HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-30, Page 10• 1e , TUCIIIIDAYD,f7>rtllsft as MIMI tri NILE COLBORNE. lumina• l'Ilorrtxa MILL. -The McGaw chopping mill u+ now in operation and the proprietor. J. W. Priddle. an- nounces that he it ready for all buei- neee in him line. He has had • lose experience in the milia business end pat- ron*.hopes to be able to satisfy a11 his pat- ron*. EBENEZER. (,HRrA'CMAr TR ?lists day evening lest when the waist Christmas twee entertainment was held. The program consisted of recita- tions, songs. etc. A pleasant feature of the occasion war the presentation a M to Misabel Bailie by her schotara of a handeswe 5 o'clock tea set. 'lung with a beautiful table cover. liVEDYRauA Y, Der.:'.ith. v„vaMetT.UNMSNT.-The usual Christ Year tree entertainment in connection with the Methodist church was held as Wednesday- evening of last week, wires w goodly' program saof rungs, reci- tatios. dialogues, etc.. war presented. tieo. Ourrie made an excellent "Santa" sesi dietrilulsd the prizes and Rift, to the scholars and their friends. The first week of the uew year will be . eseeved as a week of prayer in the Methodist church here. here are ow exhibition at R. Men- assist cI1- « s y store• specimens of marl found in Wert N'awanoeb. It is said on th good authority at the clay is of fair 'deity• SHEPPAR D T ON '. UINIDAY. Dec.:'Btb. (IRIti»TMA.• TRIM. -- The annual Christmas tree and entertainment was held in the Methodist church here OD Tuesday ev g of last week, LO1a YAL..tar+.-Mrs 'Thome.' hiti- wllru the church wee filled by mem- ber* of the Sunday school and conger- lows, we regret to stats•, lite been veto'. and their friends. The pies-' under the dr.eter'e care during the -pest-meek. bratty feat improving_ ram consisted' of recitations, die- wonga• rte., given by members Ilre. ,Jas. dark has recut ter from of the Sabbath school and a wlin solos eh&nau,.. f (indene ries enc isstmw Bu- b y Air Miters llesn,se . and Bogie with Loyal [slut da 1 bliss tiumwer- and Will Sage. The looks which Y have gra We ,,choler. re(•eiaea as prizes were to and Berkeley Rarto visit uier `alsieter. bless. ne sut.plewent,s by nunaeeuus other Henryobito ' k number of uew good things its the shape of candies, al people en o ed a'pleasant even - nett., ,•t'' Loyal PII o J.y tog at. Hobert nu.tun s On Monday KINGSBFROGE. eveuiug last, \till McPhee .furnishing `'is(L...ut¢ie TI'Its1 , 6ec, :'JRb, the bon; of NEI, ••• P(rtNas.--Mind Coci1, Joy. of AMBERLEY. belt„it. is visiting friends in feinted MoNUAY,,I)ec.27th. and Iiitigeleidge Mise Alice Dal 7orri esus. , Service in the Metho- toe will cuwusuce her . ditties u dist church next Sabbath evening will le:.ch. t u..hv ,) n. school on Mon. 7 ti ch.ek Misr . Wittier Mc - day et urns w k,...,.Miae+Pr All f,hrrs(ai is hums fur htT holidays Amite and \'else Italtun are 1elon Albert l'autpltrll eft hist week to ing (t lend. in (i Crich \ nut: vitt his friend its l'et oleo.... Albert het •,fes.-yot a epept ear en eKWPlir Ip•I1 'had the misfortune to let oleta ))o) 'hl,•, time at the a l'onu'a>i o his trent tie aivav on hint on Alk way .i.,,,, id't,.,,,,,,„„„, e•veuiult... ton, h r e f e i in (iuderech.. .. - itrow Riney Inst friday. Rol t got off ,,, t 1 I :ouust arrived home off .the 1 it is a s,nr ehotdJ,•r oht. Ilratl- Tyle end Wm. Blue, are spent Christ- ie, t_. sa.t,tg>• frovs Mil ukee on ♦iritingfriend+ in Tiverton and .M Mae- /,,,...1.,s,"f Ica week oli I Underwent" 'Misr 11 rzel Bradley Ker+•( 11 ' k ley is lit nater . f as ' poi•- I ,4.- Johu U'Uunnor has ' p(ir rape°t Clhriolcnaa with Mrs. Robert 81 cb>•.e.I emir • new furniture. tv e I pr tilted e= Wilfrid Feeney is at look, se at he menus I•usiiiese after the Press t busy breaking in hiadricer.... M1 . 1 Mrs. L. ti. Wildfang are vis- as at T'eesw.atei and Klm- Rory el.Jn oeld left for in Lothian thin- Week.-- ly Iso misted on the bnun- arnen Steele left last Week atter* and Leveller h• visit W DAT Dec ;'.BL.b Hotpot', Doc'. zea. was .a barge attendan:e et the church on Fri- LOYAL. TrgettAY. Dee, :itb. ran SIGNAT, fi GODERICH( ONTARIO 11IE11E'S— E._MIEAD, Ow Scheme Fee Madwg Namely We- ssel Hanisseaa:, A teas of science bar arisen to aa- by a- ..moo u St b sura r Yanthopi'• souse* a dla(•t we wbkb If confirmed inquired a newspaper hed-line that I tth experiment air place him stenos sow [scanty, writes John H. (:irdncr, the multimillionaires and treat Ieue- Y.D., to Muzsey's. No hu- faetors of the race. rays the New The answer is: "'Nobody.' York Sen. He has discovered a bacU- man heart can be trained to owner•o11. to les wbl'cb infected under the skis lona K 16 aes t will ltpermit p speed without sa- ys guaranteed to make the most sit him to the danger of collapse ex•• homely w(tsaaa beautiful in a few posing ' iidden deahe or without bang • hours, even In a few !Mantes, under tug about conditions whithout or the fav(iratofe circumstances. After this dev.,•lopnent of disease in later life. we trust that uo carping critics will From the moment when we draw throw bricks at science or tray It Is our first bre t bith rth death, the U O highly utilitarian and sociological. w. draw out Ins blood chi, th Tee process is simple. A Doreen the an heart has to pump and notes that ber complexion is bad; tbat out the body le mutt do so s wrinkles are appearing; that she looks night. yew iu'aud year out, danday1 and holidi.ys,'with never a letup. luta tears and la" instead of fact bursting know of nothing else in .the world tufo lean end lamenting the that that works without ever getting a she V not a Venus she rises from the ,lay off. a few hours off. or a few dressing table, gm's to the expert and minutes off. except the heart; has •hypodermic Injection under tbe yet. with the p eeible exception olttss blade. ade. Her first dose will be stomach. no organ in the body se 12▪ 5.000,0Oo etapbylococcl and 5,000.000 badly treated. twee tactllL it seems like a -large or- A German proverb says that a win- der; but. In fact, they are all contained ing horse+is driven the hardest; this of liquid. The bacilli is certainly true of the heart. Ever) sa (rev drops time we.' get angry. laugh inordinate - tart to work at nose on the pbago- ly, take stimulating toms pr drink; cytts of the blood or some of those run to catch a car, get deeply in billions of miserable whelps to the ~aoVe. -we -do wereeee -nein Other - midst of us, and pretty soon tbe blush -things. ee eras en - ties poor old of innocence mounts the cheek. wrio- heart., That inlispettsable orghan ides disappear. beauty bas come, hap- itfil St. P ul' deltendnrio ndf• but there tepees reilrns and lite Is worth living- is one thine that it cannot stand --e second All this sounds very simple. R e have Marathon race.• - ' it only at hand as reported iii The' law 'wteuld not permit any one the London newspnpere, where the to drive a horse :its suite. et top most glowing accounts are given. \%C speed; or: 51 11 did, the human would are weeks to believe. a njj trioclpally cults}pse lung before tlw finish. Now, because we wish to believe 1r. It in the matter of ford. ttrink, snot seems entirely too peel to le true. but ooh'-rr if - thing's, alh i n leaatids +the ine e greet It It is the case what a lawn for men! advantage over loan, in the that hat Yes. we mean mea Of course It who its body is horizontal while tract th as make the women happy, and that Is body hi perpendicular. It is much Just the point. When rhe Mau comets • easier for a heart to pump all the home tired from his office 'he -will not' blood horizontally than to force hall have to listen to his wife complain of it directly. upward. as is the care that she Is getting old find ugly and in man. . that, she mtlst have money for ctotheee --- A-.listinimisl.ea colleague recently and unguouts til destroy the ra'aa:cs art nen irkf'it thatw aylarne who,a for O"the 11 nine. Not at all. The bones[ workman elks,lay's newspaper, notoriety, exposer will only 'peed to carry bee a few 'himself to to the dangersof of a Mnrathou billion staphylococci and a hypedend, acss, dna zee. no sympathy. what- eyrtnge• jab the wife of his Wenn, in ever natty happen to him. Doubtless the bawl. and, punto, lose and-quiet•minty will share this sentiment;, tut owns reign In the tamely Circle. th.' treube•does not end' -with those 1\'e regret to state that we are not who suturally enter the races. The coccus aaod acquainted s• wOrL but we hdnk tll.ylo country'uze has It has taken posses itead all r -highly of him on tie repulititat Wtf cur toys sod" young men, and many are injuring their health in are surprise(1 that he ho's't reached 'i.ffnrts to train.. for future Marathon this country.' lint when he roues hE tory... will receive a warns welcome. Bidden. • tally a high tariff ought to be purer him for revenue pure oks. here 1:' %here the 1:11YerlllfOnt can get n large income (}Ithout complaint • Any war ruin will pay any Win that she has or that slit. hasn't -ick enough of the tteasts• to clear the omptealoo. And no corporation tax wit be necessary. DMUS OF THE MARATHON. A *Me Which Is Working Much Harm to Our Boys. CANADIAN rAi holidays.. - - Mr, and -Mrs. Mlaurtcetre Dalton„ of Winnipeg. are visiting , I lowest ....JerrCIor e rated fr(rnna _ a.t ew,4.rc go in loch route tl,1 ti.e' will serf few d.ve arc•' (y ory young tidier. AA . d . highly interested. `fur Fo.rt••1 his *pis, \ - • Tl'1•: hAY. Dee. 2Sth. I OCHALSel. • - - l3c 'titter. IleientT.-The following. is! • ' '•Tt•a t'.v, Dec.:esth. Si,' iirIPus M•h.Nd rep art for 1)eceiu•...KAI. PAR{tIliAru-. i MISS Sare ' tier•' V. -J„hn Webb, Nina Woods,McIo'tyre, of GOdiv n h, is at present the N:Uu•fMcPhc•A.un, Edna Woods. IV• guemt of lia . Belle Mcl►unuld -()Caro, rar M d Dune:. Campbell, or Lethbridge.Alta.. ler, Maui M,•Qitillin, Bert Tillery and Mies Hume Bose. of NwkAtche- Jarues Smith. Sr, 111. --Hazel Andel - wan, arrived its this section hist Sat- Winnie at- W;5nie Woods, Fanny Anderson. unbar to visit friends- Both were Roy Al^Quillin, Ernest Haunt, Clara, pas'en urs un the Y:; 1'. H. r t's g xpse Woods. Ir. ill. -McKenzie Wel.b, which was partly'• dere; led near Ewart M'Pbereon, Berl Cranston. l'hapleau bast Friday. They are to (iordnn M1t^Pherson, Cecil J{ dr, Wil -I be congratulated on having- escaped • freed Mcl1,,illin, Roy Smash, Beattie •,•sinus injuries, Mr. Campbell gelling Off with slight cuts on the head ,and Miss Rose with the heel of a shoe torn away Miss Fanny McKenzie, teth comeessien, and Mrs. Hold. Koss, of the Gladys Wehh. John Gaunt, t,arlyle boundary, left *best \Vedbesday to Mcl)op old, Willie Forster, Herbert McQu71te, Majeska Gaunt. Sr. Pt. 11. - Wilson Woods Verse Woods, Lorne Woods, Eddie McQuilliu, Alex. Put- . yet, Victoria Nivel.. Jr. Pt. 11. -\File lie McQwiltfn. -Sr. 1't. 1: -Evan Mc- _,Quilline Joseph Forster. Madeline Gaunt. Jr. Pt. i. -Torrance Ander- '`, on, M'stiley Todde Emma McQuillin, •Lizzie Purvis, Jean McQuillin. Nuna- heron roll, 61; average et tendance, 46. ITIA N. DOR911S, Teacher. • Werneest)ty, Dec. 29th. A Su(•c.essettt. Evescr. -The Christ- mas, tree held here on Christmas Eve way a decided ,success, from both an entertaining and a financial stand• point. The entertainment, consisting of drills, dialogues, recitations. solos, choruses and instrumental music, was well received by” one of the larges crowds ever gathered together in our opera hipline. Much credit is due to, he children in the manner they acted id performed their pieces. The tree was a sight of dazzling beauty and Planta Clans, who had come ell the way from the North Pole. remarked that it erste the most artieticslly his s(,ruc hat he had seen in his travels, Santa While here also settled the (soba 1'eltry dispute by declaring that ' ear had never COMP near the Pole, 4 kept. the only -eating Op and he had not regis- tered at it, reas their 'Cook' had just hilt thahmoruiog.' 111.1te Ari;.! THERE. -('hristmas Day passed ver r) quietly Mise Louie Mc(trostie, of Detroit. is home for the holiday seaeoey Mrs. Hetheriug- t••n awl her deughter,'Mita•,ltoxie, of W inuipeg, ere 'isiting the old home - tested.... ..ed ng bells ere ringing. iohti Mcl;u and nephew Carl spent Chri'lteas in ode:ich the guests oFf tbe former's sister. Mrs. Murray. Miss Elizabeth Anderson enter - busied the choir on Tuesday evening. All septet an excellent time Mies MAI y ['lark, of Westfield, Miss Lilian, of I/.Chalsh, Miss lean. of Aodericb, ,$t'MPAY Semen. (;IteraTme TRRg. wed John, of Toronto. spent Christ- -The Leehurn Sunday school eld its mar under the parental rootMiss usual (%hrietmaa tree for the children. carols were ?Lena D. Rutherford. at ser. of Holy the children end a march by the boys rendered by d Mie« o olier, M their y rood, are also holidaying at their re called the "Snow Hti,rad.” was very sportive homes The large n well exenuted, the small boys using her who attended the school examine their snow shovels in a very effective Boil on the lit day if school came manner. The Minutes Hewett and Aline home highly pleased with the time Clark gave a very good exhihidon of spent with the teaches and obildree. club exercise and were encored by the I)uruin Phillip+, May Ce ni t audience. The perfect time end ?tenth Smith of Goderich ('gllegtatA' graceful ease with which they anon And Gertie Webb, of Wingham Col- their clubs showed good training and tepiite. are all home for the holidays. a good ear for music. The Chief fest- ... Mt. mill Mrs. Henry Woods epeal•, tare of the pregr*Att was &antomime, Sunday in W Ingham John A. , acted by the young laefiei of the McDoneld, of Wingham• spent Christ-1church, dressed in white with golden MAI at home W. terieher of hger. of e Brisk t h behind thewne on their erenesP sengwthile he' hymn, (shoot,', f s medy 1 • *shoot, ywatsgesreit cis with Ntends ,'•OrowgHim Loaf of All.- Thin elan in Iles vicinity. tlieigrtiuf ajr."was terrier, emit rerraerkehly well. tet seen a few of the Riflet'Mb boys' The program altogether wets well car - WOW to Lee -Anew to display their tied out and a gond crowd turned out sA• keiw.oship stainst the boys there. 'ne see it. A silver eollectinn wee Stook then We hiker a few swollen taken up in aid of the Sundry aohoot h•.sds mo and. We keep, not learned Mr. liwtbilton gave s Scotch reading the exert scorn, but we are led to un- is his usuel good stole which appealed s.adiststand the margin was high ', all retestt, dYrrytwit and humor. that cold lT ,wa.00ah. ST. HELENS. Smith, Andrew Gaunt, Jaynes Aitchi- bon, Stewart McGuire. Sr. ll. -Delia Cranston, Ethel Anderson. Gladys Hyde, Junior ll. -Mary McQuillin, visit filen& in tirnia and Rost Iluro°. Nisp Lilian Clark his. resigned the charge -of LoclriIah school and for next term intends to take charge of the school at Westfield. The: trustees of Lochalsh sheet have not' tet se- cured a teacher for next year Mrs. Allen (Amer, n abd daughter. of Calumet, are visiting at the parental home of the hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKay's ....Uunc. C. Mc- Kenzie was visiting friends near Kincardine last Matttrdayand Sunday. THE LITE McLgoo.-The death of Angus McLeod. of Saltford, took piece in the Goderich hospital last Tuesday of dropsy. The deceased formerly lived on the north side of the boundary, ' mite west of Loch- alsh, and war chiefly'noted for great physical strength. In our Celtic dis- trict we have many big and strong men, but "Big Angus, " as he was familiarly called, probably xurpaseed them all. and it could be truly said of hies that. he was "giant of stature and huge of term," having weighed in his prime about 246 pounds. Another charecteristic was ltls genial and sunny temperament and as 1s often the case with .unusually strong men it required considerable provocation to disturb his epuaolmity. He was a man who would do no harm to anyone, and we believe. according to hitt light, he served his day end generation well. The deceased moved to Goderich some years ago and resided there until his death. He ix survived by his brothers Angus. of Goderich, Norman, of Sbeppardton, and John, of Lucknow. The remains were interred in Lochalsh cemetery last Friday in the presence of the old neighbors and friends. DUNLOP. Tustel.AT, Dec. 213th. The Misses Winnie and Ruth Shaw are at, borne for the Obrietmas holidays. A SPINSTER TEA. Bachelor Muds Give Party For s Bride to Be. Several bachelor mai' -gave a unique llttle entertainment , ntly as a fare well to one of their nu , ber vlso m for s about to relinquish ber husband and bone of own. The feet -lefty contained so man r novel lffe[ ttures that It may prove other bachelor maids who wish foe some novel way in which to ntertsir Weir girl friends. The invite Ions re quested each girl to bring wit , her tc the party the picture of son mar whom she was supposed to x e re fused, and after Ioocbeon each . hotc was the object of a story: whicl 1tt owner told with es mane embell h ments u she saw fit. Favors co Ing of tiny teakettles ODed with bac etor buttons were placed at each glrl'r place, and the luncheon table was dee orated with the same blesstems A guessing contest followed, 'chief provoked much mirth. The girls were provided with slips of paper and pen ells and asked to guess the meaning of a number of objects w•hleh were brought in for their nspertlon. The objects and their Interpretation, were as follows: Cup and saucer, sl ways in pairs; sugar kisses, sadly missed; n bowl of mush with teaspoon rourtshlp: spiced tongue. a cause 01 woe; a candy tweet. a leftover; several little doth. tressed as boys. would they were hese; objects of envy, preserve? pears; a bottle of ginger ale. warrant ed to pop: a hox of tea. a solace: ti charlotte ruse, a popular maiden. A woolly cat made atter the fashlor of a Teddy bear was given to the Kir whe guessed the greater number 01 objects. and the girls Onisbed the after moon by taking out their thimbles asc getting to work at several useful attl lee which the Iiostess was preparins 'or the new menage'of-tblr bride to be Zabione, an Italian Deiseet. 'this in one of the most famous dell enters In Italy, but is seldom rade Ir this ensnare, it 1s 'lade se follows Vent together one whole egg sod th( 3011a of two other'; beat In half a cap rat of angor and put In a saucellar over bot water. stirring constantly t:ntdnally add ball a cupful of sherry continue stIrrtrlif ttmttt lite eggs tussis en tkkken, tben IItUe by little pour It it tablespoonful et lembn Joke ant Ibe whites of two eggs bent" '10 I ..tiff meth: TKt not leave off xtirtlop e:ntll tbe whole la smooth and thick terve bot Is glasses. No Lonpr Poular. "The padded out shoulders that have. been characteristic of the. ready - t -wear clsithing." says an illustrator. "went into the discard weeks ago and now they are •Qupplying tate inspira- tion for the. COMM In lh' soma w the man with thick -mwclee and.l .- ceps is no longer in demand enemy the men who make the Rjetures for the young girl's books. He's a back number of the most decided type. "The popular figure is slitn all the way up. It is not narrow shouldered. but of the measurement that the tail- ors call natural, which means that the 1 shoulders seem littl breeder' than they rustily are. There is no padding in a coat; but the least it of lining that carries the shoulder little out. "Such is the shoulder tt le of the resent year. The hulk th looked Pike a champagne bottle turn upeide down is a thing of the put. E n on the beaches this summer the ewe medium shogjder(d man is the al thing in masculine beauty: - "Tte' broad -shouldered idol of for- mer years seems to realize this, for he atte'mpte to snake himself look narrower by the- cut of his bathing suit. I••ttinpt the jersey run out to the after..' Diarie and -- ..Caudiaa A1®auc.• A splendid assortment of Canadian 1Nariee for 1910, both for pocket and office. ranging in price from 15c to 81.50. Canadian Almanao- for 1910 Fifty-third year of publication. price 50c. Fountain Pens Special selling &gent for %Vatermam's Ideal Fountain. :Pens• $250 up. ' Hemet Fountain Pens. $1 and $1.50. Beet Fountain Pen made for less than $2.50. MAPLE LEAF GROCE AND CHINA HALL • PHON, ea. HAMILTON ST: We wish all our customers a Happy and Prosperous Year in 1910 The COl on al Book Store GEORGE PORTER. Prop. ,Phone 1(a1, (i sierich It le our purees.. to mike The Maple Leal lit oeer hrighter wad letter thou ever, and 10 carry much goods as will meet the wants of particular People. Choice Teas and Coffees. Everything in Groceries pure, fresh and good. GOOD VEGETABLES Potatoes, Turnips, Carrots. Parsnips, Beets, Cabbages and Unions. Cooked and Cured Meats, Sausages, Poultry, Salt Fish. etc. Plenty of "Turkeys for New Years. Plenty of Choice Butter and Fresh Egxs\ MORRISH &VANATTER Read The Signals Nei . _-Story Next Ween IIA II 9 1 1 Another David. Rehire Davie Belase, had reached he top rung in the theatrical ladder in fact, when his • toot was on the ti t step and' he was a small and ob ure play producer in San Fran- cis, he was one time rehearsing a 'mei rams. at'the old Alcazar theatre The . y contained a few Biblical Ines, the rest was .stirring west- ern dra. a. The company rehearsing was none tro intelligent and none too fai;itliat it the -great literary works of history. lodraloa was about all Nuns 41 the understood. When the hero .'ape to be quotation from the Bible he .look • a little puzzled . and turned lq a co panion to ask who wrote that -part ith the quotation marks around it "Oh. Davi&+." actor. "Well, Retailer) al ten writer," exclafine .1isgust. "Somebody him." "Who'll Buy My Lr •der?" plied the other Lost Vest F.ereA.- There• Is aotnethlog gnod to all West era If 1t doesn't happen to be soot, for my work today It Is gond for toms other men's today and w111 emir arnunt TOT mP tomorrow.-1)tekens. Foe my party, i've never been able b see what satisfaction people get nu of being Itt mannered. It takes twin me lone ns R does to be polite rand tri tint newly an geed for the e" afterward. -Ellen Wauow ys was a rot the hero, will, ght to sb( When lavender pillow* ate it io s sunny apartment they are ct rur.ug and the more they are shaken up the mare fragrant they become. Lavender was carte.' by the Ransone hit andel*. At cutting -time p,•„p1• travel from lung distances to inlet's, the fragrance of the fields. '1ti the eighteenth century lavender water was the principal perfume of the ladies of thst period. Then the fashion changed. Chemically -prepared pterfu'mee imported from the cumin• eat became the mode, and "awe. t” lavender -water became almost un known, except in country cottages. A Ludy who still cultivated the plant and manufactured the scent. Wrote to ( ueen Victoria asking Het Majesty to sr her great 11011Pnae to restore the o English perfume to pepultr;t;, end she acquiesced. • The Child Viewpoint. Here ire tea !Sunday retmol stnrie•: "Why did Lot's wife look back e. minister asked one day in the sd dress at the [children's urate.. CO went a little girl's hand, "Please, vhe lost het 'at.' Excellent was the reply of anotTtKt- littJe girl when the class was bs(ng questioned on the story of the proih, gal son. "Now•, were they very glad to see him? What did they do to show how glad they were?' "They had a Darty.` New Year's rlessage of Sincere II If II 1 II e 1. Today we deviate from the usual course of store advertising, and send this message of sincere thanks and hearty good wishes to all who by their generous patronage have helped to make, this our best year. The year which has just closed, despite rather unf.-tv'orable conditions during -its early months, has been the most successful since we opened our doors in Goderich. Old customers have favored us with increased' business, and new ones by the score have joined the ratliks of our patrons. This tells us the pleasing story of the public's grew ng appreciation -of our efforts to serve ahem best. To say that we are thankful for this generous patronage given us, is an inadequate expression of our feelings of thankfulness. For the future in general, and for 1910 in particular, we will strive to merit and retain the goodwill you have shown us and. the store. 1t is ourambition to make this store an ideal. shopping place, to make it a credit to the town in which it stands. We will spare no effort to improve it in every way, to better its service, to raise its standard, and to make it more useful tortbe community to which it belongs. It is our ambition to make it as nearly as possible a perfect shopping place, and the plans we have for fglo will bring it nearer that point than it has yet reached. We ask that ach and every one of you accept our warmrst N!'v Year's wishes for a full portion of prosperity, good health and happiness. *MSc i TClla ! ow:Logu J/ • f 1 -