HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-30, Page 7111
dEven people who are a su ally.
healthy occasionally require
some kind of afood tonic... Fer-
roviln, that excellent combi-
nation of beef, iron ftu(1 �hc>
wine, if talcn• whe(1 tllc s� s-
'` tem is run down -from- over-
' work or a slight cold, will
prevent a more serious illness
Ferrol'im gives strength tocon-
valescents and all thin-blot;.eel
people, $1.00 a bottle
CURES every sort of Muscular p.,n.
such as Scisncn. Spit hes, Com ks, "f „.
Twichn.g of the Muscles, Lumhsao
and Hcadsche. Don't throw an .y
money for worthless im,tsnons, by un.
scrupulous makers. Get the genuine.
Each p,s.ter 'ac In as sir-tlebf tie
hos. a yard ,nu tt le, Mailed upon
receipt of prat, o, topple for Sc.
WI CUAR*Nry; that they ti,lf relieve
Pais Quicker Mau any other plaster.
DAYIa h LAR•RtiNeit CO.. si0atreal,
Xewd of the Eii.,striei
John Oldfleld, al Tuckers
the thumb of Ins right In a grain crusher a few days ago.
This week tbeJiokeoa ala
IHg Co, closes, hr t..uth ye
manutecturiughuslues5 yu
The shareboiders of the
butter factory have decoded
their cream to Port Iluruu
11. O. Smyth hes sold the
elevator ih Clinton to Louie
of lllencoe.% who will lake p
in May.
Miss Cora Currie. who h
terchiug sclyuul near Hayfield
cured a school near Starr
county, at u eatery of *130 e y
T. S. Ilrandun and Nobly 1
moved trues 1Viugharu to St
where they will reside. all'.
was treasurer of Morris town
twenty year".
't`i# .' mil;'01 la:lel:I.rtfif!I fl\'lrAit10
• • , Sr. AUOUS I INE.
Tl'esDA Y, Dec. 21st.
Win. byllilis is wearing a 1.4,'ad
toile these .lays... A the
gbwa .,laittew
pith, had terian church and was 1140,1) , 1Yillir'r d .\i,*uur ltuw,
taken t,H levied' , Mr. and .11x.. Cleehretur, uE tVfntli-
�g, are %)+,ping the latter s -parent.,
r. and Mrs. Jaw' Agri,
A number of people from th
Ivieluity attended the opening of 11
illew atelh4)4114 churt•It in Dattgauuo
batt Su,id.iy.
Sir. and JI l s. Thos. teddy nod fou
ily are 1111W residents of lir hag
Wingltam Deaths.
nutltetur. W, J, Apo./ 1N ac(iregor, eon of 111e
as- in the late Duncan Mlw(.ego, wh•1 WWI he'
144(41104)• many years a t•neideot of Wiugnam,
Bluevale died `on'['uewday of Itwt week at him
to obit home in Winghaw.. The deceased
fur thin Wap u print0r by hada, .For .8 lime'
he woe p:-oprietui of '1'Ite Luckuuw
Standard Nontinel and Ixttetlyi had b,•ru eon- !
ducting a job printing umce to %Vial(- i
Sumer. haul. '1'bedeos.aseed wail in kir thirty-
uswsel0)1 second year. Four ) (sato ago hr ut+a'- i
riled Mime
13a•!ht Hague. ,
e, Lf peas i
am been now, ., w • n a LtickS
auto, with
oar ee. John Ed wits Melntl.48, who 11,a.,i
Brute been a I't e1dellt of 44 itsghetm sines- last,
ear. miring, wlle•'1 hr touted to tllur town
be. from Mount Forret end op oleo up:.
rat ford, jewelry and optical' husil,rsh, 044.111j
Brandon' away un Satnrday,'4h•ernlb. r Itilh, in
rhlp fes• his fuer)•-titie.1 year. If• had nut. Iwrn 1
enjoying the tweet of Leant' f41t' earl.• i
menthe, which was thought 1r. Lo 1Lc
result of uvet•wura and aNxiety' in ('1411- . (
urctiun with launching his new Iasi• 'c
nese hi Wingham,
• t:ANlt]w— 11
succcew..(tteratterer for he cur ymegood, was tof
the 'wails un the Hruseels-Sealurtb
route and will run a stage line com-
mencing in January,
Rev. J. J. thistle. late of ltirigrrvr,
wbo recently retu'ued fruit, Au*-
ualix, her nota icongrege-
nducted not/ the
WESTERN CANADA, 1910: charge o1 the Presb tc
N '
SOUTHERN tion of l.admel, B. (;. -
IS .11E WORLD 331?ATElr11
Produced more wheat than Manitoba and
anima bowlines.
1.st Mmtnosin Valley had many crop. from
141048 babel. ,o the neer in mall.
,we own 1.-imfa1 amnia choke open prairie
teboat lands In thlrrelebndod disttict.
Davit 1Gr 4 a-popr,lar young:
of Hudett, was united In atm
1Vednesday, Decembex 13{11,
Elizabeth Campbell, daughter u
Campbell., of McKWop,
11,alketbu ii, Gently celebratte,
silver weJJlug aueivr,stary. A
those • who attended wen, MI
Ht.. Dutf,•of (Ioderich,.
-i wholesale -pro pa chant of
onto whose death resulted a few !lays
ago from a tall in trout of au auto'
wupile, was • brother of 4)r. Gunn, of
of. the
dress's Aid lSocir y has been foamed at.
I(russelr with Rev. A. l'. W'ishat t nm
pre.ident, 1tev. 11, G. Powell v,cr-
o waidr,t, J. H. 'Cameron Secretary,
11'. H. Kerr treasurer,':
Garfield Long and Miss Alice Thorr•
son, swath former residents of 1;lyts,elr,
vele ueited in Illaeriage all %1'ell11re-
day, the 15th inst., at Nukotui•, Sask.
I'hebride+ it ■ daughter of '4r•. and
Mts. lieu. Thomson, of Brussels,
Alex. McClay,'a' young 111411 of lieu-
sall, who had bet,, livilig in Toronto
for the past Hee years, died tee...ma '
froln congestion of the giver. He mus
twenty-two years of age. scud nous
married just a few doer before his
J. A. Taylor, who is giving up.' hi..
position es principal of 11''ingh44in
tagh mchuu! to take a poettiun as
be sashimi iespector at St, Th.,
(14 *1,�m A lend the (pupils of the;
school with a gold -headed cane. •
On Wednesday, December 13r,h,
August W. Kral, of Howe*, lime to
himself a wile m5 the poets... of Miss
$usic Grosz, daughter cit Ur. and Mrs
(4. A. tiniez, of til*' towusbip of 'Wel-
lark The young couple have settled
on th� groom's farm oil the 5th reale))
cion rf Ifowick.
Lennard Ituttan, a prosperous
yuuig fall r of .1lorrim,"wag united in
man user .m the 15th inst. to Miss
alargamt M. )Snell, daughter of Mr.
end Mr's. S. tine 1 of (trey tuwi,shtp,
The w tending too pl 4041 at 'the howl•
of the bride,'. pare .ta, the cercruony
being conducted by lieu. L. Perrin, of
1Vrozeter, Jt'r, and Mrs. Ruttan
have taken up farming, on the 2nd
conceSIlun of Morrie,
They moved into the house recentl4
Ierrupitd by John"Leddy, Mr. I.eddy
PUJ f11.11i1s lia*'iUI U14)'lYl nut 011 to
Thu.. I.eddy'ss faro).
sll:'its' Cf.t'u.--I'bgre was
) sea .lost Ix,t Ihuiwfny.
11, 1 .a very' hose ettendauc. et tit
Fel 111,'1'. Chit/ 1 •t• '•
etl5wlg: 1Viu, t.4utupson gave a
N11iu t address ua whet he 44-tw' at the
tel sto,•k ..hurt at Guelph, (Jur ul the
pt wcipnl lectures at i lis Hitt porting
i. a deb.{,', Ice' hft's being eIioactt by
li r11.• pint J. (lunr1uiuw. '1'114, soh
i.•rt'is"Ytity arcli t)rnlntripe Life.". •
Desspi',; 4)nINua.--.The luneralf of
11*' bate Jeremiah Foran. of the tr• h
herr.inn, took place lin .11onilny tu,
be Unman Catholic cemetery lure.
uherxl service4 in the church nod
At t
tour we
11r• re e„ alis •t
g 4 cv.itry It
For Pale
Delicate People
e1 c' ib'ei
4':til,11 up Str.•n;7th ; LrinA•: hack the
ra•t,Iy glue •of health by 4.i -eating a
natural appetite for nourishing food.
Get only the I). Sc I.., the origiaaL
50e. and ;1.(o, at all druggist,.
Davie h Lau rcucc Co., ktoutrcaL
epochal Mottoes.
Spanking dots not cure children of bed-
wetting. There is a constitutional cause for
the trouble, )Ira. )I. Summers, 13ox 'IJ
d•or, Ont„ will send free to aoy mother
Iter suclessfltl home treatment, with full
• instructions, Sond no money, but write her
today iT year children trouble you in this
way. Don't blame the child, the cheeses
• are it can't help it. This treatment also
cures adults and aged people troubled with
thine difficulties by day os night.
WPI/NK*i'A 1. Uc •. __uJ F
N,. -,i Nehme .. —34. hoot
day until atter New Y. Pr's, tbt ea' h- 11
rte retnr,tong to their (I.ITrrwltt h• nu• i f
ilhrr. l.aur*ndrad . a widow•, •six
augloine nod four 10,14 1II'.lrrn the
o}s ut 'res aliect ionalat husl,a414 and
tl The fa 1411y !INN.• t)'*' syt))-
town las •..,: • •W�')'-it il.i.. .. rent
Mali. Jajrt•tl ,11cB tut v
1 -,is-!
tag eud•th. Iwe„nnim of U,;a k
e! d hi the C•,ulity t >y
e ell
to M)as The wood .f weddi ).t 1 ..( ., e « f
f John tweed viewing i•, 111.N.is• has ,1 inei. w
(he tweet g 'We ire 1,,.:, )' iends,tel ' i
gs, of that Mrs•-1londcrsnu. 1s- su1T.e'lny 111
tf(rlr Iwtely front ilieunlatista Sunday of
wuug ural cntnulunion service. t.i11 lin held
1V at.e +tlw.'s..a•.-V--16- iy1FYr- tet reM.sf
r ;41.1)11 of M1'4. Htejphen M..dJ,
hieh husk place (i MIlli1I4 ; The
u'ec) t.k.. pisco t.Nhly ('1'er.•Iat') to
1.11'5 ,.•111..1 y. .I1 r. :Veda and
uebt, r 1, 1s-.• she .metre sympathy
(11.:1 1, in chi
% Minn y.
,t Hm)118'a Hifi church
S•tll+iwei+ag4111 un the s6 l lief. 1V,•
How Champagne Helps. '
R.Ilab:r and experienced men aha ran
Wo will tor territory
Mend Wm. Pearson Co. Ltd.
30O Northern Crown Hank 1,11dg.,
•(Pubfiihec Annually
Enables t rodent throughout the World
to ((11mlllunirate direct with Englisb
in each class of goods. IA'*idea being
s complete commercial guide to Lou-
don and its 'suburbs, the Directroy
, co limbos lists of
with the good. they ship, arid th.. (rut.
onial and Fut rign Market,rtheysupply.
arranged tinder tae ports to which
they call. and indicating the appruxl
male sailings: •
ref .leading MsnnfaeDlrera, Met-rhvnt
Mr., in the principal provincial towns
and industrial ..nines of the I'nit.d
A copy of the current edition will be
forwarded, freight paid, on receipt of
postal onler for 201.
I/eaters seeking a4eneies can solver-
s se their trate cards for 1.41; or larger
Wvertiseluents from E3.
The London Directory: Co., Ltd.
2i Abchurch Lane. London. E. C.
k now s that Sunlight Soap
means a wonderful aaving of
time and labour in house-
Whether with hot or cold
water, nothing gets the dirt
off so quickly and without
Injury as Sunlight Soap.
Ilse ft the Sunlight way.
Follow the directions.
Hunters and
Rest Market Price,
Honest Treatment,
Correct Assortment,
Quick Returns.
by shipping their
Raw Furs and Skins
.ao ,aril
the old reliable Firm of the
Fur Trade.
134 .es 136 ffc011t St rteetreal,
Ask Lamer Free 1909.1910 Price List.
WP PAY EXPR1 *44 C4 ARC. Re.
8hi7ob Cut
U0)sk1T amp 00014.. cwraa
.4.coldst, beat. MiN An
tM gr'o.t ped Ines- ftD I deceased
)lilt. bare 4I.ote 411.1 w.• shall •1,
pee rleigtiing for (:1'11+(1, 11',
Mg you all it merry Christ 111 to an.
happy New Vear.
,,,, it .is said that when Sir Andrew
11 ('teal', M1• [i1,.Jutone'r. fdn-414.1411, 101'.
4 .t „1111oendcd it lenient to drink wine.
the Int ter'expret(wrtl wore surprise. NM y•
ing he tl 4114 Sir Andrpa t .
1111 41411, Alegi., to, tihieb Sir. ndn'tw
h»hwine • etimes lis niot•t-itoIut,m(siu1n, k;
rU lwent y lettere to g1'sw•rr.
ear I ,.flea dinner, end a pint of chalppagne
Lsi,iAeteni help„
Trg-4,.s v, U.•c- .I,t
'.Nsav+ Nsreel, ,1( i...• EIix.le
Rutherford is 84,1,. (i' 'int 1',•tcrlsl
Norrnet NchOol for the la eaten,..
(slime Jessie 4'4110-i•, 1•rt111tr.-,4 hos
+m Friday idler futon 4i5) : I ',• r war•.•
Wit h frirlul+ in and omen 1 10e44
Miss Annie Rut too fold visit
friend. Hear Go1.•iich 1,1.1 week...
'i'h".... Ford, .jt''-, ,and 1Velde. 11.-n•4..-.
son return.•.I tinea the Nest last
week .. Will T.ilkd left fur t'r1•g311
Settled ty....., . Donald (1.u'k is house
roe) ., she•:• It,• it 4*'ts-uding
the Faculty of E,iucatiun,. fo, the
holiday , ...'IV. t': Mc0r'•;(or, of
Chic*Ko, to spen,liu4 a few days in
our vicinity .' 1tev. 8.H. Moyer
attended ilio. PrP..hytely lar -ting in
Wingharnuu'fui.alay „ ., A Chii•t
teas' (ter• and e4)111Iaitltn,n'' under
pea- the austirea of the Ilarill 1llssiuii
11144*: hand will 1.e 'held in the 11:.11 on'
bele Friday. December 21th. ros.•....,N;;n�
Conscience Money,
Thos. Jackson, sr., of Clinton, the
other day received ti5 which the
writer of the accompanying letter
stated was in payment of an account
contracted- Ofty'years -ago. Mr. Jack-
son bas no recollection of • the' writer
.or of the incident referred to.
Wawanosh Farm Sold. •
Edward ilaines. has sold his farm in
East Wawauustl, one wile south of
1Viuglam, to i' os. Cungtam, of 'Ash-
field. l'he farm contains flftytwo
and one•qu•rter acres and the price
paid was *1,04.3). The new proprietor
gets possession the' middle of April,
Mr, Haines will wove into; 1Viaghaw,
Fell Eleven Stories.
The folk wing is a newspaper ile.
'patch dated from New York, De•
crusher iO :—"Although he fell eleven
storeys from a sky scraper at 818
Seveutb avenue ttwtay,_Thos. Chain-
Aged forty-nine, an iron worker,
sea. able to give his name and address
lied converse .with fellow -employees
e 1111 waiting for an ambulance, It
has thought he would recover, but he
died two (lours later. hot a bone trim
broken, however," Mr. Champion
was a Wawanosh boy and had been
in New York for sixteen years. Ile
was an uncle of IL Paterson, of Wing.
A Whitechurch Wedding.
A t ednesday, December wedding
ok plaee *t, the
home of Mr. and _ Mrs, William Ken-
nedy) of Whitechurch, their eldest
daughter, Mies Elizabeth 0., being
united in the bonds of matrimony to
bones J. McInnes., The bride was
becomingly gowned in cream nun's
veiling trimmed watt net and taffeta
cream silk ribbon. Them were a)woitt
fifty guests present and, after the knot
bed been tied by Rev, It, J11eEachern,
they adjnnrned to the dining -room,
where a e mptuuus repast was par-
taken of. .1 , end Mrs. McInnes will.
reside on the 'id concession eat
Former Resident \ ( Morris Deceased
On Tuesday of Idet week Margaret
Armour, wife of Thomas Laidlaw. .
former well-known resident of Morias
township, peid nature's &kat the Age
of sixty-seven years and three tnnnthe.
In lieti the deceased joined heart and
hand with her now hetet( partner and
for thirty -nevelt years they te,ided on
their fine farts. /Oh concession of Mor-
rie. For the past eight years they
had made their home in Blyth lip.
sero, William, of Morris, and' Ibis... -
daughters, Mrs Ntothers, of Emit 1Va-
wnnosh ; Mrs, Tough, of Stanley, and
ufe, at home, survive. Ti
was a mem her of the Paenhy-
esonsesesese war
at 1 :3l p u,_ .
TOEMDAY. !See. .i -t.
Rev. A. Stiller has aircrpt•d the trail
:which h.• received f lr.ke Ainslie
coflg' e.g., thin in ('..pre )trot m1 ILI 1. ex-
peCts to preach his farewell ser,,,,o, in
Amhlieid I'reabyt,•rIan church on Sun.
(l.v, 4 8,' 2,).) day .04 J I4'1s1,4, -
TO FRANK .14h -KK\, IF: '-
We regret to lentil that Frank 14Ic•-
Kenzie, of Vsnemiver, H. ('„ woo (lc
John N. McKenzie, I:(th cuuce:.ion,
had the misfortune to fall damn err
elevator shaft in u building of that
icy, whereby he received severe in-
juries, and ie now lying to the hos-
pital. 1Ve hope for his speedy re,
exrteoesr. AND GMNxItAt„—,Mrsi, Jes-
sie McLeflhan left leer week for ra,lt.
Ste. Marie to attend the tnarriwg.• of
her brother, Donald McLennan, which
takes piers at Christmas in that town.
Mote pat•LIc.l*ria conoelnhig the Iot-
ter event lister
Armstrong. is leaving{ this ' wo�e'•k for
-lrkwright to visit her slider Airs. I.
A.• Monks an, $41181so to .lis. percent
at the alaribige of Miss Sarah Monk -
man and Jas, 1t. Marshall, hroth,a•
of Hon. i)uncan Marehull, Minister of
Agriculture for Alberta. 11re. F.
McDonald left last Thttrs•lay for Dr.:l-
v r, Boulder, and other points in the
State of Colorado to reside for the•
winter with members of her family re-
siding in I hat State. Mrs. JIchonahl
was raccrlfpanirl( by Miss Jane M,•-
Donald, of Kinlen . Rev. It. 'rhyme..
of Pxlnrrrslun, SO/ 4? i. twnpola.•il.
taking charge of Rev. D. I.. •leKet.
ruin, congregation 111 1.ucknow dor
ing the latter a ahsence, p lid a vi*,t
last Thursday, aceom meal h W
Hain • 11 1 ere, a enure lllll t, 1,
John Arnett 1ong, of this sectbin
Donald H. McKenzie is at present es• i
sisting A. R, I•'iulayson in'his motif- ;
flutist's duties, 1Vhen IT, gets his
tam o' slimmer on he is. -a' bustler. all
right Saw. Hamilton nae arrived
at the paternal home from Tessier,
Mask., looking well. Ile 4utewl* stays i
ing for .the winter John Cowan,
jr., and Tom Uut'ghtms are at pirescnt
cutting wood for it. Huller lllllThe
following are home for the Christmas
holidays : (suss Rhoda '"Kenzie
froru the Peterhoro' Normal School,
Edgar Rohn from the Normal School
at Stratford, and Don IPinlayaon foto
the G. C. 1. Nish Mxrths Uhwtu
hers, of the Lake Shore road, after
sjflendwlg some (Llys in this section
lett for Ripley. Imo week n,. visit
friends in that town Rod, Me-
L'nnen and D. A. McDonald on
Thursday last were visiting the Hsi,•
Heim farm on the 12th concession.
Huron, where 1hnt•nughhr.d Hnleteiret
are raised.... The s(stT 'it 384 poste/Ike
lien leen reinforced during the •Iaat
few darn by John It. 1IeKenzi.• end
Don, Finlayson.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured,
by loyal applications, no they cannot reach the
di-nrwrd petition of the ear. There 1+ only qac
way to core deafness. and that a. by conslitm-
nnnal rmmndie-, Deafaeen I. sensed by sea I
Inflamed condition of the n,u.vin. (inlnR,•f thea
F:ns'arhia•, Tnbe. When till+ tribe i+ Inflamed
you leave a rmmbhng sound or Imp !Merl hear
ter. and whanytta.allrele,•lese.4, 1v'.1nwer la
the result, and nates the inflammation eon be
Iwk«n "o1: and this Pik. rest•nrvl to i1v normal
condition, hearing will be dc4trnyed forever:
Mon neves not of ten are enlisted b
which 1. netlike but en Inflames) condition of
the mucous.mrfa,e..
..toy srHi era one kroldnut dra )f, 44..' sea
Mint of Ann n,.,s,rnn.nd by rnt.nr,hl 18*1 can ` F
not by rarr1 Ism Ilei,'. I 'Atarrh ( 1150. rk,r,d lot
knitter., free.
l+n1A b) Ar .1• (MCVEY R (11., Toledo, 0,
Take Hal) ;till. for const)
pea ton,
1+'der,l,' said the patient. •'lloosa
pint of, rh:impoune really help you to
al -fewer the 1twenty let tela)"
t i
rew. "het
'who,1`v.ha.l eapita d' elu
dose'. ca. ,• a Pap whether 1 An, wet. then,
or not!"
They Help Your Stomach Out
And Save Yon a World of
A stomach that cannot digest • good
fneal is certainly a sore trial. It has
been responsible for almost everything
in the way of Luatan misery, up to
The trouble in moat cases is that the
stomach and other digestive or}lans
lack vigor- Not *Rough of the juices
necessary to digestion are secreted, ,,,,,r
does the (stomach work up the food
The wont of it is that there is not
sufficient nourishment taken out of the
food to restore the system's vigor, snit
.the trouble goes from bad to .worse.
The stomach needs help.
"Little Digesters" meet the need
exactly, One "Little Digester" after
each meal -will ensure perfect digestion,
provide,), of course, that the food is
good and wholesome.
"Little Digesters" aye guaranteed
to cure: Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, or
your money will be refunded
75c at your drulegises, or by mail
from theColeman M -Co.,Toronto.
Ilituaa st_ pdcatissa Ip, hit* '
Prince Rupert, B. -C.
11'e otter you* profit-sharing futrtnerehip in a bushman that is going
to be enormously profitable. Nu Mutter where you live, no matter bow
far trout Prince Rupert you may Ips, no matter how touch or how Bole
you have to invest, invert in. Prince Rupert through our head notate
*harem, selling at par, SWO.lk, per share. In prrsenting to the public the
opportunity to purchase shales in (hie Company, particular .Cent 4
laid.n lou the fart that the Money received by the (4 many Ibruugb
the slue of its sharer is invested in carefully 'telecast Heiner Rupert
Real Estate, under the direct supervision of the hoards of directors,
'1' l
het ,
lir lite is-, xt ,
I W ear l
because �1yy pP/a tae
which you el(ayeshare in all the profits of the ComMpakgy and its 1raapiidly
increasing busi,rea,
will wake fortunes for those who invest in it now, an did-8ssttle and
Vancouver Real Estate for those who investee)) in those cities tau years
ago. Did you fail to recognize the oppnrtunifies, or did you lack
confidence in your judgment We present here another opportunity
No other city is mating suelt rapid aadv.eeement in population,
commerce and building, Prime Rulw.rt'• patient and fq ture growth
insure% invewtnrs in • stares a colnhlnat on of ufet
and inerea4ing,value which is not offered in y high n -by any any
otber.forw of investment sown to the public' today.
If you have $30, $CIIII qr 81,01,1, which you would invest where it
will provide a large ine Witt) the eppNort.nity for great pro*ts.
then subscribe for enmRuf these shares.
We refer, by permission ta_
Write .or wire your order for shares today. D.ui t delay, -
The Printe'Aopert Real Estate Investmen . Ce., Ltd.,
Prince Rupert, B. C.
ONerr car,lu lir •sleno,.r to a all
night .r e•,
__Tae LeADlNO—
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Furniture and Undertaking waverooma,
West side Souaie,
'I'noN 4 : 4to1 144, Go:Wish
haddeno. 178
Night calls At residence, AS William
What many regard as the most momentous issues ever settled by
the Ballot 1,OX will be fought out., in Great Britain (luring the
ne:\t Iwo months. lo fully and accutatcly report the news of this
great struggle - ---_
3'h- lobe has macI aborate arrangements,
Ne«s Editor of The Globe, and a tlioroughly informed Cana-
dian, will.s1)13h 1 the next t\V'1 , n4OnthS -in the British Isles. His letters
.Itri11::11)11(.4:1r C:XILISIVely in The Globe. '>t%I.r. Lyon is peculiar-
ly iit((l for ‘:uch a mission. A native of Scotland, a close student
of.ol(r Country 1)Olitics, and one of the foremost journalists of the
Dominion, minion, his contributions -will present -viVi(1 and' lunninous penic-
tures of clic ” H;ittte-Ali_ he Budget." ' p
will include:
A_spci l.lI 1.,1tur. ',t Tho Globe for the next few weeks will lea series of
ieharactcr sketches of )British statesmen from the pen of Dr. J. A. Mac-
donald, Managing Editor of The Globe.
Ta new Ruh*/ t'iie'rs (Toronto excepted.) THE GLOBE will hr, aunt by mail
dairy- fortwonl')nthe for Fifty Cents, I4 not. t,.e.v a leader of THE 0
GLbBE consult your newedoaler or remit to -day, with the at Inched 04
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THE GLOBE by mail Two Months for 50 Cents.