HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-30, Page 61 ul'xriDAv. DaeEMngR SI, IRNA
gtNN1 KI(:NAI, i4)
8 Twu1Za4Qttr pert aur:lt 31, 1909
News of theDittkct
. - The 4446 40464”464645466156 4545 414* 45 46:
t 46.46 45 If.' + 4016 45 45 4545+45 46454646454546919* 4-40-14546 45 45 46 4646 DUNGANNON. OBSERVATIONS OF
ll�T NUW.-AthorueeverydayexceptThun-
dey. New remedy for extracting to UelSeulnn-
torinl.better than ga. crown and bridge work.
etc. Aluminum plates tuou breakable
N. 11. You can alway. hat n your work much
better donein the dental otno+ -mon taut•,
better [senate. for doing the work. mons coin
tent hie for the patient-
is ltunasuanoodn for tat.ioneryoalat Storet.haPoet-
ogee DH..ww�k
Arden will be ye od for ci nab
veruaa[ and Jobwork, sod recel{l+ will
tires for aauounW teaid for the acme.
TV keaU.t V. December 38th.
Motet) Tu (:niIHlt•)L H. R. Long.
until recentlyprincipal of the public
school, moved with; his family to
Goderich on Monday. in whichteas4
he has purched-the grocery 1
formerly carried on by ('has. A. Nairn
and more recently by C. SS Ewing.
LOTHIAN. Mr. Long curries with Lilo the reaped
and best wishes of the community.
As a. teacher be ' war Leld in high
esteem by htrth scholar, and parents.
Hr was an active worker in the Meth-
'odint church and will /Lwo be much
missed in t.ocial circlet,' On Tuesday
afternotm of Wt week at the annual
Christmas entertainment. the pupils
of the public .chord presented hot
with it handsome !hair accuumpanied
by the•followiitg address :
11u ne:.utae,i. 1t:r. 'Std, torte.
near Mr. Long,
It i. with the deepe-t feeling e of regret Or at,
we have learned that you ptrpu-r.
your connection w ith our ...hoot.
A. Lhi- I• the bet tam, tbn• we -.hall meet as
teacher and pupils aye w.d, 16 n+ -nn• ton that
w a pal lent tenchs,yt.•. n wt'o stl e � lei$tra-
met excellent hnW
ltacr Y',•" x
toembere.e by the pupir et uu. -.•howl with
feeling• of the It ghe.t regard eat e.trrni.
that we wt.h to ••t•Pr•^• in .outvmun• t err and that they had better ur�v• rut
fat hfu
il'It "rI if
WKI,\r:$DAY, De,'. "Atli'.
TRH POLL.- In the recent
nutu(1141 election.. at Elkhorn, Man.,
he poll war headed by H. J. Ja.usr.
..n of Jantes Joneet. of ('olh orae town'.
nip. Mr. Jolley has been about ten
• r'eelve years in the Wert, and this
:r t1ir tt«z.nd year he has received the
•onfidemee of his fellow•t.'W11.men m
.ouniripsd Atlaarssheving leen elected
4sl year by acclamation_
'('l; I tiAv. Dec. 2ttth,
Jared re ie, - ('has. MlurStpet.0 boa res
anted bonze atter a tour year: SO-
. au Sa.kati'hewan N w.
tender..•n and his sister, Mrs. Davis,
.t Detroit, are spending a week tinder
.t• Iwrent+.l r..uf...... :Nhie. Al inn ie
;xndy, 4 Winghtuu'Busieessl'olltge,Mtr�at+}l, De . 27th.►pending het t•xcatioh at her home
••re Mr. wird Mrs. Andrew Mac- ScH4.U. 111'rowr' :1'ht' following is
:ay, 4 fort Elgin. visited Mrs. Mac- She repot t of S. S. No. '. Arhtielal, for
entie lust weal. tieorge Swami the m.udh of lteeemte•r: nonan are in
areati.en at his order .it merit : V•• `�luttirns noel
salon.. tun. l .. %Ve a ten` '
.we N'r extend beet• wish;s to. iiv. LV. -Rob:. 11t•Kritbs---luhtl Mr -
r. and Mn Will Kitcbi¢. a \la>' the Keith: Janet Ritchie,
e 1►nn i Ethel- liott n.
itt- alotrg ,:dna., prr:spere tfi-jawSend og t
rot Il life The A-hti••Idcouncil Ken Oh Campbell. Swims Junior nt),lected 1.) toe. Lau, .t..ra. It is a K -I. -b NIcJay. g s Mc -
i•fection t.. everyone. aw sitr.ints'e Ill. F. •1't 1:► .goer Ilidlr,'it. tin, Eac-
notrnuplaints of their manage- Keith. ' 1:+-a .Hogan.
gut id affairs in the past, veer. ....• :weans, Isle Barge.
- .at Johnettie .qtr teacbiu, is home Thomas t'. kr. Sehior 11. --Graham
- r Lhr_!_1otel sasT-v�t•aticn• '.1 Nig ii la• !Keit, ,Irrttr Johnston.
11 ighes, idol.
'.LAURIEN. •- I Helot. fart 11. n. Sett-
s L•+,I 't `'e ill•illiard
'i. Psi: • i, -Henry
ugh,' .loon Gil -
DUNLOP. tith
1'IRAtat y, Dee, S.
St Hoot. REPORT.--Tbe following
gives the perces a obtained by
pupils of S. S. No. 1.1k wring November
and December: '4t. IV. -Clementine
Williams, let. Claes 111.--Touonie
(}lazier, 113: Etta Stewart, 81); Anna
Stewart. 78 ; Annie Harker. 6 i Mart. e
Glazier. (U ; Pearl Fulford,
Shaw. 43; H illie Chisholm, :f}: Maw
iL -Edward Williams, 7 Ethel Jew-
ell. 54); Hamilton Clutton, ell: Jim
Chisholm, 4:,. Sr. Pt. 11. - Frank
Shields, Harold Fulford, Itethic Far-
rish, Grace Mcleod, Jr. 1't. 11 Jose-
phine Chisholm, IIildrrd Itort.u., An-
thony Barker, Chester Fulford. Pt. I.
-.Virginia Williams. 1.. E. 1 oustsTeachet.
ltoNDav, Deretil:•er _th, tot 1..141. 1.
isfortnee 1 \1••Fptsdrar.', atl•natg. J;rrt
I lalt
...se a i••' if • entre;al-Ir ; l serer twat l in nvr., J. F., J.,mss,
S to, sort's' tet report fh 1 %Ire., AUBUA
.nroc .• -t ill .utfnting fro the( . '1'BBr.nta Dec, '21st
q car of a fail •1:c recriveJ few' nut. It t:r,n11 1'l•• lowing i`
•I �) u
•aka :ago • lbs rrport01 Ili• 'l."'''1""1,the pia
he pulpit ..1 Aslcd Ili 1'rc.hreehlatl ,:I:in Auhutn plthhr• •Chest for the
rch w•a stay whs.( hay mr, siele•+Ni• urtitli -o[ 1►e., t11 art . Ctiir rz•
awoun, a•
Kennie McOrltgot hat) the.
Ripley. it-' runday. Rev. .%. Miller , 8 tin..l in hi. v. ;ii .thnte)ie.
pt. n1 lir-fete well_ set. :trim_ner1.1„,,nty,m , i.:.t Ruth Jet-
1.lira.v Plunlpott .A1lot,•r Mann. I
adorn .:.s: 1101•11•t4' V t i-''lt- pt'• "tttini t i.. stithmjt:,', gra
x- J.ih,,.t•,n rind \\'.11 ‘1.'"I''1;04'1 tiler, composition and. spelling,
Bolter' froni 1'r i' t3 " t.'t 1 h.' each- i VI* .,u'ihlu 1Prilti.i. \lary t)t•w.ta•dt:
Ids Reid. of the Kiursrdine • Wo • in.H.,w'- •Ila Doyle, 1F'et_tt
;h reboot, ie. speeding tit*. holidais ).•ymingtt'i, est, . t,. k. on. Lilt Hnty-
her omit* s: Mt o; J. hu Jr ' --.in -,'. art, Erma Sun,(sue t etch A.,Iuith.
- -Tin -s .i•Ler n•iti -was-tap{r+•ee-rt 'ie test'it-141.•tt-1'Itillilu+. , Est bet'.
terloo tor l'hi..tnr= .. 41 i r strl'Itt''he 1'471 I(nil lza'y, h:rnrt
ani, kte Krnzir i.sis'Ildi)tg-tlle encu I ...keel, 1.1,,ivt1 1'.•rgu=on. Russel
, will' flood. in Ih'cinit, • 1 I:intr. Altrrt Laron,, 1vai .1rmatrong.
•rodeo. F:r•r1•Krllvtfl:Nz .--flea tel ('la.. 111• white.
,utr1;1t in .u•ithntetie.
1.ijnnt.'nt at S. s. No. 12 ')t Thin*,I!ramitear. � a> 11'' .n :old .tl ltitrat-
night Zest p.oved a decided roc .111.- Stoltz, r nr
The night .atl.i the road' being t 'hillits- (1..rd''it ' ti•('1.nehey. Willie
Tattle the bolding %d t filled to' envier. legate loin. Arthur Letup.
fioiaing, Krn ir,h NLrlennan is,.Ili•nn• Taman. S• Agues Creighton.
led4be chair during the evening, . linnet MA. 1 nKu .)S, Teacher.
• Nebo netts- , Was .,'ettilc decor- Junior Ih•prrtnl•• t. -Sr. I1. Bertha
i wifh •'t 'r ;,'7ri -:.n 1.1....h •b' t' - hy.:.412' John
.l• at the 11•.r11 of 1tlrmoot.' Thr,st,•w,art, .IU•:I th.'L•'talker. ;65; ()live
-Iranian. U1. Jr.
gram ronriae•il otrecitatinn1. ilia
rues, eh„sue.•.. dials, solos and ..•sec- :seal ; Greene. St illingBton, %CI : Harry
-.a on ntuuthnrgan and ,hagpipet.•Igraine. 'd'.:' Georgina Ileadle, 541:
g Larraly prepwr••il 1,y the pupil.: 1,11rrail a iMrhnight 22; Victor
e outride talent rnn.,ae.l of a teei 1 Yunghlut, elft : Roc fiat r. Stitt:. Lewis
on by bliss i.-xy Mixon, A Si ,(»)
11 litc(i'eg,rt w.,1 h.'. p't•i- -elections
Ern. Melxnnen ria Itoy %tuKenzie.
ter the program Santa CIa is etre
d to distribute to the pupils the Virtue temp-, *.:15; Harvey Armstrong.
rirtmaa tortes • placed on the ar.•h. 111 •. Harvey 1)awrion. 150 : Audrey
• proceeds for the evening amounted i l/awso), I52. Jr. 1. -Frank Raithby,
shout $17. _i r1;.Glen Rrithby, 1111; Frank Scrim-
- ..... - - genus ItIII; Eddie Nagle. 73; Clayton
(.add. lilt Primary -Arthur Yung -
taut, 45. Average Attendance, 21.
Cog. 1. D. FittutpwlN, Teacher.
clay .Loru.tt •
United States Editor's Good lanipessions
of Roads in This District,
Mr. Robert Bruce, editor of Um
Automobile Blue Books, dropped in to
per the writer the other dry, and. in
cunvelwalion about a 13.600.euile trip
lie had just finished, made route iuter-
etttingf[ comments about his trip the ough
Canada. One of his day's runs war
front London to Brucrtitad, Heytleld,
liederich, back to Bayfield, anal on to
New Hamburg. 'He was etthusia■ttc
over the good roads. He raid : "If
anyone were to ark sur where the best
1.11110 relies on the continent watt to be
found;, I should may without hswitrtlou,
'in Ontsrio.' " He thought the etretcb
frbu! London through Bi ur•efield and
Bayfield to (io eirich a wonderful road.
and level- enough for sixty -mitt. clp4.
1 asked hitt if he had ever seen a town
Laid out like tiotteriehe and he trpli•:d
that it war "absolutely unique," and
he know..
He smiled A. be told of his adven-
tures with people driving along the
n)+td- - ThMItIrhwtnet'-twlnsw-Se -
appeared to he familiar with -The right
of autodtObiie.. but in the comet y
weet ' of Strattotd he c
thing like terror unsung
Mitchell two ladies, 'white
away, attempted t0 ttlrIL Hite'.
A Cough
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a
regular cough medicine, a
strong mech. ine, a doctor's
medicine. ( ,nod for easy
coughs, harts coughs, desper-
ate coughs. If your doctor
endorses it for your case, take
it. 1f not, dt.n't take it. Never
go contrary ro his advice.
V• ea►it.a ens Mwataa
A w. into► .ue►el
fromb t.a.sts•
tiers w• lege s•. w
tiers seaman year
The dose of A • er's Pills is small, only
one at bedtime As a rule, laxative doses
itre better than cathartic doses. For con-
stipation, blicusness, dyspepsia, sick -
headaches, they cannot be excelled.
Ask your doctor about this.
eesatasa ps taw J. 0. Ayer 0.. Leman. ■ar.--•
The citizen who "snuck," Ana h..wl-
ea teaches the funeral .. r
'l:.rnala tej-
sited t•u use
ivies, At
.alt. i iii..-
(See th.• way he was driving its mat-
chibe. and the vehicle wa. over trued
-but 'without t.erieus rrsul. s. The
ladies told him the ant bass ha. ens
right to the highway. but
replied that the auto had conte to .1
dile form o r deep aW't'•',.ulpu of Your t ' .their horse:. too the eight of them. The
wink, ut sok n or which we v.k you to a•ept
Mt. gift, ahi oe to -t will-ontrtime. recall country hotels Were very toot ,t. e,
eorue plel...nt ..,tram-- of Your lcw•hity days end the staid, gourd.
In ltantemeen p Mir He predicts that auto tout int. 1.,...i
We you departure from our midst,
but b• Hameed lb wherever Your home 'wry the (101[.41 Moate,. wilt vi -it (hetet e, •n
be t he be -t wi•he, u your 1/111441111.):1 WIWI. l gle it tiers when they ',seat of the
Shan ever attend twin
good roads, and other rata nota n.. '•0
tau• sett other., oorest u, I.eitt.t odor ..•aa''' 1 leook out Inc the "joy ride's." r..41. y•
Ethel Brown.- 1 dt.iginl[. is tate conquered with *.curt y-
sit rtle Alien.
tram dyingautomobiles..liat. Ueda,('. H.
Clitu.'wtNee .V.CaITnlir.-l'ecil Tre-' Richmond Hill. h. 1. It •e. Ira.
leaven, or ('ort MtaoleySsepent the
holiday with ratans.', in Dungannon 4 Map,of Can tint o . S i•oJ Gl is•,.
and definity ileo. •Br:ulford and
oily deited at Ripley over Saute- ' All rxc-Hent .p.••'.iu i i 1, • . • • 1
Mr.- and Mw. Geo. Woods, gla.tworkrr+' handier .t. 1 s.t s lot t
01 :oJe•ich, ,and Jack Roberts, of a novel mop that h -i. .... it 't t
Auto rn, were guest.' at the home of I for lite w t- ,ndyint 't 4 1 ,' it., t •
J. M. Whet le over Saturday and '.Trunka.3un•Na y • y
day.. ..\I r. apd %I r.. Baulding. oftstreet, I, mates -14.w. (>•.. -••1 i _
s., 11Weiner:tine., .o •••-
Muuul �otea were quarts nt' the.of qha •
home of ter parent.•; Mr. and Mrs. '112 fest in lento It ales (i teed 1 t
Thompson'Miss IL Z. M. Why- faithful -reproduction of the o.... "1 i
aril, of the 'tenth I lie school .tall. I th,• tluntinion • of (ameba-4ror
is visiting he parents Mr. and Jars. I executed. The' earner of P. - •'i
-shill, *pent Christnias great numbers. the titer,, tti .as• -,
and the ulottOtaio. aa..1e,u•i. ti. '
Ruddy. 3,01: Fred Earle. 3t1. Pt 11.-
tlaggie Tamen. XU: Ezra Schnitz.
2114; Leslie Scholtz.,, 'Si2: Gerrie Ladd.
_17, Sr, 1. --Ethel Murdock, 217:
Muxy, Dec, 27th
I i.. F:,athrmie I Mar0n is home from
:,dun fpr the holidays.
ten Ben Andetron. of Toledo. is
ing his parrots, Mr. and.11rs. Fin -
gist, Syivia Seel resigned her position
...otter of the Donnybrook school
.I returned to her home at Coin-
, .k on Friday.
'nr members of Calvin Sunday
4 held a very .ucceesful ('hristmaa
ntr,t.einmrnt in S. S. Ni., I1 on
urs' y night.
•:ph. 4inrs if. home -firm the West
alt. '1 visit. i:,h. has become
ly wed al Lathe Western country
1 intends return in the spring.
Wellre•• with his gramaphone
•..ributed • ve mater laity to the
-.•e„s of an eve.'ng. entertainment
church at lien • -Iter late Thursday
e, i. visiting at. the n
taken up a hanneste
,got. Alta. He intens
Regina in a couple of wee
Regi" a-p�1
near W
to return
Kaiser, of Th
with friends here... ...Mr. and Mrs,
J. AI. Vfilsoni of Elora, were guests at while
the di.t
distinctive 1.1110t Is. 'tie
the horue of Mrs. R. Davidson on
Saturday John Smylie is visiting
at the-hottte ut J. It limylie.._..
Barney and Larry- Ilenira4;er visit
their brother here on Christmas Day.
Mr. and Mr.. W. 1'. Sanderson,
of Lanes, were holiday guests at the
home of his father "Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Davidson. of (loose Lake. Man..
are visiting at the home of Mot. B.
Davidson Min- N. F. '-W hyerd is
visiting at the home of her parents in
Seaforth. Nat. wee down Inc Christ-
mas i hay W. Elliott, of New
Liskeard; •is visiting relatives and
friends in the village and vicinity....
Dr, Oases, accompanied by his sons,
Ben and George. spent Christmas
with friends in Henetit ...a', Smith.
of Tirohto, and Edgar Bickle, of
(ioderich, spent Christmas at the
home of B. J. Crawford David
to pram' is around again after his
recent illness 14d. Durnin is bum.'
from Toronto University for the etas
Wow/genAT1 Dec. 29th.
Le'Ai. NOTES. -The holiday ieaw'n
is here and with it come many visttuna
to their several horses,,.. Monday
waw nomination day herr and a large
crowd of people in Carlow was the
consequenceCha.. Varcoe is
spending the holidays at home
Miss Nettie Tyndall is home from
London for a short visit F. W.
Mcllonagh'a two brothers and his son
Frank, of Toronto. spent the l'hrist-
mas holidays here. Dr. O. K. McDon-
agh was taken seriously ill and had to
remain here. Dr. Caren. of Toronto,
was Nummnned and also Drs. Emmer-
son and Turnbull, of Goderich. A
trained nurse from Toronto also is in
attendance, and the patient is doing
well Miss Coutts and Miss Pat
tenon, of Hamilton, are visiting Miss
Pearl Johnston.. ...Mr. Fingland
prea.:6ed in Rev. J. R. Mann's pulpit
on Sunday last etSmith's Hill ()butch.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bean spent
a few days visiting the latter's brother
at Londeahoro'. 8
Bealavall'n. Alta., December 27th--
i$pecial)-Rbeurnatistn. heart disease.
lumbago and Bright's disease are all
kidney diseases. or *remised by dis-
ratted kidneys. You can't have any of
them if you keep your kidneys Neu
and your blood pure. Dodd', Kidney
Pills make the kidneys sound. Sound
kidneys strain all the impurities out of
the Mood.
This is again proven in the rage of
Mie. -Gertrude E. Reyome. of B.•auval-
lon, Alta.
"Dodd's Kidney Pills pleased
leas d as Miss
as cured me of kidney trouble,"
b disease
Reyorne says. "My kidney
started from a cold- two years ago.
Rheumatism set in and 1 was weak
and nervous and in sxwn-sown condi-
tion. My heed also ached- 1 was
•d by a doctor who (lid not seem
to understand my case. Three boxes
of Dodd's Kidney Pills made a new
n of me."
Mies Etta. Necond youuges ditngh-'
sof Titos and the late Mrs. :Iacke
. Fred Cook. of East Wawa . osh,
re quietly married in Toronto t
• 1.1 They will reeide on the gr000a's
., yi ,.n the Oth concession,
In the presence of a large number of
relative.. and friends of the con-
yarinur Provueors coulpr.•.u- ,••
1).1ninj0nAnd atdjtcer:t tete.. 1
t• United Srt-ater have lu•,•n hit t..t....1.
t., ensure 1,Xit)'. Sir•I•'hen► ^
the..nttinent front the Attaistle ti. 1,ie -
Pacific may ler ea-il)' fnll•.+••t1 -tfee
ratite of ('ane...14 e. all -re 1 so 1 t t+
Iitool Trunk I'rcrtl •, by fora,---- of
which ntillons of aquas mile, a '..•,v
grain-pr.slu'•itig herded ny or h lug i
olt•ned.up to the sealer. Tne •J s k
not only affords it graphic - idea •.1 tt.r'
vestncss of the Brest lit minions hitt
alt give. an ieupreosive ut•-a ins
3,4551 stiles of new maulrh-• pr,paca-
tine of the time was, a drlcal.• t. -k,
since it is the largest piece of ger •t ,tc
work that has ever reran ntt+•tt.p.t• d.
It required the combine se.', u•- • of
eight expert operates r.•tilneoo-ly
for five months. and it is our of • he
most costly repnsductions of at to ip
that have ever teen under. dike... Lit
its metlufacture the great 'difli.•ulty
was to obtain ,a retiblt whirl, inn ttJ'tee
quite legible" in daylight, end which
would yrs 1e. suffl.ientt) Iran -p trent
to altow..ef illunnnatiun by tonus .d
twenty - our 25 -candle power tastily. by
night. Thr d Ipsoe bientfing 4 the
vat iudstinto. thedefinition of the finest
hair like tines, end the dist nctnes- of
the names tenders it ea wt.rk of at t.stic
and e•ducationel value. Owing t.'
fragile character and large size., cent -
tenet' with its great weight 4 iiue tarn
thwe hundredweight... tan Man.se,rt
froth Birmingham. where it was man-
ufactured, to London had to be car, ied
out by specie! means.--"l:an.ula,"
Lindon. Dee, 4, 11!110.
Are You Going South or West This
Now is'tbe-tirne to Alen your ;rip to
California --- Masten, Florid*, or the
Sunny Mouth. Consult n,•arcet Grand
Trunk Agent regarding low tourist
L11','iN('rrrTt nett dig New YKAB.
-With the dawn of the new year, the
magazine world puts its heat foot for-
ward, and proceeds to fulfil promises
Ade in enticing torecasts of *trod
ings to come. One of the most in-
ing of these 1M11) publications is
.•t.ing part lee, LIU, eldeet daughter ten
Mr. nod Mrs. Fred Cook, of the 7th they January Lippincott s, which
.cession, wet united in marriage: to doesiet et all ,suffer by comparison
vey Bleck, a prosperous Western with itsattention-Attrscting Christmas
mer formerly of tais township. on bone. 11ta complete novel is "The
ttdnesday'44 t. Heaven tlf the Unexpected," by Lucy
Dwa1.LINA Beuitstito -Starting from Meacham Thruston. This )vriter s
nnney adroit 7 o'clock last night. name is a mparatively unknown to
• destroyed the old but very coo- the reading uhlir, hut anyone who
•-t able home of Mr. and Mrs. E. can write rico 'es so Absorbing as "The
.illipa, of the Nth concession, The Heaven of the nexpected" is not like.
1 couple with their daughter. Eliza ly to remain unknown long. The
• ..re in the house at the time, hilt it Armes are laid i New York and in a
• a net until the fire had gained Con. 'Southern mount Inoue region. The
lerahie headway that it was disoov character -drawing cleverlydoone, and
•",•d by Mra. Phillipa on going upstsiets, the local Ctitor erre Pitt.. The anchor
Peeling that efforts too save the build• 1 has a rather unush'I, fence style of
were of no avail, they began at I writing which grips the reader and
•e to remove the furniture. In this quite refuse.. to let g A most Im•
.y were nobly ntsisted by Dave portant feature is the first of a series
, -.mimes.. who was on the scene In a of articles nn "What is Wrong with
s. w minutes., and by some of the other Our Public Schoole" The antMar to
iehbirs who had not gone to church. Joseph M. lingers, won some time ago
1 hrough their efforts, most of the turn- contributed a seritw Balled "Educating
waw saved and tRw bleekanai
_LW*to this magazine. Mr.
ta-P was prevented from taking fire. Rogers spent many months acquir%R
r s is the a, ennri loam Mr. Phillips ht. data for these papers, and they are
..'feredby h. Ooty*few year+ta bothintaroating end informative. In
...tattle tens struck lay lightning and addition there are other ',alleles on
4417 drew flied.. A Targe ,rowel of topics of current interest, and some
ole from D ,nnvbi.00k church Bath- excellent shoto stbties, together with
erei 1w't night but they Were too late poetry by well-known singers. epi
w of any tame. as tug buildifttt wee grenit by Ellis 0. Jones, and "Vel
Joao about N n'elork end the fire nuts and Wine,"
out this morning. The loss i•
ly covered by inanr•(nee in the
et Wawan"eh Company. It is
hardly likely that. Mr. Phillips will re-
. ad ou the corner.
Apple Packers Fined.
Ottawa, Dec. lent. -The following per-
sona have been convicted for illegal
marking and packing of apples as a
reedit of the persecutions by the Do-
minion fruit inspectors, mince the first
of the present month : J. H. Flet tn;
Kincardine (second offence). 1125 ;
Stewart tiros., Kincardine {second of-
tener), PG; 11. A. Morris, Gore Bay.
Ont.. $10: Prentice & Sproule. Col-
lingwood, Ont., $10; T. F. Cain, Luck -
now, Ont., $10; John Jnynt, Luck
now. Ont (second offence), $25:
Wm. Stanley, Holtne•ville, Ont., •10 ;
11. Williams, Clinton. $10 ; John Mc-
Uuire, l'octer'o Hill, Ont., $10.
Awarded $150 Damages.
The suit hrnnght by Hili & Co., of
Mitchell, against Wilbur Martin for
damages sea tried before Judge Bar
roe and A jury at Stratford. The
Hills had the rontraict for the taper
strietnre of the new bridge at Credi-
ton East, and at the time of the Wei
dent their trstnater had lett the team
standing pn the road unattended and
while he was gone an automobile
driven by the defendant Martin ap-
proached from behind, hot not, rinser
than two hundred feet. The defend•
ant blew hid horn In attract. attention
and then reverwed hi. ear: hut
team took freight and ran away, one
horse being killed, the other injured
('roup and throat and lung troubles and the wagon and harness destroyed.
are treated suceesafully with AlTea'. The jury awarded the plaintiff $161)
Lung fi'al.t n. damages. The rase nosy be appealed.
In disorders and dis-
eases of children drugs
seldom do good and
often do harm.
Careful feeding and
bathing are the babies'
Scott's Emulsion
is the food -medicine that
not only nourishes them
most, but also regulates
their digestion. it is a
wonderful tonic for chil-
dren of a111 ages. Tliey
rapidlygtkip weight and
health on small doses.
PM( ME BY ALT, narnrITsre
this .-1 fee
;••,..1 1Q' , rims, of ere, Find it
•41 4u1+Int tievn'g. Pant and
:'.ketch a nk Each tank ...nta.nt
.:.rant l.tak Penny.
tot r s BOWNE
174 wan;,,,, •- . Woe, I •.•..n. Ont.
Wish their many customers
Happy Ne7' Year.
Pot .(yep -seated •
-Sr. 1' •tic for a Sleayte Celt
1 tole for a n,ant farted
1.00 I.oulr ter • sere -seated Cs .
. •..l 1....•1 0'4,454.444
•L.e:...t :\C1;., NV -Inter .
Ftclwers, ruit and
:. nt 1- 11..• . ;I.' , \ -..
1 1..1 MN. 'iI„ni•', F ''iidw
I the Sunny S. th.
I. eon! tip tourist tick O.
•\Ciller Resorts.
Consult (:rtpd Trunk
Agents fur tow -rates per-
taining o. ntwva•
Fur tickets and further
infnrtoatiou call on
F. F. LAW RF\( -'F,
Down Town Agent.
Office )tour.- 11.31.) to to, to 0 p,
Sisk Fare
Dec. 2 l t h
25th. G 0 0
for return Dec.
27th, also Dee.
31st, Jen. 1st.
good for re-
turn Jan. 3rd.
Fare add
Dec. '21st to
35th. and Dec.
2&•h to Jar.
1st. good for
return until
-3su. �►.
(r. P. R. Agent, (:rslericb, Ont.
Office hours 0.311 a. m. to 8.30 p, n,.
`Mo All we wish a /sappy a 'd prosperous
New Year
0. M. Elliott
(Jetting Into (row 1.snda tole
winter will he mule easier, as the
('an*elian Northern Ontario Railway
will in a few days have steel laid to
Gow Ganda Junction, which is 31
miles north of Sellwood Junction, (1a
miles north of Sudbury and 321) miler
from Toronto.
The Gow Ganda Transport Com-
pany are building a greet team road
from Cow Venda Junction that will
hr murk ablmter and a great improve-
n.ent over the road used last year.
Maps Of the route, wino freight,
passenger end express tariffs are in
onuses.' of preparation, and an
annnOne•t•ment will be maria shortly of
the nervier and all arrangements
regarding the handling .f the traffic.
For mforrnwtion write Wm.
Phillips, General Freight And Passen-
ger Agent, Canadian Northern Build-
ig, Toronto.
Is in a class by itself and leads the market..
T H E Happy'Thought Range has always
alwys been
the leading Range. Unlikeother makers,
Wm. Buck Stove Co. do. not change the
name of their Range every two or three years, but
keep the- name of Happy Thought, which is a
NAME and RANGE they --are proud of. But do
not think for one minute that it is the same Range
it was severatyears--ago, or -even two years ago.
They make changes and have them protected by
patents. With :the 'Happy Thought Range you
can do more cooking with less fuel than- with any
other Range cn the market. Why f For -the-
answer call at the store, and we will be pleased to f
show you the full construction and explain why.
is the leading Heater. This is proved by the
number we are selling. Every person knows of
this beautiful and economical Heater. We have a
number of second-hand Heaters and Stoves in good
repair, which we have taken from places where we
have put in heating systems.
in Shelf and Heavy Hardware ouc stock is
The Hammer Brand of Plaster Paris
The National Portland Cement.
let us Igore on yotif Plumbing, Heating. F:aveatroughing and
Electri'' Wiling.
All work promptly attended to and frilly guaranteed,
Store 'Phone 22J Cj HAS. C • LEE
House 'Phone 112
.4..,u... 4eeM.•^