The Signal, 1909-12-16, Page 11•
Agg,t oie 'i' ++944+ i`'i'ini3OI994's`'7 P*'i`**9119lo'i''i'**9i' itnii, 49* cit9 T gic 949 'i`ok'i` 012 401.4449,1,++4 *
The News of the District. 4.,
4,,,, 4444,454•444++444464$4+4464444444444*45444
Moe DAY. Dec. Kth.
The trustees+ board of Si. Si. No. 4
u,w..ship of Colborne, has re-engaged
their former teacher, J. C. Brothers.
fur the r+weiuder of the school year.,
WILDNkatAY, Dec. iit.
Ws:IIDINU.-A pretty wedding fork
place at $t. Jose•p1)'r chur h, Strat-
ton), on November :34 h. wheal Martha
Agnes Forum]. of Artland, Sask., was
united in marriage to Joseph Moran
f Ashfield. The bride wore w hand.
,oma t•wtume of brown broadcloth
with hat to match. while the brides-
maid, Mier Bin* McDermott, was be-
comingly attired in a gown• of the
lame material. L. F. Killoran, of
Stratford. supported the groom. Rev.
Fiether Arnold officiated at the cere-
mony. Mr. and' Mee. Moron left on
the afternoon train for their future
home in Ashfield, where they will re-
sale uu the gr,oln'e tarty.
MUNDAY, Dec. I b.
114eastrri14r.-1Irs. WYatsan Egon.
Kinlough, is spending the Christw
Holidays with her eulrr, Mn.. Al
1'ulhert Andrew Culbert . has
ordered a l9 -h. p. gasoline engine and
grain ehopper to be installed at
('rewe. costing $1,311...•.,Mec,
Pierce's rale cam. off last Wednesday.
It wee a good esti. cenriderinrg the
.,ht. stormy day d lairs • nor)
ptieee were re . ' 1 eine 1 y
wielded the -summer %Vila Pierce
»ntends to leave bele tar Rainy Herr
• diietriet this week. lie will be unich
tins Leis he Wm. prwer.
t.Ml l 1 a lively
y diep osition. We wish Willand
and j IIs bride much happiness and
Voettwrkv in their new haws
ictor Whitley had a woo I her and
'dance on Friday last and w good time
was repotrted Mrs. James Cul-
• /tort, whd was siert last week, , is eon-
TraummaY, Dec. 14th.
Harry T. 1Villiami left last Thurs-
day fur Sault Ste. Marie to join his
uncle Robert. Hu will probably spend
the winter there.
C. Stewart, of Butternut Row, is
remodelliug his house and axing up
things generally. We expect wedding
bells will soon be tinging.
HIci.i.o, Lrgitun*l-What has be-
come of the l erburn reporters 7 We
have looked in vain for his cheerful
outer for some time. Not being a
wan of straw, he has surely not fallen
into Mr. Chieholm''s cutting -box, We
hope to hear trove him again Wed'
Witty. "
A RouslSo TExt'KRANI'r. SERMMN.--
The people of Leghorn and Dunlop
had arousing temperance sermon on
Sunday last trues Rev. W. Conway,
of Nile. Seldom, if ever, have we
heard a wore earnest and spirited
appeal to tbv bettor part of our n&U)rr,
and we hope that our yoters„ both
men and women, will turn out on
January 3rd. and poll their voter ,n
the ride of temperance and right.
• MusnaY, DSc. 13th,
JoTmos.-Service in the Metho•
•et church next Sabbath evening will
lip at 7 "-Mock Miss Florence.
Hu on is at prevent visiting her sis-
ter, Ars. Robert Shields, of the vil-
lage John Blue is*i pristeiithusy
treakin in his colt Crit (pray
Mends dee:... fits..
Charlie itoy l last week ..... Ross and
Angus Mels n left last week for De-
ttint w •o
here t .•y intend w stay tor
the winter.... .!lector McLean left
14.,t week for 1 wago The rail-
way is at a st )dabs! for the re-
mainder of the yea Fred Ross id
busy memo ids for is cho .l entertain•
ment at. 1'bristmas it school section
Ni.. 1) We ere au y t0 bear of
Fred lluniphry's illness. ut, hope for
his speedy recovery.
E. Wgtwnn shipped a car of stuck to
Toronto on Saturlaly. ' 1 "
H.errister Blair. of.l;,Nlerich, was in
t iwu Saturday. of tut work.,
A. Wilford, wbi,'hau been managing
th« \Vinghanl rvgp.)r'tor, has re -
tinned Mins.
Judge Holt bald l'meet herr last
day. There was orlly unr case rel the
. situ,yp was brief.
MINI Sophia' Barr, who has been
working et the willibrry the past sea.
.,ISM. i)ae. returned home. ,
Tor St. George Clnb entdrtaine.l e
her of friends on Monday evening
of tbie week in their rooms.
1). S'unrrs, who her 1..•en nit the
le rP
and wilt goon be able t4 d0 hu.l11r.-,
!tttrit .
A Russo -ay. On Sunday last
David Alton bad the. tuisfortun U'
have a runaway. While he, his wife p
child were driving along the road: th
horse ,r,ee.aute fri,thteued at some
Swine ou the side ul for road and
plunged Into the ditch. ' The hit. uu
able 10 stand the itrarn or tare liner
broke, gisieg the horse free course,
The buggy overluined. throwing the
excupa is against a wire fence Ifor.
tunetrly coil wire'. and they all re-
ceived .eveie bruises and cuts, but
Were, fortunate in bevieg no linlla
Woken. We ars glad to learn 1Iiat.
the bruises and Arts are in a fair wee'
to hwahu . '1'be h,t.e 'was caught
near home after a two and a half
MONDAY. Deo. 49th,
httwa Norge. -J. C. Stotbere, of
Benmiller, spent Sunday at his house
here. He has been engaged to teach
at the same school for the next term.
Misr Emma Sproul, of Dungan-
non, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John
Saunders, at present J E. Brown
made a trip to lioelerich last week... .
Mise Lizzie and Ernest Blake spent
Sunday with friends in Lucknow....
Bailie Stothen has secured a school
at Beryls for 1910 Our reboot ex-
amination and entertainment is to be
held on Wednesday, the =lid. A pro-
gram of dialogues, recitations and in-
strumental music is to be furuimbed
by the pupils and other Tbe ser-
%wcee in Blake's church will' bewe
next Sundry on account of
Duigannon's opening services.
l:S• NOW. -athouse everyday except Thum.
days. New remedy for extrectingwet h(Somao-
foram. better theta e••• Crown and bride, work.
etc. Aluminum plata.' nonbrn.kable.I
N. H. -You can alas)', ha, e our work much
batter dune In the dental oleos -mom Was.
better facilities tar doing the work.-wee►aom-
fgrtable for the tient.
in 1)ungeono.. to The Mensal W at the Po+1-
odlee Hook and M onery Store where
orders wW be received or subscription. ad-
vertising laud job work, d receipts will be
Raven for amounts wild fur a some.
-na<•ks of (hri,4,1w' wood+ -e arrtvd „sit
the t•.rtoaaoe Mton, whnro s lar +.Miction
yyme q. n tabRah,u
le for e y be nd. 01111.
for old end roues. ergs at prices te'5uir-
pone. all early and make sour .election.
M. RYAN. Dungannon.
%VensifsDAY, December 13th.
The new Methodist chinch k practi.
catty completed, and the opening ser -
Vices will 11r held on Sunday next,
when Rev. W. B. Caswell, of Park-
elsie 1 Tot+into,, will preach morning
and evening. in'tbe afternoon, Rev.
Mr. Ford, of Lucknow, will have
charge of the service-.' Special music
will lie furnished by the Lucknow
choir, 10,1 the following evening a
-fowl supper willbeaerved from 5 to
M o'clock, atter which an rntertesin-
ment will be held in the new church.
The pt..Kram includes music• by the
Lurktiow choir end elocutionary
numbers by Miss Hart, of Heimall.
be dedication services will be field on
8 dee.' December 2f/th. when Rev.
. Birks. B. A., pflesident .of the
.n conference, will have charge.
t 'undity the closing sers'Ices
1 in the old church, and on
ion the church was well
•ie. he
each cc
Divistox ► tram. -Judge Holt pie
sided wt the Y vision Court proceed-
ings herr on . nrlday last. In the
n who's !wing
cast f r former ocher 1
the school board. decision was re-
tia. an jaelion for
damage, against an a le buyer who
it is claimed did not 1ve up to his
agreement. • 1
ANe1•r FIE•:R PIer.Ni'Elt (t )NM•. - Mrs,
James Snlitb, of WVawa-
nosh's grand ofd women, pass away
et the 'home of her daughter Mrr.
Kennedy, of Kinloss, with whom she
heel ',ern spending a few wreka�' at
the age of nearly ninety years. S
ram, with her parents from Dungan
non in Ireland when quite young, and
incident ally it may Fx• mentioned this
fa•uil•- brought with then) the name.
which our village now bears. For
liTactically all her life Mr-. Smith had
ved in, the old homestead. about one
mile east of !)ftngannon. She was a
'woman of strong personality, a
stsnnch and faithful member of the
Preshvterian church, and a'n angel of
merry in the horns of the sick awl
suffering. Th.• children who survive
are: Hamilton, of West Wawanoeh
Joseph and John, of Whitechurch :
William, on' the. homestead : Mrs.
Kennedy. of Kinloss: Mrs. Nevins. of
Blyth, and Mre. Begley, of L•Ieknow.
interment was swede in the Dungan-
non cemetery on Monday last.
LeN At. DRIKFM.-Mies11 illa.gaunby,
((Innerly of Dungannon, was married
recently at 1)aepli,, Mao
George Slothere is at Goderich this
week. on thq petit jury It is said
that's'. -(i. Allen will teach ll the sen -
J. .t.thers new house is now fin-
ished. and 31r. Stollen is now busy.
m.wn.g into Lo get it in ebape for
Reeve 3lilne, who' attended the
14.1 weer
11.11. put
Tors Lt
.1 for t1
rel et,.r
'rel,n y ala
'then wa
4,4t.hda . L
, mad. A
rich, wield
vs+. y good pr
W. Ih•nip
:he doa•ter's ca
net improving
1•ke. lin 111 no
Whitely, "[God sic
The apple evagi.n'4
s e:rewired seaeiom, close
'lay. The propel or ha
the setimon'r work
!•!ant at Teeawatl'
J. A. Taylor, w
het who is now pri
limn high school,
1';.Pition of inspector
stomas and dist
-lt irnd4 here will be p
his advancement.
meet. for roomof the i Aragannpn echool un•
Avery severe Marna haq li en rap- t I f 1 h t til next midsummer rs. Doby
ing here fir the Hist •eek, starting
.wilb_a_strullg wild 41 turoirig to pioneer days when the surroundings has returned to her home in Seef,trth.
.now. 'followed 1':' a thaw. Are rafted fen- strong hales+. •wild -•tout- y ,1 m' Bailie Ila in the held. fell the
�L•� ,gbt w- wain. ,• i^ ••e June 2he.„ hearts in for (staving our of honlet' foe position ..t reeve of ZS -Fill W&wanosh.
•I' . ' " - the 1 s r tm•nrd
4,,w, belt nn Tuesday he weather ti.Pb 144An'. 10e'4' cis friends
y,.,- i
Ar'ned Adder again, pathy ot, n bilge circle 1)1 friends in hone. after' a two weeks visit with
their end hriea,reownt, The burial r'elstivr, in (ind,rich There was
Jolts BAHR TAKES FUZES AT took place at Kiotail cemetery on excellent sleighing in this vicinity for
e,rs:(dp - -A great many from hers TurwiwyJast�in the presence of a large Mc -
several d•lya leaf week
-1Vrn. Mc-
attrnded the winter tat et iwir wt' Qathrrina. 1'h1• services were con.
Clime' hiss added to his livery departs
ment a fine three, -netted cutter -
One men who counted claims there
are ftlty-four doors in the new church.
\liar Tenn Spring. who twugbt
for several yearn in Nile echoed, was a
visitor in Dungannon) last week. prior
to her departure for Vancouver, D. C.
.. Mia Maggie Ryon Mut been assist-
ing in J. 31. Roberts' office for a fr,v
days Mr. McWhinney has sold
the fin's at prevent oe^up)ed by Wm.
Stewart to the Misers lvena, Who will
take pn.aer.inn al,nut ,lan,,wry 2ttth
next ... .Bobt. Bell and f. Iy cud
Wm. Pierer. and wife !oft this week
for Rainy River District, where they
will in the fntute reside ...tit, Patil'e
Sunday school porp•'ve holding their
Christmas tree wild entertainment on
Wednesday evening. Deeemher land,
A good program is bating prepared for
the oe!ewainn.
ton. •
Di:.\Til ''1» %. 111.1, P1.,NEER.-Ulf
Saturday, trecrwlwr 4th, another old
and r.lerwed- resident, in the person
of Alexander 31,•Lra,,.' aged righty
years, passed lnrn this life •.t carr. sand
,.Irish meeting in linderirh ti lnlw to 1.e.Iareyei' at lest. with his
thinks there were snore timid lw•luved Saviour. 1leera.exl was Lofts
hruugh than usual. lin (toss cure, S.•ot!eml. is+. 1Ma1. He
of t hi. week being the Itst canoe n, tlli.-.'ounU'y in 1,12. and Rive
l+ars to 1* pod ,n, th« a Ira yews. he t•s)k to llul.elt a belle
44 bray A11 day. 1ri•clv11'g mate. in Ins pw'truu 'l II4uWirer Ie.
the tales are nearly ell 11,nald, ti11. proved a worthy help-
mate ins. est. 1'hry .et1led on a (111111
A awls of rattle herr o:. near 1..nrs, whelp they had lived ever
which there 4 et.eN1 eencr, le'l,rctrd 46d estrrulyd by 411
toilette 1 i, uu 1 ry, ..f bode. Who kae,t• thrid. The um..n wee
the hammer rims got I,..•1sed wish es boldly so ax 40115 1ud
r. lour daughter. :,\Its. Lee, of Chicago;
who has lawn un.lrr Mrs. .N••Llonald, .•f Fuit Will ;
for yiiite ll- w bis«, is K'•t)nrth. .1.ho, Alex. and Murdoch,
well a. b.• would. '.t •Fanrl,.. rt, .tl'an. ; Charles wens ,All-
er the rate of Dr. K'ss, at home ; MVP. II', sit' the
12.1i comes -ion,. Ashfield, and Mts.
•Ilrl'hd.o1, of. Lttlrllw•t1, M411., Oh')
after ,t t•) y h;,s 14.41 Iwo:A. fur gaur.1 tau sir l tort•
d )w n on Fi i'
tremolos oaring for the nerds ot tier
Iso ih)ished teat 'alt.. 'These, with the sorrowing
t 1Y Int( a1u, 1'111 his w;t' , survive. 31rs. McLean. who
is still i ming- soot Ives her husband, is m1 an aluluyt
taw horn i heti. helpless . merit , eutrring from"
cipal of tin »Villa. rhrutualisuI. It will be a few years
has te•ceici the at hast when the I,Iessril Lord will s y
14 mimed. fo Mt, to her also, "%Vei1 done. Enter tbo•1
1. Ilia w' ty into the pqs of thy Loot and 3lasirr."
)d ti. hear �J '.1r. Mcl,An was a man of sterling
muddies. g.•oetous and kindly- in lir•
..1*Ition, tb. end 1us helpmate shared
r .11ugg rs awllets m ppm a eitriy
Iiiielph last week and they all delimit.
ducted by ittv. S. 11. Moyer. pastor of
was the hest yet. Amongst the ex -
SO; Helens and Limes congregations,
lubitors from here was John fur-. ,b,.p.iiii..,,,m, wog six of deceased's
who captured a first and second prize , .,..hrw,,
tor cattle. This 1. pretty g
ering the amount of stock he
pit of the Presbyterian church here 'Nth'. "filed at j. C'ImPheir* 1"t
next fiabbeth, speaking in the ter wy"k•
1.11.4 atoms! option. ev. Mr. . nail Miss l'arter left last ivrek for
will preash in Ooderieh The the %Vest, where she Intends visiting
Methodist* hove been making try it her lonelier*.
eparations for their Sunday sch .1 Raymond ltedniond hits le -engaged
entertainment to be held in Indus Y in the ...hoot near Teeswater,. where
ball on Fridey evening of this wee ee hoe teen teaching for noine time.
large attendanee is expected. TI until next midimunner, at a ealett•y of
Presbyterions also are holding an en gahe per annurn.
tortainment in Indhatry Ilan. next
The date of the Christinas tree and
terninanient to be given by the
Eaet,cott, who has been principal of the y school hes been set tor ‘Vednes-
public school here for the Past year y evening. December 22nd.
having secured a hitter position no Deafness Carting Be Cured.
et -the rffiebningig , Is , RAT cure deatneys. slid that . hf eongil II
Brantford. He intends 1 ring here (11.e I rotSInn of the ear. There I. only One
, impossible to keep a principal here \doom Morrie-. litenr.te...$ I+ isdit tr nn
noW. If we get al good teacher one s; . i.e. Time 5% hen thestuse i itilmod
of the other schoole ofTers hint an in• sterna a rumbling -°""d " l'"P"f'` he"
creased--iialare -and- iolero-hins Init. when It 1., entirely elowel. rleafnew. h.
money and goes where he can rester
Ins prisitbm. lint it does not gives the
scholnrs a chance when teacher.; are
changed no often.
Don't wait until your heir is gone
I 'se lie/trine (the genuine bear's grease
ade) in time and save it. 60c. h
take,. nu
nine esa,
whist ti
the nitienti..iir
We will whe
hot** ef11".1 br 1" Ire:" "8"#411" 1101116 eld1 X new dere Inter erioniring
whims the snierce ef the information.
Whist we want is news -not "hits" at
tigibliert7raielVAIla Oor constipation. the neighbors,
and Om tat rtnired :0 its marina
coring will he de.troreel forever :
et tee los esinied by catarrh,
tiendred for Any
Tl tit -DAY, Dec. 14th.
Mies Mary McDonald spent a few
days in 'Toronto last week.
Ilugh Murthie,n and Neil Murdoch
attended the tat stock show at Guelph
last week,
Mn. John McKenzie and two
daeghters are leaving for Cleveland,
Ohio, this week.
Miss Florence Mc Donald returned
home a few days ago, after spending
a mouth at Belgraye.
Miss Ada McKenzie, of Bttatford
Normal, is rpt nditg her Christwaa
vacation at her home here.
Miss Bertha Henderson is home for
the Christmas holidays, after spend
ing a few years at Edmonton. Aka.
John Riley has returned from the
Wftt after spending a few months
there. John is looking hale and
"The D. di. L." Emulsion is taken
with the greatest benefit by those
suffering with lung troubles with teu-
deney 1A, heedurrhages. A few bottles
taken reguifoly snakes a wonderful
improvement. j
IiuLMWiv1Luc, Dec. 7th.
('oIN(-11. Mxierists. Council met
pursuapyt to adjournment; members
all prient. The minutes of last meet-
ing were read and approved. Moved
by Councillor Yeo, seconded by Coun-
cillor Lobb, that the parsonage taxes
herefunded for the public use of
church shed. Moved by Counc Ilor
WA), seconded by Councillor Yeo,
that Geo. !fill be refunded 89.141 for
error in assessment roll. Moved bey
Councillor Itathwell, recorded by
Councillor Lohb, that nominations for
ve -ind' four councillors be held in
t.. Ogee known as Holmes' hall,
Ho,l esville, on the last Monday of
the p sent year, at 12 o'clock noon,
sod th ..',* t tit any, he held at the
Molten in platter anti that the follow-
ing prima.. act as d. puty returning
officers and . 11 clerks : No. 1, Orange
Hall, Ith conssu41, l'. Johnston, D.
it O 1 )urs. Ir- C,1 No. 2,
house of J. 8tur y, J. Sturdy, D. R.
0., M. Sturdy, P. ' ; No. 3, house of
T. Ilarrieon, T. Har 'sun. 1). 1Z. 0., J.
H. Harrison, P. C. ; o. 4, homes of
W. Elliott, J. l'thlf, . R. 0., J.
Thompson, P. C. ; Nu. o, house of J.
H. L wery J. H. Lowe: y, . R. 0., 1.
Merritt, L.: No. 0, house ot . Hicks,
H. Hicks, L. R. 0., R. Rich n. P.C.
Jluve.i by Councillor McClu sec-
o11dr.1 by Councillor Yeo, that law
Nu. s now read. appointing a place 'or
nuunoatiun, etc.• be paused. Andre
Potter, of O.oderich, addressed th
council in the interests of the Gode-
ricb Rural Telephone Cu. and asked
for p.-tIll is.ion'to erect poles and oper-
ate a telephone eyetrui in. Godet•icb
to • ussion and con-
sideration the counci e u not t in
in the interest of• the township to
grant such permission when the town.
Ship had alte4dy begun on the muni-
cipal telephone system. Moved by
Councillor Rothwell, seconded by
Councillor McClure, that the follow.
ing lt) H)•s 1'r pad: (iravrI lt.'
Iitwige.Ne 3LIA1; W. t ,.lclorgh. $Its° ;
Jas. Thompson, $5.18: 1;. Bissell,
*31.111; R. Torrance, 813.51 ; 1(obt.
Johoaton, a'ra. 1:3 ; F. Leonard, *11.35 :
Bettie-, $16.75; E. Wise,$:3 . 1') ;
B. Itathwell, $MI.3M ; Jae. Connell.
$15. 2:.J. Potter, 82:3,3: D. Gliddon,
$:irt.,t. ; 1'. Benefit's $14.70; T. Wolter,
$:).01 : I. J. Burns, lumber. $3.31 ;
Stanley township, tile, *7.111, 1.
Thomp•..,11�� egtializing union schools,
$1.Sn ; .1. piwm, witness, $i.fllJ ;
selecting pi rs. $10; Torrance,
tile, 813; I,rt,, ill, error it assessment
roll, *11.1.,; lit rich Star. printing,
$11.711: W. H. f,o h, overseeing base
line, $1 ; ruunclllu , salary as conn.
gluon, 8110; 1i. An ewe. salary. cell.
lector. * ':. J. K'hr •ly, treasurer,
$85. Council adjourn to Peet as
per statute Decenlhei- dh, at 10
o'clock. N. W. TnkW.1ItTI1. , Clerk.
Stops Hair
A yer's Hair Vigor, new im-
proved formula, will certainly
stop falling of the hair. Iadeed,
we believe It will always do this
unless there is some disturb-
ance of the general health.
Then,a constitutional medicine
may be necessary. Console
your physician about this.
Dee, not r/)oge rise cob. of the Aw.
Ar.ip le .. bits,
Skew tt r yet
hers a�-
tL.ebYSul soy
The reason why Ayer', Han Vigor stops
falling hair is because it first deW.ystbe
genes which cause this trouble. After
this is done, nature soon brings about a
fan recovery, restonsg the hair and
scalp to a perfectly healthy condition.
-344 41/7 w J. C. y.e eta., 1•,.--
11.-EllaRutledge 94 : Vera Thomp-
son, 46. Middle 1't. IL -Grace Me.
Mabe, Jr. Pt, 11. Thomas Foster.
Pt i. -Marion Rutledge, Lorne Bod-
ge (HAM Rete H oa - 0.
Farm; Teacher.
MONDAY, Dec. 13th.
Mr. and Mel. John Parker have
moved from their old home on. the
Itkh concession to the 2nd of Mullett.
where they will live with their daugh-
ter, Mrs. D. Carter.
On 1Vednesday evening. 1st inst., a
quiet wsddiug took plate at the home
of Jars. D. Lindsay, her daughter Pearl
in a on to Ales -
antler Stirling, of this township. Rev.
J. McNeil officiated. The young
couple will live on the 4th concession.
Tilt' heti av, I)Ee'!(.WHICH It iftlAA ]1,
Winter Overcoat.?
We have an extra fine line in Motor
Coats and College Ulster's, Prices from
$8 to $25
11cLean Bros.
cn',erf. ter
os ler Carh.trte., h be.
Best Gifts
Single Fare
Dec. 3 4th ,
25th. Good
for return Dec.
27th, also Ike,.
31st, Jan. Int.
14.i.,,,for re-
n Jap. 3rd.
Fare bud
Yue -'Bird
Dar. 21st to
25th, and Dec.
2lltb to Jar.
let, good for
return until
Jan. Stb, 19111.
Ate found in our p erfeet st of stylish Mot wear. There
are hundreds of.things besides shu that make suitable Christ-
mas gifts, but there is nothing that 's more ttcceptnhle. suitable
or sensible.
Class of goods, the. beet, Price, lo
ail can be:
Just take a look over the list bs•low- Md ser if you dcti t final
something that is
Exactly 71,halyou've been 16okt
tifylish Shope
tet Slippers':
Hoare Shoos
Felt Shoe's
Snit Casae
Stylish I lancing Slippers
Tov Trunks ;
• Nugget*Polieh Outfits .
C. P. 11. A
Office bourn 1;.
8. K/DD,
nt. Goderich, Ont.
. m. to s.:;II ,. rn.
G. M. Elliott =
Boys, all pric
To CorreSpondents.
We would eaution our rural corres-
pondents against making statements
reganling persons in their neighbor-
hood which may intended to re-
flect fir may easily be construed intern
reflection on the diameter of thou.
Grey write ^hoot. Correspondents
will do well to remember thatrZez
ipht cause trouble. We have
innable elitist end yes of hers
have been passed over and published,
SICI1001. REPORT. -Report of N. S.
No. 2. (loderich township. for Novem-
ton, 175; Margaret, Yuill. 10o; Les
McMillen, 137. Sr. III.
Maudie. Thotupson, MCI. Jr.
l'otal 280- Mary %leCabe. 187; Benson
Irene Harrison. 79; Alvin. Thompson.
is the trade-
mark which
Is found on
, ever, bottle
So Emulsion
the standar Cod Liver
Oil preparation of the
world. Nothing s!,quals
it to build up the weak
and wasted bodies 'nf
young and old.
Pearl I*, *Awe aloalsra aadthie ad. for
OW beautiful /lank eid Child s
tined Leek rem..
124 Werliaaeva Su, Weal. TW1444. OM.
Betting into stow Lunda tots
winter will be made easier, es the
('anadian N.rtheitt Ontario Railway
will in a few days have steel laid to
ow .soda Junction, which Is 11
miles north of Bellwood Junction, Ka
miles north of Sudbury and :3'10 miles
from Toronto.
The 'Bow Ganda Tratlitport Con's -
many are building r good team road
from (;ow iiaoda function that will
• much shot ter and a great'•iwprove-
ne t over the road used last year.
lisps c.f the route, also freight„
passenger and express tarilfe are in'
yoturs . of preparation, and an
the Orel • and :ill arrangements
regarding t • handling of the frank.
For information write Wm.
Phillips, Genet Freight and Pesten-
Per Agent. Cana pan Northern Build.
ing, Toronto.
Between all statione in Canada.
also to Detroit, Port Huron. Mich.,
Buffalo, Black Rork, Niegro
Palle and Suspension Bridge, N. Y.
At Single Fare
Good going Der. 2.1th anel 25th,
111011. Retaining until Dee. 27th,
MINI. Aliso good going Dee. 31eit,
NW. anti .lan. Id, 1910. Rettirning
entil Jan. iird. 1910.
At Fare and One -Third
Ormet going I lee. 211et to Dee. 251h
inclusive. Retorning until Ion.
5th, 1010. AlnO good gw,iti:M 9".
Returning until Jan. 5th. 1014).
Senn* tickets and further in-
formation from
Down Town AgenL
ls:in a class by itself and- leads the markt-,
THE I appy Thought Range has Always been
the leading Range. Unlike other makers, The
Wm. Buck Stove Co. do not .citange the
name of their -Range eVery two Or three years, but
keep the name of Happy Thought, wbich is a
NAME and R ANGE they are proud. of. But do
not think for
ctn., minute that it IS the harlIC RalltfIC
patents., With the Happy Thought Rhnge you
can do more cooking with ress fu sl than with :toy
other Range on the market, vp For the
answer_call at the store,_and we wit_ ,be nIca,ed to
show you' the full-tonstruction and explain
Is the leading ileater. This is proved by the,
numbicrivt-afe sOlin-w--- Every- person knows of
this beitittiful .and economical ileater. We have a
number of second-hand Heaters and Stoves in good
repair, which we have taken:from placcs ..vhcre
have put in heating systents.
In \ Shelf
and Heavy Hardware
Tile ammer Brand of Piaster 1'..r.
The National Portland Cement. ;
let us figure on your isqiii.ciniting. Heating, •••aveSirt:r.ittliiiViii..1
All Work promptly atteiftleff-Grawf-toffrgyurnsv•Sessf,
Sesfe%Pheme " CHAS. C. LEE