HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-23, Page 7THE SIGNAL: (a' �D1�:RIt'll+ ONTARIO Don't let cel nos:ry.palttt: dealer for:: t:ll 3 tiouofthe "I+,: '„ . •.:t5.. Plaster. J.t., 1, .r f . ' I). ,." trade—la.'!,—. on the `-in. ]- guarantees tit;: p.:UL:i.le an, the most .itlet tive remedy' Jul Rheutuaile aches an; pains Luulbag', ;'t i. tic:!, liackitche, etc. 25c. each. Yard rolls equaling. sheen, of the regular size $1.0N0. FERRovim .r,TR:.:2F MAnK THE ZEST Torllo for ail sickly peop'e. Makes new bic d: Glues strength; Restores vi::lity. Taken atter any IIIr•t7 :t baMMsna a return to nutUi, DavisA I&wre¢C0 (Q., 110uueal. 1 W1FeeTlftRv SOOUTHEUTHE..l➢1U. ifir NY RN ,_r. Saskatchewan 18 ritE 'V( IIILD I HATE It. Produced more wheat than Manitoba and Alberta combined Last M twin Valley had roan) carp.. (ruin :n to 49 Lu+seta raTae .sere In 1 J4. Wr own 17.5.11111 aero,. ehoirr "1"•u Drwuio wheal Iambi in thte celebrated dutrtct. WANTED ' Reliable and se rnenced mon who ran make sal.... We will sive cxclu.lve territory nod Iaberal w111101 nun.. Wm. Pearson Co,, Ltd. 3Uu Northera (Town Bank II1dg., WINNIP:(1. MANITOBA. THE LONDON DIRECTORY Publuhec Annually' Enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS and DEALERS in each class of goods. Reside« Iwing a complete conittierrial guide to lam don said Its eulntrbs, lite I)irectroy contains lieu of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they ship. and the ('o1' onial and Foreign \lark.•ts t hey supply. STEAMSHIP LfNES- art•angcd under t de ports to which they sail, and indicating the approxi- mate sailings; PROVINCIAi. TRADE NOTICES of leading Manufacturers. Merchan t etc., in the Principal provincial town s and industrial centres of the Foiled Kingdom. • A copy of the current edition will be forwarded. freight paid, on receipt of postal order for 20s. Dealers seeking agencies can ad Vel - MIS their trade cards for 1:1, or larger advertisements:from C3. The London Directory Co., Ltd, :at Ahchurch lane, London. E. 1'. SUNLIGHT SOAP Do you know the difference between working and hay Ing SOAP -- r work done for you? Sunlight Soap actually makes the dirt drop out saves you time and money but injures neither hands nor clothes. That Is just the different a between Sunlight Soap and ordinary _soaps. Follow Directions QuI Returns Honest Agee ytsnent Correct flarket I Prices Paid fc-..11 kir els 01 RAW FURS t and SKINS Send your col Pelutns to REViLLON FRERES The Leader in tier world's Fur Tr sde- 1a4 se us moot 5 er..e. rlentr.sl. 1909.4910 PR CE UST FREr"l for the . skint MI Par ia►Rltts 1'111 0115 -staid d Colonel �► John Sneed's Conversations on Domestic Problems Ceerelabt. 1900. by C. 0. Yost. VII.—Some Point✓' on Raising Girls gettio' to be the exception, and babies are left to grow up pretty much u they please, on the theory, 1 reckon, that It's do use to do anything untili t trey get old enough to understand. Well, I've found out, and 1 guess you have, too," that babies begin to under- stand the minute they open their eyes, and the time to begin on the job of makin' u woman L the day sbe's bairn. "And the first thing else ' ought to learn, my dear, Is that her mother Is the greatest and beat woman on earth and that what she says to do must be done because it's right. Now, you can't snake tier believe that Just by tellln' ber so. Every baby. particular - i ly every girl baby, bus to he ahod'n You may fool her for awhile. but soon- er or Inter she's goln' to get your true measure. and if It isn't up to the stand OLONEL SNEED'S son bad arrd there'll be a loss of confidence. come back to the old home for brat step townivl failure C a visit and bad brought with in domestic affairs as well as is Wls1- Which to the him his wife and little dough• !WAS. So It's up to you t0. make smell, to be yourself what you want your tar, a busy, prattling youngster of daughter to be. That, I:admiL b . three years, who polled her grandfa- prvrty largeor- hi tber's whiskers and stuck her shashabby .pretty for ia angers Into s eyes with Impunity. w hole lot easier "Daughter," said the colonel one 1„ tell of hers evening after the child had been put what to do than to bed and he had rearranged his to do 11 ourselves. toilet, "what do yoo contemplate dole' and the hardest with that sneak of sunshine?" Office td live u Why, I'm going to take the best iii a standard is possible care of her," answered young i the place where Hrs. Sneed. "and try to make a gad he fere most woman of her." headset -at home. "You're not flgurin' on makin' an slut till the same actress or an artist or a stenograpber , It's worth dole'. oat of her, are your I • Another thing "Nog" laughed the" daughter -In-law; that she ought to "I havtta'__ sot that far___a_long yet Bnt pretty WJy do you ask?" I .a "Will. I didn't know. It seems like early Is that her.,Isnot oat- ekarxti "GniYp IIx eery woman's got to bare a mission I DRISrAND.e those days -one that's different from slate. 'That's an Impression it's mighty easy to Bi and mighty hard to get rid of; also 11's one that spoils more fine fnaterlal for the isaklu' of good women than anything else 1 know of. It's natural for the mother to want to do everything elle can for her child, and the child Isn't,tc la• blamed for lettin' her do It, but.ehe mighty soon gets in the habit of de• pendia' on mother, and that means the development of selfishness and the loss of seif reliance, either one of whlcb cuts out ail hope of makin' a woman. ly Woman of her. Nothin' makes my blood boil harder than to see a girl sit to the parlor and bang the piano ubile her mother bends over the dishpan. ,fled yet nine times out of ten it's the mother's fault. A girl, no matter what her station in late, should learn right tit the start that eche has somethin' to do to the world besides giggle and look pretty. She ought to be taugbt what to do and how to do and then. tf necessary. made to do. But If you le gin rigbt and begin earli you'll. neter have to Lorre her, and when you get .for mother u well ai lore P YFLO And it Keeping Qualities SOME people find it necessary to buy a considerable quantity of flour at one time-vsuf6ciento last for a long period:, Naturally they are anxious to procure a flour of the kind best adapted to lengthy storage. There are two important reasons why PURITY FLOUR possesses these qualities. One is that itis made entirely from Manitoba Hard Wheat. 'The other lies in the tact that the careful milling necessary to produce " Purity " absolutely excludes all low-grade particles of the wheat berry. It's they high grade Manitoba Hard Wheat Flour that keeps -stands longest storage. That's "Purity." "Purity" flour may cost a little more, but is more than worth the difference. Try it. Watch results both for quality and yield. THE TIXIST THING ON EARTH. the original -and 1 Ibought maybe you'd laid out a brilliant career, with plenty of handclaps and bouquets In IL I'm mighty glad to Lnow that mak• la' a grind woman of her. 1s all you've got In mind. Understand, I'm not say - In' she couldn't have what they call a career and be a good woman at the ams time. but I've got a kind of an old fashioned notion that the Joest thing on earth Is a good wife and a good motber. That's a career that's higher than any man can aspire to, and the good woman who don't get up to that level has missed something to life. "Anyhow, the makin' of s good wom- an Is a big enough Job for any mother to tackle. I've always bad a belief that there was more care necessary In raisin' girls than In raisin' boys. It's a good deal the same difference as there L between a post oak saplln' and a rosebush. One can pretty nearly take care of itself. but 1t takes a lot of watchln' and a lot of tralntn' to bring out all the bloomin' beauty of the other. When the Lord makes a woman be plants within her the seeds of some qualities that when they grow up and blossom form the main differ- ence betweeo ber character and that of a Ian. We can't exactly define them, but we know that they're there. and we also know that Women are more attractive, more lovely and more lovable In proportion to the develop• anent of those qualities within them. Sometimes the seed don't seem to have sprouted at all, and then the woman Is pretty touch the same as a man. Theo. again, they spring up and grow like a moon vine, and every man, no matter how low down mean be Is, steps to one aide and takes or hie hat. "Put all these qualities together, add l -Win up and yotO've got what we rail - womanlinees That's a mighty blg word, and 1t takes in nearly all the virtues that mon can understand as well as Borne ,ie can recognize. but can't quite place it means purity and i goodness amt 'ympathy and tender ness and modesty and -but it's no use tryln' to en- alyse It. We know what it means even if we 8 !Fih3,Cure -y0/ • nneaha. ewres .oa+, 5bre.1 Ras Iwnas- iti eenta. don't know why we know 1C and were mighty sure It's worth all the time and tronble It takes to produce it, for it does take time and trouble. It's veryseldom that w0mao11neas grows wild. It's got t0 be devel- oped by cmltfva- A ODYaflATTOw 01 tion - what the QUALITIES. high brewed farmers at the state university call 10• tsoslve cultivation -and the mother who toakea good on the Job has to know what's what. "Now, my dear, I'm Juat a man, and got no right to set myself tip as a counselor for mothers. but sometime 11's worth while to know bow a man looks at theta things, even it he does make a kind of a tool of himself by galxtn' fn. i've got a notion. In the dent place, that you can't begin trstnfn' a girl too soon. There 1st anything mow shoot that Idea. hut tt seems to -`--- -'to b. um 'rub .Y firmly established In a girl's mind and "More Bread and better Bread" WESTERN CANADA FLOUR Dt:ua (' , LIMITI.D M T. at Winnipeg, Dater, t, Brandon 'V1t0RaDAY, DRcRYRIR 28, 1909 7 You've baked your (+R'11 beans — You knoll what it, costs in time, work and outlay If y'ou' could not buy Bakekl Beans s good at less cost this would be necessa but` are made unde such favorable condi ions tliat you get then all ready for the tabl - t less ..than the baa s F'. alone would cost you Why not let Clark' cooks do thq work and give you the bene- fit in the saving both of' time and • money. ORDER FROM YOUR GROCER 6c..10e.,12{c. a tin CLARK -'S '' CHATEAU" BRAND Se.. lsc.,; 15c. sad Me. a tie WM. CLARK, - Montreal THE REASON WHY BANDING TUR Puyo. heart you've gone a long wars in the makin' of a good woman, a womanly • woman. The,rest Is easy. "1 reckon that's till tonight. my dear." She Found Out. .1 .41 thought I'd stop tot a mimite and Inqul,e the price of tomatoes," ahr said to the grocer as she set down her basket. "V es'm-they are 3 cents apiece." "•jlbbfst, but Isu't that high?" "It Is. Bat we must bare twofer. 'lion for the American raiser, you know." "And bow much for n washboard to- dayr "Thirteen cents -reduced from 15." "What makes that?" "The tariff, ma'am." "Oh, 1 see. And how much for taters. 1f you please?" "They are tip 30 cents a bushel" "Whist again, but what makes ibatT - - -- "What they call ad valorem." "Of course. And what's the price of datirons, it not too much trouble?" . "They are down. cheaper than ever." "Abd It's because" - "That's tree trade." "Cam; I see. Well, Patrick yvlll hr thankful to them great men 111 Wash. tngton when 1 tell hlm what you say." "You understand It. do you7' "As plain as day, sir. The Pelee of ftitlrons and washboards has come down to give the poor a rhnner to lice, and the price of tomato," and tnt„rs has gone up to give the rich n sgneeie. as should he the case. 'Thanker.. ale, and good day to ye." -Pittsburg Press A Dreary Land, The conntry from Jerusalem t0 tht .lnrdan valley 1a as late as roilld be Imaginl,Id The hill' Icsnk Ilk• great bank' bf nett and eand Not even the Ss horn lIsel( hooks mon forbidding. It is the "country not In habRed," the wilderness p1a tJ'I the scapegoat was driren '.1'. nee et cad we went, but none of ns conk. Ir Induced 10 go again. -Zion's ilea alis 180 IS THE BEST STRENCTHENING TONIC for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down Persons, and-te--6eunter Colds an Bronchitis, is because it combines the two most world Limed tonics - thelnedioinal, strengthening, bodybuilding elements orCud Liver Oil and Tonic ITT, without oil or grease, tastes good,_:and agrees with every one. We return your money w !bout question if Vinol does not accomplish all we claim for it. FURNITURE for Christmas A sensible Christlnas gift, and at the satire time an elegant one, would be a piece of Furniture. Let us give you a few biota of what you can select from our stock. JKallogagy Parlor Suites fancy Parlor Pieces Parlor Tables .feather Couches Oak Rockers furnishings for the Zen Wicker and Willow Chairs ' C¢iga Cabinets Parlor and JYlusic Cabinets jardiniere Stands Call and let us .how you the goods and gdote our prices. We shall be pleased to see you. whether you buy or not. GEO. JOHNSTON TELE FUUA 11'1'i 1 ALAN ON TELE SQUARE The Most Popular Paper In Ontario The Toronlo Daily Star-- The best proof that people like a newspaper is their willingness to pay good money for it. More people bny the "Toronto Daily Star',' than any other Daily, Weekly or Monthly published in the Province of Ontario. Moreover, the circulation of the "Toronto Daily Star" is increasing more rapidly than that of any other newspaper in Canada. These thingtdo not just happen`. There must be a reason. In this case there are several reasons. The " Toronto Daily Star " publishes Market Reports 12 to 18 hours earlier than the morning perers. It is a Newspaper -not an "Organ" -political or any other kind. Not only the Woman's Page, but the whole paper, is attractive to women. It reports athletic events more fully than any other Canadian Daily. Its special features, such as the "Chronicles of the Khan", are most entertaining. Consequently people like the "Toronto Daily Star" better than any other newspaper. $1.50 A Year This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together feP one year—$2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for SOe. added to abort, subscription prices. 4 MEL 1 i. C. DUNLOi', FJ:1),7ijis'. - Godcrich, Ont. irl�' FREE TO YOU—MY SISTER FREE TO YOU AND EVERY SISTER SUFFaA. INC FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. 1 ani n wonrrn. 1 know Wutluut'a enfrcrings. 1 1,ulo found the cure. !will mini,hes of any charge, my hems treat. 55.05 with ull Instruct lanes dr Any suftrrer fr,.in \ w en's allnrenb. 1 want to tell 011 Women alse,l this Cure-- yew. my render, fur yyour,elf, your dnughter, 3our mother, or your Aster. 1 want to tell )ot,}tuw to cure. yourself at home without U., lot of a doctor. hien cannot underatnnd a nm- eu'amutterings. What we women know Irnm ea- , perience, w u know Ie9ter t Lan tiny doctor. 1 know Unit my hone t real uu•nL Is n safe and sure cure for Leucorrhe.or w hlth.h discharge, lice ration, 01, placement or Pallinof thrWemh. Prr.ltue. Scanty or Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian 1 moors or tlruwths, Mao palm in the head. heck and bowels, having dew nleeling., mere°ssness. creeping feel - Ing up the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hot fleshes, weariness, kidney and bladder troubles Where caused by weakness peculiar to our rex. • 1 w motto send yon a complete 10 days treatment _ entirely free to prure to you lint ,on ran Clare yoareetf at home, enslly. nlekly and surely. Remember, that It will cost you nothing to RI, e the t.re.H relent a rOmptete trial: and 11 yen should wish to continue, I I will aro. yon only statin It rota a week, or less than k w00eIMa dry . Radii not, Inter/ with your work or occupation. treatment for your rasp r11 irrty free. lo plain wrap rer,'rel� rR mail. II will also send you free efcost,mymamli-"WOMAN'SOWN MEDICAL ADVISER ,ad tt es plrrneterylllusIrat.Ions show Int( why women sutler. aad how they c.aetd], au re t hentrel vv+ a t hnmg Iiia cry Froman should have it and learn to think tot herself. Then When the dhetorsay+ "Yon nncsihaieon opera, Iiion," yon ran dc'ldefor sirr-cR. Ttemesedaef amort, have cured t bemscla es with my hon* m reedy, It enrol all, didyoryeune, To Mothers of Ita.ahters, 1 will exnldtn a simple h s""•�-7Vilnua evecdil7Atalelruel.11altr. Corr+ A•nrerTInro, I+reen NI rowA,snd Painful to ar'. mist-ma/ton In Lonna raur+. ti"d. rteTE. EHT1941D5 +u raflt ns use. . hCrever you live, I (*00 refer you to 1pdb•• of your own loeallt y w 0 know Mad will gladly te1180-it trarcrthat thie Home Treetax.Streally evnm rdl woen'+dlseasMakes well,l(mng,plump and nlhust. Just send Me your add , and the free ten days' trefitment la yo0rw, also the beak. Write today, a. you may not this 010e alSln. Address M. M. SYMMIR$, Mkt H •848 w WINDSOR, ONT. Prince Rupert, B. C. OPPORTUNITY EXTRAORDINARY— We offer you roflt-sharing partnership in a business that is going to be enormously p tfltable. No matter where you live, no matter how far from Prince Run rt you may be, no matter how much or how little you have to invent, in est in 1*rice Rupert through our Real ki'etate shares, Belling at par, 11.(i1 per share. In presenting to the puhlle the opportunity to -rumba hares in- this Company, particular obesu is laid a .on the fact that, t money received by the Company through the sale of its shares is in ested in carefully selects I'rinwe Rupert Real Estate, under the die O. silpervision of the hoard of directors. The opportunity is e.xtraordi ry, because of the prlttit.ahasing plan by which you may share in all th roflta of the Comprise and its rapidly increasing Wiriness. PRINCE RUI'ERT B SINESS PROPERTY will make fortunes for those who in .xt in it now, as did Sesttle and Vancouver Real Estate for those who nvested in these cities ten yeast ago. Dill you fail to recognize the portunitties, or did you lack confidence in your judgment? We pr tit here another opportunity TO -DAY PRINCE RU ERT IS THE CYNOSURE OF A EYES No other city is making such rapid adv cement -in population, comurerre and building. Prince Rupert's 'twee t and future growth insures investors in our shares a combination o safety, high returns and increasing value which is not offered in an al degtrea_by_any. other form of investment open to' the public today. 1f you have $.it), $l(0 or $1,(tK1, which you wool invest whet. 1t will provide a large income with the opportunity f great *foe% then subscribe for sem. dt'tbeee shares. We refer, by permission, to the Bank of Nova Scotia,,Vaneouvsr. Write kyr wife your order for share. today. Don't dells The Prince Rupert Real Estate investmer- Co., L\ttd., 1. Prince Rupert, H. C.