HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-23, Page 10i'MUMRDAIr DECEMBER 1909 Massy MAPLE LEAF GROCERY WII) WISH ALL Ol'It PATRONS AND VRIBN1M4 ONE WEEK MORE FOR BARGAINS , Mr., H. R. Long will take teseeersion the first of the yeer we must have our stock reduced another thousand donate In order to do so we wit! sell at the 1 SUGAR II t+ Aleut' eel Iran elided Segal 2ii lbs. for $1.1111 or $ Its) 411.1 CW4 STARCH - 911 1 paek.titc, belt. Corn Starch MATCHES HARDWARE Alteration Sale CONTINUED CHEESE MARMAJ. ADE ttttt This is the place to buy good, useful presents at sale prices. Continuing the an- nouncement of last • wei.`k we wish to sIty "that hy buying from us- you save from to to 40 per cent,. This applies on all tines of present 'goods according to last'`‘yeek's an- nouncement., We will here enumerate a few lines which we t N%0111.1 filtek• your want,•:. and the sale coct price, attached. ,Most of these' lines, are IIR.\ NI NEW GOODS attd of reliablo'mak. VINEGAR To the Mita et Ttie Mesa DEAR your report of the proceedings of the county council. I reomuntended that no action he taken in regard to letter written by T. E. Durnin compleining of irregularities on the part of J. R. Tom, public achool inspector of West Huron. In my opinion this is a matter worthy of discussion in the public press. I think I CM throw some light on Mr. Tom's methods of dealing with complaints. Some time ago • gentleman from Tom as inspector and si time was set by the council to hear the com- plaint. Mr. Tom spent the previous day telling his way of the diflicultY. and invited the members of the coun- cil eed the county officials to • inmate- uous dinner at his home that evening, When the' matter was takeu up the next day, thore members who had not been persuaded (if any) by Mr. lom that he was right were apparent- ly affected by the dinuer in the desired way. Who could have the heart Le vote against their genial host of the previous evening ? Result -No action taken. Now. in reference to the recent com- plaint, I am credibly informed that from the time Mr. Tom became aware of the cotnplaint he attended every seesion of the couticil and remained during the whole sessiou until the ed- ucation committee's report wits dealt with. Does it, strike you, reader. what Mr. Tout wee doing- there ? Dora the committee report explain ? Compare this with the action of the complainant, who Was careful not to even mention the wetter to any mem- ber of tile council until it %amid be in en -der to explain to the couneit in see - Which would be the more hon- orable course for Mr. Tom et follow -- to request a free and full investiga- tion, being careful nut to mention the mat tee. to any member of t.he council until the,investigation was opened, 01. co• mplainent being given an oppor. I ask you, ratepayers. are you tied with such Mean. being used to parente, are these t e principles yo.. • implanted, to io1141 the eha. ante' s ot your girl. awl bv !bre- wile are Waved in re.i pos. It woial.1 wake biter...AA the. tea, he's whom be pr. ettrecl renewal. or teimoo.,ity' applied fie the same : if be psi' lisheil the mulles of the ie.:Leber» f. wlition such certitieSt es 11,1 .1 0. si•ctured and where the 14..ord of tn. tees 11,ad not applied rot. 1 he earne. al t ids.. the tfames of the tea. heis wi asked for renewals whir!, were e granted during the year- v•• cant during the fall term. It wie, give your reisders a slight kit. owlee.:•• of the power Mr. Tom ha. usuri.• I tiy • not acting within the direct' i obvious, section ss of wind'. sa_ye "No temporary certificate shall Le valid only under the board ,d trubt,es applying f4 or the same." SILVER FLATWARE Kimes. six, silver Fotks, six one Sug.ii shell, en, Butter . sale Pule" $14.85 for t he set ORANGES kr Nivel Orange.. LEMONS sert Knives, six silver peari bandied Dessert Forks, in vet y A handsome piece. Sale price $13 50 Silver Tea Spoon,. bowed. tette price, twr dozen. $3r10. Silver Tt.i Spoon,. plain, per dozen, ,A3.15. Silver Tea Spoons. plain. ner dozen. $2.7o. Nevada Tea Spoons. per dozen, 90c., Nevada Dessert ste, ons; pet. dozen. Nevada 1)essert Spoons. plain, -4111e-Aoisear-*44•-1. tostl--Ilable-Sporeire: Sugar Shell. . -Cob! -Myst- Forks, tior arid al.13. !terry Rpoon9, $1.:15 And $1.813. liutteKnire)). lige, iind 901•. Not Crwckeis. :Vie. Child's set. 23c and lioc. Fruit Knives, per set, $2.`47. And A lot of other lines we cannot here re DECEMBER MONTH:END SPECIALS SELLING THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. DECEMBER 30th and 3Ist HERE ARE OUR Month-end Specials for December. Just some of them. though, for there will be a lot more at the Store tbat we had not time to hunt out in the busy days of the Christmas rush. All will be ready mark- • ed for quick and sure selling Thursday and Friday next. We want these last Month-end Sale days of 1909 to be hummers. They will be, too, if extraordin- ary values count for anything. These days mark the wind-up of the biggest month's and the biggest year's business this store has known, and we are M the mood to be particularly generous in our bargain -giving. We know, too, that it ' will have to be value's out of the ordinary that will briing the crowds in the between -holiday week., The values will he here, so will the crowds. Come and see. Bath Towels, 23c Forty -right Bath Towels, extra large and heavy, with red tripe. exceedingly good _ - -...n.__ain shades days ago, in plain ,.had r,. and velu and worth more money. ,.mall checks. fart color,.. $p.ci for Thursday- 23( --- regular 121c to 13e every - and Ft'day, each. wee. 'J 4P.iay and Fri- day we putthrmnn,.ale lU Linen (class at your choice la•r Sart. C New Ginghams, 10c I Three hundred yards new Towelling, 8c One hundred and lift y yards punt liten ' ass Towelling. blue or red i eels. Is to lo inches wide, ev weave and 'good weight,. re ular Plc at least. Thursday if 41 Fri- sc day special per yet Wide Glass 1.tric hundred yar..18 at in. prii>e, Imre linen gifts. Tow l• ling, eavy weight, tbieient or blue \cheek. Deeeinl.et tb-entl,:lievial per in_ .White English Flannelette, 9c vards ,'English Flannelette. tine, soft weave, heavy weigh.r, strong anti Ket•viceable ; i: would be wnrth t 1114 priee 41 the will today : white only : just received last week floio England. ttttt 1 our special ch.. price ji rt. yaid U4,- Children's Dresses, fancy wool Dre,oui. Them, are all new garments this .eastin. RIO are the N•tiiipleti jintt went Color.. are mead y alike. Regular value. t Thariality and Friday .it Undershirts. 49c 111 414'4 444111).:44 W44441 (.1111..r. .111 14-44/11011 eht• 14.t h3ve lett of IMC if ye011 Coats. too, at halt%•price Twenty•tive .lark41. cleating 'noir.- day and Friday at half•price. "l'hej• 114.(44* Jaekets this sewson.. hot the time hare come 401 etnpt y racks, and before 1111111 over we nt R. • good id yliah -.quit for hub. yse "ley, don't this half -Twice chain, e to get obi., 141411 SKATES SALMON ' 2.1C Maple leaf Swinton. 3 for 5ie Guaranteed liestittf Salmon, '1 cans Red Salmon 6rr. CUT GLASS glass Berry Bow$3.110 rii rut glass Water Bottled!.!its oe cut gless' Sugar. and DINNER SETS. Ilockey Skates, all size -s and makes. and the common Club Skate. All at. Sale prices. Foot Warmers What is nicer than a. Foot especially_for those baying long derves. Not expensive. Toy Banks, etc. We have a pretty line of Toy Banks, Horses. Elephants. Cats, Dogs. Roosters. Gobblers, Wag. grins, ranging from 15c to 90e. Boys' and Girls' Sleighs Woortand steel lines, Mc to $1 35. Also line of Rah), Sleighs. See our line of pretty Christmas Flags. *111 40) Dinner Sets, 07 pieces $8,011 $16.114. Dinner _Se_tia. 97 piPCP111 $13.95 Sets. Limoges Bissell's Carpet Sweeper TEA SETS Rums! Pike from $1i Tea Set., Chins. 4l1 *terra Tea Sets. China, 45 pieces $12.95 Thermos Bottles Will keep contenta boiling hot twenty-four hours, or ice cold for fortreight hours. ATTENTION, SANTA CLAUS ' In scene way a letter addressed to Santa Claus hes found its way iiito The Signal's mail -box. We print it just as it is written, and hope that Santa will see it. MA he is a regular reader of Th,e CriSIIMS is coming an' I have a Mg tall to send in for present.. Hese Santa bring me a new hail' sley. Temmy Jones broke mine an' a pare ef ruber hoots an',,e. red neck tie an' ca• ts neck. Mese mind an bring me an animal hook. You will see that I • encresin' in venire since liss' ( 'ristuas. Flew bring me a new brill. sarumy Smith hust mine an' a new died of disspespia an' my cat has a otful of salts , an' she miffed and spitt and and I quick giv' her sum linseed oil what they fed to the sik pig an' she spite an' spitt an' spat and she won't sing to me an' thet is why I want the ribben to cheer her up an' mak' her sing. Now Santis you Re. I don't want very much but plese bring bring me a collar for the dog I asked you Gs bring me an' don't forgit the btu' rib- bon for nty mit an' pleee don't forgit the sley an' phi* heve it painted red an' phew don't forgit Whatever you do thesed tie. __ Yawn lovably NED SHAW. TOILET SETS 32.71'. Toilet Sets, 1 pieces..$2.00 $3f11 Toilet Sets, 11) pieCea . $2.65 Stet() oilet Sete. M pieces.. $3.25 ,r.09 Toilet Sete. 12 pieces..$5.00 Pandora Ranges Nothing better for A present than a Pandora Range. • CANADIAN Diaries ..Canadian Almanac.. Gillette Razors Gillette Razors and Blades, also a complete stock of regular lines. some at a very special sale price. Razor Strops, Shriving Soap and Brushes, • Boys' Knives Boys' Pocket Knives. We will include all lines at special prices for this Christmas Nterstion A splendid assortment of Canadian Diaries for 1910, both for pocket and office, ranging in price from 16c to $1.50. Canadian Almanac for 1910 Fifty-third year of publication, price 60c. Fountain Pens Special selling INgent for Waterman's Meal Fountain Pons, $2.50 up. Iteniex Fountain Fountain Pen made for less than $2.50. (Jall at the stori elect get other p•ereef.. Our total liet would sire e then fill the entire paper. CARVERS. Not a word yet said about Carvers. Yes, we have a beautiful line, in a case or out of a ChM, prices 10 suit ali comers, ranging from 90c to Silver Knives and Forks. genuine 14147 Rodgers Bros., WE HAVE A FEW PRETTY LAMPS YET. Our Store la on North Ride of Square. kook for the neW trent. We have the beat of goods. and our priceayou will flnd consider- ably lower than elsewhere. THIS IS THE LA ST V47.1.:EK We tuish our many customers refl. aristmos. C. S. Ewing THE Howell Hardware Cc., White Towtis. .3 for 10c Whitecotton Towels, henry. reg• ular :ie. Specie! 'Deus - Crash Towelling, '7c One hundred and fifty yard. is an extra good weave and Makes splendid r•Vi rig tiiw. Towelling Ends One hinuireil end. er Towelling. assdirted 'pi ie. ho• lder.. leriggei. run frig.' i Remnants of • tenet fi. altom o.: to three el tour itei:111/14. 911 1141 N 1.11 1g111.1 111.• 4.141 444 .4641y rieNI 1 4,4 41411:1114114441-0V Fi 11:4% ' Two Men's Fur Coats at $24.50 Two pnly ,men's dyed Wombat Co S.:t a black opossum collit r, line ri throughout with heavy (pitted lining. These costs Are worth esaili $35 apiece. for they at* No. I garments. Jura two of them left in stock. Thursday and Friday either for • you can have $24 50- • Children's Coat,. half -prick! out tirt...11 Coals from II I - table with the 1 WrIlt •liVe 1.1114e.' met These toe •• trong.'Net•VierA tile !ittle Karmen; v iday. lvtlf pi 14.0. Bats for 25 Two hundred Am rican cotton base large ize. beat Bata we ever sold: just. two hundred to sell Thursday and Friday at the very low price 11 Millinery half=price Letting" go the balance of the Millinery stock at half-price. Now it 1st time for etnpty shelves and tablets and we are going to get them in a hurry. You know the kind of Millinery that has been here and whist to expect when we say balf-price for it. Thursday anti Friday you con take your choke ot 30 to 40 Trimmed -Hats 50 new Untrimmed Shape& 100 Wings and Fancy Feather -s - At exactly half-price. Two only black goat Cates. Thee* are really not up to. date garments, .but are splendid thing for driving : very warm and serviceable : we have taro left in raort . and we want fo melt therm so Thursday and Friday yon each.. can buy them at c2 50 Thirty-seiren inch Apron Gingham, lic One hundred yards Eng- lish apron Gingham, fast eol- ors, neat checks, fine quelity and 37 inches wide ; the kind that sells et 14c. Thursday end Friday per yard 1 1 48 inch Lawn, 121,c TW1414.4 111111 onedtalf rent. for LIWII that is worth :air that might to bring you wit for stink of it. Once this lot is mold. it will be a long time lwfore ear) get any more, for cotton prices are going up by Jumps. Three him - deed yards of it, N1111 we ought to sell it all l'hor.div mod t?ritlay, at Cour cal ILadies' Fur Coats, Ledies' For Coats. Astrachan and Nem seal, plain or with We're, n Sable cellar and revert): garnients that will "give you the worth of your money ever and itgeint Ten ot fifteen of them tharmlist he void. and to make the selling a cal taint, We have marked them Dress Goods, 10c One hundred purls light weight end noel' Der/04 600110., light colorings, Pelt, the thing for quilt lining sind children's wear. The Fritisy. at per yard 1 OC Colored Serge, 21c Four ends only colored dnwe Some, red only. good weight and very strong. will give excellent wear, not quite all. wool, but extra value for all that. Regular Mc quality at least. ThUrsday and Friday. per yard $25.00 each y Braid, 6 yards for 5c vrhole tableful of fancy Braids, pot up in ttyerd lengths ; dozen.. and dozetis 01 dirre.ei,r kind, and qual- ities, silk or wielded. Choice of a tableful, per bunch. 5c Ten only tapewtry and wool Rugs, size 3x3 or 3z3S yards; good virriety of patterns tAi select from. Regular $9.00 and 4141•74. Thursday and Fridai, your choice 6.45 Remnants -Hundreds of Them Business such as we have had these last three months means the accumulation of retnnants by the score. no matter how careful we are. We are going to take Thursday and Friday /to clear them out. On a hig remnant table at the back of the store you will flnd hundreds all measured up and marked at price* t.bat should empty the teble before we close the Mare for the last tittle in WM. Tryon ran use a redlnant of any kind, abort or long, don't miss coming and looking the table over. You will be almost sure to find what, you want.. • ae Colonial Book Store 01 SC /14 'Phone ion. Ooderich. 44