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The Signal, 1910-2-17, Page 5
• • t • THE SIGNAL': GODERICH ONTARIO as 1 i 'THDItAWY, FlatRt'AMY 17, 1910 d LOCAL TOPICS 1 audience greatly appreciated the lec- ture. The event wax under the abs piers of the Young Jfen'r Am/elation of the.chutch. �__ _ A paragraph in The Signal of two d[lose. :This was of no avail and in weeks ago in reference to the case of : Store. Omicrons 1. __Willem. ui lerusettls,- War 11 Tree "will be Rive d �1 It bout drtial The to a e�eo t alf e w he Was eras wuwewhat ambiguous, %Vilton was "M.' it'''. 14'4 (North etho ; � o to en . nvleted before ae lits Honor u ge North street 111 eo .Judge Holt of the crime charged ugainet him inawrly, unlawful ia(tercouree with bis daughutrl,but in view of the tact that he is to come up at the next aesixes, in March, on another serious charge, Judge Holt deferred pronouncing eent- tnce until after the triol thl th]ufurtber charge. t,HURCH NOTES. fern. in Mate ratty ''leas and orches Ittirch by b era went-el„y evening a when Miss ue4 u,dist parsonNK strew th Se tae. Heayere w as united in utas I.ge to Arthur Evans by Rev. K. \V. \I,hy,tr.I, piston of Vi'.turia st{•eet chinch. 'l'he happy couple wilt lake up their residence in 1. ship Hul.u.11,Promotion ,Exariinatione• .l•h,.d uniform pro ,puti in exatnine- tans for the public eehools of Hinson sill begin on Metech 1•lrtd, 1910. Teaich- ere should notify' their Iuspectur 11 on -e of the number of papers re- cruit -ea -ter classes 11., III. and IV. 1bt.w papers if ot•d1•re1 in time will he before ;o the teacher'' address sent 11h Pith. Drug Store to Change Hands. • ( \\ tar u tat •. Wetter t••e ttm dale. ` --r ter' tiahs- sea adding was solemnized on .\,iuiet at the Victntta Wilson r o .n hes. E. It. \' Igle, business of red the diii sines fit'baseLutes \Vilsou and wile take the I s' sl within the next three or four wei•ks.. . Wilde.fou" ,•\IrWilde.is a yotiUK ttw ,ataLu member , of Pharmacy. id the l•ntdt o College, glad to eiett,,il, oetbe reetreHillmn who has linto it tri• r Harty business, ie to been inelt•re,• of theuntil he lute w , r'eli'sh In the store , c lire• in the fall, . A 1•,_ , eat the b•wtin Salley -riled Thud -•1 iy night ts•tweeu evils( l.- 4 I trains sebtlted in si Mltt for ll be, ae..I, wt.re. who had lief Ir s m . to chi. good. The retires/ : ' U.N!crirb rtcafort 1, K .,, blains were broug t to Stratford for Intenbeut. Mr. alkelde, who left Stratford ten years ago 't6 take up 1'inctiitig ht .Kite `\"1tMt; Is bur'i'ed by hie wily, two) daughters L4)(Iie, of 14414 'ford, antieennie. teaseling in the West and rine eon, %Vilnaut, an oper• awe at Elora. Ilesvl14 fifty-two years The Late Thomas Campbell. A worthy and respected resident of the town partied aws� un Friday last, in the parson of T1 as Campbell. Brock strut, wh•, had real ee the good old age of righty -one years 'and eleven mouths. lie had been in fail- it.g health for None. mouths. leffrire hitt resnevel to Glderich \Ir. Campbell was a resident of ('oq,ut•ue'tuwnxhip for ever a quarter of a century. 'and the remains Were laid at ret on Tees-. day, in the Cullorne cemetery. Rev. ,las. A. Anderson conducted conducd the fun• et 411 hlv'vicee. and the pallbearers WaiteM.4..4..-fil.a.;iklyAwe_ Ai. (:tree, Alex_ Ura..-. •r.: .hN • 1,1e•t 11.. .. :ill) II.' _ . � 131 \1 e-r.vbtl. -: 1:., .ten spool _ :rel lir!. tet• 4 older. ... 17 1 'rill ',roe .I:,b 3:..J tiwi °ca!e ut May G. ©rah'am. Tee teeth h of Miss Mal pate, fir/thew, et. t he •,..e..11 eight yetix y . ed ,,,, \I•,i:i.il hast at Mune- of 'ti*. Ca,h, r••t�::+ale street. with whoa' the dercx,••tl hod hevu living for *tine emir. \I1-, Glabaith was a *later of 'The .idle Thomas Graham. of town. tIbe*wide 'her hoar in t,'hieage f•rr flany '. t i1 . The funreel which was private, :..,.k -place yestertiey' afte;r- ale•n. 41•.ni. the residences of tier \ At•k i [I rv. %l ark Graham. n. nephew. %V.II. l rp f.idf and/h•tng the d!'rviPrs mitt len, �( t r p,dltN dols tering E. Deserting. Ed. w 1.l.\;•hrson, B. :Switzer and \1r al. \Yal nck. - Stirling, Alex. Kobeltsup, Cowan and Thos. Mallows. Mr../:amp- bell was a native of Kirkeo,ibell, Duui- friebehiI , ticotlarid. and carne tl this country in Nei'. lu leen he went bark to his native place and married 'hie uuw bereaved IArtuee, and ,eturnhlg to Carbide mode his 1 witlh Iter at Herpnrhey. About two years later thi y to up. a fitrrrilln the boundary line lit 11u11ett, near Blyth, and after six years there they caste to l'olhorne. where they a intintoed to reside until abeist eight orielsage. \%darn they re- tina -Toon tiny -Toon ti's fat•,u anti /Milt up s w re'Idrurc stn town. The derra.•i•.l x a Presbyterian i,t religious faith and a Lila.' al in p editil:s , Death of .Matthew Algie.. Wu"' hys 11,!"1 ru txcrivt•d of the death of Met.. thi t • A. Altir, pi(Imrie•for of )he -McKellar 1louba! at •13lene• e, wltil liau: urred Muielity moi'IIJQ&+Z,`r'I' an illt►rsN 4.•Iidir,K over • •(here tnnutils. • '1he Ate '•\I et' _\ Kir was kn.iwu ihro.sg iuIlf Westet•,lleh,eave, abd es1se',rtt by I,mdre}Is of 1l•iendm. Id o' age, a' •' s 1 v. . It li K H .1 ti f Ness 1 or n int l Igor, (hit, For :1 vest needy peat I' was a ,f./ithful templeyr.ul t11e 1 r.i ul Ti Itnk ai1N'•iv, °t a• Iti,•tor had several different 4 the service of - the 1.. 1'. K in 1,,•e:u .1'lnede his first run ont of At. 'I'I,00,.t . yin which city be resided for tffte' Il ruts. tie was then trap*fuzed to P.. t Hertel. ' 1(1,watt. _end (roto that p tint to I •, +! then to Goderich: where he. utade hi' lean, t01•.L,•11 years Tlfe he want to •'•111111 Luutlon brad dire veto,. , ,. t K (slim the tltitway service. h moved t.i \t iugha11t, where lir pun meed the KUi,c• Edward h ttel,'' wine he eon_ deie ted fur *erne. years. Aye• rt"e,'pe.re dolt tfir le leetlar firtm^ !•, i,•, *Ii' -re be 4, i hilt' one. 11 1 e 110.4 Weiner'', ' It .1.1.41. :, n.•n in 11 to N. rel Ar 11 1 lis 14 ecu-%ia•ed ht• his wife at f -two snots and three daughter.. On son. .lbei t, i. hi \ir.l:sine If tt. an the other wen. 1.0en1, at home. \Ira.', )hn Martin. 4)4 1. atg:ire : Mt*. •Siunuel ( tr- r..n. a,l Ho.well, %l irk/. and Nisi. Fadi at thane. art* d•utghtera. The paten of tleM UI•tl. Mill a atilt, (1st.: a ' • .l .'idI t I ir, 1 K and In„Ibor. .I,itles Algie•; hi t ll •il h, ► 1 ti ,.dt : Ih.re slNt.•tis. \Ir 4 •L I'. r,' •:�� 1 r • N1••1 • .•i .n I t It 11, A. \V. \Valk.•r. ,f St.. •I.'aul. \I:4,_, .1-u ••n itvr. Nit. .Ugie Was a rnviuln.•nt \l ..on :WA aha u urr•Id12t't ' r f•m esti t d .1 7h .k .11 „chat I „ .. -. Ilr. and Mrs. Dougall entellained the tnetnlesrr of the ntHcial lerards of North -street at the parsonage on Thursday evening. North street \leth,xliet ,church: Subjects for next Send/ay--Il a. n1., t• Where the' Rieh Young Man Came Abort." 7 pen.. "If the Bible Be Um - true, -Then What?"" The quarterly banquet of the North street Methodist, Sunday school offi- cers and teachers is tieing held this Friday evening. An interesting d Table_ Conference bas been arranged to sown after the banquet. At the Salvation Army barracks on Sunday at 3 p. rat. Capt. Brown will ,speak on the sultject, "God's Expecta- tion., !-Shall They Be Disappointed?" At night Iti p. w•1 "A. Foolish Bar- gain" will be the subject. Everybody welcome identified with the local branch of the Children's Aid Society, spoke of the work which this branch has been do- ing. Last Thursday evening a 'nowt suc- cessful box social was held in the. Y. M. C. A. rootne under the auspices of the liilteeleior Bile's chew .uf Victoria street Methodist church, with a good crowd in attendance. Tho first part of the evening was *pent in social in- tercourse and gamer and then a short program was rendered. Burt 1[alt ea pret :lent of the olds' waw cheirwatl and wade a few remark' with regard to the aim and object ut' the class ,ar an organization and extended an in- vitation to all the young men of the town to become mealttere. Mr. Cook's Peerless Quartette Kate it selection and Miss Heioicke reudevt d two violin solos which delighted the audience. Messrs. Powrie and Bt.lcher, sang a duet and Miss Green and 1 e aurae Millyard rendered instruw uL 1 stilus. F31dn'ey Belcher also spoke a few words giving an outline of the work of the class. in the third pert of the pro- gram WIILTowereey acted as auction- eer of the brach boxes and showed himself au able salesman, filling hie position to the satisfaction of all. Pose+ was served, With the, lunch. The class desires to -take this oppor- tn. it>eof beelkin all those who took .: irteort to Mr. -.Jordan at London. _e . • The 1. udeu i!(tvrt riser of Saturday said: List. eVelltllg the Itielula•ts •d the ti toter leined • of the. reatei •ur street 1. Ili...list church tendered t eda 15 rein 1 al to 1 hr newly-atvp gen- ie. Mr. -.1. E. Jindan, w'iro begins his \11,11k A- Organist to 'lw4lay. 'the lbeir.l,et- ,,t tpe biased anti their wives .sn,l`:S1„ • Choir of the ehure11 all sat ' .dew-t•t•.,gether. and WvMy enjoyable 0(1 \ • . Tot ew :►. tml :merest rug tuewtI. and several n dao t .-, '.J 1 err-; d u,lfnlrrm. \I r. J. h I� 11..1 wean. the e' t "I, �f r u.i i I Itradt t• of the F'lrst Meth., and in the raps to -it 4 -barge of trues ot1 hrarrche.t, H.• ,41••1. M I Dog Scare: - , ,••• -.'iety in 1itelerl•h 1t' i, t--"- t 1. ne+•,nable to wear a nI111.41/•,-- dangerous IZLI •1 dangerous to Ie. en ,t he -', ••• aeh/int-one. leol1owitig tale ecen.4 •4 the flu aril I't•ovint•iel /1111 00, in theil'atteupet. to 41 All \ia)I(, • 4, epidemic of rnlrie-. 4 :4115'•.4 teemed a - pr„dant.ttleu -on eat ul ,) Prtinl that o i 1 K• with- in the limit, i11the ((inn of 4415151i••11 lc 44op'n11y 'muzzled. .11 Mae kept •i'sie',4 up or :securely chained. Ther frit ry(i .1, we•llt into force yesIer1Iay +1111 .1. \rn4'. elle-Math wag engage'hI as • a us- i-1 .411rrt• to ..donee: there. Of- . part in the evening's ei t tiitiliWittt• NOTES FROM THE HARBOR. Prospects for Lake Passenger Traffic for the Coming Season. Ca.itain Baxter, who for several It Ninth street Epworth League seasons sailed the steamer ltos,vlale, tie -lir Tuesday- evening-ltev.- Dr. tired e`er, appontetl'eat'ts+eta- f_ the UouKall is to give an illustrated ad- steamer Dundee, pow in winter guar- der:' on.the• life of the late John tere at' Getlerich. • Itawu, the eelehrattel IniN'ionary to The steamer G. K. Crriwe. which Ii(kllee. Everyledy wet- wee. frequent flips to l oderieh last 4'0111, A enure ran will bet ;alien. .Invest 25 cents in a box of Davis' Menthol Salve (The D. & L.") and be prepared for ahundred ailments, which may not be dangerous but are very annoying and l uI,likeneu- ralgia, ea.'-trcbe, sprains; burns, bruises,insect stirs}; ~, cuts, Wi es, etc. It is a housclie5ld remedy always useful for some trouble, and should be kept in the family medicine WILL IYIAKE HAIR ;*ROW Prepared from the grease of the Canadian Bear. Delicately lierfuruccl. Tee Standard Pomade Ise 40 ear. A:11 healers Siziar Jac. 'Days A I4Wrenee Co.. Motrtrese t • -T- Undei'-33rdeRegiment Baru' Auspices. Next Thenretlav evening, 2,1th inst., is the date of the prodnctton by the Goderich Dramatic Club of the four - act drama. ••A Southern Routanee." under the auspices of the :Ord Regi- nient-llitttd. -The rehearsal' promise a - successful pwrfortt►ance, end, the leand is preparing sea• milady • fair ' he occasion. 'There should he a crowded s _popular prices --.',4 and: cThxt•{lel.' Y1an ui'seatN at 1i. season with grai1I, Ir heiug Png tel lel' The nnnivrr+dry servire:s of North. 7;. feet at. Cullingwo.d, inerraainK 1 Edward"' restaurant. street Niethudist i:hurch whichwere cargo capacity frolfm :,Amit to :tend NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Feb•t7th. announced for the corning Stint a)tolls. Sunday in Mar.. the rich. Rev. (leo. have Imtn 1' Al mined until the tit•4t i A gang of men were filmy labt week lu ulin,( wf Ln cars the Pigott r+tilwny F. Selene the I,I'Pacher for the urea- construction rquiptuetrt which had silo(, having been called t.. Winnipeg. ' been lying alongside the ,(rucks ever TiwitrJJton iiubjrct.s at the Haptiat since the C. P. R. ccdnt-ev Was cute clench, eervr'ee next Sunday are: plated. Morning ---Why We Are Baptiste- I Captain Hari v Bottle well known in tiselerIch, j,asseit''iiita) rtit-week at of this series of sermons. Evening- the t ohing%400 i 11. 54 (11. tollowutg -.The Living 4'hrist.-Friend These a„ aper boll frtr M e to r'.•,i gr.,wth r .trot u eX• 'ti•' are 1 wA serve death �t themes at the. evening on the li\4•t•. His a rvalgelistic • in character. }fright peered . as he bad hero -r1 ioush ill ,inning. EV''lYh(dy eel( 111e: _+ ever 'since he laid art h.4 boat." the 'Thr '4Ien' i ChM of North street Turret Chief, at •Gtale4iclr Net I)ecenr Me•thid's' church mustered fifty-fitur her. ' •men last, Sunday morning at thr'rego- 1 Captain 1t. H. Boyle•. to lio sailed the jet. its o'clock meeting. ihr interest xtPamer Puli 1 last sen-ou, is fit the in this @,oak is growing eteellile., The Old Country, Isuperinteneiug •the �e'en- tl•n-tpee nave Net spirt erection (if tat• T.tructkii1 11f +t so -trolley which le teeing church gallery for the ta(i'ttttlnllMl*tinrt built true fur the Algoma 'Central of the "lib.'" their friends.' Ne4tt Steamship Line, and of which he will Sunday IL 11 Long. will give Cut ad- have charge• dttring.the.a.luing season. tires.; on '1 tis Pure Life." lny,ntan Captain Jolni Brown ivill sail the it . , b wet/vine. ,-.-'.. --1'aliki cal* la at• _ Itrv. F. J. [)afro: of Milve rton, has it is e-timnated that over telltale will areepted the invitation of the board 0f _Ile left el Goderich when the nine \ ietoria street \leth.slia ehun•h to grain boats now in Ow- harbor leave 1wcowe the p 1Ntnr of tl10chur(•h for ,,.in , Extensive • repaire are the/text /insult»I term coutnlen''1ng I 1 lei •q- we r 1' (• July. Ills :reverence is atfijeet to the Works an the Yltliki, Midland Queen .spring. ea ch ' ertut the o luta 1 boats. In .• steaming c to is at 1t Turret r t o l it . '111e act ion and it is very .1iohnitle. that he witt.or -. heat will 1optirc a, Targe 'stock cif. r°nte• the pi:►r.plr of Victoria' ales. t groceries. engine -tootle u , eiliq•lies. eft!. (bereft at the Ireginniegof the .next \rat only' arr graiiereenelt•rb given place uU 'fur„r,\ to Cil. Thomas. LOCAL TOPICS -IN BRIEF. ; 1, 1. 1 h,,. 4\, 1 Is. 1• r. e . ,y• 1 II,m 1' .4 P15111,11.'1, , �• ..I- 1 , r i•. •rt \t 1 , Feet t } - ` ,. f I I 1111 I' u 1 '11iO � 1111. 11. rs,- 1, 1 tb. loon .t,.t „tab.,. ,._,,,1 .,.i t �� Ilorse rnalket Fret:ty Febrtlil isth. -I 41.11 • 1t Paw - Write (4r Flet' ('alaletrue-t'entral- Ku,i,.• {'oltege, Stratford Reader 4atnily Herald and Weekly Star Wall ratter for 19ni' ('olonhtl Hook Stare. iteadm• t;. T. S ..:. Nae*• Uwe* and F.Illbroblel te'• 1). AUllar (0. 'hoico Hitter Oranges •H. FL LoeR- • . • • • • • Mmtwoiderie,.,Cotton`, rte.- W. Acheson.11-. New Spring float'. •1. H., otliorlie rape Martin Krone • _.. •.. 1 Notice W Itatvi"•Ye11. \I. 11. ('amiero0 ..... Anntul Ite'port London IJfu Insurance Company - ... ' l:r.)cery Ku.h,etis for 4.ilc P. J.•Ityan ..... Page Fence: Wear Deo ' Page Wire Fence Land for Sale rba.,. Gem* ., ... ..... 1 roctantation ire 11oht-e ?1- H. Caulor0n,, Mayor Reader* Morrish 1l Vaunt/ "The Koss Maiden North Church l' heir ...• ....:... .... 1 Marmalade [range. Mor,Wtt \ er.,.• B 'n A. Strehler .... .. rn •' no Tuning 1 18 .. urd, ucf t -. i of [Mit•• ei,uu 3 Nudes. to \hv✓ti lg Kee' a ualertch 'rowuvhip . bales tieo. lie kelt ... lte.ider--i'atlicron & Moore. Ilial \\'antes) 'Hutm, 11011-o ;ct NIttho'tiet 1 CLEARlNfi SALE OF FELfFOOTW EAR This is your opportunity to secure a genuine bargain. Read this list : \lens felt, half -foxed Long Boots. regatta'. price $'1.73, for Men's heavy- leather Blu- chers, felt -lintel, regular price $'l. for ez.6o • Nien'e plain -felt Congress, regular price $1.35. fur31.10 Ladies' felt Juliet. Slippers, ,re,4uler price Sec, for... 65c Ladies' felt Slippers, reg- ular price tete fcr .45c Ladies' felt dougo1a, Iratbet' foxed Lace Sbas's, regular price $1,33, for,.. 31.10 Ladies black and real 'fele .luliet Slippers, ,'eguler price '1It1.2ii. for,.,,,.:. 31.00 Ladies black slid red felt .1'diet e4Iipper•s, teTtrular pric el,10, for85c Ladies' felt fur -b o ❑ n d Slippers, regular price tyl.4$). for.. .... i, .15c 1\'e have numerous other line, to ietear at equally low-pt"ceee Downing & MacVicar NORTH SWE 01' 'lit .11:1-., shot cwt Avg, yesterday which weir p•• .1. }ty.tn, Hamilton ettletet, is off et Lely.• without muzzles, and is out 1 ening his grocery b,lsiness for isle..' en tee warliath 'Kap ttxia)' with a bird on, 1 t7'hPre has leen /ill epidemic term• • K ewtown ,{�\ .\t ['intim Iasi wh,uweek twenty' ('aninrs Y wet. .ghtered. A dog 'suigoscd -_ to he rigid went through the town. and ,mae)+ed at a'number of dogs. and 110111 the ,,lad 410,g and the doge with which it. came in *Intact.- were pot out of the way. awa of the winter. hal other At the alerting of the qua111.11y nee teen a1" employ'Fd 4441 vetetsteer' and cial hoar,l'of Myth Methodist Wench. still others in cutting ire end shitting held hist week, "Bev, %V. 1l. (eloper in- the trout. around. l:alerich pnmse•sses fie n e( the teti1.1 that °wires to the an recent -me marUle repair shop in the rat. trifle. rail- "r -Winks. A 1 t •; t s f '.0 u I dI t h )11v l 1• til I K los: he had i, oI 1 l d in e4 •. island 'in the harbor or w is wife 1, h�ul .f e.•ide'tl to resign -h1 wn�,on.the • ulhc,t ad- 1 ;wtorate t here .ori go to u new field fio tong drydoi k wudld be art of labor in .Init next. The beard ventage. t wised a ri•.,�lv!' art expressing tut }n tote 41' usrrctain what NU•aw- i1 iIti whit 1 h,•i, t, Mor and eeere('1'1". hip eervi.:e Gnderieh will lie tevei•rd tion 1,1 111'. work at Blyth. with during the coulisg sl»(tulel. Th. 1'h.' Emile" Aid of Vheir, 11 'st is I Miwn.al tent lettere to the 'three ate 1. Methodist church held then' else11114( 1N,at Ci,ttlpap4e' Which opr►pted sit:xn on 'Thursday rat ,1�•4p,,' 401lle o4 \11'm. 11. - era on, t his runt.' 11141 snwmer. Pbe H. 1I .,s, .There Vas a *.sed attend- ? stile -distends -lit of the Algoma t4ntral ance 111:1 of OW el•t1P of the ha-in.',a ytrawyhit. Co. 'eplietl that his cotn- nmeetillg a-preeenteti'1. of saute. table I,:tray Int- Altana d the rutte,bee. . he hncn was/ made to Mt•s. Thurluw, who stria ter King Edward having . . 3 1111111.1•(1 Afterwards sold. 'The managed of tbe Star -Cole ft t '4 Mi.. t \il+. Iters 'ervedlunch and i very e4- ;1 line replied: "\:' r expect tq c•ontinue ill • beet steamer iur un on the route as e x :s leviable tittle _was .,rant. h the tr feat ere of the• evening wail t et the ' seasons past." No abawe'r has been a ' the received directly from this Detroit & • y 1 succeeded in t 181 K ladle* do had l Iis altogether nurnev to clear the debt of the t? arch (,I.''eland' litre, hut. it cane they..wish to thituk all who se. likely that the St. Ignace will call at willingly helped them. 1 least . twice each week, last era. Ill's, On Tuesday afternoon lest 'athe .'pn ted age The ehaving a i bee of ohs •KtnKn most ll'.d- Knox1 arch a of the W. P'. \i. Si. of ward leaves an ••xct•llent opening for a Knox church etre. Strang, who salt Canadian hoot on 4he route from one. of the charter members. gave a most interesting account of the fornix -I `Carnia to Sank Ste. Marie. 'The 4 . Ip}nsee and Huron am both '•mired States boats and am such cannot carry' passangers between - two Canadian ports without touching at an intermed- iates United States point. in the case of the Huron. when passenger's wanted to reach points along the North Shore, tickets have been issued front 4.oderich to Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.. thence hack along the route to Thessalon, etc. The trip from Killarney to the Soo through the North Channel is one of the most picturesque in America, and it is hard to understand why a service along the east shore of bike Huron and through this inside'rente to the Soo should not pay. (h.det•icb. Kincar- dine and Southampton should join heeds in endeavoring to interest steamship lines to call. Compared with the other two pointe, Goderich will fare well in the way of connec- tions to the south. late. 'rhe were Om* lust Saturday alte1100u. As a result of nnr of ttu•m one of Cameron et- Moore* .:pecan . }(lass__ui smashed. 'rhe 'rhe license cuntrnissloners for Crotty Huron have been re -appointed for another year. 'i'he hoard is rom- p -teed of William Patterson, Hallett ; J. B. Hoover, Clinton, and Adam Hays, Seafot•tb• On Sunday afternoon the remains of John Hyslope whose death occurred 00 Thursday last at 1.141(100. were in- -leered in Maitland cemetery. The de- e/Nth/id before his removal to London ten nr twelve years ago was a resident of Goderich. He was forty-threeyears of age. Mate of William Haacke. (4 • et the '44 resident* of (+ ,derieh tlwuh1 1 p Way 10'4 Slain •day • morning id the person of 'Wm. Haacke, at the age of sixty-nine years and seven months. He WAS horn at 'Vaughan township, near Markham, one, hot had lived for many years et the pewee where he died. He leave's Lid site. two daughters and three sons: \Ir•s. Ressor, of Markham ; Mrs. Gus. Vanstone, of Benmiller; Wilmot. of Giderieh township ; George, of Tor - roto. • and Edmund, of Little York. Saskatchewan. The funeral takes place -this (Thursday) afternoon at 'l o'clock to Maitland cemetery. Thede - ceased was a prominent member of the Goderich lodge of the W. O. W. and of the Benntiller lodge of the I. O. F. and the pallbearers tre three from cash of these Orders. Rev. R. W. Millyard is in charge of the funeral service$. The son Edmund did not arrive from Saskatchewan 011 Wed- nesday night and the funeral wets withheld until him arrival. Accidentally Poisoned. T.. •.i�rl 3 aa.k u lI n iheaed own Kobe 1.04\\ ru r Shen .. , ... . Tendesi Wanted W. 1. Miller. St. Kele,.- PERSONAL MENTION. eli . %elle tosogli 14 in Tornuln chi' ,reek. .I.1 Lron,i,l i- a 4'bllingwood for :. few , two. Scott. of T. Co Ito f „ vetting the old Id,> Ct-IOICl GROCERIES Just a few of the twiny lines in which can give you excellent tattle: Salmon • Chgese Marmalade Marro, Starch Sugar Oranges ,Lemons • Raisins Currants Spices' N tits, • Et-, rt.. Coast -sealed Oysters. S turdy & Co. y 1.1 Phone 16 Wes; Side Square. town ' I Lt --i'01 Wilmot, of "eaforth, was in town ' , rad . CORONA A and Y n to Y C n ht \11u. Ali:u-„ a i- . Settee hi t 11,ul,b: I:. u e Nfiw- Fallot'. of Ikirrie.'I„ visit i4.it leer aunt. 31rs. W. D. Tye Elgin avenue. 11r. and .\1r+. J. J. MelfwcO .are t t-Wi1g Mr-. -Nle Eo en' i+,clal t c- at •fee#water. The musical history of Ooderich for years has contained nothing to com- pere withl;owen's• Rose Maiden." The production of this favorite cantata is muggy confined to much larger towns than Goderich. telt we are to Wear it at North street Methodist church in a tew weeks. 1. C. Thompson, of Detroit, general fpassengersteamers, snt of h Star-Cole e it yesterday of atemers, wan intown y tnakin{t preparations for the coming !wagon m 11114ltlP$m. The company will put the creamer Huron on this is ro ate swain this year. tion of this auxiliary twenty-five years There_ are hitt. four now mem- bers who- teaseled thwtnaelveii `it''The first meeting. Mrs. t; re was the presi- dent, for a number of years and she like many others has passed to "the great beyond." while others have taken their places, and with. uninter- rupted regularity the. monthly meet- ings brave been heli to the profit of those who !mei-attended them. Word was received a few days ago et his friends in Ontario of the death I f Jnl. M. Salkeld, of Wadenea, Sask., formerly of Stratford, and a cousin of n the Hayfield Id the eras g S Ikeld [ M r. e y road. Death was due to accidental Poisoning hy carbolic acid. On • Sat- urday, 6th inst.. Mr. fealkeld was in 1Vadena and purchased meeme medi- cine, including bottea of painkiller and carbolic acid. Ile then drove home to his t•ranete a distance of about thirty miles. Arriving home he Lett • little chilly and unwell and going into the home- took what he thought to he a drink of painkiller. He made a mis- take in the bottles, however, and took early/lie acid. Running out of the ho h ordered (MP of his hired men t drive t Wadena fora doctor, and Much sympathy is felt with Mr. Pletcher, accountant of the Bank of Oommeree, in the death of his sister, Mims Olive Kathleen Fletcher, of ftar• rie, which occurred on Friday lest. Mr. Fletcher was with his sister for .her death. some s rte ftlre ora g y The water and light commiesinn on Monday evening accepted tenders of the Queen City Oil Co., Toronto, for cylinder oil, engine oil, waste and tri•eodium ; the Garlock lee:king Co., Hamilton, for packing ; the Canadian General Electric Co., Toronto, for meters, and the Tacker(' Co., St. Catharines, for transformers. said . The Toronto News 01 Saturday Raid : Rev. Dr. Dougall, delivered an illustrated lecture on "Rowe, the Eternal City." at h niglm ht. street e , • i and A pleasant evening was provide) by the Young Peoples Society elf Knox church on Monday ltvening in the form .,f a "valentine social" given in the basement of the church. The dec- orations were appropriate.... pierced hearts being much in evidence. Rev. Jas. A. Anderson presided while the following program was eendet•ed t Vocal mole. ,Miss Lottie McCreath ; in- etrumental duet, Mims Hamilton and 1)e Lenime Millyard : vexed duet, \Else Schuler and R. Lloyd : vocal onto, Mrs. Bugging : reading, Rev. .las, Hamil- ton ; vivid tree Mrs. Anderson and the Melees Andetson and Augustine; solo, Miss Margaret McKinnon. Rev. Joseph Elliott gave an intereottng an, instructive address on "A Visit to Nt the of (.100 program Tomb." refreshments conclusion were of the ► R served. - \\'. Ito,-, 11mu.l .t. 'I'. \,•,. etl .n.n•t,••1 Ihr. tr,nrh 1....-,•,iuvo}tl inn ,l T..11.1 tin•w.. {,. Mrs. Frank IL Hodgt•n� - Krftarini1` ,riatt, wfll rcceirc on the foarth Thor -day of each month* MI 1.1..N.1 ;it'll gra 1.1rad arr.; 'r ltd fool ; 111 + 1 .1, att.•n•ling the f u,erQ or their-1-1er. \ 1{ ou \ 11. 1 - t H.J. )lord+. I;t1 . 4. 111 aocountry r\ nthi* weeHurok Fanners' lu he' -.•, l,: in the Y which fug the-criley of teeth lite., uloeliva, • i0h extend bd o tens tb e WtW k which s.'h1111.1'. U1 New {I.i111)YII'K• ha- IN', y •vi -ding h, r broth. r 11i1tun snowier. of lush, In- w.. L. ylf-- -, hoer 14%01141 11,. comer,. 111.1 . .n r' h r, r 'n rb , II orK ...cation eflowI Itleninr. 'T. M. McEwen. of St. trorgr: i+ In town visiting hi- lirother:, J. J. and W. '. McEwen. Ke ham .old his bu-ine'.• .et Tet. lteorse and in the..pring ho and hi. -brother W. 1'. intend taking a trip to the %%cm'., with a view t0' 1.,oil 11yf.tt E,lIiIOntnll Or 1 ,, In,r). Harry \\A,-hh.gtoo, whorirha- IN•,'n-tN'11di e ..ter11 Werk. in Chi.•.itr.., ws, is loan Friday • for a brief ti-lt to hi -t •Intiec: here 1N•fnrr .i t`rntt.%file. lows - ito- (4 IN en taking,, contr.,. tr-,• n, w it,ituw ,Ir.'+.iiilg. an art in whish Harry .1 ..l..lvrl uu1a,I „4111 While hBw'a, w'ilh Il, ens lira,.. M n•, and. fill 11.•41 ,N,-itfun i- .,'51' . •Idowvlh•--renin a Iarip .drt • ,o,u.I-callI,II t ml. Interested congregatonm last Sun- iltrp heard Mr. P. C. lest/carton Harris, of Toronto, agent of the Humane So- ciety /and . acidreof eoedhthP e,rnerewatii et Aid So- ciety, of Knox church in the morning and that of North street Methodist church In the evening. After the evening ear - vice Mr. Harris spoke at a masa meet- ing in the Baptist church. He told of the origin of the Humane Society and grave some instance* of the work which it and is sister organization, the Chitdren's Aid Society. are doing. He is a clear and forceful eperaker, with a fleet -hand knowledge of the matters with which he deals, and his address was followed with 'sympath- etic inteteat. That, he can sing am well at speak WAS shown hy him rendering has P e of a solo, • The Hirci with a Broken ,, 1 M th .dist church pinion." Following Williams,w 'deep! Ian. with the aid of others took every ante The lecture wait very ints:rpstA large I Machell and R. S. g hswho are en years. dote he could think of in tbe mean• the vieAa surpa*siug y good. ANNOUNCEMENTS.e • DIED. Hl;eA)1' In London. on Thur.Nlev. FebrnarY nab. John Hyslop, .,,ted 4 4 year*. URAIIAN4 - In t:oderieh. 0u \londar, •Frbrn dry 1.1` h. May (i. Urahau,. mired 111 yens. CAMYHELL-In t:alerich. on Fndst. Febru- ary lith. Thomas Campbell. axed sl years arid 11 ntontlw. Smut. -In Uoderich township. a. day. February 11th. Wilburn Haacke. 'god a, rears and 7 mantle,. Marmalade oranges at MoRfttert & -I/ANAT'rER'S. • You may tie it but you can't. beat it four-in-hand ties at 9c. UAateR0N & Morme. The W. C. T. lie meets in the Temp - evince Hall the second and fourth Mondays of each month at, a si clock. We had them and we moll have a few more mens overcoats left at a price that will satisfy yotl. CAMER"M A Mtn IRE, A. Strehler, expert piano tuner for I[eintzman and others, is in town. Store left at Butland's Dreg receive prompt attention. "Lifebuoy Soap" is delightfully re- frething for lather or toilet. For washing underclothing it Is unequal- led. Cleanses and purifies. A builder -are you losing weight? "'The D. & l.." Emulsion will always help and build you up. Restores prop- er digestion and brings hack health. 'Don't lit an unscrtlpulal:s dealer force on you :,.: imita- tion o; the' 1). & I.." Menthol' Plaster. L(x)k for the "D. & L." trade -mark on the tin. It guarantees the g_inline and the most effective remedy.for Rheumatic aches and pains, Backache, ``xlatiC back (- Lumbago, Sciatica, 1 etc.. 25c. each. Yard rolls equaling seven of the regular size .1.170. ••A S.tuthorn Romance" has ieen played in all the large ilnited States eitips and' is one of the most popular dramas produced within the last .loe- • t FRRATa,tDE MARK THE BEST TONIO for all sickly people. Makes now b'oee I Glees strength; Restores vitality. Token otter sr! tthias 1t' hastens • return to health. Memo. Lawrence Co., Montreal. LEADER. Steel Ranges c_ NI auufa •tuned by the Pt•ri 01 II.,W. Stove Co., Stunk - Exile, F»IIe, Out.�1 Three aro first-ela,- Ranges. t/tlilt especially for furca rt d 11s �uC for town k it- thens uherea Italie Range is ntxpaired. They .•ulbotly the latest; 1 ideas s in dove lve 1 s ' and beet la conbtruction and 1 should be plt•atied to show theist- to all enquirers. BUGGIES 1 have a carl..uul - of liras Buggies on the road. l Pont'buy 'lutil you see them, -WJNE-FENCE A carload of Standard Wire Fenc, also is on tbe wry. Those who are goiue to use any wire. fencing this year should call and get prices. Robert Wilson HAMILTON ST., GODERICH Agent for Massey -Harris Implements and other lending lines of Farm Machinery. e %,kr7,64. •.ow • rr .. 1- div L • i1., 1 it t THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY OENUiNE Irl?\i A OF 1IOTA - TiONS• Chang. Business a a a I 1 -ii'' 1,1 andrnmce to the pe-uple-la (iuderich and vieutity. , that •41 ha\•e put•chesed the Ma- rlette Ilusinessop Iiateilton street • lsttly'\ cart•ied en by David Sti:dda t. anti solicit a cuntinu- 'anl•eof avers from old eUltnw- ere. and invite new cur+enulel•s to ,I tae acquainted with c •iu nl Ire 1 your new Tial'pPNe-maker. , in adtlitiun 43) everything found in a first -elate; lwrtte@s shop, I entry u complete line of -TRUNKS. . .--DRESS SI - IT CASES '-ROBKI4 - BLANKI':l'e -ELLS, W NI PS - 11.1 ETERS, 1 : • . - • H. J. Fisher • Mucci-14mm 1 STODDAItT. . Br01e Cutters ')'hese well - kn wen cutters Ci.mbiile the most up4o-date ideas in 'style anjl design with dui - :ability i i4lV tr u g •1 •�'Ut tt Lt Il.tl t and anyone ne -who i - lo. king for the ia'st value inae anew Cutter should see the lelcel :agent, • HUGH ROSE, who has a full -line of these goodie Everyone who is inter eLed in -Mit tiers eF+oiitlT call and see his stock and get prices. �ew 1910 S%yles Hugh Rose Hamilton Street, (ioderi,•h, yl1LD ON THh MERITS OF r1NARD'S LINIMENT Grocery Business for Sale 1 have decided to dispose of my groCPry bushier*, as i have other business interets that deneaud my personal attention. The grocery and provision stock, including fixtures, is offered for sale en bloc, at cost. -Hamilton Street is one of the best business streets in Galerich, and this is an excellent opportunity for any person who ie larking for a small grocery store. P. J. RYAN (11(o01i:R. HAMILTON GODERICH.