HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-30, Page 9Proper attention to the hal. znd scalp is the best preventive ---4-baldness. An occasional ap. plication of Ikarine Hair I'oIn• ceps the scat hrti f';tulition. It nourishes the ,�, hair. folicic� Id supplements th•• natural oil of the head. I; • irine nut oral\• prevents fall. . :( li in 'hair but dtiulates new th. 511 tri;a jar at }'ou! • 'rI• _Ir:ivAI,: ,fOfFR1f1He ()NTA 1(10 Colonel ► . atfh� John Sneed's 1 tkiENTRet DAyis • 1 siesta, ref.-, MTh, .A romp-, i oil" n)neas MAI. Sure Throat. Bunt., aPuleee. ' as urn n for In Attests*.elpealn-i. II, 4, Cum, ate. i1 Jd•t 'he t1....: t:, lt•.tk-r.. b.,ut:rf, a1 w1 a .s toy th„•, e , :a anat.. 2t. SALVE f nedyfor taa av Litt It Are ars ebuode,rei jjjttt 6 A t' :+e11or Iwae. 1,1, a.m. .r• Aleulh. t and sin, acinus, etnedYlvr cants( J. E t:. Bloater s. tP 1 • ::1,, '1 P•'' ' •"'' i e* TILE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE f�. lfl:\1 AltE 1\II'I'.\- - Conversations on Domestic Problems cootie/ht. 1000. by C. l: YOM. V111. -Dangers of the Ele- vated Nose UT what's the matter with theta. honey?' denlunded the colonel. "Ain't they goud.iwo- ple? AI0't they honest? Don't hey behave themselves•about as well Is any of your trlenda? Don't they" - "Yes. papa. yes'" interrupted his Inugeter. "They're very ince people. old I have no fault to find with them. ...ur- And iters Hollins turned up ler pretty little nose and gazed elget-- ( at the fire. • huh!" grunted the colonel. "1 Iiideratand... They Just ain't in your -- u e, et -cordite to your way of lookln• n But. honey. 1 wouldn't twist my up that way 1f 1 was you. It'll '';e wrinkles quicker than anythhh , We world• nod the *orst kind of inkIes too. l'ou know. there's writs - and wrinkles. Some wrinkle? :hr up the plainest face with beauty. 1e, e• "hat's a fact. And then • rre'u RUiue that make the nkt$t leau- itnf f:v,, lee': rD-k I'nu're deveh.p. • • +n,(• of that kind when you tura :n soar naso Ill that stay. Ch. tush' I tee nein that'd urate you drop It. \i•! tem you're uiakln' enme of. the that add to t •.: i:11 - the writ'- , o. flint ' COM., 11./111 stuIIPN., Yes. ilule.• I'. • el e u r. tvd up 1e,. dan- ere L. Ien .r r• __# sU .f �IIf) ONr 0t�':t.111.1).i THEy rriGe 25ets �fil�l 31[,ItITS OI a7a--L MtITED • o1 IINARU'� : LINIMENT To the 1i. i •'1 l'obli• of (tealet•ieh a1 . l eini;y- You " oil it to Your Interest yell on \\ I:. Pinder lot yttinig vu; want en li « of He Inn umbieg Metal Wee, EI . 'r,c Wiring nre1 Fixtures I• it - L,.. I i,•• of Rar ors \ Heaters \ Gran; •Wave and Tinware Prompt ettentfu given 1.. ,. kinds of Jobbing. W. R. PIN T.ER, 1 1'1e,ue I:•,: 15So:e Agent for the ale alto' Lt1t1f0t.dIb01ttntt9. 1�a�ts�>s- eeeireeeseWseitriseimeeesoisesemeesteereePoe 't1:W Lumber Yard Junk. Dean 4-4.0.. n.. hiving purchased the entire chuck of Litutber of the (Jrelerich Lumber Co. et (ioderieh, are prepared to tuppll the public. wholesale and retail, in 1.11 linen of LUMBER at lowest Their new qt mated between the ton Furniture Co. and the wheel 11 ices. is sit- enaing- Factory "actnry. Jas. Dean C PINE TAiL° CLOTII FOR N PITS WELL LOOKS w' When mar Thu Tader, DVN D Nfz WELL t- *he level. You gr up to the ton of a skyscraper belittle' and look out the window down at tbe men and woroeo In the street below, and they all look mighty small -not more'n halt as big as -yon are.- ttut when you go deem 1n the elevator and get out un the pave- ment you dud they averuge up about the saltie size us yourself. It's all a mutter of the point of view, and the turned up nose gives you u wrong per. sps•tive. It .gives you false notes ins of your own Importance and your own po- sition. 11blle everybody else can see mut you're Just elle of the tolnmuu 1un'of folLs and have no right to feel yourself any better that' they are. .\ud so you get out of touch and nut ut sympathy with the rest of the world arrouud . a•uu. and then you beglq, to sour. That's hitt as certain as that THE POWER OF ONE EGGNOG. ss ALK about the trials of a wo- man whose husband Is late for dinner or doesn't come when he Is expected." says the woman who has had experiences; "1t 1s annoying enough at uny time. but It 1s nothing In a civilized country to what It Is when you are off In the wilds somewhere and dinner and din- ner getting are two of the .most Impor- tant things In life. "When Mr. Blank took me and the baby some years ago to try life on a Texas sheep ranch we found there were a good many things In the world that we had 110 conception of before. and life took on a different aspect. It was a happy life, but ,11 was not ah easy one. 1 had to do all - kinds of housework, the hardest kind of house- work. and cooking. In a house situated to a Texas chaparral la not cnoLJi : it Ii done even 1n a New York fiat We lived chiefly on game which Mr. Rtank shot as we needed ft Our veg- etable% were all canned -peas. 'corn and n certain number of things we • 11,1 !:les ea! the e.. hitt It makes n ritekles on 1 rale. Never tight_about :t. did your I r. e1kon not, - it's true. 1 ter saw 3 bu•. COLT WRINKLES ON rue �n braln.� bat ' .oy 841) 11'1 all 1•overed over with writ)- ; tut tut 11.e 5rlent 'fie felcows have a lot the.rrie•:• :Lunt them. But I've gut a aim that they're enured by the same u_hts :::)d J(41n's and emotions •. tt J.ut the lilies 0n the (,,untenan,P. hen, It au •eievat!ed nose don't .:a'..& es t. ,.rk'eu tbe outside of the :nu'u d .es inn the. Inside. nod t► ,•neells 1.. the same tiling, for the ,Barney- ..1 the rare that go to make tt,• .:iii expression are notbin' m' amu th.•:'(go of the workln' cf „• n11nd %Vbiu you earl up }'Hat ire prias,.rls., tial. vow did a bIt a:••. 1f ;AIuDtT4441_ God Made little apples. ' .A sneer lu the brain is st alga of fertnentutiou. and fermentatlori• you' know. corneal. mighty. close to bent' rotten. . 'Now, then. gettln' right don to bilis, tacks( as the fellow sajs. the I1:1' re:11,1o11 you've got for elm -atilt air nose at the people we WAS tatlth shoe' 14 that they don't run in your set. Well.' what if they don't? ,:s t s • w1 ie au our het flue standard rd by u h •,tilers ir.uta to be measured? 1 reckon. not. It Liles all kinds of t•eotti to itetee u.'vorld, us you've board llcfof, and Hoath of the best ones In It make the haat show. - "1.et can't tell Eby loukin' at Inc 15• -ph: you meet ou the street bow 1 ,.•uy of them's beneath youand bow rriuy's above you. You can't tell by -.Milo' at a woman'd clothes or -obnt" the looney she's; got in the bunk "'limber you've -got -.a- right --to- kook wi on her or she's got a right tc es,k dowel on you. You can't tell :e ueArlt' a woman quote Ibsen whether 'tre'A better or worse than you. It aln't Money or clothes or blood or ealture that counts when It comes tc meneurin' up men and women. 'The .0 earth and In any soclety»is char meter. That's common. or uncommon. to rich arid poor. and your washer sor..1u may have as much of It and !•e us much entitled 16 your*res fart as tl:e president of your club.. One of !t.r two greatest encn 1 ever had the Weiner to know was a professor of Err ti»h In the state university; tht here a +i,:u tint. yeti 11111 thlnklu' I Iowa' r.elf.n little better. may is. ten,.., - is tier. fibrin the peini4- bye• W41 I i.lrl' at Wt. "Now. oouey, 1 111111 in te't at'e a pretty risky attitude for ',y - ,.sly Or. tale(. '1 IIPtWye to .a •t it avert 411 Himself or O •what''.- nLln' well of. herself. but when }.;e `:::11.1,. to •make arnaparlwme ic'wl . a dlflielr_ and other folks to the d11•,.1- 1tr1age yt 1110,other fetter you're Vot• ! on lai,gerou, F"I.uu,l. f.:r 1 A0 ..cams. In the first (:late, youre •1.l- tvaulnV on opinion . f '' mearlt t int it t warranted tc t!:r trtcls. I'nf'ra \rein• coi?w•If up on a 1•Mtesta1 the't'a h1.: of cracks. and Bee of 'these t ole : iys h It crumble to pleeds, rind duan n'll drop like it bond of brieks, for e nenever a man. or -a woman, scute '::'nw+ll in his mind ntrove his tellews gettinY rea4y for h :att. ' 1t` ire •••,.1 terrane over Ot.hllutett 10110:40 u pu! l ow the pro ,s froth mplia ! i In .,04 th011 the pro Me he's -be a t. I•s)k1n'. dawn on o iII Mint.. to a .1 on hien and .1:11 ell --just IaU,ytl. Tint's the Reebok' reason why lite turned up Tune 15 it bad business. It spells you. and t hen It spoils your friend!. for that habit of 1 hbugbt that ex- presses Reel( In rhe tnrnesi 1111 Wore le total to the kind of self esteem that ev- erybody ought to have. and it's fa- tal to frfend- A waoNG rettsrarrrvE.ship. "You see. honey. an elevated nose is n good dent like nue of thole chi fash- ioned blunderbusses -it hits a whole lot of people that you didn't aim at. and whoever It hits it hurt*. Nobody ..an tell where It's goln' to strike. and en they tet In the habit of dodgio' whenever it comes around. There's' a good odiny folks you can scold and :Muse and they'll take it good natured and keep on being friends, but Just let em get the notion that you're sneerin' at 'em and its ■II off. Most all of us hove an idea that we're above es good Is the next one. and nnthin''mnkcs ns nadder than a turned up nose alio the :neater the difference between us to wealth Or andel Fades the madder we let about tt. "it you're gots' to got the test th"re IS out at that vee id and oat of the pe+. - oh I i S• ooft. 41210,11. ,ret mite (a Would You Provide I for the Care of Canada's Needy Consumptives-? THEW 1.115:• • .,.1 l.0NTRuIJTICNa TO TN/ MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL FOR ZONSUMPT!VES eNLnILr♦ b .o Ye.T.. .,y .e... +, Mm ,.. It e,s,. DVS TAUSse..• .\ Hutt' •a1 1 stilurtion'that acel•pt i role its freta all parts of Canada. • 11.•.r• ii,me t. • emtl,tJ..,1 letters - 't iC lN•iupttcrt'Lrdeb►icy: deal more -York than was _necesaarJ--.. and d'd twice as much cooking, but I was used to everything to eastern style. and it (lid not occur to ale that I could have things In any other way. • We nitvnes.h:ad•denuuert every day for' dinner. rI made cake, and practically tha edicts oe-Tesoe'exreutly ns we could here. "Wee'. the day when Mr. P.Iank• did not crane home to dinner was New Years. There was not so ranch differ- ence between the •daya-obey were all unrklne i days -but I had prepared a '110.1:11 'dinner. Mr. Wank was going g off to the dipping vats, but he was to be back ret ? o'clock for dinner. and 1 Mrs' re,!. , : ... One. It. was rabbit. 1 think. it at One nererted neighbors were i family of Alsatians whom we knew eery '. e1Land who had been very land to Us. 'filet morning before breakfast Mr.. Blank had rkldebdeer there on business of some k--ind They had inside eggnog to celebrate the day. , and of course be must accept tbelr hospitality and take a glass. . •'Now, a good strong eggnog is noJt� ezactfy`-akpefore breakfast drink fo man who Is not acrustomM to taking that that hour in the morning. and the eggnog wits a.etrong one. It wiis New Year's day. and eggnog Ingredients can be found in Texas when potatoes can- not. When Mr. Blank carne bome be ' IUt1iDAY, Ditcsirlisn 9111, KIl» siohn 1)11, teNto norm, --New Li'- , ke:u,1, 1 )ti % : A y•,t eg man not Is longing here, anal dTet•ia1;L from, it is ir4 !iecret, eta, 111upliun, 1 le•imk; Iola by "L.,- s - the Iu,tel. •brio. Hu .has uo tura 5 rind has Nicol• tefus•d` WI1111te.i/. 11 to:. h usl.itlil. The eonditii., uhete 1,. .",.ITa-r.1S,e R .. i...Tm. • he IN• ad,nittwl to your I• re • ltot• - pital fur 1'eli,euui.tives? 1 ma. could yen inform user sthcrc In. an lie, sent, and what steps are 1, s..ry to secure liruulpt adttti an. NOT A SINOLE PATIENT HAS EA DCL! N E/USED ADMISSION TO .E I,'U tCMN FLEE HOSPITAL tECAUSE • F Nle OR 111.1 INABILITY PAY. Since the hos, :el ta',1:t opene,2 1.1 Aptii, 11Ar_, 0e thonsaral tit, hundred.nn; went y-fn:.l - oat civ:;: have tx•ctl seated itlet.h•+utic tutior , eso iI1lug . 1r t• 1'111111 every rol•Inee in the 1).uuiniou. Fe the week eve.li1rg Novelle -lee 31t . i1MD)•one hundred roll twent y fl a patients -seem in ret•illene.•. inety-six of those are not paying a aper for their Nuintsaane-.absoletstl fres. 'The other t y -nine pair from $2.110 to $I ,O) a week Ni. HOP pap+ 11115I�i1t1L1t'e�• ._. - -- -1 Suitable cases ars: aelnlittt•d' promptly on completion, of appli- ''cation papers. - .A GI1.1TEFCL PATIENT Norah 1. ('arthani_ Ene•hlsevl you will find reerirt-fi,r itis t icket frotn- liraveuhuret, hoping that. you will het alae to oblige we with the fare. 1 was at •nut• Sanatorium' tett l 1 tiro .t YW,.y free. there as an apparentcure. I ata now working 1.1 the city, 1 1 am feeling tlrle. 1 was most thankful for the caro I got. fr the dlw•torre and Atai, and I nuke say that 1 spent the time of my life while 1 was there. -. Season'S lir'eetings 1 t\ 1 t\t We lbish one and all a /.appy and prosperous c`Ce w Year a We also wish. tt) thank \'tail te'r the patronage of the partt -year, \\'MeI h has been one • of steady growth. -.' �l'c cni.ICit\or t0 give .itir ctitOnters. yzootl•tzt.i•tl., - at fair prices, and it you �Ulllplil ]l tit Inakc, WC &Grill it :! tan. or to • COIlle al LI tell us, and if possible !act 1'. sa nes Li�:tteit thea(-L•t,lhtirnwsi, \ve - 44 ---tam ve \'wee n-avvek some interesting Hardware ii -fitor instance. tin Friday tall Monday next we \\ ill a':.. -t :L11 ,OC R.!'.\ hide \1'hip; at :3c. Our' stein` •i, bel;:_ thartittglu\' i allied, so that to will t' the better :till. to show our lin''s to mutual atllant , l.• ` i Fi• T fl' tHF. o4ei1 Hardware L MIT: D. - F� OLIDAY GIFTS till it , o:.d a --ou !10.1, 1,. I., F.v•vythi:eg in ONYGOODS shib as \l1 Its, flair Welshes. Clothe- !I -he•, Manic'u•e Sete, etc. 2'ett•utues, hulk •1 fan's p,u+kage>..0:d L..t it F. er..h and American. •gars,Jn Christi -i iaekrµ;es. Ten .and mem y•i''. 1'ippoP% T. reit Poaches, etc. - Neilson's, Webli s '1.d 1 -owner. Chorolatr-. DUNLOP, The Drutb,»l ' "A M1OnTT w'ABntr WORLD." other was a ditch digger who couldn't spell Ills own. name. "lint even when you size up people necordln'10 the standard clf your club It idol safe to turn 1.p your nose. for tibia .Is :a mlgbty wabbly world, and the folks that's up today may be down tomorrow. and the ones that's down tomorrow 'may be up at the top of the heap next week. if you're goln' to judge people by that standnrd yon've of no right to object it they measure you by the same rule. nod it's mlgbty entharrassin', I imagine, to fired tbe fnIke ynn've beim turnln' up your nose tit In n position to elevate their noses at you. But. say. little girl. It's bed - tune. and here I've been fussln' and seetdln' elle whole &'.colo'. Don't you feet' bad about it. •though. honey. Your old daddy, thinks vou_re the finest ever, but he don't want you to find It out. Good night." deist Truths. The fcnr'ite\hargeln hunter knows all the e•uuutert.lg•it*. Th.. awrried ts•nnty always loot upon her husband es the beast. - No woman wants her offspring t0 pose as an object lesson at a mothers' meeting. One of the things a man can't un- derstand 1s why his enemies seem to have no many friends. The emlle of a good woman will do n man more rood than a dozen handed to hem by n hnrtender. After n man has been married a year he can't see any reason why him wife should want a oew hat. It sometimes happene that a man 11 kept from buying mining stock be• ranee hP hasn't got the ready each once In awhile n man le too proud to beg and too honeet to steal 'J•ben the only alternative he has left 1s to to to work. _.-...._.�..... srnelonally a married taxa doe it lot of talking wlben he fs sway from lemur. became OEMs *bast the only aims, /.sepsis 1111 11A24AGIrD TO CRAWL UP. i•ould not eat his breakfast and only took a few swallows of coffee and mounted hie horse and rode away. -I went to work and cooked dinner in my best style. I had a little- oil stove. for 1t was always warm where we were, except when a norther came up. Everything was done to perfec- tion and ready to pat on the table at 2 o'clock, but Mr. Blank did not come. 1 looked out. but he was nowhere In sight Two o'clock passed. 2.30, 3 o'clock. and still he did not come. •'$ny one would have supposed that I Would have been frightened and think something had happened to him. for he le one of the most considerate of men and this was a most unusual occurrence. But 1 was not frightened. It any -thing had happened probably the men would have brought me word. 1 had good dinner prepared, and he did not come. and on New Year's day. I grew more and more nngry ns the time passed. until by night 1 was hard- ly In n condition to speak. ify and by he rode up. ile seemed to feel my meed. Anyway, his first words were: •"? euppoee you nre provoked' "'Yes,' I said, •I am.' "He was angry then, and he went of to stake out his horse without an- ot'ter word. It didn't last long, how- evt.T; and we came to an understand - Ing. "It seems that that eggnog, taken the first thing in the morning, had been too much for him. He had hard- ly lett the bonne before he wale over- come with an irreslatlbte desire to sleep. He says he never knew how he reached the dipping vats, for he slept , most of the way on his horse's back. When he got there he found working was simply an impossibility. The men had. a 11We shanty, and he managed to crawl up there, tbrow himself en the door, and there he slept all day long without stirring until night. wben he had slept off the effeefiu of tbe egg- nog. -I do not look upon eggnog now s/ such an Innocuous drink es 1 did at one time, and I know there was never a wife who lived threngh each a long day as 1 did waiting for Mr. Mash to come borne that New Year's day In T pas." -Naw York Tlmaa. 2S t .r.' • INC CUR/ ,11 Mt.Tre AT M.'aae., IIO 11LAt. The Muskoka Free flesepital for ('onsnt.ipt.ive•e is dependent on the go,, 1-n ill nail Mita of the 1'ruuulian puhlir. .leney it urgently needed et the present time le make it possible to carr for the large and Increasing nuuJs•r of patients that car entering the institution. Will ycu help ? !'!here greater urgency ? Truly, Canada's greatest charity. ttmtrihrttirme olay% la• emit to W..1. (Inge. 1';Aq.. `II MpAdina Ave.. its .1. H. Iterhei(aotl, Mkc'y•' jras. eationrll Manita •' Association, 'it ing St. \V.. Tut•unto, Canada Some women a fond alt religion beesuee they can be a in it without having to understand o New Cutters 1 have received and placed n stock a carload of (?uttere, and invite the inspection of those who want an up-to- date driving outfit for the coming season. Gray Cutters Tudhopc Cutters A pair that cannot be beat. Robert Wilson HAMILTON ST., GODERICH, %gent for Maloney Hama implements, Mel- lotte Cream Separators, and other leading lines of Farm Machinery. P `e I Int, e Ior -1.L• n nur,M•r of gee,.' Gaits. HOLIDAY PRESENTS Our line tel T4)ILET SETS in•teallcr cane MANI111.1{ •: SETS in It 1 oulllin.ation T(.1LI • F:hon.v 11A11f ,Ebony \I Fib o N )'.•sir .'.nasi Is ul . Cher eaae1 ANI) MANI( I - Itt EN MOMS y BONNET BRI'MII-:� Ebony N.W. 10.0 7 N i l Est Ebony 1 LOT/1 R({ I [Mil EN Phony Nail Files and Shoe Igor Ebony, Military Brei'hes, I t Palley Pipes, Cigars. t'igar (lases. Fancy Perfumes. in e•dk .ural ia,ttles. Big range.und close price's it • BUTLAND'S DRUG STOE - ` GODERICH 7HE STORE THAT PLEASES • `Deas The Signal's Clubbing List on page .8 of this issue. HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR What ie•tt,•r remembrance cats gm* give your friend than a pair of comtuttahle blip _ pet's? , We have the finest assortment in • t ot•.LAather you will tlnd anywhere, no well he tnoet reasonable in price. U it stark of evening 'glippers For Itulies includes the 111051 dainty de•igos of the ehoetnaker's"art. .\ more ae.eptahle gib, at this 'mason cannot he found. 1t w II giveyou pleasure to see our footwear for :he' little ether. Downing & MacVicar ant .# .114 QUEEN (41:A IT -11OF:N FOR %V1)MI N. �� WALKOVER HIW[cy FOR lit ctrl. 4.0