HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-23, Page 8S THI'IwDAY DacifilBHR 29 1HU:+ rHE SIGNAL..' (.101)ERI('lI. ONTARIO ► Invest 25 cents in a box of Davis' Menthol Salve ("The D. & L.") and be preprred for a hundred ailments, which may not be dangerous but are ver} annoying and painful, like neu- ralgia, earache, sprains, burns, bruises, insect stings,cuts, piles, etc. It is a household remedy always useful for some trouble. and should be -kept in the family medicine closet. WILL k?AKE HAIR GROW BEARINE Prepared from the grease of the Canadian Brae. Delicately perfumed. The Standard Pomade ler 0 tears. A11 Dealers Soc. Per jar. Datia & Lawrence Co., Montreal GP.ovt•G1c0, % 116 Q•�Y► Y sA1i. Q. JOHNST ON EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIREOTOR Furniture and Underteaking warerooma, West side Square. 'PHONE: Store* Ooderlcb Residence 113 • Night calls: At re..tdence. 35 N-IILsm Street. J. BKOPBEY & SON Orders carefully atbna.e to st all le ar4y —THE LEADING— Funeral Directors and Embalmers NEW Lumber Yard Jas. Dean dl Co., having purchased the entire stock of Lumber of the OOderich Lumber Co. at Ooderich, are prepared to supply th•• public, wholesale and retail. m aU lines of LUMBER at lowest prices. Their new yard is sit- uated between the Kenning- ton Furniture (less', Factory and the Wheel Riga Factory. Jas. Dean & C ripen iD Nur 1011E sewer should knew that Ills by the Asalas fee matt* ate. le a lair sass How eae w rit aNs r . does sot oak.. farm belie= ppe? Whit dealer or law per sr eases nee weskit b. without Me Wines peps f Thews is bat teas asemrd ha.laas esu market papr, that le no Wight! ea Moet Me ►_ A BIT OF CHRISTMAS By C. L WTNAI( IOoprrtset, 1O, by American Prean Anse- edatloa l T was Christmas murnIng autl very, very cold. Beery few minutes a b trainman world come the I �� car, watching carefully u dial fated tberwotneter and stopping to turn strews of the beating apparatus in persistent attempts to keep the pointing huger at 70 degrees Despite the discomfort of close air, wttlttt was Door too warm at bast, the passengers in the Dain worn Joyous faces and didn't seem to consider the uumeroua packages and bundles an an- noyance. From a wayslde station, wtilcb look- ed as If it had never been nrigbbor to any house where human beings lived, a poor little girl entered and dropped Into a seat where an overcoat told that its owner was probably in taw smoking car. The child did nut notice obits, and in her ignorance of navel 1t would have made uo difference It she had. She might have Steen eight or ten years old, b1IT that air of sett reliance Was ben which poverty's child often ae- quire', very young. yet there was noth- fug& forward or "bold" in her appear- ann'e. Her dries was of tbe scantiest - a title cotton gown. bare. y concealing the lack of suitable underwear; a little worn shoulder .bawl and a battered straw hat. When the conductor appeared the Laud which presented ber half fare ticket was red with cold. but the small person lifted t0 him a wonderfully Crank face and confidtngty Informed him that sbe was going to grandma's for Christmas and that the package she clutched in her other stand contain- ed cookies for grandma. The conductor stalled down at ber. A pitying smile 1t was. as he thought of Ms own well fed. well clothed chil- dren, with whom he expected to eat a tate Christmas dinner when his run was over. The smile lingered on his face as he passed to tbe next seat and saw that Its occupants haat beard. Two women sat in the seat, tetras - gets to each other and aa dike ss two persons made oc the same general principles could be. One was tall, dig- u1ded. young, wrapped in costly fess. everything shalt her showing the per- son erson who never lacked coney or leisure; the other, .toot, pity, elekely, comfort- able --a kindly and well to do woman The two had traveled trance and miles Ade by We wtth not a wood passed between them. Now both sat with eyes Rind on the forlorn bit of tlsmaanity in taunt of them. Suddenly the yoomger woman opened her tnvettng bag and took from It a soft gray shawl. It was at least two yards tons mad tall as wide. Folding It together, she touched the little wall, saying m ■ low tone, `Stand up, my dear." The child obey- ed wonderingly, and this woman in the Costly furs planed the folded *bawl around the small shoulders, crossed it In trent and, bringing the ends to the back, punned tbem securely. `Tt L yours to keep." she whispered -- -a Christman present" Then. turn- ing to the woman at her side. ate said apologetically. "I really did Dot Deed 1t myself." Thaw was a blink of tears in her eyes. "Weft, Dow." the older woman ex- claimed In admiration, "yon Just set me to thinkin" I'tD really ashamed that I didn't think of dothg something myself. Ilene, I've got two pairs of mtttens for my grandsT-tint about bar else -in my hand tag, and he can't wear oat more than one pair this win- ter. Resides, I can knit another. It's nothing at all to knit mittens." She was busily nndrawing the etrtnge of as enormous silk bag, but ber glasses were blurred. and hes fingers were clumsy with baste. "What's your name. little girl? Ka- tie! Well, hold oat your hands, Katie. My! Aren't they a good at! There's an- other Chrhttmaa present to keep. And here's a frosted cake, Just eat ft right now, Katie. Your grandma won't need 1t, with 1 those yotf i got to your bundle." The child again obeyed. She did not slay, ''Tbank you." Poseribly etre did not know bow bot she seemed to glow all over, and her eyes returned thanks even If her timid llpe did not ''m proud to know yon, my dear." the rally poly, comfortable woman said now to the young lady, for she had been saying to herself all the while: "You're the right sort. i can see that' And I alio proud to snow yon." the other responded, almost shyly offering her hand, which was quickly buried in a hag, warm gtaep. "We all lona; to be of service at Chrtstmas time, you know." At that instant the man of the over- coat aaantered to to resume his neat Ile gave n low whletlo• of eurprlee ■t the happy little traveler next the win- dow. tndow. glanced at the two women and comprehended tbe situation. His right hand made a quick dive Into hie trou- sers pocket as If to get nem.. money. In Another instant he withdrew it and reached up to the rack overhead and lifted down a large peeper trundle. Tak- ing the bundle across the stele to an empty gent, be opened It and took out a smaller package from among many others. Untying this package, he brought to light a Pales barred doll dfesai utast-afyle and resplen- dent espko-dent In a Targe picture! hat. This he placed in the little glrl'e arena staying. "From my little danghter, ween would rnther y00 eh'nid hare tt" Then be lifted his hat e a tentsaly to the woes •n, took like overcoat os hr srm awl strode off to and a slant - k agstranB, belt Made Lstrat . w! • ITHE BRIDE'S FITST CHRISTMAS, RS JOHN INCE:NT HAR- M ITIS entered the bag depart- ment epartnrent store and sealed her, self at the nearest counter No, nothing, thank yuu." sbe said to the .olicltous clerk. "1 Just want tom make sure 1 have my list with use. "It le w ditticult to shop at this time of the year. and It is always dlttleult to Uud unything for oee's-husband. Yes, I suppose many people dfd their shop - ;4'4; earlier, but 1 didn't bare hltu u*en' 1 Ineno- "Why. you sell neckties. don't you? Lore fortunate: They are ou sty list 1 don't think of any particular Shad. put something for a tall mau thele n who)e bead taller than You -ay a four-ln'hand? 'Oh, 1 -ani afraid be couldn't tie that, but you might _Ise we a two lti hand. Thank you; •tint 14 very pretty. but !tis blue. He d„•.•o1 like blue' Of source ' you •uuidn't knew that Not .that one Why. my papa wean teem, and he.ta eit4 older. Yes, that one will do. • , "NIr. Floorwalker, where are the, coi- 1 rs:• Thant you. (She approatihes • 1 ,- -0 cmnt5ft -- -='fitease--ar. fyOtt = "1 HE CCL" u .s 'ari o" t:.tn.1 e, .a,t, 'ave Make Each Animal Worth 25% Over Its Dost O of a Cent a 60-7 ad.ody ever heard u1 'l$tu.k food" curie , kens l y,ur winter, unrrawnt{ the yield of m to restoring rundown animals to plumpest.. Klan you feed ' shuck loud" to your . you are ,posy seeding ,hem what you are i'uur animals do need out awe feed b bushes get All the: good out of the Iced you r and s t 41 tat .dt y' ar round: also to prevent .: thongs. ROYAL PURPLE STOCM Spat ()nags. a"Stock Food" But a the bots or cusps, making lice pounds per cow a day. .ctrl v,aor• .. horse. swine or poultry. Jr. Ina un your Own harm, t in t lu Delp !herr r them su t ycan get fat wM s ASC. curl do ase anti keep tuck food" ean do all these IFIC can and does. 1t ,e "Conditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPSC IFIC,ontAwls nograin. n rfarm product s. Ittnor ases yield .,1 n.ilk ti i 00 to 11.e pounds ()CrA.../AA per slag before tpesthc has been used tau 44101.4 It oral... u.r mdk r,ch.r and adds flesh Lister than :•4y other preparation known. i ..s . (1011 led w.(h ,ROYAL PURPLE arc as Targe at !t* wo, ss old as they N uuW be a hen tad a, �tl'.,r,f natenatr a ton eek. RUYALPUR�t'PLB STOCK SPECIFlcbu,Ws uprundown .nimals and resturas team to pidmpn.ss almost of ,gtcally. Cures bub; colic, worms, skin ills. 'es and dehd,t-y arant sy ays: 11."t Wham, the horseman. si have u.J ROYAL PURPLE STOs.K SmPRCIFIC per+wtently in the -feeding -of The Eel,' 2A:f lamest winner of ', pacer un Grand Circuit in hew. and 'Henry Winters.•201.1. brother of Allen Winters.' wir r,'r of WWI in I rutting stake. , m 19,44 'hear hal.., r bave never been or their feed sine* 1 a• incnced using Royal Purple Spec,h=alnW►{a year ale. mid I will always have it in my stat • oyalPurpl� STOCK AND PO BneSOO.bsckadiol ROYAL PURPLE STOCK PEC. days. which es 1 little over tau thirds of • cent • JAL!, tot h t fifty days and are„wen three times • Jay RC as a. gir. r but 00.e 1 day:. air amours of yo, r 1011,11f, ofthy .sets hall a¢.un as lura/ A H e tib tuhk sent package will last aaoda>.. ROYAL r fes. It is an astonishingly quick fattener. 0l r.ai, as p Lena Macre toalysst-rn,itWn.ired ants A. m "•�' ac> times its cult is vetvnn.vy huts ROYAL PIC urparser ape. the fur poultry. Mot f it .teak One SO loos 701,.) a or• pulasnna sl 50 will last tw anew tine hens - m.aar.al (utr only three timer the rust. It makes • "la simmer anj iputtvr,r. events fou l4 knin Hesh at m"ultin • ' Every' age of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPRCIple ae -(p guarl4nts. d. R use animal in the sa. �th.•m :.II heat to your merchant or ULTRY SPECIFICS C wilNast one animal .s+event r "STIOl:K SP.CIPgIC ping four rimes the rtt'Lb will ,ncrea.t he value .Janna the appetite and the , LI VP H l- • rackaga- 011 last twenty five ,:.,14. what, ,s four time, more rnachmr"an.t of your hent* . •nil. res cult diseases. I "r POULTRY SPECIFIC is AL PURPLE nn one of your animals an. 0y other prep*ration on another • condition: after comparing results yu w I sayROxAL PURPLE has nth. ores 4e bask seMes your money- PH.': -Ask rite us for our v.J'uable ail page booklet ,..tale Band pet, It y d,sa.i.is. c'mt.,' ••.s also ROYAL ngr��� ppee�� �a d 1.1104nic,. . • shepat PURPLE STOCK ani-PUUL- TRY SPECIFICS. If you cannot get Purple Specifics from merchants Roy esti will supply you des treet. espeerreeaid, n reatrpt of El Sala pail for either Poullr7 Sto.k Specifics. Rake money a. ting all 'our agent la ye district. Write for terms. .g sale by all up-to-date c•archaeKL ■r LJdkin Mfg. Co., tondos, Cu. 'THAT CLIME ma'? A BIT RICL' t"1sy/ .1 want wome collars for 'my husband. Ob, are these ladles' collars? How stupid: I told that man dlstlnctly 1 *anted collars. (At the right place.) -'Are husbands' .•tdlars here? Well, i am glad 1 bade found the right place at last Size? You, clerks always ask so many ques- tions. 1 never bought any before. he- -nose we've been married only- No. hls.neck isn't very large. Why, 1 can reach- But be has real broad shoul- fere. flow rake you are to think of !het! yes, a box of assorted sixes would De just the thing. Some of them would. be sure to be right, and 1 ronld cut the others off -that la. If they were not too small. You'd better pup in nearly all large sizes. You see, 1 am starting out as .economical as 1 eau be. 1 think 1t must be so discour- aging for a man to bare a woman =pend his money on frivolous things. Now, as I was comlug down tbe street I saw a big sale of bats-men'is'hats. They bad been lo the window and were a little stilled, but 1 found truth mice' clerk, and he said if 1 got some t that "1910" soap It would make them look like new. Mr. Harris le ccry parti.'uiar about Ni clothes. He' s...on't wear trousers unless they are ;•reseed. So 1 bought three of those :Its. Don't you think they will last ;Iles n Tong time and save money? "Mr. Floorwalker, 'where are,, the .•totes? - gentlemen's? Well, 1 hope he Is: Why, be is my husband. Ob, 1 -ee•,what you mean! Yes, i want them fir' )Ir. John Vincent Hartle. (to -loge salesman., Now, don't ask me .chat size I want. Not too large and .,,d too emall. I ebould think you .' d learn some of the different sizes "rat cop Id tell people. (Holding tit, her Laud., -leis Iota larger thou Oat You think 1 wear a 6? Well, lien, you'd better give me a 12 for ..14.16'1ur bean bald both my hand* In .ne of 1114 Are these.* apec:al sale? 1411't 49 cents cheap fur all that kid? 'I is! cost $2. No, 1 don't thlnt be III want more than two or three Now for the hose. 111. the -women's hosiery department.► tr.. you busy? I have ao many other 1!,,„ga to get. piens* burry. 1 Just want to knew a bete the other tied of btoe ors. It's for my husband. Thank u. bit ttfe incei'11 bottlery counter.) 1 unit to get a hose -not like these, liar- The size? Oh, about fifty feet Why. of course, 1 want 1t longer than i man. 1 -1 -you "o't understand. It 1.4it this kind Vivant. No, nor la - diem' elttitr. ' 1 Just want a hose we • an irotb• use. Mr Floorwalker, may 1 speak to you? "That clerk isn't a bit nie•e, and 1 kll.k--feu meat to punish hen. No, n•, wasn't exactly Impudent, but he ,a fir (00 busy to answer my gnestions. I'haak you. 1 bare bad se must trou- t... to Ond the right kind of hone. I want long -no, I've been to that coun- ter. 1 want ole fifty feet long. You Zee, we ire thinking of moving to the ' ountry In the spring, and we shall want to water the yard. Oh. ought 1 to tante tufa) for the common garden variety? -?'Now 1 think 1 bave everything on ray )1st..sscept cigars, and I may es well go tot Cheaper phare for them booms, 71015 John t1ec st narrla atwali. _Ivo. away all tbat T buy per him, he Is so generous." -Chicago kt•ws. Time Wasted. Roston Lady -Dill you learn anything it the Woman's club/ New York i.ady -e aO otely nothing. Wish 1 hadn't goes 1 had assn all the gowns bis. allearAIGI abi .u.o fraa•u:j 1n • .re wept 111,14.tea oyA..1 4 toper. THE ORIGINAL] AND ONLY GENUINE, Fib; NV A It 1 O F' 1J11TA1 TIONS. t�err I t;M &8 ileo 25 Cts. bridle MARDI LiHiMENTCO - LIMITED - 10011roCCglusiai..I= S , J LINIMENT 501 1) OS TILE MERITS' t)l 11INARD'S '1• the General Public of h and Virinity- \will find it to \Your Interest t.o', 11 on WI R. Pinder for yt ing you want in the born __ Heating Pltlm • Ing ' M al Work Iectric Wiring and Fixtures, Ranges Heater* Granite** and Tinware. i'11Smpt attention giv kuhlsul Jobbing. to all W. R. PINDER, 'Phone 155. Sot Agent /or Me celebraft aronifordRoofing. • dison honorinh� makes a Family�,Chris' The our thing that brings joy to all the hots t'hold, big and little, old and young is as Ellison Phonograph with a sale,tion 'of Edison Amberol Records. The be ' Christmas present is some- thing all 2 11 erltov. All can and do enjoy the 1 •a?i ern-'honograph. If evtul' nieinber of the family would take the money he or she expects ti' use to huv presents for the other members of the family, and put it together, the wouTdbe enough not only to l'uy an dison Phonograph, but also' a large s ply of Records. . R.liann P hoeraphsearebik ad from $16.50 tu$I6t.ag Edition ;'�,trItr00 keret& . ----_• . -;I0 Edison n•I Ile •oeds tpladawice u late 1.3 R-lison -.end opera Records 'c • ISa. to 11.23 There are I ,',n dealers everywhere.` Go to the nearest and hear the Edi Phonograph May both Standard and Amberol Re' and get complete natal from your dealer or Lora us. NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY 10o Lakeside Awe.; Ora.n, 11.1. 11'I•; CAI{HX A CI IMPUTE STOCK OF EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND Ri���3if�& JAMES Fg a O SON, oo, %VEST SiDI: 141 r)tTti, (Tt�DF'Slt'II, CALL AND SEE Us, 1VRiTii FOR OATALS,IOI'E, A . e,... ar61.►...(i. • 1 r A CHRISTMAS GIFT 1% hen you are giving girt. something useful. !What ie,tter for father, mother, sister or brother than a pair of Vomfortable flippers 11•e have a tine assortment of the best 111)1i,.. Call and see our select lines of Fancy Footwear for ladies and children. :1 selection 1.1 w these - Would wake is tuust acceptable (Attila Mao gift. REP AIRING PHO%1PTI. I• DONE. - WM. SHARM -_ The Signa C1ubbing List for 1909-10 e The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe . $1 6o The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe . . 4 50 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 Including ll ll picture. "Tho :bole. wakening. The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1 75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star•• . 2 20 The Signal and Toronto Daily World . . . 3 5o The Signal and Toronto Daily News . . 2 35 The Signal' and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire 1 6o Prenatal* ism arc r sleen,festt'a. The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2 The Signal and Canadian Farm 1 The Signal and Farm and Dairy The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press I The Signal and London Daily Advertiser . 2 90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser . i 6o The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition . . ' . 3 50 Evening Edition . . . 2 90 The Signal and London Weekly Free Press 1 85 The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness . 3 50 he Signal aped Montreal Weekly Witness 185 (Signal and World Wide 2 25 Signal and Western Home Monthly Winnipeg) S '-nal and Presbyterian al and Westminster . , Presbyterian and Westminster nd Catholic Register . , d Saturday Night (Toronto! 85 35 50 75 60 The The Sig The Sign The Signal The Signal a The Signal an Busy Man's Magazine The -Signal and Home Journal (Foronto) . The•Sgnal and Youth's Companion (Boston,) Incind,0 1,wt. yp, I01 anadi:cn oit.erthe'r+. I 60 2 25 2 25 3.25 16o 3 40 2 50 I 6o 2 90 The Signal and Wort - r': . e I, a ,Companion- (New Companion,(New York) - 2 6o leeltdhik pas to Canadian suhscrlbetu. These prices are for a dresses_ in Canada or Great Britain. The above publications be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure gi n above less $i.00 representing the price of The Sig al. For instance : The Signal and The Weekly Globe The Farmer's Advocate (Um less $t o0 ;t bo . . 135 " 95 —making the price for the three papers $4.95. The Signal and The Weekly Sun ;t 75 The Toronto Daily Star (Sam less $tion) . •t 110 The Weekly Globe ($t.6o less $l.00) , . , .. M the four papers for $3.5 �. Several of these papers, including The Weekly Globe, The Weekly Mail and Empire, The Weekly Sun. The Family Herald and Weekly Star and The Canadtan Farm, are sent FREE FOR THE BALANCE OF Igoe TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. If the publication you watt is not -in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postofflce or express order to The Signal Printing Company, LIMITED, Goderich, Ont.