HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-30, Page 88 Tr HkAnt •nunicilw he (poll •onof3: nip M r twets 41 the as •eoolidre lnwBry est yes Jt pert meed .min lendtt .f Drtt ie -'Wly- da r. at zy�r- eon' ;al .. I.1 alt ent ems account was imputed. uteri and the amount a t• t! 'sued for is the' arbitrators' award. TIMMDar, LxriMaeM 90, 1005 .TN[ COUNTY COURT. Conclusion of List of Cases Tned at Recant Sittings. The County Court concluded its t)e. .ember sittings last week. Following are notes of the cares which have not alrea, been reported in The `Signal His Honor Judge Doyle presided at the Court. McCalluw ve. Hyde. An action by Duncan McCalhtm, en intplement- agent of Heaforth, against Charles Hyde and Hobert Beatty, executors of the last will and testament of the late Archibald Hyde. late of Blanchard township, Perth county. The action was for specific performance of at; alleged agreement between the plaits - tiff and the defendant Charlet) 11)de, by which the defendants should sell W the plaintiff certaiu premises in Sea - forth for the price of $ l5. The de- fendants say that the plaintiff wee given a key to the premises in older that he might act as their agent in securing a purchaser, that he ue• gglrcted W do• w and. on the contrary, dissuaded people from buying lie property. and that any agreement that (night have existed -hall been waived. This 1u:tio0 we. settled be- Itween the parties, the terms of the settlement being that the plaintiff de liver up poasewiun of the lands in question' forthwith and pay defend- - ants or their wlicjtum'tithin Initial ell claims. each party to pay its own coat:. R. S. Hays for plaintiff. J. W. Graben) for defendent. Wallace vs. Irwin. --An action for assault. Trial of this action hat been' Axed fur February lt)th. and the luny notice was struck out. McLean vs. Monteith. -Au action for 4171. 75 for work done in construct- ing a drain. The plaintiff is William B. McLean. • laborer living at Henson'. and the defendant is Alex. Monteith. a farmer living in Tuckersnuth. The is r it ek` ---The defence was that the M1it1ratioll waa irregular. The evidence in thin case was taken but the case has yet to be argued. H J. D. Cooke and %V. Proudfoot. K. 'ti'.. for the plaintiff. U. S. Rays fur the defence. Carbert vs. McCaughey.-An.acdon by T. Carbon. hotel keeper at Luck - now, against W. MOCaugbey, hotel keeper at Blyth, fdf VW, the value. as claimed, of hotel furniture and fur- nishings, sold to the plaintiff by the defendant but alleged to•ba•e been re• moved. The furnishings were patt of the contents of the Cain House at w tented be- i This action as Luctoo . tweet the parties. J. L Killoran for . plaintiff. R. VaosWne`for defendant, Letson vr. Davis -An action by (leo. Letson, formerly hotel porter at the Bedford hotel, against the proprietor, F. Davis. The plaintiff was diecov• ered taking 741c from the defendant'„ cigar case sod waa accused of having) stolen other some of unpnel', aggrega- Ling $85. The plaintiff admitted the• thefts and promised sed to make restithl' tion. He obtained a cheque (row J. F. Andrews for dad for hogs and with this paid Mr. Devi'. The plaintiff now claimed Chet he war under the influence of liquor when he took the, 70.•. and that the adiiii.. on of the other thefts was secured by threats. He rued for the return of the chegiiet•obtained from biut by the defendant. Lctou die:Melted with County Court costs. 0. F. Blair for the plaintiff. f.. °arrow' for the defendant. ;- Bank of Commerce vs. The Calor•ne and Hibbert Mutual Fin Insurance Company. -The action is for 6784. the insurance settlement made between e Joseph Matthews and the defend. anassigned by Mr. Matthews to the • laintiffe before it was paid. The defe co is that the insurance policy was •id on account of the insured prof • y hecomin;t vacant 'without the wri ten consent of the defendant and on count of a portion of the property 'ing assigned avith.nit writ - ter perm( .ion from the defendant company. The plaintiff's answer It that the d . , of portion of the prop- erty was in r. Iity a nwrtgage, and . that written 1 mission front the de- fendant Was no necessary, also that the premises wire not vacant. In thie case a compo ion has been ap- pointed to take the oidence of a wit- ness in Manitoba nd consequently the case will not tried for .some time. J. I.. Killoran •r the plaintiff. J. G. 8tanbury for the r tends fit.. Sturdy vs. Campbell e al. -An ac- tion by Sturdy Si Co. ag inst. Camp- bell & Athas, the propri ors of the Olympia Cafe, for the amo 0t of an account for groceries, x1317.:1.. The defence is that Louie Camp 11 sold his interest in the business t Wil- liam Valens and the plainti ac- cepted the new firm in Solent tion for the old, and that there w no liability on the part of the defend t Campbell. This case was laid ove to be tried at [tome 'stet date,. Proudfoot, K. C., for plaintiff. date... ing and Owens for defendants. WESTFIELD. TU*Dec.DAY, 21st. Mr. and Mr. Geom. Naylor' baVe the sincere sympathy of the commun- ity in the los a of t huir only child. Edna, aged alkult tw,, yearn whose death took place on Sunday. heath was caused by bran, hiel pneumonia and whooping cough. Mr. Farrow and Wite, of the !!tate of Washington, ore visiting the forner's brother, Wesley • The Fetal Street Co r. in a Nova Scotia town lived a d man whose wife had recently died, leaving him in a eomfertable house with no one to look after him. He soon began "looking round" for a sec- ond helpmate, and settled on a widow, whose status ad a housekeeper for her former spouse was well estahliebed. "The old man had but one objection to her : she was a Methreliet and he {lad been • devout Presbyterian all his life. "it's all right but for that one thing," he confided to his crony, when they fell to diseuwing this drawback. "Come weekdays, she will be fine. Cm thinking. She can kelp me tidy, mind the house. and, man. ye know she can cook. But then." and he shook his head dnuntfnny "then will come Sunday. We Will be starting uhf to church together, just as husband and wife should be doing on the Sabbath day, and we will come to the corner. Then Mandy, she wilt bet turning to go down the street to that Methodist piece, and 1 will go on to the house of God alone !"-Jaanary Lippincott's. PORT ALIMENT. Tuthill&r, ]Dec. 214. Dht'KMBER NUPTIALS,. - .Jt very pretty wedding was solemnised in ()Mist church Lot R'ed,esday. the 15th init., when •Miss Annie ' Ke THE MARKETS. Chicago Wheat Futures Close Millar, Liverpool Exchange Closed -Live i'. rt -(flak---4.44«t Quotatisnsr- daughter of Joseph Tigert, of Shep- tp rdton was united in inarria a tui W. S liaaltlns, a resident of this fig y place. Rev. T. Hicks, of Dungannon, performed the ceremony. At 1::#1 }+.._ us. of_ the Wedding March playedyed by Miss R asella mellow). hats, the bride vnt4red, the church leaning on the arm of her lather. The principals took their" places before the altar and took uputi thecal the vows which united• them for life. The bride looked Omitting In it Cos- tume of grey cloth with bat to tuateh. After the ceremony was ..ter the happy Couple drove to the houne of the bride's parents, whets n luneheou was served to a number of Irla;iver. -rhe bride was the recipient of many beautiful p1•eeenta A g that'll was a handsome chair given hy 1 he eon• gregation of ('brief chili h, of which she has been organist for a flambee of years. We join in wishing the new couple a happy voyage tht.mgb life. BAYFIELD. 1VKUYKntar Dec and Muudiiy E1'erting. (sec. SI. lily�1r+ • HAYFIELD HKIk:I's. J. 11'oriel!, of t►tderich, visited friends in the village last week ,him Mamie 3T OtW.- of the )Stratford Normal School, re-, turin'd on Friday last to .pent( the Christmas holidays at home Chas. Ferguson who spent the simmer and autumn mouths on the lakes saiTing. returned homer -fast week sill. -tri Watnrley spent last Thursday at the manse Rev. er. Davidson,iSt. of ....1.1601--41t, *so' . Reesbea. tat., stat• Varna, took the services its St. And- Peru/sy'ltae4a seri naart'y hennery, wlrite rew'e church on 'Sibhstrt last. Jacft- al,. to 48c: da: teatt•sed wiate. 21st i ,X`. ing the !pulpit vacant and in the name rY , heanry. brown rasa miXea. railer est of the Presbytery ttiging the congr. a 1,. lac. t... gathered brown. fair to !.rime gation to is speedy aettlei,ient 11i Z2c to ries weeteegeestrw fiat, tar to 34c: first ale to lac:�» la We; ow Little. of Queens College, Kingston, htarat. >k ` Sit will- -preach in --bite- Andrew'r ehurc6 next Sunday, morning and evening. S*.YINO F.aKBwgLL.-On \%ednes. day evening of last week Itev. J. and Mei- McNee were invited to the base- ment of the cbureh to meet the eon. gregation and asy`g•wdbye. and apend a Do.•ial time together. Dut•ing the everting Mie. McNeil was ple*ente.l by the tuembeqr . of .ha two missionary societies of the. chut•c't with ab 'autl• ful sable for and a very appreciative • TORONT: Dec. 97.-lttxceipte • d address. Later an , Oldreasv�ag real to • live' stock t) ). the Union Stock Yards both Mr. and Mao McNeil from the alwl mitt ket .lowed of e )u . At t. l•Icago. December wheal closed 1tke. hlxher than on Friday 11ve:rutber earn 10 highest. and tareeinber vine ".e higher Wir.ntpee Dr.s ions • 0 • ELDER HENRY CUNNINGHAM Recommends brinier th a .an 'Pride) 11cca'mtber oat 40 Me lit . 4V at - -December 8LUI4t. !gay t1 otti lu; Durr-.- I te.enlber $pec, MIN' 37%, Toront9.-again Market. -. %vb. at. fan, With it us lop 1a Wiimit au..rv. Iamb..., ...-Wheal. red, bush 1 00 illi Buckwheat. buabal 0 13 illi : eye. bushel 0 r Barley. bush. 0 C• V iib Peas. bushel Ole Oats: • t usher- - ?M m -1 -- Toronto Dairy Market. (Treat` per Ib 013 rgge. -ass lots, dowse 0 S Butter, aegaratur, dairy, lb0 25 11 atter. store tuts u ^.Z R otter, creamery, solids._ 0.31 Hotter, creamery, Ib. rola0 37 (1 .r.e). extracted 0 10% !t.•ne: 'mobs. per arra 2 3s New York Dairy Market. • At Vilnnip.•g, LWa•embei wheat .lined 0 Ma 011e NEW YORK. Den A -Butter-- Meade: ,ss•e/pta, fib creamery, eggs.-oJe. 31c. ex• trek 37. .third to Ira, Sc to 31r. hole memede to epeeists. ir' to oar- state- dsary cartoon, tt, rlret. Mc to ase per ttrat to speedam Sr to :7R,.., west. ere, factory. sir wart to first. 34.' to western lm/tat5rk oresonert. Er to •"vf.• t'hsew Finn. roaminga, ,M State, new fullstn *penal. 0>,kettf tar' d0., setalattal"s'IIe .. dt►l_tAsvbr hsNL_ltHac. 40.,. late°- made bag. 1= do., common u • gaud,.to fir; atter. full to at,tcirt fit t., leap • CATTLE MARKETS. Cables steady Markets Osnse• ally Stronger. 4.OI.ASOC)W. Doti C.--l'ntward Watson a Ritchie report 1:4 Latter on off.. Trade le eery slow, there bear/* no prime cattle. Steers, lac and *wen to 1Tc Bulls art shown In Targe manners.and stiff and ragging trade at 910c to lOc pert Ib. Union Stock Yard*. congregation. exitresriug app elation of their• good w,'ik while het , rad a well-filled "mesa ww-' preset% -to then(. Mr. McNeil and his La4have on Friday f n• their lung judge to (;ape Breton. KIPPER. ' TtaMDAV. Dec. 21.', Puri' YLrARs WrltuooT . A Mf',i. - -Five' pupils of S. H. No. 14. St.u,l-y, attended school every day in the yevr. were tt carloads, conaiating of ,174 cat. 11e and one calf. OM of the above amber at cattle Cher -`•ere 401 expartnra, that were bead ova for Tueeday'a market as wawa The pyla elpal buyers of- the, butchers Were Gunn's, Martin'■ and Ale*. Levee•k Prices were about the same s* at the Nome of tag, week. tt'tafey t otagatin sold: 7 butchers, S91 Ila,each, at 36.31 pee,owt.: 1 buteher. 100 i1 ...L r i butobuta, _C4 lbs. melt at 1. Jr.' 1- butcher. 1130 lbs.. at - idle 1 cows, I!) thus, earh. at 34. M; 1 cow. 1191 obs. at 14:40. canners, 9e0 Itis each. ail Their names are; -tfetlwrtKehl. Net - son Hooil, Anti Pieher: Jessie Collin. and Cecil Johnston. Herbert1Keh1` has collie lo'echo l every mein four years. Each nebular who attend school every day in the year gets a 1 w Chatterl.ux. • HOME Put( l'IIKI$TWAa.-The folio aspsi.udrntaour bnmefOlrttys-1l1fl5`tn:/w TI 'b a i 31.� I calf, 310 10e , at M f0.' (wt." ----- --- Nontreat Live Steck. 444*1 'RK.1L. Dec- El. -,Special:) --At th, wast snit market, re elpta o •4 f Itve e4:. f.*- bur week were 1501 cattle. .550 ah. --I and' anti., 13* hogs and 2511 calves. Thr ttlq' 1.- this - morning for sale Contested 0l 85,r, tattt-, 1W sheer sand lamtr, 425 hoer ando . - hl 'al.cs. •'atUe prices Show an ad- eance since lac Mender_ of_ -kir ._um'.lb .r .D. of stock .asonlisted of northwest ncchers, and the duality above the aver ore.. Chong steers sold at ,%it ttop se; good t awes to :.yet ; fair. at Mir to 03'. medium l Vac to 4•j'; common, at 3ier to 4c, !1.t nferior; :,t 7t- 0, _'*.0 per Ib. For Milall mruls. re..';pts were c.xn paratively atr.a:l and demand good. Lamb, old at 1cit to "r, and sheep, at Vac -to 4ty, '•r Its • t'Yttrs were scarce and the few •ffered sold at 4, to rc per Ib. : .a Ir. oil, oneon t'r feeling Prevailed it he Market for- hogs and price* &.Ow W cnn,e of tic toSc. attrtb4(ted to emelt ore receipts and Increased demand fruit parlors t't-onpeets :ore that ' *11411 s oil gu .444!1 higher 0 ac..i.uat of the Vei111,1•411111,1•41 sut'PUne ee obtainable I4 *ot'Of4ht .r: 4 l:.I.InW dastrlrta In Ontario. Salve 01 e1. .ted Iota tract welt of Toronto weer ,„ole at 54, and from east d Toronto a t.'1. weighed off 'cars,rs At the Caada , Pastier live hmar at. ,' ket r,e ,Is for Yat week were 3.11$3.11$rattle 901 •l'- and lambsi fr , ogs and 4;1 calves, while . yftertnty, this martin( mounted fu de cattle. 100 af.eet ant amba and. •10 ,. naiveOnly 40 rattle user, waived for export account tart week East Buffalo Cattle Markel 4A*r HL'FFAL.O. Dec, t7. -camas -Rs t elprs, low ,7,cad, fairly aeup, re flewved and .stro b. Ips )..t,r, prims, X50 to r to 31.20. bitchrs. 3L to $6.3. 1r•lfers, !a 4o St,;;, ..,w,, 3151 to 36.211 Lulls. .i: to. ft.. stockers and tedarra. EL:f qts .80 rl.a'k `hyenas, 3.1.21 to it 72. fres! rows ...4 app in g••rs. K lower. 524 to ing 4'• ala- 1;.'. ,tit. MO tread: ...settee...setteeand 75. Nevar, k; In *43.20. I l' ,o. - B, . 'apra, 10480 head; active and Ss I1 a. 'hie:,er..fs-ivy, us to Salo. mi. r•1 �•1 •.. a k• r., 3a a1 to 311b; pits, SS* t, $s.!s rr;.�.rh.. 3a to 3316: tags, 118.50 u f�.S dais ra, 3a i:, to 14,40 Sh. et. and Landon- Iteceipts, LI SS head .n setts F. .1..•.. t. .ttdy: letnha 10.• to 1. ,.,c•,, , 1:,•oh:., 35..r to $175; yessrunga: 35.3 • t . f..:.t... ,-Hera, S 7t to Se; ewe•, ,36. E to :a!A. ... 1•. tuixi-.1, 3y t4r $5.50, Canada 4. 44 h, 3x,50. New York Uva Steck. 3L festivities: Misses Maggie Mellis end Nellie McGregor from the Strati ed Normal : Miss Petri,• fr. L 0IId•'n Nor,nal: 1V. McQueen and H. T. Johnston from Toronto L'pivervily': Misses May '.ti:Gregor, Etta Jame' and Reims Jlelieatit, and Murrayl'Ssh• er, Herbert Jones,' Deo. ;Stephenson and Gordon and H ira'ry (fault]f Seaforth Collegiate: Hugh McKay andia Alice Cochrane . (tom Exer high school and T, E- Clegg from Lindon Medical School. Other ,visitors u: e Miss Ida Dins(lale and Melvin Alatr, stenographer's in London. A BARGAIN IN NEWS. THE MAIL ANI) EMPIRE may tie ordered by anyone not alt•esdy a sub-- scrt r, to be sent by mail only, to any address in Canada, Great Britain or United States, firths next five tnnnrhsnthfor one dollar. Treduced rite is for a special purpose and period, t , ettiie•t - the British ele'otions, the campaign of which is now in progress, the do- ings of the Dolnill1011 Parliament. Inow in session), and the OntarioLegi-- 'attire, which will soon -inert. The Daily alai! and Empire, beside„ having all that is available to other Canadian newspapers, has the benefit of a Optic• tally [railed wire, and the use of (lir Lat1an Bureau Nervier, which oirnn!- taneously supplies The New York Hun. ' The Weekly Mail and Empire, the regular_ rate of which is $1.011 A ye:at, contains a faithful summary of the daily editions and latest new'e to date. Bent your mubticriptinn -for The ihlitc Mail and Empire, five menthe for 1.1.0u, or you can obtain he Daily Mail and Empire for fly,. nu the and The Signal for six month . the .wn together (oral,:((. The 1Veekl) t Mail nd Empire for one year and The Signa or one year, the two together for SI, . I. Send all subscriptions to The Sig . 0 to Lt I R • INe..1.-Heeses. iteoeipti . sn..1, source asid higher, prime t. •)�c�k�vS; to '37,:01' bulls, firm, at 5250 u Er107-t rnr to P0.• higher, at til Ys- b Coli: dr,-esrd *tea_ glow ante! toad). NO *WWII. 4' 40 lfl4ci Texan burr. 7c_ to i'5rjet t5: ---T_. Calves -Re, '4pta, 1061 • veal., 50c to 1 Iagter on Ilrnitr.l supply: all tort. calves fine, cleats. $7.0 to $11.50. culls, 1 to E. barnyard 'calves. $4.50• city dreare•, Male, Ile to lee, country (Preened, Por t' 14ua'•; Mress.d barnyard and fend calve., s to 10: Sl,-. p .and I.e.tba-)ier'E1p1R.-x164: ahea; tom. froaT and- choice Iarntx., 1.1c to 25. hialwr, Mottoes trttl narrlm n. avow; 2 car unsold. Rhryt. 1175 to Sb.1; no rysot.. I e•rr, ,:calla. 3.3 W 3510. tamfn, U,m to 33.rw nor tar eh../10, heavy. Sa; cull., 16,60 b 3s ft.. Il.n-s-Iteeedpta, 11171; market, Meier. ■ PAY,PAY,to M. 75. Chicago Live Stock. 4'1110.130, Iwo. •e•--(1tOe-Rerelpu Ir'!4h:-itlarkrl, 10e to i6F higher: steers. 1 l0 39 rows, 33.50 to r9. hwfer.. i14') 14. bulls. *140 b. 11.5; valves. 3a to L9.77 rt+.rkers end fry,ders, (1.76 to Seidl Nom.-He.eIpts, I5.000: market, 15c to •i kfr(:rewr choice heavy, ata 40 1111:0: but. erg; $3.E to 3g t;,: light trilled, 14,14 1,, t• !Felice light, sea to Se*: lr.t'ktag, 5' 137: pigs, t'.fm to 38.10: bulk of sat., te•jo$11.110. Re. -tents, 101160: market, air t sheep, 84 to 3g: Iambs, 118.5o t R33 is P.74:-__.. _ ... he Canny Scot. ' \ At a lligh d gathering one Donald McLean had tered for a number of events. The t of these was, the dquarter -mile. 1 ena ld certainly didri t istinguish hitt If in the quarter - mile. Of eight r tiers lie was the last. "Donald, 1)onald,' pried a partisan, by did ye no run 11 ter 44" D d sneered. Run .fey!" he sap rontrrrtp(u• musty. "Am a retesevi thyself for the hagpirpe corn -Inn!" _- Letters from Subsc s. Front R. B. Nonan. Havons, "Thanks very unIeh for is•in punctual in sending int. The Si which is most Weir, I only w I could have at least two or lin copies a week: i always Incg for The Signal's arrival. It brings good news of the rising town of (ioderich. 1 wish success to the dear old liberal Pignet, prosperity to its editor end a pleasant h ChrtRtriratirn 1Ta eitiW"' l From W. R, Davison, Pilot 1(ountl, Man.: "The 'old town palter' is it wel• come visitor each week and 0 in with pride and eatisfactlon that we nftin compare int psge'a with outer nubile*. tomeas s loth t and west. %Visiting you a merry (%hrietmaa antra prosper us n 1010." tis. M$9.60; 38.60; Operation to 8t. Louie, Mo., Dee. Thomas F` ('uddihes' retu one •atenlay, hip tie ha. been for three we•1•ks at . f'ity Hospital, where part of his had been removed. Two years r„ t':n:i ihee waa struck on the head air a club by a negro. The blow .brie'. h7 1"f?hTfi lob oiSoer with n gold meetTt for bravery, into a man who sough 80 kill his vibe rad children. tore sanity. --Patrol'' !0 1- e, y • 1, • illi... L+MM.:M -s,r.,•nv. For Weak, Run -Down People. •• 1 was run down and weak from Indigestion and general debility, also suffered from \ erti:•:o. 1 saw a cod liver preparation called Vinol adver- ti-sed and decided to give it a trial, and the results were most gratifying. After taking two bottles 1 regained my strength, and am now tooling unusually well." - NENRY CUNNINGHAM. ecu uu, N.Cf --.•-•- Vinol contpins the two most NToild-fained tonics -the medicinal, stlengtht:uing, btxly'buIUlilg e1enLents of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic iron. 'Vino! contains no oil, and is by far thc'l3est gtrengthenini Tonic obtainable. We return your money without glwtioo Mol does not accomplish all we claim for it. H. C. DUNLOP./Br:..};;► . lclfe Out. aha sirs - 1 • Make ' Each Animal Worth % Over Its Cost On '-t of a Cent a Day !..d•.•dy ever heard of sto.k fou.. Lilting the bots a wb0, making in winter. u.erea+mg the Pie J of milk taw pounds per cow ■ day, r •. cslru-fl run-down :m,mals to p4 ,,pncss and vigor r•\Phan you feed -stock foa,J•• t.- your cow. horse, swine or poultry. too arc true. y feeding themm what were ed ,{rowIu et sour own help h "THC o Your .uum.Js do nerd not tare tccJ, bot something to help th..r ter -tot tocol •t you giv/FlFim so they can gel (.4 •'..�Ld .ill ivr round. also to eventdiseasc, cure disease and k• ,p •4. r:. up to the 4,-tp ble con,},t. •p. No'\t•wk s s. food" can do at or, ROYAL PURPLE STOiK S.'RCIFIC can and dors It ,. Not a "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" %OVAL PURPL8. STO SP•CIFICao0tains se 4rain.nor farm product•. It increases • r!I .a nu.4. 1-.. n erre]I , bee .uncl. per cow per day before the Specific Ila• been used two I: :. . tt,e rip lk ch r And adds flesh fast.' t!„a any other preparation known. 4 ._s �to,. r. di. ROYAL RPL* are as large a six weeks old as they would be whelp 1, J • : , ,.. J.n.,� n.rtrnala a ten tsks tit ' RUYA P L UiR'PL T 4 S OG SP Fr tfj CIFIC bubbly u0 • •ndown animals and restore+ Chem to fa, 0u •0, worms. km diva t •..1 debIl ty rmanentl 1 hate,. a -JR TAL P40 PLN ST0.1 SP*CIFIIC D a..t.•.. .. .m.,,t n..fgually. Cores (tot .ot,tM horttrltuh, says: •rti, : qtly ,n the fam.hng of 'The Bel,' . !t. large t w" nee of any pacer on Orand Co. a ,t in ;.41 i-teory. Wolters.' 3.114t, h otter o •Allen l\'tall 0..' winner of 8311.100 on trotting stakes n to'rh..a lrtas have neeroff been ocop feed . ace 1 commen.eJ using Rus.,: P...1 ., S.':..�u ._ almost a yraraeo, and 1 will alwaF ave 1111 my stables. • oyaiPurpie STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS One 900. package o2 ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will Crit one annul sr venty d,ys. w hr. h ns a little cater two-thirds of a cent • da 44, 1 .1.. k f...ls m h rot acka e ondarex•.s,. three times a Jay. (ROYAL •PURPL* STOCK SPPCIP'ICt .» gi\c•n hot on..4 a day, and lauds half again as long A f1 50_pail containing four tomes the amount of the afty cant package will last ;MO days. ROYAL PURPLE. w-ol increaw --he slue of rout -stock 254. It is an astonishingly Quick i .tt. err, stimulating the appetite and the •J: -,f Md,tit, as isting nature todigget and.turn iato flesh. Asa hecyy fatieneet4t is• Helder. 1 liav semany times its cost in veterinary hills ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPItCI- F : L „R other Ypecilk fee' p,ultry, not fnr4tnck One SO cent pa,kage will last twenty.kve •• 10, ,,, or a pail costing it SO will last twenty-' •c bans 7140 days• 4.4,01 .s four times more f ,f•:41 tut only, three times. the 0.,.t. It mal a - 14) ing machine" out of your hens . na1rp,.J wmerr tstowta m losing flesh at •n)tiri�1 time. and cues poultry diseases. l:c0ry pa.Lage of ROYALL PURPLE STOCK SP*POULTRY CIFIC or POULTR 111 i.iFIC ie guaranteed. Ju -t use AOYAL PURPLE on one of your 4.4 mals and any other preparation on another animal m the sa-v' condo on: -alter comparing r. sults you writ sayROYAL PURPLE has them 1 heat t., death. or else back comes yourm. Aey FICHE -Ask y'ws-tau kart - r write 1. for our valuable- (cirri :booklet on cattle ant p.ultrf diseaw- • containing also txwkin e. s and rr I articular' about ROYAL PURPLE 5OOCK rad POUL- TRY SP3(CIFICS. 1f you\ cannot 4.t Royal Purple Sptcrtics from merei jots or agents. we will surely yo„ dire .. es prca. prepaid. on re.eipt of 11.50 a 1 .d for either Poultry or Stu. k Specifics. Make money a • d as our agent in your district. oro.. ;or terms. ':For sale by all vp.to-date merchants. W. L Jenitna pig. Co., iandoo, Cu. • HOLIDAY PRESENTS s 1V hen you at- giving give ronlething useful. What better for father, mother, sister or brother then a pair of Vamkrtable flippers 1Ve balm a Soo •ulortwent of t hr hest etyles . 041 and s our sabot lines of Fancy Footwear for ladies and children. A selection 0..,ti three would wake a roost accept aid.- Christ num gift. REF' 4. !RING PROMPTLY DONE' WM. SHARMAN 1' .e.a,...��. i .son TaIejtt mincing Recoi'tts In what other way can yciu hear so cheaply and so comfortably s::ch an array elf talent as that enga:;ed in making Amberol and Standard Records for the Edison I'iloriograph. To me: tion -only a few of these star enter- -tainers;-v-111 e ri, t rd -A ern- the jay Of thous- ands, there are: • Mabel McKinley (;race Cameron Albert Spaltung Harry Lauder Vesta Tilley Ada Jones Nat Wills Marshall P. Wilder Ther. are several good records from each of thew.: and a hundred others that you can hear at the dealers and own and hear in your own home for a trifle. raison Standard Record* - - - 40c. /I Neon Amberol Kt.ords (twee as long: Sic. 1•:dlsnn grand alter. Recoids 85e. Edison Phc:.otr•phs - fie. SO to 3162.30 Ther” are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the nearest and hear the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard and An. end Records and get complete catalogs from your dealer,., from us. Nations! PIS Ce.,100 Lakeside A.... Ovaye,N.J,. U.S.A. WE ('A R R V ..L UNllMPLITK $TOUR -OV, - EDIISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS --JAMES F. TI-lOMSON, "'t4typT `q l)iK 8441T AKT•:, 4 • MERiCH. ' „�"... t' 1l.f. AND MEM. WCITE NUR CATALOGUE. 4, The Signa1%- Clubbing List for 1909-10 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe . $1 60 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe,.. . 4 5o The 'Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star ,1 85 Including i" -e i4nm picture,The !Soule Awakeaing.- "I'he signal and Weekly S (Toronto) The Sighal and Toronto at Saar t. . . 2 20 The Signal andiToronto Daily World . . . 3 50 The Signal and Toronto Daily ws . . . 2 35 The Signal and Toronto Weekl Mail and Empire 160 Premium picture, -Whig, l,csntaeats* The Signal_and Farmer's AdXdCa't� - 2 35 - The Signal and Canadian Farm 1 5o The Signal and Farm and Dairy The Signal and Winnipez Weekly Free Press 1 'Fhe Signal and London Daily Advertiser . 2 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser . 1 The Signal and London Daily Free Press :Morning Edition . . . 3 Evening Edition . . , 2 The Signal and London Weekly Free Press 1 85 The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness . 3 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness . 1 85 The .Signal and World Wide . . 2 25 The Signal and Western • •Home Monthly . (Winnipeg) . , . .60 . , , 1 60 The Signal and Presbyterian 2 25 The Signal and Westminster 2 25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3 25 The Signal and Catholic Register . 1 60 The, Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto) . 3 40 The Signal and Busy Man's Magazine . . 2 •I'he Sinal and Home Journal (Toronto) . . 1 The Signal and Youth's Companion (Boston) 2 Including Vostag' to t'nntdlan sats.crlberw, ,.. The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) 2 6o • I 75 1 75 60 90 60 50 90 50 50 60 90 Iocluding postwge to ('anadlan subscribers. These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great Britain'. The above publications tnay be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the, price for any publication being the figure given above less $l.o.) representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The Signal and The Weekly Globe , $l de The Farmer's Advocate ($2.35 Iese 15.00) . . 335 13 95 •95• -making the price for the three papers $2 The Signal and The Weekly Sun 11 75 The Toronto Daily Star $2 20 less ;Leo) 1 2A The Weekly Globe ($r.bo less $1.001 60 - the tour papers for $3.55. Several of these papers, including The Weekly Globe. The Weekly Mail and Empire, The Weekly Sun. The Family Herald and Weekly Star and The Canadian Farm, are sent FREE FOR THE BALANCE OF 1909 TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. - -If the publication you want is Dot in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent, or by postof ice or express order to The Signal Printing Company, LIMITED. 13 55 Goderfch, Ohl.