HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-1-27, Page 5!'f• I 19 IfIN AT,. /In fly:Turf; ONTARIO TRITIUM/kV. J.ka;Aoy 27, toto 5 ,OCAL TOPICS. If for It Mixt Week. 'el are compelled to leave out this taeveral toteresting Articles, in- mumunicatione on the by. &stria. correspondence. local antirhar-atte...11 you don't wee s you expect itt this home, lOokiktr tki. treadle erious tend of Jareob J. Wilton, of „toot' charged with lomat. tarok r 10 the County Judge'e Criminal rt oh. Friths, last, the heartuit if lento wieupyiog ainuot the who'e moon is a widower about fifty- % ears of age. and the woman in row is bits daughter, &host tweets y, YiAla e,f age. Juane Wilt erservud sunlit until the 3rd of February: Allen Safe. tIontley'e papers there appeared taw the hat of killed it. the reilwey os Stuutish River ,the moue of • Allen. Tbe esthetes mentioned risk tiown man, slivered to be Um •n. the well-known horse defiler of lei Wh." However, there ws,e some tear. ae Mr. Allen had heti itord vre the accident that be was Mae in Vancouver. The report god eerie anxiety. as Mr. Allen I kottiWil tll ltavoirforitone day. be- e for the' %Vert, foilowieg a ship. st of hotline to the CottaL P. R. Notes. • Tor- e. oil, ill tiodetich thie week on an octopi top. at was also District oor ate,h.asic RoeWiji. of Loudon Aibong those on the sick list are D. ("sole: firemen in the way - a'. 1 Iforare Mann. ,firesnan lin wept...-. Mr. ohipicuin, local loco- (I,e ',elation, has regovered from ire, lit i Itt• it and it on duty again. Eeztoe =Witt wepstre ; lived ....IAD. d u, Gooderich for use. isootestiont. e toter" Scholarships. lar-4411•giate Institute principal, !to ciititiee of Huron. lasnyhimp. r' We I I i t.st ton ,id Middlesex Met Stoolool Sat last and eon - Pat -41.4414_11p..1. 1.11441 ter, of Sarnia, 1: S535) in scheolarehips ter • ielia s each ok the enue ties .4. The object of the meet: o o olvisal an to the comfit pro II the awarding of the ballot - 11.11, l'Inicipal Field. of the Bode - Ii ile,nAte lortitutt, was enbaig oriole41a. der and Light Commission. 11 its. meeting of the water end At e... tttttt ioeinn on Monday • evening et; -wee instnieted to start s•iret light% at 41 o'cluck bit lite ernitermidniettinue the owrvice earls ening fins one nitb. Ttie.awerretor y as instu tided intent) hoe sown council that all dram. endelearie light wires are Wood stonditim thee in reference a or kleturtit lir 'the Mayor reword- ( la docii..ion • hy the town menet! it• meeting the previous Friday 1141444414 • o June Excursion to Deposit. E. II. Ayei. envision agent of the hitentar Lite., writes l'he !infidel s; the annual lune excursion to eiou from Owlerich by steamer so hotrod wall tier fiat Ilkley, Juno M. Mi. yew. returning on Aberdare r 'Joni. The toilet everting trip on .. will. be- given on the pro -- Moe Fs idayi and Mr. Ayer points t thee them time it will .treossreal newringlit- ttii.. To tioderieh and is that oiCt %le AYee. anolouncement thc fte•-t sign of spring ; to we may ow liegio Ithole.forward to "the • .41,1 skimmer time." • ) COntes\Local Option Votes. 410..haye been made for re - 51 .4.1 Ise were esst ..n the local ot itt the. tiownship, of i slut Tockersnlith. Judge t; • Isom grsntrd• the epplieatil,n in Lot has not Heed a date ▪ looldieg ot the ren.unt Pl. W111,41 LP place in the respective softie -Ma L E, ()emery. bar - mer. 14 P ing 'for %Valiant litaiiier. le Ikea. hoteldseeper. "in an itt' '11 loop. the Colborne towisehip" ate otr the g land of alleged irregte wit ie. in the to ing of the. vote. Mr- ottes•r. I. -ft for ronto yeetereleY to moo 1,:s claim in be High Cont tiro o d Lecture, tort lints ot to hear lare Vi-iteit medience vitterrit no V,. W. Poet Ere, .1 (. the rum, ow- r•ii ions cf.Mi. pet et the VitiC1111. th 'olisentn were made pt i it lat 1 la* -the ,cell.,ter. iewst to doer 1'1(1 rith PO14. lei011/4 an '01 the Via t t Ah preeent- Friday even - sill's lecture y." whish r of liar; est hell. eel the_ liter - 1 were used. 1(0. told n de - audience. in coidpany w h' tent Canadian clOegyme 'item X.. and spoke the unaffected mann ors were received. shown were of e snaster-paintees o Other, showed hie d statuary groups. 3ric ee unior A junior cenneeti , et nine A. eh with th 1. ah i been organized local Y. M. C. thil member- hip.t twent x. At a election held n Wednesday evening, tfie following nicer,, were e : Presidents UM- flrt h Jones ; vls. meld to John taker : wisretary. atone iton; hairman of mem ship co itteso fortis Sfraneon ; chairman of l'oome onanittee, Cheater Thompson; eir- Den Of social consmitteea Reggie 111' 'ermission has been received for went the Collegiate Institute gymna on Tburay evening of ***eh' reek, andDan McDonald has hien pworited instructor in gymnasties. ' Bible study class will meet in the Imo moms on Wednesday evening*. Pith Jae. Carrie es leader. Jnder GI. C. I. Auspices, The Collegiate Inatitette Literary K.e'iety announce* the engageinent of Walter Gordon Craig, of Toronto, for Program of Shakespearean and popu- lar modistes, to be given in the issembly hall of the Collegiate Insti- Lute on Tuesday evening nett. Mr. Craig gave a recital at Clinton re - Ninety and the Clinton people were delighted with him. Besides read - Inge (mu Mb .kespeartian plays„ Mr. Craig gives popular selections frolic modern Huttn*, and with the locos tomitiel talent that her been engaged ants. teremi ing Jowl en metier program molly lw looked for oil Turealey even. -4e. -4-434.-stehederioss• fee will he. -Woo Vir • trust that* large attendance will encourage the Otero& of the Literary Rookery fu previdIng these literary eleportunitine for hoderich. What Mr. bellows Saw. • R. It. Sellows was at Ortrui Bend but week taking soine pictures in the doer park whieb has been established there lo a wealthy Lonelion man. There alt' otevend eel es fenced in for this deer preotove, and the herd et pi *went omit.. into nine animals. On !him trip IE. Mallows itode donne observatione, lie tasking .each ti load of minket at Exeter. 11. % had ono hUntirel twenty acres u at up:mot , they realized !red bushels was the 11. The farming !mai- be .aneesed at these 4, • -- --- There is stron detnand iall thioug e ton or eleyoweig it horsey,, and it is very hard • to lallr it good hearse or how than 010. The Weal, wants a hit of hortwe and buyers are -en oat tat n Bunchy Urea. have an oxceptiothilly fine lot of beavy-weight hereto in their entitles o_n *Pith same t. -There are sixteen animals in the bunch, moodily five od six years old. Severst of them ce.uje within a few poundal of the mark. Thos. 4 I'l illy. at reeently sold a heo. y wink -horse for Otellf. It e, iIt pile* for the 'four. ogre gating at.. 111 SI 1141. • The hto se Seim ket in tillderiC▪ h •row Fridaty, ahould be a great ostecce•••. i the weather is favorable, Over 41.1 ty buyer. have already *ions fled thei inkention ,of being preeent. and mos aro- extorted. Poblic- hoof Board. At tBs • inaugural meeting 'of the public oehool board Alex:. Maunder woo rwelecteal chain melt. and the fol- lowing committees were .80 Con. tangent •--R. 11. Cott, O. Sturdy.Dr. Tomball, Finaiwe---0. 17'. Maio IL E. tiodgens. It. J. •Aehemort. School leariaisentent-:-.11f- K. ilotheens, .t. 1). Mciwen. 0. F. /Han. The tilos mimed on ea It- committee it chnirman. As beteudote. the vegetate imenthly meet- ingWill be told on _the Hon Sliinday ere g of the Ili. The 'folloWini resttlitt pm 114 seferl•tive It. the late sec- ret airy of the hoard Waal pl:tred 'oft the 'Tht the public «thorn boo ,I .ti ite first meeting of POO ewes In it.. deep sympUlly With Mrs. H. 1V. Batt and bonny in the hos of it ,leaoval lather : and we would ole, expremy mense of 1 'sit *a woretary of .me school 44afalmi. 4-- promotnem mei -ability and plumy helpful Nugget:ions at our meeting,: At tern ted feet week. Alex. Straiten is the new secretory of the hoard. The Mariner% and Their Doinic Thr Pittelnuot Steamship ('n., which control. two hundred ot the largest and moat, modern ottearnere on the great lakes, has derided to lite II it• letath on or before November :loth in eseh yea,. theonw el' ' :sting dan- ger or loss in Dee. tuber** storms.. Captoin Frank Johnston, of town. hae 'amain lawn spriiiirsterl Mart er of the tbie steamer S. N. Patent, willing' between env -tyro and Montreal. • 'Fhe tioderieh Marine Sociad Chit hell a meowed st dance meal oipper in their' remits on. Friday mato,. over fifty coutolee being preeent. a'aptoin John M.- 1 Suits1.1 occeom- partied by hie dmishter, ili•s Etta, -unwed It sine lad week from Parry Sound, where ;he owhooner Aznv is 1.11 up for the winter Captain Kenneth. Cinotalwil left on Tt11.411 for it mon. where he has etetroe of iil1ehlgF. Loner leemerd, enwieeer on the Government buoy gee:toner sinter*. arrIved houte from t'ollingwosel Ise %rook arid willopend it Minitli in town.. in the list of eppointments f'r19111 made hy the Pittsburg Steamship rat. nmeers the nano, of Capt. A. P. Chaeobere. who will agato have charge f „ilte_atoomer Piet Marlton:A aion-font, hoist and' tele t he .loest in hig fleet. • . • eft of John Oke. After an Bitters of five months of e'r• ellhe noralysis. John Oirea de- llo re Olio lite on naturday last at the ?weer 'evenly -five year. and four monthat. The ;lees/Wed Was a native or I/evens/tire. England. 13•f, com- ing to Ouderi.h nine years ago he had lived at Dunlop for twenty years le Was twice !untried and is survived his second wife. The surviving • rimer of the first family are Sam - and -Henry, of Bonfsentin- n:s William. of Beniniller, and . JOhn Jenkins. of Colborne town - The second family ..f three Rene daughters all live in town: A. M. Tudd ; vice-masident. J. S lfowrie wood vice-preeident. Chas Knight ; teeing/orb/ F.'E. itinghens tie:tamer, W. T'Gu . rney. Directors %amine McKev, Chemin. Smith Harr. newton, James Hardy. Qiive Pe llll ington. Charles A. Reid, John C Tait, Wrest Sheardowo, Samuel Lus I enualre. Patron, Dr. Thomas Chia belle. M. P. for Past Huron. Wing hew : M. Y. McLean, M. P. for Sotith Hums Seeforth_t Henry Hinter, M. Poloofertiouth linrotro-Crediton ; A. H. Mugs/rove, M. P. 1'. for North Jtu 0 osiVingisaua. It hopropotied to ma e the 1911 show the hest on rec- ited, and with * start, of over fifty tuslintors success should Ise assured. Another meeting will be held in the coma hour. Igrund jure room) on Sat:- tirday night, and therVatter omit a ernototh, the first Saturday, et p. being set. Death of Fred. McDonald. The death of Frederick C. McDon- ald. A on of the lite Sheriff McDon- ald. of Goderich, occurred at Ottawa. 1113 Tuesday loot. and the remains were brought to Godetich by this siternoon'e P. IL train for inter- nient 111 Maitland cemetery. The de- censed WAR hero in Goderich about foe ty-six years ago, hut had lived at. Ottawa for many years, being in the Government service in the Dejoart- mem, of the Interior. The Late I. A. Odium. "fhe death occurred on Thursday as a • &toe . where he was vis- iting his son, Dr. .1olin Odium, of John. A torahaut Odium. an old resident of Lieektiow; •The remains were Godes ich - and- were interred on Monday in Maitliird Centeterr. The deceased was in his eighty eielith s ear and was the head at a well-known and distinguished fatuity. A further reference will be itindenekt week. 1Vleitings for Farmers. ' 1 The 'migrant for t he su el tiesoen- meet joist' ostoalle_,West Huron Farmers' Institute *it hewn ar- yanged, mei a gad list of meetings is in pris-p4t. The visiting delegates will be 11. J. Waters, of rvan, And Miss M. Yates, of the Ontario Agnelli- tuisl College, Guelph. in addition, several local speakers will givo ad- ilreasaes on subjects to which • they have given epeeial attention. The ineritioge witt he held as follow' Lond - Monday, Februnry I Ith Holmesrille Tuesday, Fehru- Airy 15th Benrniller Wedneeday, February Itith ; st. Augustine-Thors- day, February 17th Dongrionon Febroary isith : St. Helens Saturday., February 19(1).• bor whicb, if It sums/eds. ILO hoped for, Will change onr waterfront very ma- terially and give immensely greater accommodation foe the handling of business at this port. A plan pre - ✓ pared by V. M. Roberts, C. E., wale submitted, showing a continuation of the outer breakwater to the north side of the river, and to the south a corresponding structure to the lake honk on the south side of the present !lather. The present entrance be- tween the piers would he eluded. and entrance to the harbor would be through an opening near the western end of the river breakwater. .The le m whospace frothe C. P. R. yards acrom the north sand beach to the river mouth would then be available for slips anti wharves. The inner checkwater would be removed and the commercial wharf mraightened. and railway tracks would moos the present pies* end on to the north beach. 'rhe host of such a reconstruc- tion Would of course he 'great ; but with the expected co-operation of the Grand Trunk, Canadian Pacific and Canadian Northern Railway* and other interests concerned it is hoped to make a favorable impression .up- on the Dominion Government. A corn-- mittee composed et H. E. ttodgens. J. W. Fraser and W. L. Horton, on be- half of the Board of Trade. and Coun- cillots Parsons, Wallace and Hawkins. with the Mayer. representing the town ce lllll cil. was appointed to fur- ther the project. Afterwards it committee of the Boatd of TraJe was apt ionize ter thenarryiog of the two ele- vator hylaws now Where the ratepay- era. Of this committee 4'. A. Nairn is chairman_ _and Dr. E. liodgens, Wm. Campbell: A. Smolders. J. W. Fraser, L. G. Par - SODS and, J. W. Via:latter ire the other members. other utterest saw two ewe clover mewl t Between them bueleeir. raised laud, and th front the hes snug bum sof nem he nut deyr. Horses in • Burns' Anniversary. • • ' . The members of Inverness Camp. ,itis et seotletl. along with a goodly mostber of their friends. celebrated Hunts' ionniyereary in enthusiastic !style ill Wowitil evening itt tiC.lff.1103118. Hull. The first part of the evening Was devoted to an exceUent :supper. after -whien, ;with Chief Hunter in the chair. a verywntoyoble Orrogralll . was rendered. The' Blackatene orchestra fur ni.heti musk, 1,', 0, Persona. Har- old Blackstone and Mr. Shipman con- t e netted '.'mg, Misses Grace Dyke and Esa• ootnerville pieta° eeleetions, and -Mobernehlostni . exhibitions of Highland dancing. The atidree. of the evening. on Scot- land's mak nal hard, was given by Rev. lenses A. Anderson. and another *tide -ems' which was heard with great pleasure Was 1,Y 'Mr. Cargitl. of Chicago, who was the guest of Inver - nem Camp for the evening. Another Success. The "six o'clock dinner at Odd. % -felines' Hall 1 t Thursday evening under the stole es of the Goderich branch of the Wo ien's Institute was $ very enjoyable and successful ntfair. •The tablee looked very pretty, all be- ing decoratedalike with .pale pink erepe tissue paper. and provided a very appetizing bill of fore. the Indite. -amply maintaining their reputation of the past. Atter enjoying the getter - vela h. osoistality of the table the follow- ing program was given, Dr. Macklin meting as chairman : ChairMen's ad- dress ; male quartette. Mester.. powrie, Cook, Small end Chapman ; Vlti oli sobs Mos Heinicke. arcompani on the piano hy De Centeno Nlillyard ; rec- itation. Master Mceinitten ; vocal &wt. Reggie and Lilian King; tee - nation. Cecil lo nn ; instrumental duet., Miiews Olive Tiehorne and Amy Nark : male lileartet tr. Nlesere. Powrie, Cock. Sinai! and Chapnian • solo. Mrs. Huggins. The ex sellent atlention 're- ceived Was eufficient proof of the ap- preciation 'of the audienee, and the ladies can remelt one more on their list of anteroom' in these popular annual , f u net ie . n a , • Presentatign. to Mr. Jordan. The elude of Knox church purloined their leader. Mr. Jordan, who is about to leave town. by taking posseesion of his home on South street on Monday e% ening and presenting him with an address of appreciation. accompanied hy the gift of a handienne gold locket and watch fob, the locket toeing suit- ably engraved. The following ad- dress was 'read by R. H. Cutt, the presentation being made by Mrs. Bug- -gifts 4 - tiodericts January 2Ith. Mit TANG. J. East Jordan. Us tit ClIOIR MA. reit. - We. the member'. of Knox chum h choir, have taken the liberty of assembling in your beautiful home tonight to elle expres.iOn 40 011' deep TeRTN1 in parting with you. who hese for the pow four ream so ably and eMciently filled the porit ion of choirmarter awl nrganirt in our cligreh. .. - . We would also assure you that we cannot soon forget the valuable musical education we have receis aid at your hand during there reefs, and would tender you our hearty gratitude for tour untiring mai and manly effbri TA promote the best interviste of our choir Is every way. And much as we regret your deport ure from among u., we would offer you our sincere con- gratulations In that you are called to a larger fleld of usefulness. and would ask you to take with you our very best v, [she. for your future success and happiness. which we also heartily extend to Mri. Jordan and holly. We would ask you kindly to accept this watch fob and locket so a ,mall memento of our atTect ion and eseeein. In reply Mr. Jordan referred to the pleasant relations he hied had with the choir and in fitting terms thanked the members both for the gift and for the feeling towards hint which it ex - preened. Afterward,' the gathering resolved itself into a social occasion, and a very pleasant time was spent until after the Midnight hour. Getting Down to Ausiness. In a conference -m Monday evening between the special committee of the town council and the women of the Board of Trade, plans were laid for a campaign in behalf of Goderich her- she 3. an th Robert. oho and Richard, Mo.. 0. McKenzie, no Kenneth McLeod end Alias Rose. '.ire', Mr*. Wm. Van - stone, of Ben iler, and two btothers, Thos. Oke. of t Huron road, God!, rich township. a.d Samuel Oke. of Hoissevain, Mart, ontrvive. The funeral took place o Monday after- noon from the family rodence. Cam- bria rned. to Colborne cc! ter , Seto R. W. Millyard crinductin , (1).' aer- v ces. The pall brewers wen% three sons and three aons-in law. Moo Oke wishee to thank those who rendered rimistance and sympathy in her titne of trouble, anei partieularly the ems, ;doyens of (bit organ factory for their token of sympathy in the shape of a flood wreath. _ Poultry Show for Ooderich. Last Saturriay night there was it good meeting of the local poultry fanciers in the town council chamber, and after the preliminary canter the meet- ing adjourned until Monday evening. when offieers were elected as follows : Honorary pressident. R. N, Lewis, M. P., Goderich ; honorary vice-preei- dent, W. Proudfoot, M. P. P., (lode - rich ; honorary second vice-preaident. )tsyor Cameron, Goderich : president, - '.----oosorcosoet....L.--°'--111.111.40011111111111mm-- LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. rile Lord.' are a great issiii• 011 in the (414covnijrx, If you want to fe..1 ill.. a lord get lastee of one or F -PrItttram-r--rsee Tailoring at for • king, at the old +twod. north side :square. *4ee the display Al fancy goodt and materials for fancywork at Wilmer Smiths. East AIWA Swine elegant designs in cushion tops. ole, valentine W rd. now in stock- Monday. Feb- ruary initis the day. I)on't miss leading Th.Signet. new story.- ttoeteivg itt this issue. Jaw Lista tow torch isesi from. H. allow t Mayor Cetueron o et twined the members nt. (bit nes • coasted -Ai Thursday evening him. A boardiut trade has been organized at Mention. C. A. McDonnell is presi- dent and J. %Veil...endive secretary. While in Montreal retie -oily, Jebel Andrews, •13e local cattle -buyer, pur- chased es -111 h. p. Duryea automobile. Which has since strived in otirn. Will Kennedy is laid -tip for several alas a with a severe scalp wound which he received by a fall on the ice on liesoilton "Itreet .on Tueeelsy. night. The R.bt.kahLdge will tender ap •'itt. home" on Friday evening of this Week in Oddfellows' Hall. All wel- come. Admission 25c. 815 o'clock. , The Henault Observer of Wit week "Nies Keturah Brown sang a solo in the Mithodlif dinfeh"ort Sun- day:evening in a most pleasing man- ner.' Mulholland the Vest-t.tteet barber loft will be filled with young Epworth Leaguers who will lead in the singing and render special music. The paetur will give an address illustrated with objector. Sobject- -"Stones that Talk." In the evening the subject will be, -Some 't'hingsJesus Will Not Do." it companion relation to that of last Seto day everting. HOCKEY NOTES. The 0.-44.-.11.-Itowe at Clinton Lint night between Clinton and (indent -It resulted in the rented mere of 31 to I In favor of flodiiiCh. That going some. Dan. Nieholeon, of town, beta been signed by the Cohoing intermediates. Hie many Goderich 1554.045 hope to see hint make good.. He is with a survey party of the Cituedian Northern in that pert of the Proviuce. The British Exchange hotel chat lenges. the Hotel ,Bedford 10 1* game 5.1hockey, to be played the first wet•k in February, losers to supply an oyster supper immediately after the game. Player's to be bona fide residents or boarders. • The Collegiate Institute organised a hockey dub last Monday. the follow- ing officers befog elected . Pregident, J. Al. Field : secretary -treasurer, How- ard L Case; manager,' Roy A. Wal- ter; captain, John J. Dean; executive committee, J. F. McNaught, M. 0. Ansierreon, Hort IL Elliott. It is the intentioq of the club to play lume- n giats Institute. , In a, onewitied contest last Friday night Lee's block defeated tbe Huron hotel_ tdoc to I.. The ice.wass very poor, making good play impossible. 0. Dean wasit very satisfactory referee. The teams were : Leer Black Huron Hotel Webb goal smite point Tait cover whit Note rover Cruickslianks centre RS. rum wing left wing Lloyd Sweats Frit &ley . rhuleu A. Chishohn • 1. 'linga= WARDEN iRwla. Reeve of Wingham Secures Coveted Honor -County Council in Session. The county council met , at the milli house ots Tueedity afternoon ani is still in session. All the mem- berm are present. Theelection of Warden Wm the first order of Imeinese. Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve of Witighetn, WAN (bit only nominee, toeing proposed by .Thos. Stotherro Reeve, of Ashfield, and Wm. Anderson, Deputy Reeve of Stephen. • The -new Warden was sworn in by His Honor Judge Holt and thanked his fellow -members for the honor they had conferred .spon him. • Alex. Straiton, of Godericb. arid Frank Metcelf. of Blyth. were ap- pointednounty auditors. for the year. Yesterday afternoon a. deputation waited en the council to ask that the coin)! y grant to collegiate institutes 'and "high schools he increaeed. 'An- other deputation addressed the coon- cciluiay.beehalf of the hospitals of the o The regular monthly meeting of the Goderich branch -of tbe Women's in- atitute will take place on Thursday. Februm y 3w1, at 3 o'clock. A demon- etrat' will be given hy ope of the members as part of the torogratu. W. W. Satins started cutting ice on the harbor last week. het secured only a hundred loads when the sterna drove practically all the ice ontati the harbor. He is now gettiug a supply from the river itt Saltford. Heaforth has a mad dog ware. and the Mayor has issued a proclamation to the effect that n.. d..g shall be ;per- mitted to tun at largeip the town for sixty days from date unless it, is muzzled. Deers found running 7 at large without, umzzles are liable to be killed. ' 11. C. thinning@ is sesembling lum- ber and other building materiel on the lot on St. Patrick's street opposite Mrs. OW. Blake's residence, prepara- tory to the erection of two seven - room brick houses in the spring,- otte for Dr. Macklin, the other for himself. Last Friday evening was the occa- sion of a very succeieful promenade at the Collegiate Inetitute under the auspices of he Literary Society. The students owned 'out well and excel- lent musk- wee provided by very cap- able school Outlets. Everyone bad a most enjoyable titue andAtbe evening was a distinct succesii."-----•-- The Stratford Beacon reports some movements in that city which it takes U./ indicate a change in the location of. the ()Wench line of the 9..T, R. to Inake'roorn for the erection of it new station building. Stratford h it, waited it long time for the new build- ing, 'and it ought to he something pretty 11110113 view of the big bookie** the (,rand Trunk does at that point. , CH U NOW MOTS& The annual congregational meeting of Knox church took place last even- ing. A report will be • given next. weelt. Sermon subjects at Victoria street Methodist choireh next Sunday : 11 a. m., "The True Friend." 7 p. m., 'Weighed -Wanting. ' The sermon subjects 'it the Baptist church services next Sunday: Morro ing, "The Spirit of the Age." Even- ing, "The Mesmsge at Sychar." Everybody welcome. On Tuesday evening the Leaguers of North street entertained the, Men's Club and the choir. A fine eampeny of people were present. and a happy conpie of hours were spent together. The Woman's Missionery Society of Victoria street Methodist church will hold their next querterly tea at the home of Mrs. F,va Bates, Ilincits street. on the evening of January list. All are welcome. Next Huntley, January 311Xh, Mr. Jordan will have charge Knox church organ for the last time. At, the evening *prying Mrs. Huggins will sing "Ora pro Nortek," and the chole will render the anthem "Lord. Be Merciful." The choir Raillery of North street Methodist church neat Monday morn - _ PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. Herald left on IVedne47 tor a tritioto toe Pacific Coast. • Mem. R. W. Mettlar left last week tn Jain bet husband in 14et rot% Mr. E. N. Lewis and the Missem \Lewis left t hie week for Ottawa. ii:rnest Milton. 01 Ittdgetown, visited hLr uncle, James Yates, this week. Wm. Young. Park +tieet. left on IVedoiNday to visit his daughter In Detroit. - Mr*, Melyor 4.. vi-iting her brother. John McKay. vi ho 1.. seriously ill. at Stokes Oar. Mr. and Mr.,. John sent t and Charlie. of Winnipeg. Man., are visiting relatives lu town Nod eionitr. • ' Hiss Hay t'orbett returned to St. Thomas on Wednesday after a Anonth's visit' with Misr Margaret Lowen. Wm. McDonald, 0..k. McDonald and Mal. -colm Si rahanri have been spending a week with relatives at Ripley. James Nforracken arrived'on Monday from Torontb to take a pooltion a'. niachinist at the t .P.R. round house. Hp& Ketches'. of Regina, stasis., arrive.' in loon last week and will spew, the balance of the whiter with Mrs. (leo. Stewart. Reg. Elliott left bra Monday' for Port rot borne. where he engaged with a Canadian Northern Railway engineerirar Mrs., Shipman has returned to•Torouto after a visit to her husband. local locomotive (ore - man at the (*.P.M. 5111, har been rick. '.Ir. and Mo.. John Lawsin left on Tue.day for Denver. where they will spend tho remain. der of the winter. Their MAIM friend-. wish them a pleasant sojourn in the South. .fudge Doyle and Misr Theresa Doyle aro away on a visit to Ottawa. 95. }Inner will return to town in a few days. bet. Mir. Doyle will remain for a longer stay at the casinak Dr. Posey Ton). atro Tommentengtiow tate of %Vellwood. Morn., are vl.lt Ina at the home of the fsortorr father. J. E. Tom. Dr. Tom ham sold his ur.wtln tics at Wellwood and ill take post nate eour.e-Vro-MToraTihrt Wrath. Dudley Holmes mid John trition. V. a.. of 'Meehan), were In town - resitentay. Mr. Holmes, who it one of the leading ronrer. vetiver, 041 he roue t y. Introduced his corn pan - ion to some friend+ as "the biggest Grit in the town of ‘Vinghani.” AUCTION SALER. Ttlfsnatr. February Rth. Sale of ten acres of boah, mo.tly Meeh mad moot,at lot 7. eon - emotion ix Maitland ),'wilt. Willett, ("amlets, ins at Kid o'clock. 8till-7EL ('ox, proprietor. Ttrillan4 01-,,m,, atlethaseer. - --- TtlatDaY.W61 in-WCYSTY on aaD-of farm pitot‘k and tonmersents. nrnrwrty of Nesbit. concession 141, ficiderich township. TIMN1. G fq r. ti i ee r. Febenary ITtb.-Auritirin sale of fan% rnek and implements at toe 2,k. .Ion & Ooderich townrhtp IPorter'• Rill" gm. meneleg itt I recinck. NORMAN MACINWOALL. proprietor. Titoo. OUNpny. auctioneer. HORN. lill'oRaCitan. On January 21st. to Mr. and Mrs. Waiter A. fluebanen. 13 Wells_ str.oeto Tomato demerit' of andel-kelt ta son. DIELI. OK18.- In Onderich. on Saturday. Janne?, trod. John Oke. need 73 ',Armand 4 menothe. WALLA( IC. -Near Klntahl on Wednesday, January itth, Maurice .Wallaee. aired OM JOU% ()MUM. at the pendeno, of him wan Dr. John Woorheork, 1R1t.. it,, Thera. day. January 'RR h. Jnhn Abraham 04 of Lneknow, In his lith year. Nr8feRCRIE. Ar Centerville, 8 OE,o,,tan- nery 171k, NIA *Ines rsttlerhte Mekt_o" deinghter AT tee woe remain yar. Mnrehle, formerly of the township of consume. The onstwerviceabie, 'safe; retail% reenunerelive, attainihle mislity, in every study and in every portent, is the quality of attention -Dickens. Tom -"I suppose, Teener is deep in love's yours* dream?" Dick- 'Oh, he's poet dud stains He is trouhied with insomnia now." • • GOOD TIME TO BUY WAISTS WOMEN'S AND MISSEP1' FURS SKIRTS HOSE COATS UNDERWEAR GOLFS. GL-OVES, SHAWLS, FASCINATORS.' FLANNELETTE WEAR, KIMONOS. WHITE- " WEAR,' CORSETS, LACE CURTAINS, CHINA, ETC, - • WHY. titer usual fair prices are all cut down to reduce our stock befote stoh k -taking now neer. THEN, market, values are You will never buy Fure and all Cotton t noodle as cheap spied, when present stock/ reviewed, 1Yith atore system requires. that we clear our stock, and you canbuy now for you future mode at great saving. JOHN STEAD HAMILTON STREET GODEANOIII OUR NEW STORY. The Signal last week' commenced the publicktion Ora new serial' story, "The Port ,of • Miming by Meredith Nihhotson.. This is an especieslly interceding story, and we hope a great many of our readent will en o it. As some of them may not have read the first inetainsent, iib- Iisbod last week, we are republishing it in this issue. with further instal- eattotosas pewee to and. 7. Be sure to read it. Huron Poultry Show. The fourteenth annual show tinder the auepices of the Huron Poultry As- sociation, held at Clinton last week, woes an umpeilified success, the qual- ity of.the birds shown far surpassing hole in ieyi us ears. The princi 1 specie. prizes re won y : Silver cup giv n by. M., Y. McLean, M. 1'., for twine lection tot white Leg - horns, wat.won • Durst Bros., of Beniniller. • - Silver cup by W. Proutlfoot. M. P. P., for best exhibt.° iR. I. redo won by Messrs. Kaufman rad Mana,ghan, pi Clinton. • • Hrotree medal donator*. by Uanadian Poultry Reviewm for best ale bird itt ehilw, won by Mr. Jacob, f Mitchell!. Cash prize for best rein le bird in sheer, wen by W. Cosner. restance. Cash prize of $5.00 given y E. N. Lewis, M. P., won by -Moser Carter and Grigg. Interesting lectures. were giv n af- ternoon and evening by Niles Yates on tit.. MacDonald. Institute. The annual meeting of the Associa- tion was held Wechfeeday, afternoon, when the followittg . officers were an - pointed for the year : PrOaohlent, H. 0. Kaufman : %voltam Carter ; secretary, Frank Hall ; treas.: , Managhan. . . Tse next show will bit held in Clitrto tun in datatrarn. 1011. ANNOUNCEMENTb. Freih herein at Meottnisit & V . - • ATTER S. German sausages at' Moninsii & Vaararreo's. . Cheice teas and cotfees at Moittosit • & VANATTER'14. rhoiee butter and /mesh eggs art Monate:4n & VANATTER'S. Apidett-spieta. Canada nobs memo., ate., at Motorist! & YANA ER'S. Everythiqg itt 'groceries -- fresh, pare end gdl-at MORRISII ia• VAN. ATTICterl. For deepseated colds and (-might., AZn's Luno Boleam cures when all ett r remedins fail. •Veyvaibles potatOeP. t urn i la. car- rot*. *rani to, cabboiree, beets and onione, et Moeitom & Vamarran'es. The W. C. T. lf:tneets in the Temp - erotic.. Hall the second and (mirth Mondays, of each nmuth at 3 o'clock. -Lifebtioy Soap" is delightfully re - relishing for lather or toilet. Fear weighing underclothing, it is smooth - led. Cleansed and :INGRAM:4 AND PRINTs. -1...5011 yards new scotch had English ginghante. id,, 12; and 15e, and 2 WO yards new Eneli.b print', loc and 121e, at Cos- tentsiti'e„ Look in their windows, if token in Wale 'The D. & te" Entolsion will surely cure hit' tenet serious affections of the 'kings. That. "Tun down" condition, the after effects of whose" cold, is- ornickly countee-, acted. • ANNUAL. MIDWINTER ISAROAtN -DAYS-. Friday, Saturday, and Monday, January 213th, 2Oth and 3Ist. Monday, January 3141, is the lost day of our ',urine** year. That liteank winter stock must he crowded down to OW very lowest point possible by that time. lits easier counting money I.1 .ode, and we:have crowded mires down to figures that nnght.to tern oho, of stock into money before "NrmtlaY next Make it a point to %..j4 the more one or all of onr great la inter bargain days. It will Rave you money ovee and over again. Re- member the dates- Fa nifty, Saturday and Monthly, the :Nth, 211th and :list. Hotmenets 13110s. A Guarantee. A eopy of the beautiful picture en- titled "The Soon. Awakening," site 19x21 reedy Toe fronting, ts sttll guoronteed r MI who renew their sub- set ipt ion or h,,tuc subitcribers to The Family Hersh end Weekly Star of Montreal 1'is.k,uch retinue be said of-ihiie lovely pint re. It deeerves all 'het hoe been said'ht it and more too. A copy elleadd be In !very borne in -Crin,ula and those whnjaiI to make sure of a copy now will net it letter. It is safe to say that no who has a ems would eats Cu sell 'for twice what he paid fur The F*mlt Herald Inc the year and the picture. One dollar pays w whole year's subscrip- tion to r bit great weekly, and theipie- tun. is prosented to each mural -et -Weir) Qnn't unbar it. There's hardly a man who • doesn't like to pretend when he gees to a reetnurant that he's so well known there they altrwys try to do some- thing speehtl for him. • 'iew•e•Aievitiew'swwweoeneaseaeoeseseisoeso. ..:Quality Store... Coffee TT -- Our specie/ blend of !tithe is "smooth; rich .1041 deliciouts ,always freshly roast ed radii ground. Yoiellonijoyit. • Per pound, 40c. . • kcotuplete awe t men t of stuffed, queenta, ma In- astillas and ripe Oliver, from 10-.: tip to Stie per t We are\ popeyed to • give epeeial value in high - grade Teas:- Poor Teo is dem at any price, Tiy a. pound and ee joy a good cup of te4. Lettuce, per haul... oric Celery. 3 bunehes for 10.3 Fresh Sausage and Frangforts. Choice Butter and Freak Eike. A Third of Your I is Spent in . bed. . Don't sleep, on slate or a leaden mattrein. J'O,IE HERE ' ANI) BUY YOUR BED -ROOM ItURN FT URE. We have elegant rrein beds of most approved pat- terns. anti dressing tables, i -s: suitable to match, at ' micro You'll agree are reasonahle. . Examine and see.. • GEO. JOHNSTON Furniture. anti Cuelertaking. West, Side Square. rockville These well - kit ivret • tatters c ttttt bine the afoot op -to -date ideas in et yle and design with +m- obility of construction, anti anyone who ie locking for • the hoot value in it new Olt ter should see the local agent, HUGH ROSE, whet has a fall line of these goode. Everyone who is interested In Cutters should call ond see his stock and get prices. 1910 Styles Hugh Rose Homilton Street, I Mderieb.