HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-30, Page 2S THviWWAy DWrUBilt 31, 11109 1 PRP' SEGNI%E (:OJ)ERICH• ONTARIO eb Guelph, is close proximity to the On- tario Agricultural College. \York on lira this site L to be oommenced early in UULkIICH. ONT AlIU. PUBLISHED EVERY THUR81 AY er TH}:SIUNAL PRINTINtl CO. Limited Telephone felt Na 116. Terms of 6ubacnotion : t QI per annual in &Oven the new year, and prisoners from the Central. Prison ,will be employed in the erection of the building. The editor of this paper was pre- eented un Christmas with a gold - headed ulullrella. This is mentioned `"` not in a spirit of boasting. but i .t to h menti.., Ale : three months. 4L•. j To t•lnted State. .uh'eriben,, *Liu a year let the folks know, lest they should el,' tall too wondering when they sue it, Medi,' ' did not come by it absent- mindedly'. 44 1(.1.11) 11. lot, Glow. Nnhs rlben. who tail to rts'.'ive TRC NIO.'AI. -ege.larly by mail will confer a Moor by ac- puainlg of the fact et a. early a date as o.sWlbfe. u. When a runge of nddn'.. Is dr-1nvL both the Old and the new addrd.a ,Mould be riven. Ad.•ernslne Rates': newel and other 41m11ar advent anter( to, !' per lune for ttr.t in.ertrot and 4c per line fo each oub..eynent inwrtlmt. 31ea:urod by a non t.areil ale. twelve line..,to an inch. nominee. card. of .oz line. end uuder. tri pe Year. Advertisement. of Loot, Found. Strayed, Nit nation.. Vacant, t1 Situation., a t\' on 1 for r orto tial Rent. Farre. fpr Sale d to eight Article. far gale, c.c.,net exceeding eight lino•, Lk` each in+ertton ; •l for deet month. 91e for each. ub,.euuent mouth. Lugeradvertise- men•.. in•Irrouortien. A maanncmin ordinary reading type ten cent tier line. • No notice lea., than Vie..d Any .peal not neat thetoloe t of which 14 the pruninry toenent of oily indi vidual or 1.s:nnt. litho., to tw muadend tan advertisement td he charred1.'ou'd,ngiy. Rate- fer •1i -play and contract adreriiv maa.t, will he elven o1 application. A 4d.•'-. ,!1 .pmmnnientm,i. r0 ' TILE: sht.NAL Pill NTINU 4.'4).. Limited The market value of the flea crops 01 Canada this year, as estimated hy ✓ the centres office • at Ottawa, is $ti3:,9N2,l00, an increase of $10u,45tt,11e) ✓ over last year's harvest. Ontario leads, - all tbe other Provinces, with crops val- ued at x ( ,3N{,l. a arkatchewau it second and QuoINt , third, both less than $I(4,'p10,0110- Oo..erlch. Out `0tn'!1!'Kf•"tL Tilt itSDAS: Ti} -C', :yl. •s i NEW YEAR THOUGHTS. 1 t,;tlti r rate hit. slip- ped from 11411' grasp, 1111,1 __s_-I+ry-.Mel ,air .....1...I. -Jt ,t . hail it, failures ,•:1 : it.. 1 1 nn 1a gneiss...,1. „ilk• nog!, le...on. !'• 11 n1'I 111ln.-1111 I Irl : ut i, );one,' 404 ,ng '114 nit' pe•,essl,111. 41111 .1,,111 11 H alt h, ((lilt • W1141 \1e were amid.• .r w.!hitt t.. 1. is fru' ap.I `J \ 111,1- , year .1I''• t1 - 1''t 11`, .4 fol I ltin"li44 raeIC 1l art i k ••\\•hal • hu )I IA sI,,. ,• r( (I' ale•}.. ti'h. spirit with wflich tae 'tell the past ycilllle- teem'ne, ltcrg•'IV, what /. . 4t;• shall ne,eiVefw.mthe experiences the coating year will bring. One t Ilillg i4 certain. To. all the new year -will Laing I .4 pie .rtumitie s for:ervice. mid 444'.0411. scarcely do letter than fiier it+ Invs- spu1 In 1km' heart. that Made Hro%11111g write, "Make life a•mini+try of love,. • and it.s will Jilways ? North lit'in Farm and Dairy, • the well-known agricultural journal, would like 'to arethe farmers` clubs. of which over one hundred havebeen organized in Ontario 'n the- fat -frit'' -, c themisetces loose trots any govern- Mental .'iotrol. so that they might be tree to discutri any. question. (edifice! or ,1th.•rwtse, that may affect the interests -of farmers. At present three 'elute., io consideration of .receiving Government grams, are pledged' to .avoid dl'icussiot of gnestions that may !e po�iricxl in 11 oder. Peril and Itairy onoaiders this a rase of the farm ' selling their birthright-!ih- er t y t ' epee ▪ t assn -uf -js- • 1t qe• cion. 1he' ▪ utry time( i -ill especi- ally t. one their f Elders sh ntld At til' �r tli"t`t'/14... '1: • recent vi.it • to 'T'a'oists „of 1'I.•1, .•r (4 'lin of the Pr•'vim•e ,.f r. i I •• ! tl Te 140' t Tho 1 , rt,•rian to re. 111,1.. that it would he to rho ;) lv.mnt- e of .the l)lr,)pl* 11, Out uric) :nld tine if they unlerst'ol nqe •('1- I1: ''t 3 844e•. la -this re -;,..'"t 11I' 1111 ' -efts in I h It 10 of theta ran ::.lir h..• t Ian••.. IL le ' !1• ulltt '' 1 .. fLe) N . I 11 eI tem•► ' rl 1 the: misting w n the ., g h [ 4poi+Lk. - eta of English in 4'drli,um.•nt :1(1 .itch n it others of French Lemieux. Ashe Mcil a Pres- byterian .ay., the. benefits 411 a prat • tical knowledge of French .to English- lisb:speaking (Canadians would • 1•)r. manifold. 11 would be useful in 'nisi - netts, in travel, 418 'It means ot culture, and, tending to bring togetber in 'more thorough understanding the people of these two neighboring Provinces, -it would be ••a. movement of genuine EDITORIAL NOTE A happy New Year to all 1 Do your Christmas shopping e%r'I- oh, ring off ! The question is, did .Cook doc those records, or did 'the Doctor -cook then):• It is eileeted that the National- ' ati..nal- `Transcontinental Railway will be completed Icy the end of 1912. The man who gat thirty-seven pairs of socks on Christmas Day bas no kirk. They [night have been neck- ties E John I. McLiri•n has been re-elected Mayor of Hamilton by acclamation. That's; what (happens to Ooderich ped buy,} when t ►�Py are good. Lu consent ores," His lordship will probably carry it into effect when he reads the election returns. John A. Best was elected by acctam- aljon lost week to succeed the late Dr: Barrie member for Dufferi'n in the House Of -Commons. Needless,to say, Mr. Best is a Conservative. Dutieis is hopelessly Tory. Ten thousagd meetings are being held this week in the British election campaign. When you consider the size of the country, the wonder is that there is any room left for the aoters to do any thinking. • "If we are to continue to hold to the idea of the British Empire as a unity, why not abolish all tariffs within the Empire P" This is the question which The Woodstock Sentinel-iteview propounds. It is quite evident that the preferential tariff ilea as it it proposed to be car- ried out by protectionists will -not bring the itferent parts of the F,m- pira closer .together. Already pro tertioulets in Great Britain are advo. eating s duty on Canadian products, and, once established, such a duty would Rrow. A. our contempor try says, "Once the itaundstions' of pro- tbction are laid, farewell to any notion bf flee trade. The proteetionis'1a in Canada, are strongly ,oppwed to the nation of Imperial fee trade. They are willing to grant a preference to the mother country on condition that the preferential tariff is high enough to exclude the goods of the another country. give them sufficient pro- tection against (creat Britain; and they don't sere how .hitt the tariff against the rest of the world may he raised. That le the extent of their de- votion to Imperial free trade.. There is no reason to expect that protection would operate in any other way in England than it h . o ra(ed here." e defeat of the protPc theist patty, in Great Britain in the present-r,�)n- test wilt be. a triumph for the true Imperialism. The meeting on Monday night WAS not like the nomination meetings we used to have in the "good old days:' It doesn't take a very old inhabitant to remember when tha gatherings in tbe town hall were not finite as polite as a (10,• o'clock tea. P. M. //pence, of Toronto, advocates the dropping of the buiioasi tax, "levying only upon land and build- iags, the realty, and not taxing • man for ptrlgreessivenesss,n if a' tax on buildings is not a tax upon pr•ogres- i sivtrow, we do not know what it is. 'likeTor a new Provincial reforms- , d li tory has been selected near the city of t The Work of Life ,This 14 the work of life: to prove The great new thalwithin 11.11es; matfrom the dull, soul -deadening groove of common days there may arise The faith that donbtin5*eyos may hofd. The strength that feeble hands may ghrn. The ungnesleed cheer that may unfold From 11Tos that scarcely dare to live, , Oar'prisoned days and paltry dower, ' The hopes that Amara broken wing, XVIII stake their mock. hot when the power That bring, the t me hearts Inward spring Come.. out in wood or deed or glance. Forgotten arc the years and seals; The Iron chain., of eircnmetance Serve but to hind u- to the stars. -Rthelwyn %Vetherald. In the January ('anadlan Magazine. J. Willison, editor-in-chief of The Toro News, who sailed from New York oh December Ifiith, will write a series of letters on the election cam- paigo now going on in Britain. These letters will be over hie own signature and appear ar of course only to The News• r, Willison is well versed in Imperial questions, and readers of The News may confidently look forward to interesting stories of thin great pot- tiest battle. Under our clubbing arrangement, The Toronto Nowa mad The Signal will be sent to your ad - rises for twelve months for $2,36, Send in your subscription early to his ofllce. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Canadian Flunkeyism. London Advertiser. Lord ttosrbery, Loud Curzon and many of the hest *eminent members of the House of Lords call fur the reform of that chamber. The (Omen.saws that three outof !carr peers ern 'ocotillos tent to perform their duties. t'hel'au. adieu flunkeys appear to 1e the only deltoduls tit the hereditary legis- lature. About Advertising. Ibterba•o lisautneet. The man who withdraws .his adver- IIoeiueut from, or declines to advertise in, the paper whose whiles,' •1p4niuu., whose economic ur 144014400d ideas glee not quite Irl Ilan* Willi III. own(, of who is displeased's ith some specific piece of news, is not ruining the offending newspaper. but making a ep ctecie of himself and etandiug, life rice, In his 444011 light. . The Old Opinion Is Still Good. (/woe mound Adt.Hhss,. Sir Riehnti ear Wright Ix rep(n'ted• As declaring. that he has not altered the opinion entertained by hint for so lung, that the fullest measure. of Jrrc trade lelween the l'aiked. States anti Canada would In.'ot the greatest mutual benefit to &nith countries. I'll* diM,-.11tie, is the, way of Free trade he admits are very rte's it ; but u t rr reciprocity treaty, he flue eta e, might b. a good Iwainuiu.t'4)1 Inn adu- ellive pt,N•r.x.' Alter all. Sir lushest IA hilt aan;'htsir.ing the f. li+u• Liberal luau int• that alai,.hunedtz traait.-iti mutually b.•n••till;d. Credit Whe a Credit Is le 1Luot tis.. T1 u.'', 11,111. \It, Co -t •r in bit] et tiaieor of provide for the election of three dele- gates its place of lire from each poll- ing sub -division to a nuwinatiug t 'n- veution. EAST HURON LIBERALS. Good Attendance at Annual Mee ng Herd at Brussels. The annual meeting of the Lib''ral Association fur the emit' rides): of Huron was held in the town tall, Brussels, en Thursday efternubn, Or- ienting' Idth. and deeplte the tete, illy day thele Wes a lepi•e•edlatfvo at- tendance. President Alex. McLg 'gt)- lio, ot F'ordwich, occupied the chair very efficiently. 'l' it * uresis•' "4'r stvtelurnl (r.w presented and *dol ed. Commit ter 1111 )'eM)IIItionO consist, 1 of J. Leckie, %V, lsbietpr, \V. thrid., -on and lino. Taylor. Several mutter* .pertaining t, the- Association's heAssociation's work were discus- ,1 in an animated imu1ner. The maw- Nth ut one point oma the pussink ot'. u rco o IuU a instructing act' n the g twos cert to eorresp•Rul with the various Inunl- cip.l,cheiruit n asking chef a m. -ting be held in each municipality t dis- thos gorations they may des • to have presented to the Literal ee s en- titfiPtu b. held in Toronto next nue. Polling sub -diets' 'linkmen a .1 be chosen at the a ming. Election of oftit�••et.ltearers Waal telly disposed ot by t4a rwelectiow---t the present efSea.•nt -staff, on 1141t 'tl of \V Irbister and 11. Hutchinson. TIIr secretary' .'kplained tl • ne- cessity of recce ling Inc ani, .1nt`c- tnthtt- stain---evrrnntt `pntrfle 1. ,`ting Owlllg to the- inability of seem the i)utalill' speakers desired. A 14ter date wttt-tte--chosen. ('resident McLaughlin ralle, 'Tot) -t Hislop,.ex-M. P. 1'., end W. I1 nett, 441' T'he Post, who addressed LIn:•'et- ing.011 soon* or ttu points of I 1•s t !u the public end the Littera ' I•u'ly partir411u-Is' I following1'h•• foowing j. Mit r -s 11tUi , w.in t" �itnunlu' u. is!y adopted by On Meet' ing ; -- \I oven •l ',- t i •.1. Tay! ')•, .ec•n j Ilio_ I t-, to et 44c„il ba• fin' ta. ... 1 going o) file 1.11.1)4..t the o' 4 11' 'day drelxrrd that is w.a. the \V )jy.-411 (aflu••t• and (M: •1.• po icy of 1L,. (iovernnl:le that hr. It till 'III ('.um.uliau prosperity. \V 1 4,. > isn't '•'1 thas ,ter, Fielding -.r+u,l . Can Into prosperity. It might is. I tin tl. h:.aoa cel, 0. 1 salad ;'Ih t ii 1.'• _: Int hi t'Iii that. Cut !u,'.i.•I,ly i, no• t'. the \1•"t.•r1: t vane], 1' nn, ' .I.lally It. 1 i41a111 sit!. I. th.•. u • v I 1 , 11111, :.t ts,' \\'' ''9 ,.- . •1 01.4. u' 141.1 , r.-II.11r'r, 111 t . • ' .acre ,1 cat Li4,• I I ,018 line 1 , Soar Grapes. 4*'ar►1i.1 '1114' esti n its I4,41 dry 1 eye„ WW1 ;;o on nil lving•wirh its snow- balls. If we *•10r 111.1 h tri any notion of kidnapping i' 111'sta-it notrill- II kV(' 4• (r w i•.h'the n'Iren' of this -stall Di. tai weather. T) think chef we 1 4uld Ise suspected of Wanting tl an• nix any 11i1 (lit' id this particular brand of Mini del Ir. theitedi nv days of sum- o time when nature h:14 t,ourhed up the landscxpe.itrr'olnrs of green and gold ,4'ctnatl,l is+t tleligbt . to the eye. end iso 0411* entail he blamed for want- ing to steal it. But when the `shift cutnekand the friendly neighbor pets on dignity and sable and becomes "Our•Lady of the Scums" we (eel that a Speaking -across -the -Hue -fen -re itawc- quaintance'eneugh: 1 We hove sutflc' lent trouble now trying -to steam -heat our awn country, and when e nerd thr:eii►lthing-iµew __ - w_ __- go to our own north pole .end sit on- the nthe wane_. You're at nice child. Cana- da. but you are not in danger of being kidnapped. ' • THE BRITISH ELECTIONS. ••Tile Globe" to Be Represented by a Sof Correspondent During the • Contest. - „ Not since the institution of vote by ballot hets there here a contest in which such intense and world-wide in- tereet es being takru, as that now in Great Britain. In order that its readers may be thoroughly informed as to the progress of the fight The G(al)e has rent RI new. editor. Mr. Stretkrt Lyon, to Great Britain. Iiia petters and cables will appear eiclu- sively in The Globe. This. is. an .O . pnrttinity.of which the reaching public of ('anadwwill not be slow t.trt4ke a4 - vantage of. The l:l'he4rnakes au in- teresting offer in this issue. NORTH HURON LIBERALS. Annual Meeting Held Last Week at Wingham. in 'seem Tlrae,, r The annual meeting of the North Huron Liberal Association was held in the %Vitigham town hall on Tuesday afternoon,' L'1.t inst., with the .vice- president, Wm. isbister, in the chair. The stormy weather and the busy Christ Inas 1Ptte0)1 prevented a large at. tendance, but nearly all parte of the riding were represented. Mr. isbieter, in opening the .meeting, referred feel- ingly to the death of the leteJames Young, of AubOrn, who had for some time been president of theAaaociatinn, amen eleetion ot otflrers resulted a. fn 'y- Ihreeident, %Von. labister, Morris vice-president, light. Shiell, Eon, o.h ; second %/co- president, John N. --Mckenzie, Ash- field ; third vice-presidents, 8belden Bricker, Howick ; treasurer, -`-,I4 A. Morton, Wingham ; secretary, H.' B. F;Iliott, Wingham. Chairmen for the different municipalities of the riding were elected as follows ; Ashfleld- Jos. Dalton, Kincaid; %Vest \Vawe- nosh-John McNabb, Dungannon ; East Wawaoosh-H. 1H. Taylor, Bel - grave ; Morris -Geo, Taylor, 11e1 - grave ; Howick=J o h n Henneberg, Fordwich; Tutnberry-�Robt. 8. Muir, Glenannan; Wingham-Richard Clegg ; Blyth -George Powell ; Wrox- eter --John 1duglaa. A resolution of condolence, on mo- tion of Messrs. John T. Currie and Thos. H. Taylor, was passed to the familyof the late ,farnre Young, iste presient of the Association. A motion was also passed, moved h y Mr. McLean, Of Aahfleld, and W. J. Henderson, expressing confidence in the Laurier Government and in Hon. A. G. MacKay, \loader of the Ontario Liberate. An important change was made in the bylaws of the Aasoclation, provid- ing for the holding of the annual meet= i11g of the Association on the third Tneeday of .tune in place of the third Tuesday of Dece.mher. It was felt hy those pr•eeent that more largely at- tended meetings would he in order if held in June, when farmers are not bus and townspeople are hot in the rush of the Christmas trade. The bylaw was also ebanxed to n.a.ttto t-N-pn•.e 1111r UnU"4.•I .. .into a ir1 1111!• 4...41'.4'1.•'.1 (Intl leader.,, \ t \11U'ilLouI. •r i n'• p, w..st heartily np pC'.t1% Lt the listen i 1ptllt t Vial he iota n In1i•t«.1 at of. • 1,141.44t ;,.11. i it r r fl- ,oterhie4' tree ones '.1C 'r.. 11uV0 br•upht in! , et. dw: 4 their E+y • tc•:•rup.l ion 1 f!n• 4,03S111 y .11,1100, �Vu-ale- w+ b- t.i oNtoi.,•. , rnnr}-I t ►, •'�lMYfe�.! ea dance in o his Q 1. tll• tgue.t e' 1 tt•41et 0 tt..49i1 4,4 they may to 11, t).'-p.Ited to a .liiiioter• One of our special Reserve Dividend Policies,' You pay the ordinary 20 pay lite premit andish Potic . (nature as an Endowment at expectation of life. W. ACHESON 4 8ON Gift Suggestions W.e- ihrvi- devoted /mat thus and ears in selecting a 1.uyiug our 1'hriatu►as Stock. Months and ulo*tha alto ,t (11 ord0rs were placed fur all fancy Linrnu, Silks;' \\ ,old so many daiutY -nn lblaiceek fur your aP1)L0VaY stt 40111 Tse Nj NANDKERCHIEI•'S Brauliful 44 rwhroldrre.l raid lnitlsl..d Innen Hsfndkerchi fur wen and Wen. daintily hosed and of sal rfr err dl+errs(to an 1 h per dozen, ken's. $1.50 o mus om 1'r t 4 ln1hit, ('o,''•u, Doylies, Centrepieces, enc , I:, embroidered, effects, UMBRELLAS L/41irr end \len e, at$t:f)01.0$ii.4I), DOWN QUILTS Splendid value% is ia•dsome Down Proof Covers, to *8,444, $s,8l, WAIST AND BLOUSE .LENGTHS Dainty &trip.. cud cheek Patterns, very mew and iu ' ings nary, wine, R. sky. pink, grey, el.., xi .74earlkur LADIES' FUR -LINED COATS aa4 FUR COATS Our values ore from the heat nlanuf• the ge menu ur* 1wu01i404. Pt ices 4.' 14* , t ";011e "m 11 .`.I w'.ult th'-ht;at'\uu can t,,t. we-gCt- 4. 's 4. r is sirs of'! hi.. I lotion -out \Vs fm ti 1• w ish to. PI(' e.4 o confidence i11 mill :expect hot . lit. I111n• District Agent. A. O. ala Kav, who_ this so 1 ot ells and ably pc [Amy.: h1. (lath- ma to, er of the Oppo.ittun ill the 'Oil; rim Parliament. and trust we in 0 rev be �- able in a. siQn(lar mariner t address hien as Prelnier of the l'rovi:. r, • Municipal Suicide. A town whose. citizens have no public spirit Is un the way -t.. the rem- etery. . The citizen Who will do r 'thing to help itis tows is heliling dig its grave. Phe citizen who growls ,b 1111 his town (wing "the worst evrt is assist- ing ill its initial. y I The business men who w :l not aa - Yeti iSle is driving the hears+•. t' A Question of Law. From The )nail and 611. Ire. F. ,Clinton. Qn -A tend H own W. H. mtHINSON, �catorth, Winter Term1 OPENS 3rd JANUAR\ atm ut,tng farms. Abuilt aid has kept in repair the west one bun hail tends of 'the division fence. H `h.:,lding and 'keeping in repair the east 1,41 rots. A sells the we.+ half of his tack' t'i C. Can 11 he -forced to 1)14in'.4in half of the nue hundred rolls of fence between hit. ,toil G;' • Ans. -All questions( rehring t0 the building, repair and maintenance of division fences' between fermis are gavel tele:(. by the . Line 1 erkrs Act, R.S.O... chop., 2.41. ; •Vh. , •• neighbors cannot agree 11p0)1) such :natters the only tribunal t)( eett.le'the'.: dispute, is the board 'of fenceviewer- . Nil Desperandum, Percy Psrkingtnn row -,,nil I4(n.hed the du -t from his knees. 'filen, 4101W- ing himself II ;it he. fu:l height, he ga1e1 resentfully upon the form of Miss Muriel Muggine, who non- chalantly farmed herself the wt►ile•. "Very well, Miss Muggins,"-erame in bitter tunes from Percy. "Oh, very well I Tom have spun,ed me, it is true ! Indeed, you bay, •palrned me twie ! Bltt, though despair eats my heart, I shall not die ! 1 mean to go intei the busy world, 1 will flght ! i will win ! My name -hall become kno...r, anal may richer. , a come envied--" 'Pardon me for Intel ripting 0041, Mr, Perking' on." interjected Miss Mugkin., "but when ,,)u shall have accomplished all that 7':u may try me again." --January Lippincott's. Invest 25c in a box of Davis' Men- thol Salve and be prepared for ulcers, neuralgia, old sores, etc, A delicate pomade is the best form of hair dre .ing, p,Beeri a le that and mor :tm t1•kes the hair grow, 511c a jar. Cp late night endlew engagements, generally run down! Take "The D. nig 1.." Emulsion, it will tone up the whole system and make you feel. like yourself again, �� . Depend upon it, whoever tries to sell you a substitute is doing so for the profit and not fur your good. "D, & L." Menthol Plasters tor etiffneea, etc., have many imitators. Beware of the substitute. Get the genuine, made by Davis & Lawrence Co. Children must bane good blixxi, otherwise they will be puny, sickly and delicate. If your children are pale. really exhausted, g ve them Fer- rnvim, the mvlgoratng tonic, which is composed of lean beef, citrate of iron and pure old Spanish sherry wine. Nothing could he more beneficial In such cases, $1 a bottle. HUM trier SA LAR( ,, ,-Oralttiatea of Caneula's greatest chain of high=grade modern business colleges receive sal- aries ranging from $e00 to $1,$00 per year, The Clinton Ruttiness Oollege, which re., )ens January 8rd, is • worthy link in this great chatty, Those who cannot attend in person may Study at home thrnugh the Spot - ton Correspondent* Schools. Stu/lents may elite itny day of the bele. (I year. Individual instruction. Our greduatet get the hest p,a iUion+. \fail 'Lobe*.. %V e train mane young people then any other mamage- went in Canada! Affiliated with (.'om- nierciel F:.lurator. .As- soeNati 111 of ('antda. Write for partlrn4n, CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (.10. "007101 Pr nr.oal. S. E. HICK. Central Drug Store. Godcrich, Ontario. TORONTO, ONT. ('or. lone; and Alexander Sta. A high•clot, school. Enter any time. Graduates i readily set t'O-ition.. 0,,lt': today for hood ouie aayssarmott .• F. C. B. College LONDON, ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Catalogues Free. J. W. Weiner, cit., J. w', tt'estervelt,Jr., (',A. Principal. Vice -Principal. •• Winter Term from January. CENTRAL •TRATFORD. ONT. r The best practical trainlRgschool of (intario. We offer advantages not offered elsewhere in Canada. Our teachers an. experienced, courses thorough and practical, and we anoint gradizatea to good part- itions. The demand at present greatly exoeeda f.hr.. supply'. We prepare teachers for 131sineae College work. Write for our free catelog)to, D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. ardware Specia Crosscut Saws "Y� Racer, Lance, 1)i tan's, Le,lder, Premii'l and Simonds, Everone guaranteed. [Pack Diamond and biaston's Piles, Saw Sets and Gauges. • . Axes ,\ Black Diamond, Fores Beauty. The best Axe 1 f.tndles, 15c, 25c, 35c and ,Ot'. Gloves_ ,and• Mitts cheapest at Worsells' Hardware A Grateful Acknowledgment We desire to thank our friends and customers generally for their very liberal patronage during the past year. It's been :l prosperous year, and we look forward tq the incoming year with great expectations, hoping to make this the banner year. • Wishing an the people a very prosperous onithappy year l mock__ _ , Yours faithfully, WALTFR-C.pRIDfi ►r1 TH. NOUai OF/vgAL VAW%S