HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-2-10, Page 8•
• TRGtte1A%'. FkiROART 10, 1910
:.Qoality <<cre..:
Again we call your attention
pour special blend of Coffee,• It ie
smtl.,th. rich and satisfying, and
is ill a class by itself. , Seine
price as olrlinaty Coffee.'4pe
pound •
Finest Norwegian S w oke d
:sardines in olive oil. "Crossed
Brand. 4 faith shipment:
special for Saturday, 2 tins
for . 280
Refined Salt
.peci*I refined Lahr,. Salt in
one-p.,und paper packages. No
dust. no dirt. no infection, no,
wattle, never cake.. Two paek-
gps-for -
.It'ST RECEIVED a case of
Acute shelled Walnuts It: r en '
, .h..), specially good. per pound.
• •400
• Sausage. Frankforts.
Celery, Lettuce, Green Onions.
'Phone 43
, \I1 . act!.:aid t'iraift7-itre rttmhfne.i
.1' ili• ii.'. ra''ing tonic Fetroivin..
w Melo ..o.istZ:s of hiS1.1eati beef. e'it
i.d. .d• ,i..0 .e1 J 1'10'' old Spat:i.l,
. 4..11 w111., .N linter •nidd Ice mole
L•�., ti I.1! r..1 •. sit mac moon n :uta c1111-
dtw,f• p••:Splr whose stl'eugtb
hu, :,t,•I all„•r-int. t;u,•alinttl art.
gpreset /a,MA/V
•CORfNA an
Most cases of baldness are
acts solely to neglect The hair
often becomes &yawl dandruff
forms because the h:'.:r glands
Go not supl:?y enuugh.11at-
tlfal•oil. ;*.jotllnlg overcooks
this deficiency so effectively as
that delicately perfumed, re-
freshing hair pomade; Bearine.
Avoid lila?dress; apply Bearine
to your hair occasionally .(U
druggists, 5() ct.. a jar:
DAVI 5 j� i
" `5A1� i1
A thick a,thr- • •: neat corn'.'%ncd with
Junsorte bleu: ,1 Vas!i•tr..L.. ,of the
cost wonder1.,. ua drug. kn,•wn. •
It soothes. h. • l ten':1., rr.t•m three
who suffer ft, • • •'i It.. Laroche. lieu.
linelabIM, Qlaalog.. lrrtated uca oilier
skis troubles. -•
The word -sato.- literally meta., L. w.•tl
or Is rood health. Try non. menthe*
111a1w sad you sill be rs1i.:.1L•
AH flea/,'% -
DAVIS.al LAWNI:vct: co., Montreal.
We desire to call your
attention to our excellent
line of Staple' and Fancy
Groceries, Fruits. Coil=
feetionery, Maur, Heins,
c. etc. Best t goods,
prices and prompt ...Once.
A trial order solicited, •
( H01CO_ TEA`;
P. J. Ryan
1'11 II u,. 11 n 4•,
i ►teei Rangf
,411...,ii "t
•ce•• "II the road. 1110::
"i ;tot's uu s•,• dein.
• A cstlo,iil ..f Shuidar,l 1'
1 •1 o! i- in sl,• t. tt .'1'11
e 11. „ilii 1.,',;1' - ,1Lt
.• y.
IIn- y,ir•tu•uh;.
• r.l get psi,•(•.,
Robert Wilson
Agnhl i .:'I . .. I l ..
11111/1,1111411A a1e.1 101.111'1
nGerg lilies of Pali+
NI a biases;
Feb.' itth
\\I:•. •.letv:tit; y.
.. ia •tit •,1 It(1 'i,• ,
A. ` c.) art t V.111..11111
( V.'b t tin1 -. a 1.i.1,
la .lid :.' .1111'.1111.
it: F• tramul' try $1._
- V:.I1y;tine Po ( 1 •i
h'n,ili cd. l.0 ..•'.
curet; '2'•fl,t. tie.
Eavelopz Sale
1%1'1 14, ., t.
Ifnveh.t)e.. 1, r,
I .:
Colonial Book Store
I'I'I11'l- }1, ['top.
'Phone loo. (i.nlrt'it•h.
Buckwheat Flour
in bulk and packages -and stilt -rising.
Maple Syrup
60 ► a EN SYRUP from pure cane sugar -in hulk.
PURE CORN SYRUP in tin pails. -
Prese: ved 3
Sweet, Sour and Mus
Canned Fruits, Jams, Marmalades and Jellies.
Ides. S*eet Gherkins, etc., in bottles from
t' -,• and WI bulk.
Itelishps, Olives. (fevers, Walnuts, crew Radish, Armour's Tomato
and Beef Catml►p. ('at. pm and Pretested Mustard from 5e up.
Olive (Ole, Bon{IMn--testis f cold weather ; Bovril, Concentrated
An Ashfield Old Boy.
The Manitoba (train Qrowers' Awo-
ciatibn is a powerful. institution in the
West, and we ale not surprised to find
at its head two former !!ui•onites. F.
A. (i•t+1•ar, fornlerl • of Molesworth, is
president, and R. McKenzie, a native
of Ashfield, is secretary +Led treasurer.
The \Vinoipeg Free Press gives the
following sketch of Mr. McKenzie:
1t. McKenzie, secretary•treasurev of
the Association. it another one at the
wen who etarted farming as a sort of
side line, but who has tuck to it till it
has canted him to practical independe
once. His exper•ietire in the West
dates hack to 1877, wheu he first struck
\Vinnipeg. His first choice of work
was railroad construction, and he, was
for some time with Charles White-
head on the construction of the line be-
tween 8t. Boniface and Emerson. He
stuck to this work for several years.
and even today he contests* with a
smile that he is surly that he had mitt
continued in that line. However
there was a sleek time in railroad
building in Manitoba and, lacking
something more interesting, be took
up land in 180•2, ,north of Brandon,
where today be has a comfortable
section and •a half muter cultivation.
M1•. McKenzie's life history is charac-
teristically t'anadiat+. Brun at. Ash=
field, Huron county, he attended the
old log schoolhouse, then the only ed-
ucational institution of the count y.
Taken with a desire to learn a profes-
sion, he entered a drug store at Luck -
now. but. after getting his degree de-
cided to drop that line and *owe west.
Ilere force of civcuwstancele started
him into farming. and 'today he is
one of the prominent taco of the Prov-
ince. He is a married man with a
family and while he ie looking' after
the work of the Association his boys
arekeeping the (arm 1111._
• A Hicks Prognostitattbn.
Rey. Irl. R. Hick.' pr(;utisee {lents
of weather tor the next two or three
months. l'he follow tag is from hie
Word ifli&.Works w,lg testacy for Feb -
runty. We don't k11uw• what it
means but it sounds interesting :
•` •fie uulltn•k for this mouth, and
i,,• n41.nth of .larch Inline'inyt; ii,-Uuu
I phenomenal probabilities. The.
Mars period Legin. with Earth. Venus
and Nlnrcury disturI.anees combined,
during the tti't 7 ebru,lry• •Hirai pet
'od coin tllt•ough.alt F,at: •1 11 V. '.1 itch
:int' into Apoi. -til e1 and we:.tht•:'
eonthtlnil.'tt 111 1111 t',.: 1 •3(.tlr U.1t
tinue•,11r tit, c e''1t' • „( t: • t ,,it
Iliac{ of th.e H ,I- hl . \\, o.ol;i t
1_1111t' Wally. t 1 ,,' !I p.
•iltt'111+a1P 3'a.' i'1ral -t „I ill• ,I' 1 1.:..7
;,vra' f hr,rr,;Ip,, .-xt•T . •+� •t
,Iii} 11111 •hitt Ittl,t1 t- 1 r1,it t1i • 1- 101
-1 u.t .' 1 Ot . 111.,. ,i111.1t• a•.111
1: softy; brif.„tt• '.flit
cured by Zam•Iluk of a bad attack of
bleeding piles, t. whish I had beeu
subject for a Mug time."
Mr. William Keuty, of Upper Nine
Mile River. Hants Co., N.P., says: "I
suffered terribly from piles. The pain
from thesis war at times almost uu-
tearable. I tried various ointments,
but everything failed to do me the
slightest good. I was tired of trying
various remedies. when I heard of
Zsant-Buk, but thought, as a last re-
source, I would Rive this balm a trial.
1 procured a supply and commenced
with the treatment. In a very short
1 time Zeal -folk effected what all the
other ointments and medicines bad
failed to do -a complete cure."
Wherever there is .inflarnntatiun or
ulceration, there Zaw-Buk should be
1 s u t •ease
applied. t heal ulcers, awe e
teetering sores. cold cracks, .scalp
sores, cuts. burns. scalds. bruises and
all Irritated, inflamed or diseased con-
ditions of the skin and subjacent
tissue. All druggists and stores. fill
cents ie box, or post-free from 'Lam-
Bpk Co., Toronto. for {rice. Refuse
harmful substitutes.
lcontinuod from page Sr
preparing them to live their largest
and best fives in service for the exten-
sion of Christ's kingdom. Education
is the proceas of perfecting man, of
transforming the original nature to fit
us for real living; AS Paul Said, -unto
the measure of the sratnre of the per-
fect man in Christ Jesus." The tour
great eduoat#anal inetitutione are
home, church, public school and state,
and as the other three are not-assulu-
ing all their duty the largest responsi-
bility rests .'u the church. Home is
tending more and more to throw off
its teeptmeihility. The- teublie eehoedi
dors not have religious instruction on
its curriculum; The Goverunlent"de-
nies that any responsibility lies on it
for moral dr spiritual developtnent,
though h GIaA o
st n,. id the r state tried
6 t
to wake it "hard tido wrung -and easy
to- do . right." So it ie left for tar
church to decide to permeate y'�uno
liven with the buret influen^e, and in !j
OAS- the'':Iimuiav .,•lou{ has a great
part to perform in eeeiing to prepares'
thrid "how to •lit',., add not .giving'
thein the matte i .iishc view of lite.
"how I•, least being.' 'l'ht• Salida y
school the alit -t iutpuit.ait ineltt i'
1i.i111. the 1.10411111llli1y. 'bel 1014.,,•
eog••l:•.J in : 1, ' teai•liita}, the, l,tea4's1. .
tt•X(-h, ok, the 11.1dt. ; '1 fntwnlatisig".
! in ul''arii, Ill 1. t ideal.. 3. Kir-
i gr• I ,•+1i Ili r '.i r ption :
I. i r, u,u1;, .., ,i . •9• foi theorem.
sat S `.:........ D. '.
Stock -taking Showed Us
0 BE perfectly frank with you, among other things it, showed us plainly
we have too many Furs and Fur Coats. Now we simply cannot afford to
keep the amount of money they represent locked up for six or eight
months. Even if we could it wouldn't be good 'business to do it. • The
question is -what can we do to right things and turn this surplus stock into
ready money ? The matter has had our . most careful consideration from every
standpoint, and we have decided it will pay us to take factory prices, or even les;
if we can materially reduce the stock at once. So every 'article has been gone
over an re -marked with the one object in view -of selling every piece of Fur
before February is over. There are about three months of fur weather ahead of
you yet. You cannot invest your money better than by taking advantage of
these unusual offerings.The Furs areof undoubted style and quality. We
will back each and all with our unqualified guarantee. The new prices go into
force Saturday, February the 12th, and hold good for two weeks, unless the stock.
is reduced to the point we want it before that. it is a most unusual. opportunity
to buy Furs of high quality at bargain prices. -one that is really worth looking
into. Here is a partial list of the stock :
.111:11 a 'till .•.
u 1 1 • cal:, _
,. t l ks_ t1,,• . I 1
III : 1. 1. .
,.'1 • 1 I,, ' !: ,
('lu'- \\',• , , I,
The= Dol: s. Kida:y P(L \'i.:''G:rc D.a ..e,..LIth ,; II •
it•t ,
'Metes Because They Croy.: H we., set . pJtl.it ' • - .u„i ,.• ,; ;it •,n
'4',,'. It •fit, 1:1 ni t '.- .'..111... t tt r•u.l ,t - (•-tc.,
I•I.utI411.t .ue
,.4(•,,.1.t,,I-•h w.•
tit • li' 'v• ••.t. t I''t- I,. 1 c. II p• •,e 1 I' Lot ins .-slit-i, r.•,n1:7. 11"."1•Iyer• nun .:ui-f.•t•.II tl -,I IIt' 1i'- "gK
VIII, still 1111 t:al,.•(,•.. :di-•
171.4('1 ys :
1'or six innnth • 1 .ottf,.roe1 frim[
I.ete•s. •Ylli IeXr. 101 Ilndd's Kidney
1..11s Crated. sic colepletel .. 1 give yon
pct iuis.ion to publish this, as it uury
be tht• menus ut h.•ipitig 1/t here.'
Thal whit Will one de,1e•te-, will
rtnl'any folio of k.lney di -cess i. an
•.li :eying.:111•1 n1 doubt tete:tins that
Itoth'o Kidney fill., will ems- diabetes.
In High Society. - •
\\'Iter it it. my child?" •
\1'hen Sis ularries.that lord, will 1.
II lye to call her •y • Ixdyship"?'
••It will not be necessary for yon ti,
1111 • 1.- 11111 it will IN* very nice if you
Cate 10.''•
"All right. ' Mclihy 1 Won't always
do ti, but I'll p10111 se not. to call her
i'1ntykin face'' any mole, anyhow.''-.
Chicago !teemed -Herald.
Choice Tomatoes, Corn, Peas. Beans, Canher, Spinach. etc.
German Sausages, Cured Meats, Limburger Cheese, Sauerkraut. etc.
'Itching bruphons (?uickly Cooled.
Just a few (lnps of the famous 1).
1). 1). I'rescriptton Aliplled Us the ekin
will ,take ,sway .inHla111iy the wars('
kind of an itch. We positively know
•Ilii(. Oil of wintergreen, •a mild,
soothing liquid, combined with such
healing substances as thymnl and
glycerine, will penetrate -•to the inner
skin, kill the germs and heal. The• D.
1). D. Prescription, (made at the D. D.
U. L'.hn •stories of Chicago. seems to
be just the right compound, as thous-
ttle of remarkable cures prove.
't go on suffering trona eczema
or ao ther itching- mon disease,
when tetietixe�o eau�aiiy obtained.
.I ttst write_ th�1 J), Q. 1.aboratair_
iee, Dept. G.8.. 'Li jJn tan street, To=
ronto,1 and they will seiM.you, free, a
trial bottle. This sample wiN relieve
the•itching at once. end prove GI -your
sattefi,ction that here at last is the
cure for your torture.
Write for a trial bottle today.
' For sale by all druggists.
h• A-li•.t}.i li'.lIlg.ton .si'1, ••h,.w
it ' 11 ` ..( h. Il.r(1 I1it l ill...,.
2. ( ,I i- , sllin,: 1,. l- tot the -,,:•:
tion 1 t t!)„ c•ty 410011,ln. \\'• .hon .1
Hill bi- itoetc-teain tl}i- gi „tt int; i1I 11-
111111. for they formation of .o,•lel lite
sunt our uncial and i'nligiyus lite i. in
The han.lo of the leader+ 111 nary cit t••
The Monday• school Must Meld -rate
those principles n► Jnseis'w•hich will
ltd young men and women tis wit ii
srtynd the subtle-tetnplet:bins of the
cite. The city calls for - men and
women in all walks of lite.
3. The third task -we liiu (.hold
Canada fol Jesus. We rant feel' the
etirrhig, of".those forces Which make
fur tiatl(•nal life.-' We are destined to
play a great part in the world's his-
tory. There is a great ho-iitrige for
Canadian people Sallie 14 a great te-
Nponeibility W use this privilege and
develop it.' lfighteotisness and loyalty
ate qualities that are needed to hold
Canada for Jesus and in sending the
Gospel to the ends of the earth. Ood.
calls us to this work and to do it we
niuet leaf to protect the sacredness
of home, to life positive, affirmative
Christian lives. to destroy gigantic
public evil.. We mast take au inter-
nter-- atnational p0llticatayIitem and
+tee that character is the real test in
public aid private lite.
4. We t civilize and evangelize
those corning to our shores. Jesus
maid, "Whosoever would be great
among you let him bre least." Chrii•
tion national life mast be a lite of min-
ietering and service to other nations.
All history is a working out of Ood's
mrpoee through a series of events,
We must not keep out the foreign ele-
tnents. for though foreigners bring
problem; they also bring' with them
theprOterof an applied Christianity:
Canada should provide men ,necessary
Mr the missionary work among thein.
and on int lies the responsibility of
holding th± call of Gad before them.
Jy'e should provide Christian seculpr
schdal teachers, for they do a greet
deal to-inoold the religious life of the
foreign comMitoity. Of all the prob-
lems in hietory-ane of greet import-
ance is, what will be, the destiny of
the countries bordering oft the Paciflc?
We are proud to he Angler $axons
when we are using our great fleet and
our possessions for the spread of
Christ's kingdom. These are some of
the tasks to which (:rad is calling us.
XVhaf is your relation to the great
Sunday school movements in prayer,
in attendance, in giving, fn:' preparing
the riming generation lest will he
satisfied with' us only es we give nor
best and our all. We must be like
Hint to establish in others the prin-
(ipies of his life and chat•acter.
The report of the nominating com-
mittee was next given. The officers
appointed for the raining year are
President, Charles (;irvin ; vice-presi-
dent, low Currie ; secretary, Thos.
Sheppard; committee, A. P. Shep-
pard. John Duetow, R, Mcllwain, (leo.
Rutledge. Jos. Cooke.
This clouted the institute, which ran -
net fail to he a enure'. of much instruc-
tion and inepiration to alt who were
privileged to attend.
Member' of the Nile choir hirnished
both vocal and instrumental music for
the sessions.
The collection wts lffl.79. -
, The Mother Hand.
Tnao'her - "Jimmy, you look very
pile this morning. Are you ill ?"
Jimmy'- "No' ma'am. Ma waehed
Inv face this morning herself."--
Woman's Holme Companion.
Evidence from All Sources. "
There are am madly so-ealleed "re•-
medies" for pie's that.. atitferers are
often at a loss hat to ttv. I'iles ate
4'aused by distention of the hemor-
rintid veins. and the tissue becomes
highly inflamed, dry and ease. Zane
link coal• and somites the inflamed
Genie end the heaving esmencea in
Zan, -hue penetrate the diseased parte.
giving ease quickly stat eventually
curing the most obetinate case of
Mr. Gera. Barrie, of Virden, lawn.,
says: •'i suffered ec.ttely from piles,
but i ata glad in say Zam'•Ruk gave
Ime ease and brought nh ont ultimate
Mrs. 8. Cooke, I6$ Pacific Ave.,
NViinipeg. say s : •'A month ago i was
- I only -fur -lined Coat. brown beamed *hell,
muskrat' lining, mink, collar. $45.00
reduced to. .. �J�J
1 only fur -lined Coat, extra quality heaver
shell, high glad muskrat lining. A No.
1 sable collar. ttegular *71)110. to
clear now
I only fur•lined at, black heaver shell.
Western sable roller and reveer•,,.•quirred
liniug. Regular $tl0.IMI. o clear..: $39,00
1 only fur -lined Coat. bre vn • heaver shell.
Mock Piober collar anti , re •ere. Oriental
e leak lining.' Very rp�,•iul to $40.00
•' 1 only heavy beaver ('a it. g, l yu flit v
(plated lining, 3%f -stein s'ble c. l:lr and
revers. Iteitular $13.11.', ,o clear.
0 ('.perinea. asenrted qualities, regular
$l5.IM1 to $10.00. Choice of the
lot to clear, exactly .... half-price
�i • _ 20 add pieces of Fur, Throws, Mtoler. ('altar•+
and Meneo. American fox. marmot. Western
sahle'lI [ Tr; til., '- Beguile I to_ tuna__ fie
Klondyke able . No 1,5 at rear C A98
choice any article for .D`f.
1 only genuine Alaska sable muff, piling
trimmed with live Iargetails an'I claw.
Regular$211.1111, to clear. special.. . $14.25
2 only.fiu•-lined ('•'.'4 ul y ratify all -wool
leaver. NV. - ...tern te. -111,• .'I( 11••1,1lel1.•)-
linin,: it 'gal it \.:.1' 1. '„ 5,33 00
:cleat each
1 only Mirk 11',.-'ut I' nA' ( ,( 'h••.
1"11g. 1) t..,d ill.,, 1 •lt silt -' •.. „ 1 .,'•
'winosat:lt. It, ,; ,l 1. ' •$ 19.00
else i:' v
1 ,.,i!'. 1,11-'.'l1'
A 1• I ) l.. ••'n
!ono ,,i) J, I:,.,n , c.,
.,I t3el,' %tilt b,• t•.•n1
1 only Alaska sable Scarf, very thick t.',
at lashes .lung. Regulus• $23.4114. 517 50
- clearing at, . ..... .
1 only, genuine .\1 .-k 1 .able 7'li.••.tr, '51
• inches* Ii:,ng, regulai ht.r. 10, leasing $17 50
IV only At 1.4 1 s (1.1• ', .1;•. h • . ,' i' I sit
4 til Nr) tlr•.1''vi' h hP t 1- . ,
µ•(i'•1...- It••jC ,la, •..t 1',,... ".. • , •I' hl; 1 t lifts
-t tt ..,
'.i - , .:It t
7.•nlic1 ', 01 .• t,- . 1 to 1 Naini
1 r .ci•0 \\'.• 1011; ,.h, ., , a1 r V. /-1.
..... ,. ...:. $25.00
1•1 o k \-
1104•.'• hick. 1' 3''
, t„ ,•!.,lie
1 only. n ,1•kra, t' , •t 1„ 11
skirl Stir• 31.` Si' ri
(*alibi ick A-treeh 111 '' ,
gtr-uter length. Thi+ 4• 111 rhe
hal tt-11 arses It •p!•nnl •1
• j.,114h weather. Spec,.' 1 : o
:'1 I1101•P -lila • ( glint f' 1 p •- q' 1
itlars. (.nod( hint, for d"1
tvn,It her. On . K1104vk•• '1'a
14 at your choice...
). e. 1' t1. Na. I
y'e. n•'n1A1
I- $34,50
Mink Throws'' -
1 roily mink Throw. na'.i•al Cdna•li..0 rnink,
:.l inches long, flntoh.•d with "$3250
heads. R:•gular *MO', 1 . ,1,..•J7
3 genuine Alaska a ell • 11 ,f1-. Empire snaps•,
No. 1'quality. 'It11„ dial SI:' 1•'. 1 i $, 0 50
-clear .. ll
1.1111r A1111,1111 01610 It 114 ti••.t, •r tv• ha,.• I
its ''•s•k a: v• rt tell ,i 't. .art ' h•: 1•• •-11 1•
f( t: •rl t r L•Ir tc u, k j, $23 J
ra �`
... 'J•
• i• S' a
.ALT' :..
I •,•,'e h, i•.', 1- 1. 11 re!. • .,.11 5'01.. I,•_s
1 :'lin ni 1;,''• t ' ,11� '•� 01 lI•'.
lT ,. •..y...... ':., $1150
1 ' 11• 11 -ern .1 , It f. 722 ,. •.11,••1
_ ". V''' Vii• sial . 1.1 $8 00
1 1'
• '- ••I 11.1 1, 11•,'r n
11 . -li o.. 1 v -.
tt on. le. It -zee -;,.' t,• $19.50
t-ah"Ila lox 51111111, extra lar_••. 1,• ,,, ,t • II.
Inehry. Reg.ul it 111.Ti(sl,. 1' $19.00
2 natural e' 10 Idi•in mink Muffs- n •
„ tyke 1- \'•• -y .,r •.•1 ll n 1'l •';,'
.• ell
1 •
1 only ('►n Ili to lulnk 5,.,!... i 0tripe.•
down wyrll.o,-..r •0.•.h musts••., a11 .ears.+,1Sn;'c .
'hand:snow 111', t1• an 1 gn'►v111t'•e41 ,‘,)0
1 -
Ittg.rl'te• $71t,1st, special to clear $53 00
1 only ('anI,linn plink 't Ili-, trientue,l tli'),
h...oI'+ and tails, vet v rhni •e gruel.' $45'00
of skins. Regular $(S I ill'• to r11,1r
• The above is not by .any means a complete list of the stock of Furs you ..i;;
'have -to choose from. in fact it does not represent half the articles in our Fur
show room today. We ,are in earnest when_we s;ty we wit It to sell all if possih:t•
within the next few weeks, and are making pricec!44;:! l; th it "are vet y much
out of the -ordinary in order to :t.'cOmpjisho rlir (ase -.If you have thought --u4
fur buying, or even if you have not, come and see what we are doing anyway.1
We have the goods to sell and will make the prices do it.
lave You Bought Your Spring Supply of Cottons ?
if nor..do it now. Unn't delay, for Cotton won't h e as cheap
again for many and many a day. Bigtetocko here now, but they
are going fast and we c (nnot giye you as good values again.
Fine English Cotton. hteached, soft finish... 8c
Heavy English Cotten. camhric finish, splendid cotton 10C
for general use. Special per yard
An extra fine English Cotton, esniheic flnieh, very 1 ell
A 2C
Queen Quality cambric finish Cotton, very flne, soft 15c
and durable. per yard '
English Nainsook, full yard wide, absolutely free 121
from dressing. A regular `ilk' quality. per yard only ., 2C
Extra fine Cambric and Madapolam for fine i under- 20c
wear, 17e, c and
I The Kiondyke Tables
• Have you looked over the
Klondyke T,ablea? 15 tables
heaped with bargains of all
knits gatheted from all over
this big store. Buying any-
thing on then) is like getting
dollar bills for :,eh: or les..
They will be filled up again for
next Saturday. The lowest
table choice 2 for 5n, the high-
est, Ni. 15, choice
Thirteen tethlea In between.
Canadian bear grease will surely
grow hair. That'm why Bearine. the
pomade made from it, ►uakPs hair
grow. We. a jar.
The world le full of tainted money,
bot few mind the odor.
The under dog get. Iota of sympathy
and that's about a11.
Cough and Colde.-ff everything
has felled, try Allen's Lung lltalsam
and 1* eute d.
Another thing the automobile lacks
is horse sense.
''Loss of appetite and general debility
are quickly overcome by the use of a
few bottles of "The 11. & L. ' Emulsion.
You can't dodge them all. MOP
quite, bites. sunburn, bruises, skin ln'
juries. Some of these will attack f"u
this pension sure. Have $ tin of Darts
Menthol Salve on hand. 25 cents
After a man has paid out $(1 far
mos lessons he thinta lila dailghtee
is competent attoplay for cmmpany'