The Signal, 1910-2-17, Page 3THE fi IGNAL: G'1DER1CH
THGKMUAY, FiCillu' tKY 17. 1910
bound or repaired.
601.10 t.l:`1'1'EonI I LEATHER GOODS
Aller•dirs prompttly(toderoh. Lo on leaving
them at fHt 4110•
A L.A. K. TAYLOK, ST1tavvoK0
\I. H. KII PACK A. O. Y. M.
England!, orgentet ot at. (ieorgtchure
IJoderich, is prepared to give Inrtrue
„win. pile' organ. irons and vooal culture
yprirl fitpi Y to e. 'itoI tl voice. k. l4 aidenuuer
I Slaw apply 01! church.
maw ", t' uta. cornerof;truest and 1 North
l'u ti
esALFRED 11, Theory. ,rTEACHER a d
;Carn1oyiow� prepared for stamina.
tgo"m, of Toronto C'OOtlareat°ry of Music. Apply
At Thont•on+Mode Eters. Uodertc h. Sfo1My
iddestee of Mr. Alex. Meek m
i. ndersutou, at test. erich etadln ea. \ f.
sig.,. roIrinn near
Stenderd Loan ('o.'a utftce.
I' A. moues neat
WArcattAatpt,Jew$ysa cornet
South ode of Square.
At'Cit4AN M. R0k1EttPti, CIVIL
�, and Hydraulic Engineer, Ontario Lad
trek*, -Montan Block. Ooderich. corner
Montreal - tort. Telephone 137.
1M11'•• e,,t n'-ulttnot.try o4Uo0North tr Tel phonesh
earn ' " >.
1. t., L II.1A)ItAN, ;BAH It1.,1'E14.
'•r, notary. rte. Money to ler4 at
lea,.. ",new: -North Kt net, (1011 ailed
awn' � 10ji. ol. lu tlo.furth aaturday
sad Y .•
1 \\1.ERR)N. K. C. JIARltIM•
'uvuK, ,nitayy' peitdk.' I tin,•••+
,,; (•;.Ierich, third door (rota
The Case of Kidney Disease Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills Cannot Cure Yet to be
• Paquetville, (iloncester Co., N. B.,
Feb. 14th. -;Special.) - Mrs. Joseph
Poirier, of this place, has voiced the
sentiment of the people 01 this part of
New Brunswick.
"1 believe," says Mrs. -Poirier, "that
Dodl's Kidney Pills are. the •remedy
for kidney disease, and that they will
do all that is claimed for thew.
"Kidney trouble bothered me for
fifteen years, and 1 did not get any re-
lief from the different medicines I
tried, but was getting worse. Then I
took I)odd'A Kidney Pills, seven boxes
in all, and I am better now. The swell-
ing is gone from my body and ray feet.
If it were not for your Dodd's Kidney
Pills i would he in my glrtve."
The care of kidney 'disease that
Dodd's Kidney Pills cannot cute has
yet to be diecoyered.
'Coin Looked Big to Him.
tifbion Hardcastle believed wit h sin -
cera faith, that any wile who had, or
asked. more than a Iluarter a year for
her own amusement or enjoyment
was* beim( too horrible to content.
plate. Hr came from the village store
for dinner and told what he had
"Miranda, would yon believe that
the Lord's Prayer could be engraved
.in a space no larger that a dime
-Well. yrs. Himont." she hazarded,
“if a dime is as large in the engraver's
eye as it is in yours, 1 should think
that he would have uu ditflci4ty at
all." -11 ousekeeper,
A Great Treat.
Ltalph.Luuinor'snew l,1QE),: •Thr Ff r-
eigner." has teen bought by The Fam-
ily Het*W and Weekly MINT ef•Mont.
real and publication will begin in two
or there wreak. Ralph Connor's form-
er stories I'he Doctor." "The I'1'.Mpec•
tor," "The Msn front Glengarry," and
others have ,..lade Mtn f:unons am
story writer; Wild "Trio Furi'igner„ i.
regarded by moony es Ms prat. • It is it
thrilling story of the Canadian- West.,
It is IMOthat the price was -the biggest
by tar ever paid for a sets 11 'tory. it
41111t'• a great trees' to r* 4 ler- of the
Far.uil� Het'1.IAnd 1\'' ckly scar and
11110110 nth , Ise,' 00" •:1L.,•r 14,1•7- tri th•t'
gl'rat t4t•.•k!y 41114 411:4 the u•,\t Ise .
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close •Low-
er. Chicago Higher -Live Stock
-Latest Quotations.
Monday Everitag. Veba It
LJvtprvl wheat twice,. t:)Pltatl 1
lid to %4 lower than aturdayt conn
May. wheat at Chicago closed 04c Idgh-
er than Friday, tidy corn unchanged, and
May oats yc higher.
Winnipeg Options.
May wheat at Winnipeg clewed %c btt<b.
et than auturday, :nay oats unchanged. •
Wheat- February $1. 4, May i1.IK%, 2017 '
1'uta-Nebrua761ec, ayr Eike, M
7kc, Job
Teri •.
Toronto Grain Market
Wheat, tall, bush it 98 to 11 10
Wheat, red, bush 1 tri ._.
Wheat. goose. bush
Buckwheat,. bush 0 Sa ..-
R ye, bushel- 0 7e ....
Barley, bushel ............. 0 410 041
Pees, Duelist 0 90
Oats, bushed 046
'Toronto Daiy Market
Cheese, per Ib 0 U 0 114$
F7gKa, new laid 030 0 33
Latta, case lots, dozen 0 El
Butter, separator, dairy, Ib0 23 0.3i
Butter,.. store lots030 0 21
Butter, ery, sonde 0 36 0 If
Butter, c ery, lb, roils a 26 0.21
Morey. 'egtr
H a ey. combs. Dar dosen 0 s� 1 4q
N. Y Drury Market.
N7'f9W YORK, Feb. ' 14. -Butter -Firm;
receipts.' fate; creamery, spedala, mac,
extra*, 17%%e. third to first, 2434c W llc;
state dairy. common to finest. lie to Tie
-proem.. first to special, :.,c to, 35%c; _west.
err !'retort. :.r to 27•'%c, western (mita-
tion creamery, 24v lq S.kc.
Ctheese-•Fins: receipts. 611; state, full
errant. fall mike, special, 17%c to 18c;
110.. tansy, 17(Ac. do., god to pritnt, l44%
to lM.c; do., current snake, best, 1:A6c to
Ken. do , common to fair, 13.: to 16c;
eklrn,, 1&• to 14y4e.
flags --Steady: reeelpu. • 11.:43; state,
Prnnsy.Ir•tnia aril nearby, hennery. White.
fancy. :w,• ' to 37,': lo.; gathered, white.
liar--4.*-88rt-'-eise:- hettneey, 1101011.11 -arid tato..
ed. fanl'y, '•:111' t.. 29c, du.. gather
brown. fair to prime, 27e. to `.71c; wester•
firs :7614.•; seconds, 26110. to Vic: .r'efrlge-
rat'•r 71tye• to 11.'.
a. I
Hogs Cenerafly Higher at the Buf-
• falo Market.
t.(INI)4'IW, F. h: 11.-Llverladol 'unit Lon -
d.( eabiera: yu)t.' live e1tek' 'Ami w"rt'-0n)
tower, at La. 0.'"13%i•, re,,s.e.t w''u:ht:
refrli.eratfir long sreudy, at ' su to 104e
hit •Ib.
i Union Stock -Yards.
I ,•I\lot1.1 It. IA.,et: •
; •i'1 ea, 1IAD*. Ik- 141.Alit week. will le- in tilt • :111 111e "p'•t61111': ' 14( .014 i t th.• 1•tlt..n Flock. bar t;
- alba,. aceta h I t r The Ise In tl l sic t I
s•lubly •n, .• .n , t• e 1 '.fit' ''' a •e '*Is-.• 1n U r' , t.n<i-lin;• of - H M)
Sul. 1. I!. ere - 1,rt1•r,\tilrkeniiy,..., et U1 . I ,•:, 1 t ` ., h,..1, •in•t 1su,b-t
•f .w r', A. ♦aln . ,tT• red n u li.
i►a.( Cwt' - , i'tr'm.i,1:o. T11e. • I'M) 0)41 i.111 i. ' 1,. .i' I le, •V:a. t
..,t. K. 1'. ft,:4. 11 \ ;age. -t .1,,1141 c worth in th•..u.ut Exporters.
In,l'.','. .1 I •
- . ti: . \t . 1..I.., . .
11 1 ,. al1n\, ;\I' .••i
-i..n.'r 8.41*41.
,. ,..*. .t 48, 4. tN4lethrt. '
. :1itA\( c, LOANS..i -
1•"..1t .4 \l, :• 'I.
Are Y.
11 :•„ r t
Wcst ?
t.n,',. , (4,•,
•4,,,i. I:.',I.ra-.
I-• , r'tiit 'r.litrr
IP'. '11161,...,1' \. t \. r,...
; i. ,• . I..1,•• .71ri ,.I. . :li! 141
I ,.,• III .:.Oat, It -
_• • - • r 4,'a1)11d4 aur: l'nl.'
1i.aitt i,1, a.1.. 1 tet alt Ia/Irl- ea.
I.I.• If; m4 Margot• , I . 17_ , ' 1.1:' . i• i'''',, t rFh.rI' '111040:-
.utak i - II.. 4,..,,,••,, Sext:eel h Jahr, 1• ye . a \ r.: t, 1,714 (Hari wise. 1 , ,.
U I I 1 (,... ;,fit `drawee 14x'4. irefor•1" I n4, 4,11 a• ell 1 ,u ,:,',f�4te '. t, 1,
J . Kr. it,._ r Jere , Evan(', t'.,II lrtl'f'. .F. i.w (. :, . ,r^tn i 1 : .Ile. ..,
N.. t l.d, . tie* iiarl w a :, 11Atroh,i p+•; ,
)1't.•• 1. agent. for final, i • .1'. 4 i• 4 •,l:
'41 V,0 FF(loy}( 1110: 1: ".044' h. illy 1,,k'•t•, rr.14t, C. •
pyo ,.,t ul• s1, me' rbc diet.; I...
.-.- I. r o,ry- ler'.4 048
I ,; l their r. nvnjyte,e .1 The 5 . eve F tr n .r.
Tor. '. , 44 t hnt.n, or al, tr 11.41 Ut(•
'V.v.', v' n 4• -ton .tree) It
,. • in 14 411.4,11..t11' •.s 11,1'4 like the
xs4't' 111111 PHI ..' l h. hl ti M 'I'll 'p6-.111, t lat.,. 1.1 {,A. un a see "l a l,,• -h
\pdy to M. G. AM to I,,.,.1.
hit • 1 , 'hastiness _• Creel. ((,sir rtgh.
l 11111':ItTSo %.
Ike ...-ttri!\r;: Itraf n-11, 1 'anasf IA11 and
-A�'• ,' , ' � K. re. ANT. ,4MPlttte:Ke' I.IAn1, -
u,' 1't ex.. ArVITIornt 111011 4:11 srsr,t,•r
. I..nrlt.d, of Lo.xl•,o, Yat.
) t ( 1'.KAVTi•F. HOWM : TIN: C.$.
1 `i• d titiataed...l'onr)wny.
In' •. ulrror•, norther* E.,neer of Vie
U,o id - street.. 1'hone 17I,
I'I)tl\ \\. 4'KAIf.lI , L!F'M:, h'IKE
.dent in+uran.v,, Apart. for Ism:11 g
owns! .o-d.-nrk eo,n sinir7a, , )nnnroIIce mall
on l44.• plane and at looser re',•,.,
Of at "Mee, .raster Wed street and Square.
ea. erini•.;- 1. W. l'RAIOIK, Goderich.
• 11
6 , hrnaker, Jeweller and Optlofar.
bcr 01 Marriage Lloenae".
• -*4W-thens(14-Ots1eriMo. OM.
.-.Tho well-known and popular stand
Hist* 1e patrons the best' inert ioe In ,having
Wr.cutting, stn., etc. 'Adige' shampooing '.
r110117[_Unly .klUedbands employed.
ser patronage will be ,ppreclated, H. 14.
BOEHMEtt, Proprietor.
4WtH!'R J. RARCi.AY, M1 AL
h,'I1 iie,ailnstlh,te British Archlleela
Palls and - tt:Onset dentr Smelts Homer., Ooderirh. 19nn.. Air
t,, ions prepared for residences
andpublic building& (orrr'pondenee in-
1114 general auctioneer. Officers on Mouth
Mese %'here he will be toned at all times
Mum not'•rying male. 'terns reasonable and
*f ew •vport teed to Alva yon ,aUsfao(,ton .
AlihtAn"hr- earrfullyattendedto. Ferns melee
I14estnek .ate., reel estate and ,nrrehandlee
sales mad. tu"rwhere• \t rite for date,, or eel
and link It iter wtth
Geo. Beckett,
Hamilton Street. Goderich, Ont.
5hi7oI,, Cuir
011(04 stops cough., cares cold,, heals
Ibr throat and Ings. • . - 25 cents
Ikon hr Isrdoly increased by kneeing tie
ezart 'm(rlitioe of the ftrmat's market,
and by leaning enf tat beat method ie
farm prartice rye to precisely tbe
sort of information tile Pawners' Weekly
See fliers to every isms. it has an *goal
ss a Farmer's Badmen Paper. •Good
h rs0e71 r.1 m lt. pee prise see etll
&c1Mez offer.
l',,nd ucl ve to AigOt' of. ht•alth alai
outdoor recreation. it 19 al s• rapecinllc
benefit -int l•, lNlsuN•w+.
• The -good sl.•ighiog wonderful].
(: 'i111 Uri country le.itoing. will -t, le
tut lt.'1(rs the cities. H'wn,, and • til•
1rt.1'- where lhr wheels 'id induortry
f, v •'
ort 1
1N tree still. the heavy and uniform
covering t ing \ t snow preeagoe 11umiN•i'
(tete crnte. is corning warnrt.
'('no "(vii 1+ t'.'',gown nor dl Sed ant
a.., . Wilt fne*r, as t n'rxl MI, and w I
he evenly and eirun.;hly •'vurated
with turn. th?4*IIgh whi(•h Plante
receive the Null ftility. moles. of
Which ate Invught in it anti `'meetly
disu•ilinted by the .bee 'y Mankrt t4
snow. In the genitive ion Ptetef thaw-
ing. the ,oil le rendered •twde. friable
for the ward -lord.
Though it may. stop n few''leetric
ears end stimulate, walking and oVel-
ling. let the snowfall have oil full
rrroit es au improvr bf farm and g
rrv4t4epnapliaUtln SVreatren �2atsrlt''
Worse than Hanging.
•'Mee here." grumbled the eon-
de•nlne•tl man, "ain't there a law
against cruel and Unnanal punish-
ment. ?"
"Yes," answered the warder. •
"An' ain't ;I to be banged next
"i'm afraid you are."
"Then what d'yer meat by 44endin'
mea bunch of papers to read that ain't.
got nothing liut aerial stories in 'cru Y'
A Bright Clerk. •
Emplover-"Did you deliver my
message to Mr. Smith f'
Hoy -"No. sir. He was out and the
office locked." •
Employer -"Well. why didn't you
wait toe him. as i told you?"
Roy --"There was a notice on the.
door saying. {Return at Once,' so, of
course, I then came straight hack."
- In the Sweet Bye and Bye.
The woman of the future was shout
to start downstairs when her hushand
pieced his Arms around her neck and
kissed her.
"Darling. light of my life." be whis-
pered softly. "I love you more than
words can te11...7
"Oh, you do, eh ?" •ho responded,
Itttspiclously. Wrdll, what is it now.
Henry ---,,L new silk hat or a pair of
trou.eersr----- \. \
Oatareh Cannot be-t'ured
with loon) applications. as their dlillnot react)
the -eat of the disease. t'atarrh M a blood
(11 ,'n"ttt,ilIon'.I ,1l'.'.,..*', ond In 01.11-1' (0 1.11TO
14 yon Tenet take interest remrdle•.. Na11
( atarrh I ere I• times internally, and 'acts
directly nn the bloom and mucous surfaces,
11's11'. 1'aterril Core la not a quack medicine.
It w:prescrthert by (ms of the haat phylcari.
In f hi. nauntry for years and M a regular pre
reriptinn. It Is conserved M the bet. tames
known, momMned with lhe hest, bloodpoise:egre
settee directly o,, the mINrnls sarreees. 'The
Ierfert entehinstlnn of the ton Ingfedfentat Is
what produces smrh wonderful res,llts 'steering
ceterrh. Send for testimonials free.
(.If EN EY t co., Props., Toledo. O. MI6 t 4
Mold b /roseate, price 734
Take Hall':nlramily Pill's for oonet.lpation. Look at your label on toe N1gna1.
, e-; anti Spr.r, era,
. ..., Calves.
• Shee.: and Lambs.
_ (ter rot Ns \\•
iert f •d ,,t 1 n , r• iy 1'•VIM l 3. 1 41.
• Mrrntrr.l 14d Steek.
-.,]lel\, eat.. •H. -.\t the Montreal
!. 1'i(rrls \\', st 1 fel alark.'t the •re-
s,q't Ilia Kip, k r th.• 4tek cndln4
Fel \I: Were t :).11 Hll., 4. and
Iambs, Iver hoc; 1 ca;. •s _ of Use
eboot' fi\( ,*pPtx of • utile, over 7.0 bead
:18. T
0 fr 'rwontn for export -amount Ota -
1`ortlau;l -::n ltostott The sup.pfy of Mick
on 'the mark. this 'morning for lural c.n-
e'trripttgr'r was x:.+. cat Ile, l;en atlee•p• aril
lainb•.11:0 !vacs-- fid .Thu Itn-
d'ytone.l.i 11.t' ark••t for rattle war
stone. an'F-prfoeq- *As compared with thole
of a w•k tau show further merlons? of
%c per lb This bra attributed to the
some what acarclty of s t•k on'aecotmt of
the - blvekac eI of, roma `\strtlons of the
ra,lway tinea by the recltl(t 'snowstortll•
(Hh strength
The aged tither. arld mother
of a promineftt Boson lawyer
safely carried through the last
two winters by
The son says: " My father
and mother owe their preset
strength and good health to'
Vino'. During the last two
trying winters neither of them had a cold, and were
able to walk farther and do more than for years.
I think Vinol is, perfectly wonderful. It certainly js
the greatest blood-makingt strengthening tonic for old
people I ever heard of."
We wast every feeble old peruse In this town to try
V1nol. We will return 'belt- money Without gwestIon II 11
does not aeeolepttalb all we claim for 1t.
H. C. DUNLOP, Druggist, Goderich, Ont. 4
Iatat rt.'
l;l'*4;1hit y
�lII 1.sOthllt•std
C4)lor Variety
Thane are
the five
leaf urea, of
Phone 56 D. M ILLAR 'Phone 56
for Spring and Sommer Dresses
WE ARE showing for Spring and Mummer of l'D10 the mot
complete assortment of bealutiful Wash Fabrica that has
ever been placed on our counters. Ono can find materials
in all the newest conceits for social functions, semi -dressy occasions
and for ordinary house and street wear. A visit to our Wash
floods section at this titue would be a pleasure, end it would ciao
be wise to anticipate the season's needm and wake your pyrohasee
now, before the assoruueuts are broken.
Beautiful new Anderson
Scotch 'Ginghams in all the
different, color and pattern
combinations plaids a n d
**tripes, 32 inches wide, 123/4c, list•,
nuc and 22.5c per yard.
Ten different shades of this
desirable new Wash Poplin.
Ilhia fabric will be very popular
the 'coming season for coat
suite 128. inches side. 25c -per
fabric that is always ethic=
factory for children's dremsee,
hove' wash suits and .woolen's
. tub dresses : 9+ inches wide, 211c
pet- yard.,
Pro 4ressivc
yr ssmakei'H
it . lel} : to time 4h worldslannuua e i 1 ti w . /114
1111:.1)1Nf:'1..SILKS re ins:Lrpa4se4. being recoil-
. • . ,::' \S brld'a 4 ..dead. "
The,. - (:r ! ..:.ill\Ga_1 I�!i art. 1'a. :1
'1 .tt:e.',lr Insi:I',-
Not It'. f42-4 t •
.tll•11:." . -., „f•:'*4111.' •. ,.:Irl•
,I" . ,.:1•
'of, :4 1'.,
c414004, ,,' 111,1 44 `'04•:
but more so In sympathy
s�, lac In the Tocean
wr,loh w'a. Italy , e.1
kat at the latter end of last' week, epld
the advance In prices caused by the
tl.e.buytng on the part of ;AmrAcan es-
pn41 firms. swine to the vet's hIRt,.Priest
nr'ina in the Chicago' market for export
cattle. •
The attendance of buyers wan large,, twat
owing to 1410 higher prk•.vn demanded by
dealer's anddro.('r's, hatcher,, did not
show a dlsprieltion to 'perste Friday, and
trade yin the whole wile rather slow.
l•My{i•e ett+ets acid at 6'!(e to 6%': Masi at
ti c..o tic: fair at 4,74e to tv,e: medium at
4".r to ix', and common at 4'. to jj§r• pro
ere was no demand from lo(sl e4 -
portent, ow g o ie an Trutt rame-m*'
Mees from Liverpool on Saturday nod
_ . further decline in prices of iy' to 'ISM
pe lb., making n net drop M lc to lope
wit the past two seeks.
lin mint of the continued r ll sup-
plies sheep and lambs coming forward
and the sen drnyuld for the same for
Mead cone motion. the feeling in the rtwr•
kat remain anemia, and pylori ars stem
flytr•,.ltngaard a higher level.
Lames were\ 4trnnR, with same at 74
and 4h.ep were.*: per ib. higher. at 6e
•per Ib. There start no change In calves,
for which the deenatd was good. w'*d • it
the offerings met illth • ready taw.' M
price[. ranging•daw'n td to 1112 each. aw•ta
and quality.
undertohelto the meekest for bona
is strong on account of the limited sap•
ply coming M and the high priors; tw-fyg
pall at cduntry, points by drovers, who
claim that even at pressen values ruling
In this market they are losirt4 money.
The demand from packers Is not keen, as
they state that the high price( for pork
have curtailed the rnnslfmptksn about M
per cent sales of mete -tett lots wer'e.
made at 449.1, per Nin lbs.. weighed on. oeret
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
EA$'1' _�)Ul."FALO, Feb. 14.--( -lbw
celpt44, :WO head: slow and 10c to 16e
lower: prime steers, *6.50 to 17; sb1ot1.rr.
$6.76 to 16.50: butcher,,, $4.50 to 183; hest -
era. 11 to 18' cows. 144.25 to 16.36:
$350 to 19,76; Mockers and feeders, $2.
to 16; mock heifers, Ft to $3.35; frees
cows and *primer -s 'steady to strong, 123
to $.(1..
VeeM--Receipts. 1060 head; active aced
steady. 14 to $11.60,
Holger,--Reretpta, MOO • heed; active!
heavy, 6e to 10e, light ltic to 25c Wheel
heavy and mixed. $91.2d to P.m;'Corkers
p.m to 19.00: pits, $1.40 to 10.60; marbles
at -60 to p.m; slant. 17 to $7.u; dt111r1e i
11.40 40 0,m.
Sheep and t4unbs-•Rweetpts, 132300active and 16e to 251' higher; Halite, M
to le: roue -tinge, $7.76 to PA: *et.her%
111.715 to 117.40: ewer., 16•21 to la•m; sheep 1
Inured, P.60 to $8.76.
Chicago Live Stock.
CHICAGO. FM) It-Cattle--ftrcela**
21.0i19; te
o market.50 to 0 770 he4f , $i. Oto *
We. 14 to 40.40: m1 . fa to R; Moab*
ern and feeders, $4 to 60.
;toga-Ite.•elpta, Mk000; market 60 to 14
higher; choice, heavy, N to #.10' trill 1
cher.), >N to P10: tight, mixed, Y 1
$s 90: choice, light, 9O to k9; t>
$* 96 to 19.86; ,play. Mtn to $t.16; b*Et
awes, O
:IliM,r::a.'1 .gll.••.f'e•.: e,i••Uke:1rrN' .�t.•t.,
, riots. n•:I�•• .. :.11
:�niri .1
J f COa.(,6.,:F 0 rjte.Ili St C
1';,alst • 1
\ Bay Str
' ver i50 different patterns in
' Crunt'e and Palatine Print', in
all the newest colors a n d
p,ofterne : guaranteed splendid
washing Prints; 32 inches wide,
lZj}c per yard.
A very attractive material
which closely resembles silk and
will make- exceedingly pretty
dresses; J'4 inches wide. 25c per
\ ard.
ing can ev r quite take (heir
l,loore. New reigns in figures.
gripes and r 4444, fit l'�jc, l5c.
;tie. ; (k, and •'" per yard.
Wt. alll gladlYf*4l'w,ard sample's of *boy
watt. tot' -of-town me -Lionel h.
McCall's Matt' Spring Fashions .Yid 'Patterns.
'Phone 50 Clillar's Scotch Store 'Ph ec 54
A 1,
NVe lt;ty_ -sold o111 I•.1ti:pc'tii to l'REI)
HUNT, ;141.1 he oak,. i1(,...0',tilc)I1 .\poll.
',ist. 'l•.ii, Olen, •tOil c:tti i)tlA• 1 l;trrtl-
'ill't', "ot.)llti, Paint,„ I'(ll (..1;1",
_•�llll\, "1 t\\'4, i\,Sl`;, 1 it)t7a'
11:titers, (1l,)\t4, ;Itlu X11(1 al. �l)-t.
PI Vrer lntf nl A, Or write
Ye' for p titular'..
��' r
.� ASIC is r` /
I)o you know how much you are losing brpot owning
an iso.. Phonograph ? n
his instrument was made for you ,by. -Mr. Edison.
It is intended to, bring music into your home. It will
help you entertain your guests.. It will amuse you
during your leisure hours.. 1t will- help
up.your family to love musir.
This is what Mr. Edison meant when he said that
he would like to see a Phonograph in every home.
How can you let any consideration of money stand
in the, way of your ownin one of these great enter-
tainers? The Phonograph 'will give you so• muc
more in return for the money than you can get
spending it in any other way.
Do 'not take our word for it. Go to 'a dealer ' day
and hear the Edison Phonograph play the Ayiberol
Records, and you will know why we' are so 'positive
that you cannot afford to do without it.
must be settled at once
Edison Phonographs - _ 118.98 to 1112.90
Edison Standard Records - 40c•
Edison Amberol Record.) (twice as long) 65c•
Edison (:rand Opera Ret'or4s - 85c
There are Edison dealers everywhere.
fin'•s the nearest and hent the Rdlten
Micrograph play both Edam* Standard
and Amber.' Records. (let complete
catalogs from your dealer or from us.
Na4Jeea1 Phoseeraph Company. 100 li• Ave.. Omega N. J.. U. S. A.
\\'I; (':\11It1 A COMPT.ETE STOCK O1'
Worselis' Naril are and Stove Store
tactical Co=operation who to ant to 1naku their capital orsat'itigs Ming them
--sal Mamie in a well-established b6einess and 4 the name time'
the opportunity for extraordinary profit.• we ntfer to rt hooted
number shares in the Prince Rupert Real Estate Investment ,
Co., Limited, at par $14) per Khan..
The opportunity i, extraordinary because of the prolt•shar-
ing plan by whi"b you (nay become an 'ac fool member of our
enterprise and share pro -rata in all the pr to of lthe Company
end in its rapidly Mete/using business.
The mbney received by the Cofnpeny hrough the sale of its
shares is invested in wellselected real tate in I'rince Rupert,
under the divert supervision ot the Board of Directors.
We purchase. improve and retain properties adapted to the
uses of lousiness and sell at a profit property which is producing
or can readily be made to produces a satisfactory income.
As part of our plan for handling our rapidly growing business
and'to increase its capacity, we'hav(4concluded that we would
go directly to the public, with whom we have alwaq a antis-
fa(.torily dealt, and give them the opportunity to Mllhscribe Loom.
Sastre of shares, thereby sharing equally with tie iu the large
profits of the Company. •'
One of the indications of the high regard in which our shares
are held by those who posies.; them is the interest they show by
constantly bringing them to the It tentidn of their neighbors
and friends.
By placibg our aharea as we do among individual investors,
we are building up an extensive co-operative organization, each
member of dhich has the opportunity and will be interested in
adding to the profit,. of the Company, because by so doing- he
adds to his pet'Rmal prate.
Such offers rarely, if ever, reach private investors, and we
advise you to send your aubseripti(»I fot shares at once.
PurchnMeru of the stock may send one-tenth of the total
subscription with the order and the balance in nine monthly
Prince Rupert Rupert Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd.,
Prince Rupert, B. C.