HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-2-10, Page 3THE SIGNAL: C DERICH. ONTARIO
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pro1pylh altende.1 to on leavtag
thane TUE elU.' Al,. (lodertnh.
A. E. TAY IA) R. Si nATIen't)
it. )I. B. KILPACK, A. 0. S. M.
ILondon.ltnriwudl. organist of M. &Jesuits s
un ti. Oedemas is prepared W give Instruc-
uuno mrd earl culture.LMnh Ow
tion n.
sty,•.•iel „rI.•ntlnn l[rhe voice.
.IKI4k• itetne
n, •s' "''.it, rt. near 13 ,t1•( church. Studio et
?11• 11 s' un'., arose of Bruce and North
t Prano•pl&Ying, Theory. Harmony and
Afor emu:ulna
counterpoint_ of oronto t_ Conservatoryl prepared Mucic. Apply
le 1 bnton, at r siden f M AI x. Mondays
int 'Anton,
d0.town st met. Standard Loan1('o.'u oMoe:
,' .R,. rasa.
Stet' rec,
sock s
Ida ut Salu• uoderieh• Old
e ATVHMAaxlt. JxwxI.Uta orrlC1 AN.
`,aa,d Hidnaulilc Engin KOntariiooLL1
?t cl.rwn Hock, urderioh• corner
Montreal street, Telephone IJJ.
Er. %V. F.GALI.O+.M.B.
Office and residence. North serest. Oodelioh
,at,. of t ountY heal.. ry ergo,. Telephone 1
Inspiring Gathering of Workers of bile
District -Many Able Addresses.
A suceeseful Sunday school insti-
tute. including the et!lita,le of Nils
circuit, Zinn and Ceder Valley, wsu
held in Nile Methodist church %V.vl-
Detsday, January leth. 'rhe two *ea.
Mons, altrrnuon and evening. were
well a.Lrnded and all the subjects
were ably introduced and thoroughly
di.cusetld. Thr presence of Ie. 1..
Farewell, B. A., aasoeiate general
secretary of Sunday echo oli, sddrd
greatly to the succelia of the institute,
and Inc enthusiastic interest in and
great knowledge of timidity eehool
work and methods were inspiring to
all who attended.
-„ti,•nbr, notary, Me. Money to 1094' at
I.,a••-',.,,,;t osterleh
(*emuu. In'�tlrafurtet. Ub 1alllyder
e; IyLnnlal-. _
11. 1 ('A\IF:RU�. K.C.. 11ARR114•
t 1: %seater. notary public.. Offloe--
soslrt tkesterich. third door fres*
• the opening esereues were eon -
ducted „y Rev. W. Cuoway. The
president, A. P. Sheppard, then
took the chair and after making a few
appropriate remarks Moved the ap-
pointment of a nonbearing emninittee'
of Wel., Bailie. Geo. Rutledge and
Joseph Cook. Motion carried.
The hist suhJrPt of the institute.
'The 'Teacher's Qualification," war
then opened by J. Ouetow, who in &
splendid address mentioned many
n e•r•ssary qualifications of a Sunday
school trocheff. In considering a
teacher's qualif,$tiony for teaching a
class much depends on the claws. A
teacher cannot Puccesstuliy teach a
clam when his education it inferior to
that of hie pupils. Thur a consider-
able general knowledge is rasenttr►l,
though it Is not nectocery for a teach-
er to have a college education. Re-
ligious experience ie a great help, (or
when the spirit of God takes the
knowledge from our heads and trans
ptante it in -om--hearts Di" is a tow&
qualiteation for a tea, her. Mr.
Moudy'e great 'uccrw winniJtg
O 00144 wee due to the powher t a conse-
crated. life. Teachers •oed cultivate
ihr art of kuparting knowledge to.
'/then. A coniietent life. in one of tilt*
test msahflcatiuua: Example is more
foreilile than •precept. A teacher
should have tttn,a.hdily to Mild OP d.1-
ten-1nm end pIrsw•ve order and should
adept the Iceaon to ••ash *•:hulas as
well ,ie t.. the da.-. Each scholar has
his nen individuality and a successful
w..,rkrp-once gave as her 1tile, "As
tummy lust 'nein es t herr are ,.ethicsta
TJ1vyAasIdI(.►tiuu of love is .e.ential.
,, .,I Isl (NYr,. HAY. k ii mu .Una must have love for his work or
-- . hr will not attain -silly greet, degree
a pubnr pn
• dtP•r e', A. Nwitn'r r,savr)'. Yr1 leacher or ami krr was here I. ire tel.
Have them say the Golden Test for
aiming Sunday every morning
tltrough the week. Irt them &c$iet
in family wua•ehip and see that they
learn a reverence for I!eligio0N things.
In the discussiou many stroke 411)
the importance of never allowing the
child to leave the fete' of Chrtet.
Thi -r« js lin remain why a boy ,
girl should not grow up with a meow
Of it continuous relationship with
The Round Table Conterence was
next conducted by F. L. Farewell.
Many questions relating to Sunday
school work were asked and satis-
factorily answered by Mr. Farewell.
A resolution a,wwittee composed
of Mire Beale, Mrs. Pentland, Rev.
W. Conway, Mrs. Uuatnw, Mr. Cox
and Mr. Gtrvin was then appointed.
This dosed the afternoon mansion.
sult.•iton, m ore ssouls I Iry
r+ W claire r.et mat NW. •••••••t in jt. Ill Will !ling
•lend et kw tat rate. of Interest. hi: sr.l.h. and lour (wKrla l.g e.
;.f1srT.1►.('• ft ('. HA\'i, l:. F The tearhrr ttttt win the e(holars fur
_ \ }irtirteelFAirwt-,-rtes+ f.it iter „Meets_'
If 114-)W• I:.L.I3..1 AR- 'Then Ihr !t earlier t hare faith.
,.t m.e,„. w.alen0r. et, • u•'lr' Ariyr,n4 Id'.rtng under the dini1alty
I11 lend at we ...a rN n•w, .
... ,.t ,hrai:unragemeot 144 -mle 111 fall.
10 11SIUN. "ttAltHtSYF:it
B.d on'1.1 \1„-r- were good , x-
,.errata,-•.l:u+rr. I:utets
"bit'I xltihl.••, 11.4.•if •elf..•..nlhi(ner, hot,' u1
gegen h opt.-'-Ftrus1 x11.1 t„it 11 nl
At the evening session the i opening
exercises were conducted by J. Due -
tow. Then the president again took
charge of the institute and Mier
Mabel Bailie sponte eltmeiently oil
"How to Increase the Interest in
Missions." •
We.may have a prosperous Sunday
school but we are misting a glorioue
opportunity if we du nohaitn W teach
all who epter to be true Vbristiau
workers."As the twig is bent so is
the tree inclined." We hrye a great
work and npp ortunity before us: We
should try W mould each character on
a.mireionary basis. We are Christ's
witnesses unto the uttermost parts of
the Mirth. We have undevelepexl.re-
somees in our. Sunday •cborole.-..To
organize a Sunday erhool on miseioie;
wry Iinet'ir coustltutiunrl, hut it, can
tw done by meant of a Iuieeiullary
cnruwittiest-tun of zeal and enthusiasm.
1'hia committee ashould meet once a
th end they sboilld have fund..
'there-th• sill tee a-a}illilathetic_touch
betweeni the committer and the super
i'armlemt. The. teacher lu.ldM it 'grew
reeponbitsility and should he •well
prated 00 wlssionary lints. A Sut'-
dey eehuol worker who is not a m•i--
siunat y winker is. out of place. Or
ganize a.Iuiepion study class. It will
brooder intellectual elan( y, and deep-
en epilitu1IL4charao.ter I1:17•r special
Ioisvi osat•y Sutiolayr, 1.111 leach 1111+-
0.404(0. eVrl y 1i lay. On special tee,:
Nionel y days Isere ria interest in..
pl.rgraul null Irl Illi (Arguers lake ter 1 -
111 1.0.10l leg 111i•, ars it as, {Illulatrs ,.
healthy cnntpwtjllun ;mil ail.i Air it1-
trle,t u1 Inls.:inns. 'then -tile paten, -
Leconte interested', trap. `there-.hool.1
he a 11tliat .tlery library. lot. our u/1' -
sion:4ly Metal tile 1, well let ilt.en 141111
attractively hound. Ab insysi nom
-guls ere 'wally • t.. give 'when tit. y
snow- whet it i. for. Th'4 mites -
priLrs-Ildlt•• ih. it erre {m God ,anti
, Lean.
es.e. Tree -
1 y 1^
\yti1, Cl., -ori.
y`tnthltrpl:• mlr'"er
Isr.dt;: e••.' .
I. n,' %Vett. -,Wel.
.,r,ig•. trse.e.
• art !hell ••ar•,- nr•••
-- Jabal! I kII..l •ilial. lei dui s.'n-nti he
LOAN -S. ETC. ,shall trap ,t. he Taints- Md.
1 The 7•rxj•hrt"s '-Ihepata61.n And
t 't l VIRE 'IN- ` 1, of was the snt•trct\uf air-r'x
s sem alai ,-•.'.:rd 1..1. r next given hj•.. Mi.- \I
-.•af. 1 b 1'.4.r . t 44,1 'v. 'fhe t rachet' acarids .l+el wren
((e•I••n 1•. ir, ihr p1.Lh• and th,. p.up.p The ,teacher
+, .•ir,1h t'. a l'-huuhl 1st 111i4 the 1.111011. t.,• IIlr Bible',
dp,nh • Jona and Mike it all f hbt 1 ha CreatorIn-
cl«, 0.;,.furth;
ones Evans.. tentb'd it should be. ' I I 1 the din y tri
\lalenl,q the teerite' to inl.rptet the Bible to
t: smi 1., the pe til and the pnp.1 to him. di.
i'1.•: k. No :wee'. exerr(ls the building of
.0 w! t'hri.liei ,•I►alar•ter. Then shall they
n."1 ,t who luele ••t :kc 14. built! ••harseterer,h.•
.•wn s. 1 barns,.. ar .d.1 It 1l. s 1.E1 -
), ',1•E4111 street, uo.lersch, ditwour age, The Star of the church's
hope bangs over the youth of the
sleet III III 1'ItIVA'II el; NIlS lr laud (tura
' I
loan. Away to M. (.. •'A.
.•e1, Hamilton .tr.-l. laden ich.
1t R013ERTSUN.
I,iol'tusp.: Rrlt{ah,-Canedlan and
. 11. **MICAS 0.140 I',MI'IOv':ars' 1.1A1111..
II.1_ .wean Aorklrnt wed (inaranter
ns,n, Lnolied, of Loudon, Eng.
1\N l•A14A NTK1: 1110:111,4 : The L'.1.
1 u. (ivarabtre (OT111) 111•
r •-i
cm*. northeast corner- of V,.
Itwvtd'srtreete.: , Phone 1;•:
1 ,:•
1(i►IN W, CRA14414, L!F11. FiRE
r 1• d ..r.•ident insurance. Agent for leadin
o.•.• a
,. wd stork ahpaniee. Insur1m r in all l
•r .
r1.., '.d on bone plop.. end At low
miner, corner 'est Mussed and 'Annan.'Annan.IO
or wt.;r+-- J, W, CHAIE, Ooderlch, Out
fele .Lon,
,� ..LTEK E. KELLY,t
t1UUERICH, 0I4'f.
tritchrhaker, Jeweller and (Rainier.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Mile. lioeneee. Oodertok. Ont.
113 Thls well-known and popular •1•tid
oaet01Mpper1teotle the best -envier le steeled
hslr-cnttlnr. etc., etc. I.,.dleN h.ul,.enng :1
ptednity. Irule skilled hands etnployed.
lour oroung,e will be appreciated. H. 11.
it( 4:0 M ICK, Proprietor.
theta 'shall arise the
W 1.4will lead the h.ret of I leasee.
beet 1n the promised lend. So the rite ti kher st meds between the HMI.
richer .humhl guide ihr Neind,♦,t•s MO and the pole!, N the scholars C pre•
tthey will nut make pleasure the bensioni of'ihe Ite41on depends+ ont
silt* choice of lire. 'feistiest t4 tettch••r.' )+i litrack of the sbholer-
d talk with their puyillf And love
Iva" for the sake or the rel Ns,
d hold their. confidence: Col-
vin)) hy. Teacher- should
heir work and give ample
ought -to the study of the
ling the 1eemen In mind
week, they amid get
its truth$. Teachers
-winner11 prrel•enting
Jraua Chrl
sttn the pupils, confidently
looking forward to the harvest. ,
The discussion on thesis 5ubjecte
emphasised there points : 1. Our aim
__to develop the highest type of
Christian And l!hriutian worker. 2. -
The spirit of self -surrender. in11 cotue-
rration. is the ideal purpose of Sunday
'chool Bible study. :3. Noel -winning
ahnuld lie the beginning, not the end.
T}H.. - implanting of the missiunet y
spirit go it can control the entire lift.
is the sole aim and purpn-e of Sunday
P chrol work. 1. Sondes' *chose
teechets ,bou1.I be trained. ' The
norms?' ti stilling course is strongly
Next 4A.11uwe.101e roll call and re-
ports ftYoltl the eretetel les and rrpre-
e enL11t1 sera, of she Hunday ,ch.sils of
the in•titm)e. These reports showed
the &PreventS,to.lay scht'OI' to he 111
Hourishiug condi, ion and doing cred-
itable work ear IlliaN{Mla.
The next enhjecf. -The Pastor and
the Hlnntfay Senn .I." eon spoken til
by Jon. Hetherington. This la en site
of ptogrres. The w•o,td for Christ n,
this gencretion is the battle cry: of
Christian (endemic . (Great resp nnsi-
bility is renting on the Suudn). school
end Christian people lend* great deal
depends on how the patter aide the
tlunday school. The pastor helps hy
taking an intermit in the teachers and
helping them in their study of the
lesson, by an illustrated talk on Stir -
day morning to the juniors, by help-
ing in regard to "decision day" and
"'rally day." The pastor can help the
school hy his repel to of different con-
ventions and instil Wen which he et -
tends where up -to -dale Sunday school
method. are d111etlamed. 1)y miming In
contact with the everyday life of the
children, the pastor Cin encourage
horn*. study and by rousing the p for
ents to an interest in the school.
the 'Sunday school joins with home
M,., Isaac Hetherington then gave
practical talk "The Home and
he Sunday School." When children
are young is the time to instil relig-
ious eve
ttirplicltly what they are le*. Then ht ldhe'IUse
their love for stories and pictures to
intete$t them in the Rfhle. Try to
instil Itrlme deed to whi, hth n can
hold tree when they goa
dbt r duan tri speak respwritfoll clan Its
kindly of the teachers an.1 shrntld
have their children regular and
prompt in attendance hy bringing
then) to the school themselves.
ihr\" will lie -u . -tnT , firs afi wt.
trach' Out in, 1.,y, et to the titre,.
H lye lis lust s.mt•girl, kn •w.th,,I
a (. mi,• t 1011 heti) t•rm mli u.l, t
'I .,•te•r-\ lu not kti .yy ,s•
gt.•,.1 ll• v tipsy hint' --id.• -i-, sil.i .
Let 11- 1.':••.4.,i.4 •s k '•L..t 11'• be•.. r,i
h41.• a -.L•.
!lex; I, .1,1 all • 7011.1:.'I,-
lair..Is v ' •'
:isar-t+A L . • - ":ul*1._.ctliil t ' - '
�nndec '� bo'.i
Vi. .nk• 1m1 11oss I.
If.•tur.11.' I in tit': III tau• - p ,-t ill*
ttlitlu} ,(l .e1 II t 1...•n ..uu•.{ f In ,
i.ursr-t 11.' V11111' I, . "u• II 1- u.' •, • .
havtlig Ileetiyn •1.1 u.a sou Ito 11 ...I--
Kalusrl eitsrai;rll',111 1,:1111II'.: -•,qts. t'•
`end •mulnd : 111.1,1 '•ni .tot
('hiist. st the leaching, to the
Pvet y -,lay lite tie' the children. .:Make
(+mil- et 1l, • 1. •I n.. \\'r ,1'I not
-tinier -Mit.
cogent ,t o•,t-'•11'•-
With tile rhuInt• I'h• ut rev., hilts
vele Io4'ttlly. We sr llaVe norm•
.,finite phut 11f teaching. Bete the
cunsid Patti•. sst studs.
Cain a
time and t
lesson, K
through the
into t 'h wit
should he Poi
Af RTHCR J. BARC1,41i. M 0AL.
INT uoyal institute Hrltiwh Arthrtect..
t..drm•,. -units House, fi•odery,ll. flans. 11 '
a1,11 .r MIayettes. prepared Toe j-eeldene'0
soli " paddle Windings. ('orre•pon r11be 111
and Itenerel Anotloneer. ()diem on South
_ - where he will be found at all time"
when amt, rying sales. Terme ratsonable and
orery tidbit used tootive you satisfaction
(Tone .tn
All Marches carefully attended to. t'wrmes's,.
Ilve stork sales, nal eetat. and merchandise
-ales made anywhere. Write for dates or N11
sin Talk It over with
Oen. Beckett,
Hamilton Street. Goderich. Ont
8hiloMs Gur�e
IllItiekry stop soughs. carers colds. heals
rhe throat and Ieeaa. - • - SA Deet*.
who have Ie
eppreeiate this
the rful, be pun
will be hie»std
Mr. Kingswell lilts/ ggave a shrt.
practical talk on thin subject. enlpihlt-
sizing the itop ortance of getting the
parents out to Sunday echoed. *4)4 01
providing good Sunday school
The t+1aohltion committee submitted
the following resolutions. which were
-apliii ved by tile institute
.. Resolved. that we refer to tap
several committees of management
the Sunday eeh,s•Is included in thi
institute - namely. Nile, Ebenezer,
Sheppardton. Zion and Cellar Valley -
the serious consideratirm (within one
month) of the following e1ep'trtment"
And feetnl•.•.r of s.seemy ecbnrd work
with a VIP1w to their- adnptnnr-itrbhr'
severs' schools :
1. The'orgitrization of the Cradle
2. The urgarrizetion , of the 11
a. 'I'he holding „f RallDeviy Detoo .
1, 'I'''r h•d.l.ng
5. 'r • org*niyt. aJult I3N•Ir eta -•e.,
0. '1 nr h'Adlrl,( of teacher.' Meet -
7. 'the conducting of n••r111» 1 irci'.-
ing cis -'•'s• g
8.-' rem tee of tttonnegrw'ler It
of tit- 1
(et least quartrsly)• •
it. Definite and systemntif• work
for nlfseion'r,
1i. That t{pe heart y thanks; of thi.
instittrte ix• extended to it -y. F. L.
Farewell, for his services on Smithies
and for the able manner in which he
has'spoken today.
This wan fnliowed by a most elo-
quent and instructive add, est on "The
Sunday School the Mont lmpnrtent
Institution in the ('nlmmsinity.' by
Rev. F. L. Farewell. The hominy
school is en evangelistic ani educa-
tional institution for the purpose of
tpa,•hing imu►"tore and inquiring per-
ersoma lnOral and religous truths in prin-
ciple and in operation with a view of
1Co5TINTED ex PIM 881
he eehlnd : they well
ought roe' them. - 11.
ital. -be hiuy -ani1 we
w a blessing
Cured of severe compound
cold and cough by
Pro Doc. 20, '08, to March 1, '00.
1 had throe bad colds, one on top of ibi
other. 1 got so weak 1 could hardly
get around. Nothing seemed to help
me until 1 began to take Vino'. The
change was magic. Three bsttleacosts-
pletely flied that compound cold and
stopped the terrible cough- and what
surprises me most, at the sense time
Lt cured me of ■ severe stomach trsubie
that has bothered me for 20 years.
Vino' la certainly a wonderful medicine."
Mr. Toppan is one of Lynn's most prominent and highly respected
merchants, whose word is as good as his bond.
The reason Vinol is so successful in such cases is because it
contains the two most world -famed tonics -the medicinal, strength-
ening, body-building elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron.
Your Money Sack 11 You Are Not Satisfied.
H. C. DUNLOP, Druggist, - Goderlch, Ont. ,
P^^^=5^p. MILLAR CO
'Phone 56
The outlook for the coming season's trade it most promising.
Our stock will be better resorted tbia season than ever twfot•e.
You will find at our store goods of the most reliable quality and
our prices will be the lowest possible, consistent with gt1.iiity.
We never sacrifice quality ter ;nitre cheapness in price.
We have received our first shipment of the
New Prints and Ginghsms
\Ve feature the celebrated Crume and Palatine Prints -the
fast colurrat min a very extensive raney rrstr bu), and ge piece all the newest deeives.
at per yard 1
Anderson's Celebrated Scotch Oinghams
The name of "Anderson' on a piece of Bingham is a guaran
tee o1 quality. We have all the newest color combination. ,.t
12Ijc. 15c, 'Lic and 'L5c a yard. -
Linen Suitings Linen Suitings
Linen Suitings promise to be greatly favored for the cotn:ng
season. Our range includes alt the new shades.
lv.inen Shan Su, resembling a silk poplin. in eight new shades,
at.per yard
Linen Rajah Suiting. a perfect imitation of silk, in all thw
leading shades for Spring. Per yard ................-
The' New Spring Waists have arrived
Sty be lamely iaCTNllea by ksseing tits
erect condition of the farmer's market,
and by learning of tea best method in
farm practice. This is prerisety the
11011 of information the Fermets' Wpekl)
Ree gives is every Issue 1t has ne ,rine
sae a Farmer's Moline... 1'.' mss' G.00
fsrmera rely on a Pei p • -- ea'
ala►bits sear
Etch the name
into your memory
It stands for all that is best in spool silks.
By their exceptional strength, lustre, elas-
ticity and smoothness, BELDING'S
SILKS have obtained a unique posi-
tion in the favor of Can:..dian-tress-
But, albove all, they appreciate BELDING'S
SILKS bet(ause we keep- cul- range
of colors rtghi up-to-date addingy.
new shade immediately it is origin-
ated, and thus being able to offer a
me st comprehensive calor assort-
lieldinA .,p 'IM Viten empty !rind premiums,.
Write tor the lint -or oak yeah dealer.
McCall's P terns and Pt'bhcations for March now .n Stock.
11 'Phone 5 f 1 Tar's Scotch Store'?one 56
We bave sold our business to -1;1:1:0
• H t'x r. and he take-. possession April
- 1st. Till, thin, vou_e_an_b.u)' %v:•.% St.,> t's, i Pitints, Oil, t.rlass,
.l ,g1lti, tidal",' .\XC-, Horse Blankets,'
,I !alters, Ittlkives and Mitt". at cost.
i.:n,iU•d I
7 1 It.tY $TliE..T
1 fra.1.• Mork 1
C VI sou 811 ttttt Tat
TONI 14005 01514111
MAKE YOU 5150501
M ARI You Wall. 1
1 •r. 1::Iry r"
Med. Supt. of the
I'rot. ilnspital for insane, Montreal,
prescribes it constantly sad gives no
permission to use his name.
00.. arm 14.00 wak.-
TNAV:ft r. 1.A\CR1.NC ti co., MestleN_
L. --es
e Price
of the
An Edison Phonograph can be bought
for your price wl-)ether it 144 S.S o�
higher 'price up to $162.So,,all playing
both Amberol an4 Standard Records.
But you cannot measure the Phono-
graph by money. Whether the.price
is $t6.50 or $162.50, it is not mhch
to pay for an instrument that will last
a lifetime, which will furnish you good
music every dliy, 'which will furnish
you better entertainment than- you can
buy in any other way, which will teach,
your children to love the best music,
which will briing into your own home
what other people pay large sums and
go a long distance to hear.
Edison Standard Records . . 40C
Edison Amberol Records (tome as lona) 610
Edison Grand Opera Records
There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the
and hear the h Edison Ntandard
and Amberol Records. beta complete ocataloes from yo11
dealer or from us.
LakrYe Ave.. Onaase. N. La U. S. A•
All aLt.Oufts must be settledplt once
1\ Worselis'
tlardwkare and Stove Store
csoutar wit
J. BKOPlEY & sus 11 G. JOHNSTON Ei.
-THE I.r1ADIN0- -
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Ordrra ,u,, fully attended to et .01
hnurs.nirht .r de,
Fnroltare and Undertaking warer•onm.,
West aide Square.
'PHONIC: Store
t re nee ITA Ooderlcb"•• < s
Nicht calb: At residence, 83 William 4
`here t.
t Y
Practical Co:operatio,n
p.,tiu.-'• ah'• mart to make their capital or savings bring them
nn inesen,• n, „,•e1.-,•.l:Ihlishpd business and at the same time
the npt'•rtip.i.y1.•t rx•r.'orvli'ulry pivots, we otter to a limited
ter -lud' 111 the 1'rit.r•r Rupert Real Estate Investment
Co., Limilt•.1. ai par 410 per shine.
9'br nt 1s'.11.n{ y`.a cX• t•:o•1i1innrt• 1 .•ran'.• of the profit -Akar- '
int( tea', t. w 1 1 -h yo it only lir( en me. tu11 IltrinliOT
lgrrrp.l.••, .,•.1 -lur p•.• -rets in all the motile of the Company
-I',i ' 111.4 (. In.l1)' Metettaing 11usiurss. •.
The 11 pry 'revived by the Company through the. sale of its
shares is in ted 1113 well selected t•wtl estate in i', -ince Rupert,
under the dirt ,\.t•.rvi'ign of the Watt] of Dite,•tnes.
We purchase', hdpi'ove and retain proper,irs ed,.pt1d to the
uses of hustles* eel P ata profit pi'ope -t-V which i. producing
or 47511 readily be made tr 'rodeo(' a satistsetory income. '
AP pnt•t of our plan for handling our rapidly growing I.usiness
and to incrraae its capacity: we have concluded thet we would
Ro directly to the public, with whom we have alwnya natiP-
factorily dealt, and give there the opportunity to oiltecrihe to oily
1111114' of idette11. thereby sharing equally with us in the large
profits of the Company.
One of the indications of the high regard in whio4.out• shru4P
Ale held hy those w•11n p1 -Nees them In the inlet est theryothow by
enviermnt.10 bringing theist to tha 15 teutiuu of their .arighbors
and friends.
By placing our shares as we do among individual investors,
we are building up an exteoeive co-operative organization, each
Inemter or which has the opportunity and will be interested in
adding to the profits of the Company, because by no doing he
adds to his personal profits.
Such niters rarely, if ever, rPleh private investors, And
advise you- to send your subscription tot share's at „nee.
Purchasers of the stock may send one-tenth of this tutor]
subscription with the order and the balance in nine monthly
Prince Rupert Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd.,
Prince Rupert, B. C.