HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-1-27, Page 44 THt'Rwl)AY, JANUARY 27, W100 •01111:.I"it1;NAI. nil IIIit'' 11'10 1 'F.4(0 District News. WESTFIELD.DUNGANNON. • ' 'I't•l:.u.ty, Jan. lith. . i I A. NEWTON, DENTIST, LUCK- ' PxttioN.tf"'t. atiwt Drnt. of Michl- ..UW..-AthauenverYday except Tbur.- dwyr. 1'jew ruwadyfor cxtraCtiva Gaalh nlmunts . Rau, hryr IlrlNl vwrting h, t tont, 5l re• fufml.lwttarrtliu•gtt•a t'rownarulbrtdrewurk, , , A. Karhinrrut, fur 1 h t,, $. tet weeks. etc. Aioalootrt m plates aloe-bre,akable.t -•rakent ei i► Vett ear* aiway.loot your wont emelt_ ..7fTtir. gi 'ravioli bettor dere In the dental olnwr -u.orc Uute, • Very ►uddenly ill un I'ursalsy of last betWr fa.,llitio fur dolt,, rho work, wore uuw- week, but we are pleased to ItDOW she,fortablu for the patient ; . U ill 41111.11,‘ lug nicely Mr..lkT (YCII'E.-THE LOCA': AGENCY John Craig. itt St. Augurs lee, is vigil- 1£ in t ungsmil it fur The digital teat the Post- ing her daughter, Mac. 1'howas Brut- , °rive hook end eltiatlunery tit! whifort . .. Ae lele orders wili be eew eei,•ed ler tbieript ..-art-. t int the y g I►tovertiring and job work. and rwwtVtr wW rte hoe Gook in the Preeby'lertan ,tut - given fur recount.. Haut fur the .rave. meeting at Auburn on Mtsiolay even- \\'KtNxauev, Jan. doth. ing Mr; W tgbtsnao and sister. of Mora' MNNTKIN.-\lire Martha Fer- S Melee hew+too, •ue visaing ftirudsand teat' hue returned how° after a They ng rid kiwi herr. Wean' visit in Toronto 11r,51c- Thry at one tie. were tthe arms near of litahnich township, is Belgrave. They are the .sun and Ulork.i. daughter of Eduard \ViKhtunan, who 't rying horses in this section went West a few yeti,* ago V. tAunmg those on ;the stilt list ale Mrut. are worry to know that 'Mi*a {tattle Jotiu Uutuiltuu and T. E. l)urniu.... \Vightwan in in very poor health at Rev. L. Bartlett. accompanied by Mrs. the pLeeedt titer.liartlett and 'daughter, 'returned 1 --' - a Visit to.\Vooalh,.toun Saturday and LUCKNOW. • heti a musttstry .trip from Code - %.2a 1 UNIIAY. Jan. 24111, rice.to Dunttanutn in the store .... Donald McXeviu is offering his livery barinete for rale and intently going out \Vert for *ix or seven months. hlfving twen offered the tuaiagrment of it livery establiehnwnt omit thine... James A ar has rola his 1511 -.acre faro, on t el LD eonaeteniil 0 ,es a s- cowl' to Robert Stsiith and way go \Viet in tine spring Ur. and Nits. 'Ilio+ Parks have the uynlptathy of lite myrtle c ty its Lox; drag .tot their infaut•nutt_wbiik_oat i".lu-J.Ji Sapidity woe Ding and died that even- ing . .. Bolter is .selling thin week at 21 rents and eggs at;Si eenti -- It: - .1. F inuIrgan has a ilortahle wa tilt on the aarut at 8tret.'ga, and will abet take I,yuare tuulwr. . ..1,•tgs are being takru to Audt'i'w Stewart' mill` %t Wenn'. hill, witch will be. etrebttilt Wen. Stewart and family, lido of Dutganntaa, have become itsidruts•of Lucknuw. • The "at Inane" girt ti hy 1 e Swaa- *hle wu:iel •vep.t. Cam. To 1,tat<Wny I'.tarou -)rev; 1). T. L. AIeKwY•uH, the popular pastor of the Lurknow I'ieshyterien emu Ch. ha: recr4111Al a tY)) f. cm, Virtnri,t fir••- byIe•rian 'church: 1'ol onto. The stile end in $:'.1110 ler 1. . Tile 1•..11 willne ladtier -4-he Toe -onto s,.l Mania d 1 ,,•.I.vtla ion- n.•xt wet. k. Mr. 51Krrr ill hes. Iwen in Lit••knle�ve about six yearn aped hie renfovsi wilti(ii he a g. vie Me. to the, fawn. 5It'sn ),t. _Stle wry. .- Tht Ltaekti"tt Musical s. ociety has brim formed will; the.tl.jeets id erg '• ialg nrul rtnnntag- j•nwlty. towu indieete gre.tt daln'age to jig a Maas. hand 811.1 giving attt.tanl•t:' p 141141144 tlrcherds id Upkle t..h mud. to tire Luckmt,w pipets' onlid. Tier entity ..air. and \1s.*..):w. , W11y- lolltwin 14111.1.1-s Were elected : lion. lion. 1 ere 1,11,j1 lug their daughter, Mrs,A K 14111.1.1-s 10*••si.1eu1, Itrt cr J•ynt : 1 yir••- IL .\1 til err. in Gal .rrrch. ppteNiflt't1, D. \. 1rlwrtncr: presidt'nt• Arow.si. M.crrlNts. - Tiie annual John Watery,: vier -president. J. F:. 1104404g.ui Ow Duug,awu,n #tgr•ieul• e' V • ties'• Agnew ; 11 eNe,lY•I', U. Co%t Uu lab �`Ioriel y was brio in Elliott e , hall 'mist•). ',lieu. i1. Smith: ..agtt.g AI bay Mita noon, ,the 17th inst., emuntitlee.'W.--lMavitam. it. MLtatireeen•- when N lot kr ottiralleroftliie intim ere A. P. Si re alt ; also tttt i•ce and si' wets ',rem -tit, The auditors' report cal r,nlauttta•et. - shuwr.t tilt -11 u id p' i, including hal. A N)L.),t. O111-IR'Il tII4KTINtl.- •Tits ;aces on li to 1 ti, au last year, to be $1. - smiths! meeting:of tha I.urkuttw Pres- 737.17, tied . xpeoses $1.036.32, leaving byte,itut (-hush w:is held nn Thurs- a hrl.•n•e uu o:u1,1 to date 0f Viet day, 14t1, io•1 , when 1 h 1r1Nit•ls. Ara•• Cho 'rev;Mlar)'5 report sit; tvrd cutin eerie, shouted t 41 •utithjti.(.stsir in *est. W. F,I:tl, iunotutt.,Tent, in pi•io's the' a•Ntitt'is.drpnrtmettte of.the elle toll roe 04.75 owl tuuomut. awarded $11111J5. Work. Thi• total a• L etii.tsl lot' l'ur following. •thirsts wet electeti,: all iail•fnosrs aa. 1411,72.-t n1Thr 110.111- President, \V. Bailie` : first vice-presi- iwtship s1 'K' on hies ease and is www dent, .lm. V tiloiaith : treoud vice-ptr.- 3i:i,. Theiatnou'ttn uii.cd f•n. Deis:ion. ',wilt; .1,.,. i li1.1101ul. 1 t'att'y htreet- shott•tt' gisitifyr'ni; ',.d.v'nne. talailing dents• 11. 5lorri" +and John Atel.'•nn ; $1.113.47. By , • s.iite it; wiii .,hectors, la.. .‘Ittai. 'Tota. Stuthers t ehl: - J. ' '. u+. cowmen- (*titian t. t t Aahff r'I dlvl I o • to us th 11 . rth I det•edt d r and A ion Nervier in fettlte. After the husi- I►ustuw• 1. Hetheringunt and Itobt. ' Oer- of 1 hit vetiing ri'fi*•shmetlls nem' (lien, of ,'.,ilium• : W. \Vatsnn. eel tid in the h8.i•Ine•nt by the Indies burnt' 1{6.0 and ('hes. Git•vin, air West and a elem./ it hour. With spent in so- WitWi;utt.lt ; ,. dlitore. Ur. t)see end tial enjoyment. - T. ll. Allen;' The fall' show of 111111 LOCHALSH. was set for October, d,and 7. It tv.ts also decided 111 hays at t uncert on the TriteDIY. Jpn. ,lith. IasL4light of tfarrt'ho .--The_rulrsa h lows wet*• rrud,iand nu ?notion of K. DK.),•ru tie t Fonw KR KK411oKNT.- hy lawn Sat urilay, .Ianu+ary Silt, at Toronto, McIlwairt and C. Girviu were Adopted. -metaled d the death of Mary Mai•Leti- with the excrptioli of speeding in the nen, witem( Rev. R.T►rinnen,oflta.seati, ting, whirl" was rhan4r(l in live per vet. in her forty•litth year. The dr- ce'ot, lit the put•.e to enter and live erased. whose maiden name was fort' cent. retained fr the winners, Alaty \lacLentlan, wet Well known in each a ',team. to berttrtle a member thilset'tiou, haring tsteghl the Hem- before entering for competition. lock City school for some . ,She i. was a Moe. of Ih•• late •`ibotot tl mei KINTAIL. BLYTH. TVxaDAY. Jan. 25th. SAM .8M51.L'$ ',Kr"rVR1. - tiara Kwell, the noted evangelist, gave his tytlebrated lecture, entitled "Itis Majesty the Devil." in the Methodist riturcb last Wednesday evening. There war a gaol attendance. The lecture wed under the auspices of the Y. M. U. A., but what the 'direct Was it would be hard to sissy. 1f it wars in- tended twilit *try-gued•we ttte Certain' it Was a failure, but as an entertain- tneut it was not 50 had. ill fact. ill it heti been in any other' piece but the church it would not have lien so bad, but we hardly think the church is the right piece fur such is lecture. KgKlt-M4'GRIutOR. - A very pretty weddiug took place at the r•reitlence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Catherine McGregite, Inst Tuesday at I1 it. w., when her daughter, Miss 5lariou, was united in the holy bonds of matri- mony to W. H. Kerr. of Oswego, Ni. Y., by , Rev. J. L. Sousll. Tito wed- ding march watt. played by Miss Blanche McMillan, of Buffalo. Al- though the bride. hits nut livid herr ouch for the past few years rhe re- ceived venue beautiful pverente. Atter partaking til ' the lunch the happy dtR►ple• left .in the 4 p. lit. train ter a militia., wedding trip before tanking their home in /)ywego. The gueels frum a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Keir, id Goderich, the puuente of the gamed ; Misr K. Smith, of Ripley, and A. tar • el r Stair of auhiugton. 'A, rooter were at the station to ere the hippy couple off and with them much joy. 1. O. D. 4.'. I NitT-tL1.:tTIoN, -Leat 'rids}-even+i►i¢a--..f.-•t..l meeting of ,- Wes- Re- rro om. for the pal pose of inetallia►g the otllri•re for tl.r' prr.ent term,. District),put}'• Fowler, of St•st.,eth. s+�tnI his at,ista•'ta were herd AO in- tikalle; the hollowing nmet'r•s : • 1. P. (i., H t. McKay: N. 0.. G. E. , Mr- Cla(h .. 1 : V. li .18•. Curr : R. S.. A. W. 1• Armen : F. S:. i. \\'rums .tilb ; -1),-- ' I'. (ler ll ser War. S. A. I'.tpplestonr K ti' N. 6., '\\'..1. Volts • 1., S. N. G., , 1 a11 i 1V' 1,1 1 1 ' It (. lute • i I yin, .Toru V. (i . i+. \\'e•.t lake : L. S. V. 1i.. It. lM11hulru • I. 1i.. It. H. Rnhi,ton : U. G . W. li•`'q'ey- • it, S,.:S . F. Ander- eon ; L. S.- S.. ,1. \Vatron. After as few r••rnarls 1.y visitors and m. m"Iwre 411 repaired to Sim here' test ,tiu•nnt, Where a very pleasant tittle was spent. Loral. 13ta1Kts,-Ret t. McKey ler in Torutit0 at present (shying .hi, stook of jaw.lrv. He is going 10 occupy pint of .1. 5l. Hamilton's drug store. Mr. Adams has taken possession of his jewelry mot* t until hi. store is ready is it; ill in the Mac -elf stere. Alex. llama is\\gqoing -into the butcher hnsiness. having rented the store north of Dempsey'° grocery .,.. The storm of -.Friday night and Sat- urday was the worst ot- 1 rtlakutg it hart for the rai keep their tenni, goings but t fait ty well. The 1'. P. K. wits si to got ;Re freight through f west, we \Vattuui., Wito had it ear cattle to ahip, had to put thecal in•^ staid. -omit Sitntley:.when the train settle a1on1;.- On the G. T. K. John Denholttl had a car of hnrets which he was going.:tn ship to the West. hut he glad h ►i to trod iheltl-.wtil-Kun-wa when he got them away The anntuel meeting of. the Presbyterian church WAS p'etpamed till next Mon- day afternoojt, on account of the re- iatrts not being printed: On Friday the i.n•paratnry service~ will be con- ducted by Itev. A. C. Wi4hert. of Brussels. On Sunday- the merriment will hr dispenwd Tohn PoWney.• who had some Taney poultry tit the diene in Clinton. managed to rapture surer of the prizes, besides selling itte ofto b eevl ilf ie a l t tris R H t 1 its Talrr1 h this week attending the county e rtcil K. Sloan left for Guelph this week to take up the two week.' coins., 00 horticulture and on the 27th to give his lecture on Honey In Apples in Huron ('runty." : At I tat_ Ihe Ifrng ,.asked-fo" , i.n tits have arrived at the pallia li'rrat'y and an nounNtthey. emit be eataln,(ttrd they will )w-rea,fy for the ptlhbe to react. We `ate rawly Ire r' port that Mrs. 1. Firm y, who rri•rntly lost her ti.hush 1.ishet-self very Io.v....K•v. .1. 1, Stu til and wife took part in the Mei 11 t h -L violet+ ehuir a 'et•t 'It lirtts.t•I. bast Fiidav evening 11. Fl,.t ly and .Inhlt Weymouth at•r at presel0. Nosily engaged installing it 4nwtgiil':.t B" 'Iler fur \V. Hill Miss Hoyle, of, \Vhiteehunch, is at present the guest of her (fiend Miss - 51 51c('angny ' 1 nu,nher fr he•te atl"nde'tt the ball at Wingliam 'I'hurd.ty evening til imo .week and had a stood time t'. FI . g. enmity 'teteretery of the Y. M. C. A.. was in town \Vedneteliv of last !reek. et,A. Pirprr.h•ntitne-- ttrrum- pinieil the degree tram of the Sarnia. thldtcllitwit to Detroit Iasi Friday'.... Sergi, Cross. of 1.1111(11111. Gnverhinetlt ins11clor ' of titles end rifle ranger. ,paid nn Aide! visit fn the Ride Club here Monday err this week and found eV -eta -thief; in firs, -'late condition.... Representative,. of the }ie•lgreve and torten Episcop it ,hutches met here last \Vedh,•adnv to decide what was the beet thing to do as regards their rectory here. which is getting in had ,here. It wee decided unnniroously to tear the hid building down this miring and build a Imitable residence on the old site, and they expect to ridge the money this year. Although they are email congregations' they a.how a will that. ronin Iw emulated by arms of the larger citngregations.... F. Metcalf is in Ot,dertch Tuesday ,rf this week trying to get Ilio' appoint- ment of county atiditur White. while running a cirrequrar saw, - met with what might batio been it serious accident. One of the sticks caught and twisted his thump. then flew up and struck him in the face, hut not with its full force or it might have killed him One of the party who were with Dr: and Mrs. Wilford rm theft' mtNNTtitfary tripp to China Mrs. Stewart, of London) is re- orted in the peters as having died. EAST WAWANO$H. HT'S RIG DISEASE is the deadliest and- most painful malady to winch mankind alokind is sutra. Dodd s Kidney Pills wilt cure any sass of Bright's L)issasa, They have never failed in one single ease. They are the only remedy that ever has cured it, rind they are the only remedy that can. - Then are imitations of Dodd's Kidney. Pills -pill box and name -but imita. tions are dangereus. The original and only genuine cure for Bright's Deism is DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Dodd's Iney Pilo w fifty cents it boa at all druggists. • John Meelxnnan, of --Iioctral.h, and wan n1 r11 remora Wl arta Y lir11K aDiterin ` TOC K -T A K 1 \ i SALE. ---AT t a iate .h► r atirnn.1 r urlinK in- s . t tKnreu. n ,mor'rdie.l►ttsrtunThtmu tegrity. It ie'with regret that her keenly von c Vas." our values the surer we (ritrtds will letirn of her death at sen an of y011rUrkIttg ��rr►1cnntagit of thein. Here r (-i'n riraltvely young. special n few • 1'A.t card•n powd r for k'. aft I ti-tariel Jb fur Vic ; Art baking powder. I. lb. r + `e'It•e leo. ' r.ura 2 iter-ic' star h. Ivor and ' r •.t s s C. \ r 'rn- Y w' 'i7prTK utlean .1 Y. x r. U Ile cr.•'w•• 1 wntt tis fir 'Ila facto ass e., / t zIr left last work for 1►rh•uit, w�•r" Io nipKlA.+.•s, Ltrgt•. Infos �ir: ,Weep Rlwww+, he intends' to reside for some lucre, • nnll, a for i ,: tlnnnelnt,•,, ,-rediae lac, for Chanter Gibson. of -Tiverton. is 11 , n yw'rd tomwt.a•+, rented. a for Gies a fir \ rt.* Kverylhig wt w Inductee Just hitch renewing ae ilintoritmice. iii the win• rite horse, up right now and get first choice:It's ity Itev. 1t. 'rhyme., of Palmer- always the best. Dunne sale fowl and Vrndueyee stain, who had 1"'"" akin to akin al cash pricer only : butt.•r:.t•. latta .1e; .. :"r spot Null .i 1;er .•eel. oto sale prices .-x oft pro sr li • ill AKIlfietd Presbyterian t tr land tobacco. stuck nowt tat redly:an. church IaeNSund'ty, haul the mirror• ih. t Kotsmete. --anter hark if rott'oe nil tome hod' week In till downslair.at •atinflecl, FKI:Ir A. dF:I:1,1+. Kintnil. 4_'-7 hitt r.sidenr,, whereby he received ' seve,e injuries aril was rontatpuently The Short Route to Gowf:anda, unable' to keep hits 'Appni11tnt'dt, Hi*Commencing.{• :tell. 1Itroui(h (' pldee.wn- taken by. lbw. 511'. Hardy. telWire' int. 1.•,,n in,ttgurat.• I- t.. the of U1401%1.1. w•bo, iielivrted two ebb• litwgatrda country. via lht• 1' ,t,1uu1 addrresre i n t h e at ion.'•1 'initis Railway tit Sudbury, thence chut•.•11last Sunday Mtea Iftrlh'a t'enedinn Northern itailway and R.rh•rtsmt, “Ir.1-.u•,Imuunt,• a+AwldcJ eta a liter, tthid' erli t tr all farmer tin' evening, mervice in Ashfirld •J't-.•,,- mean. of traulsp•a t tion to this bytetioti el.hrch.last Mnndaay..,:,•.51ts' eounuy. 1'.1s.t•ngers duty now. 1t44ye• F. McLennan and di►nghtt•r, Mi.. 'Cnrontn 111:1u eon. by llanaattun'1':lei• Tana atcttittuat,,--wt-(S.abrrieli, •.ter ft.. Railway, iirriving Sndb,'v 6115 eliciting friend* in the vlcittity : ...A a: In.:, fnllnw•ing eroding: ('itt hen numlu,-v'I our 1,nrhdsh Vnung tier �w,111ta train 11944.aett--tb4t-,pnnl 7 havettttI ter tht,t'winterand ;tiitfeamt•t a, m.. :u•i•iving Gowganda Joncti,hl that. noun thrtw will ht, a 1.111 , 141:1a ,i, in., whore (outlet.; i4 made keep the village sieve warns in the with the Gowganda, Tr:otsport (lnna• evenings and• to ttwap titnl•ies of glm'- 11.411),•: and p is.rngrrs leave there at ions deeds dour in drys of yore 11,N. lit, arriving lluwhlnd,i 11 p: w. Mr. ,and 51rs. \Vat. Reap, of i Iunta"• t•k•i rs net mmlt as. Phnen:tr for lttno4i Juan ,as.. visiting at the 1' 1 Lilt' anti t:lkbuln for, Ginter; The one- ortnet's mot her. 51rs. 1►onald Ria., way tate fr nn Toronto to Otrwganda COLBORRNE.^ ,terrine i+ $11.711 and t- tumt•trip rale ' dill Li. 1'hia rate inrind.s transfer in M Dune try at held at flee first third, ate special Aria Ti' 11411.5 5', Jan. 'Lit h. Sudbury from 1'ia11aelian Pacific ti Tt.AND Oi Nt'K841)N 1'4;01104.('anadian Northern. One-way rat rots. hiul a fine exhibit of pout from Gowganda Junction, by *tags le Muton county poultry show line. to Phoenix is $2: to Elkhorn 1 Intim last week. They. won 'and Gowganda $6. Hound -trip rate prise n, ton seconds, •*Wo are $4 to Phoenix; $8 to Elkhorn and three specials. Oar of the gin ti Gowganda. was a hands silver The above provides the , shortest cup, value $' 1111, given by M. Y, Mc. t direht and cheapest route troit Lean, M. P. fn Mout,, Huron, for the To,-nntn and thttatin points, Sind best collection. tf single• comb whit.. holy 'deeper is carried on the 1'an legborne. This I. certainly a winning (lien 1'acifie train leaving Toront to (eel proud nf, . there.. was heavy porch evening, and the ('anradia competition in this ariety at the fair. Northern train from Sudbury to Clow gandit .Innetion carries dining . car 1 which breakfast is served. For ticket and information call on Jos. Kidd agent, Goderich. 21 .• e a- d n n s e ra•1Maln, Aye to V did 4110 the tf J, Schwwnz exit• s to move West in the Spring ....:i . , per Fisher 1s visiting friends in phi vicinity William 1►urst sold ^ fin . our -year-old horse for the neat sum 0 .2110 J Flick hes returned from is visit in Miehigan....Fwl. Young ha engaged with M. (Slier for the winter onths. Geo. Babel of Oovleric spent a few Jaye with his father last eek. \Vin.. Durst isetting out im- bet for the erection ofanaddition to his baro .... Chas. Fisher gave danetng party to the young people o this .tion last Friday" evening. There is only one key to success and that is perseverance. Let, nothing daunt you, and if really in earned and resolved to conquer }rot must win. - De Movies. Some people's hearts are shrunk in them like dried nuts. You stall bear 'em rattle as they walk. -George /Mot. ` ---POR---ALBERT. 5\ gneesir.ty. Jan. 191 BattyIribs.-,-Mist. Lizzie Brotwn home fr Detroit Barry Ben- nett returned frvnm ('hira¢••.last Mon - `day: -:::Toa. Me celfrFlelt ter Van- rvmver on '1metdtt11 after spending' some time with h*.tarenta`..-..A number from around here attenditd Mr. Sirup -tin's funeral at Shepi/wedtnn on Sunday. all'Situps ilt woi well known and 'h test send by the Pe 'Ale of ,his connn►tatdry. We ex- Store NewS'•'` New Spring goods coming in already. New (ling - hams, new Prints and new Spring Suitings. • ,OINUHAMS A lathe shipment of Scotch and English tam/halite teetly for y • inspection, consisting of Strips and sepal, anti large Checks. Many . 1 then" in the new tttncy c'loriugs, and colas tail, and the primes for blurt makes sante as last year, lOc. 1211c, 16c. PRIN TS , \Ve are ready to show a lot 01 new Rpt•iftlt Prints: Urtest brand ; 32 irt•hes wide. The Twat Print (Il) t11411e, colors Est in suet y shads., and priers the Sallie nh last year. St1nuns, sprig and spot putter no. . ' SUITINGS Cotton Bultings will be it big showing in nur new Spring offering. 'All bought .hrfnre the priced advanced. Our values will ,ire exreptiuu. ;illy low on Account of our early buying. CORS§T5 Thirty-nine pities of Corsets at just tnekerr' i•t i -.'s. This is a lot we can't repeat and we going to clear thew trot at coat. STOCKINGS only .a.mitll int now left of one -50e foe ase slid tour 33c for :5c, all -wool. Come and get titute IlwfUre they ale ail g4 -me. - - WOOL BLANKETS- Just a few pairs. at 75c to a $1 lees :han regttlar plicee. • J. -fl. CflLBORNE Mr• Jtrrri raged li blocking t twrnly•six e lent, our evutpathy to the seed, part- is w laity L AHLUW. Treats Y. Jan. 231)1. 05• -'lluite a severe 'dorm' e 5.11"od•iy \mild Sunday. towed-. Theo r•werr mlaiut e•tti t.'h Saudey, hilt ihe' • get throng,► the '.-t.hwitD.--tit tbe1--- over--and--famirly -ter ti..-,. Com: N.'• troihle 1' Lizzie ('often,, item in thi..itrcelit TttK L.)Tts Fat.t-rxs (h.yEli-%Vi'. are nett' more reminded •f the tower - taint v of life. t h.• .rrtatel of :deeds leav- ing again mimed neer thio neighi)tr- hoaed And 1emoved Hite lit tit•, nl lett and Irwstliighly-eat••t used resitlantaat !hie efts tcomit• in the Aero... -51isses (lemic ends N.'r Ni•►t,.wa. r •t Gnlrrieh.: are visit. at 1 hr.lr'tttr tit 1h and 11 s,. Fartuw, w . haye hers, lien.. .foot, 1Vasittnrtem visa iilg 51' K. Lout - emits yer. r."tale. hu, .r this %Melt. The -at honer'- g1 en • last Fri- o• was out 1 have IC .dung a„�t•t(• Ilayi. s, Alitchali \is.. d ty a vetting in tar nit t 1N es gu l- IL a stIt ee.e u+ it u. 11reu ms Ih•-t e watt Woollier . '1y 111 the tirighlterhtex3. however, [nose ill".•. 1 t who wile he. r i e•p... t o tit., Frances ,liver. 1)rrea..d r'+s in his 1'♦ nine,y•tir+t year. Hr r.' i-I.d in 51it- Quite ,t nunlike 1 1 1 v. shell till about five yeitrt. a;tn, when ity tout to the hot supper At Aubu he moved here to the hone lit hit son. . tr aloud..v night in , o onretion wit the :inruvrit-dry s.-atlees In lyuos chnrch - Marion, lilrn it a,ifrleeent bullet -0.g from 0 slight *octet 't.Nl'- 1wttdtcit(. Jltr. 1', 1'rr bewey is again able to le around. and the rbir family ,ire tiep:•uaiing .. Alex. Vomit( is paining stone ill town ter the et rction of u Hew hotter he Intend. to built, tin re .'51itt Jennie 51c- Ilerdv toot.. taiuetl a ver of her young h lend, 'i ueed.ay evening. Jae. Myer. frorq whew hone the fon. end. look place on Monday. Janie.ry 17th. to i) tngtinnon eentrterv.- 5h•: . Oleer •hid twin in p.str-health for scut.. time and gradually grew wet -.e until death relieved bier. The pall- bearer,' wen' six grendsont of the dr• -.ceased: Frances, Elwin And John Oleer. George, ('harIes and Frank Tun]. of Stnffa. Reev. C. 51. Ruthre ford, • of .'►nt,gaflnoe, condoned tier. Vices at the house an.( grey.' Me Olver leaves to mourn the 1 rut+ nl w gond father three daughters and fent' alma : Mr.. Fevre. of Etl•onbtnn, 'berth ; Mrs.- Angle.' of London : Beeks•':f, ;of - Smoke, chewed r• crit, of •Ca4ifornin : George, of John. at; -Mau st, of .this place. The .rte• the neighl*tt•Itnf.t is ex- hatotrowing tilatires. State of ohlo. ('ity of Toledo• lama.' (•onnty. r Frsnk J. Vheney makes oath that he G .enlor partner of the arm of F. J. Cheney & Acing herinet.t In the cit of Toledo, county wed Siete aforesaid. wt 1 that. maid firm will par the nom ,1 one hundred dollen; for each and every awe o1 catarrh that cannot be cured by theme of Naffs ('atatth Cure. FRANK J. ('HKNKV. Hymn to before me and subscribed 1n my t'seelamm, tbM iib day of december, A.D. r. lAle. A. W. (ilea.on, • Notary Pubes *Catarrh atarrh ('are t. taken Internally, and Ily on the blond and minions ntrfwcm tem. len for test lmontw free. N acts The Ma eon,'Cienc ahaot ? Man, ye that et Victoria Thursday evening. F the auspices of luvern of Scotland, .1. M. N eosin s rents t tenor, R portal Scots ('nutpnnr. tTite'ct . It ,• Scdtland, wall .present tae their treaty ' ft•ieta an' brithers'.t program whirrs 1 mperial Scots. - wbit's a' the steer ult. dal. ye no ken Opera lionise on ,nary 3rd. under s t'awp. �.•,.• Iroilto n. the tt Iw d ht For Pale Delicate People gmtilJit /1 Ilullal; up .t: • : . Lrings back the rudely glow of hetltlt by creating a natural appetite for nourishing food. Get Only the D. & L.. the original. 50c. and $1.00, at all drugjista Davit re Lawrence Co., MootreaL I( aurht use appeal tar every son an' l To the b ,• P (lotteries, �t t n a r hath n' r "land I 1 1 tr CU a l da tt.h r 0 • snood." MAP. hoe -e u 1 and ,'h%agy}, vf) 1. ' . iso. } i heerd it their :b0.000 utile Ialur 14.4 reat.ou freo•Ntw• Volk 10 San Franc- I - I Tui-utiAY, Jan. 'Nath. ,Ilerrtxnw,- Mrs. Jaynes Dow, who is perinnsly i11 at her mother's, in not im- Iln-oving w. yuiekly an her many friends would wish The member* and Adherents of Calvin Methodist of the . d Is church gathered herr at. the home of Mies . ('HKV.-Y k oto., Toledo, O. May Iteid, who ham resigned her posi- t'. J BotA by Ail d (RI•tw, Lys. tion an organist of that nhurch, and Take r1w11'e p,,,„0,t ttM for roeist4pwtton. ,porepented her with a dotren pearl- hundled knives and fork. Miss Fresh whitefi.h from 'Lake tiuperinr Mary Chimney spent the last two at M utRRta, & V ANerrefea HaUirday. weeks visiting friends on 'the ninth, ,a. risco and free Vancouver tae Halifax:' They fair captivated the hearts o' their audiences an' wee, they miclt. Aye, indeed. That J. 5i. Hamilton has got a golden voice and wall gar ye greet at his pathetic sangs an' mak yer hluid lo'tp at the dramatic songs o' auld Scotia. Beautiful Bethune °rigor, the prima donna n the com- pany. is a richt quid soprano : aye. ye'Il no find her equal in ten thoossnd miles. It's worth mai, than the price (i admission tae see this Scottish hearty, an' when she !theme ye, man. words fail tae describe yer sensations. As fur lauchin. ye'II get ver fill o' that, fur Funny Casseln is ,fist shoot the leemit. it's lauch. lauch, lattch the hale time an' I'm thinkin•ye'll bee sair ribs next mornin'. The !eddy wba plays the music hoz fairly maks it talk. Noo, code along as mine se the plan opens. fur yell never bee another chance. Dinna forget tote bring yer wives an' yer sisters an' yer wul mithers. I,et them smell the heather again, tun' carry thein back fur a wee while tae the lend ei their ancestors. (Sinn* forget. Seats on .ale at. Edwards' imperial Cafe on Monday niton. Prices :ilk• Atic and 25c. "Why did you senept George T' "He was so much more original than the other fellows." ."In what way's" "He was the only one that asked me to be his wife 1" 4+seers1 i'.thlie•of end Vielrlity- av i . n 1`nl II flint ft t �j t H VE YOU A COLD ? If v. n hetes take ),few thwee_t-._---- �frrkslaxatiive Cold -Cure Tablets lehoctlitr-c wird). the liver and the elm:11.at t•Iion at the .'ire time. case+}inch Vet 118 ('OI'lill, ttv o•1' Syrup of 7a a Wild Cherry r t t Central Drug Store. Goderich, OiI�tario. S. E. HICK, 1.00 N wee ;hi1„w' ,rb+ Ila AS 1101 pian Cod ea, day nnr the iivr jut, 0e' ave urn Het ...as. All (its ell; 1x1 sal ere wa for me t oat in. Ra W. ire ib. in T•: c.1' 1't Nf fro •1 tb rat () ar sir th• w: Your Interest to call' on W. 1{. Miele'. for 1, ..nything ;Dui want in the line of Heating '1 Plumbing Metal Work Electric Wring and Fixtures. Fir's -'Ines lin, of Ranges Heaters • - Gnanitaware and tinware.. 1 trnmpt-attrnti(rtt given to It kinds I1f, Johhing. W. R. PINDER, 'Phone 15:1, Sole Agent for the celebiafee• Brantford Roofing. ‘228 1111111•811181tommlii= 0 New cutters i have received and placed in stock a carload of Cutters, end invite the inspection of those who want an up-to- date driving outfit for the morning seaulia. Gray Tudhope Cutters Cutters A pair that eannot he heat. Robert Wilson HAMILTON ST., GOUERIGH, Agent for Massey- Harris Implements, Mel- lotte Cream Separators, and other leading lines of Farm Machinery. P. 11.-1 have for sale a number of good Colts. 3 CLEWWING SALE OF FELT F TWEAR This is your opportunity to secure I genuine bargain. Read this list : \ \l -tis frit. half -foxed T,•'ng Haus, t.guitr 11111, $5.:,. for .... ........¢s.z5 Men's fleet y leather 131echrre,L ft It\linttl, r e g u l a price $2, for =Leo \irh't blain elt (:ntigivea. reenlist {trice $ 33, for...: =t, to e e Ladies' s felt Joh I t Slipper e. w te,tnler price 55c, Ladies' felt Slip_ alar price Isle, for.... eit, � S< Laadies ft It dnnenla. 1.•4thrr•f ed ).ace Shoes.. t'egular pr tr $1.:35, for. , $t.to Dee' him and real felt .1,11 Slipperregular pelt e a I 2.5, tr $t.eo idutiesd red felt. k a ,•r S Jolliet 'r.• t lip , t lar Pn $1.10, 8.for..5,. tin 1 !stet. Ladies' 1. 1t f n Slippers, reptile p .e5r 5%";• I tt' rind's lis .,111e1 lin,. tut clear At equally low priers. Downing & MacVicar NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE, (iODBKICII. 1 5 Practical Co=operation ('nthose who want to make their eapital orlwvings bring them an income ill a well•estaldishetl huslneee and at t e taxi.' time the opportunity for extraordinary profit*, we Oho to s limited her %hereto In the Prince I{upert Real Estate nvestnent Co.,iautited, at per $It) per share. The opportunity is extraordinary heeause of the pfit-shar. ing plan hy which you may become an actual memterof tour - enterprise and share pro -rata in all the profits o( the (7dpsoy and in it% rapidly Increasing business. The money received by the Company through the mks- °PIM-' shares is invested in well -selected real estate in I'rioce Rupe1, under the direst supervision of the Board of Dirertore. We purchase, improve and retain properties adapted to the uses of business and sell at a proflt property which is producing or can readily he made to produce a eatistartory income. As part of nur plan for handling our rapidly growing business and to increase its capacity, we have concluded that we would go directly to the public, with whom we have alwaya satis- factorily dealt, and give them the opportunity to subscribe to our issue of *hares, thereby sharing equally with ua in the iarge profits of the Company. One of the indications of the high regard in which our Rheum' are held hy those who posting them is the interest they ehnw by constantly bringing them to the attention of their neighbors and friends. By placingour shares as we do among individtral inventors, we are builng np an extensive co-operative organization, each member of which hose the opportunity and will be interested in adding to the profits of the Company, because by so doing he adds to his personal proflte. • Meeh nt!.ra rarely, if ever, reach private investors, and we rid vie*. you to send year suheeription for shares at ones. Purchasers of the stock may send one-tenth of the tittwl uuhecriptinn with the order and the balance in nine monthly payments. THE --- Prince Rupert Real Estate investment Co., Ltd., Prince Rupert, B. C. ....1, 1 '5tl.---•••• stew:`•••• •pM•,w.Aswe r eastsie e.'meeCF'a.art J lig 14. th, me tit rot to by in to in; ,at TI t♦' th 111 01 Is th th i. lit g• '1' 4 16 Is r 1