HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-23, Page 3-•y�r..,a. g I�OOKMAGBIN DING 1)h:KIODICALS and 1,11;RARI ES (round or repaired. GOLD I.117411INO tat LEATHER (iOOt)S ail orders pnee llyy attended to on leaving . nrtu al THY. i4IO�' Al. Guterlob. A. K. TAY WK. MTRATWIRU MUSIC 1111t, >l li 'KILYAI'K, 4, O, N. M j1L Il.erldrM•4ualrudl.nrssluat urmt.44.o'-gt. rburch, Uulrl n'1•ui� ito u run nodvomitsi cal culture. iso„ o, 0or .t,.,.e,l .1,11.01 1. .., M. '44,41 11111 Mee. Ktil'.ok, leen ienee Merkel ere • neer Haolht rhun•h. Studiu.t k 'W. Cu , corner of 44tuce and North -, cat.. • 1.p'H16:11 K. UOUK. TEACIIKK OF Itiruo.playing• 'Theory. Hrnuouy end Counterpoint. 1 upll. preplre'1 for examine. thole of Toronto Conservatory of bandit'. Apply et '1'1/4/111.1,11P M u.n1 e1.01v. tl.rlvnu h. •144.111day- ❑,1'au'u. , 4-1 , ...idenoo of Mr. Alva. .lta,ao-,.. 'pi,. 41.14140 .1 ro01. Ot•101irh ratolits a1 1', 11. ,t. ruunna near rtW.o4rd lawn lanai' -sake. ..d th.1 rect. WATCHMAKING, Fre.. llAIrYEY PARK • •'4I L' SrUN.1 1 (AIN 6f the Sistriet ;one The trusteed of 1Vrlt.n rchad hat 1 engaged Mire Mend Cad?, of Clinton, t WS 4 (*4.hrr for IMO. l ()surge Harvey Gunn, of Tut Inlu, uevhew of Dr. (ludo. ui Clinical. diel ,-e in Toronto on December nth. Jonathan %V right, r relAdent of I I Ethel, departed Oat* file un ThdrMda), Nth lust., at the age of thuly-nve year.. Ile a rut vived by his wife anti (:i1I.]. 'II ""i•% R10 THt.'t(a1)AY, DX('NNHM:IC 2.3, limo 3 ilk. Ib•• •....41nr euro(: "Idetk h,ue, tone could 1.•11 this •own e••nre1411144 16'666.6 111. (duller elle. 11141. In toil (1 111.A•' M1- 44*it• se4(444-ost mut r ' "Y•di le wrong again. sir l" 'I" xuI1a11tIy from Linnet iii'•, as lie slate el yl anti rrluuved his bat. !lis -brad wsa .4s bald cit 4 hr proverhi el Lida 4141 )1411,-1L. Jnhn Suit. tone .011. lieu -all Observer : JI las Kate Dames, who returned Luta Loudon hu.pitul a Ire days ego. lett ou *use day tor Uaaleticu bwpltal to take tie•almen% their. lier twuble Is spinal LU ecuarts. be 1 PROFIT IN ORCHARDS. Special Coursesin Fruit Groan's; at Guelph- College. The Ontario Agricultural U4tl"R`, Guelph. sends out the following . Ou %%'edmerday, Deoeutbet• 4141,, Niles If yon salt interested in fann'in'g Flury t:,wlrruu, dru441tter o 11 L101,46141for pruflt yon have p.ubahly not t'allleroll, of Skye, Seokl4wd, Na. thiel there hat horn recently a 44•,•al united Ill Marriage at the Pl•e.byteliaw revival of 'Merest. in fruit grow tug, manse, ltlplry. „u Joust Jlcuuugau, N,1 other tir.nch of agriculture oB.•rr w1 toe eecou( uuuceauiu of glint»., wt large a fl11411cL(1 return at the prem. ent time, and it it Iwcuase ui this fart 1'hq marriage ut ideasMargaret.1V. that. large Unn,lwrii of neglected uarh• HiMrux, dulyy daughter ul 1.100 1144. Nr, cards are being elPit11re1 u ,' p, fertilize, 1111..Jh.. 1V..1'. H1r(ux, 414 Wiughaw, p'i'ned and 'preyed. Such eplendi•1 rod .\',hut• ;11. N'aluu.au, ul Turuuto, profits are tieing re*liz•sl thee. w 1..• - Lilly sun 0: M1.• it. Holing. of Exrler4 awake mrd are betting out new plant .- ie auuuuneed- W take plea a un 1' • .ions of the test varieties In the Henn dsy, 1lvcrwlAer 'Gird. b •hof that they will return a high per- -John Httehie, u1. iVIN-Wa t. and X1ss (Pent �of prooL"'-i7T-the capital -4M-- Hersle 11 aie,yuuugest uangbtur of Mr. veeted. '.hese men have carefhl latticed Int,the.Ituation and any W1 do likewise will mud. certrinly con to the salnr eonclu*ion. Ontario 441,• senora beyond all question uorivalle r I4)sel a 1 era as is fruit-p'•(1'lucln4 P1s.s- --- _ - --ate A04-4041 *re are .. equalled .un thio 1 Ont inert, \lerkel - have never liven fully anpplitJ with rtlfe•tly high-grade- fruit. and ale d- muanding larger quanlitiee each yea' To those who *re looking fora , profitable lime, we enthlrtly teeotu, mend a study or the fltuit sltll*61.411 The beet' informed end twist expel1' fruit .len in the Province will h.• assembled ret the Ontario Alfricultolal UI r*' r 1 o lir special 4- i 11 f r 1 College. Guelph. II JP • K. • i11 oleos' growing. Jrlwary ..0th t.. Fellruary It h. Ih111, (' and Beal thrid tell thrlr experience .if y' doubt lhr tenth 1,1 thew. mtalelilrnta. W.'I•t:r4lAgrJ4 J4wa1.1-a:a nrrici•M. .•ah side of Square. bugler"' Ont *Aid Jh.. Chou,*)4 i$.nlr, Ill wale, Were Willed lis Warrh4ge till 'luesday even - CIVIL ENGINEERING I Ing til Leet erre et. Kt'urer114. rho -_ -.--Lru1e.lent,deputy pustulistaces in Blur �a.Aufiti A,S' 11 Roles 1LFa. 1\71 Vii. *els buy .4 uu,ular "(Jacob and it age11 ` gild Hydrrullc k4*41111001, notate land er.44 Iayo, 41.'. i�o,,,.'atone On Suu.tu December 1'2t1,. Va1en- ttw ..fru -L. Bleph , n.dencl+, twrnor )' uoowl.trvct Tv1rp'.o0,• Ir. Sine I;,u,uny who had herlla resident - ,,t l', work vicinity tor the last ' 'MEDICAL ' (11i.t4 •44040 year., died at the.•advanced - •.:4 'f,, - ea i rhe of seventy-eight yew,. 'free de - its, i:31 MERst O , i T'UENHULL-. i erased was lend in (lerulany and name W VL Wel Ina, roomy lis 1l'J, ' Mir. t (., A•'/.• 4.rraasu.. M. D. I Uraului awl sox cialldreo survey e: •it i(. Tt;a4Ht,t"1_ M. 11., . . Il4udiwu SIR. 1'ew,e 140_ i -1\', 11', !Meredith, of Seaforth, died Ir. l.mn.rr'un a 4vsMtence. North Creel. i in the -hospital 111 Guelph: on '1'ursday . church, •h" hone 44,L .Opaill'se St. Owner e , n • p , I of lust work. lie bad 114-4.11 a Irsidrlll. Ur, 1'Pout!)we residence. )lenuroy..tk„rL Pout!) wed of Public L,hrerv. 'Pboue 1!a ret !trefoil!' aider hoylitad flit lat- terly hail been a U'4vent•r fur a large 1((t. 1V. 1'. (SALLOW, U. li. l'nued Stat.- nein. 114 is survived -1 I,y his wife, his 4ged p*rents, who •,dice4h,t o-.ifeu4 ,, Nosh .t revs, '.01'411*'t now bye 4?. M1..l lam d. and • sister. 66,,., a . •,1„14 1 ( tel 1,4,.0„„„. II .141d if u1y are .lamely•O4teresterl you t W • t, „ o •111.1 V41111' fl '11101.4 1.1,0.1 afford 1. Mrs. \.•.i 11e1'u44Kart, u1. the Ukh n -• u4h We silk .f h . 41 4'lI •:d kmnw•1- LEGAL • p ',tell iiI% .t4'4.(y ,iu \touchy. 11144441 of - *he h " ill lie porepl)lwl :'t 11160 Ow, 1, hILLOK.1\.. s'auc'e' il.P.K. 44.1 week,I1 het' thirty' -seventh year.'"1'lu•'ere i.md l in growing'louit, and . �'.•t r „moo- x,,,, that -o I'. o1., no,ar., 1. M 1.,••.,, 44(,,,,,,,a, .h - L o 4 u 'I treeesed•' was the N4." 4l.l d4u44►eller I his tree -hate cont -s it 4 rnrt h d1•Ilar s.I ' ,, :•,,,..11.,1'lams..,, 111 ...,6..1111 x, •.'11,1•,) 1 l(l 1.1 W1111411ilt( eft, ill Logan Le' im1.. you :Ind .'lime' ft i.••r11 POI' fllt'I hl,M.in'y- - ship, anal was married• to her 11,1 %V - 11.41I ieillar, WIlee I. 11'. t'rt.µ•.r Ih'p.trt- beet.ft aahoeI! Nato. !testae, \1,. til•-? l 4,4' l!'.rtenitm". or I Irr'dent 4 I l 6'.1111 KO h l`., • n,,,41ese; •,..,,a„ . nnitl�- l ' 4' • Me'h'a4t44•u't 'three lilt 4.• -gni.-:a4- I, n. 1 •reelnl4n, U A. l'., (:urlph 11.411 ..i.•n ..t they township, pa -•w1 edgenn; • np•lo.44.44 u'•,rlu.6 t;un _ J4444e'. 1 4.. ak.•Y, .ul old and: Mthly e- I)1'ol.1,F(Jtr-1. 11.11. 1. 1I1.1.1l; teemed I.-,.I.•ut-1;f .1 111.. 441,. 1411.• ui' l 1 11 111-, .111t fn her slily-seveutli year. I wla r 1 , 4 ie. ileci 1-1'e1 1- -•44 v141 -d by her time , - __,„•,,,. ,, •1 r • . k baud. tw.....u- ..tofu. of N 4 44harit• '0. 1•4.'N 1 ,c1,.rl, 4' 1 . . ' 4 (1 .. .9441. ,f1.1..111.111, ..1 hum.,. and 'flee• 444'(.- - .141,ght.t-, tvo411.w11.mel-re Malt '1'1rd. •1.l A►<I t•:Sl AU7:U1\, 4. 4, IL ;I.\ It- Iha. nil,'in.ret 4Ya* 1164,11• ill !44)144 ‘,....,...y. ' i el \flo.. l •i Irn.1 4 Tile4a.•.IJi)u('..4 \Intron. 1C Morton. u1. 1bp; IL4 h 411 H•(n1i'ltuu 1.'.g, u4et. II • ll 1)I1X`(rO\ "1.1, 1 I'.,L It. 11, . u Of- :N r. 411/1 Nita. J 1 „11• nL, ..1. l,. .t N ii,gh.4144, to .ifs. L•,4 11. - 11,41,1y. 1.1-1'.416.1 (laughter of .l1,. a7ld 1NSUi*A.WLE. LUA 'S ETC. It Il• , ••-mance rt Illy 1,1•Ide-. pel',•Ill s • ' 'Ion d. •s .rw11 1,11i. 11,111x)1''• ,611 11.. It. (lardy, toe wetly 441'1 young 1ir,s,klyn te.rher was' •x• .lung ,1.e her class of little writ.. x411440 44 the nly'sle•11'•0 ,,,t foe 11o4 -y. She ol. "rhe 1.(i iuci41 yl u1. _Illi» Nrll'r111 I• like the .chasm of a ship 416.1 t lie rfe i"tlr4T-1na a 1.•- 6..k. -1-.watt- +4s i he Wiley eekets - or. Nadirs. Now. ehll 1•••11: ath., 41Wi11111e 11)\•y' 1 f 1..14•1••trel•• .1, tial.(' /1 ! Nies ely :Ule'w4red. 'rd carry, her -sunt.• tort her file tet•bera-dCeil. I 1Vhu ow'11.!hi. .ehonl The 11.1..1 td l4 little• gill in the hick row Weld. 111p ':•11111111- l'Hn'.%I4. PUNI'S. '14) Llan 1.4 • at 1.....1. A Nl - . 11 .' n'.• 4-n 114111111.1 16.1. r,., ,1'n.•h, ‘ V, r N. H. ItO1iKRTS4 i - iNsi-RANe •K Ali FAT. V •u. 4s . (Jun114'1411 : 141 114., 4' an Alen and .1.n 4-1 an, • ' .A . (414* 1, 11(•4444)4 Allo 11.Nl'I)I0'C,OI L1.11711.- . , rl Thr Owen Acrid. 1.1 •.lel 4111aernt v' orilia :6110 4.ma?4rL of Lrmd.nl• K16g•. {"•. 1,11 (y1( • ANa NTA : Ito.41. T n., 41.'1. 1.'111111'1 11Ie d 4 1111+ pony. 1 rrti s at n++id a •, nun hr4 t tenser of V11. and :It. David Clark. 444416,, 1;•' ftllI W'. (*RA 1F I!FE EIRE el end accident hli.urtn.. '♦'.',{ ret. for leading 1..,1' nal and monk WnW41 -•- Ii,st4Allee ill all , co, effected on best pions a /fat lowest rates. ' a44 fit *'etre. owner N „at . 'eat and librui •e I or entre.. J. W. CKAIOI l:. • fele .bone 14 - 1 11 MUTUAI. F K IN -1 1 a t; K A YC K l' O.- r'ahn sn' sedated l re.•., 4.ruperty insured. / Meer. -J. K. -McLean, l're-.. Kippen '. ly T. Vowel.. Vine-l'ren.. Hrueeneld O Thmnles E. 'ray. :kc:,Tre....• *ea orth 4!, Uuac4us --Wu, Che..,s Se*forth ; Jo (i.(irieve.lothto4, Oe)rge Ikde. Senior, h. John Herne ate, Dublin; Jana.b;veno, Beech- wood ; Jon M elft. Hsrl01•It ; Tho.. 1 -river. Hrnrxfleld ; John 11. MMla.an, gluten': Jo... l 'unnolly, 111nton. - J. W. Yeo. Holmei,Yille, agent for-We.t Horoh. Polley -holders 4a.l p -.y an4m•"menu al.d gat their cord. rece.plell at. , Toner a Brown's, Clinton. or at K. 11. ('alts grow ry. Hlerston street. UodericG , . • MARRIAGE LICENSES- `VALL►:K K. KELLY. WUKltll'H. oST. N'atohmak.r. Jeweller end Optlolan.' Immo of Martian. I•16-en4e8. _ WLANE, ISSUER ()F MAHR1 • AGE Ile..eea, Uoderich. Ung SHAVING PARLOR UEDFORD KLOCK HASHER SHOP well•known end popular stand • .neer. Its patrons the best nervier In shaving trete-t^.ntting• ata, rte. Lattice' ,'hampnolo(t a •(4,clalty, Only .killed hands ' employed. loot {sol ror,ng, will be ahprrclated, 44- 11. lir ti I',4t, Proprietor. • ARCHiTEtrTURE i ItTHI1R J. BARC1.AY. MEDAX.- f1 LIST Royal In,titutw nee It,.-idence Maulte•Hou4e, (Joderlch. Plan.. de. ' Al. and reifications prepared for rhetildrlee4 end ()libido huddled*(otre•pofdence in - v11 n ail AUCTiONEERI NG • 411 '4 (14.11 4%.' • itev. E. 11'. Stnplalold '4VIIh eves rpl►4kliug with the in• reason for the clear, full of the Mason and Risch piano. t, Irk 0 TOM The Agraffe hay method n„wi..g metal connection (Ktwee° e.,lte Tb Mimeo red tt,..h Aged. S. rem Showing the erg. Screw ,s pn.,.on 1„ Maar.° ser I4 n Plano O jangling or uncertain notes come from the Mason and Risch piano. Each note is clear e1nd full. This is greatly due to our agraffe system. In most pianos the method of preventing vibration 'the strings between the pins and the bridge is by eans of a metal agraffe bar. Mason and Risch The piano with a soul, There are two serious faults in this method. First, the metal bar gives a metal connecticn between the notes. Second, there being no means of keeping the three strings each note inthe trichord rd scale separat- ed arat- ed they very often work out of position. In the Mason and Risch piano we use a separate agraffe screw with each note sn the,trichar scale v: hich ,also isolates each string of the note. This method . absolutely prevents an vibration of the strings above the bridge and 1101'ds them in exact "position so the !