HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-1-20, Page 7.4. THF: SOON A1,• G(111I;R1C'II ••ONrfAitllt, The Monthly Income Policy of THE PRUDENTIAL THURSDAY, JAWUARY 21), 1910 7 is the safest form of life insurance. The principal cannot be lost, encumbered or depreciated. It is beyond the reach of dishonest and speculative schemes. The beneficiary's lack of financial knowledge cannot affect it. The income will be paid as the policyholder wanted it paid --- monthly for twenty years or for life. A Policy and a Premium for Every Insurable Person THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO. OF .AMERICA Ordinary', and Industrial policies Ages I to 7o Both sexes Amounts $15' to $100,000 , Prudential Agents are now canvassing in this vicinity. They have a 'most vital story to tell of haw Life Insurance has saved the flome, protected the widow, and educated the children.' Let them tell it to you. BRANCH OFFICE • IN GODERICH T. A. WICKHAM, Asst. Supt., Bedford Bldg. Why the Western Ontario Farmer Leads. Whyshould success and comfort at- tend te lot of formers in a district like. Western Ontario? There are good reasons which people in town,_ as well as country, do well to appreciate at par value. We are apt to forget our commonest and greatest benefits. pp Hy keeping them clearly in mind we man must now "shell our to the pro - shall be on the right track of growing duces in the splendid district of benefits at hand, which London is the hub.—London First of all, there are excellent soils, Advertiser. lasting in their nature, characteristic - of a once heavily tintbered c try. • What It Seemea Like. and, with the wise methods coming in vogue, capable of vastly increased The aged motor -van was somehow productiveness. Boil and climate are always getting out of repair, and it such as to assure a healthy diversity usually indulged in a little breakdown in product.. Excepting the products about once a week, in order to vary of tropical or semi•tropicil regions, an otherwise monotonous existence. practically everything Dan be grown Slowly it snorted its way into the in perfection from all the staple grains broad stream of traffic, when there and roots to grapes and peaches, and was a sudden whirring of wheels, a an abundance of the choicest apples in loud snap, and the weary and worn the world. Ontario's pure-bred live framework came to a dead stop. stock has a worldwide tame. and her "Look here." said the pole•etnan to poultry and dairy products are nota the driver, "this kind of thing is or - whit behind. The greatest of fodder curring too often. Let's see. What's ptanta, ourn, comes to its best Cana- your number ? Yes, 1bl(SI" - Ism perfection in Western Ontario, a "(tarn!" said the precocious youth fact of first importance to dairymen who was in charge of the cart lin- meld other feeders. mediately behind. "That ain't its In the next place Western Ontario number. That's the year it was a distinct t advance midst of the w built!. in it in farm methods. As never before. intelligence is being applied. Farm- The Canning Business. ing is respected now and studied- as a. business. Those who do not do so The following item trent a recent fail to reap the beet results or fall odt number of Farm and Dairy wilt prob- of the race. Farmers are co•op�er•- ably be of wine interest to many sting also for the more economical readers of The Signal : On a visit to production and sale of crops. the canning factory at St. Thomas the Thirdly, there is safety and great secretary Rave the following encourag- Make Ontario Beautiful. advantage in the variety of crops. ing information. "Our company is a "Make Ontario beautiful.'' This is a All the farmer's _eggs are not In one great benefit to the farmers, gardeners motto that should las displayed on the basket to land him • In disaster, as and fruit growers. as we are prepared that banners of every agricultural 'soviet y all the produce in(url e often occurs under more hazarding take and women's institute in the Prov- cohditions. Stock feeding, dairying they can grow. Many thousands .of ince. To carr such an idea Into and clover growing sustain the wile bushel of apples we are putting. in effect is real* and abundant) worth fertility. The recent growth of can- gallou cane for our Northwest trade. y Y nine and evaporating Industries will In this one article alone, we relieve white. Plof. H. 1,. Hutt, of the On- e anothergood ally of the forth- the local market frorn Nein over -con, facia Agricultural College, i4 now in prove charge of the department of landscape nate farm -owner in Western Ontario. gesteri, and thus put mu cash in gardening,and 1e ahead undertaking In the fourgi place, his local mark- circulation among the producers. We ork ot and1.hrmaive n care that eta are good. Towne and cities are paid to one man over $ t) for his to. willyield large 'returns in th future. d electric mato crop) alone, Besides smaller g' vin itailwa A a Prof. Hutt h , undertaken on of he thriving. 1h mato '% e to other the stuff ffaretots • network to deliver grower to scores heaviest to thin Province; the stns to the - buyers. Improved growers. From a peach grower down �� thit�ncnu encouragement and storage and trensportwtion give the near the lake we took his entire crop eration of the whole people. Th. exportable surplus access to foreign of more than 800 bushels. %Ve have ious school boards are rapidly a and to western markets on this con- also put up many hundreds of bushels ing into line. and it is the hope tinent. A point of tremendous lin- of peas, and pumpkins in immense esovercent will mw until ev portanoe In his favor is that his live quantities, beside., corn, Beans and off s stock find other products are not at kinds of berries, and many other art - in gar(1, whether large or liner the mercy of a 2,000.mile railway ides. Our output of finished goods In town, village or country, will 1 haul before reaching the Atlantic will amount to forty or fifty eetkoa(Ie, made a beauty spot. Every farmer r el in movement e hstudying shipping porta, handicapping the We are trying to work up a good the help aihhlities of his own farm farmer's business by eating the heart trsde in first-class canned goods and I eurroundln a He canget image., out of his returns. are ehdeavorin co interest the R RR - R %inns of value h writingto Prof. Lastly, he enjoys an equable cli- carmen more sod mora to grow the Hutt. The Central Eperi men Mate : not overly hot lo summer ; quality and quantity of raw produce In' just cold and bracing enough for vis- that we require. We find an un- Farm at Ottawa has been for. years orous health in winter, and compare- limited opening in the Northwest for xtudyfng the o'apaliillties of the Oxna• dials soil and clime in the p• odiu•. Lively easy on fuel. There is ample all we can secure." tion of hedges, shru • orm,ment al moisture with proper tillage methods trees, etc. Prof. W: T %tarmin has every year to grow good .erops, and i can conceive nothing so res pect• this work In chargeat the. oiin F;x• the farmer is so happily free from able as the spirit whieh rises a ve rirnenk I Fari, and is alwats those unfortunate climate oondltion+ misfifttune, and prefers honorable pa off drought. blizzard. summer' frost privations to debt or dependence.— power to give every assistwnce In his and cyclone, that Invest less favored Bride of Lemmermoos•• power to anyone who desires istofl s - Ir . sties with hardship and often in The Short Route to Gowganda, (tion on• the subject of the beautifr•a- w f:w noun sweep away or hopelessly Comtuencing January 3rd, through, Wei of home surroundings. %With dep iate the product of a year upon service has been inaugurxled to fire two such specialists as 1 r"fessore whit. the farmer's hopes depended. Hutt and' \Incolin, it ought not to foe Substantiat' reasons like the fore- Gowganda country, via the Canadian a difficult uuattct to mako very 6nnn Paeiflc Railway 10 Sudbury, thence going make for s1leePas in Western each rural school groulul, each rural Ontwrio farms, atTordin the owner Canadian Northern Railway and R cemeteryp and each highway and carne stage line which ortatee all former good reason for congratulation, par- in this r"linuy' uthing of beauty :and ticularlywhen repaid avithprices for means of transportation to this countfy. Passengers may now leave IC )"y forever. Our farmer+ should all kinds of supplies which the towns- Toronto hall p. m. by Canadian Pad- riot forget Mixt by ,aiding to the net- fic Railway, arriving Sudbury 0:05 a. m., following morning: Castilian Northern train leave,. that point 7 a. in., arriving Go(a-ganda .l unction 1g:15 it. tu., where conneciion is made viith the Gowganda Transport Com- pany, and passengers leave there at 11 a. m., arriving Gowgandat 9 p. to. Stops are made at Phoenix for liin••h and Elkhorn for dinner. The one; way rate, from Toronto to Gowganda Junction is $9.711 and round-trip st-ate *10.25. This rate includes transfer in Sudbury from Canadian Pacific to Canadian Northern. One-way rate from Gowganda Junction: by stage line. t i Phoenix is $2: to Elkhorn *1 and Gowganda $6. Round-trip rates are $1 to Phoenix : $tl to Elkhorn and $111 to Gowganda. The above provides the shortest, most direct and cheapest route fr Toronto and Ontario points. Sud- bury sleeper is carried on the Cana- dian Pacifictrain leaving1 Toronto each evening. and , the Canadian Northern train from Sudbury to Gow- ganda Junction carries dining cur in which breakfast is served. Fol. tiekete And information call qn Jos. Kidd, Agent, Goderich, 9. GODERICH TOWNSHItP. HoI.mt•:svIt.L[t, Jan. Ilth. Tile NEW CM:N('IL. -The following pet•sous made the necessary declara- tion Of office and property gnaliticu- (' : • Reeve Samuel Sturdy, Coun- cillors W. 11. Lobb, George Hudie, John Rathwell and J. W. Yeo. The minutes of last meeting were read and ural beauty of the country they in. approved. 1lomtounirations were crease its attractiveness and enhance 'real in regard to the Clinton poultry the value of.fai, nLoperty. Toronto show and the Sick (hildren's Hospital, Globe.I but no action was taken. Moved by t Councillor Yeo, seconded by ('oun• Former Bank Manager Sued. cillor ltathwell, that J. it. Holmes re- ceive Justi'cr Riddell, 4O.gutelt hi,ill. ceive *hiss rent for use of hall for Current", has Ir. -fused A motion for municipal purposes , Carried. Moved leave to appeal from Chief Justice , Councillor Yen, seconded .. by ti Councillor Meredith's order striking out the jury ouncillor• , 1. rhh, that. the salaries .,1 u"tie" in the action of the . vcreign the several t 1Wuvhip officials be ss Bank t f Canada against 11. 'Torr f" ow+: Clerk, $U1.;; treasurer. $811: Rance, s The action wits brought collector. Stitt; as.essot', SIN'; auditors, claiming $10,12!•; as balance due 191(1(1 $I,tit ln�$'_'lte+achtrfot rs of the every a gu'1-Ante.. by the defendant to y plaintiff ot indebtedness of the Clinton flay'" wt.tk, and the several council - Knit ting ('ot pony, • or W. P. Spalls fors acting a4 road commission - Knit ing, to tit 1'li tun branch "f th • !rink, •''rs shall he paid *2i each. Carried. of which defrm.ant was nuan.), , the The following �,•Isons Were app,rinted appointed ;for three years to the 1 t,OCHALSH. board of health. Carried. Moved by I Ttitt 13on`t -wHITIc.—everal times Councillor Lobb, seconded by ('nun during the last fe'Ov woeks flocks of cillor RAthwell, that"bylaws Nos. 1, 2, and 3 now read be passed—No. I, fix- ing salaries of township officer.) ; No. 2. appointing officers, No. 3. for treas- urer and Reeve to borrow money from Royal Hank. A petition signed by a number of rxlepayers in regard to a rail -fence causing the road north of the cut line on the 7th concession to become , impassable and unsafe to traffic on account of snow, was pre- eent..•d to council. Moved by Coun- cillor Rathwell, seconded by Coun- cillor Yeo, that the Reeve wait on , 'has. Jervis and try to make some arrangement in regard to said fence. Carried. The following accounts were passed : Election expenses, $5/4; 1'. Rundle, gravel, $0.0I ; G. W. Andrews, stationery and postage, $1.75 ; Municipal World, six copies, $5 ; Municipal World. election sup- plies, $7.'dl ; G. Tebhutt, posting statements, $1.75. The council ad- journed to meet the first Monday in February at 1::311 o'clock. N. %V. TIKwAla'rltA. Clerk. guarantee living subsequently ltti it•'1 to 1111 the fol owing offices : Fence - to $12,000, ;and soiree payments having viewers, No. 1. Isaac Malkeld, John been made on it. Ranee wished to re- S"werhv, G. Laithwaite ; No. 2, John Lain the custom "( tale, company, and Sturdy-, %V. Is. Hick, Jas. Yuilt : No. offered to become personally reepons_ :t• Hall Rntl"tlge, Alfred Neftel, Alex. ibis for the debt. if without interest, %%elsh; No. 4,6, Ki. %Vise, .Jahn Moon, and if his maim was increased to)ht oebea n Ni.o. S Chas. Lovett, (I. ra tt- P. W. 1Villiaw•,'C. Churchill. l'ound- keeirers : No. 1. isaar Salkeld ; 2, W. $I,INN) a year, the bank t oft hat wmoijnt $1,000 it y the reductiuu of the coin pa this arrangement to terorin ceased to be tnurager. 11e t to be manager, loving paid u the bank than he wits called tom to pay. He dues not, claim as rat iheoliun of the guarantee, nor (foe: he say i was intended that the contlitiun wa. intended to he inserted in the gear - may, nor does lit• sayof suggest, that y. KK the condition appears in writing. 11is Lordship dues, not think It utre con11 take ,ulvattt:age of the s,, -called r rn- dition that he was In be liable only so long as ho-t•ern,uned in the h:ank's em- ploy unless Ice could in some way have the guaranty changed or ameni11. Ha holds that the teal dbfence here is i1atilk-i ion of the •agreement, which rr •- .1s a(� o guty, amt n op corts(•qucnl ly the actou shoui(r be v,u•• tried be ledge without a jury. ng- A forty-acife orchard, -- with '1,200 hat • winter pple trees •it- it, hAs jtltlt been scold sage 1 uvnship of W"txlhtltase, county n Not folk, for $17.1441. Ku kill - 'Leen yenta. ago it changed hands for *2,7�t1*; ter* year:% o tot $i,:olkt, end ix years ago for 1(i,iN'lt. The pat, bought a INNI was Meer a h xu h. t 17 sage � t�'` 'ib (b R las. E. Johnson, aria ager of the Norfolk Fruit -growers' ` As'ncation, locksmith wad he credits himself with basing aerondcd hp t:ownctllbr Mudie, that Rett,in' literary. lies gain' ter write be i a Intoot it megNnews7rc owing aat.),lhe value i+ JohMed. Sthve111htin(;tiltncaillorsYtrn, sec- 7-"I11e'llthe nprobably gitl� eme it he, sends motions o f the assuri-itton of which f.%tr, traded ltv ('onm ilinr L.ihb, that .1.:IC. he sutascription in.edvance." .lohnaon is the manager. Whitely be treasurer. Parried. Moved Mee. Strong "ikl you believe in by Comu'hllor Yeo, sec ped by *Stun- woman's rishts't" I..istleis leiter-- "What did you say last night when cillor Mudie, treat (leo. W. Andrews "Yes, m. Every woman ought to he Jock asked you to marry hits?" '1. he collector. Carried. Moved by 'allowed the right to work an' support shook my head." "Mideweys or np Councillor Hudic, seconded by Coun• her husband in the style to Which he's and down ?" cillor Yeo, that John Middleton be re- I been eeenetomsd." a•:cent out r towards fa debt, e if he 1 chase ,1 t" EAST WAWANOSH. birds were observed in this district which Were recognized at once as be- ing yery rare in this part of the country. They were sornewhet larger than a robin, with the throat, fore. head and line over eye white, and the back or upper parts a mixture of chestnut, black, grey and tawny, while the under parte were whitish • with crescentric black bare. These birds walk over the surface of the snow like a crow (not hop) and take shelter preferably under covert of bushes of a shrubby natu .. The species is called the , "Bob . ite," .to which reference was mad: before in The Signal as being see. and heard during last summer. belongs to the same family as . e pheasants, grouse, partridges an quails, and like these is an • edihlb . ird. This species had disappeared f .m this section for some years hac - until last summer, when its pecul' r whistling call, "bob- white,'• was sin heard. This lati. rude (44th • egree) is probably .the northern mit of its habitat, as its greatest enemy is the deep snow, Lhrou: which many perish, it being [nuc less hardy than the ruffed gro _ : ("partridge"). The lab -white is vee common ih the s outh•w yest rt of this Province near Lake Erie, at account of the mild climate. It goes uhder different names on this hontinent, being called a "partridge" in the south and "quail' in the north, although it is neither true quail nor a partridge. Also It is called "bob -white" by some when it is (heard in the summer and "quail" when it is seen in the winter, they not peeing aware of the fact that it is one and the same bird. It is very useful to the farmer and should be spared, as t consumes large quantities of seeds of noxious weeds and destructive in- sects. 1 1°tr'Bronchial and throat affecta- tions, Allen's Lung Balsam is un• ey walled. MUNUAY, Jan. 111t1. Ni•:wsY NDTI s.- -Alpert and %Vatter c Tisdale attended the Scottish ctSn err given in %Vingh,un Opera House on January 7th and report a good par F°.` lick ; :3, Andrew McGuire ; 1. (1. - gram - John hymn. of Regia O. Cooper ; 5, Geo. Huller ; 6. John I Sask., who has been on the po ('onne•Il. 1':at.hm;tstet:s : No. 1, G. K. Johnston ; 2, Wm. Heavers ; 3, Jas. iiat•tis.rn ; t. W. .1. Elliott ; ,i, (Seo. tiowerby : R, Jas. Johnston ; 7, Sandy slitting : 7i, Thos. Harrison ; 11, Oen. '1nntgomery ; 10. las. ('ox : 11. Sam. I•:nunerson : 12. Walter Welton ; 1:3, !shoe No-tkes; i4, Leslie '('ox t orae (•a ntelon ; ll), Itoht. Hanley ; Trow c 17 E. J. a Lha 1 x. Reuben 44rigg ; 19, (i. O. Cooper : 211, W. Col- elm% 4t : 21, C. Middleton ; 22, C. I11..et .Iohnst H "belle. ,s Jervis ; Ashton ; t Wright : :ti, s,t(•pp:ard , lister Mellott .53, It. Thompson ; 24, W. 25, Geo. Holland ; 2e1 John 27. .baa. McCabe ; Cs, Joe. Jan. .Stoddart : 1 D • t John Jos. Miller ; 32, 1). as. Rapson ; 31, Andrew ileo. 'Pros -tor : 11. sr. ; 37, Harry Yining ; :ix, ('ha Lindsay ; :351, Isaac iones : 40, E., Ha y Steep ; III, W., J. Me(iee ; 41-. ( . 'Sheppard • 42, Hen ttathwelt ; 13, • . %Viae : 41, A. Mcott : 15, N John ickett ; 1.;, S., John Jenkins ; 1(i, John Connell ; 17, H. Trbbutt : IS. John Smith. Moved by Councillor 1,041), -seconded by Councillor Yeo, that (leo. Ilollxnd and (iti.. P. liould bre auditors. Car- ried, Mnvettl y Councillor Rathwell, L forep of that phare for the pas few months, has decided to give up is job 1ltere;',.nil stay at home to irk the farts Mr. and Mrs. .Io t Adam- son, of Brownsville, are v iting rebs-- tives in the neighborho at present. Mr. Admission hi a 1 otber of Mrs. ,carnes iSobinson, of . Augustine.... %Ira. % m. Buekitt ' ho spent the last two seeks visit- g her sisters at Brownsville, re irned horse on Thurs- day last Ibert Tisdale and his mother ape Sunday afternoon call- ing on the ick of St. Augustine Mrs. Peter Matson had the tniafnrtune to slip nrad fall on the floor, breaking her AVM in two places. We wish her Magistrate—'• With what imstru• a speedy recovery Mrs. Jameytocol car article did your wife inflict [how, who has been serindsty 111 with these wound's on your remand head?" pneumonia at the home of her Michael Mooney—"Wid s motty, yer mother,Mr*. Leishinan, of Marnoch„ Aunrr." Magistrate—"A • what' is improving. Michael Mooney—"A mottyy wan o' these frames wld ;God. BlisstaOur Johnson -"%)nee• poor wife /Any Home' in its" bridge whist ?" Bronson "I don's know, Inst I don't think so. T under- state of:obIn. City of Toledo, stand there are times in the game Lucas Counts.. when you have iti keep rphiet and let Frank .1. Cheney makspa th that he le1ot your partner play your hand. I'm partner of the firm of F. J. chem., t (:o., sure that would 't snit Helen." oing lStateines, In the cit. Of Tokio. county 2 a,,1 smote aforoewkl, and that Bald Ilan will oak Sir Hardapple -"My oldest boy is the sum of one hundred dotlare for each and every case of Ceth rh that, cannot be Mid by the use of Hall's Catarrh ('are, FRANK J. (•HF:NICY. sworn to before me and aubscrlhed in m pre/snow, this bleb day of 1)eeoo.mbgr, A.D. Itwty W.[i) iiablte, fteen Itall's Catarrh Carsis taken Internana llly, and tete directly on the blood and muoons www of the system. Send for teetfmonlele free gold all F. J. CHepr�, 7Elf t Co . Toledo. % ITake 'e Family PITY IsliseAystise.