HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-30, Page 1Read
The Signal's Clubbing
List on page 8 of this
Now io Lhe time to renew
your eulwerlPtion and errure
Your wading mistier fur IH1u.
GOUEIUCH. ONTAhI NAI) : i)I:CE\iU'EIt : ), 1'119
I am offering for sale Debentures bearing interest
at live per cent, per annum, payable half -yearly.
These debentures offer an atleolutely sate and prof-
itable investment. l would advise anyone having
yoney to Invest to be rule to call rad see fur.
f'ItANDk'&D_LOA -
Copy of change of running advertise- GODERICH MARKETS,
TM a' Mau A t . I eoerober 'Ltd.
C w _buwh r1 0• to 41 IES
t pngw 1, prbu.I, . 1 no to 11 M
kyeper bush u ' tq
t wheat, per ba.h 0 45 to a a11
elate new, pear blah . .... 0 ,13 to 034
1•tww.r hu -1, 0 at to 0 al
Harley, ler bush 0. 15 to 053
Sr -memoir.. per Wu W to tl) W
11uu1. family per cwt 75 to Y 75
Floor. Latent, per cwt 3 4U to 3 to
.•r to...
Sh,ir4, I,e•r 10 fun � IIS .IID to 105 no
Jiey. }rr tel. 1. 12 ,U to 13 to
tt•Ifyd, ocr ,'ori. • r 5 ell to it Ito
Mutter, per 1b
__ - - l'he.ae, per lb
wanted F:gg..�rv•wit, per dos
1'afil de.
tattle, °Miley W sued, per
4) tNIT. t) 'it) ItE:SI'. r11A1.J, L6,111.'. eStior4 per cwt
•-•,-• •.
I -711. .,1 n.rU.. \.i.l Ito\ Lama, -- ,-.a
i office menu t must be left at this o ce b y
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
Card of Thanks.
n. Alex. Kirkbride desire to expre.-
wrere thank* to all the kind friend. who
their aw.(wtance and sympathy in the
: ,•t (know and beredtement. M11" S.
rel \o1,os. •
...... '41 l0 0.224
)iPAI1DI!RM '.%.114131). BY.MHS.
i) l' 1.1 4 Ki Nt., Victoria alnico. (toast,ch.
rt..ble house. let Un ,
11 '"Thai.--KE:CONN-HANIII1All-
N FJ!$, burgle. end wagon., named .n
,a.,ge for hail ware. '. atm fie.:, ct.. w'uk..
l*AklhW kith:. ----
lu Cour&-" the conutry and .in*44 teens
ler a ,,e mu./cal tn.t rnmrht Eecy, to ply.
So knowledge of moue req eared. Fine chant*
for hu.tl.e Addreew 1NI KIM.' AN. �IANC
HAM' Cu.. 1001500.., %%eel. 1.04D1010. e'hit. _
km Sale
11. lk4 fret MDR. It cert w•t. wide 1.- oelt
weld 11%epp
%a bsaM Ay to K kit b. M."
1 T:N N AN. Laurier. Ont.'
$bnetr. err ewe ......
Haar, per lb -
!Meon,«r lb •
, J
0 la W 0 Ia
O'w.to uyl
00.10 043
wt. I W to 1 5
533to 5.e'
it W 1.10
j on to for
..-...:300 to. 3..
n lm to ua'
0 1.5 14 n )1
•15 to 1,
0110 01*
Hldw, Per rat 7 Ott n
to . .
mews, kue, /�, .... .... 1141 U. el
Lard. f
1'slloe, Orr Ib ..
Election Cards
tions Vacant
11 Jane y..capable sort ter genre.' hour
eek Ap ) 1u 3414$. H. 1 . ('AM KKUN.
0.-+:1-144, AS *SS14TANT
to ' 'oust vacs. Duties t. commrf4.•.•
Janpary Sid. Meer b7 latter. tV.'V.• HAY
DEN. 1 nderk•A.
LADIES ANDOKIrTIJIMIK. -i am alra(4 a Gan•
Alias for Lae Uo
0.. of town ounrlllor, at
the reels. et of w numbs.. of my fellow•rate-
moera. 1 have the littered+ of the town at
heart. aelected If elecl will .neve you to the beet
of my ability.
Yours retailer, arts.
1 TUW N OF uouga1eH.
L40110 •NUGKNTI.kM N,-ib*OWre been av
looted to u .1u III the ,,Duped 11010 Sud kart,
deeMed to wood for .4.oU0i . 1t l• &MAMA 1111/
prludplee W canvas. for rola. and' therofmro
thin 1t, the only emanluuicatlU that you will
4 corire from me. 1f lam hectored with Magoon
to your council ugerd. I .ball endeavor 10 serve
you W the beat of m ability.�
-- • _ I.
i Rll-Il.
Looks AND ([NT1JLMr.S. Aa 1 have been
nominated Pr be Dile of your reprr,eolanvw at
the,wuuri huard fur IMO. and have commuted
to set in such eapso4I3 It ulw•ted. 1 take Ulla
ul)purt unity of s,klnw 1h4w who believe their
luterewta will be carol fur fumy hood. to glue
ole their vole a,d I,,flueuoe /n the v Iect ion on
100.1457 neat. 11l-Iw14 stress! r bappy New
ear.iim. If rears LOGY.
f 110 '111lt ELECTORS OF THE
• Tull -N OF GUiEtacit.
1 beg W announce my.elf • candidate for
councillor fur 111u and respectfully .oliclt your
ruts and influence. If 5,ected I win owe 107
1w.1 J udgmrnt 1u a14, to odnani.tering 1tie
townaltar*• with tent and lnlegritY. 1 not
for -a proal 0.•140 ail l: nlnle•Iallul,. wile OK1Y tem-
pered with 0, 11404. My prompt b due... will
ei,.blr•i.ie W attend every Dealing. eu that 1
may give m luttheillory duty the attention u
da•.elvow. Nl.I.,.. all a pru.peruuw New Year.
1 Stn. '
F,itlhYfully your..
-- • J. It HAWKINS.
;145 l'HS 11J,('1Utttf -uF 1i01)}S-
1 Iib: n.
LAMP:. *N11 (r.su.velK.N,--Having beoa
eared by • 1... lie „inure, ur die elector.. W
become a candidate Our the unto. of Mayor of
4, derich for the routing year. 1 Sul a rood'.
moo and take t'imam. orn. of .. he,Uu g )0111
5010 and h•flurntt m, no luhalf. na yuu
• know,t-ww'Urr shoot .it yea,. a member of
the 00001 41 and ay. choirool , 01 I be norm*
• en,1Mt(ae Ihn.uiltr nil 11.5 o holo pen0.1. whit
too mg r( 1111.11,0.14 kmnaLMKe of the ,0141'*
*47*,.. 1 belie, C.1 . u4 be of g.,,..1 •°ervu:e W you
if elected: .
Your- falthfnlly.
tt. 1 . ,.AItK.
..cold-hau0 Hoek real foresee. medium
-Ire, lu wand ou wlit5a.. rv4;ster, lot and
,or papa. cont oleic, w 111 -all ,-lie 41/. a. 1.
,.o u.e fur aL Apply to J. H.l'o(..b4ll (N K.
1 M. entered a carload of oil cake.
sited woman to tele In house work.
wage.. I I• IX 14.814 10.1.
Strafed •
J 1 \\ MISKrt. lot a, C0110l eion R. A.hfieid.
wl.n'l 41.•t• her I:Ah. w yearlingmice?. uwn.t
i- n gne.ted to prose prnlrrty. pay extenee-
Ljand 1.11,0 it away. 41, J. ift.ONNUK. King,
nd 1 bridge. • .11. -
will.ellauto in airy yuwntu7,at$te..4u•1 olu ' - -- -
ton lota ur s1.;5 per cwt. ill 1. we then 101 lute.
on board ear At Godench. .1 ser exgrtot about\Notice to Creditors
Lith to I*th of December. Send order. once. -
Mut l om40 Ot arriW of car ail gt.UIL
HU1.H'HII.L. Henmillet. ---- •1\TOTh E TU l'RKDiT�f)RS.
Notice le herr y siren to all portion. haring
(141(1144 itgrlu-4.l e •
\14 80
To Runt
C( ('14.:» by Nitwit. H. Nm
J.o,n4ry 15th. Apply at reed
I0. 1'.rwestJ,, ,, hue of the Wwn.h of A*bfleld and formerly
7aCf et the town of 11 oriel.. 1n the county of
Homo, contractor. wed. to rend in their
elation. swing parte are in detail. to Hiehard
H(It'SE: FUR HIiIT --=. MOI/ERN Eddie. of Ow mid to i.hip of Aahfleld. Nile
.seremotes, central tearenable rent: P. U.. on or beton the
Apply to J. H. HAWEtN Ileal. Patrick
Meat ::stat, for bale.
()USE. FOR ,(ALK. -UN 13111'1'E
-tort: lova t#ia.. ...ken nem-: uwlern
meteor*: one et the luted ph -.o 141 anal
• 'len) howl),.,4/aaln i
tnw. FOr term. eppb.
-Ii:\.tL OierR'IC. ' 7.14t 1
I 1 HANU for hour end lot In tiudcrloh.
ase -
wet let A matt -melon a, Colborne
Vie John pechastan ferrel : brick house. barn
..Mfe, )Favre -failing we1L a good orchard with
Int -claw It. k. H. 0oMKtteAL t Loral.
n 141114 .LI acres M ern frame the nonuwl meeting of the membenl of the`
4s a°.ww pp 5
hetu.er with 'pinus in. Pili tA0- fn$)* I R Mc- 4.' Mutual *Are Iwai rance (10141en
• --CM.' 'i'land a nen Nem. Soh seem- �ft V"r iwifibehelo . l"ke Towwitall Ja tae Www of
wee, broken and fenced. Tele 1. a snap, as Shafer lite on Friday., : anuary 21st. MO at 1
le d le Fulna VP every roar. IMI acre,, with p. m. The booing. w111 he the receiving of the
Macrae building., M.cw broken : peke' reel Per (Inatobl .tanuent, directors' and emitter.'
en•. good tonality and phone 10 1100e1051P7 report. the electing of three dlrectos. and
of : hcro n he bought 114 eery term*, J, H• other bovine. which may Dome before the
TKWI4LEY, Yorkton, Huck. meeting. The retiring director. aro John (1.
_ Grieve, Winthrop P. it; Janice Koine. Heech-
�IUURE FOR IiAT.F,. - A�NRW wors elO1d'igible'ud Jofohn rr eleHemction,oewe4. Hrvwdhagan, who
lnkk dwc)Ilnl( with the modern improve. JOHN H. Me•LEA,. THOS. &HAYS,
100rts,p1e�l41 S and 1HIar the Satiate.
Apply to W. R. ROBERTSON. President.
STORY brick home. with ,.rense Auction &ales•
eh Hence .creel. Particulars eau be a _ - - --
MKiesesSIGNAL ORa.---- a LIMITING - AUCTION $Atm-----
' Mr. Jan.ea Kirkpatrick wilt well bypublic
portion *t 101 1, con. 1. ('nleerne n mle from
Nile end 1 m110 fpm Cwrlowl. on
Haan Orsten Toaolrm oommencing wt. twelve 0, clock. noon :
AQ7 URAn 0 7.0. 4 • gl.uto,00o O^° "pen Raid working h0r„ew, : 1 brood mare.
in foal : 1 heavy draft colt, ridng teen yens.
'TO Rteelvit DEPOSITS old ; 1 mow. -01400 yews* old, in self 000'. nee
5 ,4 DAY OF JAte.'ARY. 1vtn.
after which date the .es�jjdA Richard Echlin,
adminWlrtur of the pante of the said de-
ceseed, 0111 preop) to dletribute the sewn
among the perm.. entitled thereto. haring
4eg*nl only to the cloture of which he then .hell
'have had notice, and that he w111 not be liable
for the proorede of 1 lie ealate en dletrihuted to
any per,tm of whove claim notice .h.11 not
have been received.
Listed at linderich this 111tH daft of Decem-
ber, A. D. 1Ma1.
solicitor. for Admi ielretor.
•Public lfotias.
Awa eandidwte fur represents.
Ila, et your pluton hero for
Otte, Irl mit roe t...obclt 70110
r uln and u.finri'.e.. fur whuce.
In .1711. tte.11..n. 1 5wwur0 you d
ti l7 earmet edema, toward. 110-
Iurtherenne of our mutual ue-
10,eat- ...4r11141 the 1 oru.lyf year.
Your* twlnfuur.
1 ODUrKl(H..
LAtlg. *55 IiKNTIJ;M KS. -
Owing to the martinet woll04.allon )
of s goodly IIUOber of my feiloa
elector.. 1 have a.n.ented W
stand for councillor of our town ,
for 1110. 1 feel that 1 have no
right to be newilliug to •+rums
w dare of the dory that de
vulve4 up.rl all ritlretitr-that of
doing one a bawl fur the L0Uer
,nett o11he community to which
I.e re.Ws.
If it IES the wish of the etcetera
that I should M one of the rpre-
MotatTvais op the *stencil Mad•
nest -seer, -5 should oouelder lr
an honor to hare an eaproretou
of their confidence at the lx.11w
bn Mondwv nett.
If elect+., 1 w111 do what 1 own
to further the welfare of nor
town ne farad. my time and abil-
` i•y will permit.
w4htng wl'ery cl' lzon w happy
,tm{' .proverouw year in l) 11, '
" 45m, .
Your. fa14hfuliy.
Kernighan and MacEwan Again Con-
testing the Reeveship-Sia. Candi-
dates for Councillor The Electric
Railway Looms Large in the
Candidates' Speeches.
Fon Matra.
-1t: J. A. M.a(•l1w�at. -
JAMES M11tA. 0S.
" •JAr(K .M(1MKk. •
JOHN Wil]u)N.
WILLIAM 1. YUr?(i.
Thew. are the nates that will go
the electors of Colborne town -
"hip on Monday next. The nomin-
ation meeting in the township hall at
(15rlow tin Monday aftern,on . WOO
dPeidelly lardatrlo,.s. elrcttic *ilway
*tiers loving the Chief hone con -
'un •f
AN if in rxtrc'rtste
- - - live time, rite rla.cU,rr were ppsw, .
in 1e a nanllwr.. ernwilin the halt
OTE. AND to its 1 1'it. It would 'blot w a hut,,
l•Oli R V idea for We aspirant fee unicil.al
honor. L. r before the elect to 'with
ailropnsat t build a now t w'n•bip
1 1' LC l: L 1 .* hall. With st •h a plknk in a plat-
form he ahnnld crier a I...' a sup-
port, Oka tiler build& • which now aercea
}tl:'IPEI'TFI LLl' SOLICITED FOR in that rapacity is n r at all ,r stable
• . to w prow{.rruur to rehip.ylik Col -
L 4• ill,:
C. 1-1. i I L MBBER F. wC. Mirlk.mt4b, tow. hip c rk•
presided, and received 1 h alio ing
FOR ('oUNI'iLLUR FOR 114111. Il,',minati07lN :
rl') 'I'll E: ELECTORS OF 0001.
1. RICH. •
LAMES AND 01111 Having been
non,.unrrd for the one 411on of connelllor of our
town for the )ear 141111. 1 take til. mean,. .f
miller Yon for your mapper", nn election day.
My peat experience m• a mens tet both of the
comity commit mid town codncd sire. me the
advent sire of municipal experience which will
*and me In good .read Ine *trending W the
.Ride. likely to come before next ytwr'e council.
Wl.hing you the twulphnlente of the we&aOn,
Yours sincerely,
I INCORPORATED HT SPECIAL ACT year. old. m rwlf ; heifer*, tieing thaw yews
97 DOMINION PARLIAMENT old. in calf : 1 purebrrA shorthorn hrHer, tan
yens old : 1 pure -bled .horlhorn hull calf,
Nevcn• month. old: :l young farrow row*; .
.?ewes, ri.iee throw. veer*: 1 fat heifer• rleing
throe yeas.; L "teen'. robot two yea, : 1 heifer,
rialtos tau reel, ; 1 rowing calves : 1 Mame -
Harr)* hay owder, newel• new ; 1 Mammy Hwrrie
mower ; 1 Ramey dine ; I Rowney ed drill ; 1
Sharp rake; 1 double Perrin riding *splow : I twin
plow IT.ewwaterl: 2 Fleury plows. with rolling
Coulter*: 1 two -rowed turnip mower: 1 Mina
tooth cultivator 1544001 ; 1 hay fork. car.
1111147• and track : In' feet rope, nearly new
termtruck a : 1 fanning m1
reed wagon - 1 bind roller : 1 road mart : 1 mei
Mine : t pomp; 1 Promo
kettle: 1 lade nook range with reanrvntr; 1
We solicit the patronage o tbf 8004 porter otove : fi gooddlningroom chair.:
F _ - 4 gine. cupboard : 1 centre table and other
cetera: 1 osmose : 1 swot. 01141•., lin iia, 1 water
trough ; 1 hay rack and 2 .took rank.: I net
MALE AOTae n1.4cotwTBD. entree; 1 wood rack; l gravel boxes : MI Rood
Minded hvol*alo nullm1 otJteratle cewllean
Highest current rate of interllvt epodes, mho
paid in our en11ierouslo 1111010n.
SAVINGS BANK DEPART- TKRMa• - AH .Mr le "r 510 and Under. ra.h
MENT!over that ailiUni ., ten menthe' credit .111 be
0,0 on fnrnl.hing approved joint nota. A
nn deposits of 81.00 and upwards. t1. onnr of .s fief rent. *rr5tgl+t al) wed foe
C.. h 011 renin atnonotw.
r• Everything advertised w111 be dlapoee4 d. ea
OODKRIOH BRANCH Mr. Klettpettrlok )going Wert.
A. e. CIA]tRIdlManaser 1iJ.01. KIRKPATRI('K. THOS. GUNDRY,
Proprietor. Auctioneer.
To accommodate the Farmers
we have opened Branches in the
villages of
riip THE ELECTORS 01 000E-
I.ADI7e AND OK'ITII.MKN.-Having decided
to otter mf.lf am a cwodl.lale for the Of4Oe of
deputy neve of the town for the year 1110. 1
take thin mean+ of waking for your euppurt.
Having .erv.•4 yen for w number of yews. on
the public erhool Wood and town ...Innen and
being a large pmt'erlyy-owner 1 think my ex-
lerienre wed Interest in the too' n glue me WOrhe
olslm (01 he higher pnwitlnn to which Lam now
e-plring and 1 reepeclfully oak for Your up -
port on polling day. Whiting you the oompli-
menta of the .aeon. 1 am
Yours etncerel
1 HI('H.
).AD7yn AND 141111T1.RM01.--i wi.b'to an -
winner that 1 ansa candidate for the position
stdeputy-reeve. and reaPDolfully eel( for. your
eepp.lrt at the poll. on election day. 7 hese
had .14 yews' exp arienoe in the public .ervlce,
foto ream on the School board a14 two year.
at the Town Council, and toot my record ha.
been 1'uch ea to warrant your placing conn
dense M me for the higher tomtit -in.
it elsoted. I weaure Ton I will use m7 beet
wbilkr in the lnterano of the loon.
11'iehina,fou w happy and pro*peroca New
Year, 1 am.
Your. resppeecct fully,
0110140418 WARD. +.
Hayloft accepted the noml for school
truwtee. 1 take 1h). means 01 a1 Isis for your
inert- 1f elected 1 will u.e m}boat abillt7
In the Int resfw of the Dhbllu
Ltnt.:s ANo 11lltl.KMxN,•-1 have 'been
Arkin nominated to renreeentyou upon the
bard of pnbllo school troatmer. of which I have
hast chairman for the twat. year. I w111 he
plewwe4 to represent ton again. particularly Re
we have ender eonetrnct on the new Nchnol.
While repreeenting you on the lard, 1 have
tried to nalntain the rtwnding of the teacher*.
as well am look after the health and comfort M
the rblldren. 1 *hall be plewwed to hove Inn
mart your ballot for me on January 3rd. 1110,
Wishing 70u a happy New Year, 1 remain,
. Yearn tru1y,
Your vote and Influence are
renpeMnlny .olleltd to elect a
1(eeve who not only Ile. In the
lawn.hlp but whose ante aim
wont" h,etodefend and further
• '(4ml.tedrean.
The New Methodist Church, Dungannon, Ont.
A Pretty Calendar
for every paid -in .dlsaDeo
eubscrilwr to The Signal.
-Nuw.-ie--�lr--1lt*-- to
renew your .al.ceiptloli.
THE SIGNAL PAINTING CO.. 144., Pvetutmeas.
Proud had iwaf
rll asked to a.1(1111 d ` A FINE CHURCH -
the interests of the township fully in
this respect. The Or mpany west will.
log to accept any change in plans that I - - -
would be of advantage, and the town-
ship of Colborne was being well A DESCRIPTION OF DUNGANNON'S
treated, although it had given no I • NEW CHURCH.
aerostatic.* to the toad.
Councillor McManus Judd he would --
withdraw Isom candidacy for the
reevesjeip. but would stand for t•e11re. 'Special Services in Connection with
tion as a counoillur. He tuMnti- el I the Opening Continued on Sunday
the large nem spent In gravelling this __Some Details of the Construction
pear, twice at, w ch ell w ordinary _-One of the Cosiest Churches it,
year.. The work e, needed and was
desired by the rate yen. In counec• the Province.
moo with the e'er ria• railway the
council had done she fleet It could do.
and the people bad no right t.) make The epactal derviceo to cono.ctiow
slurs upon Its action. gored part of with the opening of the new Methu-
Mr. McManus time cm the platform dist church were contiuu/d Lu.t Suu•
day, when }tev. A. K. Birks, LL. D..
president of the Guidon ('outerenc.,
preached morning and- evening. At
the afternoon I.rrvie•r, Rev, J. E.
Ford, of LurknoW,, chairman of -the
Wingt ion district. 'preached the ser-
mon. after which the dedication cert. -
,were conducted by Rev. A.
K. Birks. The church wasformally
turned over to the clnferrnee officials
by the following trusters &cling on he.
holt of the ('onit1rgat1011: v E. San-
derson. f4. F. Treleaven, W. yipreru}.
(i. VPr•{tusnn, J. Killo,,lth, fi, Trwtn, T
Stotherl'. J. A. Msll.tigh and' 0. E.
The iteconpanying'co* should give
,ltlr 1'.adl•1'14 'S lura of whet the
s ,n11t
.rt, Methodist dal rho •h mL l u 1 t n
n V 1 r K
ie Tike on the ...Heide. Thr b.siiement
walla are of cement Lta•ks, harked by
aolit.cement, lath and plaster. Alone
lir Iw1Iiettient line, the walla are of
\l 111140 pr,s.rd I.ri.'k whish prevents
a very handsome. and Heathy -finished
sl ff:see, The roof is ahm4led wilts
patent metal hit 1101111 :OHI 11tr' tower
with utrtsl • tile.. The -•.l i nl a n•
4I .na .,f the e1111Pe nr. as ,pitta.:
Length, S7 .fowl her*dth, NI f.'et, •ix • .
Itiehre:.tower, 54 et Iti the .
hlasement for the followitg 111111110:
!iymday 0441)•,.,1 {+telae, Ioar Vire.
Morrie. veetibMlr, kite11.u,.p1e1 0.0.111s,
Pte. Ry '(((P0114 of eliding doure the
*.rw•nt hefty IES thluwn practically
into our large rre ,,,). The auditorium
i* ,ln.ut 4,1 x H1 feet. :• l 11- t .I v 1 ,4011)) ,
1 b distance fr Il , r 1., eeiditt:
wise taken up with interchange/. of ex-
planatione and accusations between
hielw•If an4 pelwtme in the audience.
Things gill. rlathei warm at` tlmea, the
elretrir riilway being the -etre of
Councillor Young said he as not
with the majority of the on cil in
some of their lobe. and ' he cri icised
some of the 'things that bad been
done: Referring to the electric *a-
way auxin. he deeeribed a nllmhr of
wxyM in which accidents alight Ix'c, 1.
and held that lir township would
liable for daplages. 'If the elector
voted for him they Voted file a man
who would not CAke a bark .PAL to
anybody and who'would do his best
for the lown111tip all the time. .
Coon, ill0r Mower said the council
luta done it+' work well wad had •got
guest vtalne for the notrier, .tk•nt. • Moro
hent• had been- ;mitt to .the bark
as it wee there most of the acci-
d.•to, occlu•t•ed. and the {w•i'pie on
the l±lt roads had *slight to have the
roads. opt im Rtwe1 elle he. lir (40'I'ed
the div'itliug of 1110 tnwn41itr 111t11
1i01111 '4114 011111. ng 0111' se'tion 1411 each
uu'lnlwr n this rouneih who would IES.
-responsible 11r the work •in his arc• •
tion. He plained Ilia connect
with the tail y xrd eppeoled for a
lwt.er .pmt t wards 1fs, jeoject.
They did not want -to to. Iwhmnd the
tiers oxen were elf tight in the
pioneer ileyp, but '11 ter things were
• g 5nn the tow 1 litrahunld have
't think g,.ing lin, w11o1.1 IES of
twit. ' . He defied any -roan t.. any -
lwt,nn 114w1yhad ever •1 'd 111 dnt,e• being about' to. ern t-IES441.•-•1 .'roe poi.
nyll'i+ng '0011w11re him fav'lrnf 114. i. in the tn.u111ra-t et 1 • ••r. o{.{Maejtr
t railway. HP rind Ihr nn torn! of he nlain.rmtralice llir enigh the tower.
t ' •,oltncil'ha done only wit they 'rbc ehuir 14.11, 15 fret wolf. lend 12
t.h. light well 1 in the int'. - le of fret dr.• i. Ir MC lir enil. eq.l .It Ihr
thelownahip.'-Hr .asr'ei wit, a chereh.iwingcur nmyi• 1ht' Iuwl'.
pre%hula epaker in gaol to.
. rim -
/40e. ion of liability for'rident., an rallinq. 'ro the nolth of lbr,luft IES
bald • hat the troika ay wnu he {lame
in •'ll 111'11 ol44•h5.1'l•, '
1' .0 elllldnw bled., a webti
spen.11 'list itying his rouser dot'og
the yea fir had hen criticised
twine sl. ' but, he thought. •this sea
rather * (' phtnellt. Him motto
Wen y '(,11 'rk la bear. slow to s{wnk.„
and lir t night it might h' of ad -
ventage if tome bthWr would adopt.
the saner m. to. At the eluae of the
meeting Mr. I/,,stow announced him
retirement f ton the held fur next
year. •
J. N. Kerni ban said he suppose'
that some pent e thought that. hav-
ing been defea a year ago, hr would
never be heard f again; but there
was some Irish • him and he hardly
knew when he w bellt.n. Last year
he mit dawn half ( Mr. MacEwen'.•
majority of the pre 'uul year, and chio
time he hal only ..e other half to
overcome. He email, d that he war
not oppneeed to the ilway, but he
thought the people tugt to he allowed
• I to say whether they w tmd the road
nn the highway nr not. The people
had not leen rightly, u. in the mat-
ter. The only ssfeguam the people
had in connection with the erelww(ng at
Dunlop, the regulation as 0 the rare
.(upping end ringing a •• mg, was
given by the railway con inn, and
nut by the cnnncil. Mr. Mach: an had
two owners to serve, and i • would
hrve been better if he tad not taken
this dual position. Mr. Kp,nigha. said
he was not a good canvw.wer, b t he
would ile greatly pleased if the p.' ple
tlonor.d him with their eontldm c,
on 1 b. would promise not to di
ant t he
it he
w_rjY_e 'i tri
,1ot1 1Vileo11 spoke of ruunty Colin
ail affair., eap.rially the large emolmt
borrowed for building bridges, and
.aid it would be well if the ratepayer,'
would study the accoutre of the
county entitled. He wee not opposed
to r11P tai)Wsy, but he wan opposed to
the granting of pgivileglse.
.T4.hn NIelerty iritis a witty pplwch.
He had been in the township thirty-
three year,, hat done a good deal of
work, and believed he could do amine -
thing for the township. _If. they did
not elect him this time, they would
not get Another chance:-
hance.'-has. Robertson made aneat gwrslt
and deprecetd the abuse of members
of the council which they had heard ;
he thought they had done the best
they could. He thought there should
he two nits .ore for the townihi fi
there was more work than one man
could do properly, Mr. Robertson
afterwards stated that he would not
be x candidate. '
Andrew Ha111dsy male a brief hilt
sensible speech. He was at one nide
of the township. but he did not think
that should make Any difference. HP
hal had exp.rienle in Inokin'g after
work on the roads And believed he had
the nece,'wary qualification,' of a routs
cillor. He would les candidate.
- • Eine dpezi&le Plutnm*'-
Wir batten eine wpexiP1IP Nummer
von Kotonist and Volkhlatt, eine
9.Mitnngvon Herrn RittingertmeiMots
von Berlin, Ont.. gelruc t, .rhalten.
Man feiert dee gold.nee Juhibulm der
Zeitung welehe Prete im t'nmmer !deo
Jahreu 1ria1 erwchien. Ute Ortinder
Ileo Rlatte. waren Herrn John Mots
kind Friedrich Itittincole, die Vatervnn
den gegenwortigen Ttedekt. ffreti. 1714
Extra -Mummer 1st gut gedreekt and
wird deut.chen Lesern Behr totermssant
covered by the Railway Act and Mr. vein. .
I.4 sal r1. Awl.1;KNTLr:9101.
A. 701 to doubt knew. 1 Nm
"akin a trawl Aare for the reer0-
.h11, of Ourtown'hip
1 mks .• 'hat it we. not. nt
drat, m11 • -,tion., sal run Again:
1011R goodly upm Mer of the late
payer. peen -ed not no hard to
fir myself to- the edition for
another len 'hat 1 ,Hold not
well r.tcae v -bout Repenting to
he nngrwteto ,o thanl for their
'Modem". In tee poet.
Regarding fie etfalr' of the
towuohtp, Ila • leets who were 4r
our nomina' ion meeting will
know, we b*'- not been In MN
411104 " DOWN II financially for
yr4anl pea'.
In an,thee ,ear. If the Mai
neat M the own.hlp 4. nun
ducted ca et,. 'Y. we will net
hove nue doll„• of Indehndneew
of any kind w„Stever and 1 feel
ore that our ties eon to made
lower than airy have been for
40111e yeah, 11. n1501 of Ilie heavy
jobs of grave Holt I.*ce been
flnland and we have no bridge.
or Nett.ly cement culvert.. ,to
erect duringthe booting Tear.
1 *40 willng 'o Aland ut'On toy
record In the mot ; 1 hope that. It
has whwave been Clean *INt ^[lore
lard. find 1f yon centiliter that 1
can be Of Nome-ervloe 10 7011 for
&moth*, Yew I -hall he glad to
do my utmost,. , far as I may be
able, to hove a letter .howing
for our town.Mp during the
fear )1M0 that tie hese had for
man? yearn.
Thio M my la.. .plrnl to the
4)00)ple of (Jots• ,roe for ?heir
00Reages sad 1 to that the
"o,,M ence &het have Shown
heretofore w11) he menife*led
mom more by their Toter on
elecUnn day.
W4hing yen every pracperit7.
believe me.
Yrot* 1,111y.
H. J. A. 34*, EW AN.
riot I(KKVE
H. J. A. MacEwen-I'rOpneed by
lames Young and Chas. '(..'wart.
7:ttortllalt K
by tkyl. J. A. 8. Valeoe and Lf.
Sn der
James McManus -proposed by Sam-
uel Potter and Joseph Thompson.
110{1 4 OIJ N t' 1I.Le Ra
John rn,Ntuw-proposed by Joseph
McCann end Alex. P. •Nbeppetd.
Wlllient F. Young -proposed hy
Col. J. A. H. Varc a and Frank Naegle.
Jacob Molder -proposed hy Richard
Jewell and Fredk. Relaid.
James Mclllanue-proposed by
Janina A. Elliott and James Jones.
Andrew Halliday - proposed by
'Vm. Stranghsn and Richard Jewell.
.lnhn Me1,arty-Treposed by John
Fowler and Thos. Borne.
(thane. Kniest,'on - proposed by
Jaynes Adams and Edward Maskell.
John W'Iwon---proposed hy John
Vercne and Herb. Fieh.r.
Reeve Me wEwan started t.hecpe•(:hi-
fying whish followed the nominations.
He went over the financial statement
for the past veal', painting opt that
the deficit of $S2.3 with which the year
had been cnmttlrneed hail lwen prarti-
eally all paid off d,r•init the year. The
tax rate win. the earn.. aN ,n other
yewl•a and was below that of some
neighboring townships. Some of the
work of the year was 01/.111 ed, in -
eluding the work on the rnado, end the
wylesker said he thought the council
deseryed some credit for what had
been done. He was sorry the electric
railway was still eaueing 083541.' d1M4lrg
pion, we he thought there wen no good
ground for it. The matter of 40/-
b.crowwing at the hunts . corner waw
gone int.at considerable length, Mr.
MacEwen reading the report of the
Ontario railway. board which. be held,
supported the electric railWsy enm-
pany's, oreiree. The c'1Pat.io n of lie-
lity for accidents on the railway was
Ito- 4-Inrir ••0m1, anti ••. 1t1- •••.,, •, elm
eels►•. ral•f1 lie 011 l,•In4 11,40 It I,t'r10r
.ynare. The wale hat.. 1.'rn I.1r.
*turwl color of the plsikter, and
eta' reilinK painted to match.
ndowa are beeolilnl it. 1kyle
t 1te
Til( pull
pit. chili,
for Alan
pews hs
Are .pec
very comfortable.
v *nil harmony of cldom
it c 4 tale and {ntl-
x handwnnle in deign .'rd
in rrnnny with the other
ft+�t ingo. The sealing ar-
rnt� • • We accommodation
t fon! �iu dred persons. The
have roll la..f moll barks and
el Rufjicie t fat' apart to I.
into considerati.'n. 11 in fe to say the- -
Dungannon Methodists ye one of
the moat Iwautifnl s cosiest
churrbrk in 'Western Ont{►ri,
Below is a list of thine had
contr'acls for various portions he
work : - • '
George Stothera had the m)ntr
for the' brick. cement and plant*
work. Kegley egley that for the eater
venter work.
• The (umber and mill work was
furnished hy the lioderich ('letting
ills r.
The window WARN ranee from tbe
I'titter (:Istel (lo., London.
The /mato were purehmwd from a
Dundas firm.
The metal roof wit- ordered from a
(.alt firm and put on by Oliver Clark,
of Autumn.
The McClct Co. furnished two
til'nacea which have a besting 'la -
parity of IMAM cable feet. Three
were installed hy Whysrd & Son. who
111111011i.had the PAlntract for , the gas
piping, pThin ,Ting, exvewtr0ughing
and other metal work.
The'nlat,rhal for the metal ceiling
furni*hetl by the I'elhtr People,
n Oshawa, and put on by Whyard'£
t' church will he lighted try .
are't lone gam trout Allen's' titan
The et, organ came frotn the
Dohrrt - Co., of Vlinton, and i4 1t
handsel 1 two -manual -treed chltrch
inatrume t.
Th. pt. and i►Tfmr furnishing«
wet suppl . by' Will 8pl11,rt.
The altar 1141,1.' nod . hymn hook
were prem•n by the family of the
late Rev. Jan. well.
Ttl 11.12. 61 4. Dith.
Mr. Winmill, of t e A'nrthwest, ar-
rived here last wee He 14 arn0m-
panied by Nfld. 'Vin .'11 and family
Th^y intend spending t e winner here
visiting friends and old a nalntem-vs.
I)K1•n1 OF aY Ur.n RKoI ,KNT.-An-
other of the old residents o his local-
ity passe 1 away last week, i the per-
son of Meg. Thomas Ander,' `t. De'•
ceased earn111 from the town. in of
Beverly. *hoot fifty years ago and
worried in the township of Coln one.
She removed to the township of st
%Vawwnnsh about six nr .mvrn•ye
ago and came to Axe ►ilhrgc whets
has since resided. tier partner in life
died alrouta year ago. She is stir. -\
vived by three son.. (1e.rg4, of I)un-.
gennnn : 'I'houle+. of Michigan. and
William. of Alberta, and our dough
1. t', Annie: She was w member ..f
the t'r..hytMwe elven+, -sad ki4w110
respected and beloved by a11. The t(' -
mains were interred in Cul' erne ce•ree-