HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-1-20, Page 5'1 11 I'' . l • . v A 1.• GOf1 t1(R .ONTA RIO 1'ltitritsvaT, JA#tfkwlr la. 1111110 6 LOCAL TOPICS. Godeei.s troths -Fronk - _ , heliotrope satin cloth 'With hat to H. •1L Bellows, brough bis excellent inateh g d-cari•ied pink carnations. pherographic otudies, is aivertirin;f The gratin was attended be hie Goderieb for /W:0ut the Ei tti1.--•'tr-in, A».tin Obiiholw, eft+ r speaking world. Recent name' of The hride'a travelling shit war ot navy l+uburbau Lite, Outing, Leone's liroiedeluth. Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm wooro ruoko rs.Mclutnnll's, i other left on the afternoon heir, for Toro!). le /polars American wage:One" nun• to and otbee points east and on their tarn di:elle* familiar to Oodetich return will reside in G,elerich. Mr. pw'ple. Chisholui•i many trieudr in town and vicinity wish Ilial apd his bride ouch Pol'.ce Court. happiness. Severel cases were before Police ( At the Jail. Megi.trate Butler this week. A charge John Uook, who war meat 10 the jail of ab.uult was laid •by Chisholm tiro*, to //Militia Cohn lhevine, as a result of the fracas which occurred at the Clin- tut-Goderich hockey match Iart Friday • night and the offender was lined 111 and costs Albert Herten, who left merrie England sumo six months ago, was given sixty days on a charge of viterancy.. Pugin Sch -e• $oard. ' The puhli :echoed board held its in- augural nt ting tdr LUIO last evruing. Stealing omulittees were struck Sud the fol awing appoints ents were. made : r. lltitcklin to tui Collegiate. lnet at. e beard ; Principal Tigers re.i.p- point to the high school entrance elt- awi tion bard ■nd to the public 1i• Gra • 1 oard. The vacant position .4 bee tmly %a", filled by theappoitltulent of Alex. St*.,itanl. - - o Ran on Lake Erie. 'rhe- Aigrette Ceatrel 8. S. Co. bas told its p.t--euget• ,teals.-* King Ed- ward to Cleveland pantie«, and Irrxp, rala•n l he Ito cl will ply bet wrell Put t •lanky and Cleveland nu Luke Erie. 'he King Edwi►d ran for the. part five '"r wig au11►uiers on the Detr•rnt---sm. route a►i.1 brought many sunnne• tour - islet and visitors to li lerich: She is a *wilt ani! cotuntwliei r cr aft, and kept veru diose to *cltedul time. A -January Rose. Koreas plucked to the garden at this time of year are not a' common thing i.. a 'c t 's worthy of note iu ( d n h, and 1t t t het etre day last week -Wednesday. January '12th --the Athens Fraser. Bt rumens rued. plucked d wellt evel- op•d r sebed in their garden atter digging through a foot ot *now. The damage by frost. :Id Hasuliu !warts of t1,.- plant udder the snow- -allows► touch rnterpt i• n in fermi and baa the hest -wishes of 1111 w know him for the sucre.i he ,deserve The Rural Telephone Project. • .- • - A meeting `n connection with the rural telephone project in thts district Society Gus elected the following ern- wag held et the town hall one day last wo L Repriiseptative tiled front rXtb fpr the term just commented : tiither/it •gilts of the Id strict' were presenr, and after discussion it was d., ided to apply fur a chatter for the li,.detich Rural -Telephone Company. limited, and to proceed as rapidly as possible with the work of organizing the company and getting `the project established. Mr. Gipson: a repre- ...... ,i,e of the Bell Telephone Co.. on December. Lath to await ren acs developed gym:home of typhoid fey* the following day, when his tempera- ture rose to Iltt degrees.. He is now out of danger, though atilt confined to his lard. The tower ot the building is owed as a hospital ward, and two of the prisoners have proved faithful and efficient nurses Jacob Wilton, of Brussels., whose trial ou a. charge of incest has been postponed .heeatuse of his poor health, will be able to appear, fur triad tuulo*row iu Judge Holt's county criminal court.. ...The open- ings over the corridor stairs. which lead to the exercise. enclosures -have been fitted with hinged covers, making a deeided improvement in the warmth of the entire building Three art; et pe -,sent twelve inmates, whet below the urinal wittier uuutbet--' `Ths Evaporetor.R Ing.Again, ‘Cork on the neks' *I I'I-foot ron- ev'rt.• building at `D. -k- lfa.uhnlea rya' fluor was a•,.uiplete d this week, and t plant is now in operationgiv. ingeini .%i:*tit to *brut thirt;-tivr hands. heir are kuuugh apples on hand to keep the evaporat.ir rnuning . . r two s full time f [h next t tb . 1 t K. With the exec Lion ut tn. gamii*tn•mtl- giue all the m t •hinery is new mud of the most *t to-• to (lesion. The fire, i. + + - n,•t inning in theaaa. a . t pert of the *.•asap, druloratizei whit. pi nllrt,rd to Ie the biggest . der. MI at the ',seal reap taros. Nearly :fY.t)s) barrels, of apples, iuelihliog first -e rte. fruit sad culls. had is'ri h.,utphet aid ,,loud in the .►Id done* shoe' end the old ileo -turd .alt w,ok-. The stoppage e( operations meant a lobs K) several thousand barrels through dee and has were green and hseen. and the flower his-sinee °retied out iji the !toilet' in a yaw tilled with water'. The plait is tin Euolish CluietI*Ias rose: Literary Society Officer'. Tbe l'utlegiete Inktitute Literary Honorary {resident, Dr. 11.- 1. Strang president. Mi.- R. 1. McNevii ; first vice-ple'rident, J. F. McNaught : sec- ond vice-president Mita A. T. Hautil- 11oD ; eecretary, Midi L Pridhaw ; {reps:firer. Miss J. 1:. Maunders: edi- torr n-chief..Mits M, Fingland ; atsis- 'tarir editor*, Mur I:B. Welsh and R. A: Walter; pianist Miss A. Sturdy: was present and arrangements for iste.e..i11e.rs. dliw- whit sate Beta .y.i1W4, were /undo, H. Case. discussed. The townships ot C''v1- Sho t Course in Fruit -growing. borne. Asbfirld, East \Vawanosb and West Wawauosh have .►{ready given {o.•tnission to the contrail to erect lines within their boundaries. When the•stock of the conpane is offered for sale it will be plat ed at a low figure. with easy terms of payment. so that it will be within. the reach "f toot yhody who may be interested in this 'movement .tor telephone cent= wunication. Public Library Institute. A public library t rtte for to iIsht Pet thHuron and other counties in this district was held yesterday at Stratford. Ooierich was aepreeented lay Joseph Kidd. of the public library board. anti Miss Aitken, lilrrarien. Mr. Kidd e x p i ease d to The. Signal this morning lain belief that such s•otiventions, of which this wits the first will be of • , . r It t cue much benefit to the pa h11 . and especially to those in the smeller places. By getting together and et - (hanging views and ex perienees those trailing can gather unany • useful .I fr esBono es to the' Pnnduct a•1 lib Ile.. and the -.,atter lit,raries will to the.•• in rt•'• 1) ciu.'4 It•••t.:rr larirl expt•riruct• of the larger one.. cnintnon inteteste ct the i the district will be more :and combined effort can TheSignal is asked to draw inten- tion to 'he short c.urse;in fruit -grow• ing wh' has been arranged for at the AR 'cultural College, ' Guelph. ' Tbe datestoJanuary 25th to Febru- ary Stb. T (.rand trunk end Cana- dian1'aciflc ilWays are giving re= duced rates for Biis event, and the College authorities will .do their tit nowt to ensure the comfort of those who attend. One .4 the speakers on S " t o is t. R Gun t .Blyth e r caro } BI tb 1 R T r his subject' is,••Non in 'Apples in s 1ID Huron Count." A Lecture on Rome. - Rev. Dr. Dougall win•(live a picture trave,ltalk on "Rome,:. the Eternal City." in North street Methodist church tomorrow 1 Fr Way: evening. The .Meeker gathered his material for t -IIs le.•ture while on a trip to the sty of 'Milne iu the s of 11.17. e leel, re wt11 include descriptions , r . *attires w tow '. and' fain o rand p tp, g. narnotiyes "f travel, romance, aloe, dote and at t. In the '.pinion of th•1.e who laver'r.•P. then*, the pi•'tutwg ale- ronep.m a g this lectoro are svjwri,it ben,tlt, p11:irularly frons the more Hut," g,•••d sus Ilu•v vete. !Then 1 For the Hospital. ? 'ihr:.,ti,+ Z'r.ri Ilauunlris of the En.pitc wish •c:ratty se. to tbssik the holies of lkalrrrch who ... e.r(ges Ply be: able in ..raring kirib;tyrnntrHerterl to the fuel fund for in.,--- ltll' t tom the Legislature. the lee titan in 111*19. Collo-tad in . t. je r-tt•a1Mtd germ in its. report art 1 the ronvenlien edits .tr. hide -with Rivinit mss -Rear nor and protitable, s.Idrr-+. though it Kidd himself lugs. $:lil.!'s•: St. David's, Mrs. Slat k .lrnteethe1 -awin' .01. 400 Mid. Ibi ,t. $lIl.43; 1laynrtd t•i•td 181* Paigans Retains is Seat: - and ith r •.onion. by Mts. and Jli.s On appticettnn of 1 : tikrkh-ttF%lai(t.- slid,,, -_ was it. defeated c At the reguTrir meeting of -the- c••ntpci1Gn fti trip - Daughter* of the F:mpite it tole Of'a recount of`rhe v.v... ons b d yester- thenss was t ndered ta) the puhtie day by line Honor .1n.tge fin ,•. Mr. tibials boat 11 for the nae of a 100111 for Eliintt wad only awn 'i.te.' I1.11 ,l Mr. clewing in Frep•aration for the state. of('arsoua in - this it -owing 11 leer's i ' work in ecein let. Alen to Mr. iiahl' l a,nt, but the net rt.lill .,f th re.• for his c ,1,ttnprfiln e ' . titin of t*1.1": collected in the toe left by ono wed thti latter will reteitp h with I ' . 1 soil in the e t,:neil. Ilse following ar Y. M GA. Notes. tl.c figto.illi detsil : , t1ld•iT1 t Sie,ei•ui 1.-Watt'e, I+y airs. Kelly. tifal•:: Rt. Petrify;'.: :L a. ('aerie wu(l hies. Inn,,'gffl : tit. Andrew'-, Miss t'kirn oh -rt Elliott, oblate .for at the market .pt Friday of next I -" CHURCH NOTES. 1 - ANNOUNCEMENTS. Bar gine in rubber . Doris. See ad, h cowwunicaliuis --- wbek• Atmore sue received is one froup a Montreal Hrm' which wants utfly choice worker•,, and extra heavy drafter ; another is trop► a Parry Sound buylttt who want* extra 1 wavy horses weighing from 1.501► to 1.700 lbw. fur railway construction work ; another from a Toronto firm which is looking for burse* uf_nxtttt quality, possessing both size and sub. stance. Coneideriog that these borne markets have been worked up with. out any assistance trim the corpora- tion, the town council might see tit to ivake a grant to encourage' the further development of the project. LOCAL TOPICS 1N BRIEF. If )' on an. inn:, dei III 11) rlenaph) you cannot alrunt to mi... .t ing the di..play ,f material, for thi.art at Winner Sndth's. ►.get *levet. Thi- t. headquarter.., for all art days aupplie.. Up-to-date method. in tailoring.- c n bhle■1 with lava materials and fair price,.,. else Iildllaul'. e.tablialouuut the load in aupplylt r mens g,.rment'. Tr)' him with your nett order. DM you enjoy the 'annual Jaduary thaw ) Wir are pleased to see Wm...Sbar• man again at business atter several weeks' illness. The promenade under the auspices nftba G. C. 1. Literary Society will be held tomorrow evening. \' number of local poultry fancit. ere have exhibit* pat the county txrultry show at Clinton tbie week. ( u Saturday the trees with' their -branch*-- ami t r Incas -eoi•eted -_with f;tttst made a I _picture. ' It is stated that proceeding* will likely he taken for a recount of the vote on the Intal option bylaw iu the tow °ship of Tucket•swil h. Rev. 1),'.. Dougall has been :worsted to gi':e. his Roast. "Rome. the Etrinal In the Latdeshor; Methodist tlutuhon iltutlld . January 27(h. The Baptie' church annual meeting was held on \Vednesday of this week. A report will be given next weep, • Bey. Father McRae hat returned fruut a fraterosl vimit • to the parish' priests at Sesfotth and Duplin. Rev, Dr. Dougall preached educe- tlunisf ieruionr In -Aorta- street l win,• dirt church, London. on Sunday. The sermon subjects at the Baptist cbur'eb services mit Sunday ; Morn• ing, "Our New Responsibility" • even. ing, "The Story of Two Builders." Everybody welcome. A union meeting was held last even- ing in Knox church and was ed' dressed by Jas. S. Potter, of Toronto. who spoke in k very interesting way of the work among ssilurs with which bete identified. Rev. Dr. McLean, of town, has re- signed the clerkship ut the Presbytery of Huron after forty years' service in that capacity. His successor is Rev. James Hamilton, pastor of Union and Leeburn churches. On aVedoesday evening., the mem- bets of the Baptist church choir paid a suitpri.ie visit to their leader. C. Heinicke; and presented him with a elixir. A pleasant evening Was spent with vocal and instrumental music. During this year much attention Is -being given by the Sunday schools (and young peoples societies 1 ' the life and teachings of dents. North street Mrtbodist pulpit. proposes to do the _saute. Next•sunday wotning the ser- mon will deal -with One of 'Christ's name% for Himself, "the Gold Shep- herd." In tie evening . thee: Subject will are, '•Whist 1Wooltl,lesus Oct Y' -a berttnotl ruggesteil by Sheldon's fain= nus uuok. The girl* intermediate Bible clans of Knox church and their teachers, Alias •. lu. 1 i. and .lied Polley, Were h t • R on page 5. ti, F. Hurt, Up:to•date furniture at the Dew fur- niture atm* 'Hamilton street. The W. C. T 1'. meets in the Temp- ers.aee Hall .the second and. leant/ Mondays ,•f each month at 3 o'clock. - the - D. t L .- Ewt}Ision _will build %ob up. will wake you fat attd healthy. Especially beneficial to those who are "all n," "Lifefiuoyrundow+Dal;' m delightfully re- freshing for lather or toilet. For washing underclothing it Is unequal- led. Cleanser and purities, N'ANfin. - Old-style tour -posted beds ; any kind old•slyle furniture : also clocks, cau.ilestii;k!•, brass. copper and pewter ware*: t oatoll epinoing- wheels, books, pictures -or itty kind of curios. !'all yt or write Ys Ot.n l too Rr+ITY $prop', Goderich. P. O. HOS 71. • --rte-. Goderirh is in the henna belt ell right White in other post. of' On- teri) there era* a terrific *form last Friday. their oat nothing of the mut t liel'e except a rather tush wind. Mre..D. Ferguson, president of the \\'otuan's'Missiuuard &'ociety of Vic - tin hi street . Met hedist rhumb, ontrr- tained the members of the S.iti.•tc at tier hoine on l ue.day evening. The',igr,ai's newspaper press broke di.wn'whru a Portion ..f this week. is- sue n as'iwing 1 nn orf, and we ere in - kited to -The Star for its friendly..rr- vices in doing the renfaineler .if the presswork on this edition. • Mr. Sullivan, inspector of separate eoboole in tit. diocese ot London, was in town on Wednesday and expressed his appteciatipon of the conditions pre- vailing at and the progress Made by Abe l.w.4inatitutien,- A quiet wed.Ting took plaoe at the Vict•n•ia st vet parsonage on Wednes- day. Januar • 12th. when Mrs. Violet Kirkland, t t Bright was united' in marriage to \ J. Ramsey, of Gode- i*h, Rev. R. A. Millyerd otRciating• t•ndfr the ails ('amp, Sons of Soo iltan, the famous. teni periel $tot. -t' wpsey- Victoria ()Pere House F'ebruary'3r.1. In the current Nene of lite Ontario Gazette there appear notices: of the appointment of various boards of license inspectors, among them wing the following: North Huron- ,os. E. Durnin, Matthew Lockhart, H. • t. Musgrove. Sou t h Huron - Pet Douglas. Joseph canning, Wm. Del• bt idge. The county council .Will lneet en Tuesday nert. January ':.%tb, • at :t p.1 o'clock tn. The fleet rosiness will be the election of the War- den. which is always an. •itlter- esting proceeding. The county ',roads gue.tuon and a request for ab in- crease in -the grants to Uollegiste in- stitutes'are two Matters that win likely come hutore the council. During the- past three months the Salv,atino At -my has had ten, experi- enced •Canadian representatives in (:a eat I3 iteiu selecting a go.,.1 class of able-bodied men air(' wnuten for cmi- graines t•. Canada tbi5 epi ing. Farnn ers who wish t.. -retire help are in- vited Iu ion -respond with Lieut. -Col. Ilowrll. lni.uigretinn Offices.' {lune+ "end Albert et teats, '1','tonto, %apt \\'illietne, (' tare ace etieet. Lond,•n. I HOCKEY NOTES.- Goderic* Runs hp a Record Score. Last Friday night in a crowded rink, tivr t tintonLackey tenth encountered std overwhelming defeat -froom the lor.tl 1.1,11, by tlam seine of 27-2. The Getilrrii lu IRanI'a eo,nhinatiari was ',Jetty anti in tunny in -t races resulted ite goals fin the teats. `Time after time Wi)fgtne, Dean and McLean woggo.lown(i. 1t`t''•omlhitfrrigPt' (tartly. The only one of the Clinton 1' min planing at all brilliantly was R utball at point. Dan ' Serotchj•" m,i e watts * antiful rushes whi••h 'Dirt in d it goals. l'1a •pman in ,;o* t '&thy :mel -noble teltr-Il did let wit in he kept mita-tinny o'her b:crap .hole. "11n•ney" Th.impsnn tc t.l 00 effective genie white on the hitt he 'ndttlgt..1 n little too mach J. F: (Shorty! fantelon: de ..0 eQlrient teferie. ices of Inverness nd. J. M. Ham - r. and the Int - oda l h •Altr•r''.e.`t• is The ladies-' ivtxilisty islet on M 'n,h.y l.t.. ♦ 1. 1: 1 , •1;:'•. itc,o ai:r Peen:tag in tIn I% M. 1'. A. remiss at:A I 1 t't /j j I (l' eleetei °Mere as folio re : 1'*m-ident, •- i iigt'ng. Mote, Ill MAW Mrs. Hamilton ; vic,•,prwad, nt. :ie.. The tomen( h _. ('hnpman ltorher Preparations etre being tuatie f.t n' . Me,ion..l.l cove Carrie: Remotely. Mrs Joliet. 1 tie 's- urer, Airs. Andetson. Mc 1.4•.411 Int int banquet en .lanttary Ylst to 1rP given : :e.1 ser far the centre -limning to the count Y. In No 2 tater. wig nn inteteiting 11'11^ \ neat T1'F„!rani. `right • 1 M. l'. A. fund. - ' ;nit urllent over 'e ballot ou which lh' la loot, left win A toys' department is being ,.reran- mark was lint A re.,+., hot, it yt•a• Ilefeare. F.. r'a izeei, n gntdluy nntnhors,f hays hearing argued liter the whole aviwarenee of yowl a!liiI , I,an M:. I R f'.rtwi' TIn.PA",1t. a,•4 1‘ tatlice..n,l n "le -ice to join the A**.sein• th, m,.rk showed ,t lel' in ..t tempi hr t:,Ivs. 1'••n,tur ..tw•r, lite►. Jew. t::uric and Dan tt'110u11.1 lbs V0111, ti, heals* to r: n ., .:nd .'n tilt +trin11. f'mo,I;M+ t. alrlich, T (11a 001 Cnn II K Itun.hall Fink heard:* H,('lure lenrre.ter O'Y.ill Inn. 'troop, Albert am... W. b. 11 l'rr+ti.n n.' ll,e.le Ilatee Ms'e kiaefl r undertaken the Di *1e * inn City of satin former tt-rtowse -en study and the physical work respec• Provincial elections this' ballot woe Lively. - allowed. The rex»unt changed the Wingham Y. M. C. A. bolds its an- ftgure% in five divisions, but the net re- -Dalal banquet onTbut ay .evat)' : ' - turves . title week. Mr. Carrie will atten as three oyer Mr. Etlintt, instead -est two delegene-froustbe local declared by the returning officer. • Chisholm --Wheling; Monthly Horse Markets. 13• minute:,.1►, IMn,.M 111\1 min +rAMah,* Bair -deli: atrl.ron w• Thomp.on 5, use . 115 Draper I. Mc(•Iure 1 Nitres. Belcher had a Dean played his position v we The me lights were a decid - • 1 prnern.e-"t. 27 to 2- the record score d the ses ►n in the O,H.A. Arthur McLean ("tinily Gee") id faster than ever. At Rt. Joseph's church, Stratford. The monthly horse markets which on Tuesday, January Pah, Mini. in •19:19 proved such a.bnon to breeders Kate Whaling, of Fibre, wag united and buyer of (inderich and vicinity in ►narriage to William Chisholm, are to be repeated this year. The hal- o( f#odmrich. Very Rev. 1)een Me- lowing dates have already been do p R Gee officiated. The bride was gowned riled upon : Januar Lath; February for the goaltending ,job. ► i January The "Bonnie Dundee", boys will be in petunia pent% velvet, primmer with loth and March Iltb An attctloD thorn in the flow{,, this year. geld trimming and wore a white pie- sale of hones win /be held In the i gees. Jimmy will NII my place on TOWN.titre hat with plumes, and earticd aftrtnoon of each mirk*t day. that team all right. lark `Viggint. white TOWN. Mho watt -given away by , The managers of the Goderleh Hoe R her tether, James , Whaling. The `Market have received- word from Int - twill, London.ete.Stretford, tch oat'oho.a Bonnie ie er- brideemald, Mist Sadie McCaffrey, portant buyers In different parts of Dundee boys are right after yon, condo of the bride, was gowned In the•country indicating their presence es.t.• to( a ser:- sae.tsslul and enjoy aIle "at home" in the lecture room .t, the chinch on Monday evening last. Theirgosits wote chiefly the young utr)t and woolen of the congregation. A. very lute:eating un,siral. and liter- ary program was given liv the WPM - bet *and thea* friend., and in addition we games in the form of contests added to the. pteasat- Of. the evening. Refreshments wee .served • At the *lore. - r Rev. 'Nr. Hannon. .1 London, oc- cupied the pulpit of Victoria street Methodist church last Sunday worn- ing i•nd prtatbed in North street Thur -h iii -the reaping. 1)r.. Hannon i. one 'of the grand old met: of (',mad• lam Mettiodrem, a logical expour.der, with a free atnd vigorous delivery. -He served for tifty ine yee1- in the rpinis- try and now lives retired at Louder. Me is no stranger in having Ai.:g preached :tnnivet gary art vice* in North std t Atm ch thirty-six }•*:ars ago. and hay Ig returned at • vaiioue times As thea alts passed by. 'Presbytery of H rp4tt• . The Presbyterys nt Heron hcl.i its regulltr Jauuary sleeting' in Willis church. Clinton, or Tue.dav, Jauuary Pen.- 1-8ero-•es•w-psrse t 4' 'H t*- ers., moderator, Dr. :McLean, 'Dr. Stewart, 1. A. Anders in, E. Mei.. Smith. 1'. Fletcher, f). Carswell. S. F. Sharp, N. Shaw. E. Corriere. J. L. Small aml•,l. lixwil'or?. minister«. and. W. J. Smith, J. D. Melville. J. Me- Ney, M. Murdie and Jas. Curt, elders. Mr. F. 11. Lerkiu Was appointed m.sler'ter for they ensuing six months. Mt•. Lind: u'y. of ' irnia . Presbytery, 1 Mr. J. C. Tint. of Toronto. being lit sent Were invited to sit with the Pre: hytery. Tht• •essioh minutes of 'r v Presby - tetl d conga to anions in the I res ass R K 7 tet y w re examined and corn'missions rogation+ in the Presbytery •M representative elders. It n ask for the same grant r i.eeburn and inion, as congratulated . on r of self-auppott, el•.'rt wasp adopted and attditnri,wete Honied. The clerk repot -ted its. read of bis corre:rendence with 11*, Hon. t Sec- retary of State, .E. N. h wis, A . f'., and M. Y. McLean: M. P..\oo matters of social and ,,soul reform.'. The vari- ous remits frim the Assem y were considered, some of which wet. defin- itely :.p served end the ,onside tion -of others delayed. The resignation of the clerkship ,Dr. A. Moban wee regretfully a( *erred oral Mesers. Anderson, Small end J. 'McMinnwere appointed to formulate n rrt.edut inn expressive of the mind of Iho Ptr-byterv. The election .,1 a new clink waw by i-tllos and tesultr,l in the ,appointment of - Mr. .1 iiuini:len. Notice of motion was given by Mr, S nilit 1' 'ting the *mount of 1ravr11111.1 expenses of members to .the General Assembly paid by the I!nrehyt,ay Lave was giver, tit Mr. Davidson. ---\--h of.sw, t'tottualeta,'e in a callott Kayfielil when the nevelt: ate ready. Mr. bluatord, of Itrtu•,•Held, writs or- dered to'be certified to Knox ChLh gr.. 'A eonln.it.tcc, (orris' ing of Messrs. Larkin, • Carswell /u:d Shaw. was apptinttd_-tcr_sunsnN with Chisel - bur. sn,1 sin rounding"rongt•egationa, it tie •.•...t• v. 50 tdtil saddle proper art-angc.., t for snpply.of 1'hiseihurst night , h-• obtained. I:her report on thulrh life and work tea. given Hest place on On deck -L for the afternoon session •1f p' -at r:'gnbu• meeting. Mew.. Fletcher, Dr. McLean and Lindsay eddt-ese d the l're.hytiery on behalf of queen's College. The next. *,gaper meeting is to be held on the Yit.t. Tuesday of March in Willi* clench. Clinton. AUCTION SALES. Muso..Y AND Tcau.Y. January Lath and Auction sale of hou.rbold furultnle. horn'.... rise, uuebiltued gaud, and the eon. fetao of tivudurrilimicP. et the Aartinn 1;o.lericp, from 1 to 1.,urlod..each day.. 16s:0. Ineca a c and Til ".. Sutras. surtlooeera. - ILARRIs,'V -On Sunday.. Jan•:are ash. at =1 t4.su:et_itre.tt, tKt.•w., :o M+.:u.d Mr. [tea. s no:rises. s sun. • DIED. s fSIPwy\ - kt 9hepwudton., et Friary. Janu- .tryllrh,l;sortrelame:r.; r!i:ypsan, int bU 4.1:4-s a. - -- -- - ---- Good Time to Buy \V(r>IEN's ANI) MiS'3E8' Waists Furs .Skirts Bose Coats Underwear Golfs, Gloves, Shawls, Fascinators, flannelette Wear, Kimonos, \Vhitewear, Corsets, Lace Curtains, China, etc. \'. IIV. our usual fair prices are bl1 cut down to reduce our stock before stork -taking now near. THEN, market val- ues are riding. You will never buy Furs and all Cottun- 1+cods as cheap again. when pretreat stocks are replaced. • With us store system requires that we clear our stock, and you man buy now for your future needs at great saving. . JOHN STEAD HAMILTON ST., GODERICH NOT TO' - - - Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion cu un Behalf was agreed ale forme'ly and f3(kytleid reselling the Ira Thr treasurer's in itsue of sa-rrs week. Makes Solid Flesh Bectuse,t creates an appetite. lt,builile up the jvteid, rutodown sy stent an a na:ural.'sly - ' 5(w. •god E W bvtttes at all drug- gist;. Be •cure '. u get the genuine. Revillon Freres -► U*..5D 1721 The largest dealers in Puss aad Skins in the wer' I. wa pray ',hip_ nllsResr MARKET HIKE far all kin,ls cf • Rat',' Furs 'and Sk{ns Eor.sa assortment. Quick returns . Ark tar our :90q4410 PRICE LIST IT'S FREE OP/.GI Aosta .laaffOa. . Ise Dae 136 McGill a: *Unfree. sax PAT EXPRESS CIIu2a70. (:ODERICH DIONTIII.Y Horse Markets BLit' HORSE MARKET" WiLL BE HELD IN • GODERICH Friday, Jan. 28th Friday. Feb. 18fh Friday, March Ilth Thr Mmuthl, Horse Markets' in 1111111 were successful and popular and thee, of 101e Horses to be even` more so. Horses will also he sold\by auc- tion on each day of rale. com- mencing at 2.:01 p. m. Extllent accommodation is assured \lor- animals and attendants and 1 lending horst buyers will attend ., The lw•st stock and the best buyers are being brought to- gether. Pr. NV F. ('lark V. p.... President Jas. Connolly . . vire President It, W. Henry, Mgr.' sterling Dank • Treasurer Go,. Alnrk.. .. !•zcrretary • sr 1 •, 8: It Snits Tien" All C(PlirgirS C 011,4114 , WW1 WO 1Ai111 ' Old -and young_ tielight4n the rich- nessand delicious- ness of COWAN'S _ PERFECTION COCOA. It suits every taste. The Cowan Co. i.imited. TORONTO. 133 - -The Signal's Clubbing List for 1909-10 The Signal and Toronto WeeklGlobe - $1 60 1 Th. nal .DailyGe Sag 1 and Toronto 4 50 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star I 85 luenter .,a prem.o..::.: co. "'Ito Sock.. Aeoceal Tie Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) - I. 75 Th Signal and Toronto Daily Star. . . . 2 20 Ls The lgnal and Toronto Daily World . . . 3 5o Thar -Sid nal and Toronto Daily News . 2 35 The S*nal aid Toronto Weekly Mail and Empiz . • • Pre:nium ;acture; "E: .1:' 11 con;- ex'ra. .Tbe Signal an Farmers Ad-vocate -2-35 Signal' and Canadian Farm . . z 50 The Signal and Farm and Dairy . . . . . z 75 The S:,,gnat and Wianipez Weekly Free Pressjt 60 The Signal and Lond n DailyAdvertiser . 2 90 sn -The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser . z 60 The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning* Edition . . 3 50. Evening' ng Edition. . i , 2 g 0. , The Signal and London Weekly -Free Press z 85 The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness . 3 50 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness . z 85 The Signal and World Wide . . . •. 2 25 The Signal and Western Home Monthly - (Winnipeg) . . . . . . .. . . . z 60 The Signmll and Presbyterian . . - .e 2 25. The Signa! and Westminster 2 25 The Signal, Presbyterian and "Westminster 3 25. The Signal and Catholic Register . : . z 60 The Signal. and Saturday Night (Tbronto) , 3 40 The Signal and Busy Man's Magazine . 250 The Signal and Home Journal (Ta2ronto) . . i 6o The Signal -and Youth'g Companion (Boston 2 90 Inclt,41 ar,,,,.,%tr0-ri::*ertenr..br.ie The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) , - 2 60 . Includine postage to Canadian ec:rec:(ben.. 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' Send subscriptions through local agent' or by postofce or express order tit The Signal Printing Company, i.ltf;1C'l, Godcrkh, Or.!. i .fi r a.lsf.ct .e las., '14.*S4h1lialf ` ra. ell - _,h _