HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-2-10, Page 5GROCERIES
Just a few of the many
lines in which we can
give you excellent value:
Starch -
• Raisins
Sp'ces •
NW s,
Etc., Etc.
Coast -sealed Oysters.
Sturly & Co.
'Phone q1 -- West 8141. Square.
aouiveteary sermons in North street KINTAIL.
Methodist church. Mr. Halton is ops MORE
will be kicking yourself about if you
g of the fol•ewnst preachers1p papa- I O t t BALK BAytllA1N 4 THAT
• - Id.en Metilout•m. The oholr will pre- lad them. Piet °owe tlrut choice. Why not
sent special mucic. • I he here final lied s•Ilaoe. secular 15e, two
Kkersmith Recount. •
she recount of the bellota cast in tit
:111 optima contest w the township(
'delouse h,Nill be conducted by Hi
eau -Judge le Metb0 tows ball
wffesit. Ott. Friday, iSth hist• '
iuun.,l has so tar been made
DUI id Led n for re; print. regular 120 for I W a yard:
s :Blow
Ip��t rT/i, The ntedteat health- =-----�lald.--sraeg.-__ oateup, regular Ick:, 3 for 13e: pled tearls. •s1
, ot8crr *dvired that it reason elotad rvenjng at 7::h.) in Kt. George's chum .--"e1O''��� '' a
y bairn closed since January 31, ow- g t even1100g • et Mrinnn. rMtuI ( reerrlar liar !Or IIs • Yard inerts
f dote I, for,ile. What aloe d patee•roups
e title we. k. Tl.• Molt 11 officer war re- Service, wee held yesterday morn- •ad dl.m..l llon't you want ioa.or FLWI
quewtrti to see that St. Andrew's wsrd ing (.\ah Wednesday) in SC George'', t w&otrd at top prise., trade only. nutter u0
sebool tai t. el IUnll a egg• un. wanted, novo tpnrferledt
Doo P lie. Y K ted. Other church add in the evening at SL nee a lees, deal ac, cau•h. ho uur.ulQ tour
p matters in the principbl a rrnort trete Peter's. s. (rleu.l. end u. a Kidd tutu too then, about our
rhrrtion with 140i►r'( pu.ed kecouut
he Royal Templar&
gui,.hu l'ouucil No. 1011. H. T. of T..
•kt a liol serial at the houw of- W. J.
i,Creath on Friday evening last. A
oil crowd gathered and spent a very
de -very
v ryt ivied Ile The
the), haw
,,et•,.srvt•ual of the members winter)
'wards t.Be•red by the Du '
wool. rind luta prospects fot a good
tar*IIII l tit rd r• Mgr are Monday 4rldoforeach
a the
tel" x+
A Southern"Romanee."
Thur -deer. rein nary 'Irh h, is the date
sal iter* production of "A sMttuthrrn
roe* drove in four abts to be
resented l,:'tt Meal cowpony nndrr
hedil.•rte.'s of -It H. Steufier. The
oyiee•tion is under the auspices of
is 7tiolloot Regiment,and
ealerr eat. Smut, of the
s•.1 loons of the town hes been .1$•-
tltr.lf•.41..•11.111, and the hand will
M H.
w l 1 several . • t NII 1
' 111 .1 r 1
.-h( •n•tl 1 g
rest --N-. -The prices w i11 be .'' x, • :Ole
aid 514-- 7 . •-
Nort•era' .lastilitt0
Il; • triveljr-. of the (italrrich branch
11,•-O\ 11. *1 nil's institute, tit111 ' 1)11
Ihlti -,11‘ aft. r-rile.pp• r- iteet week wee
.nit 1., 4, n.•11 At. ceded %Ih. Jte•ck
.i 1`eso• 'rake' for the besieHt . '
'-essesersee. L. answering many gees-
'nr's ehiti-. at .1he week*, No need 1,,
`' 114.41' 'Iia 1.41. 11718 govt. , 111'M.
�(,'•.i. -:u•d }fig. l tszir 1.. ' ..n g.ev.•
n•,,.•ucs p. ittin,g to 1o,.1 lee work.
At thy''1:11'•'h meet leg there will teen
ttrrr"nieteitimu-iu l.ie-rl►rku •
Ne Alarm in' Goderich.
L„1,.:I " u► li.aherieh seesite :it lir
u u,••r•••vmei over theetieleull oaf.
it ,• -sod to exist in \\'r -owl n On•
I so, I • are ono uli.. the •.ueeis
4•'1.•4., ••• Lrtpt..lnt'r, andNo1arthrtw.
e 1-,i to eel towardstheenf[rrej'ng
• i - • 1, „;e1..: ions. i...urd by I It •l)t1-
minl n r)' •1 Ihuviewiel anthinitirs-
Tb• t• n: .4 Mlitrhell rind S.•atnrth
bite • r11 .i.l for 1.1111111 tune
r.v.11 tit" At sou 'r of rabid doge with-
iu_tleFu,.ty.'ttyle. and tur.'C'►rMJNy 14'
v -,-L 11 foul . s seas.
\\'hr'h•'1 tioderich is to IrSIINl rl 1 N1.
nuu1•'w-•fh.•ut any p.rventive ac(ioh
',woes -to be sre•..
Goidlaerpe-C ase Settled.
Th• 44.•it• a1 bi..ughl lay .1 T. 01.1.1•
Ihhil.• sealer( .J. W. MI• v.•. t.•1 le utile
I"rt..rhienie I.t an ewes -mem . to give
•1 i ,'lick in
i1'e to:tette '.lees, Shoe.. ` i way
('•.n Mi�, nt :.nd Sekiya' of .tuck' in the
• a to Ito. -r Pnwrr (".1
1rr'11.- el costive for $hsl,ies) teem -
age.. I. e. 1ee r-sr(1led kv the delivery i r
01 !be ek a• cl*tenw•1 by 111 r
'hff'*,d payment of ell coati by the ,r
rib f. tot :et. 9 his csee was urn the
O. 111 11-1 the 1 .t alt ling, of the
High, C. nit at (iealrrirh and wee
n.J-1.i•ed In L -Mho,. hut wit
'"ti I. tour g to ilial '
Farmers' Institute Meetings.
Th. • lit pletaof Wr.t H•lrnn' me re.
tris •.1 r.. h •41' 111 .,,Intl 'the• n1w•ting.
ol'F•• 1•'••1101',1 Institute tit Ile' held
for w ark wN foelnwa ;
V. tides at Londratwrro'.
'Fr.• . i:•y it. Hnhnoavrlt.. -
1\'.•• lien miller.
Toeolev it Mt, Alrguetine..•
l•'. hist .T Ifntigennon.. -
Sr'of.ley as M-, H.•Irne.
•ire Mee, sessions. will begin at
-2,-.In' k mat the evening M•s•i••n• at.
eels A '•pones ball will b • provided
the ,fl„I.le for w ulrrLing of IM1ira In ,
n.i O1 Iii the ere ling j lint i,
. meetings will he bold
A Good •Entertain mint. •
On Wednewlet evening stereo audi-
Ha•ret \'mono Olet,e Hous' 1 i,j.ii.st
nee of the lest musical l,. mesu14 ever
- pnwnlyd 1n Goitre's -h. Tee conceit
.1141.(1.1' 1n .r. E. Joints" n'a win'e1• rester,
a. rt .Il+e nitlar-tom was tbo Viewer
The ladies Iheosrlvee weer
• sr -iron, and chat ming. their musical
- $ferretta'. iatilterndnrg n4uaelesebe rood
geote,..nd tee is mesa delight-
' 'fut. 1;11.1a Mtd'oy• i oval soloist,, wit.
4 lettnrtlr, r+eep(mding 10 ,three on•
eines al her final i-umher. while the
aa.etloh. hv' td.rtlSetd*ger std
Mai ti:,. Vaabington Hall, violin and
- ea*eethtmr *tritest*, • also were much
met a rw(rd.
An Insurance Case...
M . .lestice Britton in the case of
*obeli Waste!' ver, the Mutual Life lo-
•Puna.,• r ('omlar,y of PIPs York and
•M's Fn•n4a Hicks. tried at (iialrrich,
'ise►'t4P d.rteJ(tn to Robert Wildon,
11h•. is w Mode ate merchant at See-
fn'Ih. Wilson took out a twente-year
s ldowmrnt polies. fur $5,0!110 in the
Mei URI Life In.urance Company.
which in 1888 he Resign(d to Mrs.
Scums Hicks, whom he designated a*
his tient*. Later he wished to trans -
hit the . liry to his niece, and the
judge upheld him in tbia. He held
that. there was no inteotlori on the
i'flOt'Wfl(III to $IVP absolutely to
lite defendant the policy in question.
It wee his intention to ryeke the pol-
leypsyahie to her at his death should
occur before maturity of the pol-
icy and subject to any change be
neght desire to make before such
t�snr maturity. At the time of
Peistnlneot the policy had been
In force foreieht years. and since then
the defendant bad paid no premiums,
arul Wilson will himself rewire the
money which is now duK-------
Public School Trustees.
The regular meeting of the public
arhra,l iaoard was held on Monday,
wi.h the following members present:
A Nasindere, chairman, and A. D. MO-
iwen, 0. P. Blelr, R. H. Outt and H.
• ter was received
frnlE fl Miss Bail /thanking the hoard for
ifs exprp..aie.n ,•f aympathy in her be-
Ienvetnent. Another letter was from
Prof. MCF4tDone, of MPiieo, offering
his owe -sires se tearher. The oommun•
irate -in was sent to the l'olleglate In-
stitute laird. The prinelpal'e report
ft•r Janet*ry was pt•rasnt e, showing
11411 bus and 3711 gire■ on the roll. with
an average attendants of'ad4 boys and
E((1 feria. St. Andrew's ward school
lett over till next snorting. The Geste. Hey. J. Greene. of Clinton. occupied
rich Planing Mills (Jo. were laid $701) the palhit of North street Methodist
on the new building rad the fol- I church tart Sondey in the absence of
lowing xecolult$ were nrtlered pperel :Nev.i Dr.. Dougall, who is visiting bis
James F gen. wood, $11 0x0 ; 0. Oook, , father at hie home near Ottawa.
wood. $1.50: teary 1 infield, $'ld; J. I The sermon subjects at the Baptist
Sproule. repeit•ing. $2(itaferich )'Ian-; ehurth serviette next Sunday are:
ilig Millliupallirsuun $42
7j ;(j .l, e, I Morning "WM.We Ate Baptists
plies', Viet p, A 1 Thr Doctrines of the Church." Even -
1 ing-"Thr Living Christ -Advocate."
At en early hoer last Friday morn- A rehearsal of.Staloer's sacred can-
ing, P)•Lruary 4t1t.' Joseph Whitely tats "The Crucifixion" will he held
lweaed pi•atn•tully aw•ey, otter...woo1 on. \Vtdiewfa evening n.zt at S:1:; in
wreaks of disu•eaaing iilnr ss. His de- St. Oeorge'e church and thereafter on
pan ewe 111a1 kir the mewing of .nether Wettne stay evening of each week.
..I those Pioneers who Woe been the Choir practice on Friday eveojngs at
strength of. and coals much of tllr 8 u'rleck.
``nuslxtii y of. Huron county forever i - Rev.. 1)r. Dollgell' will occupy his
leo( a cretin y. Mr. \Vhitely : bad :own pulpit next Sunday morning
A Good Citizen Gouge. , Every heady weleotne.
t-.rrurtd -grata.
-Ea ;-AtlllucocklpvalnasLa$d testimony
.ti eN 11.0• 11 in or neer F: ' kill. Fee- niertigl; ; air 11 (o'clock the regular
,(1'veto li origin y, feel end. •, Hw• pitr'uts codgregetinna! gathering. Sermon
came t • Ceuu.l.t in PCtl and settled in I subject, "Fresh Supplies of Power."
(iodrrieb toweshlp.. In Nevrmhcr, 'There will be a reception of new tnein-
l' 1), 31r. Whitely tutrtied Moe Sarahhers, succeeded by the sacrament of
MliMahun, who survivor hint. with ! the bird's Supper.
#vs' 4•4-44144a-.si7 r•hdd,en`T Irae ere L _11.-*tSunday the �wple of Goderich
the.0 44111b, tyro J• Benla,o, .I.ui pl-e ate to have the opportunity of hear-
and- l:h-uleti. • aril two daughter"•_� jMr. P 1). Leverton Harris, B. A.
31ioea.Lily and Jennie. Another eon, „( Tet,,.onto; w•cretary of the Toronto
Alfa•rl, duel 8,,1110 year. ago. The late 11 fjo Kea irty. who is coming to
Mr. \Vhitety howl the g.eatrr Part of • (; ,ler h iu connection With the worm
his tile IN the L-»Iii.hlp, hut. also It fir- os' the Children's Aid leases -Cy. Mr.
treat years ago he retired free' hi. is II address the congregation
iierTA-onorntirQ, -and
tit street Methodist church
a -good audience .ip St.
h sch,xdt•ooul on Mon -
hear an address given
141 1.1 and n me d tee) liteletilr h.. iter' „f-Kp(ia '
Loewe,' on 1ou111 et yet. and four or : chit of Nit
its years aero built Olet•rsidenee he ' j„ -the rvrn
tk•.•q,ierl et lie d.i.wsr. Mr. \Vhite!v 'There vis
lied always ..he.wn ad arlivr interred (irorgr'R ehu
111 I rhg. all it, • MIL1 wee en motive day rXrnitl to
atheistswurkrl :111(1 s'la'w 1,•44.1..r for K
nlauy yeswon the %i •n MI Uleali*t 1iy et. (: H. (:unne, of Chiltern
chluch. lianieri:h teweishi(. unci �t the sue tiers o 1the A.
reetelnllrrt---1*----tred--4wrls a- foit.tlf '4 1. A. The n trend uentle►dan'.
nieu,ta•i- of N.uith etreet Methodist 1��hfflpt was •.rhe Art of Katy-tpl1-
rl.nrrb. Hr x':.B w Conw•rvativr 01
ing,' end • he illustr tell, it by teeny
j,edlt u•.. but :.ut an metier penia' iso Nooks told in i ' blt style. The
w*e Itre.•,• 1111 lurewale ultrrrvhn
.1.:1•1411,611':°.111811..m"1,1,`:.::14:"4111::1 ua1WIYN it - Ii,,,ughout. 31 i-rr 1
n..tun,eted e1GeiIs hie interest wag ( h,.uzel coi,11* g ve a re
tha-�.i.h'-ni 1. i..e in h..1h luwushi e ,�u,rKtyrily Burr a pix
slid town The fnr.rrxl t.aok P14 --e , I: a rector of Kt. George
1 us' lou 'ee'..• •
n II 1
1l d
Isom 11 �es (« i�r K�n P .
the r 11 n ,tit tenet, on
e Nut:.iy idles tn...u. '1 he Rei trice at, the
house wus e•or,durtrtl by Rev. ft.. \y.
MG fy4td-and Rev. ('h*.. R. Jones. in.
the INei•on/•e• ..f Rev. 1h. lentgall. Mr. lint'lt', V. Harden I. vi-itlJ.g.ln Lond
\\-hal: 4ie favrite hymn. .,e'Jrsnu:-_F. W.i)oty.kltonTuesdayonatripto
i,•,t i• .. v Se." wet' wank the n Fnutt« fe+pending hatlld,gk at her Ito
op.•u;n. ttM hymn.imtet.
I the s•rvit•r. Rev. 4'. R.' at .!!"ilei.
Jolira in drl.ves Dig -the whirrs,. .ex- - 1(1•.'. 18.. )40,.. rhea,' and Mn. Mlrhea,' are tbiit
preeSeil the tribute to • the 1''reunal (rg It Toronto.
whrrft-of tit, •heroes etl that in theeigfet )fie tttynoldr.• of Hodgen. lime,'. stag, i
trio. ns' sole IIs knew h visiting her hone. *1Winch:int.
Duly a. it, lg..ny (nen Anti a 4'hristian Sant'p•1 ('ntr.n, of Hnw.;l• Mich,, was 1
Beeth-men.'Tee p d1lel W..mehekl. town ore N.ndayel.Itrng1 mother.
e . Ir 1,.. tits Gtr[ of 61r. and Mr., W. K. Kelly and Mk. Manson
drnrel lest week Mere their trip to Now
Iris etroe.1 t•let an GlyeTlfThrio tx ,
See an 1 drv.•ti-'n to bis church, i', A. Reid and (.a*(• Salkeld ire attendh'..
• zrniphfr.l 40 his"many toots of spry- the nteetiugof the Fall Fair+ A.societies
es' al fele.. I..tdrr; that doting the 7"ronu1.
10..1.1+ of painful wailing for hie droit•. '�311r• Inmos RI*ke. of Ji ifeking, I: vi -icons et
•rm o f ho e. tes''of her sunt.,. tit.' 31i..•e. llallough,
mole hr ova- alw:.yr full o pr, Newgate. [rcet.
r)4 that when • 1110 end eaOM the Ilrrand Mgt ('near, of Tnrattn, were in
110 ,i,... were rut loose in silence end (:nderirh thi: "we.•k ori a ri.it totbeirdantthter,
fryer.. Hier -pirst had entered the Her Mrs R. J. Aeheson.
u,•1 uu•' hie Pilot. t. Thr hearers -were I Mise K V. Mallougb hen returned to Bloorn
t into,,, 111. for 4 .hon time to rw.ume he
\\'rn. Arhrru,l. J H. 4 4)IINAne, ltnhl• work a.'tr,vate nurse.
MI-• leen, John Ph•iri., WVn,. Cox and `le. W. Howell 0.at*endingthemnrentinn o
:Vol. MleVn,is'. Flus .d trilutee went hardware dealer." wt London. He 1. accum
p',.i-0d 1.p..n tin• ca.kel by 1►n•t+ltet+of l• ptnierl by Mr"' Howell:
a ' \ N 1'
Ker. J.. \Vll.on. of Toronto. WO. in town nn
the r n, lye 11a •lir ),ran• M MINI 1 Mender el h(• way to vi.n M. parental hone
h.1 r•. Vies. `till ;h. i if little Ir 4' reek. ; In. Wed �t awitne.h fora fres day.
h.1i••11.. and 8 ti Oral hop 1.y Ihr diem- i 'MI-- Irene, Nlehol•.on left on $atuM•y.foo
tore of e.he.: hair .4 Ninth street Mrth- I Terum•'. where .h« ha. take,, e-p.odtion a.
o•li.t ei.ti"eh. 'I he iv -notion were laid lenograeher Ili a whule.wle.e•cd +toll.
in Mail lend cemetery', and despite the. Rer trirnd- err much eonrnrned over the
v _r* .rvrrr• repotls ilh,e•+. of Mr: F. J, Pridhsn, he e.
.iveether were followed. t•, repotted today a.'cogaderably improved.
the grave by '8 -larg number 14 '4. 4', ratllrls hnnie,,00n a vl,lt to hi- mother.
ltiende, • �(-e. F. -4n,.-,th, wh•' has hien .erlou'dp ill.
tt'ill ha. heel ranching
M Montana slid, era
•LOCAL TOPICS IN BRi.F. nndrr•twud. her. hien very .ucoe..fu1 in bl.
open.lio,,.. -
-- -- Agdrew Rongvie, formerly an,oeiat with
Valentine.' don : beget, h d Mond*Y next i. ' liti.lne.:. here. 1 N.. r'pendlegi the week Ihe n: teen.
be .r, awl I •-•1 • .Laser *.with'.. Fi.1 .fere'. Mr. Itnu.vil l.• now Inte seed In 4 Penn.yi•
the 11.e• 1.. h uy :hem. rani* iron mine, with he- buane,aeheadyuarten
:virile re•nple a •• ItenAr Inking' forward to. at Philadelphia,
pr.vr .nd isle- nn1«rin[ light us. -wort. and 3William Ian.. county clerk. wit. at Tntonto
Pring ".11.. F..1, t'ridh.ns her. a stock of the ',Nis wrest attereling a ,.ie••ll , of the nnterio
feet and awellr.t.ulting. sed urenroatiug"- Monirip.I A..ocIetion. He w:.. a member of a
deputation which w uteri upon Hon. J. W,
Hoops, Provincial Secretary. In an effort to
.ecureeiveral amendments to the. municipal
On Friday.ironing Iaet a piele*nt Rectal
oer*dontook place at the honme of Mr. and
Mr;t Jame. Buchanan, jr., Nekton .trent, their
daughter. MON Annie. bring the bassess at w
"linen .howcr • given in honor of Ni.. Myyrtle
Cowin... ' After ,pneenteeive euchre lade
Gov, a linthind apDpeanrl with a miniature
wJiee Vee itot-whirse erwt trip, brought In
the gene•ou. *apply of linen contributed by
the young ladies. The party afterwards ad-
,lourned to the diningroom, where rofre.hmont.
wereeerved ata prettily arranged table. At
each elate was a carnation, with a bunch of the
Rime flnwera at Mies Cousin.' stare. The even-
ing won much enjoyed by theme present.
and minced'
net ance Le
ng and Mira
Hey. M.•
r -
irmstis. -inspector 'lien. aconit-
e PA 'rd by Miss L. Welter, of the
Mai and concessi n school, called at
No. -i '4huil on Friday afternoon on
ton I sem_ i-annil tI rounds ...J.
C. MG,t • era Viaiteell at his -home at
rj Mafeking over, Monday Mr's, J.
Mnnniogs spending a few davit with
friends at C nt.m ....1: Heddle and
A. Stioughatf bserged three 00one in a
hollow tree ar,j'ile hunting in Mc-
Clnreil Mesh last '4Vednwtdav
Moe .1. Henry sod Mier fancy Fisher,
who have been visiting (hell mother
✓ here for the pest month. returned 'to
f their.rr.prctive homes last' 1.ttlriay.
John Treble and family after
-I having heen quarantined fuer
five .
weeks are able to be out ygain.
big -ale. FRET, A. JKLLIS, Yitltall,
Minutest, Feb. 7th.
N ENT. -The entertainment given on
Wedneeday evening lest by tree oleui-
bers of the Wonieli a Institute ryas a
grand success. The program oeculifed
three hours. The roles by Mr. Mulitiill.
of Blyth. and Mr. Jellis, of Kipteil,
were well rendered. and each time
both had to respond to eneorefe.. The
Hogan brothers, of Liner, gtve•several
violin *elections.. The perlorwere on
the bagpipes added their quota ti' the.
pleasureof the evening. After theYn-
tertsinnlrnt luncheon wain served to
the guest* by the, ladies of the Insti-
tute. '
DUNLOP. - • . -
TuE8u1T, Feb. 8th.
J. Elgin Tom, I. S•. pas our
maestri a visit last week and expressed
himself well pleased, with things in
general trod the school in particular.
What bits become of the aspen winter
the weather pt'ophet& prt.edited us
We have bad all sorts of weather, but
not even the greatest stretch if linage -
illation could make one believe the'
winter an upon ear. The fat -bearing
*nitwits were supposed not t•, have
enough fue : the beechnuts were 'R
light erode : snakisi and senorita were
seen in November slut a NIgwls aye
failed and we are having an old -faith-
ioned winter atter a11. wish •e snow
.,n the level than their lied been for.
AN» TIIF: •y'.Ii,K(Nli Bas (user,! One
clay last week .. three of our most
wofthy citizens drove down to Mlene-
setung station-.inten•ling to take a
trip to Auburn. The train had not
arrived when they got th-re, but mak-
ing auto o! the ride -they mak-
their driver. who rete• ed house.
Much to their disgust, and chilgrin,
however, 'when the is in did 'come -
along, there wits nu 4L.wing up, in
spite n r
f r .
tit tr vi nrnu[ t t • e c
fit c l ac-
Ireet`'attention. so the -tAree had to
Walk here --'.adder if not• wiser men.
The otlleials of the C. P. H. will have
to have a better *ode of Oignale if they -
want to eccrynmud:.10 pa•oengers from
this village. •
MuNiu y, FeJ..7t'h.
Herr you picked your valentine :'
Councillor Lwithweite fell in front
of Ihr Iastom-•r on Saturday and re-
ceived a nasty gash over the eye.
1)e hermit's. Millyard is taking
charge of the organ in Knox church
until the arrival of Mr. Hunter. the
The market c 'ttee of the town
cnhncll might get ,nine earful pointers
from the huree market committee on
hots to work up is market..
In a veru feet gime of hockey
pleyrd last Friday evening the (;ude-
rirh Collrg((j(ttte Institute defeated the
Clinton Colfeglate team by the score
of 9 to 5.
Friday, February 14th, is the deur'
of the next hnree market in (.uderi.h.
Entries ere already coming in for the
Auction sale.
"Lnchinvar,a Jh, 111. Polley's heavy -
draught breeding etsition, died on,
Monday of intlammtnation. The an inter
wen valued in four figures, and 'he
loss is aserioua exit to Mr. Polley.
Drumbo has Motet' Paris in their
round in the 0. H. A,� and the game
et the Went street rink on Friday
evening will he between Ooderich and
Drumbo. The Goderich team for this
grime will be composed of Chapman.
`Vatter, Belcher, 1McLe*n, McDnvakl,
Wiggins and Dean.
On Tuesday evening Meit.lind
Lodge, A., F. h A. M., had an official
visit from R. W. Bro. Chris. Hudgins'.
of Liman, D. D. O. M. Morning Star
Lodge, Carlow, wee represented by
several members, and after the lodge
work was completed a sumptuous
banquet wan enjoyed.
Bishop Williams has issued his Len-
ten pastoral to the people of the dio-
cese of Huron, and makes a strong ap-
peal to all for the close observation of
the season. Men, he points out. are
prone in the*,• days to measure them-
selves not by (Christ, but by the cur-
rent standards of personal. social and
business morality, and think that they
have done all they were expected to
do when they have achieved equality
with their neighbors. His Lordship
envie the need of retrospect and re-
On the thir'l Mundy in February,
the 1Dth, Rev, Oso. F. Salton, pastor
of First church. Stratford, will preach
(%hoiee tette and coffees at MoRRIRH
Apples, vegetables, butter and eggs
et Motown & VANATrxR s,
Dog nlnzzlee and chains -all sizes
at \VoRSFt.I.r' Hardware Store.
Oranges', lemons. dates. figs, ban-
anas, at M,il8RI811 & VANATrKR'N.
Everything in groceries. fresh. pure
end good, at Moemen & V.INATTirit s.
Choice butter In noun9 prints and
rolls -real good, at MORRIS!! 1(t VAN.iT-
"Lifehitoy goals" ie delightfully re -
frothing for lather or toilet. For
washing underclothing it is unequal-
led. ('leenees and purifies.
Through snow melting on the roof-
ing over our clothing dep4rtment,
considerable water soaked through,
doing damage to twenty-five men's
and ioys' overcoats, also a few suits.
For floe -comers out they go at ex-
actly- half-price. CAMERON k Mouag.
The Singer Sewing Mae.hine Co. has
opened a store in Ooderich, next door
to the Bell Telephone office. for the
stile of its celebrated family eewing
machines. A full stork of parte, oil
and needles' for all makes of machines
always on band. Needles twenty
cents leer dnsen.
"/Prepare your heart for Cupid's
dart." Come to the valentine *oriel
under the anspioee of the Christian
Endeavor So:ouet of Knox church
on Monday evening. February 1401,
at 8 o'clock, In Knox church haee-
ment. Prnerwm and refreshments.
Rev. Joe Elliott, H. A., will give a
short address' on "A Visit to Na-
poleon's Tomb." Admission 15 Dents.
Teesu.ty, Feb. Nib.
A CI.EvsR Nettie: Miro Elea Rob-
inson hes returned to town after hav-
ing mimed Mrs. John Treble and rhi)d
through a severe tome of diphtheria
for about three weeks. Misr. Rohin-
son et both kind and clever. and Is
worthy of great p:•ai.e, and we think
Hutt Onderieh people ought to he con-
gratulated upon having such a Ane
• 1
MovnAv, Feb. 7th.
A few month. ago T. M. Johnston
sold his farm' wt Nile, since which time
he and his wife have been sojourning
with .the lady's pirents et Varna.
Mr: John*ton had some notion of go-
ing West, hut has disci
login Ontario earl hes
Sam. .Johnston farm
on rernaln-
tnchesed the
Hie lnfilfv-Mender -theO,i¢hnt.t._th
township will be sorry to l rn (het
Robert Aeheann hos not beet enjoy-
ing good health of tete.
will be a big extenninn in the spri g of
the municipal. telephone eyrie in
this township. At a meeting hid
last week arrangemente were m e
for own mot-, branch lines rtlnnin
out of Clinton, A line will run out
the Huron road to the lflth, thy'
acmes to the 14th. down to TOMOS'
weal to Wire's a.rner One line will
then run down the Varna road and
west along the Rivfleld line, while the
other will extend to Middleton's
corners and up and down the 9th con-
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Live
sr, Chicago Higher -Live Stock
-Latest Quotations.
Mnuday Evening. R. Mrs. L
wheat futures) cloyed W -dry
ketar-t us'' -ole 1tuurday;
SYc: lower,.
May wheat at Chicago clued to -day iW
higher thew w Saturday; May two. WI
Ideluer a,id May trots {`c lower. ,
Winnipeg Options.
May wield at Winnipeg dusted ',.e high.
or tlrsa Saturday; Ma) uata, lite lower.
W heat-i'ebruary a te%i, May Settee Jul,
:I.OWjL .
tom -February 38 t. May Weis, itsd
Tsreetttl Grain Market.
\Vh'eat, full. bush. 11 10 to 8...,
Wheat. nal. bush 100 ....
Wheat. g.awe, bush 1 04 ....
buckwheat. bush �.. 0 61.
Rye bushel 0 it.
Iti.rtey, bwthel 0 W
Pena, basun 0110
.()ata. bushel 0 41 0 46
Toronto Dairy Market.
cheese, ,per Ib ' r.....,.,0 is 0 1354
mgr., new laid ' • 0 30 ....
Niche. . case lots, dozen 0 ..
Butter, separator. dairy, Ib0;a a .e
Butter. store lots 910 0 'l1'
Butter..reamery, stems 0pi O t}
Butter. crviunery, It, rolls 0 ` 0111
Macey. extracted .. 0 #s5k _..
ltiaq, combs, per doarn 1 a fill
• New Yorii Dalry lei $rkSE- -
NEW TUl1K• Vets. ,7, -Butter. term: re.
eelpta. XIV creamery; spectate. awe: se-
ttee 29t4c; third to drat, aloe to 2:N:, stater
dairy, toughen to finest. 11c to 2h.; pre
case, first to •1•i-e•�•.i. Sitio to etc: Western
facture, Z7(kc to mc; water% imitates"
ctelemety.::'V tO sip
1 I..* a-, Mar receipts, 'i6; elate. fur
cream, fall snake, special, vele to ldc; do.
Laney. ileac; !fu.. good to prime:. 1f'4c te
lst,c; - do... current -white. beret. 10sc to
16e; du..,eomneu% to fair, 13c to Lie.•; skims,
eta to 1yiG • '
Yom•-gteady; receipts..704i; tate. Pens
Weenie and nearby hennery. white fancy.
IIs; to 1h:; do.. gathered woke. 31c to Mo;
--bro[nran.t-mired fwsay, 14
to 33e; do.„ gathered browp, fair to pelmet
�r to 31c; w(wtern, first. ;9c to '"My; se -
mods, a.the; refrigerator/ !4c,to :Zc,
Cables. Firm -U. S. Markets Active
and Heeler. - .
use:W o • eel,. y7 - Liverpool eahle•
Quote Bre cattte . (American) lower,- at
13 1-3c'to 14 3-4e, dressed weight; Lon-
don steady, 14 1-2c to 14 3-4c; 'refit -
gunsWr• toot 4tuady. at 1h• ter W.
• Union Stock Yards. •
TORONTO, Feb. 7. -'The receipts
Of live muck at the Union Stuck .Y
U erns
were 61 carload,., cunsiating ,ol 1347
cattle, -53 sheep and 19 calve*.
\ Butchers.
Tbere wens tore.' choice lead& of liptell-
err' c•utue sold\pt 18.4., per cwt; two Toads
of which were sold by Maylp.e Nr Wititnry
and one" load by Intim A Lrv.u•k. wkich
sus the torp price paid. The general Pines
for steal butchers rugged fron $.,14 up to
1t.-,, 0,, medium. I16 to 16.,:1; common,- $1..40 to
11,181; cows, 11 to ta.0; canners. 02 to 1-.50.
Milkers and Springers.
A Aln,ne.i number of rn11 k.r.:a.' spring-
ers sold at 1e0 to 162 m*• -h.
Veal CaIVss• -
A few veal calves sold at k1..10 to $7,7A
pet cwt.
• Sheep and Lambe
A very few sheep and 1 nibs were on
wale, only 53, grid these sold t t -unchanged
Ho s.
Ne bo,^,i were offered. but th� uyrn on
the nr.c et quoted 87.90, f.o,b, n• at
country -pints, which was to be
this week.
Montreal Live Stock.
MONTREAL. Feb. 7.-(Speenti.)- t
Montre-al stock yards, scat end In r
rocounts last week were roe eattic,
,.harp and lambs, me hogs and 5 -ea 1s,
while the offetinga this mnrnln4 were ,u
(ata.•, S5 dheep and iambs, ala, hogs- d
171 tale's. tattle prices show :tn-advan
of toe per I4. attributed to the small
run at the latter end of last : week anJ
to -day, which enabled butchers to dear
up the.:r surplus of beef on tined, and •
f:My active ttadde was done.
t.altlr advices front 1Jtrorpool reported
the trade in cattle slow on acoount ttf
mild w. ether, consequently the tone of
the market was weaker and prime are
ieic to le per lb. Iower than 1111 week ago.
Pant• • extra chole • steer Bald at
sew: •choses, at 0o to 0',4c; goad, at ::'4c to
5%e: fair, at tic to 5%e; medium, at 4?ye
to 434e, aad' common, at 4c to 4Y.e per lb,
Sheep anti Iamb pares were firm under •
good demand for kcal re xnPt}.m aad
serail -offerings iambs sold at Pllc to
7c old sheep at 4thc per Ib. The trade b
calves was fairly acute at from '13 to 112
Hog price* advanced, owing to smaller
receipt;. the cold weather and tocreamed
demand -from packers or supples, with
sales of selected ht. at ts to 0.A par
cwt., weighed off ears.
A t .tit,•. Canadian Pacific live stork mar-
ket receipts last week were 13si ratUq
SO sheep itnd iambs. 710 hogs and 171
yes. Thr
m! this sttDP(7 morning . 50 hog/ of 70D settle, S sheep and Iambs, iD hose
and 50 calves. A feature of the trade a*
tide market le the ;urge number 0f north-
west ranch ttadtl* that are corning forward
roe uh.d seaaQa_Qf the_ year, lith
13 loads on the market this morn ng
grad ooh, ltlw. They met with a bar
II.oLM ESV ILLE, Feb. 8th. I
Toweltine Cousrctt.-Oouncil met
pplruent G. adj•..,rn.nent; all mem-
bees present. The minutes of lent
meeting we. a torah and epprnved.
Moved by Councillor Yeo, seconded by
Councillor H•tthwell, that Dr. Whitely
be medical health officer of the town-
ship for 1910. C ter rd. Ororge Fel-
con.r wan app .toted pathmeuiter in-
stead of Jae. Johnston and Michael
Flick instead of Wm. Johne'on. The
auditors' report as read wie passed.
Move.t ny U••uneillnr Lohh, sreonded
by Councillor Hiedie, that the petition ,
now presented by the telephone coin- •
missioners replotting an extension of
the municip+I telephone s stem be
granted.OloseJ Massedbyotrretiller
Hndle, arrnnderl by Councillor I. *,b,
that the nee.i,n of Inst meeting slat
ing that J. H Holmes receive $40 for
ue. of hall for munieipll pas• p 11.,•11 he
rescinded. Cooled. Moved 4•y Coun-
cillor Rathw - 1. s••e•'ndrd by lit el -
tor i ,bit, tit it 5.30)19• paid for geld hall.
The follnwies aeeminte were pa..r.l : •,
Express, .6(l.• ; witnesses to burning
of halloos. $2; clerk, re•ia'r•ti••u n'
births and nearri4g'•s, 5111,MM1: •ulditori.
$10; audib.r.i u.w1.8*.' Itis, • ' •eA•n•-
er'a post.ag•• . u•1 ., a' i •n • l , #R. r;,••
cermet sdj •urnod Id levet the flew'
Monday in 'tool at 1:80 o'clock N
W. '1'RtwARTAA, Olerk.
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
EABT BUFFALO, Feb, 7.-Cottle--Re-
oel.ta, 1900 head: active and Sr• to 40e
higher; priers steers, *6.46 to 17.36; ship-
ping. 16.76 to ta40. butchers, 14.70 to 16.60;
heifers, 14.15 to IGS; cows. ES k1 16,60;
bails, 1360 to 16.74: stockers and feederst
AK to lam; stout heVers, p.A to ter;
flesh cows and springers. strong to 1f
Maher. t•T to t.0. .
Iiog»--Rerdpta, 6000 head; active *a4
to 1e higher; heavy and mixed, I)•,
0( 19.10: yorkera and rage, 1313 to 19.1s; a
tee,19.16, roughs, 1830 to 11.40, mage, $1
to 75; deli -tee. 0 to 0.06
and lambst-P_eeelpta, 14.000 head;
tette Writhe. fe higher; lambs, 16.3 to
w34 ot, few 0.40: yearlings, 11 to ata;
wetberi.. 16 75 to 37;'ewes, M to 16.50 abeep.
mixed, 13.50 to 16.73,
New York Live Stock.
VOLNMW Yu ARK. Feb. 7.-Hseves - Receipt,
bull • \higher. Pleers• 14 60 to Xs;
, 11.75 tat 16.30. entre, 11110 to KM:
aetfe's. 1110 td 16.76: dressed beef, stead,.
at 6%c to 101kc: ettrw, lea
Calve. -Receipts, 1014 Veale. erase;
barnyard calves• steady; all sold. Veal*
k to 11c; calks, lc 'to 7c; bar0yard calveeA
e4 to µ.l10.
RI tree sad brash.- it.--elpts • 4367; sheep
•. esp. 14.10 to X.31:
50 to NAO. culla.
market, !talks
,The beneficial effect of iron
upon the ; system weakened
through illness, overwork or
lata, is well. known. w Fer-
rovil - a preparation which
the most e tient way, cc:I:-
bining with it' the -out'i".hitig
qualiticsiiof bccf and the't "
Iy stimulative effect o.jf, short
tt'Ille„ Fcrrovini coals. $l.iit,
.,bottle at druggists. -•
�\F•�i'I �9tarY�L..
FOR R ke leAC: 1e.
$C 1.\TI C.1, PI 1 • ' :. " • •,
STI1 Cats , r e.
• NLtll.u.t,..,..'.'' ::;..r:':::
7tacb ."c. i.i ti;r •.e.t tot br_"(.
• }0r. 110;:9 ;(1,(10. c ti Oia-c::1 es dcp
at, 1
l team :va of Worthiest;itni(:tti...:s.
r-- -- _ 1,,a'..1•14, N. t
u.A,N & BST
it .
k ort" "�'F'Ta`1`1-I1NARD'S '
=� t.clllaltansaxt:
tl • TIONM. -
31 ER OH
; ockvi I l e
Our Shoes Will ll S61a
gen ioubly when r on; pared
• with otdn)iry footwear. They
are so much smarter in ithape
and finish. They sa1111. enla•-'
,1;iority' e.4. apparent whether
yiut look at mar spces .
for Children or Grown-ups
The bast of it Fa, too. that
they wear am well a(tthef look,
And - keep' their ' good shape
until the butt. Do Nye keep
shoe fixings? Of -course. We
have the brat polishes, .black-
iilgk, hru,bes, etc.« yott .ever
Baer• n , -
Wm. Sha rman-
Change of
I d re to announce to tee
p1e n Oedrt•ieh and vicinity
tha I he • e purchased -the II a --
news ualn .nn H,+tniltontoveer
Intel carried nn by D :t v i
St' dd rt. end &illicit a continu-
Ance n avore f tmu -old-clt+Gin,-
ere. and 'nvee•.new customer,, to
ones iu and get Acquainted with
y'•ur new, Harnrea-maker. in
addilinn to everything f el in
a fit to -class harness shop, 1 carry
a eumplete line of
H. J. Fisher
Sncceecor 1). STODDART,
and lambs, higher.
colla, 13 to X. IamhN.
M. yearlings, $7 to is,
Hog.--Rerelpta, tome;
el 0,35. -
Chicago Llv.
CIitCA(in, Fell 7 -(3{
080; market, 10e higher; S 1171 to 9
mows, si 110 to K 3. Mlfera 1t ee to 06. tN,h
4h. (0 tt,i; ralveta, f3 to 0. •to' ker. .
tee+.. s. 1175totih
Hnga-RwrlpU, +R00D; market •ler: to lie
highs: rhelee heavy. v;;6 to St 75. (dell -
era. 10t 13 10 11 70. light mixer, 90 -4 to law
choirs light, 18
50 to p1.'., par king, 0.I
to 1agi. 1•'P, 19 b 14 bulk of .ala+a
111.50 to eta.
Dies From Bullet Wound. •
Montreal, Feb. ft- James McGov-
ern, who was shot in the head no Sat-
aturday night by Alp/mews Martell
when he &eked Martell tt peg up
back rent, died early yes
To the-(4ietier•"I Puhlit' of
Otalerinh ens Vicinity -
You will find it to
Your interest
to call on \V. R. finder for
..ny'hiog y'..l went in the
lin« . f
M•tal Work
Electric. Wiring
and Fixtures.
Forel. lass line of
Rant tri
and Tinware,
l'ronipt Attention given to ell
kind rel 1. i.•.•
P' 155.
So•e Aoen' foe the celebrate('
'ran* d hoofing
NM. ...w . ->_� -sem /
•9e well - • t ►ern
' u dere combine tit . nowt
up- testate ideas in - -le ' •
and design with d
abili • of conrtruetio
and nyone who in
lo.kin for the u .
velar t a new ('tittertat
eh, ell(!_ -lea_ + the local
agent, - -
who hag a full line of
thele goods. Everyone
who is illtereetetl in
Cutters should• call' and
see his suck and get
prices. ,
c91(ew 1910 Styles
Hugh ugh . Rose
Hamilton Street, (iodt•ric►l.
New Cutters
1 have received and pLiced
in stock a ewrload of ('utters,
and invite t e inspection of
these who rot an up -to -
dere driving tlt for the
ci ming season.
Gray Tndhope
Cutters Cutters
A pair that cannot be teat•
Robert Wilson
Agent for
Massey- Harris implements, Mel-
Iotte Cream Separators, and
other leading lines of Farm
P. M.-1 have for sale a
number of good Colts.