HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-2-10, Page 1HAVE YOU
l.eurwal your subscr{ptien
to The Signal for 19107
Those who have not al-
ready rent in their re-
newal are requested to do
1.i11d1 at once,
stITY THIRD YIL&R•-No• 1185
(;ODERIOH. ON 11ARIu. CANADA : FEIIIl111RIY 10, 1910
is the motive force, the
electric power, behind any
mercantile ',business.
Without some propelling
force the boat drifts ;
without advertising t h e
busluebs drifts.
THE 810NAL PRINTING CO., Ltd, PvaUstoas.
I am offering for sale Debentures bearing interest
At five per cent. ler annum. payable half -yearly.
Tbeee debentures offer an absolutely rale and prof-
itable investment. 1 would advise anyone having
•uoney w invest to be sure to call and see u►e.
1.V. -L RAR'PO�I _._
_ - Coin of eassag . o' rvmmnie advertise-
nts must be left of this office by
TII n41oAT,'Febrpary loth.
Fell wheat. per bo.4 81 u2 to $I 04
Myduewbeat past LurL _ t to to 1 W
RYe. per bush 0 a• to u a
me to Pi
Monday noon to ensure Insertion 1 Nuc, whisat. peper r bush b 1 W 0
'n issue of same week. 1'1e,,. par h,,.p o 7s to a 1.1
Barley, per%,u.h 0 (' dr II
Wreeninm'. per inn y0 .o. to b4 I
Flour, foully. per ewe Y 7S to 2 7
FI �1t wt 3 t) to 1.14
he 11huWit oft of 'A FINAL WORD
TIE ToWN COUNCIL. Bates• attending to t
the valor td the standpipe.
Thr fiaancr coe11uuu{etre ser
Judicial Sa,e 1.4110) In, Local Master
u - t 1
Bergen.. i1, Hardware- Worelb'. ..... .... 3
l'urbete w Fifty Cent. John Stead 2
Druggl.te Confectionery S. K. Hick 2
Header. -Morrish& Vanetter.. .... .... 5
Valentine. Gnu. Porter .. 8
Apprentice Want +d-- H. J. Haber ..., 1
1 a.,ecger. for MantWb., ete.-(1.T.R 7
New Print& and Uiaahama -D. Millar Co, 3
Form for Sale-('. F. Oke. Ifenmlllnr. ..... . 1
Clothes and Furui.hing+- Martjn Brea- 2
Reader--ll.D.D. Laboratnriee, Toronto 8
Our -Special ('ogee H. R- Long .. 8
I'rtoet'a(11(01lu Fur Coat. W. Acheson t
Soh 2
Store News.. J. H. Colborne, ... .....,.. 4
Femme Woofed--l(etafer.TuppervULa, i • 1
Buckwheat Flour lend Maple Syrup-1E0rt
February Sale -- HoweN-Hardware Co. . ....4
What Stocktaking Showed t'. Hodges*
Announcement Knox Church (,'hrlutian Nn•
Moray W Lend 3L I4. Cameros ... •. 1
steel Ranges -Robert Wllnn-....-.... 8
Auction Sa1e.•tiro. Beckett .... ..j... ..... 1
Announcement (entente n Lloore.•
McRAF:- t I.nekuow, on \\'edheolay,,.'ebte
Yf oe to. •Li ft'
2.4 46 to L\ 44)
, 14'14! to 13 en
.. •v•6to II Ito
Dur. f.n41 , per r
= - ' Bran, pus tun .
• \ 1.7.1.I1 ,11Y A PRI It 1ST. A , ehorb., pert 4i
11 4'.,111 -hid hon r- Ap([d by letter. .tet . lee)', per ton \
V M. R1 ItEle III. Uudertch. W.oel, t scold..•
_ -. ti.:, t17 Hn RPr. 1.•!'r tel
41 .•e... per Its
• N •r+/1.t' \ F.K"'fte.h. per dot
`,) O* f 1 i i.OAN_. filmed to lend in. 4,Ib1,.. wrliu' las ;;•„1
•le-su..A0 ▪ 011}41.0 oh town pro...1i•• alb lir, rxf.rrt, per rat
\N I1;1/N, 1 alt.
SO ugtinfiS Vn(!nnt r'ulte
▪ I' +p1V i- (1 I.F:A lf\ 11 \I; ik I. t, 1: ;
\IJ. .aur 11' N. . art(. 1.t, .1, .. .,v.,
.1•1F.i I - - .. I -tl.r'-1111,•1it 4411 IA .11s It.7• c:
•lint u•11a U -fast to \'... .rut
,i ,n,' . 1 114 4)1'• 1, 41.4;1 rl,.i 4
O -•21 -to 0 Ya
ti Ii to 1 I
1) ; r 0 %. I - r, i 0 W
4`" t rta,+u i•. 4,lsnav' 1 a•sits er .
_ - mended that the Iptioni cin the
0 a utlo-
mer hotel for $(1, K V
DEBENTURES SOLD AT A FAVOR- 1 e be extended to December 31st.
councillor Martin made some objec-
tion to the renewal of the pinion for
---- 41) long a pet i(d, but it war pointed
A Good Deal of Routine Business Put out that Mr' Lee bad a leave of the
Through -The Mausoleum Proj- hotel for another year and that it
ect Again under Consideration-- I would he under his content in any
Another Applicant for a Pool -room rase• The committee, h()wever, was
a.krdto Y1Ve the matter further
The special .and relief committee
recommended theta billiard and pool-
room license he granted las J. Wr.
Craigie at the exire,o and that th
flow (sate of application
the house of refuge' would accept
liaw Postlethweite es an inmate the
Reeve have hilt tent there.
Reeve•Reid and Councillor. Vanet•
ter moved that in consideration of the
further ApplleAtion reeeived that
evening for ti tankard license the first
clause of this veleirt. be referred hack
'Lo co 'etre. This suggestion WHO
*dewed. and the remainder of the rt -
p n t, Inks rd.
'here W4$ 41411441 folk ahnut tier
snow on the rtteels, and Councillor
Mw �o1, ,1 tit lb! Inen 1204
ting r trf be. put to work levelling the
beeps of snow on the Square.
The Mlyer heongltt up the lineation
ofatlPul)p'ing rteseetire the Western
Ontario euilitaty camp for 6odeikh
this seer.. and • after moue discussion
IYtn thestwci.a1 committee was iii.t)tieted
License --The Military Camp for
Goderich ? •
The regular nieetTfig --cif - the t(twn
couuetl was held on Friday evening,
with all the members in atteedencr.
'The treesereee mons hly atelern0tlta
for December and .laneary wet'e pre-
med. Following is the summary of
e Januar y statement :
Re nee from December. nett..... ... $'.
Tax: . . .... ... ..... .... ...... (33
Non- fleet taxes
'•leen' •• moving pictu'e .how., 4M)
l', t'. 1 , • lease of -emitter betel. 1.110
Mir. (i mood..urt:ryyiust ton
Public ,* red...hr of old picket*. 7.5
ne .tint' payroll .- ... 1.00
w set, t-fTetery ... •. -$also
Principal on nns40•ge .. 1.04rtw
Inters.) en a ah•Rn .. -. tie MI
•/reedrs(tt ...... . • • 4501.46
$l '.U48404
.egrplTt te:•t,
J0 .. -... : 44rLIn
WHITF:I.V. totasiert'•h. pet Fs bier.' F
ars' lth. Jo...ph Whitely'. Aged ea )eats
' 6 po,nth..
ItitllWNI.- In(;..derleh. Rn Mlgndayl, Jat'u.
31.4. 49144. 4 exit. 11.1 .$wallowel. bel .'
wife of Welts.. 4-). Wow", .g .124 4.111..
Vitt/ eav-Frb4.serV W -E • tarp . sola to
'r YS 'to 00':;1 nuctua, of lisle. fnrm .1••c' , �slent. alt-, fun t
t 1r' )rlon o. to edition b• -lab J.. -,•,•b
wt 1 4, to J S ins use �et las :r1..; p c.d. n J1 F . t
4 ltttasrr' payroll.,.
Printing 4.04 e4ee•
lite o intent ,
Pubhr work. ... •
47tul1Y -
t1.•berRntr a lfteip41
Ialnunire i,tereat
r• 0'
`•1.•Y Itch fl .1A
eh•a.r aee'JU,.1 •
s.4 to . 4111 r 1111\V„ti„'u.r)-J'
' n„
1 • 1 1 a, 14214..11,-.1.1...t.1 -•I r '\alb -,r,) •. n7 tel 4taw' n
.' 1 1 4 n N..1at HI
3 1• (0 Y1. (1 -1.n ,N1. a f n d
4 1 � •.i rr 01..
.•I, 1. -seas 1 I
_ I�b,_ 1;1 VH',. ..' - .{•).4 ",1:.4114.a,.. ,'.
to ' 1 •
. 1 •
I It . A - (.O(i14 . ►t. I I\ F stIs.-. '1.e es r• 144!..,L 4 \,
',r 1 1(1111.) web 1' , .- f 1\',, "I 1.. ,
J _ 1 VIP(,'
, t r.1 new I.M1 111 •`,w �. •' - -- i,1 1,
N.:.4* 4 1 C.
x'~Jr ' •
114 e1it11 iiia
1:A14.1114-+ l . • 1.. ,led' (h.,
0 u,. ` . " _ ,l� viae ,,v„
No clt•atwr came has hen made out
for any iudtidtrial bylaw dltbmittel 111
(ioderich within recent years than can
b1. put forward in favor of the two by-
laws VI be V4ItAtd UpOJI;next Saturday.
Absolutely no rink to the WWII is in-
volved. The town simply guarantees
that within the rt gwetive periods 'cov-
eted by tht• bylaws the taxation of the
Ooderi b Elevator Co. shalt he upon• a
fixed assessment of $100,000 and the
taxes of the Western Canada Flour
Millar Cu. shall be $3,000 (representing
at the prt•M LIt rate of taxation en aa-
sedau►ent 'of $13'0,1)00). This' means
that the twit routplanies, which at pres-
ent am praying• taxis amounting to
$I.$10, will hereafter pay $5,500. Out
it wea.IJlt .tul►cli_,Ilxnr• titan this -It
uleuua the• addition" of a willt.ln hush=
els to The �levatier-capacity r)0 1 ntr her-
Ino•anit vastly' increased buuint•os at
this port; it urians the waking of
(:,alerich one of the uu4st important
lake ports in Canada. We hope that
the ratepayer's -oval -pea s.11 their'
hrarty(Idot•riatiunsitthe p,v'10,sit itins.
114th byhtwn alunld Io- carried ley
barge u)14)4i itios. -- . t
Saturday, of this: week -i(1!he day of
pelting. t ,
pias to take the Matter in hand.. .His
Inst \Vorehip recall ,d IhP'+fart that the
Jliliti i lepartuir)tt'as nn the et nit in
oriel signed by all the military (Mires
11f tbeinetrict, with the ••xcelition of
those ft 0111 Llludun. faroriug 4italet•iels
am t tie site of the camp.\
nP finatire l
lt.r not
the t
int t '.
Ie •s for
int min the
I t
, t'4
1 Ir u
1 r
I.d 1.l
n rrAs
eras I .04
.4 .n
cosine! R
¢Har . t l:ret,t, K10.1 .\.4.0. .i.1
4•r; aft sic •.:;11 Iola %I. 'K.1114111.0 •,t.
1/71i,1(. •1'14s ia•ronsidrte.i at et v Inv-
) the 4irablr sale for the town.
SL Vater • n 's.
:11•'-.t f'•'. especia , if wr ,,i-':• .1
, V,.1
1.1gIt ,ace Ir'. d. 1 1.11 -'h. 11 •1',ht
eta t e lest 1r r..ts t an(1 it 14. it. lust!
me by ;. 600111 fig tar rt! .x. '
,.l„ -e 11••11'•• .•t 1.11;• Ioy
.. '.`(i R'••i e• - a-111 -the col
...rm.'. out Ul c ilf
k uh,'til u+ arc• in:.v
,47 1I
4-:i 17
1.1eit 1I'
1 :x• trig
14 '4'; a •
Si .file
i• f t), \ t )1 " Rt -• F a .:.; -u...-,.-.,..,: �.•
'.1 het rn .l•'l11w 1.. ,.
.cin caval tn•r'+n •''
tl'.r r 5 LM' ate' sortie tot.'
.• o111i1114 of theta •1 h• ,.'
•i•-4.'- fart •h.' , :;trl-lali 4 ! ..
time .•
I4, at new..
•..e. In n ' ) •
t: 1 • 1 .1.,4, \
II H hot •e
II It\ \I'1•: F'1111 SALE. A
"1 14 " t r.al forrew. unvllutis
' 1 ,,,,.S tlnn: register.. het anti
10•••• . na;.lrtr: NI11 .ell cheap..- t
.e fa it. .leen o J. It. colter 11s\ F,.
4i •J
.:.u.N, of 1eh :t- 1 Tciidc:'s Wante(i
1 I •'.•-01.,111'„ s nithl.. 0 L•.''
I,�n.:teed f,,i of At-k.'.j . ecrr.
' .runes and 014 •-1 1p' hinitttt1.rt' of • I' i , i I , , \\ \'. FE/ 1,
•' i'. ., mot tier. ten. .eater. (i
12 rift district,, a homicide ler in good vete', :'_L.: f
r tette may pre-1mte is Ian rseethe, \ I I ,..,' P.,.•.
•1 re h1. hulw•et. Lid. tile. el pet rt) .. . _ be u•ne .,
!111-11141-1111.4 te+4.le ,4x num' In re(•h of t , . r 4 . burg"n •,.!
).tis from data of hone sieai antr) .hobutirs.• lel , e..
11n. DIM. lI li l;tel to. earls horueetead pitied. 1'' 4 nt•1 Ont • - O.n14
Anil cultivate ',fly ,*1 r.•1 extra• t 0.-p.. 1 • • • •rnr" ..
A hW11..T.Jdlr „1r, los. Cth:'n.ted to. bottle..1,40:1114,1 .r :eft e4„4'1 ',I, 1 r 4 1 ,en
•DYad right and . i,00t Mao. a a.rea•114;.11011 I u1. the ',n•1. .4tvvout ,•,) ••a' h 'suds..
._ .... ..... - - -• parrs .1rs:40, 1 \1J ,\ oi.
ek. 1. suttee forte , .1.
11107 we " 1.t•••.trtne •-
distsMtM.. Price 8't.l:' .4.1 sew. .. lemic. -'4t �-I ,
044 I1,.1
Neal Ldtate Tor sale. Joe dirty Acre- and erecta hoose worth #Iu.'+•
N', W. IOltY
•" 11.1140y of rhe.Mh,Mrrof the Interior
AND N.N.l m.'.'horb,d publirnriota of I64. iur
.•. 4..'.. etti..•nn ('• "Ol not be mid tor -
1'. 1::
•,••i(te.ixmont1l..in eb).f(heelsyear.eutr
L' \':1.1 FUIL KA1 F,; 1,()
f 1 and 4 (`nlls•nn. towlohtp. sunt
I. . -: dx tsite. from llu'rkh and Iwo
out f. won M01)aw arwlwn. • u t ere 4, e
ro.1 1 nk bate 7t' x 1.i, pig -pen :'N x .,...Arising
•bol 1 •t 041111 hon•.• heat d with fit '•r1''"
leer 1 l .(' tanker in boder acid we •r In
•:nl t F lee a.4w gond young orrhal all
- esu frit just .larting to bear.' t< F.11 F.
Wm.. r. , (4.1.11,4,.
4)17SSi:41)11 SAIF --1.)N 131'11.4 E
•t reef ; t e o .bsrirs. *I.% en ro.ma1: rrh stern
.ors( 'newt• 0111 of the moot- plessent •end '
e,n 1 I •, 4.•.,44011+4n town. For ten,,. f b.
.t '.•\.\1• 'FN'E.
L-('� 1'IL 51 F'! - RALE OR E\' -
F 'I11.1NUF: for ho3.1e and lot in (ioderi' 4 -
0 p41 t .'Ivo erre% of lot ft ,vsssion R, 4'oilmen..
tl J4 inevveif*llianaifarm) Cbflok honey. wett.A iaildorcharst1 with '
la•. fruit. It. H. Ce)MF:18f'ALI. Loyal.
Public Notice.
I i4I l'1•I'A1,, NEKI'I\ti. TILE
SC\1-In•vt:lg 40 revl'e
theta, -t. r. of •\Irt;.n,dre horn.. et (•
Ho -vital Will 1.a• held h. 1 he roust 1 .
Fridnr)•: F chrnery,ln• h.. at-. p. ,n. At 1 W- tlr.
14 Kkngx (anti.1.t .,.he c`rublic bewill elected
linviled •r to, (4
JUIN - H4I,T, 11. M. litenOeNS.
'.4 _t 4're-tdent. ' - SerreterY
tL.''I'l IC Al' I4)N `L'O 1'ARL1A:
\' I•:STERN LANi)w FOft SAI.
n)' acre% with 32 sere. In stop{ : frame
hon... with 'phone In, ''rice $1.4x1' including
inn'. lewd a rich loam. 321 acre. at $IM 1"•'
nem broken and fenced. Tnl% Is a omit.. 1ieh
land 4• lining up every Year. leo ems
toed building', ell acres broken ; prior. $:YI per
sen', 4nw4 totality And phone In house. J. Any
nt these ren be bought .1n wow farms,H.
TFw'81.KY, Yorkton- Seek.
fI lI Irick dwellingR with the modern hums:toe-
plea%aat17.44nested and noar theSooare.
.Apply to W. A. RO BKKTBON. •
- A TWO-
S mese had364be
8TORYb0Jck bowie,
on Bruce street. Particulars
calling at SIGNAL Oleo.
AaAn orrice To
Atrrs.ra4rao OAPITa4 • $t.�•0
T accommodate
1 t
To od to the Farmers
we have opened Branches in the
villages o
1 We solicit the Patronage of the
Highest current rate of interest
paid in our
de , ,sita of $1.00 and upwards.
A. O. OAYHLLManage
neper idVaerebyAileen that an appllnatlon
Sri b1.1naddd to the Leitl+l*ttve-Aeeeinb10 of
the ro'ince Of Ontario at the next en-utng
ralnien thereof by till. North Midland
Railway VT ,
'on).anv (1n(:1.1T`1(,oratid'trY
Aepter Kit for a .)venal Act extendlm the time
he (unlmenc,•t ant and comeh't son of the
Hal iv hie hthe id('mnpanyh.authorized
to oon44 et and for tier pnrpo+e+.
flitted at ndon'th 17th dap of January,
A. D- 1010.
\T. Ll; icorforApplicants.
OTi('Ele hereby given the) the next
'R�tilNlw*Y Compei'Y will ply ftroe Ontario eer en Act 'People's
team.e the line of railway of the acid com-
1 -From at or near the city of Stratford. in
the noway of Perth. through the town -hips of
Downie. Fullerton end Nlen.hatd In the aaM
county of Perth via the villains of Exeter 11'
the tnwntlilp of l +borne. In' 410• oonnty lit
Huron, to et or neerthe-villageen�in of (rand enol
In the town hip of 1.'h
Huron, ll,g they with a loaned) front a point
id ne at or meet the vitiate of -Avon
the town of 81.. Maty% in the raid
on the ea
bank to
township of Alan.hard,
2 --Froin some pint at or near the .old city of
Stratford via the village of Schring%'Ille• in the
township of F:INce. In the mid county of Perth.
and the Own of Seeforth, In the town.hle. of
McKillop, and the town of Canton, In the
townshlt{, of Mullett. to a point at or near the
town of (lo,lerieh. In the town4hl of Oodelich,
the Maid ('ounthhyy of Huron. with A branch
he maidttowt,e lof (lintonmentioned
or to a point 'at.
or near the village of Hayfield, In the said
tnwnshlp of lioderleh. at Y o'clock in the afternoon, hi. term of 130
3 From a point et or near the town of Mit-
chell, In the rnonty of Perth. to the town through 4 Room being lot Y8, Meit-land coneeasfon, town-
Llstowel. to the Maid county. tooling ' shlp of Colborne. _ - -
the townships of Legal. and Elm* in the sad Thls i+one of t
- hes% alweya
Auction Sales.
`I 4 4I'•\ s\I,F:-SAT UKl).\\-,
f F. tic', y 1'. h 'r 4'o eloek moon. • '1'•.
601111. rook -.04.% bed-l+ari, platers -n ha rating
lamp. two nee --.1. of di -he. end a e,m'lgrr
went of 1anitor 1 traoite,tu,ware,elm hes
H4. ('SIC. (3Elr ern,'. 144. 'I4'ET1..\u/ctioncer.TIoat
In the114014n tro'etork,
• -4-- . ., . 1.. .1 _
1 A
I 11, - .
teases , 1 might flit her •la's .11•0 oust ns t'4uL./huh H11u1• , I , .year.
•11 '• 1 , .'11. , t' \, r • 11 4 • , 1
.• ,'•, and b,.t;t. u1. 14.1'0 at u• u• .. 11 ucn at• . v ', -
w'.''e is 111.•• the ye.4•; for it rents to iudiralr Lh:U.
p ) t inn nt ever• jiving at 1.• .luhri-110,.4.1,1,....'A, i:4 U•i4b.-d, Itnild-
p ter \ ,• IA .1.t nod hen!' nig, )Il r 1.l
r\ ' 1 til,.
• \\•--,• 4-
*• •
invintion was Savin' th' people trim
"But th' most impotthant quisticn
is. are yrz wid us or agin us on th'
bylaws, Hinoniraey ?" sex Oi. "Oi'm
right wid yrz,'• bet he, •'afther hear -
in ' leo many sinsible arguminta in
favor ov such 1inrible proposishuns,
Oi'll be th' first horse at th' polls
on Sutherday morn."
•'Thot'a the et einsible words yyere
Iver aphoke," sex Oi. ''An' as me 1rind
Sauu ny Hick tit' druggist sex, this is
wan tonne be can't foind annything
j{st am good."'
Yoors fee 1.b' top flare wid th' illey-
A Great Feat.
--Under tbacaption ':What Has Been
Done in Six Months" The M•,ntnlal
Witnees has issued a brief et,.tement
td its clientele, that adtuirably serves
to euwluarize the activities of this
truly great newspaper.- We repro -
e this summary in part for. our
leaders:- -
•,The Witpess bas been re -organized
and revitalized in all its departments. I.
Editorial and reportorial .ratts have
been auglurnted by the moot experi-
enct•d turn to be procured. The adver-
tising department, has leen placard 11n -
der 'en advertising manager with
tllrnty-nye -yea1'S experience in Cana-
dian advertising. The size of The
Daily end Weekly }Witness has been
alun'st doubled. The effect* of the 1e-
ceut di>(tstious ate w hich destroyed
The Witness building and plant. have
hern-•let•gely overcome. Upw'arde of
$15.4081 til have been spent in exploit-
ing eirculxti ,e, The nowt tuddet•n
strews,- es. pe. •andequipment have
been itsttelied. The circulation of The
1):.ily ',and Weekly Sorted 'have been
To the j;dtter. of 1 he =1tgw11.
sot,: tee '•'l'itize i." letter in y'111tr �• eel 1.y noose's tide. The silver -
thereissues reg::