnrd tr. tits usrer's,-rrns a, - 11.11*; John H. M(Cliuton, Company.._. ---- tiwell-known %bee o „Jur. Snell, the el He the -Nile. and' went t It), „."mane '•of salary its "Restos, 11tll, I> Heel) honer of refuge for the winter $jIJt 9; Johp S. Scott, attar er tomo- raiser of Hallett w•e tie -hr a • leets; thee! beck with his slater y director of the Dominion Sheep-breed- aWitt-wt.-$1:.tr►;-=James •W -liner - A:wrruhatinn at the meMtinKof tits ar, 1t• m their W ftrsntfurd t*) 11 (4elahy its township auditor, $J4..WM►, (jos Association at Toronto host week: sr`,. ,'441,1 ,1,no,flit, where .m yi. i He motion of Councillors Chauhne and David Hoggart, of Hallett, has pur- tt.,-,-irttat,l Mod closeb•,utrr in'the,( ass dell,,theetmeet! then adjourned ')letI,dist :hutch and a Reformer ib I chased I. Cricb'r tartu of seventy-five to LOert attain on Monday, Klatch '21st Y p,lii,,... He leaves Lis wife and three next, at ll) o'clock a, in., a•h.'n path. iacres in Tucks smith. The price paid itililfai T'ra: Nit*. Jenkins). of 13raut..�._... P .seas $4,41111• Mr. first Ron will masters, tenitidieepeir mid fence-, move there stout the first of Nlarcb, I'''' t . (lost • '21. t nor. ui •, "eget" will 4eapta,iutrd f•o the gree- \ \ 11, •slainp. Shi Mui.koka. Is tit sear. AI,kx, l'oltTERI'IKt u, Rev. E. H. Cod B. A.. who waw (int' a la in:rr, s1rr.4ShbiiJM of NII•.;( reit. y. who Al have the. syutpathy of then recently a , rointerl rectar'oCSt. l'oof'a (buret). Wingham, preached hie M- il wed- in their lots. 'CAUSE OF ECZEMA EXPLAINED. Augural ,a•rmons on Sunday, titlt anat.. COLBOnNE. I to large and appreciative audiences: •Tr itrrnsv. Fell, $.t b, - i Germs Fester in the Skin and Blood Clues )lies Grace Cudntore. of Exeter, mel • •.Tut: 1. 4 tea I►Avin HKAI-K.Y.-The IAre Imtlagsi111e, with an accident on Monday of last desth-+•.•i'tn'rcd 0*)'1bur•Mdiev,2'ith ult.. week. She was a* seems sour steps 04,0,0id 1lralry.,,aftrr r two .w,s•ks'! After yritrs of &hate Midfeet au- and Online on fee she fell and broke r !iurisy. Mr. H.•alry livid , iMnitir> err. now,tgreed that .eczeura one of her ribs. She will be laid up int,. I' u,d „t tier piton diseases xrr mit' seated • at ll, -1,i, Iter, but' tv.ts vi•Iung hjs ie the blood; hot NIv(8UMrd by germs hoe.. . I. i •.eph Healey. of the L,sik it, the skiff 31tria.lw `of• microscopic Skis:, , ..A. when he was token jll' itnjutels gnaw the asst jest below the }1eµ,. -ay-right years of age gtoi el,iUrrtur•+. The prtirnt•is perfectly !r,,)•.., umluw end tamily of one nt.n i,,.,tlthy..14 it. telly the skin that ie Mite t• a dsughtrrs. The rvnnain.. eased. Heuer, , irotists are now s,,,..1)?erred on Stanntay,:lot h ult. 4. in the ('• Ibnrnr Catholic trmelrry,'iagrwd'hat you notal cure the skin after .e1 t' Ire et St. Peter's .church, iht ,ugh the skin. Th: p.11lwareri. were W. F. Y.arng. 1 , 'The medicine mina be in liquid- trot ,ttr6.,e1 Urso• )' in order to penetrate' prnlwrly, as r 441`41,11 and iihamenre - t g -i to --pore r h,bnt'hi-holm. K. (ihddnn and J0h0 I without teaching the inner'sk•in. .Unllst,•r- 1 The remedy that will search out-andA. (4: l', W. tw. ee I.ATsrl6. She '- ih.tro 'y t'•ie dilea.r germs. stop the rani I...Ig.•, N. :417, A. U. 1'. NV„ it,•h and seethe the healthy theme is Brener ..1 . btu, a big night on Tues- that mild, (;can, e p .and of oil of day.0t.1.,-t %seek. when the install&- wintetgreee. thy 1. glycerine, etc.. ti..pis „MINI?, for 1910 ass conducted'kn'wn*. l) 1) D. Prescription. by 1I. I Mullis, of (itslrtich,, It. D- 4i.' The. in -cant you` wash with this ',H. 1'+-1.1•. iustailing the i.n{crrs the s,,,,tliing li,o .id yon will find the itch 1). I), ti. 11: initial.d two candidates relrivrd. We positively assure you of end assn have an excellent eddies* on lhi, , the in•" that the Cnitrd Workmen• \Mite the D. 1). 1).. t.ahorat.nrie•. Our .4 Ina remerka wee that the 111411- Dept. i i, 44... 2.3 Jordan St.. 'l'onpntu. ati.,I4 tido the oiler in 11199 numbered -tier a. flet. trial Note, and pricy it toe too owes than tbole in• 1i*kt. y„tireelf: flee. 11'. Emelt, who is a member of .For sale by alldrnggist•. the Wirt. a1.10 gave an interesting ad• - dress.:tnd after business watt over the i lnrthlen gathered around a suenntu• }if, cove, ee.,nomical, p lea tt a n't- wt. -table ,wd heartily enjoyed en 4 th hal LOON. r111 you ask Itavi� Mn•n- s1v's1,•r spier. afti•r which sprrrh.M• (thi.l salve, fu11111l these 444 hire* wrrr `a ant in „met% Nr. mortis. end is the hrrt trrurdy'• fur hire* .and vv.,r 1) , ol,u•h enj•,yed, and the lip,. l elinits. skin diseases piles, etc. 'laic Miller I.; et hien believe tic is the right Ij pli•r tin. - man 111 11,.. right place. Following are the • ti '.yrs of the lodge for -11110 : I P. 1l- W,,, Thomas Bion : NI. W., Riche -I M,s,r•• ; overseer. Mr: I'.u'k• . wool : foreman, \V[u. Millisn : staid,. - Henry Fisher : rreu,der,.3Verd' (Heil- I V* roxetee hag' prnsp•cts of an irn- bill: lina('ncier, W. Stranghan ; 1. W ., proved banking service. Mr. ,tit,,.; O. W., J. Meilen. Ir. T. F. Coleman has -sold his residence CAul.ow, Feh. beth. I in !.*forth and will likely go to Chi- Tmr, s►u p Coo v. l l.. - -COI borne council held its. Ligular meeting. All the menders present. NI1nut es of ores. mom meetingtead and adopted, The auditors' re4ott was read and on mitten t f Councillors Wilson and manted s uperxtinns in its factory: at - ___tee4+ s,„.„ w _yeeetved. Thee ,n,:n e is a summary : Total receipts. f114,R14-.' , :111: total rxpenditere. $14,144,1); hal- )ore Roht. Walker. of Howiek, encs on hand, $1170.39: uncollected near Oorrie. died suddenly on Tuesday taxes, sows): total, $870.219. Assets I,f lent week. nnrteil*Ise : Towi..hip hall, $2W(LIM); Mrs..lohn Cober and family. well - cemetery,. $.,441,($1; gravel pits, $265.- known residents of Brawls. intend to (0; total. $075.I0. Liabilities: But- remove to Torontes rowed money, 31.2nn• Xl; oolbretor's sal- The Clinton town council has voted arY, $lyl IP: due contractor., *232,6l; to • reduce the number of licensed Wt81, 41 Arlen. Accounts paid : Audi- hotels in that town by one. tors, Shoo; (ieo. Sanderson, breaking' road. $4.15; Proudfoot, Hays & Blair. $7,(4l collector's salary. $(10.00; collec- • tor's l•wtnge.'$.'3.00; Sensual Mitchell, - - Rase!, *41.20 Moved by Councillor Halliday, seconded by Councillor Wil- I Ambrose Smith. who wise manager son, that W. C. Robertson and Wesley of the Sovereign Bunk at Exeter a few Alljn be refunded the 5 per cent. years ago, died recently at Dlmdllrn, chsrg.d in addition to their tax. Car- .- rird. Adjourned to meet *gain second '1'uesdal in Mareh et 2 o'clock p. m. F. W. M Doseeti. Clerk. DISTRICT NEWS. for some tune. While cutting Mown A tree the other day et Exeter. Joseph Nnrthcott got s had creek in the. eye. He haul felled a tree and the butt slipped and struck him. Fortunately nothing more than a black eye resulted. At. the 'hems sf the la ode's parents at t'liuton. on the 5th inst., Clara Mends. daughter of Mr. and Nies. James. Siteep, was united. 1St marriage to Augustus F. ()oltver. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. T. W. (Owens. A very i,retty wedifing was solem- nized • at the :Methodist pkrsion- a if P. Bltievale, on \Vedne.day. February 2nd. when :foss Inez Ethel Andrews lwearne the bride of Freder- irk A. Cornell. Itev. J. W. Andrews tied the nuptial knot. On Thnrsday. February :3rd. the death occurred at Wingham of Mrs. Oscar Sparrow. at the agd.d twenty- one s-earst and six months. She was married Ostia three years ago and lived for some time at. 1•'lesherton be- fore.coining tai Wingham, John S••hilhe has sold his farm of seventy-five acres. on the 14th comps - Rion of flay, to Frank E. t)enomme. of Kt, ,Joseph, fn. $4,2.511. Josteph (kweb has sold his farm of ninetvdive acreti on the _ Bronson line to Jacob Schwartzentrrlber ter $4.301. to wedding was solemnized ,at the Methodist parson*ge at Brussels on Wednesday of last week. the contract- ing pat ilea being Charles E. Bone, of ' e,,tt, Sask.. and Mise Florence B. McCtede of Trowbridge. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. E. G. Powell. Coughs of Children Especially eight coughs. Na. ture needs whale helb to quiet the irritation, control the is - nematodes, check the progress of the disease. Our advice is -give the children Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Ask your doctor If this Is his advice also. He knows best. Do as he says. cage. Reeve.law.len of Exeter left last w,•rk for the Old Country to purchase home's. The. Jackson Mfg. Co. hes . coin - Mess Walker. mother of Joseph Walker, of Culross, passed away on Sunday, fith inst.. in her ninetieth year. MONUAY•, Feb. IIth. NoTsa,-Miss McMicheal, of Sea - forth, is visiting with her cousin, Miss Pear4 Fisher Harold Aloin anti Wesley Hawkins spent Sunday with years. friends in Crediton Mr. Arm- Indo J. fiahkirk, recently of Brutestrnng leaves for his home in the West next week Rev. E. F. Hoist expects to be in Zurich this week to help in the evangelistic services hying heel there by Rev. A. D. Glschler, a former pastor here ....John fichwanz's elle nn Saturday was not as successful as was hoped for, the e~rye bid not h1eing reached, Mr. Schwanz has de- cided not to go West for the present. Current rept.rt had it lest week that the tracks of a tear had been seen on the 4th r:oncessinn, but it hart been ascertained that there is no (ansa for alarm, !telt was merely the trail of a wandering hunter on snowshoes. An Opportunity. Judge : ikt you swear to tell the teeth, the whole truth ? Fair Witness,' : It will he just per- fectly loyely if your really have the time to listen. Canadian beartreats b in Beet inn, with other value Ib a &Renta. melting it the Myst pomade. 60e. a jar. The Robson Mercantile Co„ who were" In bossiness in NVingham for some time, have closed their business there. August Flaxhard died at Zurich on Theraday morning, 3rd Inst,. as a re- sult of paralysis, at the age of eighty James Bolger, 44th line of Morris. has sold his fine ten -acre farm to his son. Thos. H.. for the sum of 435,5.*), is,eseeeion to be given in the course of a modal. Thos. Bulge►• has disposed of his seventy-five acres to Archie Mc CwHute; wIur Is home from the West, receiving $4.150 for it. Donald Mc- Callum. rt);lose' property adjoins it, will be the new proprietor and his father and mother will move to the house from their present•home.on the ath line. Joe and Was. U. Bolger, sons of Jas. Bolger. will,go West. sets. has purchased the merchant ten- ni in'os)ness of W. A. Baker at Fort Frances, Messrs- ;Hill Si Co, have finished the steel work on the Glen bridge in Stanley. The cement floor will not to laid until spring. The annual seed show tinder the anspices of the Routh Huron Agricul• tura! Society will be held et Brace - field March 4th. John Seendrett, of Relgreve, has sold his 100.acre farm to John f,. Geddes for $5.5(8). Mr. Geddes takes possession in the spring. Mrs, Jame* Rolston. 5th Concession of Howick, died on February 2n1 in her thirty-flrst year, leaving her hus- band and an intent child. Adam 1Mupe. of Rirkton, metwith an accident on Tuesday of lest week. having hie font end leg crushed by a large block of Ice falling on him. Dr. Rutledge, pastor of Wingham Methodist church, has received a Scotts Emulsion W• 74.‘41 .b foraulr u• u n..k f ., . ssd,ma.. Wu.Y• you to consult your doctor ers 1f you think constipation is of trifling consequence, just ask your doctor. He will disabuse you of that notion in abort order. "Correct it, at once!" he will say. Tben ask him about Ayer's Pills. A mild liver pill; all vegetable. - &tale eess. J. 0. Apar o.., Get the Habit ill•'1ItA\'I;I.I•i\4: BY 'rllld CANADIAN, PAC1FIC Splendid service to TORONTO AND MONTREAL. NO CHANGE CARS. Reach Toronto 11.36 &. in. Reach l i•oderich 1011.p. on. Beautiful Catches. Travel once (14 P. R.- always C. P. 1C- • Buy your tickets fIoni . JOS. C. P. R. Agent, tiodericb, Ont. Office hours (;.:i9 a. w. -to 13,39 µ m' , GRAND THUNKYS M aind.cmw G249vd' Gail ,a4rtiL� is • 16 UNUGUT SOAP is the original -has been the standard for thirty-five years. There arc thousands of so-called "just as good" Emulsions, but they arc not -they are simply imi- tations which arc never as good as the original. They arc like thin milk - SCOTT'S is thick like a heavy cream. If you want it thin, do it yourself -with water - but dont buy it thin. TOR alt.* PT ALL DRUGGIST. meets you half -way -does all your work in half the time if you follow directions. Sunlight Soap -absolutely pure -saves clothes from in- jury handsfrom roughness life from drudgery. -Illmoul IS. assn. .4 pori., .d YIs .4. for oar boastital Isar Irak ..na,w n.M.n Nero* Irk r.ar. Inborn Bei SCOTT • BOWNE tag W.was« street. Wer Tweets*. oat. G. JOHNSTQN EMBALMER , AND FUNERAL DIREOTOR Furniture and Undertaking wareroome West aide Square. 'PHONE : Store( i. Uode:tch Residence 178 Night cal*: At residence, 33 William Street_ 1 Passengers for Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta USE THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM AVIA- St. ('lair funnel .0 _,d (:fiidrgo• Chen( of router trove there. Nearly all double_ track - contributing to safety, speed and comtort. ` Passes through" principal Cap- adian and United Stater Cities. No uninot00y• MODERN EQUIPMENT.' For rates. tickets anti full information apply to. ' T. 1.A W RENCE, Down Town' Agent. Office hours 11.:111 test. to 9'p. ni. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO The Established Route to Goww Banda is by the Canadian Northern Ontario 1 to (iowgenda Junction and the (low -I ;lands Transport Company. Fast and fj reliable service. Fifteen hours shorter Than any other route and lower rates. Passengers corning from outside of "Toronto can make very fast con- nection by taking the Canadian Paciflc Winnipeg Expres* at 10.10, connect with the C. N. O. train at Sudbury, which welts for this trans and arrives in lidwganda that evening at 9.10 p. nr., or under twenty-three hours. Fos tickets sad information apply to nearest C. P. It. Ticket Arent. nesmissmsemstmi To the General Public of Goderich and Victnity- You will find it to Your Interest to call on W. R. Pinder 1»r .anything you want in the line of Heating Plumbing Metal Work Electric Wiring and Fixtures. First --lass line of Ranges Heaters Graniteware and Tinware. Prompt attention given to all kinds of Jobbing. W. R. PINDER 'Phone 456. Sole Agent foe Me celebra/ea Brantford Roofing. OVERCOATS , 1 n order to make -room:for our Spring stock (lye are offering great bargains in Overcoats, some as.low as' sir Half Regular Prices Styles and quality are the best, and value' unsurpassed. It twill pay you to buy next winter's Overcoat NOW. McLean Bros. 'Phone 77. North Side Square. Bargains in Felt Shoes We are clearing's ut thebalance of our stock of Felt Bls 'and Slippers at slaughter prices. AYo .broken lines of Shoes for the whole fa`glil�� G. M. ELLIOTT 1 J. BKOPHEY & SUN --T1113 LEADING - Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carulully ■ttsn..d to at .11 aour.,night .r day .tor Our Shoes Will Shine gloriously when e 1)111 pare d with nidolary footwear. They are so much smarter in Shape and finish. The sante supe- riority is apparent whether you look at our sitter for Children or Grown-ups The bast of it in, too, that they wear as well ow they lank, and keep their good shape until the. last.. I)o we keep shoe fixings :+ Of course. We have the test polishes, black- ings. brusher. etc„ you ever .ave, Wm. Sharman GODERICH. Q Qo � Bargai nso HEATING STOVES 1 Art Garland with oven, nearly ,ss good as new, $34), for ..... sSe's 1 No. 11 Radiant Home. waM,s645i `now .$2) 1 No -5 Radiant Home, was $22. naw,... .. . $17 1 No. 1M McClary Company's Ht ater with oven, for $10 Ale) a number of other smaller Stoves at greatly redt.cc.d prices. --� SECOND-HAND 0 Stor, ' 22 COOK 'STOVES 1 No. 41 imperial Oxford with reservoir, neatly new, was $25, now $20 1 No, 9 Itegal Perfection, was 320, now $16111 1 No. 91,e Roy $10 HORSE ,BLANKETS The season is getting late, and the few we have left we have cut to &price to clear out. If you want one, now ie your cbaucc, $3.50 Blanket for $2.5.1 $3.25 Blanket for $3.00 Blanket for $3.(10 Blanket for 'a,....9 82.75 Blanket for. . $1.95 $2.65 Blonket for w ,.$1.90 $2.65 Blanket for - 1 Si) $2:40 STOCK FOOD Have you ronsidertd how much money you are losing by nc t feeding br. Hesse's Stock Food? It makes your cattle healthy, and with health they put on flesh, which is money. With eggs at thirty rents per dozen. you should use Pan-a-rea. This is a poultry food which keeps your bens healthy and laying all Winter. Plumbing, Heating. Steamllt.ting and Tinsmithing and Electric Wiring we give prompt attention and all work fully guaranteed. D Q Phone CHAS. ]fie . C. L aJ E ri Louse '-Duone ou e'Phone 112 11=== =I evil