HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-23, Page 1Mama Read The Signal's Clubbing List on page 8 of this issue. LION eTRERT RE rthing real good ded this week.' Pieces CIS h Teas mow. dhow goods. Now is the time to renew your wha•ription and *twine our Heading matter for 1010. 1 am offering for sale Itelientures bearing interest at flee per cent. per annum. payable half-yeerly. iusble investmenh I would advise anyone having money to invest to be sure to call and see toe. L. THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY A Pretty Calendar for every livid -in -advance subscriber to The Signal. GODERICH. ONTARIO. CANADA : DECEMBER 23. 1909 TOWN UV GUI/ERICH. TOWN Or flotilinicil in Winnow storfity eon Large Congregations and SJccessfut Services in the Newt Metkodist Church- Sermons by Rel. W. B. anima a Former 'Dungannon Boy -Supper and Concert on Mon- day a Great Success. Wherem the town of tIoderich has con Notwithstanding ,t he stormy and teligious work. and asked for the .,:vattTrted.....710 ford eoline. maletained.f • %weather and bad roads. the ripening loyal and heartiest, 'support of Mr cute ootiti Ing water and light to the inhabitants serVICes counectiou with the new gregation. 'silence of about $2,120.0 to be provided for. A very appropriate eouvenir was issued by the Ladlies' Aid Society in the form of a celendar on which were photographs of the 13eW church and of Rev. Meagre:. Bartlett and Smith. Three hundred of these were turned out by the locet photographic gallery and are finished in creditable man- ner. Mor'er Goderich. people would have been out had the roade been better. There was excellent sleighing from THE TOWN COUNCIL MR. SELL'S VALUATION OF DOTY PLANT ACCEPTED. malty in Connection with Churcn Street Sewer -Collection of Taxes --D. F. Hamlinit's Application. Ma or Macklin De .utv Reeve Ow previewed of The Municipal Act. Arid wheido. tbe .aid hese been • Witte ittleCaliefilll horned tne highest the evening were the Lueknow choir low to lioderic.h there wee littleitang plmed under the control of rso tonere In i'xpectatiour. klundey the church and 31ise Hart. of Henson. elocution- anow on the roads. ish In spite of stormy weather and badly drifted roads. the choir ',me- tered neerly twenty -live strong, and the eelections given by ettem were well cinted. Their leader, -.honer Andereon. is an exeellent singer. Mille Lsna GOOERICH MARKETS. try 1.71,...,t ti..f tn•anced. from time to flow ' Ointrannun, and who is now one of in awveral 44 the anthems. Miss Hikrt. 'NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS k f Nloritreal which perounnce of the pro. hared of The. Municipal wee packed to the doors at eacb ser - water Work. Act and The Ilunicipel Limit %ice, ((e Monday evening nearly and Heat Aut. And cheered Witch' of eltInPael ha. been le- i h" hundred people enjoyed the coned in respect of capital expenditure upon ; WWI supper in 4110 old church ,and the •aid .y.tern.. which cannot coevenienft-4-nith2WAFiiii hat -rued- .Ts au excettent-em advierrie ie borrow the ...id amount Upon the , ciiuten management was fuitianate in - debenture. of the eedd town. neiab surly epirit. in throwing open • • -T --.- - ---• 1 the Hank of Montreal in the eon) of galtsitii in ...lose boyhood days were spent in reudered in excellent style solo parts heIr sheds on_Mondiav veniug. • Hata off to the Lucknow choir who turned out ro faithfully and made trips both on Sunday and Monday from end to Lircknow--in-epite -et -the The officials of the Anglicartiand . - I money. wet e reqiiired b the wurf nor.poration t h" .1""" PI °mane" and popular I* not e rtrenger in the. bection, And as When lounging in the comfortable ' muuw.Ar. thomb„ ard. from lime to time for ifferent purgadic and ter* insTormito -.Rev. usual her selectithis were well chiewn roll -back smite end admiring t lie Ogirl Of Chamig• Of nifinting advertise. Fall wheat, paean.' gr ie. to gi pp, • Melt were lawful!). eIpeuded upon mat:term Altittitirentistbrisoft et tins office by Rye- per-truetp-- . 1) ft- 07 rrilmr--.U4*.rp641.tion. days TTER litititeetwat. per bush 0 1.5 to Monday noon to insertion os,..,,,,.,,, twr bw,h 0 xi to In issue of sense week. hoe. Per toci, ti KJ to . Buie", per Medi 015 to dreaming.. per LOO ay on to Flour, family, per ewt 2 71 to Fleur. Potent. per ewt 3 1111 to gran. per ton X ler to Iamb. 4 in to Wanted , l'at Bale cheep - Rai ar.n innate • t% 4E4 pfbetli 10 t- ti .41•4 II • ' NOtiCe to Creditors u 41111 where*. it le dawned advbsable to bey 34 row i tie iend upon the debew ore. tif the. onid town for the prowde lee -tying tbe „, money OD 441 &steed by the wild •Harils. ,„. And wherem for the end 14111,1410. 11. will be .41 0,, after protided. tt hi the 411111) 41It Or the debt intendori 10 he ri•ested by If o bylaw ; the pre 13 ired• or the add 41r1WIttntrA to be minium to b 0,, the sold purposes and to rio either. 7, the Consolidated M Act of len be b taiiwit 41111441131 6). •pe, cal rate duties ,4 went" ‘a Year. for paying r he said debt . and •ititeridt And. wbefea. deoirable to it.ne the slid 7 deberitine. at ondlime and to make the orlon 1 - ...Mt Searle- tr 2.f t"". dhbt shot) be iwaels a. puicible equal to the • b„ • eruniii.1 01 layman in eaet. of the other year. Able property of tile town . Atorieh. urefird, • tam -ler 41n lutire , ins* to of 1.t 11.0 i-crt roll thereof. • 141.1,1,...a nevem the arninint of the existlifig dr. it debt at the niutompslity is deln.d.euied by etweial .ets. nide. or 411. • 'wenn- a hereof itu principal tir lutenist 4.in- beot.r elven all basing i TOLItr141111,1, TV). lilt so. teat Off 4",.4 1411114. Pffilti•t I debentures of the aid I...di to the ammint !if 5„4„). *.bibubbfb iteeeedid. to send in !her; ' 4" I b" b'u6d 'a.' KE lf You use out oi at this printsho; NOES noning re may id worry. chold in vilization r. int touch le • to Pith of December. Seed ordeal at r. Do tar,tichfir t4A LE. twee.' y you- .41 1114. flank.. of Montreal in the • neer. medium • ou lows; Munnings *nil Juniata were ing last Friday. The condiiion of the Opera House _Mayor. pojate.1 • lot this install._ cieney of the exits 111 1.11,111, of fire and the matter was reterred to the tire connnit taw. Asaetwor Campbell ['reported • that been paid. • He asketirfor resolution to be passed by the council ti I extend .tt . H. •Citaweli. pastor of Parkdale and rendered in her -own perticularly heeuty of the buil ing, on t torget he time for the colleetion of tears to 31, %Wirt. eliureb. The well-trained leasing •rtyle. • moving the audience le, wood of preise for those who faced Pete tiai•y• 1st. The request, Wee • e 111 ettela at vigeti service,. and Interspersed,eining the musical iond ' work and *uppity= Luektiow and The enedieal health unfree made the y reps espitnie of app. relation and, eliicutionary *elections were speeches' Ooderieb. following 'report for the year .41.1ing ratubst..iiii rewatued their etforta. hy the village - and visiting pastor.. Every denomination has reaion to Bev ember 17th , . le usual nervier.* on the Nile cit.- R -v. T. Hicks. rector of the Anglican be proud of the new rivulets. for Mem- During the yes'. .1 myi.t. wia 11.4111. hAVIS +aid at Blithe'al and Crewe were church, conveyed felicit* . _ and en. here of each have "brices.- small or •.ciii...,•• (pill,. iwt i•h„.„iit„I. i ,...., ,,,....u...... i.lriasitvii, and the Presbyteriene an couiagetnent to the people iif the large. tn tlw building. , . , 14.11- MO, wit ht.T.,. ,re. rity'tionreo- hir tn it Year 44 ale° withdrew theit,tuorti- Methothat eimgrestat Rev. Chart... . , _I , ' if of tie. vcir Fit e .i.• ith. • • ...e1 V We. Res. Chits.• Itirtheirford licither:ol J. pionor lit the Prerby teriell it le ultiversally ark in isvledged that '..",,,drer...!':,",..si 7,7,t.....eiiitai.,..,.....,',.. 'An ,% erne.. . Rev. W. l'unwai a.tistreig iu the chut•ch, mule a litiong plea tor hits. _..without Rev. 1. Hat•tlett's ,practieel Age of thirty. One deist ti tt he ea... b - mg on , mimes ht the neer chUrch. • mony and unity within the corigreipt- auf•el. and enerigetie ,..d.otourve t h. -b„,,, h 14.„ 40.„,.. ,, ,..„,,,, ...... 0 . „.,. t„. • (III lerf.lit , etude:actors *.iuld, liot is.. iv 1.1,ot,i'le dints!. A III, ; se. v. .1 • a -ay. im L. Bartlett, limit gloat piensille Ghent* euttilikionu me. Itiev..1. Iii Ftird, '" i.unie in introducing to, t he coo. cif DOA now. chairman ot the Wing- tien of brain and hrawii. sound advice lotimir:o..tde,reit:. Its;41.1.tite \yr.,..t,-..1,4...,....,,...1 wift.h • 4 lion a Doettamein tioy Who, bas hem district. touched ou church uni.M. 1,1,,,,,ki i • Mit 111Am:ice, ;shish rod.- iardi the el snit Vi 11 i as.. e.I. lie !nod a snowing ii ..... edDate imsailaility, be pithited te A picture "1- the new riiiimh:. with iiti,.... ihi.,."ii.,,ii" ,,,,. .... ,n.,,., .,,,, . i....lcia well, a ,forsuer pawnor cot the that as soon ars the idea permeated the unavoichally.militled this week. . . gent et..,p,,,,,,,,„„.,,,,,. 1,„• „(,k,‘,.... ,,„,,,,,i. man t writ 1 ami A Hey trib Ite, W. Is. Caswell replied in terror/ .coloa ...:Atiiiii of the warm snot., which . lialleA ,i mod presented •thrtill 40 tar . -Ctittlrett With wotm" of love, and loud • text in the Iii(1121ilis; Wee -And he IntiLied an attar there anti called .,„. sten mot •fter *bite date the .40411 Richard ' 1,1 b.*. A ebony, ow I Ed or 'metre' or rif ...tete of the amid de reset.. wily to the darts.. of w !itch he then *hall r. awl any person id whose claim rahall iso01 solicitor. for 1dminlitestor. TO Sala Public Notice. l) '11-1E ELECTORS 01 000E. assert 15u.. Apply ist residence. :ea I 11.141.1 FOR RENT NOI)ERN to offer iny.eir as tendtiate fnr 'the oMee of deputy terve of the men for the year 191... Mae thia, mesh. of mking for your 'option. Having Woved you for a number of year. on I the publicachoul board 411.1 town ...mail and being r. la property owner I think my ex • ,"perienfe er iidereet in the man give me wine claim to the ghee nicitioa to width I ma now pert on gy. Wiabing you the oompli- , . Veer. sincerely MO THE IELIO.7ciati 1..)F GODE- 1.41111g4 AND tiltaTER IS. with ta an• flannel. that I out a mod ale for the poeition of deputy reeve. end rein trolly est tor your h▪ ad six yeers experience in he public nerVire. four yptre on the Sr- hum Hos and t year.' been ouch at to warrant you? placing confi- der... in me teethe higher poet t ion. If eierted. 1 mama )4,11 I will use my beet in the intereet. of the 11. . tVishing you • happy and priaperees 'N'ew JOHN reriseniences central. renweable few. AN m J. 14. HAM KINK 20ti Petncia'• item t:stato tor WO. HOUSE Pull MALE.-tiN BRU('E 1,,AltM FON SALE Oft EX- / t RANGE for how* and lot in tioderich. - Heti ewes of lot esseession ( WWI*. Oa John huchanao fermi , brick houae. horn limit 4 /44 %el WIWI well, a geed orchard with Inteiro..frult. It.. R. sou EitatALL. Loral. eat Int EsTh:HN LANDS FUJI MALE.- , ▪ 'Wanes With X *Mew In erop ; frame ote. lat .1 4 rich loam 2to scree 1181 Per ,,Ying tip r•erfp year Itt, weal with Isseelity end phone In house. Apr s mew eset be lecught in emy term... J. H. stet% York un. Clerk. It brick dwening. with the ,noriern Improve, i•spieneantly %dilated and near Ow Square. sintY brick hours. with seven rooms. }Once street Pattieulars esu be had by lice at slo NAL office. 361? STERLING BANK OF CANADA 112.40 orrice Volurem iNconnottaikti ay flIPICC1AL ACT or DotrINIoN PARLIAMENT TO 'WE'VE DEPOBITS To accommodate the Farmere We have opened Brandies in the villages of AUBURN, VARNA and Are solicit the Patronage of the Highest current rate of interest paid in our aismrs 1 deposits of $1.00 and upwards. GODRRIOH BRANCH A. 0. GAMBL1.1daneger A meet int of the neepayent of the tounashir of Colhorne Will be hold in the Township Mal Carlow. nn MONDAY. DEC EMBF.R the entre. nf Rec. e and four I ouncillore for the year 191o. If poll be required the vote of the elerton. will be takhn Monday, Jewiary polling places IL. MThorstrttiir- Clerk of Colborne Townehip. QYNO PSIS OF CANADIAN 1,3 N1RTHWEI1T LAND RE(IULATIONS. Any person who is the sole bead of a family. - any mail. over 18 yeaw old, nosy homeetead oniartor.eect ion of available Dominion land in Ilanitobra Siwkatcliewan or Alberta. The I n band. Agency or Sub Agency for the dietrict. Entry by proxy may be made at Any agency. on certain conditione, by father, mother, MO, daughter, brother or slitter of intending hooheteader. Dutlea-flix menthe' residence upon and cultivation of the hind In each of three year.. A botneateeder may 11,e within nine miles of hit homestead on • farm of at lewd en acrea enlely owned and occupied by him or by hie father. mother. son. daughter. brother oe standing may pre-empt • quartersoction alongeide hie homestead. Price pice per sere. 'hides -Mew reeds, da nesiatlis la awe asix year* from date of homestead entry tincluding the time mtlialf,r1 to earn homestead patents and cultivate Any scree attn. ytaad right and cannot obtain s ere-einem* may take a purchased homeatead In 00111110 dietricte. Price ften per *ens Duties -Main reside Os month. in each tf three year., mini fifty arts and erect a home smelts "Moo W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minims'. of the Interior N.B.-Unauthorised poblInetion of this ado entailment Will not be paid for. ese oaid low 4.44 rioter ich t- Esch of the and Ms/vented.. .hail• he .ignail by the Mayor of the ..14 town. so by •Oliiie oilier 101,4•14 nOthOli44•41 by Iola. to otters the ...me. mot by the trea.urer of the rrand • Pic thereto the orftreoTrahr r Intense at the rote of live tier cent. per annum payable yearly at the -aid lienk In each and every .year dunng the ciftrency thereof.. 4 During the eurrency of the odd deben• turas. 1110110 41114,1 lie rai.ed annually by ecial nne ail the rateable protect), In the odd town of lioderi:h the of 11.19:110 for the •Purpow at oaf 11of the &mount dile in esieh of the said year. for principal nod luternet la Ye- orpeet of the 44141 debt. Thie Asia w -hall take effect oa the day of the final pigeons thereof. The vote of the elector. of the mid town of Goderieli .1.811 be taken on this bylaw et the following time. and place.. that 14 (A any on Monday. tbe third day nf Januar,. 116141. menclna at the hour of nine o clock an the fore- noon end continuing until ftve o'clock in the afternoon of the name day. by the following deputy returning officers: Pollitig sub -diversion No. 1. et Thompson's wood -hoe by John H. Edward. Depnty Returning talker. and John a McKay, Poll repair ohm. Kestetress klatee.tieputp Returnieg tinker. and Hes. Sharman. Poll Polling eub-division No. 3. at Tonn Hall ; by C. Belcher, Deputy Returning UMeer. and oubalirlsion Nn. 4. itt :Mothers* wool "bop : by Mex. Straiten. Deputy Iteturnialf °Meer. and trIllians Mother.. Poll Clerk. • Polling ouleilienion No.1. at Um. Walton'. atore. wet street by (leo. C. Hawk. Deputy item -nine (taker, and J. C. LeTousel, P.11 Returning °Meet. and William Tait, Pull Polling ',oh -division No. 7. at Dennit hoots : bv Darnel MoKny. Hews' Returning ()Meer. and ltobert Telt. -Poll Clerk. lin Friday. the Mrit flay of December. 19211. Mayor of t b.• .11 town shall attend et the CourictI Cheniber• of the •••411 tow.. at ten -forennori to appoint in. •W attend al the wino. willing piece. eforewaid and at the final summing rip of the vote. by tile clerk. on behalf of thr perwn. angered...I in and Promoting or rippo.ing the pawing of thia by We reaped vely. M. -The cleric of the nOtinell nf the .midr town of tioderich -hall attend at Mt cpMett In th Town Hat, .ft ten crcinek in use forenoon Tuesday. the fourth flay of January. 19 . to eitm up the number of votes for nod against the bylaw. Dated at the Council chamber,. at the town nf fioderich the thint day of De/ember, A. IL TAKE NOTICIC that the above le • true copy of a proposed bylaw which hai been taken into onnsideration and which will be Anall7 paired hy the council of th.• municipality lin the event of tbe Rouen t of the elertort being obtained thee...tot lifter one month from the first publication in The Signal newspaper. Dm date of which publication wow the ninth day of December. and' that the vote. of the elect/ins of the said municipality will he taken thereon on thedey and at the hours and places; therein AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all leaftehOlder11 fillulltied tinder the provisions of are required tan day* before the day of voting to tile with me a statutory declaration of quail. tic -anon. Otherwise their name' will not appear on the voters' IL.t for much voting. *wallet proceeded to *Dow that from the ea,1 est (Diem Imam had &veep. erected, altar. mad worshipped gem,. lie Chinned that, IL Woe loan it ilitittAret tenileut•%. and went ou- to explain waot, go altar should mean and why IL eten1141 Ist erected. In tbe afternoon Mr. Caswell spoke • ••4-3111-.1 Life and Child Traiunig,” taking for his test,. -It is not the will th• ere 'nate one* perish." He divided 'tbe life °I the child tutu three periodic, and for each ut tbese periods be elainied toe , needed different .seven yeais of age. mastery fr seven GO twelve years. leaders,hip from twelve to eighteen, triendanip and love. At the evening service, Mr. Caswell chose (or hit text : "The slothful man roasteth IDA,C that which be took in tbe :hunting." He pointed oOt that today all men were. huuters.-stilloi after riche*, mere after knowledge. is011ie after power and others after Wrestle -all of which were lawful puraelita within eertelb bounds. Euterging on h text be proceeded to abuse how the fru s of the. hdut could be used to nest vantage. At II tin ee services Mr. Caswell held trek, attention of. the audience. from start to !Wish, with clear-cut, de- ciliter arguments., it free jeovery and a manner which (milted conviction with Mir woro.. His expreenon ot re- gret thet he i. add not remain fOr the was Hilly shit by ail whn heard AL MID the Dun noon people and they hope at Sol ALMON. tune to have One piess- ure listening to him again. The Entertainmeit on Mionday.' The fowl siitiper -and- entertititi- meat on Monday evening aieu was a decoded memoir.. The Witte had been taken out of the old church arid three rows of tatiles elite.' ante"' tbe centre of the church, malting t,uust. attrac- tive banquirttitg, hall. The belies of proachable reputations as linuptuous providers sod generous Mosteeme, and prOud." Net only did thelidiei of the Methodist chute,' fut•nieh provisions. but tbe good wourea of the other de- nominations ale, had a share in con- tributiog to the 40-nerotty loads tinder which the tables ossamer There Was enough fowl ano hot potatoes. pie. cakes and tarts t,, sedgy a regiment.. and it might be reniarked tnet on The entertainment was held in the new chtirch, whittler the eimell folk Situations Vacant wended their way s'ter the inside man had hove matietieti. Here, too, the which packed the building listened with interest and profit, to the excel- lent program. in his Introductory address the pogo'. explained under .vhst unfevorable condition. the work of building the new church bed /well imilert &ken and carried on. and onder•took to protein why it was that he Lid not had more completed. he was prepared to throw himself, heart aud and, into the social v January a ramble girt ter gairmen hones work WWI hf/tEt IL.C. CAMERON WANTED. -GIRL AS ASHISTANT Jvatear=4:rby 1771/17 WANTED AT ONCE. -MIDDLE - amyl wornan ro help In hon. work. Meta waifs.. 140 111, signed. And many a deluded mother imag ines her son a genius hereto* he likes to lie abed late in the morning. Mcrrr Christmas • *Inters of the different denotnina• , THE MUNICiPAL ELECTIONS. tione ;crystallization was bound to folio*. As a [natter of fact. more then There is very little stir in tZteini; one speeker touched upon the subject cahhi,„,,tahh, with ow, fippf....objetf of cburc union, and judging from the tenor of e .remarks the itlea not regarded avorebly by many of the clergymen present on Monday even - Knee a short add Be which 'was espec- ially pleasing to th se of Scottish blood in his audience. Itev. A. E. Jones. of Auburn. made very brief amlwresiths. but drove eve, v word h l today that- It was his intention to power and nun. lie rernieded the stand rot. the position of .1Iayur for congregation tbat they mast not mow Imo. fold their arms and feel wit lened. The '''"ene members of tbe school have juin received their equipment - A. D. McLean (St. David's ward), let. it be ueed to best advantage. %Viii. Achemon Ost. Patrick's . Alex. S. Turnbull St. Andrew's). In Colborne township the only definite announcement se to 1110 reeCes ship le that ki. J. A. McRae -an. the, present Hareem, intends to- 'tend for re-election far another terin. For thr coining year, according to the agree- ment which ha. been observed by the county council for A number of your.. l'on.ervative will occupy the 'Warden's chair, and Reeve MaeRwan, as one of the leading Coneervenve niembers of the couneil. would he s candidate for the poattion eme of his re-election by the people of Col- borne. It is reported that J. N. in opposition to Mr. MecEwen. It is understood that all the peesent coun- cilfors wilt seek re-election, arid a number of others are mentioned as mutible candidates. including John Wilson. John J. Robertson; William kitraughan, John McLarty, and -oth- ers. The local option earnpaign GO1h01110 ill proceeding rethet• but before election day there way be F.verything is quiet in Ashtield. Among the good thing. which ftew. Dr. Dougall brought with him from and the earlier report, to the effect (italeriCh Wei -e tWO "'wicks" ($10.(X1 that the preeent council may be re- elected by acclamation, seems to hold eechi contributed by, t*o lady mesa- good. bers of his North street congregation. W. .1. Parks, Reeve of East Wawa" The offeringx on Sunday totaled $83. nosh, is retiring this year. Over Ulm was taken at the door on There will likely be the oi.ual lively Monday evening, and *Su was sub- meetban on Monday at Hultoesvilte. scribed during the course of the ernuo, abet* efeetore frofferich town- minment. ship will gather to hear the municipal Query : What would happen to Dr. , affairs discussed. • In the meantime Dental! if at Iningennon in old Ireland little cam be seid as to the likely can- tle handed out that line of talk in (blatant. Wurrall Menthol in the fOrfn Of Davis' Men& The total cost of the church ie esti thol Helve is the beet application for mated at $8,01.111. Fp to Monday night mosquito and insect bites and stings, the' receipts totaled $0,4401. &thee- old sores, etc. 25e A tin at droggists. municipal electione. Two candidates for deputy reeve, Countlillors Craigie and Munnings. are in the field and the nominations on Niontlay eirening may bring out a full list of candidatee for the other office*. ,Asked as to his intentions in the way of seeking municipel honors: M. G. Cameron informed The Signal The dedication services will he held Sundey next, when Rev. 4. K. ilirke. Id, A., preeident of the London Conference, will preach morning and evening. The dedication service will be held in the afternoon. when itev. J. E. Ford, of Lucknow. chairmen of Notes. There may be the usual diristmas wAil_nent. Saturday *boat the scarcity et turkeys and fowl, but thoee who were at the banquet on Monday even- ing can Mandy have no just cause for It le e long time since there has beech an entertainment In Dungannon OA whilst.' the boys and young wen be - haled themselves in' a more orderly manner than on Monday evenipg. . One of the compliments which Rev. %V. Caswell handed otit, stuns lat. as follows: "I have found that the over- age country congregation is more in- telligent end betaer.read than .is the the diroii.y.„ Thy awl Wiwi... I.futrrieh. 1 he dao Of 140414 .4 lithi:th h town proposed Church rereei sewer arise. , mi• ll the priiperty.ownets having con- nectiou with this viewer do not ad %femora.. of remit i 1.11 ing to the coat of the sewet the colincii prop Ineti WIG in on its own initial ire. A.. petition against. Or, co:A-drat-tem of the eewer we4 pre -witted. 146(11011 by • the following pi opert y -owners : John sr., • ' end Mrs. Jerabus. The clerk re- ported that the peti • was eigned by the i•equired proportion of the property-ow.ners and in consequence the council is unable to proceed with the work. The difficulty being overvome by the town's granting -the "property-owne,rs who • want brae'. confliction tlie anibudt of (1 -in. necessary. they •to Pity- the .riist of. putting in the sewer, and the work to' he done under the siniervision of the the exam:onion of the *ewer from Cam- bria road up Hruce street. to a point, n early opposite his elevator. Mr. Hemlink amked for the 'volley'. tion of the rewer without expense to hint, urging me err -argument for the grant- ing of the favor thnt lie had received no favors as yet , (Hun the town, though his pay roll in tbe busy season totals from thirty•live to forty hands, sewihth,lefriymesizight to ten employed the Mr. liair.link's request Wm sent to Limited, stating that it bitended that the towd publish its. finam•ial to the specie! Cot lllll iftee. plant since the 14.4 valuation, and aleo-of the new boiler shop which they ere now erecting...gave t he fol.; lowing : Total Odium.'" to the old plant amount to 824.413.501: tardier sbtn _and the est uipment _on_ band _kr_ tha Mr. Hell's report was accepted by the coiincil, on lie Mon of Councillor Hallows and Muonings. and referred to' the finence committee and the solici- tor. The rolleceion of the fee ,r connrbc- tions with the sewerage system on Streeta where the *ewers were not mo_ down on the toe el improvement plan is a matter which bee not been at - tided to since the hylaW Was fassed. and the meter waa referred to the public works committee. The diffi- culty which caused the delay is the necessity of a canvases to sacertein knit who are liable to the tax. - The suggestion to have photographs log the nine grain boats wintering here, and sent to the members of the waited on tbe fiovernment to ask for apOrovel and the special committee Wes given power to act in the matter. the holding of the menicipal et-ctions wee permed end the conned adjounied. ine will keep it s rong and healthy,. TheCanadien bear o • ease in the nom- ads is the effective thing. 60c a jar.