HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-1-27, Page 3THE . SIGNAL: G( DERICH. ONTARIO Tilt IUUI Y, JAN(' %HY •27, 11910 BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LEI TTHKIN0 a1 LEATHER GOODS Allorden l,rotuVtll attended to on leaving thew M THh. tl1UNAL Utldnrleh. A. E. 'fAYLOIt. STKATFUHI MAYOR'S ADDRESS. INAUGURAL SPEECH AT TOWN COUNCIL MEETING. Careful Attention Mutt.Mt Paid le the Municipal Finances -A Movement Outlined for the Permanent Im- provement of Our Harbor --Other Matters Which His Worship Con. MUSIC alders of Special Importance. K. M. R. KII.I'A('K, A. G. H. M. t London. lenglatd,, organist of lit• lleorgt's o arab, Uoderlch, is pn•Iwred to hive In -true taw le pipe orguu, uleno and vocal culturv. Special att 1 Itn io g`1 VII1.0(heylvvotce.F �or par oe. iicul Motto., .Oawt, near Ottawa church. Studio et Mn. at'. Cutts, corner of Brute and North street.. LFRED E. 000K. TEACHER OF Plano -playing, Theory. Harmony and A •t,ounlerpolnt- Pupils prepared for examine - boa of TToronto Conwrvatorl of Music. dApply m al'1 huron r AI wile Store. ti ench. Mondays In U:Intoe at residence of Mr. Alex. Msek.n. de. Cisme street. Mete* lel, studio at l'. M. 1' A. rooms near :tta+.d•rd Lour, 1'0.'s ulnae. ?tort h .trent. WATCHMAKING, ETC. ALB�Y PARK WATCUMAsaar Jew*LLC OPTICIAN. ' South ride of Square. Uoderieh. Ont CIVlt. ENGINEERING , VAUUHAN M. ROBERTS. CIVIL and Hydraulic Kngtoeer, Ontario Land Surveyor - otttoe-McLean Block. Uodorich, corner Montreal street, Telephone 137. MEDICAL DR. W. F. CALLOW. M. B. Ales nd reeideotso. ser a strt-ilederlsh north of county Resta ry o1Mt'+•. fele phone 1 LEGAL I1 L. KII.LORAN, ItAIIRL,fEtt. iJ . solicitor, notary. etc, Moto y to lend at lowest "rates. emcee -.North Street, tied.rioh (neer Signal Cruces. 111 aewfurlh Salurdal end .Mondays, . 1�. G. CAMERON: K. t BARIUM - 01. solicitor, notary public. +HO''es-- Hamllton Street. ltcderieh, third door front e,luare. • pIt°UDFu0T, . HAYS & BLAI It I. barristers, unlicitorsi not :,ru•: puddle curs. t orslo the Maritime ( aturt, e:a utlh r, .-sr, -r•: BIslaro,pest dour t'. A. •stirn'. geese). I'.( este tarn!. to lend at 0 w -+t ra'••• of intim..* w. PRUt7UF1$Jr. K. t . IL 1. HAYS. O. ►' . LAIR. • lIHAHHLESt ARItOW, L.L.Ii.. BAR, • 119'I'klt, sauce te) tr tr rte:, titetu- i'e,1 . Money to lend ut lo'+e t nee.. t. (). Jul l Ci3V. trAitxl�rl'it • l 'oIICIMr. ,•nnndrsluner,-notary 1•ut.hc .rtlrrs __„•••„. • INSURANCE, LOANS, LTC. , \Lt)111111 I'I(I\ t rI. hl;sus 'coo 1.19 r.:. h.,rrt.ter. Ilamino„ s; n el_. • R()Itl:1iTSl).. f IN^t'It tNe E A(IF.rT. FIR,, Aute Ln:I4TNIN0 : In ill -h, t'rnadiiil and .(roe rut an. At- Inger, rIt'I(Ntta sm. l'.Nr,reflOri LiAntl: ITT: The Iar..n AtrndrsI and-linarantee ,'.ns•rat1011, 1 .halter, of London, hog. t'n-'LITT Atm til' .$ I: AVTkh.SVu,w : The U.:+. Fidelity and Iinanua...re•unipany. U1111ee at re.Weocr. iwrlhesst tutees of Vlr' and St. 1►avtd's streets. 'Phone 1751 JOHN W. ('KAllilh:, L!FK, Filth and evident Inauranr'•. Agetafor leading mutual and stock oornuanur,t. basemen's Ins)) -las effected on best plans sod at lowest rotes. LtdC at aloe. oonier Nest duce. and Sgm.re J. W. CitAlollt, Uoderlcb. unL Ltd rte ▪ ,bin r it MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTER E. KELLY. WUglt1cI4. ONT. Watchmaker, Jeweller and OpUclan. Issuer of Marriage l.lcen-a. W. LANE. ISSUER OF MARRI- AUIt licensee. (htderlch. Ont $HAVING PARLOR i2EDFORD BLOCK BBAR{BERMHUP 1) -This well-known and popular stand offers Its patrons the best service to shaving hairpttnitngetc etc. haDVrta:lateednpoi otraltrnonlykll�dd.HY.H HOE Mrlelo ARCHITECTURE ARTHUR J. BART LAY. MEDAL- LIST Royal institute Hrtti.h Arehltect'. Kr•Menor-t..n11a $400.410. lioderir-h. flans. de. tails and sr oetlleatlona prepared for residence* and public buildings. Correspondence In voted. AUCTIONEERING r1'HOMAS GUNDRY, LiVE STOCK I and general auctioneer. Mien on South Piece where he will be found at all times when not ^rytng sales. 1 erns reasonable and very effort used to..Ive you satisfaction Phone Ni - AIJCTIONEERING. All branches carefully et tended to. Farm sales live tock sale, real estate and •nerohandi.ue -ales made ariv where. tV+ltefor dates or .*1 and talk Itover with Oeo. Beckett, Hamilton Street, Godsrich, Ont. At the meeting of the town council un Friday evening His Worship Mayor Uuuleron delivered the follow• ing aldlnos : Gentlemen of the Council, -Before beginning our work of the veer 1 think it not out of plan that 1 offer you toy views respecting some of the more important matters that should engage our attention. First, how- ever. allow We t, congratulate you. upon your election to fill en import- ant trust, viz., that 'of Managing, for your fellow -citizen', the affairs of this town for 1910. Without making any reflection upon part councils I think I AM safe in raying that the present one is capable of perforating 1tooi1 and effective servint for the town. It her, I believe, both the capacity and deter- mination. I hope that we shall ell strive to eliminate the element of party Politiitein dealing with munici- pal attain and act solely fur what we conceive tobe the general good. The Mayor can ell'13ct nut little himself ; he can eccowplieh much it he has this loyal rupprrt and hearty co-operation of the council. He ie entitlenl to the confidence of the council if he de- serves it, • It shall be toy aini w, de- serve it. 4. ale' flile sure that while there may. on on:amen, be henea-t "dif- ference ot opinion end it would not be a healthy sign it such were not the case) rash one will respect the others views. and that we shall all work vig- orously afrd harm,)niouel v with a c - nlun auu; viz., to make 19111 a record year of prosperity and advancement tor our town. - It -is by nit (meant.' un- important that etrtetu -t+heervioter should te given by the ebr dcil to the rubra of orderas such a coarse en- ables us to disporie of business with .1.•.emelt, preserves the dignity ul the council 'as a tjelieerative body. and tends. ttt discuursge scirrhi ciente re - nettle. • • Onr Fulanetal , Position Now fleet so to financial pets t' , and this is of vital uulwi't,tlm'r and we• cauuiu't consider it too ear.- ' fully. i:verybt y knows_that ou cis unvl are s1010.411144 asked tip allor et. finance committee should be thor- oughly cuov.rsant • with the town finance., as upon t.ilu the re.poneihil- Ity primarily meta 01 explaining there matter.' t, the ratepayers when we give an account of our work at the nom b:mitten weeliug next year. The Harbor Question Paramount. '1'be subject of greatest importance for our cunaideration this year (ex- cluding our finances) is that of our sbippiug interests. The future of Oudericn is welded with it. It tran- scends ani othere- in iLe pi th aide euu- ssquencee. 'There are now tour prop' os4tluos relating W it before the people and oppoi tunity for a full dis- cussion of thew will no doubt he afforded. '1 hey are ot exceeding im- portance from ipauy {),nut* of view. I refer W the bylaws lar the erection of en annex of the Gtderich elevator having it capacity ot 5tJIM)U11 busbele, and to the plop,sad 500,IIUl1•burhel ele- vator to be built by the Westerti Can- ada Flour Mills, Ltd. With these proposed additions our elevators will have a combined capacity of 1,700,00U • "SALADA"- is the same wherever or whenever you buy it -always of unvarying good quality. Its native purity and garden freshness is per- fectly preserved in sealed "SALADA" Packets. time oocupise the third place on the 1 believe the Ir+ieleture would dos! tion, because I bole for en early Great Lake. es a graiu-traashippiug I wiry thing if it peered a taw pre-' Meeting of the. council of the Board point, and it devolves on us, the r•ep.: venting the ,givitig of bonuses alter.; and the special committee to go fully rereuLatrver of the citizen's; to du our getter anti lee each town *Leel upon , into the barber quebtloll. utw.et to put our taco la the fleet Its own merits.'teemed be et greater I,have gone into the, furegoing'wat- place. Lel ue aircertain what our re- I incentive tr.-=tee citizen, and would , tern somewhat fully in older' that you 4uirenlents e a lake purr, slat and crate it feeling of selt-relienee. rorty •hatro toy views (for whatever tee also what are the requirements of the i come' they are worth) teem eerteiu matters ' railway companies operating in diode- I 4 Sewers and Water -males. that will come before on, and upon During the part fere years there our present finaneia(Y condition. its rich, and of the large frelgpl and Ilan- have been a great many- scarlet fever that you nosy have Mt•the 'acts in y sengrr rte 11 vie competitor. 1Vuh and typhoid cases in town. One of po„ ``t siowhen you :et the est • n 1 - thir object o view l haus hada plan the beet advectisewehte a town can etas for the year. The xu.Jiton: rt te- perteued-uutliniog.a .Where._ eo that baro its -ilial it ha. a rlrxu 1 .I&b meet, frsuu which I t•aka the figures ! we can discuss the guertloa intel- I rtrnurd.. ti well drained ,ted has a good hay* presented to you. will be ttati'dedT ligrotly among uursbtVettn�id with the) water Otttoply not only fur domestic to the clerk. ;• may our j. and ore unanf- nf ac - bushels. (ioderich at the pr-eseut Board of Trade, warmers and the uni- t,but oleo for fire purpo-et, • There _is; Now in clo.iug_permit _ me t zone ot Outlet grnrrnLy ; and wilno doubt that we her...good water, that 1 hope we will have efonn an llndeietauJlpg arrived at, to and as this question is entirely in Ute and progressive a lllinistration o what we really want and need consult ' hands of the board of water cwtnmis• mum ici1oil atT sirs dosing the yr' the railway euw1lauies and etrambua1 siomere we can leave it with thew. that when oar ne:nrd is placed companies and obtain their -Ix,-aorta 1 have t,uL' only noticed myself but the ratepayers there may Ito a t iu presrulg 11115 carrel uuou the have hien informed that therdn e area mous entice ut or cum Liu."' " AL _- liar-___1)ltiU _'Pt. _a�tnln_ -lit town iu-_whir),- lion t/W[4,t► __t."---.•.-.,^.-... . wort Ile sushi"that ourkide of rile in - there see still nerd the conveniences have,. to the Iwst of our ability; dol. dreary expenditures fur tei'xirs and to which our for•etethet'a were arcus- filled the trust t.hey csoumitt rd Lu our luaintrnauce all ruin►«)* epeht shall I+•e ton.eL• 1 )'refer t. the outuide• closet' care. with a View to constructing some our- an,l the well. In it leve of came ------- - tH:ll ul the Ituuluun'',ebowo 5,11 the ."Ins( -t-' esu• these ale on streets on which OVERLOADING OF Vl Nubnaittt•d lir 'Ise Guvrrnulrnt ,ted ul. re, is 4.water•htam end ,aaurtIIllte which will be permanent in character. Loos h water -in sin Alia ).ewer. 1 use " -- Heretotore the Dominion Giovern�• 11, 0. su,r, but 1 1Jeht•vr that Ihete air. Gose of Large Proportion' meht her expended ann.oudly rat (hsIe- b haws in a r.rucr c.nl'pelling Citi. on the Lakes. rich iu lhtdgn,g s mow ut money' z yrs 111 fake v►+i r bio' eotlorrt with toriwalini i$r.l11Nf. !•:each )car Detroit, Jun. 20. --The the se.eers, Anil t e non- ewllliancr of thewill's Lha" war du's"' 'lilting, a Citizen (teciatses . it lrirl'al'e to the. 1'f vessels ix •t he "44'the" pr•rvitlIls y ear wits "1"/"n"' pithlie .., .I, i. I would, atik the town 1 n'eritage1of accidents - ELS. "h"°oD• MILLAR CO. 'Phone 56 11 LAST P'EW DAYS LAST FEW DAYS ANNUAL Stock -Taking Sale We now enter upon the last week of our annual stock -taking • sale. There are'still many lines of goods all over the *tore that we - are anxi}sus to cleat out, and must wake stow for the new Spring goods which are now ready to be unpacked. Ladies and children's antles and Coats. No reasonable offer refused. Every gar- ment must he sold. Our stock of Waists and Whitewear has almost been clearedrd out during the latwo weeks, but what is left we are offering at a big sacrifice. WAISTS AND WHITEWEAR DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS A tattle hot of fashionable Dress Goods, censuring of Merges. Tweeds. Lusters sad Voiles. Regular 59e for 2. c a yetrd. Ant then lot of hen•lsuuur Tweeds. regular 75: and til ,for 4p: a yard: A small lot of ledie's Handbags to clear sr,: 23e. -each; were .-ee• and 75c. • - LAST -FEW DAYS OF THE GREAT CARPET SALE The Carpet sale has been a big scree fes in as far as we have greatly reduced our stork of Carpets. Curtains and Linoletinrs, and Is - tor s - tor the last few days will offer Mere tempting valuer: than ever. McCall's Patterns and Publication*. 1. 'Phone 56 • Millar's 'Scotch Store 'Phos. 56 i f Disasters overloading 4f the largest on tin.- at (rre by the ""Enna, during the cirri, to find these bylaws anti )rive .'a ee was brought cut• ov spra�err at winter he. the channel 5,t• en- th.„,, Un the tae.. Ill the .next. iu.•rt• last • night's inert ing tot the beret e tr+inee' to the harlsir 1h -cowing( t it end is/, •ask the •Lako..s I rotectice A wistion here. ,m{ ut t Ie ..tuun l .. a fillexl up, with the testa that the cute( of police eu report to thi entre- Tn r,1 riser owners ar.tnure ly he- Salm• nuniunt of y ha+ bion *wvl• cis sr,' its nrett Irlrrtini; w•h,.t�,u:N•ci strnctrd Nhipe )soul tis) -irk prewiunta on 1 b w le hep a eltits lo in~hesin rat the ban* fctiaunelgtout. not Main{ the w,ttrrw,•nts or wwii' ge ideation r ^,Iniitles Kiln i t, ty Ehu1 of teeing system are I, , .1 reel.. tehere richer 'i /' wits dredged out tbe•',ptevious Sear. Walrl •Illallly tor sewer , eCtat, L','Yds wits retemi emde.t. ' et ulhel• w•ur.ls, an INtulttal 0.1,1 of up-, 'rhe• 1:at0f )ears rave• ;rveii ns 511 tt11 spe,ikirt_ 1 • f t he e'tusts .fl lake. die- i ,n',xiut. tel • '$5:.t1ter tis-krt-lr ther-rrrri,;,ii,.„,-. +•,wteee A. a. %V ght.` l.4 _the -[)••min- I - S ! ) 7i)t• sewer 1,'U 0.,„,..,t1'1, - 1 twlli•ve of the expenditure of coney fur p r• ounce lir 'tetIstet1cl► harbor • open. ib•• put;ing+tw•Ii ,it • •u•,•,Cp' by 1 Marno• A..i.ii tattoo, snit! : •'1Lttty.1 i poo.... that at:e.tter, of doubtful veli a Sia.,15(1 capi:r Miert tat 11(5) Ire wu-t 1 ,h n•' ha.+,tt.•gn walist., t,,,•• mut, ` tnn,l vessels leoIIr1y111 -es iire'ttiow, to cu e.1 tartheir 1 1e, n'.•eents $ 1 . 1. the• uttep•yer. tVe must decline t I saviocal 'lrin,• . 1 ...14z..t slur p, „ � L.' nrs.t-d 'iron tete Guvernmrllt tis• it -'latch construe i " s; At th,• bat t I't 1111 In i Int atio•i th'• WIs l , ,. of di¢I;in • • 'rigid Prunonry.• %Ve react krei, nui wnttltnw+e.f -She Midi naute,l) at the rntt•r sett gutters tie day Is(>frr.i expenditure within out revenue. and 111' tiu,e as the regnu•enuute. tit ••finis motile I' Windt lieovi.1L• cvrnk for, the greatest lumbar of triju, ; .r.d the rhes nwe►ns, as will presently be wen,' li erich'uarhor are •.huwu. in order reside Ice tit the to••vu, iu•4-'el of out- , captain wh, is trying to be it his cou1- th t, iesteed Of aim ile and unprutlt-'si.11s. a. ' 1 •. t, ,,,m.,,.." , petitory an make th • best time. As eoleellt W Oily such eYI N•tlt 1 tire ,1 t't . . n pr,i, tier as well NN preach 41;te most' is ,i clear justification for .a theirs& ex ' laying ceneon,. siilrwalk-, „f t le trouhl. he the se&h qt1 of the l owner it> get u,axlnebN hard and that we cid have but little to eclwnd, erwrivee' -we 9..,...We -*MEMO !ewe, FINE TAILORED 1 CLOTTING1 FOR MEN FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL When tirade by DUNLOP The Tailor. West St. May !tart and fare P ort Sur as fat arra FARM PROFITS Rely increased try kaewl.g tee d inn of the tarmet's market, earning of res lest Method in the Tbla is precisely the ,rn*this the )armor►' Weekly 'very tame. it has CO equ1! Rashness Payer. Ocod on it- Per pries are oar e Ir lit,,, L Ie 1- l. 1 ;teal •rxjeudttutr a sum ot t .•auAtvae,e� ore ter Lite ruurract, it is We hty4r:1U g 't ront!tbut• for be eta aside ill the estimate. . steel. the Ot ertirtt a move. necessarymprovements t. Iwr and etlrs�water, I Marko: Accanmodation, No s Carina. firs "The 1) k 1.." MC' tither limiters in Conner, 1 wont su,tgest that the market Ms.nth Plaster, recommended by Lion wi , i the hat'Ienr which should e1111 ,,,,, t and ustls. receive 'my editor at -I providing Irntiun, sur it is alwolutrly necessary I the farmer, that we pcesejrvi: time take trade. sac- I Ing the• stat coultuesl•.nu, must be provided for for the cons lake ti•atlir in the wiry of packager freight and and they st ing of Renewal they can be clad future permaneh our harbor and be readilyaccessible. dian'racific and 0 ways: 1 am well aware that the pro - potted harbor as laid nett on this phut is an undertaking of stupendous pro- portions and that many 'nay Sed have realized what such a harbor will mean to Godericb. but it is an actual neer*. shy, nevertheless, if we are t' reap the full advantage of our opportunity deavur to make up a consider+thle deli - til on last year's trulraeliona iset ns •see fora moment how, w. stand, anti this infurtuatMil has been furnished to nee by the auditors, who, et my suggestion, ate our, following thwolb stereotyited Method of making out the town account,, hoa ate adopl- hut s ditTeteut plan las an illustration. separating the debenture debt and diu- c tit, etc., frim) ordinary expendi- ture) which I trust will lie• cleere and more easily comprebended by the ratepayers, •=nd .this ule,re detailed statement will be furnished later tin ter the use of the finance committee and the citizens generally. Front an Interim report made to nee by the auditors 1. find that the riuen- teal welt ion of the affairs of the town at the close of the, year 11590 so far as our indebtedness is concerned is as fol. lows • Owing to the r'.aP► of Montreal on dhrounts ...... ..... .... . ... $ ),,(itQJa, Overdraft In hank 1443.41 Outetandingdebut .... .......... 3.VOW Taal of last meat's debts to - s •-be Provided .for $ 3i1114t s • slow is this sure to be made up? In the first place. by the sale of deben. tures which have been authorized to the extent et t!',(JM). and,secondly, by the repayu:rut uta loan to the school bard of $d,INN), when the school debentures are , issued. In this Manner' $21,1N01 of the debt will be liquidated, leaving a balance of 116.413119 to be provided for. There is owing by the Organ and Furn- iture Companies (past due) the sum of 510,413, and assuming that this deb), Is peed there is still a balance of 50.211, totally unprovided for and which will have to be paid out of cur- rent revenue or borrowed. N,w, then, -what is the outlook for the present year, basing our receipts and expenditure largely upon the past year, with the exception, re, far as ex- penditure is cotirerned, of detentules amounting to $23,812.90 which have to be paid out of the Lown funds: *. Iatlnlated receipts for 11110 l'r•:3 Uncontrollable expenditure j.i1.71314tai 10 this must be added the $,e.ietw0 before referred to and unpro- , vlded for et'1.91t(e Ttemdlture ootaall reoetpts Deficit ,Ind In this account there tit no pro- vision whatever made for capital ex- penditure on waterw'wks, electric light or any other capital account.,__ Now, from the foregoing it is quite plain that the outlook is not encour- aging. Our finance committee *ill have to do something more than con- vene an hour before the council meet- ing and pas; accounts. The duty of every member of it le to familiarize himself With the town's financial con dition, prepare new, ,and net in six months from now, an estimate of probable receipts and expenditures for the year, and see that the latter are kept down to the lowest possible point., examine carefully the suditots' and treasurer'; statements, obtain a redjustment of the town's agreement with the water and light commiseifln (we are now charged with 58,2190 for,(35 water and light as against 514) that the public pay -an unfair proportion, it seems to me) end look into the gump- tion of what it costs to run the affairs of the town, for it would appear fromel A perusl of such atatemental ao wA have that almost a quarter of our total revenue i; consumed in salaries such matters a; should he considered and wages. ie chairman of the high financial standing to locate here. by both of them. i ask for speedy ac- $ ktiOd.ft; ..g 677.12 lake up the qui+tion ipf : every y, for et Mores. pleurisy, etc. .roper acr.nlniodati.rl for t'Made/;bv Davis & Ltwrenre Co. an, I possible. 1 't t le, u • insider-' 1 r .f .lu• litlnnees, provide Hedit fast to the present. Every' ruction .t it new urai ket I posit . every t ot life. is .f I 'Aldine and the estuhllrhtneut of un4peaklble vent•' u'+ the represi'rita- •ugel• waiting -i.. mel regular nntrite.days. lire.fawholeeteInit v.-Gte•the.,^ reedy for the open- New Town Plan Needed. s / Have the cnlll•nee• to be ignorant of In building them,' .1 ite der that to form part of the The town should race n plan pre- 1 agreat num'r of thin g or iurprovements to payed "ea 1011* large enough to set,/ you luny avoid the cal•.ntity .11 ;Leting so ce ter ignorant u[ evrrythin 4.--S i all e y ii titplathed thae Ctosnnr, have been inAde,o1• which way forth all local improvement*. whicb here- Hlnith. nd Trunk Rail- after 'be Hied*: that is, the plan t There Are varying degrees of per- -slimed be on soh a scale that w'e eistency. Some tnen start ..t with could show thereon .the size and irosi- groat zeal. het turn hack at their first tion of all- Water -mains and sewers, detest, while failures only euhearten valves. and manholes, honor ('/)ileac- t Others, call out their keserces, and thins for loth -Waterworks and /newel'., ' make them all the 11101Yresolute, de - concrete sidewalks showing their I termined to win. --O. 8. Marden. width and electric light wirearshowing position of Ades. 1Ve would then have before nv something .that could and location. Years ago it was a curiosity to see a vessel enter otir harbor, which was de- signed to accoouuudate the then tied. lie : the vessels ort a all small and the harbor was sufficient 1. meet their needs. Times have, chsngrh,; th has been is !evolution in tredla since then. 'Che develop'nent of the West, the enormous increase in its grain untput, with its unlimited possibili- ties, n•udets • present herbt'r ahetr_ lutely inadequate iti !tee*. the require- ments of the lake trstltc of today. Wt' most t•ruflt:LW this lesson we have learned and make preparations to meet. not the lake Iraflc td today, but the, lake traffic of the next few immedi- ately succeeding andsiuhsequent year,•.' We roust not remain content with the statement that Goderirh is, the •only be seen. that We could show-som•• thing tangible. The town also re. quires 0 new ' registered plan. This clay seen) unnecessary, but when itis coustdered that the, 'last registered plea of the. town is dted September loth, 18,8, and only covet'. 'that part of the t,wn noreit of Britannia roar, yon may realize the neeexaity for tt;e preparation of one that is up to d+tte. Collegiat Institute Grant. A matter of considerable import- ance to this municipality is to he br•oughl Iwfur•e the county conleit at its first session next week: The truster* of"the Wide' bet. Seafut'th and Clinton Collegiate • Institutes and Winghebiu high /school are asking the nounLy- c cis lor increased grunt'.. ppeacount port on Lake Huron and that railwaystftr s t atl�t�rletern gi ing to the' h*, and steltmers will have to come lure ! lineation and flfth claret schools of the hut we must melte Goderich the best c.nnty an t donhle what they port on the Great ',ekes and teatime' are regniretf by statutory enactment railway and steamboat companies to to ptoviule, but grant no more iti the Acknowledge if. assuch. 1'u realize collegiate institutes and high schools this very neeeeettre condition 'Means strenuous and malted short not only than the law compels eta to give. on our pert but on that of other., anis It is urged that there is q *Eason why a powerful and impressive prevents- the *amt lilletxli!y,;bode not be ex - tion of our case to the Government. tended 11 the collegiate ins )Cerra and With these forces in active operation high gnu ti ls, and there appears to be i believe the essential end is within g"Od r"tend for the argument. Our representatives at the eount.y ouncil looted will no doubt give this bjeet particular attention and it dna be well for us to have a t•epreeenta ive present at the meeting. Whale r lleretroed grant is made will be much found money for us, measurable distance nt, accomplish- ment. While our manufacturing industries should receive generous consideration, those of them who are behind in their payments should he informed that the arrears owing should to forthcoming, for otherwise we shall he pieced in nn embarrassing position financially. No More Bonusing. We must also do what we can to encourage additional industries, but 1 am convinced that the time ha; come lit may have arrived some time ago) when we must cease making loans to industrial estahllshmente or gttaran- teeing their herein. 1f the statutory limit to our borrowing has not yet been reached i know that we are very close to it and our con^Iusion should be to cry "Halt." Onr tfdte'nture dept is now $342,133,33 and we are liable on guaranteed bonds in the anm of $22',IMM). Any fntlye con- cession Anted be confined to remission of taxation or, some kindred matter of benefit. Our natural advantages, which are at [east equal to those of any ether town in Ontario, should be sufficient to induce manufacturers of 'The Town Band. We have a tenet efficient band -one of the hem in the Frovince-and I hope Gott, every disposition to help keep it, up to its present high-class conditioa will be ehown. Its weekly performances during the summer months give great pleasure to our people and my only regret is that mit, unfortunate financial condition int - poses upon iits I he duty of limiting the amount Of the grant to the yearly sum WP have been in tlbe habit of gir ing. Private benefaction ehould make up the amount to a sum Neal to the band'e reasonable requirements. Co-operation with Board ef Trade. I would! recommend that a revolu- tion be passed at this meriting ap- pointing the *meal committee of the council to wet in co-operation with the count -II of the Weird of Trade in Milk Chocolate Stick, Medallions, Cro- quettes, Cream Bars etc. are truly delicious. For sale by all dealers from Coast to Coast. TN( COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. 111611•11. 1.11110 It used to he that thc dirtiest and hardest work -.......... "Black Knight- Stove Polish has made it vo • woman had to do •bout the house was, work aud no 11111. at all. "Mack Knight" is • smooth paste, that is spread renly with a cloth or Mush awl shines idte • !Ark diamond •I ter a few gentle rubs. 0 cleans •s it potteries - keeps, the stores fresh •oil bright, with •Imost as little trouble as polishing one's shoes. loc. buys a big can of "Illack Knight." - -at your dealer's, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. THE . DAILEY CO. HUTTED, HAMM GS. OnL Rakers of the famous "2 In 1- Shoe Peek. Wouldn't You Like to Know How to Judge a rine Piano ? sniff day you will want to buy or help someone buy a Piano. Why not hare the knowledge NOW that will enable you to unerringly choose the only piano anyoneAreally wants the high-grade, •rnatit, pure toned Instrument, as against the cheaply made. rommerrial pi•no. built to sell rits appearances: whirl) cannot bold its tone. and soon becomes iso affront to tbe eye •nd ear of its possessor. Such knowledge is st TOUT disposal without Coat or obliaa t ion. Knowledge that will certainly benefit you or your friends if you desire to ioasid the life-long disappointnseet new tonewe the purchase of • -agar Plano. When you have read your Cppy of "Inside Infor- mation" Free yo•I will not only know how a High - Grade Piano is made but you will be able to judge its value like an expert of forty years' standing ASTRONG claim, but justified by the fact that we have embodied in a newlt editcd, illustrated edition of "INSIDE INFORMATION" the cream of our experience during a lifetime of fine piano building. "INSIDE I FORMATION" has been published for thos,i who wish to be able to judge so important a purcnase as a piano by ojier means than appearances on:y. It really gives a master builder's knowledge of the inside the hidden parts of a piano, in simple, easily read language, devoid of technicalities. "INSIDE INFORMATION" does this by taking the reader through one of the most up-to-date, successful Piano Factories in America, telling him why each step is taken, from the selection of the timber to the delivery of the finished product; how the function of every depart- ment of a high grade piano should be filled; above all, how the heart of the Piano its tone, is arrived at; and how to decide whether the tone of any Piano, no matter how pleasing at first, is likely to be enduring or not. "INSIDE INFORMATION" endows its reader with forty years' crystallized experience of fine piano making on the part of men who thoroughly understand and love their work. Wouldn't you like to know what they know on this important subject? You may in a few easily read pages free. Write now for your copy -a postal will do ---to Mason & Risch Piano Company, Limited 42 Kist Street West, Toronto, Ont.