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District News.
I'UNTRtrr.-Thr Eptworth Lei-Wile
e "'test was ut.e nf4he besteutrttain-
nts whieb. .Aubprn has h,ui fur
me time. The rntp,•tanet• Hall
Was etv.wded 'to its utmost ce`racil y
and the audiewee wadunustially ap-
procietiye. Coder Miss Cora Fergu-
son's Ieedership- the tolliowing pro-
gram was given : Instrumental ; read,-
Mg by \hiss Johnston ; s ,lo, Milton
'Tyndall 1 reading, Mr. Hodgen ; (u-
strumentai ; tableauit, '•Neertr, Aly
(taxi, to Thee"; reading. Mr. Htsitson ;
sol' and .quart,a,:.reethew, Mr.
Hodgson; duet b'- Retie wild Flora
) illough ; dialogue tl wo saaniesi, "Be.
fore end Atte!. 1laraiage'':• quartette,
'•1'm Looking !tepee!' i instruurrntat,
After a brief in •'tu►issi in. the pro-
gram piepate,l by Miss Mabel Ernstt's
side war rewired: Solo. ali. Fisher :
mask drill : duet, Misses Mal iluti•n
apd o ('lark : tehleaux (two st-ru. •, ;
:tits. (i.' tie Asquith ; ;a...4400h,
Eth1 Murdoch:-mite,M
-M., I1.r:
duet, Misses McClinton and;('lerie:
()Id:llaid's Toe Party : duet, Miss,•s
McClinton mei Cho k : dialogue, "Mi v.
Hart igen." The judges gave their dt-
cision iia favor of Nies Frrgupou's side.
• 1
Successful remedies are imitated, look
•' made Davie k Lawretuie Cu
Tl•K m.1'. Feb. $th out for the agagina
l L) is L. de by
MOND %I. Jan. 41st.
Si•111e,t. /WI tier. The following ie
the standing itt' the. pupils of 14. S. No,
W art WVawanosh : V. George
Baxter. 1V. -Lizzie Fltikrr, Lawrenei'
fin xler. • tti'oi i 'FS -motley. Waller
Washington,. W'iolrt Flue Muriel
WVashiegton, Charlie Mills. Lillie
1'Itinartt, 1'hlalLe 'I'wrunlcy. N'. 111.
a(11 .1011. Snrtlh, Lavine Hutchison.
Muriel Sulith. A(x Medd. Jr. 111.-
I.ilhe Iiutthin.+. 'flautist' flakes, Cecil
Baxter. Edwin Mass"' Raz,' Finnigan.
Fr_: Mery Shackleton. Sr. 1'ut1 11. -
wood', WW'ttthipjtton. Benson Finni-
Mii. Jr. l't, 1I. ,.I' i. Smith, Weisel
1'illr, Everrt. Finnigan, '1Ltilton Mills.
Si. 1.-Stew:att Plookrtt,. Leslie
Smith. M.t l'141..1. li.t11 IE, Te Miter.
LoawA1. HI(1EF". -Mises \Ixtiel Bereft
is •visiting irir:nlw in (ioderirii .:. .
Mier Maud Ferguson is speeding phi.
week with ..Hies Carrie Stew,u 1.
WVinghaul %W. Cur Hill to !e-
vert that tiertie • Ladd is suthrriug
11 a t 'Vtl1 u• lack. of 1 tie tions.
'1r. and Mts. lames Johnston
rrttert,iire-d- reammtese-,441 eir-
j IVi+i Tuesday evening Ah. King,
who- hag town soo Musty i11. is reeover -
- --Ing Miss Maty •SeetIs. who hes
. /Stern visiting friends in WW'inghanl.
• has rrt,rinrd........The union Solidity
►chum ronvertlh Ill held last 'I'unrwlny
wee will nttttld••d in spite of inclem-
• ent weather awl Mut toads. • trey'" 11,
• WW', Merri1 I. 1i. eW.. of Toronto. ad-
(irestit 1I 'ele+lTrrrt at tlw aftr1 notat
' nu•eting. 1n •itt evening 11w spoke oil'
The Ideal Sundity.Srhte,l." 11.1t It a 1:
..dreeses wine t xeelleiil, ',delving that
the Speaker is thoroughly conversant.
with Sunda schtsd mNtict,•i+
Rev. ins. Hamillum.'itf (itsteicli, at-
Iended the Sabha,h eclesil cuut'pt-
•e no
• tion 1Lx: lii•ury U.1 vl r. and
Miss Lizzie CiderCiderare
fnrtuer't brother, W1'iu. Shipper 1, at
Rowlock .... .11ex. Roberton it on.
the.,siek list. ....Thos. Iladrhtr at -
t. titled the, funeral of _lite.- llo. \Vino.
• Cam raft.- id S'. H,•'ens, on M, ndey.
:revile. Shep;'. r.1. of App dike,
airier . 01111111,1 a trw days in (Gwen -telt,`
Is ealll11• OD 1a•latvri. ui'- 1 here b-
fore rt.i ening h . ;Mr. mill
• Mrs•. W. -Gooier attended tire Min-
eral et the ate Misr McGill at Illyth.
S+up.,01. R i t�KT. -The following is
the t•rpeirt of 1e senior dries•tment. of
- Auburn .shoo for the month of Jam-
. : V: - exa ' •1i in arithmetic,
hook-kee lenge g tgrnphy end 4114c11t•a
-ltutIt Jackson. 'lister Mann, (hare
I' siert Sr. IW',-tome11Iltt1 in liter-
al I.. arilhmrtie, 11 stoat• and 141.014-
rel tv--Lila Howatt, Ernest Jaekson.
Frog Mobs. Pfeffer. "S wile Asquith,
Zell Doyle.. Laura .ha, son. V. ionic
' How n. Fern Syniin ion, Robert
Phillip , Elms Vnuytbhlt, Wesley Mc-
Clinche,•, Mk). Delisted!, /Obi Sfai•
• ker. Jr. IV.--examint't 111 iteretityre,
sr:Bli tel t, gramma and g ()graphs,
=Hent 11 r. leen Arntstroo Allred
• temp. Eel,. Haithby. Lloyd Fe I.snn,,
\ Rus -el Kin , .1r ' • Stalker. 11.--
rxait�incd spelling. *lithe tic,
manner a d composition - ie
k. 1111y: Hrgg.i :M NO n. Filen Philli
A her tempt, WVillie 1'at-ter, Ui,tdo
Mc ' inchey,. 'thy Tetuan..PEatel.
Al AC ,IIKItnnN, T cher.
Fnllnwing is the report for the jun-
ior dens •tment. W eke air arrange(
aceordin "regular ty .if atteudunee,
good rood a and geersl'4,roticirn, .
Pt. 1, ---Fra k nth y. Citi; Glen
Raithhv, Li. • Gordon i It Win,
Frank Srr nig lir, 11; Eddie Eat 1,.,
1117 : Clayton L d, hti Jr. lit, 11.
Ethei Murdock, '134: Ilafrvey • rut-
str•ong:.04: Fiero • Lenil,, L'.i•l tul-
rey Uaw•i.u, 'Lel: Imrvey Daws,
YtM1. Sr. I''t. I1. . 1ia • ie Tartan. 4M3
Ezra Schuh 377 ; i.rs 'e Seholliz. 371 ;
Get tie laud, ' dl, Jr. frits Me.
('linchey, 046; ty Barr. 'el; i nord.
Yungleut, 613;- -meat ha' ticK, ight.
531: Fred Measle.-
:1 Viet Yuri
, R
-t! •
(iraeine Symington, `. 1Z4: • wis
r Ruddy, :Mt); Harry H.-* 14e. 3;i.5 : :Ida
Groot', 157. Sr. 11.---Jn1ut Stew rt,
e911 ; Elwin Itaithhy, 621: (?live 7's i -
an, ilio: Betdi, Ferguson. rill t Iaht
Stalker. 2414. Average attendance,
25. l'oe.y B. FKtuttison, Teaehen. .
Tvemos', Feh. tithe
BRIEFS. Mn. -Lorre,. of , Nanton,
Alberta, who with her little son has
been spending the past few weeks
with berpiU tits, Mr. end MK -
Fb Sterling started on her trip to the
West this week Mrs. Richards,
who has been spending the past week
or two at the home o her ,hrother,
Mr. Donaldson. return�d on Tuesday
to the h of her daughter, Mn.
Walter \Veldts, our the Lake Shore
road Saturday, Sunday and Mon-
day were three of the coldest days ex-
perienced in this district, the men
cury dropping to MI haelowmrSunday
night. in it Inition to the extreme
cold the storm on Saturday blocked
the ro:►dr again, with the remelt that
the churches were rather empty.
A Cornea It'vterrr.--The Ladies' Aid
of Ht. Andrew's church is arranging
for flat: -crafts coneefl,T be given qct
the 111tb inst. in the town halt The
famous London Harpers have been en-
gaged for ' the occasion, and they
themselves are a raw treat. in addi-
tion the services of Mrs. Walter Wei -
lis, as elocutionist, have been secured.
iii. Wallis, formerly Mies Richards,
of Hamilton, is one of the lest re -
^.iters, if not the best that ham ever
appeared before a hayfield audienee,
and is deservedly popular here.
Othrtt who will take part are Miss
Laura Richardson and Dr. Smith,
both well and favorably known as en-
ter•tainers There will also he gnar-
tettets and ehnn,seu, making a pro
gram Of unn•u&l interest. Admission
250. Retiety
s'r.111 ': ler. A S H I' I E L D .
I,._;a iuc•r
\W'r.uNEau.tt', Feb. lith.
l4. No. Io 1. The fallowing is the
report of the pupils of S. )4. No. 111.
Ashfield. for the coons h of.1:unear e : 14r.
IV.. ',Sherwood, I,.Johesto•..Jr. IV.
�. Nel. o -o. 11. Attie:. I s nel:z.+r,
C. Smellier, .1 14,1. S.•, 111.-t'--Rilier•
N•UINI, T. Litll.. WV. Urenean, B. O'-
to r1hlin, F. J„hn,d 'n. W 4'Med.
III. J. Little. 1.. Drennan Sr. I1.
E. Fairish, J. Bowler. W O'Loughlin,
.11.. If. --ti. I twm•y..1 Sr et. L F•o•-
riah,-R. Stuart. B. 'Johnston. .11.. Pt.,
1i•a 'e • u so V -St telt
zero 11 Reed. f... 111. nig the Sr. 'L.
1. -P. Howitzer" C. Mullin :d. ,ItinN-
01r11N'E, 'I'tagtari
S. S. No. 17. -'Tile . folio ciiiir is the
.lannary repent of S s. No 17. Ash'
held. b ised ateek 1 v nn sift;"ns ;
'1',,t,41 for rash elle• Jhl. , ti•.` IV.
Balfour Sinlp- in, 251; !4t', 11.1 -.Ki-
th,. Willi.•• 1KY„ „lc, 111. - Lizzie
1117 : Lorne Jol,netne•;
%Volitive lilaek, 1'42. Sr. 11. :Pearl
Ji•Itneton. Ni. I,i c( Inset. 311 : ('.s•+
Mark*" 221 : H.z.•I 'S•e.•ls•. Lila Ale..
liwuin•. .1... I1. --Vero .1 ,h.n,lon. P114:
"'harlot's s itis -on. 111• _; ( •il Ill,ek.
17S. P1. 11. Roy lhltrk• 2-11: %V1i-
tart ,1ohnstono; ht7:.ltiehat( Al Ir-
tt'►e�. 1't. 1. Viola Itlaiie't', _slat.
est.speller..:, ti•e . • .
B n t.
f r It -iu nil t(
Mout. Simp:nir 1 vn - Black, Pearl
Johnston, Charlotte s ,nl..on. Threw
whose manors fire ►tl.o k,s1 • missed, all
or part oaf rxxniini►t 1+.rt,. \i. C. BAHK
LEY. Teacher. .
4.4019,11.p.: BENMILLER
Try:st.%V, Feb. srh.
Ree. W. Baugh will gulch in tt n-
miller church no Sends evening next
at i p. nt, Subject : "'Die (toiled Con-
tained hi Handshaking."
Atldrew--Millian and hie .tam Jti41r:
who wet'e to ennduet the service here
last Sunday evening, fail -d. through
the had eundition of the roads, to
Quite a large enngregation
wiul ditwppttinted.
The totarteeirl' nfHni`I board of the
Methodist church n, -t on Monday
afternoon last with a large and reprr-
eehtatiyr attendance. the pastor pre-
siding. Finances were Mand not
unite op to the mark. Hew. %V.
Baugh weak unanimously- and heartily
invited to remain another ,year.
Harmony prevails tht•rtnglmut the
rtrrnit-itud 111. spirit is hllperill. •
I - A. NE%VTON,111ENTi9T, LUCK -
IT. Nt,N',-.1t home everyday exorlit Thun•-
dty.. New reniedyfur extracting teeth iAom'tn-
ornt), bvt ter than tote. ('rbwu sod bridgework.
•. Alunuhun. plat,.„ Itmn.breakable.t
'. IL -Von ran ,(way. have vnur work mach
het •r done in the dental oftice-pione time.
tett- reedit ie. for doing the work, more ren.
torte tor the uallatnt
i 1.. In Ins 'union for Thr Nignxl 1. at the Post-
, o1Mee 114 and Stationery Store: where
order. will rereive,l for nb.ertptlon., el
ob work.. ,n4 ree••tpte will be
t.. total for the .ams.
I'o.tomee Kt• e. '.I. ItY %N. Dungannon.
WV F. ssst,AY, Felt. mi..
A,v•1n1NT. -WVht skating at the
;kink on Monday eve ng, John Ry -.n
had the mi• fortune tt tweak a sal ell
bore. in his leg end also dislocate his
ankle, It will__be 'tome iota het, tilt
!Jack_. ill-3re-abler
without the aid of crutches,
BRIM, MENTION. -S Roach IN par
1 chested the farm of Richard Rei the
price tieing around the $e.INNt 111 t k.
The -reunions of the. late \ i.
ameron, of West Wawennsh, wh
at - Elk Lake nn - February 2n41,
e laid est rest in the dungen
ttery nn ltondey ...A hied of
people drove to Sam Pentland'.
Cedar Valley Nn F.iday even=
is right, boys, unload • your
ore you upset.
vert y.inK ao
gi,' int w
You won't be disappointed if you
oaf the genuine "D. k L." Menthol
pWtat� for stiffness. backache, etc.
cur>ttlf 1,47--21" Ir►e w"�aa no lar -
vice in the`M h+xlist church hist Stun.
day evening. it bring quarterly meet-
ing here.. Thee ening meeting of the
circuit was etthe rewt appointment.
. The W. 1'. M. . will give a ntia-
eionery tea on 'Neighs Fehrnery 15th.
in the baaetna•nt of Feted -It etlan
church. The regular onthly meet-
ing will be held on the fternnon of
the same (jay Rev. Bert lett
and wits enterfeined many embers
of the congregadion et the t, mage
an Thursday evening The is to
be a ming Itervice in the Met in
church next Sunday evening
W. M M. held their regrtlar mont
tea in the basement of the Method,
rhumb nn Thursday.
' PRRaoNA1..-Mia. M riot Fraser, of
Zion, visited her mister, Mime L. Framer,
on Sunday Merl Shot hers, Frank
Crozier and Mies Delay Ity)an were
home how G.derieh on slundey .. .
B. Lyons, of Alberta, hen Iwvn the
guest of hie aunt, Mee T. G. Allen....
Itotiert Moore and wife. of Westfield.
stent several days at bits old hone
here Wes. Hmil.•y and family,
who have been vlei ling relatives here,
left. last. week for th••ir home in the
West.. Mies Edith Robert., has re-
terne.i from a vied to reletivee in
(ltderieh . ('has. Agar end family
left. this week for their h near
Saskatoon. Mr. Agar perch/wed while
it number of good hones, and
they have been shipped Wee"
Geo. (tumnin left for the West
this week with a narhx,d of
hnrttsa D. Henderson and H.
I k f r
Caesar were in (loderich • on Monday.
Alvi Johnston, of Clinton, spent
Satnduv at her home here Mrs,
tdoane'r many (Heinle will be pietis /A
to learn she is recovering .... Alex.
mtwnd -rhirlras been wick. it-
Ito emit Culls Darted -Toe Rifle Club
held it very sureesrttil dunes in 1n itlst1 y
Hull hast Writheed• y evening at which
there was a very' larI.! c'•owd, al-
though t Moyi r►epther was very stir uty.
Most nt 1hla credit, for its succes+t was
due to the hard work of Crpt.,Htuwy
and hie able assistants.
A. 0. b'. W. `INs'rAI.LATtoN The
following oft'ers.of .the A. U. U. W.
were luslalle 1 here hast week : P. M.
W„ I). Nichol ; M. WV.. J. M. Hamil-
ton: foreman: 0, Johnstone; overseer;
J. E uligh : financier, N. Cutuiug; tress-
neer, It. Uilnt :lect+I4,r, J. Hnrketrp
guide. 'F. Collinson ; 1. WV., W. Put-
ter; U. WV.. J. M. Perdue.
DK.4•rtt or Mus. HENRY.-Wtrs, J.
Henry, whose huithand paused away a
ample (,f weeks suo, followed him on
Wialnewlay of last week. She had
been .uttering fin' 'a 11114 HII ,tine
the family are bereft of hath "'trent&
within a very jiho•t time and have the
syttt pathp of many friends both here
and in 1{ullert.-where they formerly
lived. The remains were conveyed to
the I. cemetery en S:atturiay, the
errvic* !wine condurAed_. by Rev. WV;
H. Cooper. 1
30-144-11 HI LLla=itai..Cauuwu
the Lord's Supper was dispensed in the
Methodist shin elt 1 ast SAO:lath morn-
ing.. .t►n Sabbath evening, it Awing
Young People's Day. a' special' service
was)),' I in the Presbyterian church,
tut to tatuuiTt «the extreme coli
there nut a lame tittemlariie. The
servi vas interesting. The choir
Was g- •civ strengthened by the lass's-
ttue,• .., M r. Cos ite-o.f-44uderieh. Ad
Mr. Small, of Arthur, who tsarni! (nets
end solo-., Mr. Conk being a VO: y tine
eingri,, •
ti1)1.p)KN WW emus(: -One of the
event++ wh.ieli.' happen Only to a few of
us m lois.life (Alto the lot of ale, end
Mrs' 1). Kelly, of town: when they
eeh•hrated their icoldert wedding last
Sel tuday lust were ' u ii ter tad" iat
Iht+ ,Cat holly church. The happy
euuple drpve in the pleasure sleigh to
'the 1'.,th4111t chmreh, whets the erre.
minty It is pen forme.] after mess by
Fathers !Conlon, 'tlrKwtut and. Laus-
rndeem. the e'hooch being filled with
gneete anti wellwishe,s. The masts, X-
the number ()I thirty-five. then fl•
iurneal to We_JIoiue of Mr. and Mrs.
Kelly. -where a sumptuous dinner was
iHr;\•r(l. end p pleasant day spent in
genies. Mr, 1). Kelly. 11 s lived in
Martis most nt hit life. 'When he: was
twenty -right years of age he was uuu-
tirtt to Mie. Tyner, of Hallett, driving
to (i•i,1.-rieh. whets they were Married 1
by Father Snyder, and then driving to'
their *me in' Morris, where they re -
aided writ'Sew years aga,when they.
moved into town to spend the balance
of their days. The following children
carte horn to the couple : John. Jetties
and Dan, and Bridget. AV innie, Teresa
end Eva. who were ell at the wedding.
The pi event a. included hands
amounts in gold and greenheekt, and
a number of pieces of silverwatP. The
happy couple have the best wi-hes of
the whole rmnrnunity and we hope
that they may yet live to enjoy many
years toge'her and celtLrate their
diamond wedding.
PEnsoNAt.AND (:tcNEM.v..-J. ('sok
held a dance Kt his home Friday even-
ing, there bring a good ettrndance.
Miss M. l.,vingstune lett for
CleVeLand. -Ohio. last week to .attend
the millinery openings . . Mr. and
Mrs. W..1-1 Kerr, who were recently
married here, are a1 present visiting
the bride's mother. Mrs. McGregor.
Mr. Wst4lon. of Hra►nplon, or-
ganizer fnr the•1. Q. F.. is at present
here doing work for the Society. and
Ne 1111 1e It hustler it it likely he will
have r. -malts to show ('..nary('nm-.
st,.tile Phelan, ,it Goierich, - was here
Inst Friday. but we haven't heard of
any person being taken under his care
tress here Mesut.. Andereop k
Son a.e now cleating out their stock
of drygnods, etc., ma they inc quitting
'emblems.. This im a hone fide "tale. and
they -Eve not Rbing to get in any new
e'o"k end expect to have it all run off
before April 1st. ar T. A. Anderson, of
the firrit,expecta to go West then.
Mr and Mrs. T. MrC&.lghey
Were- to Arthur this week on .a buil-
nessl.rip-TT WTessn.•-A
WNlgeon Ac Redd.
gent( expert to have their 'grocery
stock all cleared out this week, when
th 'y will get out of hndnees ....A
few from town attended the dance at
C. Ruddell'm. in Hullett, Thurbday
peeping of lust week W., Demp-
sey, who has been on the sick list for a
ngg time, is not improving as fasts*
r Mende would like W. Jacobs
w • orf the sick at a few days of the
past week Tritins on broth. lines
have • n late the past few day* on
tceorint f the drifting snow Mina
Godwin, • f . ilruasals, and Mime An-
drews, of :Nevelt.. former milliners
here, visite. Irt but Sims' the past
week ' E.\M.teher, of Harristc n,
has taken a ition as tinsmith with
L. Charle.wort . Another of our
hu.in-ss tarn nee, ly sold out his fruiti-
ness this week. and the deal may yet
go through All that is keeping the
parties to the prospective deal apart Is
the cutting of Of door hetween.t two
A, W. Robitoionls ting
in Lucknow this weak.
Quaker Oats
the world's .food
p�aten in every
cot )Iltry; eaten by
infants, athletes,
young and old.
Recognized as the
great strength
Delicious and economical.
+i r
Th is W e News
j Ra R in Gitlgha 's, Prints anti
Cotton S i h fl tf d Iand quantity. Our ranges
1 t►d 1 ad
Slm+�itkp`i`�$ iti°ilkn,al;sa
Fut* end Coats -only a y e left In ttdteh lot.lot.Note the pt.trs we are mrklag
tVe are now in a position to show you a big ran of Spring oods,
If you have Backaase yea bawd
Kidney Disease. If you neglect
Backache it will 'develop into
somethio wane -Neagh. s Dis-
irtale or Diabetes. Then is ret
use rubbing and doctoring your
bask. Cure the kidneys. There
is only one kidney medicine but
it cure. Backache every time -
Wh. n t.:a-'e by
West St.
Th- Tailor.
hunters and
Best Market Price."bv
Honest Treatment..
Correct. Assortment.
Quick Returns.
by shipping their ,
w Furs and Skins
the of
134 tad
Ask for
U1111110 1)1111
eliable Firm of the
'lir Trade.
taw' • , 111 st fieetresl,
our Free 904.1910 Pries List.
1' lura 'x0 CHARGES.
But Little Digesters
"Have Done Wonders for
Here is an experience with therst
part of which you may be -ail .foo,
miliar. Mr. Josh Smith, of Nod
Seneca, Out., writes about "Little" Di -
golden: "
"-having been troubled with Indigos•
tion for a. Lumber of years, I have tried
nearly all kinds of pills and tablets for
Indigestion only to be disappointed.
"Seeing your tablets advertised I
thought 1 would give them a trial, and
must say I am glad I did. Before tak-
ing them I teas in bad shape. Bad
taste in my ,mouth mornings and so
dizzy that I hardly knew how 1 would
put in the dky. Everything I would
eat would deem to sour and ferment, but
after taking "Digesters" I can say
they have done wonders for me."
'If you knew what the Bret part of
this story means why not learn the re-
lief and delight which comes fro? the
-nae-of"Lit tle Iligeetersf'• • - -.
"Little Digesters" are positively
guaranteed to core all forms of Indi-
gestion and Dyspepsia or your money
will be refunded.
Me. at your druggists or by mail from
Coleman Mediells 0o., Toronto. 31
o m uit ngs-t a nest range we ever' o err as t0 style. quality
was *lever so argea our va nes never so go ,
.)tier a word aboutu t -onl a few
'" on them.
FURS Eleven only Coll urs and Rug', and
• situ can buy fly, of them for a little
less flow wholesale puce. Tbey are this winter's
goods. A great saving tan be yours if you want
one. • .
GINQHAMS The largest 'trick of Scotch
and English Ginghams to ho
1 1 in any one store in town. end the prices
are Ilk; t2lc and 15c.
A small lot at
almost any
price, All we want to claws than out yards and
'LE ENDS A big lot of Travellers Bples just In T•.wels, Factory Cotton, Whit,
Cotton, Cotton 'Tweeds, Shirting* and h.- ivy li.ughtws.Nm
Ja He �
at'�ta*t. ti�;i 0tdfi
. �asrsaser_errr!r♦ ��
� �rw
..COATS Just nineteen to sell now, Reg-
ulst mires, $12 to $15. $0.511 will
• buy your choice ( ,the lot. Black, blue, brown
and taupe gray and three tweeds.
PRINTS tit �ts lead In Prints-hecausc
- we have the beet cloths; th•• heat
colors and the tweet pettethr. Every piece marked
. (guaranteed fest calors), and it is fast. too. Old
pt ices -10c and 120.
Standard Patterns, Designers
and Fashion Books. Primo
of Patterns - 1Oc and .15c.
A Third of Your Time'
is spent in bed. Dont sleep,
on'slate ny'a leaden mattress.
We have-eivgsnt brass
beds of most approved pat-
terns. and dressing tables
suitable to match, at prices
vet►'li 'agree are reaaetrgble•--
Examine and see. '
('.tenths" and l n,lerteking.
West Side Syuare.
t Publisher. Annually I
Enables traders t hrnughout t he World
to commnnicateedirect with English
in each clasa of 'goods. Besides being
a complete commercial- guide to Lou -
on and its /suburbs. the Directroy
c • tains lists of
with he Rnods'thev ship, and the ('nl-
nntri • • d Foteign Markets they supply.
arranged under I ne ports to which
they sail. •d iudicatink the approxi
slate .+fling :
of leading Ma fort 'merit. Merehant
ate :: i,, the arise .1 provincial towns
and itdustrial'ce • res of the United
A copy of the curre t edition will be
forwarded. freight psi • on receipt of
postal order for 20s._
Dealers iueekingsgenci • can . adver-
.:4e their trade c s for A, or larger
advertisements from £S.
The London Directory Co., td.
esu Ahchurch Lane. London. E.
February Sale
Here is your chance to save money.
Horse Blankets
Large Prize, well -made, --- -
ReguMr $3, now ...
Regular $2211-, now... sX4.09
Mitts - -
A largo assort rnent`e( lined
Leather Mi
Regular $1,now... 1."....,.,,.
\Regular 75c. now..,,.......: c
Regular 50e, now ..376
Snow Shoes
Regular V.I. now....,.
Regular $ilo now.
Regular $.i. now.
Some handsome strings of
Regular $3.40, now
Regulus $2.25. now 1.69
Regular $1.25. now.
Regal, Stedaeona, Dominion, etc.
Regular $4. now. 3.00
Regular *3.75. now So
Regular $2.25, now $t,no
(hildren'e strong eef -band
Sleighs. .
Regular $1.75, now . '411.3oRegular $1.gi, now .....g4c
Regular 90c, now bac
CuCurt. sow
Tb. Howell Hardware Co.
P000--IntsrnaUonal, the hest food made for fatten-
Batlsfaetosy molts guaranteed or money refunded.
. now Mot regular 60c, now Mo. Guaranteed Heave
This is your opportunity to secure a
genuine bargain. Read this list :
MonYr '
.1 t e crit- half - r x.•d-:
Boots. regular prif•e
$'2' for . - . 425
Men's heavy heather 14I11 -r.
chem. felit =flied, P!guh*r`
price $2. for
Men's plain frit Congers*,
regular mice $1 :43, ytr.'. $t.to
L div.' felt Jidief Slippers..
• regular price: taSc, for . 65c
Ladies' felt Slippers, reg-
aF•tr-prieerarc--fs.tt --. ... -45e -
Ladies fait d o nit -i.1-,.."
leashes -foxed' i.r.•e Faits ..
regular piice $I.3.i for .. $t to
Ladies' black and ret f.l
Juliet Slipper.., resell! psi• ,•
$1 25. tor........ . 31.i o
1.e+iirs' hl'act and red le:
.Intim Slippers. regular plic.
$1.10: for es,
Ladies' f. It fnr-h o n n .1
\Slippers, regular price $I:it1
We have numerous other lines to rtegr at equally 1 ,tv pi •
Downing & MacVicar
�Oli"I'll �II,l: uh Stlt'AHI•:, tiODERi('H
We al. atztente for these splendid Renuiediee, and CAD
recommend them being,of the highest stAtulaid., ae 111
and will Ise pleased to show them to our custottiere.
Diu oulsx,
F. J. Butland
The Most Popular Paper In Ontario
The Toronto Daily Star
The best proof that people like a newspaper is their
lkwillingness to pay good money for it.
More people buy the ' Toronto Daily Star" than
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Moreover, the circulation of the "Toronto Daily
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nesespaper in Canada.
These things do not just happen. oreioioreeiewoloase.ii
There must be a'reason. -
In this case there are several reason*.
The " Toronto Daily Star " publishes Market
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Not only the Woman's Page, bathe whole paper.
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Its special features, such u the "Cbronielei oirtW
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Consequently people like the "Toronto Daily Star"
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$1.50 A Year
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