HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-1-20, Page 41
District News.
`.11,\ AL crODLItIl Hy; )WM110
BRIGHT'S ..The Week's Store News% LOC
NEWS .1414•A --Tint ant&ual meeting
or the ithavehoiderit oft he poblie -.kaU-
' Moxita v. Jan. 17th. j 1 A. NENN"l'ON, DENTIST, LUCK.' W. I. Millet. accompanied him tot Tar
1.11. NOW. -At bootee% err day extent Then; 'Ili Toronto, .... ... Rev.' S. H. Moyer
Corso'. M i•aari so. --Conned met day*. New remedy fur ettnveting teeth tdounto.,1 Went to Stratford on Tuesday to at.
January littli. as per 1.1.11AlIte. 'nor mem. tortnhbet ter ; hall gar. Cruwu sfol bridge worlt.• I fend t ht. public library meeting there.
1170111..!....2rallItleh 1 WO are pleased to I* able to re.
deelatittien awl trualitlhaC palters better dune IU the dolt.' :fere -utt,rn tiute.! port that Mrs. Those Ford and Jas.
and then tettk their seats at the coun- better fat:gine* for doing the work. more roue I Portion. who were 'on the wick list,
- •4.11 libel il. The kkk i tt kora ol last regithof 6"t"b" for II' ''''''''"I• ' ' I are .in the road t� reouverY Chita.
II eeting Writ. read and contitteett, on NT ()TICE. -1 lib LOCAL AUENCY , oalkead, ,',f . mama vine. Saskand
Will Todd
4 la re Inttioatutoufor•The Sights! a* or the 1.00.
so . rhe treasurer's statement Wad order. .1'11 ttegrpeei'vett fur e.-uh.Tiption.4. .4 1 friends, here last week
preewilter by the treestorer end re- vertedtig mei Joh wolk. .uld rt"-Iv11.1 i "111 1" ir home frOlii Cargill John MC.
cyated ,m, ti„ii„,f me.„,... Thmeep. MIMI tut eutounts•ualu tta trer 4.01104.. . .411111111 ha. gone t ) (ittellph. to rake a'
Alt rea-leeted for 10-144. John NVelister 4 )111.11'.w:Y. --'11te funeral .tf the 14te ' 1 ',dirge ' The ntotahly mei•ting of
Kiel I. C. Clark were appointed midi tieit ..1.11 inipson • 8...8k pftttir-14-s115111r-t the %Voniteirs 1 nstiotte will Ise hstlat- at.
tors. Tile visual streets Were given to day, t he I item td the I /rouse *Islet y lie- 'the home of Mrs. David TOdd, sr.. 00
' AN'erlo was ordet ea for, the etotiiril- Ittts %Vitt Olver of 11dt t Alhert.• weir n clock. Sultject for the dety is "Spring
W.-S.M.:CM/Si-1K; Clerk. here 'art Ft Way. A session waS held I ,- AVEitss:snaari- Jau. L.:th.
et F....rs• r• % OW lint anionic old triettils
asce'ateit ,..a• ire lerge cops. , gone
are.818,408Wynig in this 'list 848.1. Ed Cod -
nu ,4.1 f44 1.1rIpilli.! Isis 111 ot Ise, ;in 1 to 111
. Cron" help I Ir. to mats in the. F./10.1 as.
Millymil, of IterIsall. pre,. lied good
inicsion ,,ry, 141.1' 11;i114 OH the Kipper'
. eir,;nit A. oNtottrie was in De.
in the atternoon and Another in thi• 6. R. meoolingii. of
T,.vonto.'wbo has been lying •at tile
were Bev. Mr, -Sawyer.
▪ 1,14. pougabitini ..Agtaint oral Aka. Iiit...... Much
Soerety wits held in Elliott's hall. 1„, „„a me.s. Ed.
following eltAtiges : Atihtleld--.Nutitur . minim/4,y her. brother. 6 spending a
Culbert in place. of T. Introit' : iew seo,,,AL, this week. ,
plaue of. •Joitt. McLeen ne few /days he New yea,:
Itotret•t Wen in lilac,. •ot James taii-
in..t. g A loatl'ol yolitig is.,,I,I • ' 491d eet a remarkably high Haute. ' The
returned loan n Virit to .1tur &Moil), vr. ' 01111 .'4 seller ani 1 ....yen . :4•1r,Kitkpiat,
4hri. ift..ver. at -Paisley ...- :Miss 1 1. 1.• .4 :el. foal fauthy. -te.ive sh-rtly f. a
411116•11,1 tivitig 'clos..;11 otving,,to an epi- , the change tnity 1-4. a financial gain to
'king tn.' IAA 1 11 'of itilAstet :. David it.t.k-itight to sdend 7 I,c ever .to.4. wIt 1
'who id Stitrting tip a j welt y nosiness eVelriligs .... The -River Val ey I. t 5 tni-- (.01.k,01 :15 1044.•,1•sh,i,. w.t., the ....ene a.a
. in" town-. hie. purchase I the jewelry• ery intelet etitting a huge, supply 1
'''' i very pretty wedding. when. t heir sec-
- *neat - from F. Metcalf a ,wili ;novo ice-thisilsweek iii "suticiPiatti"'n-`±C-ATI-.1--s-rnsi Aft -Ugh -ter. Millie. Was ; .1.1 itril -Ilt
understetel Mr. Nletcall Mild lige to 311t11. -.4 1.`lita.n. lwitt a- few il tys1, evni,.e.Z.,11 ,.1 ii.•01.1-inne. The 4 tide
mils stoek. arid until he di ii so it is here ' - Miss E11.11,4 $1,1110111 is visit -
mid -'44" ! looked vet v sweet end felt as site en.
dispose of the ballot...el 44 • his fitn,sy last nark with his ii.i.thet
is intentifin to emit -mut. 1 ..the old ine her aunt. Mr.. I tired the p:silor leanIng on the atria of
Kay will suit t Alp h. the jewelry 'and Larry. attended the dairymen s .Con+ • ' iiiter of the
- optical Intaineist. tie has itoie INTO Vent i.,11 At St. 1.hon3as 1a....1 wevk . ... I': grhyoolteut,.....1Thite::eLeatnnonby,.wf »As ittieburfr,n,,,r.ni,edv...
here a.limg lion. and ithoold,do 'a good ..4Ie... Way, 141,,,iiip„00 'Arid ,,,ii, Fraitok, 1 ,..i.,,ted, i.y Rev. Ix. Baugh.. of. Rs.tin.if.
business for himself.
is the deadliest and moat
painful malady to which
Kidney Pills will cure arty
came of Bright's Disease.
They have never failed in
one single case. They are
the only remedy that ever
has cured it. and they arir
the oily remedy that caa•
Tattiest are iintfations. of
boa and flamer -hue Iowa -
boas are danstirollus. The
original and gamine
cure for Bright's isease is
fifty cents a box at all
Dodd's IC. clney Pills are 11
44.5 A•6itillif 1.1 le1i418 \t, '''' • Th"mlis'. ' !et, under a be:Pliant arch tif trains.
lop. Were gite.ts tit Stilt, ItnaCir. int i Ake: i he. „omit mutat mils t he gliests.
Sundity Misses -1.ily• `and litiry i ti, the, „amber ,. t• *ix", y.
S11:11 II, ta• 1..u•know. ere %pendant ,.. .,iimpt Iwo wedding chewer. wilit•h in -
sat dewn to et
h'w ii 4ire with Mr"' W' 3' M`"'"I'lin• chided- all the delieacies if the seesoh.
Cl'''we • • • • - • E44‘ N'''t he". . ine Sig- The dining•rooto pre-enrwl a very tes-
tier 1.11... .pelit Sundev at his kaolin' off, !tont-, evergt ern* and •Ch,riAtua,
Owe 1.....01. with it. bright -de. ot.ation.
here:- • • NV, ate Plialied 1" 'ee Iti'v. 'begs. 'rhe laide wore ft deinty gown
T. Hieks around again.
of heather. anti l'Arrieil et trintituet of
. Tut sii.%V. Jan. lath. ..ierin rises aud • asparatros tern. A
the▪ n Mc.. %Vie. Graham Is' ree,werir4,,bitttfinhole I, snort of seotch heti; her
1 11/111 0 ,41.11"1.1 1 11.1 '0,..k of 4111.11 11of 414. presented by Mr. John Buchenan to
AN EXETER 11'ictiouNti..,--Ni7iint
Airs. SV. Etnigh, lirus*.ls. pone
111'1 .%11,11114). v14;11114114 NMI 1111
Tuesday tang they anti" Mr. 'awl
Mrs. M. IL went to Exeter to
attend the wedding of tie. Lialies'
brother. who was married
I.:tiler's most popular paing
Will tip to a few yentas ago lived here.
when he left and started. hominess in
Exeter,' anti now he catmint,. one -of
',rimy friends here t'xtrual kind wisaes
to him.
annual meeting of the imblie library
took place Ir.s1 'I'inirsdny, when the
Chierreswot•th -portal y. A. NV. Role
'The treasure' 's tenor! showed' a earl.
- --New Spring -seeds coming in already- New Ging-
hams, new Prints and new Spring Sultings.
nied the 4...dolt id St. Andrew .4 elturch
On Sabbath last. • LOTHIAN. 1.-.
I '-The ice on the river was in splendid Tukstrtv. Jatl.,11•411.
Om o'f..r skating last week ant! many Lorfitax Lot..4t.s. --Geo. MacNeil: -
Ara left Out .1v4k fer-11111stletown....
A, lat.V. shipment et Scotch' arid Efigitat
, tlinghastne ready tor your impectitm. contaistieg
of Stripes lied small and. large Checks. Mitny
41 thetu in the new Nutty e •loringe. anti colotd
fast. and the prices for the twat melte, Satin" as
We are ready to show a lot of new -14m•ing
Prints: Crteit brand ; tt! inches wide. The best
Pront Clot ktnette. colors feat in every shade.
allt1 1,111L4d,d the salmi as hist year, stoma sprig
And spat patterns. .
pricer advagced. Our values will be exception.
ally low 41/1) account of our eatly buying.
Thit•ty-rtine.pait•s of Corsets at just matter..
'plied*. This is a lot we can't retteet, ont1 we
ate going to Meat. them out at cost ._
Only a small lot now lett of our' Zele fear !tic
,,,,..1 .aur :Lie for 2.1c. all•wook Come and get
Just A tea/ palm. at 73e to a SI lei* :ban
Crodeeiela to the F
R. -ft. Hallows,
pa/tea/graphic at'
oderieh tam Art
bloom king world.
Suburban Life,
tem ecettes fa
Porte Court.
Several cases
Magistrate Huth
of ateatult was IA
of the fracas whit
tor -Ooderich hoc
• night and the
and costs
left tuerrie Eng
ago, was given hi
1,1 varranev.
Mantic Sch
augural in ting
the IA riving
poin I to the Ir
mini Lion board
tette ism. till
Alex. StTiiim
O Ran on Lak
ward to Clevel
he King Ed wa
route, and !trout,
iwitt and cotton
very cloie
A ',January Rol
Roses placket
time of ysitt• art
Goderieh, ars
that, aye day la
itannitt road,
tined ri1d..titiil
digging thrmig
were green ant
hate time Of.eti,
vase tilled witt
Literary Societ
The Collegi.
1. ItYr the 1
president. Mi.
vice -pa eeident,
treasurer. Mi.
*teat editors, D
turnin, H.
tion tri\t he shi
College multi
moat to ensur
who attend.
his subject it
Hneuit (Ionia
A Lecture on
City." in IN
ehtti-ch tom(
The ipeakor
this lieture
WivratIVer 4,
dirge and
1010 lover se,
For the Hos
to thank- the
the hospital
-/Orattree'e we
141.. Peet
and Moe. Ei
and Ph con
lib, at y bolt
*Owing in r
work in De
for his 14 al
UM of littl,o1
with him.
The %edit.
even:lug in
• elected nal
Mr.. Henn
banquet or
to the cont
A isle'
Hon. J4e•
• base Moil
study and
this week.
At St.
Kate Wit
id Goiter
in cio•1 unto
1;r14141 1'4111
we hat.
white non
he, faille
e011.40 of
etizal.nlati011 of what aeathei•
mad good ice tO4 make. good uie of
eneir skates.
tot r. -A high-class en:ertaini
!Tent eliptny vi -it Hayfield on
Iloeiday, February 1 t. Further
earti. :kr. will lie given next -week.,
Methedist church on 7f aesttay %vas not
verv laigely attended owing to- the.
bad' roeas and the lilizzara which
cipal speotkers who wete diking overt,
trent. Holmesville were delayed twee.
scitrcely get ","Ithtough; at All. Ad-
towbratip.; Mr. Robin -on, Of. stanlee,
sehoet vont were reed; by Miss Shaw.
by Die chose and by Miss i Peek. Who
het ode singing. The ladiee ot the
hitrch provides! lunch in the base -
'vett fer the visitors between -the ses-,
*ions. In the evenirg there -seas a
Urger: aitylatarrrre-and a- farther die-
hetpfulatel intereSting to all present.
eneh gentleman. 'file presents %vere
/411•1 'Mr,' C11411111 tn. 111 linear, New it,•.1 thstivT.1- crest eta breocn. .. ne
Vita k.. attended -tie. toderal ot the biz.. ' Itriilt.'e.Witli .-'11"..Y•ill''''''•vv**1 of ;41'5"
bal .e of fli 5'1.11)1,- so it it the iitten- erty ....I filmy !baton is•.1,44sy ar,tse. teem tr. an _Negate' or Tett
ti.iii of.the • tme .1 14) buy seine tit . the int: wave] Iola 14.1,,,e1ot 1,. 0„„i1,1 ,•,,,14, • a her point.. arid on -their return. will
.. -Nett Hoe -teas rE11. - Tin. nitwit etsny tt l'IT.:11..;1::r.ntir" ut•eli,sti 1:.1•Pir- itifligt:, et t.e. II itiwatitt:rg8; make t 114.'1. I • in "this • towneliip.
vexed questiia, of win, 1., 1,1 be •i§or ar 11.1,-114.4 hats not been very good. .
lieui....1.(esieretli 4,11 Saturday.
Signs re,eivral ,i ord 4411' 14,4tier,tly -ea
his intent ion to take ell+it'ke'4'."6"."" day'. January ',I Irli. or .ril anti Iii.11§1c ''' - , ' '' i'l"Esn 1 Y.. Jan• Phil.
itererrn I' he-rirrsoe •1 eon
Cler li. , Mr.. Slitla 113440 l•ren A 1,-„1,.1,1 ,,,,,,e Nmn,,,„,„. N11. sie---ielwi,eeeh'el '1,1,4,..,11-t-ItsTyThweliS..gain:LailioshitetkTi-woilitl)ie dit,tirdhit fitittsietim-
.1 bete hie °vet i kir; y•tIve t.e.tts, •Iiitiii;.; horn in Lottil,it., Eti;„;:i.ini. August tit 11,..,...^,0 wh,,,,. h„,,,,h. en* oty front' the
and 11,v41.4 bride and vtoom are well
Atil!Wri aral 'highly. respected in the
Sint 31.11 4.111,141 t1 1101 , ill•
Ht. 11..111 iI1 1 1,1. A111111111 Pretllytariall
Ille if'
Nit'. Site oft* ale, y • loiltimtion„, . %%ill
mid a Ito lever he .tindert•-•ik he dill" Pri4)141 s'imith " Ti "7"
tt,,,,i.oniAly. • pi,. exchanging int with Rev.
ititclest Jo* otel'rt• 11 ‘I NI thy of o ming
Willitort,•;,.... • to hid', '1,1,1e will al (Old the entertain
h. ved, not only in bis
titre. o et.). •14 a' • t saw; bear. it 0,014Ltyise, 4.44 81n. nODERiCH TOWNSHIP.
tA411111)II t•I the 141111 4'11111 1,11 11144a 4,4.
seintoy 111 111,111.1 Ty' Fehr -woe
number ft om t oat, at.
yOlifirg.111t. '141,:,1 ht. Eitt.i.onafian
here Monday evening -ta tie. week in'
Mitne's Hall, by the yoeng. )(Imply 41)
the chart 1 bete. 'The weather was 1.0
bad tliiTu 111111111.147'110.101.41 t'11 14/1.1 till
. the next morning, Allen . Wasn't
much better. 1.1,t it watt light Mr.
Walker, of Temente). vhated ft imulin
town osrer Sunday houshet.
*Flo moiliry fen...imps hare conies lit
McItriarsli had a bad 141/,... in the
AeAtirol one of his imported at filli01.111
Monday of this sleek, ad mottle indiges-
Jas. tiendelsoli Vi.aeil at hi* uncle's.
week .... Rev. Father 1.J. Rogan. ot •
St Thomas, visited' hie lather for it
few days with her cott.ins. the Misses I
Miss M:iggie 1 1. tiran hats gone to
Merlin to atrt- with her lerother, Bev.
nether' James Hogae.
11 Ora.. tett eaftr.tr td advt. Etat y •
aiing In the *tare a' reduceil pries:, The more
keenlr yei:eurnever our value* the surer we
are of yam tIttfor art% ant„sas of them. Here
arenas( it few ' Past cards. regatta,. 2 for IC.
.trecial le for 27.11; Art baking powder. I lb.
(stns.'," for 25e: starch. Ivory' ard stiver
too Packages tor Se; lantern giesses..4 for ale:
lamp lance. for 2..;e lamp /hisses.
Vie: flannelatt.o, regular 11.2fc. for
the hon. 30 Matt now And get fir.t choice:1C*
always,sthe best. Puling sate fowl and prAnce
taken 'impish taiess any butt er eggs :re:
for',,pot cash rent. off "ate .price* et -..at
Oar -gnat anter•-Mtner back Vila re 110!
Do nit!. forget the 'nipper and concert
to be given in the Witten Prest,c.
J14h1liirY 211•11. in connection with the
anniversary. itervices. C. J..
tenor, of Landlin, has Leen engaged
for doe concert and a greid treat is in
store for all who bear hint. Miss
are ow the program. awl Addresses
wile bc given by sotne. ,rt -the able
clergymen 14 the Ifisteiet. Stnitter
served from 7. tO 7. n'etaek. Conreet
Oates Fixed 'for Fall Fair--Andrvw
Porter Appointed _Secretary. ,
The antiaal inert .1 the West
Huron Agricultural Society wit. held
a! the town halliyesterday aftet.nmen.
The treasurer's and atidit•trs* t•eport•,
West dile equate.
Nora" cans: .a. toa.teacv. Ullhaln
-The hisittetta-
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Oriers car tally atirria4 1. sit .11
• 111111,11‘...11111110 ef. harpy social
'alone ey.tem in the not !hero portion
8t• the township.
(11 'MI 1.•S of ohl'age prevented his reg. stain* ion held ft. the 12th inst.. • Th..
,,t,,•-itni.,,,m,,,,, •,,t, radii •vre.ibilS, he tinaticialstale . . C.: owed -the t ale
was gi, il to add his sillopitit -40 all
mg the meratier-
tii▪ tilvirli t'Onsei viltte, 1.) mw him 111/11i Wall 11 14511a1 Mak
tht1it 1,1P... token ol !PO, ti a 4 et t. lat•ge ship fee foa IOW 2.1 cents : for new
nottil*E ..;1- IP:dives Anil ft i••ti,1-. eat twentiews I he tee will be,301. Rs 614111 14.
ontriall•,1 et the house eind nt the Premmt held bY ills". Laithwfae will
41,45, 11,,. set eke of the that,p4,. ofdi, 1,1` competed for. The highest. forget,-
wae read alfort. The pail-14,,stees wets, tote ...ore in ttree Fueeetetive shomals
the raiding ,vear resulted
D•livi: M'At't tiot S give .a a handy. Harry Siitkelli : 1 i eastifer, Isaac Salk•
remedy for 01.4114 WrIll 11/11•1111110 110111 NS fir Whitely. Ater-- e d 1.11 1.1a
mutat [nen. skin fliivetws, Oleg, etc. been postponed to Wednesdar of this reettotel end west ill mail you a free
Try 11 :Lie tivr tin, • . week. , triel box. .
A most irtio•o•tant thing for mothers
to wateli is' the treatment of raebee,
clotted or chapped platers. etc. When
yeit pia jai eintritent on to .a child's
skin it get .1 iflt.0 the blood theough the
ever think or that? How importent,'
1 lietefore, that the salve or habit
hit y pers.; cent anis • ni. ;mime! fat :
tst mineral enloring matter : no acid
astringents ; burning antiseptics-
yrt it is antiseptic ! It is putely her-
bal, and thus meets all t needs of
the *kin in that sullerior w in which
11-14-00. always provides.
M R. lientlentatt, of OOP St.
y141111-1111.1 11.111eittr 11,01 1.4.1 41114 1•114 ilror
"411 4,1,40,0.. 1.4 farosNel tioily. Deere*
it. 11,0 could give Theitttle one
to. ease. When 7ain-Illik wit: --tried it
These •re,
t lie five
001 11 .adisig.
feat ors• pi
SAaertit it re
Pri ie. paid.
dress on the suitteet of • iper:i 11 ours. -
Urns And que,tioned whether the
penditure fin these, sttt actions was
wits recommended to the considera-
tion of the now
'Opti -pro wer e elected as :
• First vice-pos.1feet' -John Clark.
second' vie--nriesidenr- Loom SAM -
Young. A..1. (i.eliltlicerpe. Fred Quaid.
.1Vin. 18115 and W. it. Robertson
were re-elected auditors, isnd a vote of
thanks was tendered these .gentienten
for their •vortaceeln thts rapacity tor
Wt•tillesday and Thu, sday wet.
ahosen as the •dates MAI* Lair tor
Pri,ideTit 83,1krtd were appointed
&legates. to the annual meeting of
the Provineial Fairs Association te be
held in Toronto iti• February.
Afteroarde the new boprd met.
M. 0 -Johnston, who heel been 'were -
tat -y for three years. asked to be re-
leased of hie duties. ;wet Andiew
Porter Wad elected meet etury. . A\.vote
thank. for his effleieriteservires' was
tendered tO Mt. ittlin.toti by the
treasitner. The board 'transacted
some routine businese and lei.1 plans
for the making of the antion.1 tall fair
this year a greater sort-las:Phan ever
The Iteheloth Lodge will tender ale
leery lat h. in Or 1.1ttlellotete fig 1, of
which farther noti.••• Will' be !given
next, week.
Talke,;for insteneelt important questions ed color veriet
Plot • slOde is- soaked for. 'hat WIP ran
no effort or e‘genete to
having advnneet knowledge of all
sihrde i• known it in ineorporated ,
In onr line.
• dilTet 11 mouthed the Pain
rink the Mita, ton, *IN ie e 11 r em.44.41
to serat ch. l'erseverance with %A in.
Mrs. 4 1. W. 'Hawerbanic, 126 flenitoon
wax covered with a burning eruption.
sera -relied, and made the places very
Nut /Am Uuk cured:
Mermen of similar sanest -mild "hecited.
Zion illik should be In every home, he-
rA11SP it healt *tree, Mope. •pein. and
end. akin disease. Eevema. itch, ul-
cers. had leas, poisoned wounds, al).
sores, whether ehildren or *dolts,
nee C111101 by 'Aam 13.1k. It iambs, a
jor pole.. All druggist.. and
stores at 50 rents n box. or poet -free
Zem-Iltik Tot•ontra for price.
Sent! nne cent etemp (to pay eeturn
Government 'Leading ands4'ill Hirre
a Majority of the .
1'p to last night the eleetinti turns
from (creat Britain showed the fol-
low/Mg mutter
Liberals elected `A
Laborite. elected..
Nationalists elected 41
l' nioniste eleeted • 11a
This gives a "total Ministerial
strength of l+.i, against PO for the
Opposition. 'There are 079 seats in the
House, and the returnee. given ahn%e
are for Ill lapels. Semiarid and NVa4e,
where the Liberals are strong, have
just began to votA. and the toohabili-
ttes are for the retail of t he Liberal
Government With a motor -it y over the
Unionists, if not over all other
parties combined.
Belding Paul & Co.
7 I Buy Street"
• roar deaThrler 11•1
And Its Keeping Qualities
cOME people find it necessary to buy a considerable quantity
kJ of flour at one time -sufficient to List for a long period.
Naturally they are anxious to procure a flour of the kind best
adapted to lengthy storage.
There are two important reasons why PURITY FLOUR
possesses these qualities. One is thi,t/ it is made entirely from
Manitoba Hard Wheat. The other lies in the fact that the careful
swilling necessary to produce " Plir4y " absolutely excludes all
low-grade particles of the wheat berry. - It's the high grade
Manitoba Hard Wheat Figur that keeps-stunds longest storage.
i'Purity" flour may coat a little more,
1)0 is more -than woK-tbe dUTerenca.
Try it. Watch mutts both for quality
/and yield.
"More Bread
and better Bread"