HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-1-20, Page 9•
TIM QUIN 1, • normunn nwrA Rio
The News of the
three years. The Nautical ell' meet SAeTFORO.
TygeDAY, hn. ilth. again on the second Turielay in Fele 'Ft:mime, Jen. 18th.
eist p. in. F. W. Me
sea BIlliCK YARD. -A. Ellintr. la' •
an. eveolz7tAMBERLEY.
of Jenuar6thdthe mirrirymH
em- of Thetford, her lemed the Sanford
here and enema of the Evangelical brick and Hie 'yard. He heti alie arty ,
hurch to t e number id about thirty a quantity df machine' y the grottail
ssembled t the home of M. Ohler
MONDAY, Jan. Mb. and is irepat•ing to do businesa as
and presented hint with a hendsonie41 eurly as possible in the coming season.
reitereNtNos -Mrs, Hovey is visit -
rocking -chair. and Miss Agnes Mirk
wins a rocking -chide and silver huSter- ing her danshter, Mr,. Rola. Bradley.
Mr. Pepper. of Eleuwood. is
knife and tumor -dull. The pnweenta- clerking in L. A'ildfang's ptore
tion wineaccampthied by the follow- .. Rory McDonald called on a few of
ing avidness :
•• bis old hien& in the village last week.
Das& RM44111114 4'4D SISTER -Al Um been
ming of tide new year we darks to ootivey Duncan l'horbunt ie visiting
yea our heartfelt thank. and *Moore anerecia• friends at Underwood elbert
/1" for he olc'eU•nt ""We' 10"1 1w" -Campbell returnedbotile from Petrolea
reentered during the past You's aerhorimer
.ed organist. and bowthat the sympathy andaol we, James Shields is break -
may which km prevailed among se for eo ing in a, team of colts Mien *abet
seam years leaf eMitinse for was, Veal* to Johninon is visiting friends in the
e.pme. review the ilayl we can recall
mach Mut must have Woo tryins and db.- .i"
Re James Blue lost a colt last
Intimates to you in the ...chore In which you week . We 414e glad to hear thet
lass naiad &tame O.Illnoono ef ehtletf and Albert McPherson is able to he around
°encore, 110111.000 o dinappoistment and per t devout. Ana yet. Mar brother alid :16••••1 after a few weekesuffering
Matter, 01114 IVO DOl, tea re rem 9( the mom Imre shoulder.
mint giFenourabIe nekton in the viuoya=r1 ul
the %wader We sow isaire te /it'll you mow
more tangible evidence 61 the mimeo In whine UREWL
et Lie_ held by us arid Imre promat you. V. Jan. 1701.1'
• with tits chair. sea yea. enter. woe*
art Mir and arm -were. and while we fa% DoVitin. -Mg. and Mil, R.erhert Cur.
realise the In.ignifloanoe of our stn.. we ran and family lett here on Tiered ty
them to convey to yuu theism' wb.ho. of our for pets oit Richard Congram. nI
heart. for your future hatreivese and mimosas iu
tie work in which yen me engaged. Ws Kialoss who has been spending a few
would hare tical be to yon is slight tisane ate weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Abe
of tbe ayuipathy sod mood will that i born..
*wards yin br the people of the "rmlborne Culbert. returned to Kiniom on Wed -
/Assam ot the levaagelical Society.- awl that ndeday The parlor social at Mr.
yon may lam be amid to enjoy them b. our and Mrs. John Menarn'e home last
earomat desire and pony..r.
bigaed en bettaU et the society. Thursday wad Well attended and aa
, • AMANDA MAILIMI• enjoyable evening woe spent by ell.,
Su is X ewe:nom( i. ...John and Jake Johnston, of Lanes,
EttithAr. /Miler and Miss Flieltneeire spent -Sunday at the home -et Mir. and
appropriate replier, atter which the Mrs. Wni. Henry Maize ...Mr. mid
. evening was plemantly spent in genies Mee. M. Mhackleton and family had
and social intercourse, tbe company the iniefortuee to upset. their cutter
breaking up in the ''wee, sena' hours' on Tnursday night on going beine
of the morning. from the social. We are pleased to
MONDAY, Jian.47th. hoar mi serious niamage wae done,
paw! Maedel lost valuable hone :geom. to tbe hinders. which was coit-
ion threday. 'der 'ably broken Mr. and Mrs.
• Andrew Culbert spent Sunday with
Peed Lloyd intends leaving for the the latter's father mid mothe..., U. and
Weet•at an early date. '
Mrs. Meeney, siehringville, visited
!et thenhonie of her perentie Mr. atid
•Mrs. 'a/bier, during the illnees of 'Use
elks Nape, Vienne, of Dunnville.
and Iles. Jas. Hooey. of Dutton. are
'visiting at the home of their mother,
Mrs. J. J. Fisher.
Wm. Ohler hes bee". in Goderieh
hospital since Jemmy 41h. We ere
plemed to he aide to say Unit be is re-
-overing nicely (rem tbe operation
necessary to his restoration to health.
Tits OLD Cortettt.-At a Npeeiel
meeiltig of the council of Colbrwne
Atiwnship held at Mr. Inch:wen's office
in Goderich eniceenher WO,
the following accounts were passed :
'William Bogie, gravelling. 1104.1e,
1Villiani flog*. gravelling and repairs
1',*invert, -$4 ; Houle. graselliag
at John Claa'e, $44.55; John Clerk.
inspecting. $6 Ahlen Allen. emeri-
tus./ di. ieion CD: '34111ell Men-
nen,. insliecting divistion lire., BS; It
M. Young. three 4eys' shovelling in
pit, Bi.75; Samuel Allin, num
in road. 21. ft. M. Young. nite finds
gravel. 11140 ; Jomph Tboonesm, grav-
elling at ace. /tea H.. $21 ; H.. (fled -
don. inepte tine. 112 .5; Ed. Hari non.
ditching on Illutileie bill and chiming
din+ at Sainnint . $8.10; Samuel
Potter, gravelling, pei 2I'; .1. R. Van
roe, inspecting. $2; treasurer 'West
Wawanoeh, 'York on boundary. tit 1114;
--wrk Tin outedy.
Sill).10; McWhinney gravini
ling.' 510; S. B. Potter. gravelling,
5:t2.40; Rohert Bean. inspecting, 1143 ;
A. Falmondeoe, three 'and one. -half
days' inspectable at $1.25. $4.ffi. and
trimming road. 5,1c. It was moved by
Councillor Vtiung, seconded by Coun-
cillor Dustow, that Reeve McEwati
and •C..tincillor /inner be a commit-
tee to arrange in regard to the tower
ship of Colhormes share id Angie. Mc-
Leod'', inaintenenee inuring his inn....
in Uiderich hospitel. CAN led. Moved
by Councillor Molter, co
r, sended by
Councillor lianitow. that %Van. Segni
and Abner Morris he allowed the re-
fund of the:, per cent additional
added to their taxea. Carried. The
c lllll wil then adjourned. FL J. A. Mi •
Ewan Reeve,
The new council elected fin: rte'
township held the statutory 'needing
on January 10th. The folleiving
gentlemen trrik the neceteary oath id
office and property litialification. viz. :
Reeve J. N. Kernighati.
Andrew Halliday, John Mile/ay.
John Wilson, and Win. F. Young.
The council took their 'rate. the
Reeve in the chair. The minute.. of
the last 'nestling Were read ....I MI
motion of Cooticalons Yitung rinil•Me
Larty were adopted as read. he fol-
lowing accounts were reseed raid
•-n motion ..f Yeling anti
Wilson : Mat Inc Memnon, eon. of
Angus McLeod. $15: Will. Bogie and
elmer Morrie, 1.4,11111 .120. pet rent.
added to then' tax, 711., and Plc flamed
by the s,/ t1). A bytete fix
the lariee nil lectrir at 11711. Romeo
MX at sono, and •itsdite s at $. 011(1)
pained. Applicetions for ateeetwor
from J. P. Lintield anti Thomas Good
and for collector from George Feral'.
icon were reed. Moved by Counrillor
Young. seconded by •Councillor Win
son, (het. eorge Formsson be appointed
reflector and J. P. Linfleht assesmr.
Carried. Moved hy Councillor Young.
seconded hy Councillor lialliday. that
Andrew Millien and Robert Mellwain
be auditors for P110. Carried. On
motion of Councillors Wikipn and Me -
tarty the council adjourned for din-
ner. On reassiembling eccounte were
paid aa follows: Jeniea Buchanan. 39
loads gravel. $20.40; pier ' es-
Pffnarol. $32; Muntenia! Warld, elec.
Doh blanks. Pant; Edward Matekell,
gravelling end filling, 5118.50; James
Jones, inspecting eighteen days.
Ma GO; William Jewell, inspecting
them (lays, 82.25; James Watson, in -
rng three days. 52.06; Alden
ttii, one-half day drawing gravel,
ALB): Austin Church, eighUien cords
grayel at $34.60 ; 1Metcher Gild
,. lospecting. IFI; Albert Mugfordi
itiepecting. 0.16 P'. W. McDonaiilit.
posting local °Woe bylaw.
Movedby Conneilr Moon. seconded
by Councilko McLarty, that the local
•iption bylaw to prohibit the Paha of
limn* in the towinhip of Colborne be
read a third OMR and paired. Oer-
tied. William 8traughan was ap-
pointed on the board of health for
A Suceasisect. SeAstiost.--Theat busy l
establishment. Goldthoi pe's apple.
evaparetor, clewed at the end of ,
lest week after running 'teed -1
ily for neer tbree months. It has ,
been a vets suceentsful minion. Evap-
orating commenced on the 25t1i day id ,
Septerillwr, but by an irofortunate fire '
hich Wok place on the2nd of October I
the work was retarded nor a ehot t lime, I
and it. may be raid with cimeiderable
loon, for there eras bid et email keen% ,
ance. With cenumendehle energy the '
proprietor set to week to rebuild, and 1
in fourteen days from the time of the '
Hey a new evaporating outfit had been
installed and IVNAS ready for work.
The past season lets twen a favorable
one tor the eveperming business, am
the tipple crop wes en abnormally
huge one, and the windstorms that
visited no in the early fall camel', in
tuany instances.. •t he largest and hest
apples to drop on the ground, with
the result that they were only, fit to
be evaporateA as they were bruised
mei in no shape to he pieced in ear-
rels. Some 25.006 to :10,011U benehels
were received at 'the works, sad em-
ployment nvas given to a swill of
tweety-flve to thirty pervious during
the aeaeut. The dried fruit, *packed
in neat pine boxes containing fifty
pounds each and is sent to different
wholeasee houses in. the 'cities. from
whenceit ie forwarded teal parts of
the world. our nen Northwien coining
in tor a large share. Nething need be
wasted in an apple etapereting estab-
lishment. for the feint that 1. too
%manna) be peeled or chopped up is
Mrs. J. Fohnston, uf Lothian ko dried and packed separetely into ber-
th, snow is so deep this winter, get. r l. and the pe 4ingi and core
ung stuck fast In drift., and aspeeraing
are ordinary occurrences around
alsome dried end pitched in the same
way, so that nothing can be loot.
Thie refuse finds a ready market on
thiecontinent of Europe, in )(oilseed
and tither plaices. What is done with
eta here appetite to be nobody's Masi -
stem, but there is a prevailing opinion
that some kin/ *of spirit is distilled
from the skins and cores and mine
even say that they wake a certain
brand of champagne. Be this as it
may, this estahltshwent has 'hipped
several tons this $441114.1A which ea ouki
otherwise bee gone to waste. The
.well apples, we are told, are boiled
down and made into mine kind of
cheap jelly for our Dutch friends near
the banks of the Znyder-Zeve.
'WILDNICI4DAY, Jan. 121.13.
Mr. and Mre. Henry Yenta. of Pon
ter 'e Hill, visited Mr. and She. Frank
Keegan. of the !Warble line, last week.
Rey. C. C. Salisbury. of Queen's Col-
lege, Kingston, occupied the pulpit of
St. 'Andrew's church the last • 4.Wo
Miss Nona Frogueee returned on
Satuiday tram Toronto, ill with ty-
phoid fever. het tinder t he care of Dr.
Smith Nhe is doing nicely.
Mims Claire Spackman. who ha* been
in the letadon hospital with pneu-
monia, returned house, accompanied
by her mother, on Wedneeday lest,
and 1.. slowly recover* g from her ill-
annual congregational meeting of St
Andrew'', church was held in the here -
went laid even' nr wish a fair ettend•
ance. , The tinatensal report was most
ene.airaging. elbowing an income of over
Man during the pa* twelve months,
independetii1 tne handing fund It
ernes, drab came to over $200. Ail
Tone/Men COVNCIL.-The first meet-
ing of the council tor 1910 was held to-
day. the weembers thereof being Jobe
Gillespie, ewer, and Messrs. Samuel
Buechel!. I. Newton Campbell. Joseph
Chammq and Peter M. Scott, council -
lot s. Each having severally sub-
scribed to the declaration of qualificm
non and of office, the Reeve in the
chair, dee minutes of last meeting of'
HMV were read end confirmed. molted
by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Bur:
the 1.4)CIOUMS1 tit the cieirch were repee- chill, that Alea. Porterfield be reap -
ornied1,...pmaea muccogp. j(0 fi. pointed clerk Nt, hie farmer salary of
nancistly Ind in every way-- At -the $111.1al _Carried. alloyed .
CIOSe lot the businesslunch wee served l'empisell, eeconded by Mr. ChessneY.
that Fee'lay Andersen be reappoiated
terrains* at hie former salary of
sitnatir. thie amount to include m
1.winerly posuage, etationery, etc.
Cat ried_ James W. Bone end John S.
Scott were appointed auditors of town
shin aceimete for MOO ; eatery (Main
each. Mend of health for 1910--t he
race between I he opposing per ties. The
was in Reeve and clerk. Jas. MeCantun.
majority re-elected for three yeare, Jae McGee
of the bylaw bdt owing to the three-
two_tiiih,,, and Jas. aliateh for two years and one
fifth.. clause it wao kist. by
ef one vote. AR this is not a whole Ye'tf I/ nwilton. Bel -
vote, and sa ttw remit of the poll
showed clearly the mirth of the greet
reejoraty of the people, it scarcely
seem,' fair thin' the bylaw steiuld be
Inst. It may be lew Inn not justice.,
hy the ladies and ell departed feeling
that it motormanl yeor had just clotied
and plenning still greater things for
10. future.
The load option campaign closed on
Monday of last week with it very hat
grave,M. H. 0. Moved by Mr. Scott.,
seconded. by Mr. tamphell 'het Win.
Wightman be appointed asseesor at a
•alery of ay. OP. the t arnolint to in-
clude postage and stationery. Moved
amendment by Mr. Cbarunev, Nee •
since the rote wan taken, rumor.onded. by Mr. Gilltepie, that' Viet
going around of barge SIDTIS of money
that have iwen sp,tit 1„,te. 10,.8.1 ,Rabinson lw reappointed 110001(101.men end mete fr etteroundin
l here reted for the istnendment Reeve
lienar n
tiilleepie and Councillor Chatnney; foi
loans in thy interests of the onti-loral
the mot Couneillers Burchill.
Campbell .and Scott. The treesurer
reported crash nu hand *1 (11110 51(174.06).
The clerk was inetructed to again
older eleven ciipies of The Municipal
World for 1910 for use id the council,
clerk and treasurer. Bylaw No. 1.
1910, ratifyiug the appointment of
clerk, treantirer, aeseseer, auditors and
board of health for the rimmed year,
and bylaw NO. 2, 1910, appointing the
7,012)011 1.0311 tuiseionere for 1910,
both duly read and passed. Delwn-
t tires were issued for payment
of the following 'amounts ;-Thes M un-
ieipal World, poll borate and other
KU : The Munici-
pal World. mobscriptions to paper.
54- 75: H. it. Elliott. printing battiest
find balance of in•inting contraet, 1900,
522 05; Alex. Porterfield, salary as
clerk for MN, 511010t; Alex. Porter-
field, postege, stationery, etc- 1909.
51000; Alex. Porterfield, expenses of
beet nninicipal election. 554.00:- R.
V enstone. fees es township 001k -icor (lir
11017, 191* cud 19119, 535.31; Jim Mc-
Bee. burying deed animals in 19119,
Past The council then salimirned to
meet again on ,Wednesday, Februitry
lith next, at 10 o'clock a. m. At.xx.
optieti piety. in tite- way of buying
..es alai in other iiiiiii•rhand
Shoo hlt hese mono, a be conlirineel and
set ion taken. it 'my -make it considet-
able change in the !initiation.
TIII114/41.4AY, Jan.
!Ivey:gm-tr.-On ‘‘'...cinetaley morn-
ing 4414...clock, St. Joseph's church
wan the !teem* ..1 it pretty wedding,
when Rev. Father Mi( ormick jnineci
in wedlock Mies Lillian. Moms, of thia
parieh, and lentos Young, formerly of
Colhoine. The bride WM neatly at-
tired in it sutplice dress of (learn
liberty satin, with trimmings of all-
over Ince and eilk applique gind cream
satin hat with ostrich plimit.s 11
match. The brideemaid, _Miss Gladys.
wore fawn voile trimmed with elu-
te oidered net. with fawn hat trimmed
in errant and old rose. The groom
was attended by his cousin, William
Chisholm, of Goderieh. After the
wedding dinner was Nerved at high
noon, the happy couple left tor the
afternoon train for an extended trip
10 l'leveland. Lorain end other
points. The in•ide's travelling ceetintie
was nary blue broadcloth trammeled
with eontache braid and silk moire
with mink het to match. aryl an ex.
(1111Pite Pet of mink furs, the gift of the
grnom. 0. aloe presented the brides-
maid With ta gold watch, and the
anomonian with it prayer•hoolt. Mr.
Young is well and favorably known
in this vicinity, although for the pest
few years be has been engaged in
marine engineering. He will resume
his dada' as ehief engineer on one of
the lame boats a the $t. lawrente Line
In the spring, but we are pleased to
know he and his bride intend making
Goderich their permanent home.
They left, Goderich on the 6 o'clock
train amid showers of geed wishes
and tissue.
An lawmen* thing In and, a plaster
equaled to "The D. & la" Menthol,
and it le being Imitated. Get the
genuine. For side &thee, backaches,
stitches. nothing equals it. Made by
Davis k Lawrence 0o.
he Cough o
TIIIrliSDAY. JAI...7MM al, 1910 9
Your doctor will tell you that
fresh air and good food are
the real cures for consumption.
But often the cough is very
hard. Hence, we suggest that
you ask your doctor about
your taking Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. It controls the tick-
ling, quiets the cough.
We sulplisk se, fersisliks
Ws be.stall. slosbel
7 tram ger wssitstoss
Gold and Silver
*re continually being made
in Porcupine and Gowspenda
diictt. The route to
Porcupine is via Grand
Trunk and 1. k N. 0.
Railway to Mathes° n.
thence vie Sleigh Road. The
route tei 'Clowganda is iie
Grand Trunk. T. ik N. 0.
Railway and Temiskaming
end Govigende Transient
Co. 'Through tickets basun'
and heagege check ed
through to Weer point.
Round ti ip tourist tickets on sale.
Secure tickets and further
Odom:union from ,
Down Town Agent.
Office hours- 6.30 a. •In. to 9 p. in
In order to make room for our Spring.
stock we are offering great bargains in
Overcoats, some as low as
44" ?
St)les anu quality are the best, and value
unsurpassed. It will pay you to buy next
winter's Overcoat NOW.
One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime willeause
an increased flow of bile, and produce a
gentle laxative effect the day 1.11owing.
Formula on each box. Sbow it to your
doctor. He will understand at • glance.
Dose, one pill at bedtime.
.Madaby the 3.0. arm 0...Lousst1,1111.00'.....
Puhltsbet Annually
Enables traders throughout the World
to communicate direct with English
in each class of goods. Besides beim;
a complete commercial guide to Lon-
don end its Puburbe, the Directroy
cootains lists of
with the geode they ship, and the Col-
onial and Fin eigu M inlets they supply.
'arranged under tae ports to which
they sail, and indicating tbe approxi -
elate *alines ; •
of Seeding Manufacturers. Merchant
etc., in the principal provincial towns
and ,industrial centres of the United
A -copy of Um current edition will be
forwarded. freight paid, on receipt en
postal -order for 20s.
Dealers seeking agencies cae adver-
.:er their trade cards ter 41, or Urger
advertisemenue from BB.
The Lapdog Directory
•.M Abchurch Lane. London. E.C.
/From an oceasionaloorrencoodentl
MONDA y. Jan. /1.71.13.
Joinanost-Arels. MacIntyre and
Miss Sarah have returned to eioderich
after a week's visit with Mrs. Keeneth
Maelver We are glad to I* able
-Hs state thet Mein Willian-Wileynanow
improving Three days end three
nights it takes' no nieve an engine
with three teams three miles- not on
the oew railroad. Better wait for the
care, tieorge John G. Kim* was
up et Laurier raying good-bye to
friends before leaving for Tennessee.,
where he hopes to remain big been h.
....Our old neighbor Maurice Wallace
has gone to his reward -a. genial.
good-hearted man that will he inisved.
The Lochalsh marine gime Inust
have been blurred with tears when it
was pointed towards the lakefor the
lianrier folks thought it must 1*
"Ebenezer" digging his way to the
lake with teen llll s intentions of jump-
ing in. Probably on further reflec-
tion he decided that men of active
imegination were few and he will
abide his time.
FARM SOLD. --Wm. Nesbitt, of the
10th concession, hm mid his 140 -erre
fared to (ktuncillor W. H. Lobb, the
consideration being 57,410). It is one
of the best properties in the township.
Mr. Nesbitt is thinking of locating in
the West. Mr. Loins is now the
owner of 460 acres.
death of Phyllie May, only daughter
0174r. aad Mrs. Robert Hanley. has
caused aim* regret and rympathy.
The:twee only in her tweety•
dMil The remains were
first year was a favorite 111Wong
interred in Baytield eemetery, Rev.
lir. Fortner conducting the funeral
Racine bode the dry and unhealthy
scalp, softens and givee vim to the
hair. IOC ajar,
One for' the Doctor.
"You will admit that dectore Nome -
times flake unsnaps. won't you ?" re-
plied the lawyer. "Oh, yew; the same
as lawyers." wits the cool reply. "And
doctors' mistakes ore buried six feet
underground," von the lawyer'it trium-
phant reply. "Yee," the doetor an -
towered, "and thu lawyers' tined:ekes of-
ten swing in the air."
'Phone 77
Leave Toronto 10 10 p. m. daily.
Arrive Gowganda 9.00 p.
next day.
Through Rate $15.80
Through Sleeper Toronto to
Sudbury. Dieting Car tiowganda
June.tion via Canadian Northern
Railway. stage to Gowgenda. ktop
made ear lunch 'Phoanix and
dinner at Elkborn.
C. P. R. Agent. Goderich, Ont.
Office hours 0.30 a. m. to 14.30 p.
Change of
Scrofula disfigures and
causes life-long misery.
Children become
strong and lively when
given small doses of
Scott's Emulsion
every day. The starved
body is fed; the swollen
glands healed, and the
tainted blood vitalized.
Good food, fresh air and
Scott's Emulsion con-
quer scrofula and many
other blood diseases.
Send We., mune of caper end thla edfor
rmr beautiful illovIngs Bank mud Child's
sketch -Dept. Rack bailk eontelas a
need iisa Fenny.
scorr a Dolma
1211 Wallinytaa St, Wed, Term**, Omit.
The Established
Route to Gowganda
is bv the Canadian Northern Ontario
to Govonanda Junction and the Dow-
ganda Transport Company Fast and
relieble service. Fifteen hours shorter
then any other route and lower rates.
Paesengerte coming from outside of
Toronto can make very fast Men-
nection by taking the Canadian Pacific
Winnipeg Express at 10.10, conneet
With -the ('. N. 'CI: 'Lenin er-Infdtener""
which waits for this train and arrive.
in Gowganda that eventing at 11.00
p. in., or under twenty-three boars.
For tickets and information apply to
nearest C. P. R. Tieket Agent.
1 denim- to announce to the
people id Goderich and •icinity
that I have purchased tbe 11 o-
nes/ Businesson Hatniltonstreet
lately carried on by Davi
Sudden, and solicit a continin
lance of favors nom old cuctoiti-
era, and invitipest' cuetemere to
come in and get. acquaint eil wit It
your new Harnen.-MAker. In
addition to everything found in
alirenclass hemp/co.:hop. I carry
a complete lit. o
1 PS
- HALTERS, ere.
Just a few if the many
lines in which we can
give you excellent value:
Sal M011 Gifi'
Currants• Spices
Coast-seale4 oysters.
J. Fisher
Sturdy & Co.
'Meow i - West Side Seuffre.
=1=== 1C:=
1 At t.Gairlesed witn oven. neearie as good aa new, Bet for •*23 -
• • I
1 No. II Itaxiiant Hone. wan len.% now.... • • *"... • • • • c2')
5 Ittadiato 114Mte... wan now . • . • • . • • • •,•q.•1„-,7,.• 817
1 No. 121 MeClary Cuesepiarty's Heater with oven, for
Alen a num otheransaller Sti Wet/ at grr.titly redt.ct d prices
A -Third of Your Time
spent in lied. Dura skop
ofl e or it leaden mitt rens.
We have elegant brass
beds of Rt pin oved pat- '
term. Find' dressing -rehlee
sensible to match, at priers
vctill agree ate reanmahle.
I.Slttl)iJlt and see.
Fut nitote and Ililtitaking.
Wta.t Side Square.
,1 No. n Iniperiel (felon] aA ith ret•ervni 'early new, wits $25,
'I No Regal Perniation. was /12(• new
"3 No. 9 Le Roy
The semen i. getting Ian., end t he few we
. rut to a price to clear not. If y."11 vrent one.
13.511131anket for .....
40, .
443.2.5 Illetiket
le3.44) Blanket for..
4100 Blanket for..
5E75 Blanket for
11112015 Illonket for .
have len we bai,.
now j.4 your cbitt...e.
• 1.811
lilanket rim
-A• • • ........ .
' Have von conaidered how netch nictiey you are fo.,n,. he nor
feeding Di. Hesse'a Stock Fond? It makes your cattle healthy,
and with health they put on flesh, which is money.
With eggs at thirty cents per dozen, you should
1Me Pin-A-csa.
This is a poultry food Which keeps your hens healthy end
laying all Winter.
Plumbing. Heating, fiteamettinic and Tinamithinft
and Rlectric Wiring we give prompt attentiiin
and all work fully guaranteed.
Sten 'Phase Mi
0..:;....,Plooste It]
_ ....4