HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-23, Page 5es., • TAF ST(GN A L : GOTDERI CA, ONTA 1 +I() Twt'tlasay. Dgeia/Hant 2tl WW1 - LOCAL TOPICS. - • Two in Ons Night. r up and establishing the said highway p. T. Dean's grooves, -atuea-oras was invalid. were not Premed of. the broken into on Monday sight. A uiti- taction by the defendants nor added as wit passing the store at midnigh. gerties. Under these circumstance', h eard the noise of falling gimeand gave His Lordship holds that the defendants the alarm, and the burglar go' away should not be successfully heard in in r hurry without taking any booty. opposition ubIre ruJl,lc� Jusw. tice r{H itton The sense night the ticket office at the *glee in the result. G. T. R. 'dation was broken ionto, but K the intruder got nutting for his pains. H. M.'S. Pinafore. It •it lltoliable the VAMP Wali did the two juts, but thele it very little clue 111 PrO'IUCUOMoSf Gilbert mud ortu tinderSulli- van' W bib identity. the direPtm,n of H. B. Telguu nn, last R. T. of T. Elections. week wets a gratifying success both Eureka Council, No. 1115. R. T. of ,T from the point of view of the financial flat elected 'officers for the coating returns and of the excellence of the year am follows: Select councillor, entertainment. The performers were has. E. Young : past counallor..1. T. all children and the performance was Newell; vises: uunei11ur, Et nest under the auspice, of the Daughters Young; chaplain. Rev.. l'. R. Jones; of the Empire in aid of the bewpital, rrcordiog rrcretary, Mrs. U. E. Young: and. both un account of the 'interest financial secretary. Mir* tigginr: centering in the work of the children treasurer, T. Neftel : herald; L. Cur- and on account of the good cauett in tell ; 11. herald. Mie P. Horsens; aid of which the production wee Lund, 11, Hale ; arnlinel, 13. Millar, given, the attendance at all the per - organist, Mn.. Wpm. McCreath : press romances was good- Three per - repot ter, 1Vm. M'Cle'rth; auditors, forma oes were given,.Thutsday and. J. E. Tofo and G. M. Elliott: trustee, Fricay nights and Saluday after - Wm. Mcl'iviath. noon. Willie Hahb made an iuirmi- Hockey Oegania(ttean, table RightRouorable, Sir Joseph An org*uization inertit•g of the Porirr, K.IC. B.. as hi m,trutted about G,drtich hockey elub Wag held in the the sow.- with all the pomp of a veri- Jowu hail on Friday last. A gruel table lord of tote waver. Inch; number weir plrefrut and the follow- U+•"deye iRrggie King) was at the _ ing alicess welt, rlreteai; Rost, pert.- other end of the scale with his el • Mem. Councillor C. H. Humber : nes formiilrs anti "awful - Joking e - i aii. AL -McLeod': manager, Frank t''nanrr, tout the part! was fuill as D. {y ; se•retary-tre�erurer, Art }iuc dilhcnit, perhaps boors difficult, anti M.L-an. W. McCar' hyo John 1Vig. was well taken. (►i rhe bili` parte gins and M. MI LC..d were appointedthat of Jobe I)bInY, therajgatn so4tugh- an ezeuuive committee. 'i he club 12.7d'w*9• of courdr, lbs IraJinjt ohs h arrangements with Chis- aMiss Elrama H iys player the ss made difficult Peart in rxeellmanner, holm Hproprirt . ct the \fest fiuttrrrnp found a rr,v.srlentnl i> '14a• rt, rink,. who setee to hare (he rink ti ,,,,Agnes Agnes McDonald' iker man- ia then -class spotlit' for hes•key ani net. on 1111 sj1ge was captl%tt tut.but skating. The club has rut«red it (ram t..,, haps mown. of All 'she wee Hoerr in the O. H. A. ulli rm/dirteM•'anol u girl, Dorothea Felker, won the beat tsof the tram p onuses to Items spiny( e, . A.•11r1y, Sir Jo-rpt"4. lirnt c+ anis, ever, amt it in bopr'I that the public Itele SN 1.4 OAKa .Uikin + Will PLOW a sport( _interest euei,.) K f hu'Y the e. son in this fate spirt. The end l ., i't1 t hor..todd) competent to rive up In her'undertaking to hook' ao hrdrtle of gawrs will piebably lieester nit. J i'III a'hru *.1414* t' 1"414' rout uncJ next week ' IorU foudd hi. love .r•oll:ed oy the Butes Anderson haw 1veil apt...intnl waii[rli.uitl' a brut. `l':.tdAln (in .reretery uF.xl'r .1 the Exr•t'•r- ,teras,and 1{alph Itarkrpew h.itkey .•1109. Exeter i, putting leu h a Kelly u,i4 ' Harry . Retch*nen errs ieu(idr and F team en the irr (tip rdlu•r 1etwNng' puns whieh weir w•rll co ming erasion• taken by „the relate:ive pet reenters. 4. G Gamble for'Winn:peg. \ and le.. e.i(icr,:blr loarts'Weir the sr u.f The 1:ei•ling Bunk it ape. lig a boat ►tiialu, h,attoWain. Mate 81141 1 iid,h n t.• f Philip bra4gh Id. N" ( g, auJ, Mr. p taken y I t iw y, S;,uulilr, who for two or three y -ata Nervy Beattie Anel 1.rthain Whiddno. {{past hass twin_ niena1Trof'Ihe (.,el.•, ch The r,a+tnntiug . of the sisters. •and branch. will have chtarge of it. 1'11 's o+,iwtn. and aunty and the' murines Will he an intro 'tiara peuipull, and th and an lar: was' very attrael:14' and .4 'int teem say" A good deal for Mr. the choruses. by the whole .. .Il4)'4 1134 tosuitilee standing in banking circle).. Were vee prettily,'reildrrerl. The Mr. Gamble .has lust it -tinned fr a ,H'1iestr,a alno WA*. 1ood. consisting to- of --trip %innrpi"g and Ieavre again fart teeter muerrlane, nel cnnsidrring'thr the K•ealern tir•trupurie tide week. sh.lrt time the performance -was in Teti* rai7aiiisyr: ••Thi• t,wreeefpre•p,Cration the entire pee die -tem was certainly ex1erdillgly 'iedittide, Some of the per Nit -mere needed prompting occas' Ile. when their, linee;dipped front their uien- orv, but the audiene was an in• dn'gelt one and overlooked ahem,. minor p ei.eta. Tlie ."toad evening the winner of th.' h ant -painted punch IW1' %ws. tint 11 the Idekronan brewing 1•'..1..I'ridham. Sterling l3snk has sr. -mull templ.rary officer on the ground floor of the Ise• kir. building at 2111 Melh•rmtit avenue, %Vinnipete and will open there on January- :I. A. Golden eiatulle, the menage of the Glderieh, tett.. branch .and brother eittttt<'iat #t: t --tiamtdr general inana_g'-l- uf the It, 4ienk, will have einiegr.ff the R lune• peg branch. Mr.Alanihlr. is will known in Banking circles thrnughont the Do - and' has many 1Vinnipeg friends. aHomers. rs th ,• 1ries'e t of th. instifiit det•lared Inst night that the plea. ing nt such a roan in charge of the Bank's interests in this city Sul ..frated-howuw ifrW .rte tent they ere teem deJ,"• Th Road Machine Valuation. Th fleet valuation of the plant of the An wan Snail Maehin.•1''nnpany of C'v u , Oad i-ich'w latestin,l(r.triml awlditiun, ride «u r... --day, the visionaries . ing Mr. Vont-here., of Kennett Melo , I'a.. for the 1' parry, end Itolw Bell. of M -sfort h, for the town, Mr. ♦.eelrhee,, velnatinn of the plant as it now'stinds was $bio• islet, while ttr. hell p red the vetoe- r of *7,Ok1. A chi agreed upon. Mr. Avery. a eontla^fur. •wf/noe lel valuator was of •Mitche+ll, wee sug- gested by Mr. 13eII, being 'selected. The difference in veluiation 'wing got over in ■ different any, ho .YP4, At ,tta.e suggestion of Mr. 13lal, he Company'*. solicitor. The ('olnpan s - agreeing to *eerie. Mr. l3eil'a valuta in in the meantime as the basis on which its [sends will he guaranteed for the present, without prejudicing it. el*itn for higher valuation in the final veru- thi,•t ation when the machinery it. all in- le p stalled. A special meeting of the town The fol .council WAN held.yPtitrrday. wheJi the St*tor whole council. with the exception of f Councillor Dean. was present. The following re+olutinn was...slowed. only Councillor Homo vi$aiy(-aiminst it : "That weapprove; otthe report of the fa 'bine Co , Limited, dated Decemblrr !'2nd, 111110, under hyl*w No. Y(I, MOD, and that we instruct our solicitor to take all necessary steps to secure the town before the signing of the bonds." eantin's Appeal Dismissed. The Divisional Court has dismissed LOCAL TOPICS IN -BRIEF. 1Tu•,••nn p'fmntr. .4 he -.,l.nn 40 all our tr4•Nda ►ndf,. drop.. N- it. Sallow-. . Wilmer Siuttb Art Store, Eget treat. 1. a 1 e nor. for Imo •ho r Att good V t., n 1 tw . pp article., 1 d •aA1 wed u.rful sic and orna- mental lea scrotal neo. w•woe 10.1 tell maw., p. u Now these t 11C ('bri+lni . rush I. about over pe.N•le *111 hw.e tittle . attend to their;,a•n romhat. New .uitln and ovelroatina,. in latent 041.1 correct ad)at Pridhrm•-, Borth .1414- equwre. Santa ('lams ri.ited Car(yeron, .t Moi,. -r w Mt..ter nn Tuesday and "mated great ,•xeitruwnt among the children. MondeV e%•enink next will he 'meet - limo. night" at the eviler rink. Knelt sk*ter'will re:rive a sprig of holly. it. will hr the lest night of rnllerr,kating fut•'tbe stetson. le L. )1i:Leoel'a action against Thos. Po.t{Ylbwnite for theft hes ,t*-t'n die- nlissed by the pollee neigintrare. The (roulde ismer me of mistaking the . e- noruinatinn of a bill. John Hi»hop, of Ilrussels, eves sen- teoced to fire years' iuoprisonm.•nt in the nitentiary yesterday for the crime incest against his .sister, a girl fourteen. Bishop is a urn of ix years. His sister also is to •uted. wing from The Hamilton peculiarly welcoone : s' Chu Sport* r congratulates its nom t.tup.miry. The (ioderieh Signal, up- on is newt creditable_ Christmas issue. Alwwya a well -edit newspaper. and Interesting. this p ticulrr reuniter orsbip in Huron College, 1,ondon. Mr. Uroly will take up his new work as boon as possible after New Year's. Knox church Y. P. `i. C. E. has chosen the following officers and tuu- veuels of committees for the next rix wonthe ;--President(, Hee. Jas. A. Anderson : Bret vice-pqresident, Devid Stoddart ; second yiccypresident, Mins Nettie Cowan; teconnitiug secretary, Miss Mary Tait ; corresponding secre- tery, Mie Nettie Cowan; treasurer, Miss Kate Harr. Conveners of com- mittees - Prayer -Meeting, Misr Edith %Vigginy; social, Miss Lily Cox; music, Miss Agnes Hamilton: Hower, Miss Chrirtahel Anderson: utilsionary, NU" Nina Tait; visiting, Miss Martha Edw*rds; literature, Mire Eliaatgeth Edwards. For the Christmas service. next Sunday in the North street Methodist church, the following in the mucic: Morning. It oclock. pagan prelude, " 1'a.wral symphony.'' from the Ves.iah Mr. A. Itoy Adam*. C brl.tular Choral, Choir. Anthem, Chrlbunnn Awake," )two -tier, Choir. `bb Selected. Solo, Hrowo. Evening. 7 ocluck. prams prelude, '•l'hrlenilas,•' Lethaer, 11r. A. Itoy Adana+. Sacral ('autatw, "The Holy l'h/ld." T. Adwlna. The Choir nus+aented. Organ Po-tlude, "March of the :Shod Khan.; la qtr. A. Itoy Adam.. Mr, Irwin. ot London, will pn act the sermon in the morning; the prator in the evening, subject, I'be Christmas'Vision." • OBITUARY. Garrett. Mrs. \tarsoiret (i.rrett, mother of nut• townaiuen William and Alex. (,*i vett, mooed awaylast Thursday at the age of righty -nine years and five menthe. _She had been ill for the pA six years. Mre. Garrett was a native. 1'n+'s+4tw showing the esteem in which the pastor'scwife was held by the con- gregation. The ervices were in charge of Rev. A. K. Birks, of Lou- don, president of l..utdon Conference, and thirteen ministers of the Metho- dist church from this and r;eighboring districts were in attendance. Mr. Millyard came here over two year's ago from Lucknow, and the ppaasstor of the l.ucknow church and a delegation from the quarterly board of that church attended the funeral. The chow in the Sundayschool which was taught by Mrs. Millyard during her residence in I.ucknow also came down to attend the funeral. 1 h pall- bearer" were J. H. Million. .1. H, Ed- ward, William SwafHrrl eld, Thoas Warrener, 1). Buchanan and G. M. Elliott. The remains were taken for interment to Woodstock. Mrs, Mill - yard's Old home. accompanied by Rey. Mr, Millyard and his son. De Legume, who will remain in Woodetiwk until after Chrirt.1uar. Mrs, Millyard', maiden name was Margaret Elizabeth Sebell, and two brothers and a sister survive, the latter bring Mrs. Francis, of London. One of the brothels beetle wetuhet• for South Oxford in the 1)o - minion Parliament, and the other in a a' fonier member of 1'arli,rnent. ('n - til her illness Ara. Millyard was an e active member ,f church organire- tions and the assistance of the plastoIid consort will Ire much (missed in the work of•the church. The sympathy of our townspeople as a whole is ex- tended to Mr. Millyard imitate other sorrowing relatives. Nc better tottic could be devised then Fen -twins. which enn*ists of fresh Iran beef, titrate of iron and pure old Spaniel' sherry wine. Just enough of the latter to s ' late the. digestion and enahlef A weakened stomach to assimilate the beef and iron. Try this invigorating tunic if you ,we trail -blooded, weak and gen- et erally run -+lawn, el per bottle. of County, Down, Ireland. and was Married in the Old Country. She and her husband and a family of this • children emigrated to this country awl bettled in Lower Canada, After le*s' ing thrive they resided for a time u the township of llurnit and later M.. (Garrett bought a farm sear Kintae. %%bete thefamily resided fur sow• time, vie ving (rum there to Colborne township. Mr. . Garrett diel about nineteen yP*rs ago a1111 a few yeas. later \Its, Garrett rani° (o town to live. she is survived by Hee bone and thus daughter., as follows;; Hugh. near (euelph; Itol*'rt, in Celifornia: James, et liault tire, Marie, Mich. ;. Willem and Along, in town : Mrs. Me- Feder-. And Mrs. -Hartley, of Cleve- land, who are at rreeent in town. and JL'w. (sura, in Illinois. The 'funeral was on Saturday. Rev. Jas. A. Ander- son rondw'ted the sersieea and the na11-bearers Were. Colin Murry. ('apt. William :3,tthe' lend, John Marquis, Charles Knight, • Robert Foley and i Thomas Sturdy. Orr... A very sudden death was that elf Hobert Orr last Friday morning. Mr. (tr hail not leen in good health for some time bu'y was not laid up, and at the time of his death he Was busying a piersnfhnard- Heart failure Rae reel epentsihle for his end and death carne au yeickly that In the opinion of the doctor life was extinct before he had f„ Iden to the floor. The funeral took tIAee on Monday afternoon toMait- land aibland emuetery, the services being con- ducted by Bev. Jamie A. Anderson. The p011.11eare•r14 were six gr*ndchil- dlen of the deceased : Amain Chis- holm. Louis 1 n HP1•brt ar, Or- lando DeanJohn Chisholm and Frank Chieholw, Mr,- Orr was born Christmas Display. Morrow a Connolly have the follow- ing stock in their Christmas display': Four Hni. tattle; two years old. fel by the. firm themselves, of mel' size and extra good .(nlllity : two heifers, bred and fed by Wm. Mellw,rin, of Nile; a. pair c, Mei eaters, ons fel by Themes Gund,v an.t the other by 11. Shield -..4 I )udlol b7. of the proper type is, d Ila• A. A. \1 illi:►ms, of Col - 1.48v14 -1011. 441,1 some smith pork- ers fed by E. .1 Elliott,. of el derich tow wadi.: Iamb. ••• I by J Graham „ e. f Ashes 11 and p Y Jxulr -11 ••r 1 . , i;lenn, ofI'ulhintae : bet Melt turkeys, �rrrr, .lucks. Anel .•roti -fid chicken*, ever three hundred in number. gear- . heard form the best poultry -raisers t;l(1eeirh to'vnship; Colborne. Ash - Meld and Wa•' nnosh, PERSONAL MENTION. ';re Tye i- hone from Toronto for the h,,aday+. • en., gale Tye 1. home from Ottawa fes S i int toe.. %%linen, ealnpte•f was In Barrie and ]tldtand the week. Mors. ('nrleton 1•..u•ndln4 the Cbrl.tma" hon day. with her -on In Clinton. Mtr.. T. udvt AbbotPrers•eritx-Soak.. is Hating at he home of loam 4alke)d, Hayfield roar • ani-, Emmeline Hayden has returned from the We., wrier a vItIt of everal month. to ro::r ive. there. Walter Snowier+. who hew been enRwaed In +oris work on the National Tramiroig inentaI Railwa,• lip North-. *nit ed home lead night n, amend,r 'h intros. )t:-. M.•Anhar. nf'ohw (-oHeelwta ?emelt rite nut" baa. gone 10 her home at' Ponds. for the holid ,Ya. M Pr1-.•;11, and shoe,' Torninee. M HIM left thin week to nnnd their (' oda atN V hn•' sono and vldl fife ItL a. I•nvL. M.-..- doting va tsNevin , Idznle (', Neice n Gret..rn anti M. Bt..Nlwrl, from the Stiwt Med Note. tl Sefton!. and M*-- Mantle roarer, from in County Down, Ireland, and rinse the 1 "ndon Xornial S&h)of. are home for to LAna,b1 A. a young married man in his twenties. He settled in Goderich township and had resided all his life in thetownship or in the town. His family consisted of four boys and five girls, of whole one eon. Robert Orr, of Mono 'Lille. County Dufferin, is the only surviving son. The daughters are %Lary (Mrs. H. Thompson), of Kal- amazoo, Mich.: Sarah (Mrs. John Wilson). of Goderich ; Esther (Mrs. P: T. Demo, of Goderich : Agnes (Mrs. H*rheckl, ,,f Buffalo, and Charlotte (Mrs. Smith*. of Vancouver, B. C. 1'be deceased's am. Robert, and hie grandson (a son of the late Rev. Jas. Ore), Louis Orr, of London, were here for the funeral. The deceased was seventy-eight years of age. Wilson. • Otte ot .our prominent business men, and one who some years ,ago attained the highest office iu the gift of hi* fellow•eitizens. passed away last Thursday night at about 11 o'clock. in the person of ,Janne« Wilson. Mr. Wilson bad been in poor health for some time and much sympathy was -him ill iris illness. The 1 kilo( I Md f CHURCH NOTE The Baptist Sunday school Will hold its ['bantams entertainment on'rburs- day evening, December :10th. with cosh the appeal by Oliver Hiednn The annual Christmas collection for nette and Napoleon Cando from Mr. I the benefit of the Sick Children's Hos- Clute'slodgment on nlr June Isar in pital, Toronto, will ire taken in North ll bison of the municipal corporation of "freer Methodist Sunday school next the township of Hay, county of Hume. Sunday. At Victoria street Methodist church last Sanctity the services were con- ducted by A. M. Robertson in the morning and Rev. Jas. Hamilton in the evening. The pulpit ,of Knox church was 0c cupied on Sunday last by Rev. J. L. Small, of Blyth, who delivered excel- lent discourse". The pitstor, Rev, .1. A. Anderson, was at Blyth. Owing to the bereavement in the dgm femily of the pastor of Victoria street He lays, "The council seems to hag'* Methodist -hurch, the annual Christ- &rted within itspowers in pawa ing the mentertainment in connection with p bylaw in question and in what it the Sunday school has been postponed for a fortnight. plaintiff in an action to obtain a dec- laration that certain highways opened for public traffic by a b Ids of the cor- poration are public highways, and that Hlasonnette be restrained from occupying or obstructing them and Tae'ordered to go out of possession and occupation and to remove all obstruc- tions therefrom. S,t Mr. Justice therland, who writes the judgment of the Court, thinks -the trial judgment should be aft , red. thought the hest and most economical way to secure the end sought, by the opening up and establishment of the highway" (viz.,that ofobtaining *e It to Take Huron). The attack by the defendants upon the plan, say" His Lordship, "nems to have been an after• thought, and for the first time men- tioned or set up In the atwtetnent of de- fence filed on the 9th of March, 19118, seven months after the bylaw had. to the knowledge of the main defendant. who Is a farmer residing in the town- ship, been passed.. Partite to whom (ands had, in the knowledge of the defendants, been conveyed according to the plan filed, The Christmas serrnon subjects at the Baptist church next Sudsy are : Morning : "The (lo.pel of (treat Joy." Evening : "His Unspeakable Gift."" The pastor will preach at both ser- vices. Everybody welcome. There will he service at St. George's church on Christmas Day at 11 o'clock In the morning, with an '►PPropriate musical service by the choir. On Sun- day also the choir will render -s Christmea anthem and ('hristma" carols. Rev. E. 11. ('roly, 13. A., of Lynd- hurst, has been appp1oointed rector of and with reference to the said str 'eta, St. Pel's church, Wingham, In snc- and whose rlghte might be affected by cession to Rev. C. R. Deakins, who & declaration that the bylaw opening recently resigned to wept a profess. unera too ace nn on ay a ter - noon tis Maitleed cemetery. and in spite of the cold and stormy day thele wean large gathering of the deceased'" old friends at the house and at the cemetery to pay their last respects. The town council attended the funeral in a body and several former Mayors pf the town also were In attendance, and Court (side -rich, No. 34 C. O. F., tut'ned out in large ntiinhers to honor their departed member. The • _pall- bearer* were C. A. Nairn, C. G. ew- ton, W.'Me'reath, M. 0. Cameron, tl W. Proudfoot, K.C., and G. F. Blair: Rev. e' James A. Anderson, pastor of Knot cheetah; conducted the services, as"iste&by Rev. James Ham- ilton. Mr. Wilson was torn at Lon- don, Ont., fifty-two years ago and came to (toderlch when he was three years of age. residing here ever since. He had been prominent in business. being proprietor of one nt the leading drug stores of the town and connected with the industrial life of the town. Mr. Wilson was a mem- ber of the town council for a number of years and was at one time Mayor of the town. HP was also a member of the board of health. He leaves his wife, formerly Mies Gibson, and two boys, also a sister, Mrs. W. C. Tanner, of Toronto. Dr. A. B. Meldrum, of Cleveland, A. C. Tanner. of Toronto, and G.G. Gibson, of St. Louis; were in attendance at the funeral, Dr. Mel- drum being a halt -brother of Meal \Vilson'a and Mr. Oiheona brother. Millyard. The death of Mrs. (Rev,) Minuted. to whose illness we referred Iaat. seek, took place on Friday. The fundal services were held on Monday after- noon in Victoria street Methodist church, a large congregation being ('krlF' ltle+. BORN. • - Mcisr",11t.f). In ,;oderirh. on Wednesday. t),,... ,her 11th. to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mc- is•onkh adalaghter. Pita llt.-InGrderlcb. on Werinwlne. Demm- e.. lati. to Mr. and 1drs. 0. F. Blair, a ,.On INN IRAN, At pyfaepertte. on T1,nn.day. 0 ,etcher Mitt to Mr. and Mrs, Win. Kin. setas, ad*ughten•. DiED. -w IL,' ,N. -in f o4.' *rh. en'rhnr•tiev, Decem- he, rah. Jame. \r llnon. In hin.tIrd year, M rLL1' 1100.--(n Dederick on Friday. Peeem- fa.r 17th, Margaret KlInibeth schen. beloved wife of Rev. R. Millyard. SRR.- 1 f:rderlrh. nn Friday, December 17th, 0nh',t oar, aged 7s years. 11 ARRPTT. - In fl,derlrh. on Thursday morn 11.wmhrr tra$,Mr+. Margaret Garrett. aired a yearn and 3 nypnt he. rTEVEN" Two Colborne, on Wodnewda , 0e teniM' ?:hod. Rnwwell John..en of Mr. and Mem. Wm. !nevem., aged 4 yearn. 9 month. land 1 day. PRIV 104'44 -in fioderleh. nn Thnrsday, 1)e- oeaM•r Med. Verna, daughter of Mr. and Mia u'n. Pmrfon+. 11ANNFR4- fn Wingham. on Sunday. Ire eernbr fah.!+n.le M**Math. beloved wife Of Qp'ge (', Mnnner+, aged la year: • So easy -doing people Mtill allow their alers to sell them a substitute for Christmas Waits netteic its--- Raisins Currants Figs Dates Peels, i :tc. SPOOL SILKS Are you one of the easy-going kind or ore yon wise e Ith. to insist on "the Milk that doerstet kink I" If you don't know • • H 1{ EDI tri•S " you don't kaarw a. het real silk quality meson. Ask your dealer for list of premiums offered for empty spools. or write to Spices Allen's Cider. Coast-ealed Oysters. GELDING,-PIIII CO. t t111 ti'0 7 1 Bay tit reel '1 l)lit)N'1 t 1 Sturdy & Co.: Phone ,+ 7J• t d. HRISTMAS GIFTS Still is. good aeiiiitwent to choose 'from. Everything in - EBONY GOODS • nnch as Mirrors, Hair Brushes, Clothes Bru. hes, Manicure Sets, etc., -Cert es, bulk and fancy, packages, and both Fred h s and American. Cigars, in Christman packages. Ten and twenty-five. in )t box. Pipes, Tobacco Pouches, eft. Neilson's, Webh's and Lowoey's Cl.o:olates. DUNLOP, The Druggist. T SAY! What shoat , v.o}t ''• )our trade next . year7 Y. n'il te- sta -prised at the way we sawn 1111 y.eir 01(41 -as. ('4.441_ y,.,11 neigh. hnr-waw; .loot try ,ie fiat-TatR•e -- you'1l he convinced. lifts -lit i cues .1 change dies gond. try it. 'lte cost will be Wit biog. the savings • perhaps -a 1••w ...vas. Remember. every 1144) , thts uiakes .a du114*1,-due_+u't it f FRED' A. dEL418. it IN'.TA I I.. , amiume CAMERON & MOORE amits.07401 Going out of Business � The big sale has only started. $23,000 worth of new goods to • choose from. - It is seldom such a new and tremendous ,stock is • thrown on the market. -Crowds are coming every day.. Over thirty people to wait on you. Prices are marked -down to make it ivortlt while to drive many miles to get here. Christmas stocks are all Lut- on the tables .ltow. Choice gifts for everybody. A dollar will work - wonders. Open till 11 ,p. m. Christmas Eve. Men's Suits Five hundred Men's Suits, all new, made with the Standard Brand, latest cuts, and here is a sample of the prices- \ $6.so Suits. Sale, - - $3.95 i • • $12. Snits. :Sale, - $8.so Suits. Sale, - ' -- 5.90 . $15 and $16 Suits. Sate, $!o Suits. Sale, 7.50 $18 aiiu $2o Suits. Sale, the '.ety $8.54 - 10.50 - 13.50 USE ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM At ow, when shacked by a Cough and ems snort dangrrous brow -Mal and gsrssary ailments -•2111 50c. and $1 On B ottles. a LA everywhere. ��,LWRNv.}Co., Montreal. Christmas Stock Our Ch, ietmas stork in in, and our patrons ran depend on getting the freshest and hest goods here. Raisies, Currants, Peels, Oranges. Battle ts, Figs. Dates, Prunes. Cbhice Teas sad Caffein. P. jr. RYAN 'PhoneNo. I(111` Aamilloh 9E:"' 1 1 • 1 Boys' its -froth 98c up."MI-clearing with the rest. $8 Coats. $14 Coats. 200 Men's Black Beaver and Melton Overcoats. Sale, - $6.50 $lo Coats. Sale, - Sale, - 9.75 $18 Coats. Sale, - ,$ 7.50 - 12.50 Ladies' Suits - All dour big stock of Ladies' Suits and Coats, ranging in prices from $12.sc to $18. __All put.at.one price,to dear the entire 14 -at -less.- than--gest--of-materials alone. SALE PRiCE-ONLY $8.50. The. Grocery' Department This is a real live place these days. Everything going at cost. Everybody taking home a peck of sweet Christmas Oranges, 39c and 49C a peck, Nl i sed Nuts almost half-price, s lbs. for sec.' Don't let Christmas cotfie without visiting this department. Farm produce taken as cash. Good in' any department. Higher prices paid. With threat rush that is sure to be on, we would advise as many as can to shop in the forenoons. Please carry small parcels. Get here every day now. See the bargains and tell your friends. The Big - Sale is on Now. Cameron & Moore THE DEPA FITMENT STORE N. C. CAMERON .0111/1111 411.11.11111111/1.0.0 11 i i I i i • •