HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-1-27, Page 1010 TAPAADAY."IAAVAKY 27. 1010 THE SIGNAL : GODERICIL ONTARIO • GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH. Annual Meeting Held Last Week Marks Substantial Progress. The eighth annual meetiq'g pt- the Ooderich llaptt't church,' held Wed- . i 4 1•;evening,.11anttary l!hs showed a great advance trade during the year. The meeting itself was the best iu the history of the church. Sixty welshers of the church and coogrega- tGon were present. The pastor, ltev. Oh+u., It. Jones. was moderator, as- eisted 1,y Deacon (Tutton. The first pat l was devoted to reports,, election of ufliclre and business. after wbich the ladies akrved lunch during a social leer. The pastor's report concluded with a eutuntairy of the church's prospects for 191(', which at•e the brightest in its brief history, nod should 1* a strong ince rti a to more aggressive effort. 9114 ctc&k ttportiug tot the deacons showed a decrease of twelve in the total mamletship, the result of a re- vieiou of the roll. the residential etreu4;th of file memletship. however, is equal to that of any previous lime. The financial reports were most cn- eoursgitig. The -general curient ac• court( expendHuees were 1551.00. The building fund current aocoent, $421.- 431 The capital account statell:eut ebti.`erttet tt•e 1e-edJuetment o@f. the mortgages but under this bead $225.- tar sebecriptieus were also reported. 111 sddition to mortgage anti note r•epa)ei►ituts $i41 41 •was expended, on huddiog and $117.13 on t u•niehutgs. Cie. The net liabilities reported Ey the liiistec• I..a1JN)esf3.:3.11tees 'Phe Indies' Aid repent iliowP(I ri- ct.ip1e and expenditures $13.15, ales 1 contribution (.'foreign inissione of $'5.1.';. The Smedley scat H.1 ¥•renal fund re- ceive.) $4ti,40.end fat•• Missions $11 4; a_1�,jt*l of $44 C:). 9fie j g $11rnill a 1•ral Buhl wipe $7.r."•;led slieci.al $'.'rOI; A-Intal+.f $:Ni.15. T1. • 1'oatnjt.• ::'omen'. fhilathea .Z. Wants. (hii'. oto t k ill this •lilt, 1. u+ slat 'rr•'•tfw'titan as t wsible. \1'e leave all a :.i' the 011 '.tati,dru.1 : (),11' 0117,1'" al's iglu, too, r,.0 netw:irig s I'•1' s . I :•r glebe ul1 .to 15'pet' yn,t• nvelopes • • 1 u ,i'hl•r 11- 1 1 ia':1te come, fl.tiin _Ic pit. • Writin _ Pads An enornam stock 4,1 ' Writing fads, ranging iu priet from L to Stephens' Inks The lost Ink maul-, is: Per bottle liil. The Colonial Book Store oh:URGE PORTER, Prop. 'Phone 100. Ouderieh. • Claws reported $81.19 general fund and $1.91 special ; a total Of $16 13. The cash balances in the various treasuries amounted to $91. The election of officers included the re-election of Deacon Cameron, and the election of Jas.' T. McDonald to the deacunate. Secretary -treasurer Vhas A. Keene waa re-elsected. Sun- day school superintendent, F. 1). Pound. The auditing committee was re-elected. F inane.. committee, Meyers. Clutton, Wilkins and McDon- ald. Music conuuittee(� AiMessrs. Mc- Donald and Keene and rs. McColl. Notices of motion for amendments to the constitution at the next annual meeting wete presented. The estimates for the year were also laid before the church and call for general expenditures of $742. A prop(.tsal to y etematize the mis- sionary giving of the church' wag unanimously endorsed and $1214 from allrces is the aim for the year. V� of thanks were tendered to Messrs. D. F. lfamlink, Geo. John. ston, C. Heinicke and others for ser- vices rendeied'during the year. - A HINT TO LADIES WHEN SHOP- PING. If you wanted anything badly, and wheft yotl-Yot G. tfle store were per - emitted to take s •thin}( else instead, when you came away wouldn't you feel a little disappointed i As if some- body had. "got cog, over you"-- aod not fol•. your -benefit. wind, bujCor' his own .profit ! And when you- proved that the Fnmtthiniewtnvirr-war represented as laving "just as Rood" as what you asked for will n.rt as good -was not to be compared even with the real thing. N niddtt't you feel stili worst? This is ;rose the case bout %am-Iluk. Like all wood things it has many inli- am-Bak, and see that you get it. The name is protected by law; and is (dearly sten on each packet. I )e,n't have anything else! 'Chen you won't feel that anybody has made a few ex• tra cents out of pito- lack of firmness. • Orchestra HMI Packed imperial Scots --Cove-Ttrermxetveswitteetory., Among the Seeteh folks in Chicago it wilt he many a day before the con- cert given by the Imperial Sento (Ion - (sad Company tell: be forgotten. 1)rrhestra H:(tl was 'peeked had the 1. x'es vete all filled b)• the leading ititeeps'o; the city. The l:it•ge nodi.. ,rnr i• was nut 'nidi ..• Scotch; 'but .1 rn torsi -.r,.1 nationalities ! INuit is to til . t the excellent <t't % be has 'agonized.TT %'wilt: taloa 1.• clod to visit (%bk•ego h.. hl,.', li!• S. tti.h A.111,1• - Fatal), • at C ^ton. A sari fit i!itc ocriu•r•ed'n ('limos on 1\'ydnes(ley 'tuna if ltist week. death coming suddenly • and itt violent forst GtGeorge Not an aged resident o the ruin. I. and Ahs. Nutt 11 ere .gut driving ehrn Nte. house nt be utit. tnunttu,grab14 and. Air. \ittt, Citing getting out .01 the cutter or being rhrirwtt out, ball hie feet entangled in the reins and was dragged some dis- tnn^e. • plc regained his feet atter the hots- was stopped, but imrue(liately fell aod soon afterwards died.' The deceased was formerly a- resident of Tuckersinith, but had lived in Clinton the lest few years. Ile is survived by hie wife, one son, Wesley Nott, nn the hrnnestead in Tgcker*nlith, and four daughters . Mrs. Newton ('rich tend Mrs. \Vat. Townsend, of Heaa t1, `•ask., Airs. Lewis ('rich, of Clinton. end Mrs. Cuuningltlim, -of Colborne. 311. Nott was in itis seventieth year. 1 MAPLE LEAF GROCERY AND CHINA HALL 'PHONE 5 2 HAMILTON ST. Siock- Taking hes leen_ going nn In (hit big store for m re.thanJ_vteeke-• • • litre hopr'tolie all trough with it in ,til -,t her week. ROLLED OATMEAL, ROLLED WHEAT, CORNMEAL. CREAM OF WHEAT, and all other circa! products -Bali stock-iabulk and packages. SPECIAL This is the season when STOCK FOODS should he used. ',Ve h o'c some of the hest on the market. anti will make it worth our while to get diem DANISH STOCK FOOD, t.14til et SI siza, for., itegulat %;• size, for 3fc • PRATT'S CONDITION POWDEI*, regular 251 ',Sze. -for v...: ...... IOC HERGEAUM, limited truant ity. regular' tcsize, \\ for - 79" ART BAKING POWDER, with Fume.. ,ti fart pr{mitten, relit a few left, LEVER'S ROYAL DISINFECTA T SOAP POWDER. regular fir a package, to c 'Iu• ad 1 for 17s•, NAPTHA WASHING POWDE , latgr t.ackeget,:1 for l:• DIAMOND CRYSTAL WAS ` ING • eOWDER, )ego' Lk : fur 1 il• r PURL GOLD WASHING. OWDER,iegul.u•50,:t for 1:: HANDY AMMONI KLENZINE AMMONIA, SNOW LAKE. AMMONIA. APPLES A r V1 GF.TABLES all kind, CURED EATS, SAUSAGES. ETC. CHOiC BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS. EVERYTHi IN GRO 'FR;ES fresh. pure and good. IMMO IVO RISI-t & VANATTER trt..t. Hamilto l S Annual Mid -winter Bargain Days FRIDAY, SATURDAY & MONDAY, JAN. 28, 29 & 3I They will be Bargain Days, raal Bargain Days. All month we have been busy taking stock, measuring and counting everything in the store. All over we have found goods that must not be here when we enter stock and close our books on the night of Monday, the 31st day of January. Modern merchandising demands a.clean stocsc each season. Left -overs have no right to be found in an up-to-date *store, and must find no place here. That is why we hold our regular midsummer and midwinter bargain days and the reason for this unprecedented list of bargains. Read it carefully, then come to the store on Friday, Saturday and Monday next. ALL COATS TO 60 Ever' Coat must be -sold before the season closes. There are months of coat weather ahead of us yet and you can almost get your money's worth this season out of any of these. f5 Coats at $S.00 • • Fifteen only holies' winter Jackets. All new garments this season. black or colors, mealy. lain cloths. some braid trim- med, no two alike in the lot. We won't gay anything about the Timmer price,)tis say twit li ►i it are the best $5 worth SM nn of coat we have ever sold. Choice of gen garment... 11V 20 Ladies' Coats, half-price Just half their ot'iginal price for these three Midwinter Bar- gain Hays.:No tao alike in the entire twenty. All new. stylisb. up-to-date garments. Regular $15.101 to $25.14). half-price Fridley mot•ning•ehoice of the twenty for Q 17Childret 's Coats at $1.88 Seventeen only children's and girds Coate. Sizes for girls up to fifteen years of age. Dark or light colors. 1Vortit •� $4.54) to $7. Choice ceenniencing Ft May morning each -pa Astrachan Gauntlets 49c Fifteen pair. black astrachan Gauntlets. leather pale very strong and wet! trade. Special for Friday lgorhin pti1 • Fur -trimmed Coats, $22.00 Three only I -idose' Coats. full length, one the season's lest stales, made from extra go silty 'lark bee er. Trimmed* with Western s ab1's cotta, and revers. An eptiogatly hantb+oh,e Coat: Sptcialfor JIid-Win toI .argaiWOO 00+. • Days 1G Ladies' Fur Coats $26.5 Ladies fuel:oats, black as without Western. ealde with bl• 4 quality lining. money. Six or seven each. , • chaitor a'.ectri • seal. with or -and re vere. tired- t Imo tKbrmt- trioents worth a gond +lest more sell B.u•gain 4) ty. at $26.50 Astrachan Jacket $39.50 - 04L, "tit). rat.. black ostt•rich-til, Jacket, extra long. fel l.ir hack. Regular $51; t..: Midwinter Bergiun $39. Days 5 Fur-lined Coat 535.00 Two only fur -lined ('oats. shell of extra. (uata ), imported black beaver. first-class fur Iihistq used thtoughw,t, collar and • revers o1 Western Fable.. Regular $5I1.10lfor Mid $35 00 winter Bargain I) ay � Fur Capes $2.50 Just two or three of these left .tn sell. black goat ('apes, dyed opossum colt:us, eplen,4id thing for driving in cold welt (her. Clearing Lifiegain Day. at the very little price of of each .,, ti' • Suits at the half=price Mark Seven only ladies' Suits, all this sea- son's garments, man -tailored, - made from high-grade materials. ' Regular • $15.00 to $25.00. Choice of the seven - if you come Friday or Saturday.exactly half-price The Last of the Millinery The Millinery must go before Monday night. Miss Reynolds leaves'' for her holidays Tuesday :morning and we do ndt\want a single hat here when she 'goes. ' Any Trimmed Hat $1.75 Any trimmed hat in the showroo no matter what its price was or what it is worth, you ca take your $i 75 chiire Bargain Days for Baby Bonnets 25c Lei-. than a dozen of them left to set!, regul4r (0c to 25c 75c, Clearing thein on. Bargain Days at each Wings 25c A tableful of Wings, were 54) , (11c, 75r, and some as high as $1.00. You can have any one in the lot com- mencing Friday for. . . Untrimmed Shapes 50c All the untrimmed Shapes to be cleared at once, black colors, positively not a single one reserved. Friday, 5oC Saturday and Monday you roan have them at each f them 5c Cashmerete Gloves 19c 1 a•aelsmillsesermiesas,ssaw•mess.+ Fifty pairs cashinerete Gloat nn,, Ir..nn and i(� 14aek. 1Standatd'L5c quality, Hargan, I1.,'.. 1..•,• 1,:111 �7 c Just half-price•for Curtains Fifteen or twenty ptirs of lace Curtains. These are odd pairs, no t wo alike that are left over from eome of otlr }test selling lines. Regular prices were $1 to $5.. Choice for. Bargain Daysexeetiy half-price Some Carpet Bargains Clearing out these Carpet ends for very little prices Friday. Saturday and Mon- day. Quantities are limited, so do not put oil' your coming ton long. for early buyer, will get the best choice. Yard%square Samples 19c Forty-four oil, sample ends heavy Carpet. each'end one yard square. The carnet sells at per yard firm $1.011 to $125. Cttof n forty-four ends at ..... 19c Tapestry Samples 69c Short lengths of Tapestry Carpet. tine and ane -quarter to onand one-half yards Ion A dozen or more nett- le s to choose from. 31 eke ;ap enaidr-Iats, Regular tat • / to tglc per yard. Cnoice per en isargain VJC Days.... ........... Brussels ind N elven Ends 89c Twenty-five ends extra I. (utility bruearit. unit .velvet Carpet, (:pod range et pat- terns. each end one AnR4)nP- quarter to one and- unr•halC }:.udr long. Regular $1.11.1 to $1.40 q -u al i t • . Q(hC Choice rev end C7J •Axminster Ends $1.13: Eight or ten only ends of high-class minsterCarpet, alatnt 1 rti an one-half yards in each P '1 a h nd.�u ] tna t t 1- 1 M same mite. .-Regular $1.41tt per yard. Choice $1.13 per end Wool Carpet 37c ,One only piece yard -wide eaglet. 4 pure wool, bice floral .design. good weight' and will give excellent wear. Hegubigtete. for • Bar- ��C Dir gain Dsper-end.-.. • Brussels Carpet 7Sc . Two patternaonly.Brussels Carpet. one tight fawn. the other nice 'shade, of green.' Closely woven, extra strong - pile. wilt. starlit 'no end of hard wear. A Bargain - Day special at per yard -75C Axminster- Rug 521.00 •One only large Axminster Rug. :lxl yards. medallion . pattern. 'red and fawn shades. very handsome. Special for B.o'- gain Days $21,00 Plush Door Mats 77c Red. brown. green and blue plush door mats. close. deep pile. Regular $t for everywhere.. Bargain Dave each___ - 77c. Pillow Sham 25c, 35c and 4dc The 25c ones are worth :tie The Me ones are worth row. The 4fle ones are worth 75, Fine Swiss Muslin with applique and drawn work. extra good value, Yon save 10r to 27e a piece buy- ing them here on Bargain Dai e. % . 11 Ribbon Bags half•price All our fancy Barge mnatie from ribbons. silks. etc. The regular prices were $1.(44 to $:3.(I0. Leas than 9. dozen left to sell. if you }dant a nice fancy bag tide is your chance. For Bargain }►ays you can have them at half-price Fancy Novelties 25c The last of our fancy -- Christmas Novelties that have been niade up of rib - bone and silk. Regular 5(k. Mc and 75e. Clearing them on B a r•gain Days at •aur choice 25C 20c Handkerchiefs 10c Ott' hundred fancy remit bar , endkerchiefs, made from y V• fine gnelity mus- lin. neat embroideredeput in one err r. These Hand- kerchiefs tl e 2I4c a piece and good va e. Cornmenc- ing Friday mn ling we pat one hundred tin . le at iOC your choice each . .. Clearing the Waists at $ I.98 . Ten duly fancy silk and ne.1 1V dots. no two alike s. clean-up of the waist stork. Regular up to $1.93 tai 5o, for. Bargain I),n'•+ -elms, .... ... .... ... Linen Towels 2 for 25c • .r 8inimar Linen buck-a-lhack 'Towels. not quite all pure linen', hut a splendid wearing and drying towel. Boar/du D.ava 2for 25c • Pure Linen Towels 19c Pure linen buck -•1 -task 'Towels, hemstitched. heavy weight. gored dryer. Iteg•I11r 25,•. Bargain 1),tys each.... 19C Table Damask 22c. . One end only.hell•tllearlied table Dancask, tnalita that will maks replendid eloth.f rr pert-y.ay use, Bargain 1)aysper 22 ,,ud .. Turkish Towelling 10c c One hundred y.+nes TurkishTowelling,13 inrhea wide. heavy '.eight. ted ship,. special 'Jogai,' 1)14 p* 10c yard Bleached Table [),mask 33c • 4)n,' end only- bleiitt,.,4. tall. Damask, rich. s+Uioy flni•+h. will ureat• and wash well. Sp Pial' itirgain Days per A Better Quality 52c lle.,vv 1,let^Il tl tall,• i.:, .•r. a, • v 1. ;nd.onte dt'sign, • 1- volt I• (1,1m.: ,lot•, a.,y v e . sly I .rt .in 1 ,.ys at poi ...ILL .a•d. -.An.Extr,'l lfeavy Cloth . Thi- been i wu: Ge $t 1'. n yar.1. We hare j let one pat 1. n I. ere 1' i.:: ). ,o i ne. (: t+r,u•ee I ali p n •' lin.•n from one. of I It, lie.t.to limes hl•act.i l .' in Britain. /' : )•. sperial for Q�� 11 . i item I);. up!. yard - t, The White Cotton at t 9c • 1f ty s.. the Cotton ler. 1411(1 fore• rrsl to sone vela you • I 1,19 get it at 4'04 teles. 1Vr r%li' • R"' trove (mew this l s .111 i .aur. Es 11 aJti.WV eight end strong a p t,iuiid cotton fit' 9e ge,er.isi•••• Isne144. stake, per ys,(1 .t. tts'ar�is a=a�s�olss a st-. t` Nalf-price (.ace •fable - ( WP iire makings a table of I.:er•e. tit t.ii f psi e a 1,44 feature of these :Midwinter 44trgain I).a,. (►n it lou wilt � hind Item; of almost every kind. incl utl•,g it lig• lot of . 1' II ex,r•ty Allover/. and Neta. :he whole tut g•,'eg at half-price - @_ Wit e White Wool Scarf 50c 71, to * r. wer' the regular price-. 'I'.yel VI. or (Ifteen(� to sell and Bargain Day. y41,4'4,4(41 bay them at each........ .tic Wool Toques 33c Woolen '1'o pew, Lark :and light col'•ra, twen'y-five only . left to Pell. Regular i),r everywhere, Bargain Days each • �3c. Children's Underwear 19.: - Children's union Underwear, winter weight, soft tin- 19c ish. regular 2.1(•. All sleet Bargain 1) ays at each Veiling at I5c A tableful of Veiling ends and chiffon wearer,. ,5c I{egular'251 to Xis Bargain Days pries per yard• • J Hand Bags 49c rsteit leather (lend Bag.. grid .17.e. a nnbfiy hag 49c :nr little• price, choice Bargain Dsys each A Clearance of Belts at 25c Clearing alit the Halt %trek before etnek-taking. All kind.. gathered together at this price. The odds and entN left after a seanr srof big selling. Price of a tableful at each25C Girls' Dresses $1.98 These dresses will fit girls from eight to twelve yea.- f age. Only eleven in the lot, worth up to *7 Si9(1 $S spire,. Bargain Days each 7CJ Dress Goods 17c One hundred and flfty yerds Drees Berge. ted only. 'Makes splendid Ureases for children. A quality that is wow!' :35r anyway. One hundred yard.' to Fell Bargain Days et per 17 ye•d c A Big Clearance at 25c Three hundred n,. fo,tr handed y it ,la colored thea (in „1•. plain •-trt•h• and /gory inixlu•. -, v'ia'l • for felt drea•Ps. std,/ Air,., awl many designs suitable for waists. Regltlar valnr.. up to 01c, a whole table to choose from, commencing Fri- day morning. at per yard Do Not Forget the Suitings Do notforget the lig clearance of fine wool Suiting. at 57e a yard. These are new goods, come in the season's beat colorings ,and worth in the reetilar way $1.27, to $1.51). Clearing 57 out Bargain Daye at your choice per yard ! Girls' Dresses 98c dust a few of them, but ere are goiq ,to 'sell every drew WI have nn bargain Days. These are worth -two or three times this price, every one of them. Loss 942, than two dozen to sell Bargain Days at earb.. • J FURS I' 1 / R BARGAIN DAYS 11 a cannot quote you a detailed list of Furs an' prices, as we have not room, but if you have the slightest intention of innying Fm. this winter, if you will r•nm. on Bargain 1) vs we will make it worth yanr while to buy then, We have several hundred dollars worth of good furs that we are exceeding y anxious to turn into reedy money before etock-taking. The chance is yours to 1411) theta at de. ided savings. (lack of ever) piece stands our guarantee that it in absolutely perfect., You run no risk buyini fun here and you ran undoubtedly save mono' �,�►�►�:k��f� H O D Ci E N 5 BROS • GODERiCH • 11