HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-30, Page 5• LOCAL I Re -open Monday. Will o da P Y• The publicaehotile will re -)pe )loud■)'. Jru uary 31d, at 9 a. to the. junior division* are crowd pupiia who neve never wil Is= ran lee -admitted until fu notice by the board. Election of C. O. F. Officers. The annum election for Court . rich. C. O. F.. war held on Tu evening. December 21st, when th towing officer.. were elected ranger, Martin Knight; vice ranger, W. J. MoCreeath; tress Win. Inane; financial secretary, McKay:. recording secret \\'m, SleCreeth; chaplain, Tr Drennan ; senior woodward, W R t - junior wood ward, J Knuckle; senior beadle, Wnl. tows: junior beadle; Louis Ell conduct .r• Melville Leisk, Mistletoe Night. Monday bight Wilk "mistletoe hi at the West street rink. It w popular affair, the crowd in alt since being almost the largest seen in the rink. A barge arch o0 skating Il. or we•. decorated with e greens, huuting, flags, holt and Y Gine mistletoe, and each skater presented with a sprig of holly. • band was in attendance end dir.:ou good music. The menagere. Chish Bros., expect to have the rink re _. fie- foe skating un- New Veer's d after 'which ,able rink wilt be every afternoon and evening for s ing. Goieg to Montredh W. F. Matra, wiser r many ye nes been reporter for The Signal. this uiort(ing inr M'oiitieal to tak with the McKlei 1 owlet advertising agents`.' Leet livening. ' et o'clock. the staff ..f The Signet g ere.l together fled presented Me. Naf- tel with a hnlitl•11� a token of )0,041 - behalf of the whul.. staff expr•e,.srd the kindly feeling with which the depart- ing member has aluays been regsuled 4 by his aseocistes,. I Nr NafteI re - r plied in ignitable terns. The Signal ems a faithful Anil ze Ious work mud in church' rod nth resets, m 31 r. Nolte! wain. missed. fie bast Nal wishes 1 1 h of Fft a hied , f lend. nil f success in his new masa, Many Presentations: leas ;lepers 01 meet (1aterepsirt p . sent Oil lu VIP to O'has. TeLhutt, w known to many of our rea(lers, w• after teaching In halt for two end half ye its is leaving hi take snore ad. vanced work at the Central Business, College, Stratfurtl Following this. )Ir: Trident purpo.. to take a courser in manual trafuing work' in the Me'•- dnhald rehonl et Guelph. in preptra- tiu11 for collegiate work. Mr. To -blunt utt wee preeented by the Young )ten's Bihle ('lame of the Balt Methodist .•hurch with a handsome suitcase• and travelling coin motion. and on the following day hie windy of the public se hwl made hint the recipient of a travelling Care. Each of'the presenta- t' was accnnap.(.ief by\an $(14114444 expressing a , ,reeler i.s— butts. woe an. els ting flint .'uccees i the b future. S[' ' ill snot r o 4h r present's-. tion was made by hi+ fellow osiers r. en the school !teff. Mr. ridden seems to have earned in an etn en degree the goodwill of those wit whorl he associated. A Goderich Township Wedding. TOPICS. Death of Henry William Ball, n on "After an iliums of less than a fort- . As night, one of the best known residents ,.d no of the town passed away on Christ - ended mar Eve in the person of Mr. Henry rther William Ball. 'j'hr deceased was in his seventy-reuonti year belt continued in active life until he was stricken hlxle- with pat•alyels a few days ago. Mr. 1 Hall always hied a taste for public life. re'117oFor a rt%rt time he Wks a member of ri othe town council mud for twenty-six chief years he was e member of the school neer, salt• At one time he was the editor '• B of Thr'Omelet ich Star and for the past ten years he had heen the reporter for Ten that paler. Previous to that he was D. count -coed for . s years with • anter The Signal. For twenty-five years he Bur• .was one of the municipal auditors and suit; he was also auditor of the G,mlerich branch of the Standard Loan Cu and secretary of the public school board. He had been active elect iq lodge ala," work, war a fast Orand of Huron ee a Lodge, No. (ti. LA). O. F.. Part Master of «11 the d Masons and Past Chief Council - ever for of the Cho.en Friends. The. furl. the e,'al on Sunday afternoon was a large ver. one. Huron Lodge turned out over seventy r stn.. my .long and the pell•brarttrs 1)44 were six Past (trends of the lodge. F. The F. I...Wm-rice. Judge Holt, It. G. Rey - reed Holds, C. A. Nairn,. Dr. C'lar'k and U o1n1 C. Whitely. "rhe school board, of etdy which Mr. Bell was secretary at the ay, Nment tltnteat 'attended the funeral pen in a hotly:- TheSe'vires of the chervil kat- or England were condiment by ,the • removal( St. (Ieon ge's. Rev. 11. 'Pur bull, end the Odelfrllown' burial her - vice at the grave wits read by 1'. 41. left Nairn and Chaplain le: F. I.awrerlye. ke t The norm emblems inriudwl design% 'rpm the. UJdfelluws, public Rehm HY• board. Centrist schist stmff'.a.1d fn, at the family and aaeteel-fhi�n.lw. 11 Nth- lull wee the .-lIe.t. saj,'of the le Henry ILIII. tit I. miter. England.• an was born in old I:.ud• 4) ..n July 12t 11.141. H•+ was married at Hill vsa church. courses of Kildare. Ireland, o June 10th. ISM. to Jennie Keating eldest daughter of 1h• late 1\'ilium Keating. of the Correia. °( Kilda'. I rebind, n,4(1 ani, to this e4 entry er. July, ' ISM, HNI, ah musketry instructor uslrurlor to 14" the Huth Ml th . R Hes. hN He 1'rcNra'eel Intl training., ken 4% lastrnc'or in the or Hyde School (7f Musketry to England. He served in-Qtieher. .lnntreal end St. John. N. }L. until Iwi9, to 147Hbe re- wee imp* jilted by the hone agthori- ell tie., to the eorniri:aud of a ihouvind- h (I. ick employ..', end th"ir fa,ru. la TAF. QTaN A T, ! t:()JWRlf'14 office and has a sword for geld things done. He speaks for himself a letter to the electors fo another co mien of this paler. Dr. Clark was fo five or six yearn a memh1•r of the cou ell and would like u to round out th record with a term as mayyor. He pal•ticularly InLe,•estwl it, the country trade of (iuderich and would like to see something done to increase the town's busiueee with the surrounding townshlpe. Chas. A. Reid has the oeveship by ,acclamation and will be a worthy rep- resentative of the town at the county ng TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE 1O TOWN OF GODERICH. r n• L.at)Ilsa AND N GYAI'rl. gHgN —I Q ave been nominated for the pxwltloD of is For the deputy reeveehie there is al i)ILere:rting contest between J. W l'raigie and B. C. Mutinied. Both held seats as councillors iu this yeast.' council and loth point to heir irons cipal record of several year- as reason why they should receive pr ;notion ti the higher office. The con.(at, while a keen one, is being conducred In the most friendly spirit, and all we shall say is that the man wbogets the larger vote will win. Only two of this yeaar'as councillors ere standing for .re-election as coua- „illors, Councillor Humber a..d Coun- cillor Jordan. They have the advent. age of the experience and keowlixlge of the town's alfaioi acquired at the council board. J. U.- l+aithwtaite is a form, r mem- berot the council who did good work' in the public works deparUne',t when 1 be -was in charge of it. He has. leisure to devote fo the town's huain. and gives it his, careful attention. 1_V. Martin is a man whom we• are glad to see again in the municipal Held, and we hope he will re, ...lye a vote that will place him near the- head of the poll. Mr. Martin wars a mem- ber of the council for several ter 'us in previous years, and Alas kept tri,,k of municipal affairs eince that tittle and Ili eIection Mayor for 1911), and ax it will be im- possible for me to make a personal canvass, I take this method of explain- ing, very briefly, my position' on some of the iwportaot matters likely to en- gage the attention of next year's council, 1. Our expenditure must be kept within . our revenue. This has been done before. It can be done agai I. 1 2. Every possible effort should be made to induce the Government to look upon harbor improvements as e nreeeser not only from a local point of view, but from a provincial, indeed, national. standpoint. It is true 4), WI have been assigned to us but this makes not much mere than 'a drop in a bucket of very considerable depth. We are promised a visit from 1 the Minister of Public Works and a Cabinet Minister from Ontario next !summer. All data and other neces- sary arrangements should be made in !due time for that visit. \Ve must show the necessity for slips for vessels carrying package freight and panels - gem, the necessity for very exten- sive dredging and more wharfage ac- commodation static n and we should endeavor to induce the 1'. P. R. and O. T. R. to run their passenger and package freight steamers to and from our ('144411. 3. Proper accnm, io*lation at the harbor for package freight afl�pus- sengers should be furnished and the acenss'to the docks should be made easy and attractive. 1. Every encouragement should be given to the manufacturing industries now established, consistent with the duty we owe. to the ratepayers to see that they fulfil their engagements with the corporation, and careful con- sideration mhmild t.e y� prt,poffals fur the rwtabllehtnent ofad• ditional industries. The etitployees of our different industries are our Most valuable puebession, the life blood of the town. 5. The inteteets of the town in the way of e.ncouragiug the agricultural ndustry tel 1(1 not lie lost Right 4.1 and'`proper-acre min rsiation bu(il)ds - provided for the faruler% ,and regular market � r I airs trod that it his been e council of 1910 Rehm ' would be a decided advantage C. the 114 town. - r• ttobt: Flttott-is a perennial c;,ndl to date and the electors: refuse to rake d hila seriously. He was elected on one , h. o4cau.ion, however, atiel rather sur- I x prised the people who expected him to it be erratic byy stirring it pretty straight . cud amiable caurse at the council ' n board. William Wallace is the manage: of. the (iuderich ,Knitting Co. and has *leo a thnro qRh acquaint i n cewithmtt- ter+ pertaining to Goderich's- marine Chestnut .1. arm. Huron road. titresidence of Mr. and Mrs. Waite F. Hick, was last evening. preemie 3)4 Is the seen.' of -r pretty bnusr Weil ding, when their eldest daughter Alice Evelyn, became the Mule o O'harles T. Edward, a highly -respected young farmer of (oderirh teem hip The tore y war performed at 7 clock by Her. Mark I'm nt14111. 0. ..tor .of St. .(ieltrge•', the bride, who was enattended, being given away by her tether. and the weeding starch h.'ing .played by. Mien Reedier 1'ridhanl, sit-in of the bride. A smite* wed'litrg lupl•e'r 1.111owrd, lasting :• o'clock. The guests. numbering about twenty, were finev immediate lelesives of ;bride and gnomes. quite a number of hands • and useful wedding presents were re.•eired, lhr 491.04'5 gift to the bride being a run- bursa of pearl.. The wedding party brake up allot 10:31 p. m., the happy young (ample driving to their own home, Rose Hill Farm. les and landed 1 hem s afely-at (Melee frnut the 1''opsltip 4;rteodile, in, Joule of that 4.44141. Eight children, twe sons and six daughters, survive. er follows: Henry %Valliant, of Brandon, :llsatt,it,a. end Cherie* Warren, of Iwpndou, Ontatin: Mee, (7leerihue,'of (•'rank, Alher tn. and Mrs. James Clark, Mrs. G. \\'. Black, \Ira. W. 1.. Horton, M,•+, J. (7,t.npl ell and Miss \\'inuifred, all of l:l.derich. LOCAL' TOPICS IN BRIEF. .a Iwupy New Year to all patron. of Wilmer Smith's Ail Store, least street. Thee ate a „WPM' supple'•, at Sallow. sell an, Iwast of r some ..11 M t ,ter . K%erytl,inr right in I'ridham,. tadorinit. hoe+t salting- an 1 o •ereogning.. best trim- ming., nr.',eMw th and workmanshlla. I:u where you will. you cannot gat usher. Lode for TIC Sig:tal's new serietl f► Iw a ,nuprseed shortly. it ire a g(dA nue. e Signal caleneti's are going loot y hnbsl•1 ila'r who pays in mdvsnce N1 gets one. e row. of trees adjoining the gide_ in front of, the Cermet Heber r,, Tit etwill ✓ fo• ▪ .19:hwal' k f Marine News, , David Hyslop, who sailed, the p u.t season am mate on the weenier Norman 13 }teens. arrived home on Friday night from Menitowo Wie. -7:°rd(m McDonald, who had leen 'iemmhoating on the Am.riran side __-doting the peat aeanon, arrived home. nn 1", iday night. .Artiong the Moats whirh are winter- ing at Owen Scund are the tugs quern,, ►Miner Chu k, Evelyn and SieMtd ; also the steamers Caribou and Man- dell. _ The mrhooner Azov has been laid ul, at Parry Sound, where ,he WWI frrr.••u iu while waiting for a cargo of lumber "Mac" Mcilonald, who was mate on her, arrived home on Friday night, ,and his father, Captain John, is ex- , Iwct'd home within the next LW mays:. Murlcch McDonald, who mailed AS trate on a lumber schooner during the past season, is home for the winter. The last trip nom Tober- muray to Sarnia wee made about December 211th, and Mr. McDonald, elm has nailed the lakes for many pare, look., up..n this as a record• breaker mo far M late navigation by sailiu� bate is concerned. Collingwooll Bulletin : "The West- ern Steamship Co. have decided to leave the Wexford at Goderich for the winter and bring It here in the spring. The cargo was not unloaded until Mondw7, when the last of the wet gram wart taken out. The rammer 1A , not leaking badly, (;apt. \V. J. Paw sett, manager of the line, has returned from Goderich." The strainer., Str-,thcnna and Dun masons reached Buffalo butt week with end m of wheat from Fort William. had Use honor of clotting naviga- tion on the Great Lakes. As a rule, the (lanatlian hosts are out fleet in the aprin4 and are among the Zest to tie up 11, the ierhape be fofound in thexplanation n factthetthe ( median and British -hunt Meta err' More strongly ronstructe,l than is the average vermeil turned one from Unified throes lake shipyards. has iwen cul down.. Wets.rhearin has, purckased A. S, Jane'. i•btinge on Trafalgar street, i he price plaid being in theneighbor- 11.541 01 eighb or- 11.eeLu1 A union 1 I,1'e;:eh of in Society will Ire Meih'allsl ('11urel nary 11th, at H tick ting of the GtiJerieh Upper (`aneda Bible rid in North street on Thursday, Jan - )k, to tr• address d toy ptev. W. E. llesrsrd, H. U.. of Tor - MOO. .11 1s hoped tha-4e will tea gtatd. at (stridence. Mayor Mmeklin 'ent rteinrd the members of 111e town council and town official', et his home Mast night. Ti.. evening was greatly enjoyed by Ino..' pleeeut, anti the gene l sent;• meat wee expressed in the song which was rung just bebire the party broke up. "Ill's a Jolly (inert Fellow." ` CHURCH NOTES. a Rev. Dr, Dougall gives his illus- trated lecture on "Leval Option" in t10 i8tin hail at Clinton this evening. Rev. it W. atiliverd, paastor of Vic- toria .trent Me1J)odist chore -h. occupy the pulpit morning anti even- ing next Sunday. The death of R. W. \Villiame, M. D.. took i.Iaee at Allenfotd on ilecem- ber 17th, in his sixty-ninth year. The die priest, wise a ,Aon of the late Reeve Ilr. Williams, at one time pastor of North Street Methodist church, Got(e- rich. and afterwards superintendent of the Methodikt church of Canada. Rev. G. F. Salton, well known in Goderich, has Seen invited by the official hoard of the Central Methodist church, Stratford, to remain as pastor fora fourth year, and has ecce•pt•d the invitation. First Met h o (� e s t church, Ht. Thornes, and a Vancouver congregation both want Mr. Salton et the close of his term in 9tratf°nl, The local pastors have received in- vitations for themselves and interested men of their congregations to attend the first of a series of eight large dietrict,cnnfereneea being held by the laymen'. missionary movement in the province at Stratford on January flth and 7th. Delegations of men are ex- pected from a large district including Goderich. On January 6th there will he a monster laymen's supper to which probably 61111 or 8190 men will sit down. On Thursday evening in Knox church a general conference will be conducted on "How to Bing the Church Up, to Its Highest Missionary Efficiency." Among the speakers already secured is Rev. Canon Tucker, of Toronto, who will deal with "The Horne Miaaion Problem In Canada." Other Nuttily noted speakers will address' both galh- erings. ' THE CANDIDATES. The candidatem for the mayoralty ars both well known. Mr. Cameron has at different times bald municipal � the %ig�ial wishes it, 112caaers ane $ricnbs l mapp 'flew )NTA RIO ANNOUNCEMENTS. Choice butter and fresh egg* at M014140411 H 11 & VANA' ITNH'M Every4'thing in groceries, fresh. pure and good, at 31011.14114111 & V AN.arrw t'H. M lR)tl-n & VAN.a•rrr:n wish to thank their custowerr for their gener- ous patronage Christina, week. Good, wholesome vegetables, pota- toes, turnips, carrots, parsnips. beets, cabbages, onions. etc., atMORItIMH & V.am arrltet's. Remember the date of 'Taube R Son's visit to Oodeich and if your eyes' trouble you in auy way consult them at Dunlop's Drug Store on Thursday and Friday, January 13th and 11th. Your eyes will appreciate the ease and comfort derived from proper fit- ting glasses, so if you have ..ye tin b1e don't fail to consult Taubo h Sons at Dunlop's Drug Store on'I'hurr- day and Friday, January 13th and Lith. A purse containing a stun of money. a lady's hand satchel, a black -bordered woollen fascinator, a black scarf and several other articles hare bnen left al Muuxn(111 A V.iNArr61t'M store re- cently. Owners will please tcall and claim them. 'St. George's enlival Christmas tt'ei• and entertainment, which is always an attraetinn, will be. held on Thurs- day evening, January lith, in St. George's school -room at g o'd9ek sharp.---&dmtsston I:ic. A good pro- gram is under preparation and a happy evening is in store for all who attend. Thursday evening, January Lith. - 'Candidate Hawkins has had to nal? • a report that he, would be out of town during the year. He is now doing huffiness in town and expects to be here right. along,. Councillor Humber strained his leg a few days ago and has not leen able to get about els well as usual this week: Thie rimy prevent his seeing some of his friends between now and election itAy, - HuinKs•i S.tt.,aits Ks. --Graduates of Canada's g test Chain of high-grade modern h nam .x rr (•n11P ass receive K r IVP sal- aries 9 ts tain¢ f 1 R u SWIM to 111,21,/ per y4ai.. The Clint n Rosiness College, which re-otens�anuary 3rd, is a worthy. liuk in `pis great chain. Those who cannot tend in person may study at home th ,u¢h the Spot ton Corresp,mdpnce Sell Is. PERSONAL MEN N. H. Switzer. Victoria street, I+ on e sick li .t Joseph Reale. of Toronto, spent Christta.pr Su Uederlch., A. J. Kidd wax holism from Toronto 4r\ Chrtxtn... Frank Ft -ter wee. up from Torouto (or (Trb•tma.. Noonan RnmbeaJ 1+ up from Toronto for the, helktay week. I_ Ills, Mabe] Thurlow was home from Toronto, • r Christmas, Miss Even n Hayden is home 'from Toronto for the holiday., Miss 60a (Mid tborne 'e.spending the holidays in Galt and Elmira. MG., Edith Elwood web, among the holiday 'diatom from .r Toronto. Mkt Susie Atha has returned to town for the ('hristinas ees.'on. Miss Marion ['oats is home from Varsity for the 1'Ilri+tmax vacation. Cyril Carrie Is home from Wyr11Ke College., Toronto, for the vacatloo. )firs..,. Fla Allen and Mabel Doty aro home front Toronto for the holiday". Mies Ella Goldthorpe is home from her school near Hayfield for the vacation. H. Henson Gne+t. of the Toronto New. spent Christina. with Me rclatl vies in town. visit 4.0 Murtha II Ern ie, ft (t1 elandlast uandy .lshta• bola. MIs. Zulema Whyand, of the Guelph pnbltc school staff, 1, visiting her sister. Mrs, H. Turner, Charge, Lacey +pent 1'hri+tmas at hi+ home, Hayfield road, accompanicu by Mr. Herron, of Stratford. interests. He is a good business man d will bean advocate of economy in tht• town's affairs. Lionel G. Parsons is a young man who, although this is his first essay in the municipal field. is well known as the capable superintendent of the Goderich Elevator and Transit Co. Mr. Paraona is particularly well in formed in r -pard to lake and railway business nutters, which ale becoming mor'P and more important to the town. Ile. would make a creditable addition to the cduncil. - J. W. Vanatter should receive a large vote. He is well and favorably known. has an intimate knowledge of the town and its affairs,'ham a good record for his many years' residence in Goder,eh, and in every way would snake a creditable representative. He should he elected. J. H. Hawkins is a roan 'of progres- sive ideas, apd now that he is staying in town he trill be ,able to give a good deal of timetto municipal matters. He is a clever htisiness man and thoroughly hpublic-spirited. We expect to see im among the elect. Councillor Jordan, who is* candi- _for re-electioi,--asks tee- th/it that if elected he will attend the sit- tings (if. the council throughout the year. J. W. CRAIGIE, Mr. Craigia 1a one of Gomlerich'a public-spirited young men who have given generously of their time and ability in the service of the town. HP was for four yearn A member of the Moans of public echo()-tntstees and for two years her been a member of the town council. Hie interest are all in Ooderirh and he la working for the furtherance of the business devel- opment and the general welfare of the town. He hail a hostof friends who will he glad en see him in the Deputy Reeve'. seat. stated by some that I desire to occupy the position of Mayor in order to fur- ther the interests of the Ontario West Share Railway, Thie is extremely unfair to Inc. it is not only unfair, but it is untrue. When i transferred my interest in the Railway Charter to the present Company my connection with it ceased exeept'to this extent that I was to to given tome stock which would never Abe of 'any value unless the road paid, (1st) running expenses 12nd • interest on the bonds and (3,11) a dividend that would snake the stock wort something. This stock has never been allot. d to rine although 1 have re- peatedly demanded it, and the ques- tion is now in court for trial. and so i have never, as yet. had a right to any of the privileges of a shareholder and have not now, nor have 1 ever had, any knowledge, of the Company's affair's, so far as the construction of the railway is concerned. it is true that i have acted; as solic- itor for the Company in preparing the convey -lances of, and searching the titles to, the right of way, hitt the cor- poratton'a interests are in nn w treated by. this, and i assure the rate- payers 1 hat if there should be, during 1910, any conflict between the Com- pany and the Corporation, my first cunxeh shall Ifs to protect 'the inter- ests of the latter., want1 to see the road gilt and 1< waito .see it pay. it will never yield any material, or any other description of advantage to rale, unless it does pay, i think it will be of the greatest benefit to the town when built and operated and i believe the great 1111lA4 of the ratepayers will agree with me in this. The statement is ale° being made that while Mayor in 11sr2 1 tired of my deitiem and neglected thein. Thia•i., as unfair and untrue as the statement respecting myself and the Electric Railway. If any one cares to look at the town papers which contain an account of the public sleeting held et the clomp of my mayoralty in 1{111'2 he will find how nnjustiflable this statement is. At that meeting Mr. J. H. Colborne the chairmen said "he had never be- fore in his experience heard from a re- tiring Mayor aueh a lucid statement as that whirh they had heard from Mr. Cameron. The Mayor and coun- cil had done nobly, and he hoped the incoming commit would do no well." Mr. J. E. Tom "expressed his pima - tire with the splendid address of the retiring Mayor and the counsel he had Eiven in regard to the duties to the iturp. Hehnped the council of the contigyPar'a yearcouncil."ould do ea well as this w i hope it is unneeeesary for me to say that 1 would not have made any reference to these kind remarks had 1 not been foreerd.to do ao. Wishing you all the complimpnte of themason and a pro.peroue New Year Believe me, Your obedient mervaht, M. O. CAMERtfI. Mr, and Mrs. Harry tett and tangly. of Boonton'. opera Christina. with Goderich ren, W c(•s. the Faculty of Educatiu hoo nToronto. we1., Home for the vacation, Bert Mel 'teeth, of the Toronto Sitar otic. force, +pent thar.oliday with hi. Per(4(.. Nr. and Mr., W. McCreath, town, and T. 1) EMIL*,ie and itrucraehlr ,havelgone to Palmer. Iowa, to visit fora few weeks with the leutle. ,4t,r, Mrs, IUr.I tlnyllle, Mr, and Mr., Wm, Pridhani, of Toronto, pent the holiday with relatives in town, Vn their return home, they were isccomp:anled by darn ('ook,•Mrs. J'ridhum's Igor her. Mr. and Mr+. Malcolm McLarty have nr rived from Winnipe,t, aceOmppaaniu.l by their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. NeKotvie. of Winn,. peg. who w111 +pmd a few weeks 111 Ontario. 'The Misses St ing aro home for the holiday me,a,•on: Mi.. String. from (irlmshy: 4(1.. Helen Strang. from New vont; Mise tera.•e Strang, from Orangeville, and Mrw, Jessie Strang, from the Faculty of Education. Tor onto. - TRCIWner, DecemII►.a 30, It.fl® $. OBITUARY. McLeod. The death of . 4oK ie CI . 1 McLeod. u alt fontl,ok place'at the Otxlerich hos pital on Tuesday, ikr•t'tnber .21st. Slr cLeod had been troubled with dropsy, for some time and had been at the h,spital for treatment there times during the past fall and underwent an operation on Tuesday, never regain- ing conscionsnette. The deceased was of Scottish descent, hie father being of Inverneus-shire. He was horn near Awberley, and continued to reside there until ab.I t five years ago, when he moved to8altford after his mother's- death. ' Hie father died about forty years ago. Three brothers survive, Norman McLeod. of Dunlop ; Alex. A. McLeod, . of Salt - font. and John G. MOLe(al, of •l,uck- now. The deceased was a Preshyter- iyyn in religion and a Liberal in not- ifies. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon from Bruphey's undertaking rooms t.. the Loeb/deb cemetery. Broderick. The Exeter Times of the 16th inst.bad the following reference to a former resident. of Goderich. Mr•. J. W. Betel- erick, whose death took place at hie home in London e( n n n !•'r' 10th, at tage he Friday. Decwhyear's r "The late Mr. Broderick khas eetla familiar figure in the merrautile inter- ests of Exeter for the hest half cen- tury, having during that time at vari- ous intervals conducted -'the toi.M--dr bankrupt stocks. For number of years the family lived in Exeter, and later mewed to London to reside, Mr. Broderick w:ae a member of tllr Main sfreeL Meth..dist church of long stand.' ing, and many years ago was the choir. !radio and on frequent wed. - Minim during the past few years hail assisted the choir of the church. Two years ague after closing up,Alia . nese in Oollerich, i•e opened up a i'ankrupt- stark in -Exeter, which, with theexceptionof a few\mouths, he conducted up to the time of his death. Although in feeble her th tor' softie tittle, he ofttimee matte n1•u'k that he w oilld like to die it nese, and him wish, was gratified. Novt•Inbc0 25111 he amn•ntneed tilt intended to K • g Londonto% I enl 1 birthday, do )• • which he celebrated f . t.atril t next day, ' Nuvetnber 311th, but h found his health would not permit e his return here, Ile Wes :1 m:111 Wk.) shuttle a, e11cc,Ws of hie husine,w. 11. paid cash for everything and asked the sante in return. Ile wee held in the highest esteem by -everyone in Ex- eter, was perfeetly honest L) all his dealings, :and had a host of friends. He took an active interest ill (1111d/M,l' sp)otts, and Was a moodier of the Exe- ter Mewling and curling clubs and dur- ing the past eunititer devoted a; gond deal of his Spurr time to playing the former game. 'Phe funeral was held in London on Morelay. Ile is sur- ived by his widow :and two dangle- tb�t, Mrs. E. 11. M. Flock and Mrs. CO an, of London. - Change ef o� Business .64.6 heumatism.. is Uric Acid in the blood. Unhealthy kidneys are the cause of the acid being there. If the kidneys acted as they should they would strain the Uric Acid out of the system and rheuma- tism wouldn't occur. Rheu- matism w a Kidney Dis- ease- Dodd's Kidney Pills have made a great part of their reputation curing Rheumatism. So get at the cause of those fearful Sheeting pains ant' stns aching joints. There is but one sure way—. Dodd's Kidney Pills 11 SAY! ' 1Vhat about giving u. . h'.wle next year Yon I1 surprised at the 14447 we. 0 • .1 x0111' ,a.le, � evert y.),Ir i _'. bor was. filettry tit. ( )r yu°91114• cogvincel. lit., • .4. change does go,iel. t r be cost will be nothin;, -s Sings perhaps 'a few 11 loetuter every (,141 s a dollar, d.M•sn't'it D.A.• JELLIES. KI.STA11 . I ih'pire to announce to the people .of Goderich and vicinity that 1 have pnrrhaaed the Har- ness Businemo, •Ilatuiltun street lately carried on by . Davi d 8tlddert. and solieita:continu- ance of sworn from old custom- ers., ant nvite new customers to come in a 41 get acquainted with sine new Harnesni-maker. In Ion :nL( in first-ditidto, h Heverythiss 441)g0(1, oon1 c4ITy complete line , t P • —TRIINKs ,DRESS 801 CAsiis —ROBES --I#LANKETel —BELLS, WII1PS HALTERS, tart 11. J. Fisher Succeasnr to 1). HTU})UART. NE Business . Pr uiee. big t • our ,shoot - The L.teatt+.al 11 'sinner ('olle r of Toronto .and bigger an fetter mill in remiltm for tit strident... because of our w egnip- tllent, improved c irses and Metter plana than •rer far securing sitnatiut)r . t go. sl salaries for our gr Hetet.. Our Catalogue is m:tile)+ free on remind. Student.. are admitted any ti,up, 'Write %V. 1I. SHA W, "!'rincip.tl. Chrtsfmas Wanfs All 11('14' hIlli. Raisins Currants Figs Dates Peels, Etc. Mr, and Mn. J. W. Firth have gone to Dur- ham to .pend l'hrl.lmas. Will Proudfoot arrived home from Toronto all Saturday for the vacation. Don. McLean arrived home on Saturday from Toronto for the vacation. Ml.a Hodge, or the fi. C. T. staff, rim "pend'ng ('hrimtma. at her hone at London. Miss H. O'Neil. of KlogmbrlSgr, left till. week for to. Angeles. callfornla. where she Intends to reside. were th • guc to :Small sf Mr, and Mrs. it J Momof . over Sunda). Mrs. J)pnlry Johnston and (1tth- daughter Heroilly are visiting at the former',, 01,1 horn. In (loderich. J. T. Newell wit In Toronto On Monday, I attending the funeral of his brother In law, who diel as, result of a fall dowts an elevator Rhaft in that env. 1t. B. Smith, of St, Loci., Mo„ is here to _peed the Christmas season with Inv mother, re. It. H. Smith. Capt.. and 41r. ('raigir, of ('levcland, arrived In town on Tuesday to spend the holiday. with the former', mother; Mn. Alex. I'rligie, AUCTION SALES. TUxeIAr, January 11th. -Auction sale of farm Nock and Implertlent. and household tureltum at lot 1, concession 1rmeeting*, 12O100n.JAMPA KIRR441R11•K, prop, fetor. 'Piton. UIIN nny, arlet,Oneer. Venial%January 71h. --Auction wile of farm muiek and cciedon Wert Wainwae,h. comnlienee i at o'clock J)M1a D. Han.1s. proprietor. T/t(sa (leaner. auctioneer. 1 MARRIED. PAIAIKN (ittAIiAM.-_Oat h►i.-1 s flay 1. at t he residence 01 the bride'. ,semis, Duren road, by Rev. Ja.. A. Anderson, R.A., Arthur Cherie* lenirhairn, of Winnl- peg. Man.. to Iasi lila 11,1111,1. 041.1 daugh- t.r of John J. and Mrs. Graham. DIED. iIA1.1,. In (ioderlch, en Friday, December 24th. Henry W. Hell. aged 71 year. and mon the. BRAND. -In Goderich. on TbMday. Ida Thome., beloved wife of M. R. Rrsnd, in her Slat year. BrockvIIFe C_utters 'Thew. well - kn .wn cutters combine the most up-to-dat.;dean in style and design with dur- ability of Mlnetrllrtinn, ' and anyone who is loeking for the' best value in it new Cutter eheuld see the (seal agent, HUGH ROSE, who has a full line of these goods. Everyone who in interested in ('utters should Call and ape him mtork and get prices. N.ew 1910 Styles Hugh Rose ilnmilton Vtrert, tloderich. Spices A l len'5 Cider. \l.lke your Mince Mt at. t1OW. Coast -sealed Oysters. Sturdy & Co. 'Phone tli West Side Square. Christmas Stock Our (Jhrietmas stork' is in, ate cur patrons ran depend on getting the freshest and hest goods here. Raisins. Currants. Peels, Oranges, ExtraetAl'ranesA Mils, Choice Teas and Coutes. Pcy.RYAN 'Phone No. Ilk, 1larnflt ,, 4t.