HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-30, Page 3n ;relectih uoGthr m 1 !nd 1 Tri PlAohl Handkerchief, ea0I1nalte IinVl •. *I ,A, 11' ilii) 1141• , in haut, over.., at alio 1 • n �, p.l Dill or JR COATS aria .u,l to s.=- SON ERS. S rug tore !cia1s \ At ' .11111 t, tr. ,•1 1' THE SIGNAL.: G DERiCH. ONTARIO pp BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES ifoutei•a)'r'apl . OLU LIATIERIN(l • LEATHER (MODS \i Iattended n • d t on leaving All indent SIU. A. K. vo(c,014, leritATPOto -MUSIC ed(LPAI'K, A. O: Y. M. It. t B. A'• aptrt linage". of th. rp.: Il em KK.lt' ^ urgstd W *Ott inotrur ,,.I�. t IN. 1/1ob.'. Inelu� .I �Iw,,„11,(,,wren 14',p I,IrLo sed vuwtFor l culture. l..l „ i n -.n wtO M e It. 'S 1 khe ositesidence Won strep near llapti-t rhureb. lUldtu et n. tt , Cuff.. wiener of Drove and North rent,. LFKKI) E. COOK. TEACHER OF Ihauo-pfayies. Theory. Harmony rud pared for examina mu:rrl.AiO ol'onee0l. 0M» y 34 mac. Apply .ut 1 Tpeµwtn• list"lo Stoler n Duda -ton. Ale.. Meek., dent, rt reef. Doe or . 0114111 nes. s,..dtidoderiel, .tante .r l' e. w" u. near :1taaJntd 1µw l'u.�, naive. ilh ,t runt. _ WATCHMAKING. ETC. AISEYPA1kK' . wt1-.HIU1 L j[ watrill• HER ONE NEWYEAR MR,SPILKINS'NEW RESOLUTION. YEAR RESOLVE. st ID I make any New Year re olntiousr repented the hackie elor girl. -Yes, one. Want to know' Ob. well, 1 don't mind telling you. I've made up my mind to spend next Christmas differ- ently. 1Qer.nay. "1 intend to make an altogether dif- ferent dlepoaition of my presents here- after. The places that knew them shall know them 00 wore, and the wilderness, where uo presents have ever Leen. b going to blossom with mine. la e "You see, It 1. thway: Wbeo 1 t awn to think It all over -the worry and tuna sod the money l spent -1 came to the conclusion that, outside of the nearest and dearest, I gave only three or tour gats that were really worth while -that Is, that gave me any actual happiness to give and brought s lit real Joy to other "These three or four were the things or ICIAar g h -1,1e of rfvtsere. Under. h. Lha I gave 1 to -well, !t doesn't matter CIViL ENGINEERING oI V,I L I •,at 1:IlaN M. tlosisR'I's,, • Ilydrauhu Kuglurer, Ontatlu lasted n•,;n 31el.uru Block, llodedch, cotter O,,, �oW,,.wl "tllwt. Telephone 137. MEDICAL ENIS1ER1a0N dt TURNuuLL, -A: T. Est Mra,•1rs, Jif. lI. N' h. 'fres hi u_ Jl• It. 1'ho1:a 102.••1440 -. iamiltml Street. earth "t 14'.•.1, l..vt�rr,.Hl r re. 4 fou, s•. ),p,r.fte nt. Gran RA. •,' hun•h. in IPI.. In. Poulton'. rr.iderne, lo',tr•r'•"Yl..4'Tnne 1 t MY life has been the queerest one that ever man has seen. I do not think in all this world its like has ever been. No matter what I try to do, in spite of all my wit. The thOg that truly happens is ill very opposite. llama )1 of - _. W. N. tiAl LOtt. 71. 11. i ,, r. ol.levr'. Nor- th .tie .t. (Innerl,'Ir A2LITly ltrwia,ry onto. leir•phpnu 11 i LEGAL • I.ILLAMA N. HAHal .•1 hit. ,a. rotary, ate. Money in 1., t. at utllor" - N lrl114114001. 1:48 ...lab >•¢n,) Umcet 1.1 tfrafullh h:.nlnl y 1) I't41I:JtON K 1:.. ItAltltlti- 11,,t,.r, notary Iola11mr.••- ri 1.v14 4:. -Aro, 1 11001 l- I,i•'lsrl•. IlA't h Itl.Atlt .., •,� ., aril..,, le.,nrh'. i',' .4. . r' . d:lrinnlr. 1 curt. els. ,Aril• ••. r •-, l'..1. ... ar ... ,(l 1". ) . • 1. r let, .., h•- 1 414!•- "t MI ow.... !, t.,1 1:. ) . I1.tv0. 1,.4 • The Mason and Risch piano action -rapid, accurate and durable. THE plane action is a most im- portant factor in tone pro- duction. It either helps or hinders the musician in his interpretation. The Mason and Risch piano action is so scientifically designed and so mathematically exact in construction that the parts work together without friction. It is the most sensitive piano made - responding instantly a n d accurately to . the player's every graduation of touch. There is no lost motion. •-I sisati'llIE ,AMI PST at:)IAak K If I sit down to write a verse that's brimming o'er With glee It turns out to be serious, though why I cannot see. And if. upon the other hand. my musings would be sad ?(y readers read it and they smile as 1f it made them glad. R 1R1 HENE'ER I Meet a woman who V is bright enough for kings And try to talk I cannot think Oft aught but stupid thing. 1 .1:11t when I have a vis-a-vis at din- ncr dull and slow • WELL 1 stoat r11ro 'TELLING 11.14 T0II' I make the wittiest remarks. though whom, hilt they were_people wb^ sad• she would never know., IY U'n'4f.A Ihem. who 4ld0't earner VThen I was but a baby I hadrnot a theta and who couldn't mike any re- baby faces 1, t ;;'1..),1W, 1..1. 1i • 111it torn except a broken gratitude that] 1 IOCI:Cd the most all knowing kid , ....tiro.... - • ^^ bort sou to listen to. of an ail knowing rare• :. r 1,...., re , - hy, no, certainly I'm not crying.' IUIiN`11.0\ HARUIN l'h:a and tie- bachelor girl smiled dashingly :::t RS I neared maturity a change ,1••,. .rmllll...nu, nua.1,'v tom., through moist eyes "lent I don't 101114. cam^ over that, .:.,a,,::o..-IAevl. list.. ran 1At'4. _ telilua you,II was the happiest part of :+ ;d now'1 look as innocent as any my •Chrlstmna: And hereafter those puny cat. vsURAt• t. t•OAN. S. ETC. are the mart of people I'm rani 10 ova , -_-_ A 1Qj'r'people. when they see rte i'KI � t 1'K �fIU\4M1 'I'(, to. t7 ,:. t.f •'t went 1 'ban write a Jolly tittle anywhere, are not impressed h f therelatives [vends Ji,lth the Idea that It l(OHM,lt1 with whom 1 usually exchange D that's different �1• art"err, 11••"' ' •,n.• . note to each u I Vt a mind -- cbno a ser nt from the rest 1�• when• encs. I anion. send these notes stat ){ ordinary minds they meet, INr1Crt.iN('F:ail;►,� T. enough before Christmas to forestall ever they may be. • �V, balk N.TSlr10: INIUM..luurd.u, rl anybody's buying presents for me. tors lea. Eat that is• not the thing that's AmaA." ,IW.P r, �1CgXarM OW k71Y{AArRNM' "`"n". "In the notes 1 shall convey My bait most distressing unto me. Iry : 'I M. 1 Aocldein and Guar..Met , . �ry.. Non, L'dealt. of L"ndw., )Aur• love and my Cbrtstmaa wishes. I shall res thou. • Tee II.'.'l. 'also explalo why I intend to send no The thing I hate the most in all my )ldrhty s"d.Uusren Maso. Tie Dno with a soul. •n 'IJrt':y ,. 11.11 As' lun.prll)'. OItle at rekindle, eartheaet wn111r of %ie present this year -that I• pur4or mak. weary span of life . MINI St., 'Pheun 1:'t Ing ■ll y girt' to chose wbone 0n17 Has happened to me since I wed my 4 IIIN 1K'. l'ttAItill•;. 1.!FE• Filth: claim upoo me Is their need. 1 shall I' tender Utile wife. and aceolont In.nrau,e. Ad,•11tinf. leading add that I am certalu they will lite I She's tinder, and she's pretty; b .1 a„1 ,nock °mousnies. In•. en`s Mail tbt/ ortglnal method of dlspoalhg I b inppo, in my hoose •! OW- ,.tie,. „d on had pis,., sad at 1oe'r-t rr11K y jingo. 1 .1, 1/, "that, tanner Wed. Stared. and `.Ilia their gifts. And I shall further say She rules the whole establisha;t'ent et whin• -e J, W. CItAlU1K, l;odenoh, out. that if they want to make me bhp - 01 whilst I'm nixcnmaronse. 113.41101W 3:....:2_:,....._.___„_.......___.,_____ py and to enjoy rise Jollies[ kind of -__ _ - r_..., '`'"iAlt•KIid.OP MUTUAL FIRE IN- Christmas themselves they will pplease1 UW, why is it. I wonder What nasc '''''ud rule the money they bad intended to accursed freak of fa • Ilas settled me in this a tremely mortifying state? Why is it that. whate er try to do, despite my wit. The thing that truly eppeae 1e its very opposite' and Risch Study, experiment and hard work have pro- duced in the Mason and Risch piano action three attributes of perf tionanfree, and teas y touch, rapid aT1& petition GCurate ' p • MAsote greater durability. sad R1sCH Tr.y a.Mason and. Risch a iano in our PIANO co., Limited, wareroom3 to -day realize w ata truly •TORONTO W.pro)rrtl Insured. um,•,., -J. Ii J1DaA1rr1. Prete., grown I . ,, spend on me and do likewise with It. T ' Flan -1.11 1•)oo.1'rer.. Wureessi 1, ¶ In this way every dollar we give will T I for lis s, tle tesweey 1aGemth thn.rT.rvs i lien,, .'n...aer .stat"stn : .1"h„ be well spent and make somebody 11.1ae, Winthrop' Ueonro au. �lear..rtla really Riad. n r 1 Bnu<11eel ; Jnhn Il: meLean. It1pla+n , J"'• *selfish? shat s all you know. Unseat y. chows,10nt for v...., Dacbelor girl Ia aR bed• "tri horribly J. N, lw. Huhnwvllle, ase Obl Jhn l• JohntMr 11 ,0.: J»,•e' ho-. Iw• ..' .,S t hat's New Year resolve. Un- wusl 1 John Dalt, ro.rla:k . Tho-. Frr"an, my ,lbs Bnmr Poli.Thulder. urn yn) „aae"rmena, sel1R1. Didn't I tell you I was going Welsh., y -i., 1' ream, or r W T'-I'blladelpbla Bulletln. Ri, w -inn .least, Ualnrlch. • happier MARRIAGE LICENSES MARRYING EN MASSE. sad ret their a.nt. receipt at Twee a t0 do It merely because 1t made Ina Clinton, 1 14 1L Cults rnav rya „ vva,•hmaker, jeweller rud OptICIre. I+uer of ht"e7rlaa'e lAre see. •1 LANE, ISSUER OF MARRI•, Al.l N.K K: K.6LLY, t)UU�KII'H ovT. Curious New Year's Custom of Ploy pastels of Brittany. Some curious and distinctive mar clap customs pineal* among the Plo6 gaatela. a si anis We of peopir, (thought by some to be of Asiatic ori gin) Inhabiting Plougastel Daoulas, to BrGtay, who are great strawberry grewers. They are also noted for ta• termarrylhg exclusively with each oti. er. The nlllances, which are englreered• by an Intermediary known as the tar ethane, all take place on o0e Ws, usnally the first Tuesday of the tall year. The basralaines start their cam- palgn to September as soon as the bar• vest is gathered lo, demanding oo be- ' half of the intending bridegroom the band of his bride elect The courtship 1s then authorised and proceeds with ardor during the dark months which follow. Inst yoar twee. ty-theee couples were married In the parish church on Jan. 8. After the ceremony come dancinj end feasting. The, great dinner which 1. served at the numerous inns begins at 2 o'clock and lasts well oo to mid- night The favorite dish is tripe. and an inordinate Quantity of alcohol ie eoneumed-one would like to know with what results. The whole place Is en feta, and there are never fewer than 2000 guests. After the orgy the united eoeples re- pair to their separate homes. They da not take up their Joint tits anal the following evening (after the service fix the dead and s ,r•ennd feast). whew they are escorted to the tortilla chaos bite by a tarts rrontlogent .0 Vomit* mem and bridesmaids. to weans sow/ and esker are presented by Lbs weir adreiad.- s• i W.. Ala. Iloen.ee, (loderteh. Ont• SHAVING PARLOR B- EDFORD BLOCK BARBEIt:iH()I' are tment ; and liberal been a 1rd tq itions, lerous 11,e, well-known and *popular n.„ ire `■.troll. Mu beat wary t,, .hat 11„1 Aa1r rutting. etc.. etc. Iodine rhanri,llonlE a Isrlalty. Only ,k pled hand., emp dyed. lour {{patronage will be appreciated. I1111.al1I t.it. )'ropriet^r. J'r ARCHITECTURE A RTHUR J. BARCLAY. Mha)AI,- te IAM? Rees, ink itrie Rritleh Architect.. Residence Sault1a� House. Oederick flan+t de. tell. ander eetaealicm. prepared for residence., sial public building.. l orre,pondenoe in• 0,104. AUCTiONEERING f iIlIJMAM (JUN I)KY, LIVE STOCK and general a;netioneer. lmleen on Routh 11 r. -o where he will be found at all times ahem not veytng sales. Term. reemonahle and .very effort used totems you ..U,faeues ('hone AUCTIONEERINO. .t 11 Tranchea carefully attended to. Varnt.al0. l i,'e -tor* ,ales. real estate and merchandise •,L•, made anywhere. tv rile for Antes or rnl and ,alk IC over with Geo. Beckett, Hamilton Street. Goderich, Ont. Telephoto No. roll Y FARM PROFITS War ,e I0,AelyfcreMmerky knowiat the sitst tonal Oen of the tanner's market ana by learning of the beet method In far„ practice. This a precisely th „4403 of rnfermatiee W harmers' Weekly Syn tins la every knee. it has rte egna as s ?armee, Bade gs Pieper. e farmers rely as it. Iles rim ..s es d.b►ag Deer. • Coat perrect action means to a m We're always p'cased . t plain the details of the Maso and Risch cet}s'tr:Ct..n- us thio coupon and w^'ll you a booklet that ' . , 111 trade ande:Tpl ;'ns it fring ij The,Ma:, r,(l Ki.; -: Pia:. Co I It1i: t1r c.t; icia •1 n• Send me your hues- tr_ted boeteet esplaia- fng the teasers wig 1 should owe a Mason and Wren r.ianc, This ie no way MC to yes, �.-rte I14t ttNUAlf, 1)11o'0Mt1KR 90. 1110Y 3 1 'Phone 56 Da MILLAR CO 'Phone 56 cfI (iuid Aew Year to cline and tA' Animal stock -taking sale will cotuwel,ee on *FRIDAY, JANUARY 7th, when all Rotel*. of passing.faahilhi will be cleared at merely nualinal pricer. 'Phone 511 Millar's Scotch Store 'Phone 5b t: 2" Naar te �'' ...a 'IKE IT 011* IICLICA4 THY WH^r.R 'STAnr.IRIIMENT, There's but one remedy for me, and now that it is here. This very first of all the days of all the glad new year, I'm going to try it; I'll swear off essaying. for to do t things I think I ought to and by what I oughtn't to. Harper's Bazar. '\FURNITU "1•1.,1.'•• h,•I,J') gift, :ma it 110• ;ovine tine 111 1•l.,;11 . rw. �1•uhl 1.•• .1 , 1...••. •,I Fut 1441T,.. 1,4111 11., wt.,. )1111 .1 fie„ 1"14 ,1hal )1111..11 •• 1..1 1,„141„4, -luck \,rte LN 1; = i n ) ,Yahogagy Parlor Sillies Fancy Parlor Piece: parlor Cal:les £eather Couches Oak rockers Furnishings for the Oen A Good Entertainment l most happy enterostnment boll -• r n lemon or plana In n fortune tela ten. A tent ran be set on a laws •,r the piazza may be arranged will ,,,shlnna and bright calico. A Mend 1a tnvlted to come dressed es a min and tea fall:sas. s Wicker ana Wlllo Chairs Clliga Cabinets parlor ana Nusic Cabigets Jaraigiere Stands all end let us show jou the hoods and ((note our price,. We shall be pte•n'ed to see you. whether you buy or not. GEO. JOHNSTON THE FURNITURE MAN 0\TILE SQUA1:1% • t ) Appear that you ere ars • to date. btlstncss man if you use out o: state Stationery and t'rinti . , Whatev 'r is done al this prtntshof; Is•wett smug ante rielit up F''thc minute.' LXV AY . ON TIME - Ali Mr. 1. T. Clark in England to cover British flections for Toronto Daily Star Another instance of dggressive enterprise on the part of the "Toronto Daily Star" is furnished by its action in sending to England a member of its staff, Mr• Joseph T. Clark, to remain there until the close of the British Election Campaign. Sheer tbe 14th of December Mr. Clark's cables appearing in the " Star" have been commanding attention and favorable comment. Never before has a Canadian paper afforded its readers the means of following day by day a British Election Campaign so intelligently. Cabling is an expensive operation, but the " Star " does not spare expense when there 1s an opportunity to serve its readers. Mr. Clark, who is known throughout Canada as ■ writer of un- usually graceful English, with an original point of view that !gives distinctiveness to everything be writes, is describing the campaign at greater length for "Star" readers in frequent letters which can be truthfully described as masterpieces. -.. The Br.tisb EiectiAns are being covered in the "Stat" by no less than four distir -t services, two of them exclusive to the " Star," ■s follows: 1. Mr Clark's cables and letters (exclusive to the "Star"). 2. A .pecial cable service from a staff of permanent correspondents in Britain i exclusive to the "Star"). 3. The Canadian Associated Press cables. 4. The Associated Press cables. In no previous British Election has a Canadian paper made similar preparations for getting the news. It Is another proof of tbe increasing closeness of Canada's relations to the Mother Land. But, also, not in our times hive there been as greet issues at stake. The budget, free trade, the future of the Hoose o1 Lords, the British constitution itself, are in the melting pot, and who knows what will come out? For com- parisons ore bas to go back M the great reform of 1832, and one authority save it is the most momentous struggle since the Revolution of 1688. The "T•,ronto Daily Star's" news columns will keep you tally posted as to the progreei of the fight, $1.50 a Year This paver and "Toronto Daily Star" together ter one year $2.20. Guaranteed fountain Pen given for 50c. added to above subscription prices e Toronto Daily Star Renew your subscrip- tion to The . Signal for Igio. 1ubbtngRate';s withal the leading news- papers and periodicals. See list on page 8 of this issue. During 1910 The Signal will be better than ever. = • Look for the new serial story to be com- menced shortly. THESIGNAL GODERICH