HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-1-20, Page 8THURSDAY jAitusar 18. 1910
, Don't let .au unscrupulous.
dealer foree-ott
tion of the
Plaster: I.ock forTae
L." trade -mark on the lin. It
guarantees the s.,,-,muine and
the most effective remedy for
Rheumatic aches an ? pains,
Lumbago, Sciatica, Backache,
etc. 25c. each. Yard rolls
equaIins seven of the regular
size $1.00.
for all sickly people.
Makes new blood;
Gives strength;
Restores Vitglitlf.
Taken attar any Mesas It
battens • retum to health.
Davis Ina:recce CO., biohtteal.
Brockvi 11 e
These well- knvivn
cutters et 'whine the most
up-to-date ideas in style
and design with dur-
ability -0 construction,
and anyone who is
lookiRg for the lx•st
value iu a new Cutter
shoOld see the local
who has a full line of
these goods. Everyone
echo is interested - in --
Cutters should call and
see his stock and get
New 1910 Styles
Hugh Rose
liatuilbm Street, tioderielt.
Constipation is the
root of many formsof
sickness and of an
endless amount of
human misery.
Dr. Morse's
thoroughly tested' by
oveififty rarest um
have been proved a
safe and certain cann
for constipation sod ,
all kindred trosiallas.
Try them.
2.5C. a bon.
9\(CWel of the Sistriet
A little sun tif W., 5. Walker, Sea
forth, ft41 esse-day last week wed breke
hi artu.
Win. Spence, an old resident of
Howick, died on January 3ril in-, his
sixty-fifth year.
Mr, and Mrs. (leo. 'Bernard, of 11'rox •
eter. celebrated their gulden wedding
oo Monday of last week. '
B. W P. Beevers has taken over
the business end premises of . the fate
J. W. Broderick at Exeter.,
The Misses Little, who were engaged
itt, the millinery business.in Winghato
for five years. have gone to live at
Henry 'tinfoil', of Whitechurein one
of the pioneers ot that ewetion, died on
Monday' loth Inst, at the aste •of
seven! y -t WO years. '
Rev. Mr. 'Radford. Presbyterian
minister of Delmore, has received a
call from the t•ongiegatitm of Chip-
pewa 10141 Ijitti accepted it.
After is short illness of pneumonia:
Char I m er.
Wingliate, died 4 on Saturday, St h•insta
at the age 01 sixty-eight years.
Dr. A. '1'. Bond, of Exeter, WAS mar.
Heti on 1Ve4needay,-Jeutuary. 12,4ha_1n
St. John's Prt•strytt-rian ,,church. 'for -
onto. to Miss Eleanor Spencer. datigh.
ter -of Mis. Ance-apenctir,Tert
Miss Ruby Clegg, of Morris. he.
beepiangageil..tuletch_itt the pullett
1). F. McGregor. of the 211d concesilOn.-
has been eppoi91ed as his sticoessoi.
Corrected Returns frons Grey Township.
The elect' returns from Grey
towtishipwhich were published in last
The Signal were iucorrect. Hobert W.
Liviugstone wiLs elected Reeve, not
John Urania* stated,and J auses31cFad-
mon insteed of John Brown, wita
elected Deputy Reeve, P. A. McAr-
thur, S. S. Cole and John Cutt were
cOrteetiy reported as the councillors
elected. The vote on the reeveship
was : For Livingstone, 357,; for Want,
34tf. Majority fur Livingatone, 11.
For the deputy-reeveship the vote
was: For McFatikeen. 351 ; for Brown,
314, Mejority. for I'Mcbadzeati. 17.
The local option bylaw wan carried by
a very favorable .'vote: For, 514:
against, 2442.Hawden•Martin Wedding.
On Friday, Januei.y 7th, at the resi-
dence of Rev. W.-31. Martin, London,
formee•ly Etx.etitnegr,re,tivspio ev(71(11-1:k=
Sandy . Bawden. km of %Vu). Dew
den. and Miss Mildred 3lattin, eldest
dsughter-ot 51r. and Mrs. Ss. I
Mat tin,. were united in marriage.
Miss --rieseny- Bawden, sister of thei
groom, rand Wilbur Martin, brother tit %
the_ With. .0.0liutpanird the ...yOung
rpte td the rity-enct-serre present at
te performance of the Ceremony.
e,anet Me41
ss -essytien will reside at' , -
Exeter. •
That the best • body-building
and strengthening tonic for
Delicate Children
"My 9 year old daughter was 'M, two children, who were puny
weak, pale, and had no appetite. I , and ailing, rapidly gained flesh and
gave her Viand, and she began to / strength when I began to give them
thrive at once. She gained rapidly Vinol. I proved that Vinol is a 'picn-
ic' weight, color and strength." - I did tonic for delicate children."
Mrs.W. H. GILMORE, Durand, Mich. Mrs. C. ALLEN, New Bedford. Mass.
Vinol builds up healthy flesh and makes thin little limbs round
..nd plump. Children love to take it.
We return people's money without quesnon 11 Vino&
does not accomplish all we dal* ler it. Try please.
H. C. DUNIINismimmars=r4maggrairmiggist, Goderlch, Ont.
and Morris union school. and ---her
sister. Miss Irene...hiss been engaged
hy the trustees of the Londesboro''
White putting a belt on a Klatil
at the Heerisll Mix mill a few days
ago, '"Bobby" Baker had his arm
caught and drawn into a knife, which
tore it so badly that.thirteen stitches
were_neceratary• _
Two live coyotes from the Sawkatch-
eivati plitins arrived in Seeforth 114441
week by U. l'. R. eiipreas, etnridgned
to %V. li. Holm:m..0f Egintindrille, by
thrie Bros„ of Meese Jaw. They are
objects of greet curiesity.
On Tuesday morning ot last week
Miss Margaret Brown, of Mullett. and
Francis Minisseau. a prosperous
farmer near. Zurich, were married
in tit. Joseph's church, Clinton, Hey.
Father Hanlon ufficiatiug.
A liowick township., carresponde•nt
reports tht• silo of a span of grey
horses for $11541, the highest orient paid
tor a team in that neighborliteel for
welly it day. . Two other teruns were
•\ sold fur 9120 anti $450, respectively.
'Joseph Eddy, who for some time
had made his home with his daughter.
MI'S. Richard carter, of Rullett, died
on Monday, lOth inst.,: at the age of
.riglity b4e44n---yt»41rd»-The deceased
was formerly it resident of Biddulph
township. .
Born itiNottinghatnshire, England,
in Jespe. 1 ,-I, and forhalf it century a
resident of 'linton, Samuel Cook died'
at the resi lice of his daughter in
Flint, Mich., '' eat Saturday, Sth inst.
The rem tins were brought to Clinton
for interment.
The marriage of J. 11. McMillan, of
Mint.. Alan.. and Miss Ida, eldest
daughter of W. 6. McSpadden, was
solemnized on Wednesday afternoon
of last week at the heinie of the Irides
father, in 5IcKillop township. Rev,
D. Carswell officiated.
Wars ts,,
On Wednesday evening of last werek,
at the hotiosol the britie in Brussels,
Welley L. Speiran, of the 1 Ith con-
cession of Grey. was united in mar-
riage to Miser Mamie E., theughttr of
Misr. 31. Keys. Rev. A. C. 'Kristian
iterfortned the rage lllll 44 V.
A pretty 'wedding took place at the
horne of '31r. anti Mrs. Jos. Granby,
tith line of Nlorr . on Wednesday.
Jannery[5th, whin heir only daugh-
ter, Miss Kate, been ie the wife W,
J. Noble, a prominen business man of
High River, Alberta Rev. G. W.
Rivets, of Ripley, offi *Med. •
At the home of Rev. Mr. and . Mrs.
Hind's in Tot,ronto, on ristmas Eve,
Mitre Lillie May Ki nan, eldest
daughter Mrs. M. E. hapman, of
Fordyce, ArItl Thomas Jose Irwin, of
Torento, were united in edlock by
Itev. -Mr. Ilincks. After. visit to
'Fordyce the newly-wedtle couple
have taken up residence T to.
John Gellman, of the 14th
mien of Hay, hest sold his. Hiw 1
farm to Jonn Horner, ofthe .
line, Stanley for $7,090, while . 111.. of ,London :
Horner has sold liis farm to his n Clinton`t Miss Agnes. of Portage la
bor. J. Soyder, who now orris ani
l t Prairie, 'Man.; Mrs.\ S. To: ranee, of
1011 NCI m4. Mr, telmati and family wain.. mien.; Rim.. ennit And Eti.
How The Observer Sees ft.
Wnsit riveted
local option in Hensel!? Here is a
huestion covering so much -ground
that we are not prepared to answer it,
further than our belief that the fact of ''TliF
so many business men coming out its tEL"
oppiaitioss led Lis -intliffenenee-On
inert of meny or its supporters and the
strenuous work and tine otganizatitm
ot itg opponents were the» chief fact-
ors. Many seemed to have the idea
that Hensall was being sacrificed fir
the surrounding places and the good
accomplished ,was offset by the ten-
dency of some to bring _the_ law_into
contempt. Be that 1411 it may. now
that the change is to come, Hensall
will have in the future good hotel etc-
commodation and a thoroughly en-
forced license taw.
Make Each Animal: Worth
Burned Out. •
. -Ott the afternoon of December .24th.
tire -destroyed the residence of J. I%
Wiggins of Rosemount, Sask.. form-
erly of Fordwich. The fire 'broke out
in the. roof and Mrs. Wiggins and
Miss Georgina tried to extinguish the
flames, but failing in this Mrs. %Wig-
gins started 40 minors* 4.401114. Of the
household effects and tieorgina ran
for the men, who bad gone for water.,
half a mile distant. Tnti
e re sinew]
quickly antlituun reached the llaniry.
where a twogslIon can lot gasoline
was stored, which exploded and slam-
med the door in Mts. %Wiggins' face as
she was re-entering the 114)11544.Eyerything was lost hut i4 clothes
and bedding. Georgina's fen were
badly frozen while going for assis-
tance. There -WAS 110 insurauce.
Their relatives at Fortiwich have sent
them a large bale of drygo.xls' weigh-
ing nearly NISI pounds,'
-Deas( Robert GovenlOck.
Robert Goventock. .is piothoer of
McKillop. died oh Taestlay, of lest
week at his home in rieefortli, ;aged
eighty-three year* and 'seven months.
By his dee!), is removed one of the
few who came from the old land in
the early day3 and settled in that part
of the Nueen's hush," and the last of
the older generation of tiopenlocks
who for: so many years were war -whited
with affairs in McKillop. In•1k0 load
the following year the Govedtwks,
the Scotts, the Dickson, and the lfah-
kirks all .tame from Scotland, and
settled in the same neighborhood, and
of all these but two now remain,
Genrire Habkirk. of McKillop, and
Mrs\Chieholin, of Winnipeg. Hobert
Geavenlock•tooft the gold fever, like
many ()there. in ISA and went to
Cantor ra, and after shim adventure he
retinne to his from in McKillop and
remained here until a few years itgo,
wIWti bear Reaforth. 'In
ticsbe was.' abseassoh -Liberal and- in -
religion.. de cited Presbyterian. He
la eur family of nine chit-
, dren • Mrs. Areb. Scott, of Seeforth ;
Vie John.31.. Reeve f McKillop ; Williatu
t Rev.) (Inserter, of
25%, Over lb Cost Prince Rupert, .13! C
On 3,3 of a Cent a Day -
Nobody ever.W.Trd Nock -Mir" tWintlhe bOts OT maddss
Hardware Specials
Crosscut. Saws
Racer, Latter., Disston's, Leader, Premier
and Simonds, Every ORO' guaranteed.
Black Diamond and Disston's Files, Saw
Sets and Gauges.
The best
Black Diamond, Forest Beauty.
Axe Handles, 15C, 25C, 35c and
Gloves and Mitts
. cheapest at
Worsens' ftardware
hens lay in winter, increasing the yield of milk five pounds per c,owa day.
.or restoring rundown animals to plumpness and vigor •
When you feed, '• stock fo.i " to your cow. horseswims at pouitry.
you are merely fegding them what you. are *row."' on your own Irnwn•
lour animalsdo need nut mire teed. but something to help their
h.slics get all the good out of the bed you give them so they cun get fat
and stay fat All year MIAMI; a so to prevent diseasecure disease and keep
' fi., c,. y 44,. them up to the best possibleo 's
condition. Ntock foot' can do all those
la '' tr. ' "" ' ' 1 flings. ROYAL PURPLR STOCK spaciFic can and does. It is
Not a'"Stock Food" Buts "Conditionerf 0
. • • •
-a-71717AL plinpLE STOCK SPLCIF1Cc044114i44s no train. nor run products. It increases
.ii ias
t .1.4 oink fm rothree to five pounds per cow per dayebefore the ,' •cilic has been uJ two.
.. ..!... It 'in 414 11» lk richer and adds flesh faster than fatty o cr preparation known.'
)vc1,d rd 5 ROYAL PURPLE are large at six weeks old as they would be when
i. If J tv :II a • ..; ivy odd .rials,it ten weeks. • ..., 44Y IPURPLEATOCKSPECI,FIC buklds up run-down animals and restores "them to
'1 '1. almott in opt:ally. Cures bets. LiplIc.worms. sin-disea.se• and detslitypermanentb•
04,1 Vicl1W111.-I0C hOrternart. 3311.3: ..I have used ROYAL PURP.L111 STO..,K SPIC 'Plc
.1l .44 the kcJihtt of 'inte Rel.' 2.04 largest winner of :toy pacer on clrand Circi..t.in
1 . . hi t Henry Winter...2.04f. by..ther Of Allen.Wiaters.' winner ot $.16.400 inlrottina stales
i • • i , lat,etiors...s have never Been ofl' their feed. since 1 commenced using ''ROyaI-POtple
lu ,- ..;l11,,,t a ),4r 445), and I will always have it in my stables.•'
' ' \ •
, • -
al PUMPii., e
0. 50e. pactope oi ROYAL PURPLS STOCK SVICIFIC will lipti one animal sc:Ver:V
iltys. whiat tea little over twisthirds of a cent • day, (Kt stock foods ill fifty ceSnt FSpackaCIFICges
11...., hot fifty day. anJ are peen three times a Jay. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK
/ -T-c-r-s-ohut Cht.,c a Jay. aniflasts half again as long._,A 11.50.pail containing four tin ea the
.iiii ,.,Jt of ttic fifty cent package will last TtiDdays. ROYAL Su RIME will increas. :he vali e
.,1. y.....7 sta.:It IS.. It is an astonishingly quick fattener. 110Mulating the appetite ani the
.»». '1 it- 1.44. assisting nature to digest and turn feed intirflesh. illeg_h.at fattener it 1. 3 leader.
tt sv.II save many times its cost in veterinary hill,. ROYAL PURPLK POULTRY SPECS-
.i -
F1C -is .r other Snecib - for p,,,p44.......,0,,,,,,rak....a....dieer-enitasistweeray.the--
41.4 ,T,' Jar., or a pat! costing 01 SD will last twenty-five hcrl. WO days. which is Ibur timesmore P
ill .• e.:444 CA' only three times the cost. It makes a - las ing machine - out of sour hens
. s.noni, ind winter._preeents fowls losint _flesh at mouliinAtimel and cures poultry &was....
du- t use ROYAL PURPLE on one of your animals and any other preparation 00 :somber
anim.d in the Same condition: 'after comparing results you will sayROYAL PURPLE h..,
them -.ill beat to death. or else back cornea your money. PI4ER-Ask '
your merchant or write us for our valuable 02.Page booklet on cattle
000ki g rette
ceis and full rvirticula about
poultry diseases. onntainin
If you cannot get Royal Purple
Specificti from merchants or agent.. we
ss supply you direct. express prepaid,
on receipt of SI.30 a pail for either Poultry
or Stock Specifics.
Make money acting at. our agent In
your district. Write for terms., /
For sale by all' npaodate merchants. •
L Jenkins 111g.to., liondon, Cu.
Itoial Purple Stock and Poultry Specifics and free boaknargare kept Worms ter A J. tooter.
_ , _
w its
the bestWent
tbrotRh Ae
thousands of housewives
use Sunlight Soap In pref-
erence to any other, because
It cleanses the clothes more
thoroughly, and at halt the
cost without Injury to
hands or fabric. Follow
wlFPtfr - 11 likely :he n
phemta, at home, and tees, of Vonda,
residents a Zurich in the near future., mask.
One of the oldest residents of Exe-
ter, in the person of 3Ira. Henry Iliu--
1144, the Great Divide on Sat•
itrday, SG% inst., in the eightv-forteth
yeer .4 hr. Ifitivis vote
throe time* martied and outlived her
t hird trmerawth-fihteeeme-re-rteeriv
lievrinsture, nglantt: nt
nearly all Ilfr life in- the neighborhood
of Exeter.
At the residence sif Mr. and Mrs.
.Moses Gotreliner. Regina, Sask'
. form-
erly of Exeter, rm Tuesday, January
theie eldest &sligher
t, Miss J. Miss
S., %Vita married to WilliamAtli-
Reginn, formeelye_LTImmes.
Road. hi airs tounLy The cerithony
was performed hy Rev. P. Strang, of
irden, Man., assisted by Rev. E. A.
!Ivory, la Regina.
About Our Newspaper Neighbors.
The Winghain• Times him ntered on
its thirty.-nintli year. anal I
Lott, the present proprietor, u
ty-third eaeof--eotinectio
iv a
bright peper and the editor .has
best nishes for his continued sure
in the future.
The Lucknow Sentinel, which has
ht•en conducted for the last two years
by J. L. Naylor, has been purchased
by A. D. McKenzie; who also pith.
lithe The Teeswater News. We have
Mr. Naylor intends
bt do.
The Wroxeter Planet has entered
upon its second year of publication,
and in a recent issue the editor.
Austin Chisholm, who is a graduate
of the Signal office; states his inten-
tion to install- a- new- -power-
the near future. M. Chisholm is
showing himself to be a good news-
paper man, and we wish him contin-
ued and enlarged suctiree._
When made by
West St,
Tb. Tailor.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. David
McCloy, Tticketemith, WAR the Mlette
..)1_11_141ttly and interesting _svrPt._ fat,
1% etinesday, Jam -nary :dh, when their
daughter, Agnes Logan, AAA marrtp,i
William H. McLean, of the amine
inity. The c mous% which
by a ta e 'number of
rimmed h
The world's best entertainers, the head -liners
roftthe-raudeville-shows, the stars of the operas,
the good. coMposers, band leaders and orches-
ICtra conductois are making Records for the
J- -Edison Phonoitiraph. All of them arerrepre-
sewed in our catalog.
Rues.... WKS
1.444 km, of Sea
(lint on Newe-RXZe-ersdk.12., Flem.
i•rolint.altt thilieSchants
Itsink at Lethbridge, Alberta, sbeen
the guest of his brother, 1. C.
mg. since Monday. A. a member o
t he Northweat Monnted Infantry he
served In thee Sloitth African war and
render 'General Frew+ tonk if"rt in
live engagements. At Knionstadt he
wasbo*led over hy dpient ery mid was
invalided beck to Knoland.
New Clerk of Tuckeriiiith.
A. 0. MnilllIs, who has been clerk of
the town.hin of 'Peteket smith for six
teen yenrs. has tendered his resigna-
tion. owing to increasing Anhui duties.
Why do they consetit to make Records for the
Edison. Phonograph? .Because they believe
that the Edison Phonograph will do them
real justice, giving them the most artistic
reproduction. , .
When you listen to an 'Edison Record played
by an Edison Phonograph, you hear the orig-
inal just as it 'was sung Of 'played. Can you
do this with any other instrument?
Rdison Phonographs ran be 44.4 11010 116.50 to 116240
&firm ...tandactl kecrmls • •. - • • - .40
son AberTil R er. Tits play bider as tenet .63 •
ertisent irantle tritira kecords • - 4150. to 11.23
.TherearcEilalers everywhere.. On to the nearest and
'hear the Edison Phonograph play both 'Edison Standard anl
strobe -Tot bisssrdirsterf get ronfolsts cittdfstirst froth TOW della'
044 110411 us.
1101biliehesideAve.Orwara .1.. U.S.A.
Swift -Current, Mask., January 17th.
-Itipeciall- "For twenty-flve year's I
suffered from Rhenmatism which 1
inherited." "Mr. I. lackey; Swift -
rent, Sisk., writes. "1 was ner-
ion My limbo' would welf and had
as•vere 4q,s across my hack, also a
heavy drags sensation acrmis my
loins. 1 am a *44 44(4 to -day and I
Attribute. it R1110 t braze-A*11es of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. My RheUrnatism atnd
Kidney tretible have entirety -Aileen -
reamer, I tem seventy-six yearns
and a strong and healthy. I here
bought 11011,1 Ai boleti of Dexid's Kid -
Bey Pills to mad to friends."
• •
'4\l CA -As rnMPLETE STOCK ttit'
i4.'E41' Si DE mgr..% tiODERICII.
We offer you a profit-sharing partnership in a business that is going
to ise eno,'mou,ly profitable. No natt,r whereyou live, no matter how
far from Prince Rupert you mil be, n matter how much or bow little
you have to invest, invent in Prince Hu rt throtti.:11 our Real Rotate
shares, selling at par, 11111.tin per shale. n peseenting to the publlb the
opportunity to purchase shares in this Chtimany, particular straw is
laid upon the fact that the money received hy the Company through
the sale uf ita sheres is invested in earefidty,selecttel Printer Rupert
Real Estate, under the direct supervision of the tabard of directors.
Tim oppottunity is xtraordinary. because of be pint -sharing plan hy
which you may share in all the profits of the uipang and its rapidly
increasing butanes's.
will make fortunw for those who invest in it now.- as 41c1 Seattle and
Vancouver Real Estate for those who invested in these cities ten year.
ago. Did you fail tat recognize the opportunities., or did you lack
confidence in your judgment? We present here another opportunity
No other city is making such rapid advancement in population,
ceminerce and building. Prince Rupert's present and future growth
insures in vesunv 111 13111' shares A combinat ion of safety. high returns
and increasing value which is not offered in an equal -degree by any
other form of investment open to the public today. '•
11 you hay*. SW, 51111 Or 1111.111111, which you would invest where it
will provide a large income with the opportunity for great profits,
then solispeihe for •01164144-Shsee shares
We refer, by pertnission, to the Dank of Nova Scotia, Vancouver
Write,or wire your order for shares today. Don't delay.
The Prince Rupert Real Estate Investmen Co., Ltd.,
Prince Rupert, B. C.
New Rubber Goods!
Don't you want a Hot-water Bottle for the cofd weather ?
The good ones are guaranteed for two years. 1Ve have just
received it new supply of extra good Hot-water Bottles,
Fountain Syringes, HubberCombinations, Atomizers, Enema
Syringes, Extra Bulbs,. Rubber Tubing. Nipple Shields,
Nipples, etc.. etc. Let tab show them to you.
S• E. HICK. Central Drug Store.
Goderich, Ontario.
"The Best Editorial Page In Canada"
The Toronto Daily Star publishes every day six columns of
editorials and editorial leatures--and • there's not a dry line in the
six columns.
John Lewis, author of "The Life of John Flrown" (Morangrs
Series) has few equals in Canada. He is by many considered to be
second only to Goldwin Smith as a master ot English.
Joseph T. Clark, known as "Mack" when he was editor
of "Saturday Night", is known throughout Canada as a keen, clever
and witty welter. His tables and letters on the British elections
from England, where he was sent by the Star, have attracted
wide attention.
Two things to he specially noted about aH the Star's editorials
Ire 4rst that they are always fair -no bitterness or biased partizanship
-and second that they are never dull, hut deal in a bright way with
the subjects in which you and your neighbors are interested.
In a lighter vein are the "Chronicles of the Khan" -
delightfully humorous -pathetic studies from real life, particularly rural
life -"Uncle Walt's Corner" of clever poetry in prose - and
"A Little of Everything" -that you can always count on for a
pleasant ten minutes.
A regular reading of the Star's Editorial page will keep a man
informed on every topic of live interest to Canadians. Why not
subscribe now 1
$1.50 A Year
This piper end the "Toronto Doily Star" together for
one year, 2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 54e.
addled to above subscription prices.
Toronto Daily Star