The Signal, 1910-2-10, Page 2it THURSDAY. FRaRUART 10, 1910 I:UUSHI('H, UNT OHO. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ■r THTC 7l1GTSAL PRINTINU (U., awned Telephone Call No. ib. •Terms e( iluMer,gwn 11.01) per annum in novenas. tit months, !or : t twee months. tie. To t'nittd Notes eubwrtbenr,- i.ie+- -IricIIyin advents.. Subscribers wbu fall to receive Tat Sicced.' .eg,.k,rly by mall will confer a favor by so- utintIng us of •the fact at fir tarty it date fie' poe.lhle. When it change of readies is desired. both the old and the new Admits should be given. •dvert.eing Rates Legal and other similar rulvern+entente. Into per line fur first_ insertion, and 4c per line for each subsequent it,. triton. Measured by it nonpareil seals, twelve lines to alt inch. Business canis of six liner and under. IIS per year. Advertisements of boat, Found, Strayed. RII. nations Vacant, Situations Wanted, Hou.erfor Bale or to hent, Forms for Sale or In hent; Articles for !tale, rte., not extmeding eight Una.,'LK•each tu.ertion 7$I for first Month, SM' for each subsetinent moatt: Larger ndvertttte- almaN hrprt 1. rt 1rtn, Anuoula•ruu.nte is ordinary reading type ten cents per line. No hot lee less than Le'. Any spacial miller. the object of which is the Pecuniary benefit of tri individual or ay.eei- aUou,to be runsidrnd en advertisement td be charged As aatvi,ngl Rates for di -piny mud contract advertise- amt.:. dvertise- a mit. will be gitri. 014 applkatiOM Address 411 sou. n. nniratinns to 1'11 l' `Iti\.11. 1'It1\11 Na 1 0.. Limited Nt:.erleh. (int Oi)pFatl('II. 111 UIttt11AY, FKO. 10, inn. THE NAVY QUESTION. 1..cage has Is•en- drawn (1.4fence 41 estion.' In the Iluu-e a of Commons last *,eek the.Priwe Min- ister uutlinrd t h Government policy, and in a -Clung rpeeclritisietrd 'port adherence to the principle of local autonomy' and the' contr.) by • Canada of ita own fund, in this other d.:partr cuts of government. At 1 he same time he criticized the pos- . ition 1f these who rjatillitalitlist Ven Ada was not tndir any ottligati whatever in the matter of naval de- fence.'and who Opposed *any expendi- ture for this purpose. ”Wily do we ask Parliament t ykte fur this naval seryl, e t • lL to sarupIy'because this is a necessity of our position, and the status we have reached ne K nation.” To tell the I ruple of Canada, in view of its rapid expansion and its vast wealth, that they do not require. a naval service was. Lo Sir W ilfrid's view, much the sates fir to tell the people of Montreal. with their popula- tion of half a million, that they do not need police protection. A year ago teeth . parties at Ottawa united in et rseolution favoring, the • principle of a (Canadian navy under Canadian control. but under ptesmlre from a section of his party Mr. Bur- the urthe Opposition leaeler. has,practi. Tally repudiated his former position. a d in the debate 1Kst• weea he- de- . a 'd for a Rift in cash to Great (frit in if an amount Nuflleient to can• struttwo I)r•eatinoughta talent twen millipn dollars). While he the not cos. it himself definitely to an additi:ma expenditure. for the con- struction t a Canadian fleet. he left it to he infe Hal that, in addition to the prone)- direct contribution to Great Beit in, his policy would include also t ie establishing of a Cana.ijtn oat y. On the other end, Cir. Borden's caah�ief'lieutenant or (melee. Mr, /Cid!. flatly opposed hr lsoporalu of itrth !eaglets, and call fir &plebiscite ret the electors of Cana it belch 1;111 - • or• barking upon any naval obey. Ii looks like a hid ou th part of the ()ppositi,tn for support oro faith nItrs-ingwi•ialimts and anti n.perietl- laty. "t 11 r. !kit-de/es policy of direct cuntOho' ionmiy la•It'sed in and t he Nest : while in Quela. Meng will h..fd fah tendencies of• Sir Wilfrid Lauri But sgch an .appeal will Gal, as it int failed .•I)erole. Mr. Rutd••u will'llntf that pia odyn pally-i.i Ontario is not opera' to supporthiut._uuu t Matter, and Quebec will folios Lau 're. not .ttonk. By taking th. mode c -st•, and by adhering to the 1,0144 of lo'•al aulonnn.y under which thea v ilia itiopire hem reached its best devel,grt`ant, Sir Wilfrid hat. again shown hi.eirint•ity for .leader, ship and - if the gm•.liitlyt. to It• mad. a party one for disrviuditiolgthis op- ponents. GREAT MEN OF CANADIAN HISTORY Canada is a great hat inn in emit' yo Canadians of today are protea of their country's past., glad of the privilege of Ding in the present, mud t•xpeet.tnt ret great development in the future. If we are to mnkr the test use of . the present, and so make good our drtinens for the future, we should not neglr(•' the past. but take Tennyson'a allrnoni- tido : /Dive thou thy land, with love tar brought !trent out the storied Past, and card Within the Present, but trnndnsed Taro' future time by power of thought." The storied past of (anada,.-thnngh .covering only it few centuries. ia full of lntvrt'ttt. Or. Falconer maid in n re cent addrres : "We are corning into the fruitage of the 'shorn of grnertt- tion' of foref,thera," To is proper Atnd••retan,ling of our befit tge it is well to know the history of the men 4-. "1'111. moi.:' t 8 who have made our peat. We should_ tiff Lompaty was • trust and as such know their characteristics, their ant f bad no standing in the courts of Mich- bitions, their successes and their fail- igen. The judge thereupon threw the urea, the conditions thou thu I case out of coast. -- and the contribution of each to the' growth o/ the country. The laser of That bit of old-fasbloned winter we great men -ideas expressed in Krtion got on Sunday was perhaps just a. -have made Canada what it te. Sochi bine from the weather plan that he meu as Champlain and Laval in the still kerne the genuine article in stock. French regime, and l'arlstua, tiiniC(W, if the people want it. The coal men. Ryerson, Howe a host of however, are? a minority. }ielkirk, Rye Others in later times have lad the 1 In a Toronto court it has been de- OnndKtlUDN-U'On w sett -we are ittnd• , tided that the street railway company ing. We owe it. to our country to is not responsible for an accident to understand the wort of its fon,,,dere. a ,drunken paesenger. Quite logical : that we may not war it. by our ignor• ' for a n1Kn under the influence of ante' cr misconceptiune. 'Thanks to liquor•Canunt be under the influence I'arkwan, Roberta and of hrl a we of the car conductor. too. hate reliahleand readable accounts of these men which snake the leek u1 While they are at it. why. do not learning their history 'a wove agree - to disband (1)usrrvatives at Ottti propane aIle one. 1f yonog )nen can see sent out Canadian wilitis, and out from our palms and high echoolr'han�l the stoney now spent it. its with such Kn interest in:their couutry ntftinteuance 'tu the Bricitih Govern. awat they will study its turret ? This would he in line with hiendttritsy, andelfareihrthcareen it( ire Ifreai ftei>} proposals on the navy question. then. there will be no fear fur the The -unfortunate accident to Mr. Shure of Canada. The land and its (iitldwin smith. • who ane day last resources are all that tau br the ireel. week telt at hie home in Toronto and tltN.(Neh bone, iN the cause of kind of euro and Canada Will; bet the h solicitude to his fi tends. It is nation of the future. t.) be hop. .1 th at recovery will ire a. speedy and complete fie can he ex - HOME RULE NOT SEPA ATION: peettd in •tic h a edge's At an Irish drwonetiitio in Men- thr•teron the eve of the els( inn• John Itrdwoud. the Nationalist 1 der, gave a noteworthy deliverance in the ques- tion of borne rule,tor tee! nd. In view of the position of influence which the Nationalist patty will hold in the new I'ar,ilswent,. the 'perch is of exc. ption- al interest, and should -tend to rosy 1 he alarms .1 those who may still feat that Irish self-government will nnrati aeltatwtiun frow'(lrrnt Britain. A pu turn u( 31r. Itrtln`ond's i-peerh sass ows: +r All Chic Ik thoiit _Ireland septlat- ing from th Empire lhy foe e-vl..nugL- ter and coir tat •'1{ubbi-h")—im Cha most utter uou new. We are u.it a -k ing for impetrate( h. All we want Wt.') have rontrol of m • own, in the ryes . f Et gland uo donht 1 tty.but to u.. vet y vttlal„ internal cop . rtes. 'Thele air sons. Reigliebinen W do not to list '114 The Toronto News complains that the inIpiessi,m wsa prtducrd in the Trent. caiupai,n in (Heat Britain that aoadinnr aver ol•pneed to the :fiscal p'lity '.f the Unionist party. It -is pleas. 4 • t•. learn that the British peon!• .•ewtbust being educated but of the .••t that armada is. a ho bed of thumb..., laiitiaw. - Cuntieilloe'llawkins is quite right in 'urging rat efill • ovw•,itlb t if the 'con - ow' 1 1t he in olsoleunt int l o, 1 ,-.•nr) t.•rv. if the ettilding ie 111 t.. 1.• o,t rue'rd am lilrhta an uuas- .r.., • I. t•i the. cemetery, it is not w ot•.1 .t all Nr hope, !russet -et, Cho .11 1' .r h. no dip titur•e from the erigitial proposition ti. et•ect a rt•t,• liana . et,ut!,ire. -Englishmen who, h t slug asted people in every pact of the Erup• • e, I Life, A 'rust "f herd :and a airier to sleep Ip. having trusted Use hero: ill (%gnarls, A m[°'” 1" 'mile end an hour fo wsepin, hiving trutnedthe Dutch in;he Trans Ahitsfit joy teapeck oftrouble vaal--(cheer.)-having trusted „people And ,l.ser h laugh but the ,uoanr cows ot.aII n,atinnalitif% in tevenly-th,.e or double: twenty four• different portions of the end that is life! Empire, will not truest the I ei-h 1A crust and a corner thatlove makta.prrrloue people. (ShAlue.) they will out trust them with self-government, but it they want a great statesivate to go cul Ana and govern a portion of the Kmpi-e - , they are glad to trust an Ilishesien-- .And the icheare►--or- if -they _ w*M:-a yR.iia»t mall to lead their army they rte •.t.ly ton proud and "nippy to trust ars man- (Cheers.) , They cannot Gust the? same wen -to manage intheirown little FROM(OU country the bund, education, ind ust i i*l development, . rany other of the hum- drum loot' r•', t• 1 n• • hey deeit•r to Ill a .tulle to warm and the tear* to refrtalt. us; r.I..y, neem sweeter when ,cares come fee.. e nen la the finest of?ousfor laughter ;A—it—Sat is life! Paul Lawrence Dunbar. O,NTEMPORARIES. 'y May 1?re, Useful. ntanage...1 nit y 1.• - 110.11 WHO _,i`tiuelph Mercury. distrust um, '•fir• y ,t' 1 ( ke m .1 G+4rrnn.l "114"' is 11Pqy Iw cful. twine rule 111 .. 1st. .;,ly gud,an ...di but they arid d do anythi"chit.ng to prove that you title to 1. es. lit the pos. •.lity it. 1f 'Ireland io•• etc r.tring xu; All in the Sams B . arm.y.t t invade kngl sl - o(laughter) - r of t �t es. i. s.. lily o1 Ireland t•dlRrl- Albertan. im,o• a . to 1. Ig a flirt t Y Dread- : In this high' cost of living campaign nn... to 1.. (he reps - 'the liner and„ the meat cannot very 11 ut ht. ) -.or G) melte Itl• wrti afford to call the coal black, for her tit inviee the -(irras `•fLm .. .r Associating with Wealth:. lu cools over and melte a Low - of 'Bet- - I(ufralo New.. - Loch " (ireughter•.) i say l..i the It certainly flatters a toren to have English denmrrscy in all seri•.0 nrmy, the head waiter ecu him lay name : Owl what we want le pea* het we. tins it n:ckr' a man swell up like a the tali( tries. IChrere,) We h. r p,,,a,t,n..1 toad to •get an lluuNuohile none of theme heroic. aruhit:own an cal .Ingle through the wail. All .or I:uwbrtined idwasr- We simply war. •hirh pales heside of wh it happened to he aisle to fol n our me, give, which t us yeti ertim_t : K roan with rag on day ate 11101 paled in this ho. Able' hi chap ftp •k- to UN! lariat contest twtween Etigband •.red Leland, to the 'losses W.•,k 4)1 ad- vancing 1 he matt•, iul, horst ,1111 mitt- Toronto Star, r•.tional p1.1igteu. 4.1 • DO n peg l)Ie ret I'ieruiee•t' r 1Vhitn(twine-ea Chet he Inane, %Vt. knoet that canto. I. .lour WOO IniN441re the• tusk of iedistributing rev outei.b•re, 1V.• went. to end roof., the .rats in the Iw'gisleture chattily.' We want a teat y of -;weer like 1 list ah t h tt eve•th(ady may be heard. lair N hirh. WAN mode wit h England- by J -strews should. not hesitate about. a Bothaand Itewrt. All we wae.t int the little natter tiki this, having already mane of home rule is is •h 1' .•.'I lili •proven hie pr'welte as 'a rtetlittt•ihutnr in purely Irish 'Haire me was given int• No arranging the sent' in the Prnv• alt.- anis•.---ei -wy in purely T.ameref-tea-shat the Lihp*la an" Nw'rceiy eITairs to the Boers. '(('hrers.) T,Nt heats! at all. • e4t0t-1 the 1t, ter. snare Tn►- t ie ae• elle/filen to feint ft fiend's. We Iq The Larger ay. Irrl real are prepared to 'crept atilt' to: New York Amertiytn. wok in preeiselg the same spirit aims Jtitt ,letfriem atm talkitlg to n ic- tht'-Beersf♦tve shown the concretion Portel• .i fantt the 'orae of $1441.4'"' ric.r d home rule when a „mot's Gy tea.'Ct"e's to the winner• of ihr Jeri--.•- In•er..) ohnaon hate le. • "Oh. nn.. eifil she 'lovnlest)) v rent' Hurn, "it isn't nn enm n11n. puss t\- t EDITORIAL NOTES. heart it h* t't art enormous' one -.. Anterira. • We Zook n r mon ere in moe_. it large way here. .('outing 4 0 el' no the imlat i hood two Chicago then talking in the Sar. _- • 'Which world you ratter lee,' saki one of them, 'very rich or very poor?' 'Neither,' maid the otbrr, in our Iargt•ttative way. 'Hive BIM nay choice and I'd have about $5,0011,n(Nt,' •' The Gerrymander. the another igptng• A good tlee would dog -poisoner. dvent of the Need cataloguen is sure sign of approaching mple of retritnitive jaw a mad dog Siting the If the vote is Nle elevator shy lar " tajority. in the ttgitage politician of fntlner'da climbed the Tories oil t lion. 4 trolled on .Satllydl0a, T P. O'Coonor's View. VIS should "V"a Hamilton Timer, " T. P. O'Connor expresses the belief that John Redmond, the lender of the It•I.h Nationalists, and the member. of the Astiuith Ministry have a thorough mndersteliding as to the scorns to `Lr pursued -in the new ilritith "orna- ment. Mr. O'Connor iwlirvgss that Thr Nationalists aill be found acting with the Lthot•ites and Liberals as one party- in passing the legislation that hatbrt'n the sithject ilf mo mush public discussion. He says the Nationalists will peirene "the only rational policy." They "fir 1 Stand by the Liberal,' in rnthing�artvlganre. of the Lord.., hirh moat he done, if any reasonable measure of lord home rule for Ire land is to he terlir,tyt, Ireland will ever have a way in I. istt twat govern- s'', n' long as the !torte retain ihr re t of tPlo. That power must be cur ilt•tl. and the Nationelexte will help n curtail it. The budget will it' pnneettaend thea stem of tnxation of chs United Kingdon) will Iw rtfnrmwl on as to 'Sect• upon the land value,' their reamon.hle share of the burden of gove) nt: ent. a well-known a, Laurier ham navy' quem. The rabies snare recalls at mf a holier ofYleer who Waft as steps he would take if is mad, Ii are(' on the street. -flighty SI rpm," was i. he trid Pati., a week mg() devastated I.� flood and in the tfepths of despair. i. now all agog over a new drltlnatic pt()duetion, "Chanterlet " The Freneb Iwoplo. are gretl in their reeuptrative powers. story ed what 'Ft ap- long The joint in the armor of the trust h.. been ?mead at Iamt. In a Mlehl• gin court the international H ter (lompony brought shit to collect .r- rmnite %reina two implement dealers, To s bolting n The defence was set up that the plain- ry to have e i y to b dt.ttn't necea- aary Sava money to bora. 1, •1 f 4 • O When you buy 0 life insuranct' there are two things to consider. First, the Company. A clean record and absolute se- curity is offered by the London Life. Second, the Policy Contract. Investigation will prove our Reserve Dividend Policies are unequalled. 111 Winter Term OPENS JANUARY 3rd J Students nifty enter July __day jot Haw__achuul year. 1 Individual instruction. Our ggsdtratet' get the beet positions. Mail 1'011leee. W e train- e young people rhau any tither mammas relent in Canada! Affiliated with Com- mrrcltl Educators Aa- sot•iatLet of- Canada. for pnrttcuhars. , CLINTON BUSINESS COL:.EGE ,.Eo. sPO1 TON. r„t„pttl caval saaa���ra-"1 BUSINESS EDUCATION such as you mar obtain under 1181 •et y beat , nelttona at 1he Can 1,41 euunets College ofTurents, .s a su.e passport to autcese. 7housends liner proved itwhy not invest' ..te tor yourself? Our tree catalogue erpla.M, write tor tt t•, I4. • noose, print opal. W ii District Agent, KVHINSON, Seaforth, Oct. • GET A PRACTICAL EDUCATION by attending the faruour ELLIOTT BUSINESS COLLEGE TORON7 O, ONT. It has paid othsti, It will pay you. tt etc today for aur handsome (a;alug•.lo. WWWWWwwW1Se MAWS Gni CENTRAL //// STRATFORD. ONT. ie the ';tent Peart teal 'raining srhout of Westt'.111 0 n l a t' 1 1, Set dentsaieern eting • every week You take no tisk in metering • classes:- Our .1w5.•e are the hest end 1014• gt•adtiatep sector the high fide poeitioun.- There detest t - menta - CoMmerctal Shorthand and Telegraphy. (Set our her catalogue and inves- tigate Intra ihp na+rfts of the school. The time to enter is now. D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. puairs►. FLEUR1 Ands, Its Keeping Qualities SOME people find it necessary to bud a considerable quantity of flour at one time—sufficient to last for a long period. Naturally they are anxious to procure a flour of the kind best adapted to lengthy storage. There are two important reasons why PURITY FLOUR possesses these qualities. One is that it is made entirely from Manitoba Hard Wheat. The other lies in the fact that the careful milling necessary to produce " Purity" absolutely excludes all slow -grade particles of the wheat berry. It's the high grade Manitoba Hard Wheat Flour that keeps—stands longest storage. That's "Purity." a "Purity'' flour may -cost a little more, but is more than worth the difference. Try it. Watch results both for quality and yield. "More Bread - and better Bread" Wss,Tin CANADA FLOUR MALS Co., LY1Tto Mab at Winnipeg, Goderick, Brandeis. A W. ACHESON cf SON Price Cutting in Fur Coats %Vet have atilt t gond selection iu men's and women's Fuc !'oats. The 'rives fur February clearance are unreserved and unparallelled for bargains. Ladies Astrachan Lamb and Bocharan Lamb Fur Coate with sable collar, satin -Tinel and of heavy furred skins, eelect. Former price *25 to $15, Now seduced and clearing at ��C from $15 to J Men's Fur Coate, Calf, Dog, Alaska Beaver, Wombat, !2o.00 to $35.00, all reduced to SI,* 00 to $25.00. RUGSForty ..1 Ir .e, ,tj ... "' ton Floor nogg, fine - - --- quality. t. i ._ .,.. a, .t .n a dozen 1 letifilf patterns and yoloringw :s x 2. .... ulcbrs.\Rehular 6195 price, each $3.t)tl. l4prct-'. •a. �7 FACTORY COTTONFif yard thrrail factory and clear from specks'. Rvgul Nal., ret per yard, for February UNDERWEARClotting liner in la men'„ Underwear, ' T ladies' %hitt., fine nolo,, Vests sod Drawers-- urnbrnil'r n hundred fine. e v e n. Sc. On 6c. se and d.,ren &shts Creaks -our Lest. Regular 6(k: a garment. Fel ruary rale 1 firreek - SILKS Thirty pier's of new French Dotal Bilk.. in n w and leading (tailor.. Iteaitttiful for evening l\ rH cif ' rlltuisit.e aplienfAfire. wear- corsiniended, inches wide; at per yaid r W. ACHESON cf SON \V!t l;\ l utT THINK OF Clothes and Furnishings. - YOU THINK OF MARTIN BROS. You know why. irre Your Cold White Pine. with Wild Cherry and Laxafi`ve Bromide Quinine Tablets are sure cures ; 25c a package. - IL Ce DUNLOP DRUGGIST,, • GOrF.Rte Buy Frost Coiled Wire And No Other We now Make and Gatea,ite our earn Wire- So, l ben yep t y Ceded Wee, tell year dealer that you want Prost Celled Wire --and nn other. This new Frost Wire ,• the same kind which ere uw for both the Prost Fence.. So yaw raft he awe that it is the heat Wire in Canada. Because we have Aetna! out the „erect reason why nearly all WWII fads to make gond ie the country. And w. /wee installed a proems of Anne.l- int and a 'sore.. of (;al.an.ynr M nver- rosvm 1h..weal neab.ws. Prost tt•,re u Anneand In the only degree of temper wh., h sal make good ,n Canada And it n galvan,ed sae 1'•r cwt. thicker Chari say Mks Wen. Yat .t will sat scale or clip .e. Frost W,rn w.s ataal a feaster Orals. and fight oft rent longer, thea aey other Wire made We nose a fres Booklet on Frost Wee. It tells all ...nut Wire. It amiable* you to hue the ntht kind a Wire, at the right pries. Any man who once reads this new Front Booklet will be able to buy Wire iaeelligasuy, without Cagier anybody's word for it. Wa sbnuld really charge for this nenklet, bit se .aluable. tut if ye,.7I write fat ie today, Ire seed it to you free. Write fee it sow. The Frost Wire Fence Co., Ltd. Hamilton. Ontario. sII Agents Wanted in Opea Districts . cos t JECtizice DVS De.4.r.: Hugh It.,'.,- Gough ,eh . It. A ]., 1. chs.. , Uu,. g., 1111.011. Druggists' Confectionery! We carry in stock r,metsnti'i a choice assortment of goods in the Clary tine. Our t•,,nge irtclttde.: Best Boxed Chocolates at all prices, from sic to, $1.00 Delicious Butter Scotch in 6c and -1 boxes. After-dinner Mints, per box, int', 25c and 40e Fruit -flavored Tablets (R nr 10 flwynrs), 2 names for 6e Chocolate Cream Cakes, Milk Chocolate. Chiciets, Chewing Gums, Breath Cachous, Violet Breathlets. Humbugs, Peppermint Lozenges, Licorice Pellets, Maltese Cough Drops. Black Cough Drops, jujubes, etc., etc. S. E. HICK, Central Drug Store' •Goderich, Ontario. Corsets at 50c We ere clearing out some two hundred pairs of women'; 75c and 1111.00 Conete at 50e a pair. LACE CURTAINS. Ppreially priced, ee-ellen! finalities In Nottingham Lace Curtain., all size. -2 yard•, 2i y.t•tl., 3 rtrdt and 311 yarde long, let•etdeafens and loan pretty . ff..-to, e.t.'.eh of these speeial prices - $3.5o, $2 3o, $t.so, $1 no. 75e and Sec. JOHN STEAD HAMILTON STREET GODERION