HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-16, Page 12e
le Tivinau*Y Dltts(MI8kt 18, BOO
stk fresh -ground purr coffee -
Reduced to 3;.c ur :3 Iter. tut
25e tea iu Japan, green,
bled or mixed. 6 lbs. fur $1Ai0.
:etc Salada, Red Rose, Itysou,
black or mixed, 4 Ibe. fur 51.01
4U: libel tour Iridal. :3c or
3 lis. rot glasi.
Ole Salads or Red Ruse. 35c.
Erle English Breakfast, 43:.
Best Montreal geauulated, per
l.uudrld a°II.to.
El(l:1 .1ual)ly J tine or Septem-
ber alt t•sr, colored ur white,
2 I1... f o; '2 t
ablereu'. Inivel lel l'reatu
chrex, jdr
lot :) t'.
Ingt•ta.ell kt'r.iw• ctiee'ee:.reg-
tu price 15: and 2..r. sale twice
12;r ut.J
:.:a• 1.01(le 1'Iu11 44,11,•11 11:ivee..1a
.; 1. bottle flub +hero ulives..'S: •
:41.• bottle Manzanillo ult.cs .G_ •
n,• b.,.tle but stuffed oaves...S:: •
1'•.• li.dlle pmiebtu or celery
.t u11..1 IL'
Io tiottlr `INIIL{Sills olive...1::•
151. 1,..: tie p.Ltin, ohvre.:: tur•�
., • L.,! 4,. l'. A 14. pickles in
u.us:aI 1. wuluut tit Wei) ed:
Ly'.. Seas
1 Cele* y K, -Leh, G.t .... ;1•'
b Ott 41. w1.1ic e.nious, tor. 1.-•
:: 1.• ...eel Lull pit kir.. per .l I.:.• •
n_ nom' balk p.rllts. ), •r olisle
F ill- (1'.1 %L,-: o,t Cur tl. t.,r
parl..g••s ha•Ilugg'. curt'
*like,. 1.,t• .......... ...2.' '
peek.ta;r. (limiter wheat bes-
tir.; for . ..
:4 pro k:ag.•. Quaker oetueal,
for ...
27. lbs. pastry 14.ut, for 62 c
:(sans Maple Leaf salmon ...54M
_' cans 13rst Red salmon "'s!
a fans .allitton .... ......
Mac jar She: ritTn marmelede..l'c
;(k j,fr Sheri;fr. uaaimalade..2;)c
12'e Sherrifrs bulk mince
Curet. per 10 Ile
'\e Shrrrltrs Jelly*Powder tcc
25 She,riles extract vanilla
\arid Iruhon 2lA
New almonds, walnuts, fil-
berts, `peanuts. mixed. 2
lbs. for , 2:.c
IA)wney'. Ism -bins and choco-
lates at all -prices. New Christ-
mas goods.
Cowerl's chocolates.
(itewert'e chocolates.
Robert on.* Isle-bpnH and
choc. .latem.
Mixed c, earns and chocolates,
2 1b.. for 26e.
Mixed randy, 211.e for isle.
Keens hitt.-, per package. lr
:3 It .yal yeast (fresh) Vic
'2 hrwter. Two in One .how poi•
ish.. 15c
Lie parkltge matches, 2 for
11* lantern also's.% for. F4c
nuc lamp Khmers, for . tic
2.14' set ub',rushe•s. for 1'4c
Bon Aum, 2 for. .. 25c
Map,.lio.:3 for Lie
C •retort soap. per hex.... $1.14*)
Delight, per d.rz...51.1s)
•10 4 x. orates pins. for IUc_
.'all • h'a.!t p' Inter. for .21x!
,t n.••lt1 - IIIc rxl.rsct, fur 25c
1...i gd'Inht beet Amrlican
-►r-- -1,- • >t free a. Th 1TI1I 5 yr
.'�,•� ' :na11•..t lull Call. Dull l
•f. I.• Si:i t r
1 v. ff. thinz reduced.
C.:.:, ,Ewing
District, News.
TuksDAY, Dec. 14th.
Hex%MTtge.-Wm. Thompson at-
tended the fat stock show at Guelph
last wee( A uumber from thio
viciuity took in the box social at
Auburn last Friday cveoing
David and Betsy McAllister spent jarese the ladies .in the afternoon
Sunday' with frieude near the �d
Nile. and alai• again in the evening. 1t is to
Quite a number of young folks be hoped that the ladies of this section
in this vicinity stent a social even- will avail themselves of the oppgortun•
ing together in the church hall last ity of hearing this delegate.
1Vedotsday evening John Boyle
is busy this week getting the taxer:
collected before the last council meet-
ing of the Twat, which is un th}'� 1Sth
of Deeember Thomas MCMillau,
of Scaforth, was through this eectiun
a short time ago looking for horses
to buy 1' Dfenary, H. Treleaven
and the Ferguson brothers are en
gaged cutting wool in A. E. John-
eton's swamp R. McAllister vis-
ited Guelph and Fergus friends last
meetings held during the yeand
bad a good attendance. Thar e next
meeting will be held at Mise H. Yeuog •
home, me January 6, io the afternoon.
This meeting will be held in connection
with the Farmers' Institute meeting,
to Ire held the wine day in this vil-
e. Mrs. Woelard, of Forest, will
Mrns.. Dec. 13th.
1.ea•At. NuTK'.-Ed. 1-4 binsou. bf
!Hurrah-, spent Saturday and un" Nhw-er Noyes -We hada lit* fall,
day rat his hose here Missyl but it haft-letfIli and now 'have
vie Seel..peut the wv.•►-end with her had a week of storey, w Cher. Tet
friend Mars Laura Robinson .0 we are *HU alive, and L+nk411 for old
Albert- Tisdale arrived home este Bat- Santa l'lau. ... . l.t.-('ol. Vt>ueoe and
today front Dakota. It is four or his naw lirrt took in the winter. fair at
live vexra sin, a ab, had leen bottle.GueI ,h. R. M. 1 Dung alsowent
Miss May Craig ie visiting with down to reel• the yighta Mrs.
. Men-
Irieud Mr.. J. lillr Misses dereun i. improving. 'i%, hu Ir
(:Ila and Anna furan, of Buffeto, to are het out again Mise IlValeu s[-
and Mists Clara Fut•au, of 'Toronto' Ihasletto Mitchell and StrHoxF
have berm called home on account of
g1 returning hums to l -
stein Mr. and Mrs. Farrow, of
Washington, are visiting at the hove
of the lattet's since, Mrs. 1.taten•
slayer - Mr. Homey has improved.
his premises Lv cutting down the `old
puplats It W. Baugh preached
a tewperenei'• sermon iu Smith's 11111
church on Sunday last.
(From another correspondent .1
ably nothing won• serious than x Tit F. TE 11FNs. -Miss Marion Fraser
bumped bred resulted -Quite a has Leen 1e -engaged rs barter in s,
number from herr attended li. Reid'e S. No. S, at an advance of $54 in sal-
air on 1'hursd.cy, ary. This speaks well for Miss Fraser
- --- - -- ....Hector Mackenzie, teacher in'
WESTFIELD. f+• No. 3. is going West. and a rn•.v
Totsn..,IiPc.11th. era^her. a lady from the county of
E.+rx, ha. •leen engattld fol the nom
Il(cid It twsey ttttrudr,l the funet-al ing year. The salary 145.sill, the trus-
nf •hi, uu:•lr at Guelph Ira weal and errs evidently
lielioo lug in 11Nall) g a
alsuutten,leil the show. Brst-classleacher and paying it salary
Mr. and Ml,. -.\. liu•draty and Mr. to match. Mise -- -- - 4we have not
J. Il: 11c1 lion a attended the Guelph learned her name) comes very highly
tat ..tock .how last err l'. recommended Miss Augus*inr.
Gro. Jetfersur• has re-engaged fur the teacher in No. 1. has Leen trailing her
here ; bat we are here before them, with
a complete stock of holiday good*. See our
raisin. at' 4 Ib.. for 2.5.3.. Freak currants.
1 Its. tie.Oariaeab 11 lbs. for %1c. Peels
epic A pruner. peachy.. Ilio. caedwa erau
ban nes, unit . Icauuui. l'hr*lma...to•kfng.
t s erkly. 8eceral
1 biscuit. Fancy
end knack knacks
en.. ties. sweeter.
the gentlemen.
to clear our
Wall paps
drtud appt..t
Iligheet prior
1 . Every
calendar for
1 Path.
for the obikireel - a g
t art/1Ue, fancy cake..
hrneikrrei *ef+; nobby rlo
for We Cal e'.. A1it1.. gnu
and Cardigan Jackets 1
'ender wear at reduced Pr
tuck. All line. of idaple 4
iu .eawn. All kind. of ;atilt
butter. e*cg-..while bun.. etc.
in rash ur t Dropinand
.r w111 eeriervea1snutifu
CU•1. THE Hl SDinh: H. H
W UNK:aUAY, 1)
the tete !writer; illness of their
lathe'. J. Furan ..Mrs. lieu. C.
Naylor ie nuking her tittle grand-
d.anghlei. Miss Edna' Naylor, who is
seriuu.l) 111. ..,It: -rpt (.'baunley the
other day happened with what might
hat .• 4wen a .eri.•10. aceideut. \1'hilr
pns) inl4 ha) down through 4 hole in
tilt• loft he 1•,+t his IttOtnce, falling
brad foremost to the tlt..r. 'Fot•tuu-
ru 1
1 ling Tru iu S S. No. 13Fast IVa- pupils fora public ent"rtalnua'n, to 1a
%Mil NO. 1 ha. N No. I (ratchet. 'who
tatake.,groat pains in her pork, and no
doubt the entertainment next wi'ek
will ler a very successful one. '
Ii.a l'I'KNINI:N.-The township coun-
cil wet here today to wind up the Wei -
:watt of the year. The councillors are
extending the "glad hand" to all the
voters --no doubt looking ahead to
.1 scot. 14isa ke,.l Portage la Prairie, yjelection dsy Jas. McBride line
pew J•.y. agar11"444$ Mr. wk. 4V44"4 eras- j 1io1d his purebred i)urhani bull to
Mi. Connors, of Dungannon. It is x
fine animal. weighing considerably
over a ton. it was shipped last Satur-
day. 1Vilnier McLean. of Gotlet•ich,
has purchased some Iambs for his
Christmas trade from Alex. Young.
Rev. J. It. Mann will preach a
temperance sermon in Zinn church
next Sunday evening Robert and
Joseph Fowler have arrived frmn
Saskatchewan to spend a few weeks
visiting their mother. They look bale
and hearty and are well pleased with
the Western country, where they
have done well since they left here
ten years ago.
iven 1.)1 Tuesday next. See.
warlord'. whwr he has taught for the g y evetlin K
pest leu yea's.
Her. Joseph 11 lgrt•s, of ,Seaforth
woo. to prearlt cit i' atinual 1'444W /118 on
this cittiitou tAbh.tth Ia4.t, but owing
to the stut•un hr was unable to leach
the lb•misbrook npi,t i11'inrnt.
'Mrs. John Chawney received the
sal twos of the death of her brother.
drat tit Duwlybr•uuk fur a number of
years, but sitter. the death of his wife.
about twelve years ago. he had lived
wont of the time in Portage la Prairie.
Mo\n..Y, Dec. 13th.
J. G. Anderson is home again from
his 1Vestetn trip.
W. J. Irwin hots returned to town
I after spending several months in the
Mrs. Edward Acheson, of Goderich,
has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Thus. Lawrence.
Mrs. It. 1. Phillips attended the
Women's Institute convention at
Guelph last week as the delegate from
the local branch.
KKLI.UM-I...RDNF.K -On Thursday.
December 2nd, Margaret May, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. James II. Gardner,
of Luckrww, was united in marriage
to Charles .K. Kellum, only son of
Judge Kellum. of the Supreme (bort,
Chicago. The wedding ceremony was
conducted by Rev. T. E. Sawyer at 0
o'clock in the evening, the grootn and
his bride taking their places beneath
the Hags of Canada and the United
States draped together. The bride is
a recent graduate of the Detroit gen-
eral hnspitel and the groom is one of
the United States' energetic young
men, following the work of a mechan-
ical engineer. After spending a new
days among their many friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Kellum have gone to tbeir,new
hove in Detroit.
1UNTAIL.'- - -
l: late( than the 2:1d, turkeys 18.' duck. 14c.
deem 1tc. chicken. 1.•k. fowl roc. Must be well
cc�atttandry dpecked mud Mate Los. (wade oedyl.
Tt'K+DAY, Dec. 14th.
Mise Flora McDonald tiieited friends
in (Joderich last week,
'Miss Margaret Mclean spent some
days last week with friends in Para-
The many -friends of Murdoch Mc-
Gregor, sr . regret to learn that. he Is
still indisposed.
How M. IL Natal Ls up Imo Toronto es a
George Noble has returned from Sault 81e.
Haw Go iced. Meeafag+. of Air. we* 10
town ever tilloday.
Mir Uraoe Smuts has returned front Brant
Lord for the boliday Sauna
Mia( Wpm sed Min Pauline Wynn let on
Mooring Kan.ns City, Mu
Mr. and Mra Daniel Carney Sad tandlY have
owned into town frau 8heppafdtoo.
Mr. awe Mta H. W. Mrt(lar, of U.trott. are
visiting at the residence of Wm. Young• earl
H. E. fowler. of the Bulk of t'aumrroe,
kbeen ara.derred from t,e local brant to
Mn. Cain and ck8dren. of Guelph are visit-
ing Mrr. Cain'. parent.. Mr. and Hrs. B.
Mrs. Hut:salaa . the Hteis.. Huto4Loa. Mr.
J. Ileltour and Miss Claire Reynold. leave on
'Friday afternoon for !footrest
Mew McDonald. of Dunlop. aid Mi+ Hobe.
Mcleeald let on Saturday fur Detroit to
*Pend some Uwe with their relative. there and
at Wind.or.
Dr. Herald has returned to tonin after a trip
of reveal Weeks to British Columba. He fee
ppasretter the Wafers counter in splendid eon-
dltlon this year.
Mrs. F. Doty toluene to town tomorrow after
amending some week. in Toronto. For a thele
.he was In Use hospital and .ne b mixt% ins.
proved In health.
L K. Whitely, brother of W. A. Whitely, of
towel. who ha. been modern landward =refer
10 the Belleville high school. ba.re.IKnied, with
the purpose of taking a ,position at Owen
kink Geo. Acheson aid Mia. Brownell left
last week to spend tie winter in California.
We trust they will have a peasant swoons 4u
the Sunny ',both. Mts. Brownell ha. gone to
Toronto. . -
Y. M Parkinson. superintendent of ageocIes
for the Loudon Life Insurance 1 o., and N. H.
Robiu.an. of teeaforth. district...dent for the
Company. were In town this woes. lucking up
(Intended for last week).
A. U. tunable. manager of the Sterltttar Book.'
1. sway our trty to the Nest.
111. Wororll and hi. ..on. John. arrived
home on Monday night from Cull Lake. 8amt.
1tr 111od Mea H. u. Horton. Of. Toronto. are
viii In town 'a the re.blentw of Jobs,
Wire - .
its•.. C. It. Jo.te. era. in the moth of the
county the fore tart of the week In 'the
mters40 1 • opu4u.
Albert St ug 11. et Sapulpa. trklahetua. i-
vasuind M. p tit.. Mr. and Mr,. h:dwani
St roughen. Nu a--rect. •
Delbert John n arrived hulue on Moeda)
after the .sawn o he lake- Ile was wain,1
on the ..teaser Uult•••.rir the past
('.rpt. Mit. Robin.urt d tt u.. l:obin.on ha, .•
arrived at home "+.r:.• tbPtiea•uu - .atliug.
their tont. the I,o,uoa.. Laid up at rhombi.
leaforth News. Alt. andtr.. S. 0.Revd..
of Maden. h. tease muted to ern. Mr. Hos.i.
ha. ing .e. ., t.4...1111.mealn 1 the turnip w.
(Acer). \
Mb.- iling•ton. will bol been tayi fu
.oma` were. wan art ..-Pr-T-Ha lilt •.
111.• -da. to .peed the 1.4111.!III.- -.1 w'•t,
her brother to New 5Ork.
Ids. Pa -mute w,t. up from "e.af.wth�lI-.
week on a ..alt to her ',Oar. Mr-. .4 In.
,on 51.111.1%e. aha• week fur et. Unita.
where .he 4'111 remain for ?lie w inlet.
Clinton New. -Recon( : MI.- Mabel Kerr 1- :
Atlanu,- 1 ity. cud will pretubi) remain for 'In' '
winter. ate hat rug a. comtaamed a Ir, troit lady
a how ...he urd funnel l) 1,4 111 1.4d.ttch. '
the. famoun wintor rt -Oft.
Mr. Hairy Knlsht. of Toronto. aerompai.u•.I
by her tittle daugko•r. t. . l.ntuar her parr::-.
.a ucl Hen. 14 %.,run. N,e, g, ,, •peon{. ❑^
frill rein On here until .,fr•r t.hrt.tmas. )t•
Knight was here :.ter bund,,). ,
Mr-. Tho-. Lawson left ye-toao
day co To
panted by her daughter. Mr, l'uland, Loops -n.1
the winter with the latter at her home 111
4'Ie-elaod. Mr.:Guile.., alio had been vi -tuns
her ic'tner here. left for her bolts In Strr•*cod
B..). Mon*. D. Ir a;. M. and organi' .r of
the .\orient Order of I.St'e't Workmen •stat
Wage the Henadllar Mt JI.aar*Y-.:t.•e• 'a•t.
Hr ha. recently . I.n.d t'lyt h. Walton. I.v. tea.
Mitchell and uou•lon in the intt•re•4 of the
MoN nA Y. Dec. 13th.
OBITUARY. -The death of thelate
Mrs. Alex. Kirkpatrick, which occur-
red on Tuesday, November 30th. at
the. residence of her sou on the 5th
concession, removed an nkl and much
respected resident of the township.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick. who was the eldest
daughter of the late Robert'Young. of
the 8th concession. had reached the
good old age of nearly eighty-three
years. She was a native of Scotland,
but came to this country with her par-
ents when soung child, settling in
Colborne, where she spent her *life
with the eggeption of a period of sdme
years duri which she lived in Ash-
field near the boundary. She leaves a
brother, Andrew A. Young. and a sin.
ter, Mrs. Olds, both living in this
township. Mr. Kirkpatrick died
about four years ago. The surviving
children are: Mrd. McNicol, of Bran-
don; Mee. Hackett, of Hellas;: Mrs.
Medd, of Auburn : Robert, of Van-
couver, and Alexander. on the home-
stead. Rev. J. R. Mann conducted
the funeral services. and the pall-
bearers were Alex. Robertson, Wm.
Ferguson, Andrew and Edward Mil-
lian, James Straughen and Thomas
Cousins.. ...Another old resident of
the township, Richard Arlin, died on
4.0.2nd inst., at the age of sixty-three
years. His widow and four sons and
four' daughters survive, two sons,
William and Walter, living in the
Northwest and the others at liorne.
The funeral services were conducted
by Rev. W. Baugh, and the pall-
bearers were John McCarty, Wm.
Million, Stephen Butts, Emanuel Mit•
cissll, Nathan Johns and Richard Jew-
Selling Out 1 Selling Out 1
The Canadian Pacific Rallwa) are
Melling out their large stock of tickets
on hood at greatly reduced prices for
Christmas and New Years. ('ass
Must be chewed for new stock. Ws
have a large assortment that will take
you to any destination. Bargains for
every point on the line In Canada mat
of Port Arthur. For example -58.50
ticket. to Toronto at 53.90, from De-
cember 34th to December 2(16, good
to return till December 27th. Before
you buy call and examine our ;strode.
A pleasure to show them. Joe. KIDD,
Purser Lauder. of the steamer Dim -
dee, •ern "f Dean Lauder, of Ottawa.
assisted t1w• choir of St. George's
church ..n Sunday last.
Rev. W. J. innate, of Wr..Iey-
Church. Clinton, and Rev. Dr. Donovan.
of North street Methodist church, ex-
changed pulpits on Sunday last.
The choir of St. George's church are
asked to meet at 7 -15 to -morrow 1 Fr1-
dayl instead of 8 o'clock, owing to the
produa•tion of "H. M. S. Pinafore."
Rev. J. 1. Small.. B. A., of Itlyth,
will conduct the servicee in Knox
church next Sunday. Rev. Mr. An-
derson goes to Blyth for that day.
Mise Jane McDonald expectstoteave
tomorrow to spend the winter in
Moulder, Colorado.
John Long is spending a couple of
weeks with friends in Chicago and is
taking in the fat stock show held in
that city.
MOH Isabel (be%Vhinney, is spending
the week with friends in Dungannon
and will wait over for the opening of
the Methodist church there neat Sun-
Thomas Henderson. et., on the take
Shore, held his annual woodbee this
Afternoon. when a' good supply of
wood was laid up for the coming
Mrs. H'•njamin and Mart'r Willie
have again .come to reside in Use vil-
lige. the tormer's mother, Mrs. Jas.
McDonald, sr., toeing in very poor
Mr. Wttarm, of Seafronts, left() Uri
been attending the funeral of him
uncle, the late Alexander McLean, of
lanes, *pent a few days at the regi•
denee of hie roman. Duncan McKay.
Womess Itorrrr'TK.---'l'ne regular
monthly meeting of the KInt all branch
of the %V en's Institute wee held at.
the home of Mrs. Michael O'Reilly ion . ornhin telt'', the ahil ty • d 1 a•- 1 night et his home at Muldnnn, Que.,
Wednesday afternoon, De.-eml.er 1st. *Ark re4e tpr., In pre the den rdin..- near here. Ile was fifty -live years
This was one of the most interesting lion into effete old. 1
The sermon subjects at the Baptist
church next Sunday are : Morning --
"The Wisest Thing to Do." Even-
ing -"Setting tbe L..rd in Front."
Everybody welcome.
North .tt'eet Methodist church:
Rev. Dr. Dougall, pastor. Subjects
for Sunday, December 19tb : 11 a. m.,
•'Wropg Views of the Kingdom of
Orel.' 7 p. in., "Theft., or Dishon-
esties in Business.' Excellent music.
Men's Club in the church parlor at NO
o'clock. Any and every man wel-
come. Subject for discussion, "What
should Christmas mean to us 7"
Toronto Star's New Record.
The Toronto i►aily Star continues to
keep up its remarkable record of
growth, setting a pace quite unprece-
dented in the history of Canadian
newspapers. During the (set year it
has added over 11,1111 to ire list of sun.
scriber,, and now has a circulation of
more that &Oast. a figure more than
15,4110 greater than that of any other
Toronto paper, morning or evening, or
tooth. It is hard to realize that only
ten years ago. when the present man-
sgemc'nI assumed control, . The MOD*
wets at the� foot of the list with only
(D(11 glrcl'letion. While its competl-
iMrs -have.Lren-atandiug stillor- grow-
ing slowly it has forged ahead, until
now it has a commsnding lead. That
iM progress* continues at an unabated
Mtn indicates that there is nothing
forced or inflated about ire growth,
hutthat it is a healthy natural de-
velopment. the result of a detet 111'na-
ti..n to give its leaders the hest piper,
Rev. Samuel F. Sharp, M. A.. H. D.,
of Exeter, preached in Knox church
last Friday evening at thl service
preparatory to communion. At the
close .1f the service sixty-five new
.members were received into full com-
Inunion, thirty-eight on profession of
their faith, and twenty-seven by cer-
tificate from other churches. This
makes an addition of ninety to the
membership during the year.
The people of North street Metho-
dist church had the privilege un Sun-
day, 5th inst., of hearing their much
loved former pastor, Rev. G. N. Haien,
now of London, who war here for the
Sunday school annivereao y. M r.
Hazen occupied the pulpit both morn-
ing and eventng, addr.wing himself
to the children at the mottling ser -
rice, and in ahe afternoon he ad -
drooped the Sabbath school. His
art• in the evening was a stirring
address to the adult members of the
congregation, from the text "Whore
1 am, and who in 1 serve" (Acts 27:23).
Mr. Haven's visit was mach enjoyed
by the members of his former congre-
gation, who will be glad of further
opportunities of hearing'him.
Takes Mr. Miller's Title.
Ottawa, Nov. 3),-43ince tbe death
of Jonathan Miller, of Goderich, Ont.,
J. J. Muldoon, of Muldoon, Ont.,
claimt to be the heaviest man in Can-
ada. fah Muldoon, who is a well-
known farnier and mechine•ry dealer,
places hie weight at 4614 p.,unds, only
a few pounds leia than the late
Mr. Miller. A notable far,. shout Mr.
Muldoon'» faintly is said to be that
his six trrmite►w Yrtkrrlett tl1T ti ri.,
the oldeet brother taking the oldest
girl, the next taking the next girl,
and so nA.
Did Not Retain Title Long.
Ottawa, Ike. A ---J. J. Maldoon,whn
Weighed 4111 pounds, and was the
heaviest man in'c Canada, died lane.
Something always n e w,
pleasing and exclusive.
Dainty loxes filled with for
Celebrated (lra$na Note Paper
and Envelopes, ranging in price
from 2.1c up to 52.511,
The well -advertised Remex
Fountain Pens, special for
l'hristenas *1.(41) and 51.511. The
l'elehratra Watermsn's Ideal
Fountain Pens, 5:;.311, 5;3.54 ,
64.10, $5:1411 end gei.lml.
iiiblea. Prayer Books and
Hymn Books for all churches.
All (be new books worth teal•
ing, including "The Foreigner,'
by Ralph Connor, "Me Goose
Girl," by Herold McGrath, "Thr
Calling of Dan Matthews," by
Whirr. 'The Attic (!neat;' ter
Knowles, and dozens of others
to choose front.
Chum., ISoy'c Own,4.irl'aOwe,
Chatterbox, •Children's Friend.
litter Brawn, Child's Own, etc.,
etc. .\ and a splendid stock ..1
ehoice ict tire Books.
Goodall's English Playing
Cards 2.;r /and )0e.
Leather giiodM\in great var-
iety, including Hand Rags from
*4.114 to 5K Ikl,
Travelling Cases front 51.:•"
Hammered and Pierced finis.,
Bronze and Copper Goode, Ster-
ling Silver and English Plat.-.
Imported Cut (.lass, English
and other high-grade China.
Always pleased to have y„il
vimit our .tore whether you
wish to purchase or not.
The Colonial
Book Store
Phone Hsi Goderil•h•
A Good School
In which to train for earn-
ing a good salary i. the
Central Business College,
Toronto. Our fine Cat-
alogue explains four: all•
periority, and is mailed free
on request if you are
interested in preparing for
and securing a good sit-
uation, write lie, without
delay. Advent
Christmas Presents
What better or more appropriate gift than something real good
in Chida :' Two more crates elf Chis Gift Goods added this week.'
%ruse? .Sets
Tea Sets
Berry ,Sts
lmdilydual Pieces
Cups and Saucers
Free O'doc* Tris
Bedroom Sets. Etc.
Cups and Saucers, from 5c ap. _All Ware is narked extremely- low.
Hundreds of pieces to goose from. No trouble to show goods.
.s -
Our stock of choice \ew Fruits, Nuts and Christmas l'andjr
must complete.
All unlets will receive 1111r emeriti attention.
C7 "ere :ass and Coffees
Groceries. Can'!ed Gonds and Vegetables
, 'Poultry, Ctr•rd .ptfrafi and Sausages
Flrnty of Cf4'ttr "Stirrer and Fresh- Eggs--
Store open .vrui. ;Di omit! ate, the holidays
1.,!.,•115.111.ln, .1
O v
New Cutters
I have received and placed
in .tock a carload of Cutters,
and invite the inspection of
thoi'e who want an up-to-
date driving outfit for the
coming season.
Gray Tudhope
Cutters Cutters
A pair that cannot be beat.
Robert Wilson
HAMILTON ST., GODERICH, Mammy- Harris Implements) Mel-
lott, Cream Separators, and
other leading lines of Farm
P. R.-1 have for sale •
nuniber of good Colts.
Appear that you are an up to date business man if you use out o
date Stationery and Printing. Whatever is done at this printshot
is well done and right up to the minute.
AN HOUR saved in summoning
the plumber -by telephone may
save the price of several years of service.
It certainty saves a lot of discomfort and worry.
The Bell Telephone keeps the household in
constant touch with all the resources of civilization
and is instantly available in any emergency.
It also keeps the household in constant touch
with the..-br•oader--outside world -by-- ane
Long Distance Service of the Bell System.
Eayry III Tefep*ese is the Cstrfsr of Om alfetsa►-