HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-1-27, Page 8• TitURRDAY JANUARY 27, 1910
.Even people who are us ,tally
healthy occasionally I.T.equire
some kind of afoodtonthw Fer-
rovim, that excellent combi-
nation of beef, iron and sherry
--wine, if taken- whortfre sy-s=
1 tem is run down from over-
.- work or a :slight—cold; %vitt
prevent,a more;seriolui
Ferrovim givotstrenobto Cffll -
valesceuts and all thin-bluod«1
people. $1 a bottle •
CURLS every sort of Muscular pain.
mach as Scustas. stitches. (-ricks. '1 ic.
Twoching of the Muscles. Lumbago
and Headache. -Don't throw asvay
money for worthless amidst sone. by un-
scrupulous maskers. Get abe genuine.
EAch pi:'c teas Mr -tight t.11
tos.ts 0,1 SIAM: 11.1111ti upon
receipt 01 .ce. saninli.
wg MARA thetilthey will relieve
1,11 111110614 th.i any dna: piaster.
tiA Ct.: ft.' NCI: '0 mrital.
It Pays. '
We owe it to the community in
which we live to do everything wepan
in every possible way that will he to
its advantage. Our neighboeti pros-
perity tneans a great deal more to th
than someoneat, who lives elsewhere.
We should bear this in mind in
buying our goods. We can afford tr,
pay our home num a firm 'price for his
wares, rather than send our money
away, knowing aa we do that every
dollar our citizen makes will help in
sustaining our school*, churches and
public institutions. .It pays eichly to
patronize home industry.—Dunn's
For deep se t
A 25r. Settle ter a Simple role.
A 1,0e BetM ler Heai y MA.
A 111.01 tilde ler a Dere-seated omen.
1, al. trogglits.
DAVIS & LAWRENCE Co., montreal.
Raw Furs and Skin
of all kinds of
RAW FRS and Snit
We Gunrantee flonest Assort-
ment, Highest Market Prices
and Quick to f urns.
WE Pal.' lig! /MSS CHARCES
Send for our IX 1.10:0 PRICE LIST
/ 1401 I 4-0 flet1111%1 . riessesst •
of clean, sweet-smelling
linen is obtained with half
the toll and half the time
ff Sunlight Soap is used.
Sunlight shortens the
day's work, hut lengthens
the lite ot our Iothes.
Follow directions.
XCWel of the District
Dr. McCue, of thediton, had sold h
tore and_pratctice to Dr. Orate,
Kincardine Orangemen are planning
Les celebration in that town
Olt July 12th, 11111•.
The trietteer of Ontario street NI eth-
"diet church, Clinton, have decided to
portliest+ at 111.W itilW °MAIL
Jame:, It McLean, of Kippen, re-
eently 114)14.1 a teem of heavy hunter for
sta75. They went te Montreal,
J. Dearing, of Steplit•ti, laht week
.,alt1tI team of grey noises weighing
lb*. to T. E. Ilandford for $.100).
An &epee! har been entered .a.gainet
the &again] af the three Toronto
judged itt the road case at tit. Joseph.
John Putland. of Kiuctirdine. has
bought the Brunswick hotel in NVing-
ham and take,. poehesieion on the let of
Joliu LIlIlOBI fifty -acre term on
the tit h concession of Grey lets beru
itItit20(tararge Elliott, of. Molesworth.
Nlary Weetesitt, widow of the late
'vett Metter, stied- at- fineter—en - Wed-
needay, Jainett•y lleth„tit ,the -age of
Ns xty•eight yeas.
Leon Jeffrey, jr., non of Mr. and
Mee. laem Jeffrey, of Hav townaship,
was married on Tueettity aar least week
LI. Niles Polly Plante, id St. Joseph.
'the Se/diaries fluidic selinal 1+4;6141
has ••• iiiii e to the eikne11301.in than,
le iiiii • Work 811(811(1given to tlit!
pupils is may of the four lower rooms.
of aerie, Was rayed by fire on
The It of John Young, 7t1C line
'relay nitirning. 11111 inst. Only, a
few ;betides -4 wearink apparel were
tot vett.
Thoi:. Riley, of Aeljlield, recently
sold to e holey iluyet• work
horse for lei i and. atm two more colts
of the same „that whould be
equally valuable.
On Friday evening. Ifth -inst., Ed -
Ward Niehol, ettlt hale f Nitirris, and
Masao Jennie Urieve, of IfrsHeI,i, were
united in marriage at the, BPhatiele
Ity Rev. A. C.
%Vestry's Ontario Itairynnen'e As 'a-
. At the recent convention0J the
tion, held at 81. Thomas, John Hs
Scott, proprietor of the Exeter cream-
ery. Was elected prerident of the As-
In St. bunch' church, Seaforth, ott
Tuesday, Januery Pah. the marriage
of Miss Hanneh Flannery, of Tucker -
smith, to Joseph Gawky, of Wilkie,
Seek.. %stew solemnized by Rev. Father
The Amberley Methodist congrega-
tion gave their pastor, Rev. M. D.
Madden, as substantial New Yeat.'s
gift by filling the %recent portion of
his rsat-bin with about thirty-five
bushels of oats. •
Gideon ['eerie, a former resident of
(hey, township, died on Monday,. 1701
lasts -et Chielph, in his forty•etghth
year. The rentaintiseete interred in
Brussels cemetery. Decateed at aene
tune was a very pt nutmeat athlete.
On Monday, 17th lost. . James
Knight, of eirey wane/cap, di'ed in his
ninety•tiftn year. Another old rest -
dent of the township peered away the
previous Thursday, in tht person of
Archie McIntosh, in his eighty-seventh
A very pretty wedding eras cele -
441 the home of Mrs. H. Fowell,
Exeter, on Tuesday, January ltith,
*hen her only daughter, Miss Cora H.
FoWell, became the !nide of Wur. NV.
Taman, 8180 01 Exeter. The cereumny
was performed by Rev. E. A. lor tr.
The fine new Cernegie library build-
ing at kiruseele haat been formally
ona•ned to the puhlic. The event was
magnetized by a public gathering, at
which W. H. Kerr, chnirman 01 the
library board, presided. and addresses
were given by other prominent citi-
Mrs. William Henderson, one of the
rly settle' s of Morris township, died
Tiwpday of last week at the age of
ventestive years. Deceased was
arn in Scotland, but had lived , tot
ty years on the farm on which, she
• Iler husband predeceased her,
d she ie survived by two atifl and
iir daughters.
l'homas Dane, one of the eat•ly sett-
s of Die townshiP of lenwick, pegged
ay on January 3111 ftt tiorrie, aged
•enty-four yertre. lieceased wes
*ma neer Brantford, the ramify mov-
e to Howick about fifty-four year,,
u . Ile is eurvived by his widow,
e son, Geo. E. Dane. if Hamilton,
d one daughter, Nils. John Padfield,
To the gditor og The Signal
DKAR SIR, — I !wad the 1)14. sermon
- "41 by Rev. Dr. Dougall on "Ualubling,'
he land, and came to this country when
of piles canoes bitch acute atitiny, and
' in ell respects will be found eminently
Zam-BuIr is also a cure for octane,
cute, burns, bruises, rasher,
chapped hands, (root bite, cold sorrel,
bad leg, etc. All druggists and etoree
dealing with the subject. I believe ril!,:t,,-„,..„„,g,..111-of:
Ise. for price
J. NI. Beet, of Setteirth, was at
ottawit telt week presenting to the
Attorney-t;elielill a 'Mill 1011 lthk 1114(
for the teleare • Kingston peni-
tential y of NN'illii(en 111)1111P5, Id' Me-
Killop, sentenced for two and as half
17(.54 on a ehareee of abduction Mr
VU•lenteat to hive at hmtmt 0 year end
a ha taken MT the sieti tenet.. Isioltnee
his already nerved I wo months' in
be was sixteen yearr Alt INT 110,11-01
century he was a readmit of Turn
berry. He is rurvived by five sows
and eiy_es daugh tem
Township Clerk of Morris Dead.
The residents of Morrie township
were shocked to hear of the death o
their township clerk, Wm. Clark
which occurred on Friday. Itch inst.,
alter an illness of a few days of peri-
tonitis. Mr. Clark had been 'deck of
Shirt -is for thirty-three year. He
wee in his rixty-fifth year and is sur-
vived by his wife, 011e sun and seven
Jaw Pierced by Fork.
A peculiar and set•iour incident hap-
pened to Jacob %Veld°, of Zurich, one
daylaet week. He was hauling a load
of flax wheteit tweet, and Witt tine of
the fork, which fell (rout the load with
him, entered under the jaw, was
dieven through the root of his mouth,
and out at th'e nose. Although the
iniritiry is a severe one, if no complica-
tions set ie the pltient will speedily
A Doubk Celebration,
Nhanday; 17th inst., wits a gala day
et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win.
?flood, of Hiswick. The day Was the
fiftieth setnieeniary of their wedding
and west made the occaucion of a family
gathering and a, presentation tu each
of the parents of a ,gold watch and
ehain, all the children being peeseat'
excepting three eons in Westerti Can-
ada. Thaday was marked also by the,
Wedding of Mies Annie Hood, daugh-
ter of the worthy couple. to David
Wright, of Isabel, Man., t eeretutiny
being performed by Rev. 8. Young. „
Case Dismissed.
published in your paper last week, and
war greetly Intereeted in his ws of
Jacob Andrews, of Lucknow, was
tried before Judge Barrett in the
County Judge's Criminal Court at
Walkerton on the charge of having
obtained $9511.00 from Rev. Mr. Mc-
Kay, of Kincardine, under false pre
tences. There were apperently two
loans, the first for letatitio and the
second for 11195o, including the first
$1511, both on the promissory note of
Andrews secui•ed ty an endorser. A
rnevious complaint had been laid
tsgainst Andrews tor obtaining the
$1) loin under Woe pretences and
thiarbad been dismieeed by the magi*.
tratee and then a second complaint
Was made in regard to the $930 loan.
The ease was disinitased.
The Dot Stood Saltine!.
James Basso, of Kinloss returning
home from it hunting trip, 'fell dead on
the loth conceseion road on. Wednee-
day, January 12111. The body was
first discovered by Mrs. William
James. His faithful hound' stood
sentinel over the deadthody and wOuld
not allow anyone to approech it. 'I The
alarm was given by Mrs. Jatnest and'
neighbors gathered, but they had first
to. Immo the dog- before Hwy eonld
bring the body home. The funeral
took place to Green Hill cemetery,
near Lucknow. NIr. Ilmwo 1•146 forty-
one years old and -leaves a widow and
three children. His father died seven
years ago in a similarly 'sudden man-
ner. Dr. Gordon, of Lucknow, stated
thnt Mr. Basso died of apoplexy.
Agricultural Society Meetings.
At the annual meeting of the East
Huron Agricultinal Society, held at
Brume's on Wednesday of last peek,
it wae decided to hold the fall fair
this year in the thst week of Oc-
tober. A tleld c o competi-
tion will be 'carried on under the
direction of the Society in 1910, oats
being the crop agreed upon. John
Leckie was elected peesident and W.-
11. Kerr secretary•treasurer.
Seaforth Agricultural Society will
hold ita annual fell fear on the first
Thursday mad Friday after the Lon-
don fair. At the annual meeting
lest week J. F. Daly 'was 'elected
president and M. Broderick secretary:
At the minted meeting of the Exe-
ter Agricultural Society Ed. Christie
was elected president and A. G.
Dyer secretasy.
The Other Fellow's Girl.
A maiden neer seem. No fair
Until anoth. comes to woo ;
Yon never give her thdught or rare
Until a rival conics to sue.
.And then you wonder why you ve miwed
The charms that plainly he hail seen:
__•Wtien toy *soot her she fit
You think perlimpm Whist in'glit have
lind he not come to el tim her. you
Unnoticed would have pa..est her by ;
Von might here been the orie to \Imo.
Ihul you but eared to even try.
hut. no. 4omehow you couldn't...lee
Het beauty or her opecial charm \
Until the day they pawed. and she
clinging to his alms/ right arm.
Detroit Free betel.
he sr hitting a great evil when he de-
nouncer the derire to get something
for nothing which shows itself in gam-
bling.. If everybody would ineka up
hie mind to earn hie living boneeily,
hy pmdueing something of value or
by beetle of s lllll e real eervice to the
count:amity, this would be Much bet
f could nen, however, follow the
Diirtor so closely wheu he 'spoke I lie
gatnleer's •eatolle," and warned his
hearers againet playing cards. If we
are to have nothing to do with the in-
strument', of gambling, why stop at
cardai? Why not &WIWI' nioney ?
Some Information Gleaned from the Pro-
, •
vinciol Report.
The following figures are from the
ter World. Provincial elovet•muent's annual re-
tort of the Woinen'e Institutes in
Wart°, just to hand.
In West Huron the membership
nutnbered 221 ; 73.ineetings, with an
aggregate attendance of 1,92.), were
held ; $50.25 was eeceived as members'
fee* and Co Its. grants. In South
ft et the chief instalment of riding. leuttin tht• membership was 411: 20
The Doctor may reply, We . meetings were+ held, the attendanse
ate between the, right Ilett and the aggregating INS ; $17 was collected SS
wrong use of Money. But why not tees. aund $2.2 received as grants. In
diecriiiiinste between the • right use ""` Huron the sva'' 184 '
_third. 59 meetings were held, with an attend -
and the wrong use. of castle
&nee of 1,739; $17.26 was received as
playing is an innocent. and to some a
delight ful, !name of ret•reation and fees and $00 as grants.
social enjoyment. After 11 goon many The 'deicers of the district institutes
years' acquaintance with card-ts.y- are given ea follows : Wt•st Huron—
ve president, Mrs. W. denkine. Holmes-
ing„ I can say ivith Unita that,
never seen money- placed on a gauw ; tribe; vice -President. Mrs. M. Swanson,
neither have I ever IWO asked to play tylvotlerlic‘h : steeretary-treasurer, Myr. ie.
for itiont•ys I do not say that titiel; "
Holtnesville. South
theme are not done ; , but one cen plar
Exeter; vice-president, .Mrs. IL Snow. proetueset, Mies G. Connor,
cards without coming in vontact with
gambling. I think that a good tleal Hayfield ; seeretary-treasurer,
Mrs. A. Hastitigss Healer. least
of time is went over t•artis that might
, ilatems•president, Moe W'ats. Goggins,
he better employed ; but that won't&
Fordwich ; vice-president, Mrs. el. S.
call for etrictures on the waste of time,
not on the playing of eto.de. t °Olt% JElhOl seeretarydresatirer, Mrs.
call things by their right names ; 41 48 J. :1rinstrong,
Tlit• oflica•rs id the branch instieutee
thing he:doused, de ttttt the abuse,
are eivt•n. as follows, the first named
instratti of the %tee of thinge that are
being president and the It named
innocent and perhaps to amine people
"aresehrilsilltase.—af's, it.. 41 -sp.-- ;HO,- in-e.--iiireliotileirrVie.11:141444rwr.-Mts. Chas: Reid, Miss M.
in the ban that is Placed int card -plays' selkeld•
Mg in certain gnat tera. Clinton—Mrs. Ft•ank Hall, Mrs.
pan wants to play cards, lie will in John Johnston.
many CASE'S die SO in spite of the pro- noloteerille—Mrf• leen- Tebbotlt
hibition. Perhaps there is a guilty Miss Blanche C. Telabutra
something• that ha prohibited, not of
feeling at first (the feeling of doing 1 1 mkrizailetat ill'—,0-Mrs..R. D. McDonald,' Miss
doing wrong). but the young men be. Londesboro —Mrs. Peffere, fdre. John
conies hardened to this and forever Ishunabery. •
after peys less attention to advice 441.- Nelerm—Miss M. Hitflage. Mis8
or witt•ning front the sante quarter. M. C. Rutherford.
He conciudee, pet•haps almost uncon- NVinghatn—Mrs. lib B. WHOM Mrs.
*doubly, that as tht• warning was tililleePle•
wrung in regard to catd-playing it
may be wrong in regard to other
things It is not desirable that, the
young people should be alieneted front
the chui•cti in 'this way. If the church
would hympathize with the young
people irt their natural detire for social
amusement and recreation it would
vastly increase its influent* and op-
portunity for goo.
Goderich, Janurry- IS.
"I Used to Suffer. But—"
his is the experience of a lady who
to stiffer from thTs terribTe
meet. ut found a cure. The writer is
Mrs. EsHaxall, or 97 Scott street, St.
Thomas. SOO say% : conrider it my "M fr., nth," stid an itinerant
duty to write'of the benefits derived preech , ••t tie Scriptural rule for giv-
from using Zium-Bilk. For some ing wee ne-centh of what mar.
inonths I was a conatant sufferer nom seamed. I la feel you can't afford so
bleeding piles: I uses& a ;peat many' much, just ive a sixth or a fourth
ointments, but got Mestelief until I according to our means 1"
tried Ztni-Buk. It cured-. 0117; and I
Bayfleld—Miss R. Snowden,
E. Catnpbell.
Exeter—Miss U. Connor, M
Bluevele Mrs. J. C. Johnston,
NV. C. Wt•ht.
Ethel -Mrs C. Bernath line
• _ _ t
Fordwich—Mrs. J. H. Wade, Mrle.
Spinks. , • -
Uorrie—Mrs. G. M. Knowlson, Mrs.
J. Armstrong.
Jemestown—Mrs. J. D. Millar, Mrs.
D. McDonald.
Molesworth—Mrs. J.,Burnet,e, Miss
J. Stewert.
NVitIton—Mrs. A. Uasdiner, Miss
lose Simpson. '
now—Mrs. -Wars—McDonald,
Fein Reid.
"Good mor in', mum 1" said a
have had no returo of t trouble.
Since my cure I have advised -several !temp. "Niee you have. mitin !"
he continued. in a ingratiating man -
others suffering front piles to time' 4111-
ner. "%V hat d'ye c 1 -him?" "There's
Buk, and in each instance have ti
satisfactory re-ulte." no need tn mention s name, replied
e lady of the house. "He'll go to you
If you stiffer front this ailment
Without calling as soon at I I oose this
apply Zeni•Buk ad night berme retie.
inn, and you will be satisfied with the chef° !"
trial! A contributoty (stoma pilom is Fe Inn, the invigoriting tonic,
0115n sonssii,aisn. and * mod jassas8s. contains beef, the most strengthening
will greittly,aid the operssion of Zed,- fooil in th ,least hulk, iron. which
Buk. For' fistula, inflamed patches, make. rick 'red blood and Rives
and mores due to blood poisoning, etc . strength and. vitality to the whole
Zion•Buk is equally effective. It is a 1)04. end just eribb pure Spanish
soothing, coolingtalin. stimin sherry wine 11 stiMnlate the diges-
lates the cells beneath the epidermis ti an and thus aid the assimilation of
and epithelionyto natural 'action. It the iron and beef. $1 pee bottle at
talieves the tension whigh in the case druggists.
_ .
- tort
/,-- -rs! :i'.-,,,-,
e• ,• per or on
4.114 .41,
Make Each Animal Worth
25% Over Its Cost
On is of a Cent a Day
Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curing the hots or colic, making
hens lay In winter, increasing the yield of milk five pounds per COW a day-,
or restoring run-down animals to plumpness and Vigor.
When you feed -stock food " to your cow, horse, swine or mutt ry,
You are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm.
Tour animal?' do need not more feed. bot something to hie1p then.
bodies get all the good out of the feed you give them so they can get fat
and stay fat all year round; Alertly prevent disease. cure disease and In-ep
then' up to the best possible condition. No •'stgick food" can do all the-,
Nota -Stock Food" But a "Conditioner"
nOYAL PURPLE STOCK SPZelikce.contains no grain. nor farm products It Inc ream n
-•.• owl), fen. three to fie% pounds per c .per day before the Specific has hien used to
it the milk eicher and adds flesTY-le,ster than any other preparation known.
s..ith ROYAL PURPLE lire as largtataz weeks old S1A they would be %Olen
.,%11 untimely death nos that at
,eirsed W. Town, y gest. iihn'of Mr.
and Mies Harry Town, which Of,
curved at hie home At Seawall .on
Friday, 1 Ith inst. The yming man
'was only tweety t two year. 111 nal',
a few week,. ago svent Itceiouth Rood,
114.1 111 Mt, 1.1 work al Ilia *Palle as ma-
ehinist. 11,- was taken with i,".
planet lever and allow, it week benne
his death reliii ilea to him loom. at Rea_
Another tif the pioneers hall left the
seem. of hie eat thly saruggles anti
triumpho. Alex. Scott, one of the
ht.* swatters of Itertmehey, died at the
home of hie eon-irelaw, .1..1. Cleft, of
Sieaforth, on Tuesday of last week, at
/he ege of eight y-arix yenta, Deceit/5ml
Wits born ill !tux horteddre, Sem land,
,and calm: to Canada in his early yeare.
For a hang time he bad lived at Sea -
forth, Where he pureited the busineem
sifs. ent.pentex_..,11Aul. amuse Ile
IPAVPli a 11414411 y Of fIVP sone and thtee
t Aug term.
On Sundey, .lenitary 10t11, the re
Maine 0( f he lite Robet t Yeo, one of
the eerly pitineere of l'Itneherty, were
intt•rred Illuevale cemetery. Mr.
Yeo had been living with his daugh-
ter, Mee. T. E. Walker. at Cooksville,
and 14. Wag hern him deeth freak Were,
at lite age ot eighty-sieven yen.. Mr.
Yea was a native of Devonehire, Eng.
-Way He Pulled.
A dock hunter who recently re-
turned f the leestern Pout tells
',Wry typical of the hardy men who
livt• there. On one cif the islands near
where lo' went lived a mark who acted
es postmen for the few`arattering
'melees on the Wend. and who would
row to Abe mainland every day and
bring back the mail, for wide!' he re-
ceived eilicent..
One moult tog doming a terrible 'storm
the hunter tatty the postman pull over :
tievethi hill's 111111114f I hp trip the boat
Waft nt•nrly swamped, and the Mall in
danger of hi. life.
"Why in the world did you make
that trip?" asked the hunter. "Snrely
not for the Nu center'
"Well, you see," replied the poet -
men, "if I itlise a, trip I have to write
re confounded long let ter to Ottavatex-
;draining why, and in I thought had
rather poll the boat."
Maggte " 'Highland Eleie ! A tnie
!story of Highland Life r Ali no'
read ffiat yin A'in no f t
ittoirieteL A' like the temantie yin.*
beet." -Jeannie "Dimes anq that. A
read deg the 'trite ',totem They're
'-he biggest 11.4,1 ony."
Newhand "NVhieh is the best way
to teach it girl to eyrie?" Oldham'
"Why, place her on the meddle, then
pea yout nein mint1 her weist Pio
then--" Newhand "Don't, he silly:
It's pay 'liter I mean !"
b 'Id
, )mals and restores Item to
. umpricAn;ilfrioRt In..gically. Cures hots. colic. worms. skin diSeases def/Lyiesdrgiciiirart,iyali.
n • 'Asti:filly in the fivoling of ' The Eel ,' 4.04 largest winner a any pacer on
• 111n Mcliwan. the horseman. wys: -I have used ROYAL PUP
, • Henry Winters,2.014, brother of Allen Win(ers.' winner of 531).000 in trOO,64:11,‘
in 1414., These hot -sen have never been off their feed since I ..ommen..ed using lio).ii le
Spv,..ifid airtiost a year ago. end 1 will always have 44 40 my stables." ,
o a.1-Pu,rple
One Sec. 444114,41 01 ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC .4(111 1.1,4 one an .111.11 ccver 4.;
d.,ys. whi. h In a hide ove•two.thirds of a cent • da E Most stock foods in .fifty cent packaltes
1,41 hut fifty dAyn and are Riven three times a day. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SP1 LIFIC
.. I. gOen hot on,. a day, and hosts half again as long A MAI pail co:interning (nor Owe, the
amount of the fifty cent package will NM WA days. ROYAL PURPLE won ineream he valee
of io.,r ,tock 2.54. It is an astonishingly quick fattener, stimulating the appetite and the
reledi for food, ansint inn nature to digest and turn feed into flesh. Asa hog fattener if ii 4)114411?
lt iv.111..1... Many times its cost in veterinary bills. ROYAL. PURPLE POULTRY SPECI-
FIC . oor other' Specific for potittry, not tor stock. One g0 cent package will last twerity,five
1,..14 Mile ys, or • pail costing 81.60 will last twenty -Ave hens 21110 days, which in four timemore
m oteeial Mr only three times the coot. It makes a "441)04 machine "0441 of your hens
11.00nler and winter._prevents fowls Iniflg. sltat moulting time. and cures milt's, ti1411..e,
11:iniarri"Isiticerud7.heR,Dy,A,LcoPoUdiRt.PnL,R.104.nrorteenrnefgorilinrganrientzltsaaytt anywim other preparation on in ehee
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Hardware Specials
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The 'best Axe Handles, 15c, 25c, 35C and
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Worsells' Hardware
cords E:y
Leo Slesak, the great tenor, now sings for you in the Edison
Phonogralah the same famous arias feom the Grand Operas that the
New York audiences pay $5.00 a seat to hear. Just how great a
singer Slezak is, is told in the following remark,. quoted from the
New York World the morning after a recent appearance of Slezak at
the Metropolitan Opera House: "Caruso no%v has a rival."
Slezak has made ten records for the Edison, comprising the
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Only on Amberol Records can you get a full length rendering of
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Edison Phonographs 116,50 to 124000 Edison A mbigrol Records (play twice as long/5 .63
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There are Edison dealers everywhere. C.o (0 481 nearest and hear the Edison Phonograph
play both Edison Standard and A mberol Records. I (et complete catalogs from year
dealer or from us.
'National Phonograph Co., 100 Lakeside Avenue. Orsavo, N. J., U. S. A.
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$1.50 A Year
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