HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-16, Page 7l TIIE SIGNAL: GODERICH• ONTARIO THUHIIMAY, 0116111 114111111, It KIM LOCM. 0 shop of London. 11'ur;d . has been received floe, Owe O1 t)f the appointtnent of Rev. Michael French, Fallon, of 'Dudek,. N. y„ provincial of the Older of Oblates, to the bishopric of London. Father Fallon war t � Utrawareaector of the t'aiversitY Q Masonic Elections, Maitland Lodge, No. 3, A., F. & A. N.. held ter annual el.ctioo of afternoon Tuesday evening. resulting as follows : se. \t . 1►r. Turnbull ; 8. \V.. Dr. Stile; J. 1Y.. H. C. Dunlop ; secretary. J. Straiton ; treasurer. R. (i, Reynolds ; rhaplaiu, Rev. B• Nott; tylrr. John Tsucutt. me joint installation of uf. tiros uf. Maitland Lodge. Goderich, and Turning star Lodge. Carlow, will tw brld on Tuesday. Decein er:Pith, ere Gude' µ:h. Guelph Winter Fair. The winter falx at Guelph was the great centre of interest for farmer* sad stock wen last week, and a Targe ouulle•r from this section ' were in at- tendauce. Among these were Thee- (huge., hee- (J 41•v, of town : R. yl. Voting. J, S. S. Virtue, Bert Vmrcoe. John Hob-- seism. ob=seism. John Direst and k)zra thirst. of 0?11.,t na.. J. A. Melltrtttrlr. of- saunou : Jas. Hayden. of Port Albert : John W Isaac, tH. L., 'rhutruts and I;ts,gge tiAlkrld, alt Goderich township. They retort that. the fair was u vet) interesting and successful event. A Surrogate Casa: •------- s'liuraopaly Cdutl ease,„ 'as IN•fot,. Hi. Honor Judge Doyle on, It kitty .tad satuglwr {a -l. Ibr retailer t tell iu WIPP. twit Nelt• theme of James McNair ttnd S..1 JYjnes McNair.' his sou. all of • t, -unship of (Trey. \V. St./Nine. •d It, mime's, raplr..•eiteJ the Jame. McNair. and M. (l. Own h. t., enrrw'nrr'tt-tt1P' nel$iinls. ,•t tn•• rotate of Neil Ju ries Jlc- ..d this London and Western 1' I . the adw.r•istt'NAM'S of the si .Lame M.•Nair, Thr c... u'yued •,n yl•.utlay next lupi. ,lel. -i •.'a Notes:'. , •` ng Will he bell 1111, TI4u1>• . th' at flitt• Hulot, bot!•I toe, trgS.nizing line -4. , Ice.. 11 ,Ib the season,. Isoderich . ,.1•.11 h: ve Itierl to I[ .•i.'tc,t n. 1hr l trrtnedi •11• >,Yi••-. gill,; ..•h.•ytll .ami 1111• Ing"4;- a i.' I lie ss tdule for tilt •ta ,1,1 herrn grid ay. •j. r.u.i; II•• '•elrtrlel: _l the eli.f ft L,-ta:t,llhit, the .•ser"o(the r awl ' it .� b t •' t o un tt':keti a • s.t11 lit .,•ial-tltrring to pre( tea Irl, I flu t:- noun lying iajnr.vl Iry 1'1..h461 suer eJtosslue Lw ie .l i)iert• a 1 • • 1 , Will a ►1c1 tl tlbtld tit'• His line-upofthe Irani will t of last yc:ar•'s player- :t.i' wed) ,u•• n••iv utatrrial. •-it '. r h I'S in graprp 7, ;finder seeks, n 1. t 'N'et. Stratford, and London. I.• ;1,-•'t,"Iue braid toTir might fur ',ti Church Entertainment. •' w:r4 A good attendance :e the Semi -nt ghee' Th inc' IS tpamt it tin- ThiiteIay' night, 'the '_red and the financial returns are sret1 very setisfact ary by the a'•a;Ntion. The itntreat feature tot pr Brat wav a a•trlry of lea/Jingo tyro ••Mr. Opp," whish grave pru•ti- allv the ?eery of the whole. hook. Ding to the length of the pregranl, :h.• ismer. Rev. C. R. Jnne.. who wa• I.t et the readers. condensed his 1)4- ,, or the story into A *lever 'I h" other t'eafi}aa..nwer.• Miss il,J;p•, Miss little Aitken, Miss Lila t etueron, Ilea J. E. J.'ot ta, 3111.44. Hawtitnn and W. H, RoIN•rtlsin. The stner nnutbses on the program were *din selections by Miss Iieinicke anti Mt. Helmckv. a vtwal solo by J. F. Tn'if1't:en Nit 1 a quartette pry Messrs. A. funk, Chevrolets lets Steal and Lone EAtfi-ell+ttitn was well rendeJ•eel Ani ti.v•11 enjiryed, A Wartin`.. The' Canadian .hire 1-nderwlit.•rs Association again sends out N war •K IP to the necessity of extreme careful - a.," In connection with Christie*. d•••.ration*, display., etc„ - at the a�•asnn. The use of ('hri•itn'as t? .n`, tlttrvest sperhnens sal mineable materials such As tiemlWe- io, st''•rter , cotton to represent snow. and the like (especially in conneesion with electrie and other lighting sys- tems), is; it is pointed out. decidedly A bat1M• The circular sent ort by the Asewiatiml goes on to say: :'rin ad - hen to the danger to property furan he'-disl•ulys referred •'., the danger tee de is crowded sto.es o,r .places .tf meeting, by ' reason oef a panic neer'• it fire. event all an easily controlled, 'is so greet that the 17nderwritters, who have teadr a study of such hazards, would fail in their duty should they not give this warning." moot Our Exchanges. The British election campaign now rareelling is one of especial Interest, and it is gratifying to observe the ••nterprise of some of the Canadian dailies in meeting the demand for esu of the great electoral struggle. Thine -Oa° Globe has sent Stewart Lyon, clever member of Its editorial men', to Great Britain foe the express Purpose of keeping Globe readers in- tnrmed of the varying phases tit the ampalgn, in the same way The Tor - '^u' Daily Star has commissioned Joseph T. Clark, who will send daily tablea and letters from the Old Coun- try for the Information of The Star s leaders, Mr. Clark is one of the briThe M Montreal htest sStarralso has s r men in Cmano n the ground. There will be no excuse ins the Canadian who fella to keep hamlet( posted on British politics dur- see the next few weeks. The Christmas number of The Farmer's Advocate is out, snd is, as uncal, e. irpecially handsome and read• ah!e pnbliretion. Among the feat - nes of particular interest which we red an its pages are the illustrations we,dcsn apriicle on poultry Shp ehot. F• C• Rlford, formerly of Holmee- nik, now of Macdonald College, Quebec;, A which pleased departure that (of Wiarton Echo, *high has discarded the reedy -print Xerlde and in ons an al -home -print fir. Gradually the newspapers of TOPICS Ontario are doing away with the fac. tJry-tuade inside. A good feature of The London Ad- vertiser is tbe reprint of speeches by British political leaden in ice Satur- day edition*. They- utike excellent reading for persons interested in Brit- ish politics, A Terrible Deed, Going suddenly insane, Jartes, the fifteen -year-old adopted *nu of Hugh MaeMath, of Toronto, well known in Goderieb, one evening Inst week shot and seriously injured Mrs. Mee Msth and then went dt.woowu and killed himself with a shot from n revilver. Mrs. MacMath received a dangerous shock, hut lit latest( report she Wes ex- pected to recover', The dead boy, it was taken into wit. Menzies, ject to fits, in ,e demented ; me of these his awful is at Mrs. whom. nacre before Mr. Mac:Oath's fate had fur years been uu which he _srerued to sud it was pt•obtltly in spells that be coulwit tireti Police Court Notes. Three cases of insanity were dealt with by the police magistrate during the past week. William Fulton, sent down from Brussel*, was adjudged Insane and is to hail awaiting removal to an asylum. Georg Vaostooe was rewarded to jail and Robert Hyslop, who hes been at the hospital for a few weeks. was adjudged a fit case:for an asylum. The asylums are so crowded, however. that It may be a little while before accouiruodatlon can ice found, and in the meantime Hyslop 1s at the hospital. Thomas i•oetlethwaite was charged on Friday with, theft from D. L. McLeod and the case' wile adjourned until the 18th. On Saturday morning informs, tion was laid by one of the crew off one of the grain boats arriving in fort the previous evening against a com- rade of the crew fur the theft of a sum of money between $70 and 11190. The roan charged with the theft left town on Saturday morning but was ar- rested in Toronto on his ai rival, under instructions from Goderich. In the meantime the complainant had dis- appeared from town also, and the deed. He two cheer bull authorities here had to send word for Mss. \lath, two of which tbuk rITeet. the release of the man charged with One bullet wait extracted `the saws the offence. evening. ilea the durtor c• Id not At the Harbor. ate the other.G. 1. Literary Societ Nine grain vessels will winter at thisport this'season. The aggregeto , .tat it t ay evening the ti. ,•,1. II: their cargoes is about a -million Literary Society bred its final fuse•'u� i Bushels, and taking the value of both tar the term. The meeting was II i cargoes and vessels there' is, in round attended and the program, which w figures, $'_,1010.110 afloat in Goderich at lengthy but attractive one, took the like bor. The vessels to winter here torr,, ui a routes[ between the toys are the Turret Cape, McKee, Regina. and the eerie nt the school and aroused t 'utdee-end Paliki. which hold their nitwit interest. During rho Ileac part IC 'goes in store fur the elevator, and of the program President Jt Lang ere.' Lh. Turret Chief, Neebing, Wexford cu ird the *hair and\I1vvA. us. in At dlad Queen fat the tell'. The wasIleKi a, I'Aliki, McKee, Midland Queen, .•hu-.vl to met a, ell for the girls. Among the inters•.tie r teat,-, s.ebi , Dundee and \Vexfurd ar- uf the ev.•ning were a dialogue given 1 ivad friday night or Saturday 1 o ley o u n '� a\' arced the I , 11 The et With A ud 1 .i m r u hire s e.,.- Pa► P y in lMoe. a !HAW .uuiweby/Misses I. Maths- ' ~Null canal ..n Sunday, and was due ssir-t-ni 'l, ('..ark, a ttrluna' inn by A. to arrive here today, but it is under- Irsidr. chorus*+, f.atinq,, .Loud will go ors down to Point Ed- resat.ti.,,', area violin and paean mnvic7 w,u'd to winter instead ret ring here. In p- ac uncing, the j,i1.;e; decision The Wexford, which wet .reported t. •.m tip • •i iU, co iiplirtteittwl lard aground iu the St. Marys River sura • Al',is;es in the K,rl, .Iourmal ass- la -t. k was released on Wednesday, sa.J t ,Ns., w•hiI• the !wises Iges hall had! ,tall too ; al 'al• y iu r.•a •hing'u d,•et.ion, fan I 4• s.'•••,1. wast let given to the boys. •ti lighteting L'11,11u11 bushels, and 'veal hn Saittrday morning. The • easterly winds on Satltnlayand Sunda e har- m - undo cawrrd the in th h I n t�• . l , e•Yf• 't 1 1 1 1'•• et ns I K f sol r w leer to fall over two fret and the Mc.- m o,f•• r•, I, Stn•;ulg'N birthday artel the, I t •- 1 u t is heartily'dau.ir,( Kee settled on the bottom (f the har- 11•sse. 11.'.\''ihur and tl•,d, a x11.1 Ur' l..tr, hot has-sincr been lightered and strong o•; •41 as judge-, i•t•leusel. • Last night some of the men on one i h Duma l.1oe School Case_.._.. -_.4. the I5.ats in harbor writ• •:elt•ersting lin• t aogte user the felsitinn• its the close of their 'season's work by fir. tt.tib in the Dungannon public iu t•fTro.:kete.- The explosions were -.tt-I another stage, on Mow lierPletlaall over town anti causer! some der,- when ; •inn of a• r:ir!inrt by Miss Wonder as to whet war going on. )1tt!t••-•'d aain, tee/tees 1,gt the ll u s N•w MarioersEntertained. ouen••J lwf.nu .fila lJkxiirr-JIuIKN li,+lt, T1i Nctiou i, and -r a t•,tntract envie Huron lodge, No: 112. i. O. O. F.. with ti„ phi iiiilf by th•• b., it'd in N t- held a social evening Inst night in its veli . u itK ) w i ! Mass itoia•rLs cental- ' hell see an t•ntertainrurnt to, -tire nrerm es 1 to nit. tops the position of teacher la•r•s of the Order who were on the muter on exten:i,in of her certificate vessels which have come here to and .Mia( Matheson did not enter on winter. Unfortunately a number of the woik. The !scud of tnetie% ofsow Odilfellimt mariners had already Ite•e..,y that the contract made with left for their homes, but those wbo M'athreon a say not A legal ore. attended the entertainment wen T.F. boron,A nletn�i r tof loth[fir ¢ vcu u good time, end there was '41 -Pare an t Poet boii-d . bid it letter or large turnout of the members of .wiaplaiut resoiust Inept -cue. •Toni • for Iluron Lodge. The first part of the tee ustlrti•ntlitig a0 J•xt.rnsiorl i•f Miss evening was spent in exemplifying L ..• 1 i'4- i I,..f.,..•• t h.. ',ds•ct� .- ....r*,.itag aJlerlln+.t di•R.•1•s-•aN.re--wird*$ .►f,.trt•n of til" eonntc .- •ii list -Week, but and cigars were enjoyed and a very the •ee:w(•il decided to do nothing in ; informal program of murk and the msttt•r. .,Evidence in ylisv Mathis :speeches was carried out. The Noble son's action was taken on Monday and 'Grand presided and called on Dr. the ease was adjourned for aigftiuent. Macklin to give an address 'of wel- Cti*tI.vI:arn,wactedfor the plaintiff :e Capt. Phater.of the steamer and W. 1'roudf tot, K. C., for the crus- Wexford, stoke, briefly. Songs were tees. . ',riven by ttarrj% Sturdy and Robert Capt. McL111Al Known in Goderich, Wilson -which put evervoue in the "Mimi"M".".„').1. rel the slw 1 car hest of spirits, and J. E. Jordan gave ferry Bi -seceder o, 2, which true Inst a piano selection. $hurt speeches were'Pen b quite 00 Lake•I.rie on Tuesday of lust week, ',,, it Y lune a numberofti staid a is .well known in 1: ode rich. His rnnu•. tery in the wayiof snatches d Mother is living at Kin/ enabler. where of wsith the and ing gathering ang Syne with Ssave the of nAg. Lang Syne his fa[hrr.Ai••d M few yearn ago. The rand (i•rd Nave the Kirelt. •nptain ,ueub• his home at Conneaut, • Some figures given by ,Past Grand and had a weir and two or three .•hil- • Dr, ( Isrk in hie speech are of interest Mete His Inv,ther John. wh.t owns .s 'ss, showing the extent of the Order's fat•ul ne,ir Satgin. w;t t with hitt 6111 work in. Ontario. Dr. Clark was a rho• bo rat as write.ahPla Ang)1v McLeod, delegate- to the recent Grand Lodge hotel ke.•;Per• ton Twelfth street. 11•''sleeting .at Ottawa. The Order paintr 'neat : Duncan and 'Stewart ylci•e.sl, ! relit in Ontario in 11MIf1 an average of of ld'.MMTulo. em!- Hugh. of Conneaut. '$a1-{.naday, made upas follows: Sick are also Mothers. 'Mersa are two !benefit/I, $71,90512; surgeon's fees, sisters. Mrs. iraptein1JohnMcLean, of ;$12..-045.20 ; ' nursing airk brothers, Port Huron. and Mrs. Melemeen, of '82,901.1S : relief of widows, 418,182.:0; Ambeiley. whose son was drowned burying brothers, $11,:•n(8.41; bury - last .pringg in A cur ferry at Mil- ing wives of brothers. 111,000.55; spe- +fatukee. The big car ferry left con' cis) relief and charity, $I1,l21.99 reeve, Ohio, on Tuesday morning and should have reached Port St.nlry, '-Rone'y's Boys." after its fifty -tone mile trip, in five A Targe audience greeted "Roney'* hours. it iv snppo+ed that the heavy Boys" at Victnrie, Opera House' on Monday night and spent a delightful evening listening to the wonderful voice. and clev 'r instrumental play- ing of the five young lads who, with SPA broke the key which held the cars in pliee, end. weighted heavily with coal, they raced to the stern of the bons, overe( rriing her keeL She prob- ably turned teirt)e and sank without Mr. Roney, make up the company. a minute's warnmg. - :The ilrograrn commenced with several The Zeigler Affair. tbeisical numbers, which showed the Detective Phalen made his report remarkable degree of training reached teethe Vernon stt *trey -ane . ooday of' the result of his inveetiaatione in con- nection with a tragedy which (re- curved pre .Monday. November 213th, in the township of McKillop, about a mile and a half from Brodhagen and about nine mites from Moncton, where Barbara, the forty -year-old daughter of Henry Zeigler. an old man living on the 12th concession, was found in a mudhole, lying with her face buried deeply. Mr. Phalen interviewed John Ziegler, a nephew of the deceased, the first person who found her :__John Murray, a neighbor alto was on the spot shortly after Miss Ziegler was discovered ; Con rad Eckert and Henry Klipfer, who all said that Miss Ziegler was thinly clad. Mr. Phelan says there were no tracks but those of the deceased at the spot, and if there had been anyone else there the tracks would have shown .suite plainly, as the ground afterwards froze quite hard. 1%e deceased's face was buried in the mud and her mouth was full of dirt and gravel, and one could see the marks on the ground where she had struggled to get"up. Mr. Phelan found n.t marks of violence nor anything to suggest that Mise Ziegler's death woul 1 be to any- one's advantage. She lived with her father, an old man of eighty-four, and she left, as he thought, to go to her brother's. as she was in the habit We have had a larger number of en - of doing. Mr, Phelan learned that tertainments than uelta) in Goderich Mise Ziegler was physically and this season. and one of the moat popu- rnentaally weak, and the simple ex- lar and enjoyable wan that elven nn planation of what was at first thought Thursday evening Iaat in the Victoria to he poesihly murder /appears to be Opera House under the auepicee of the that .Mies Ziegler stumbled and fell junior band. The band itself contrih- and was unable to get up again. Dr. uted several number+ to the program, Michell, of ihublin, assisted Mr. showing commendable progress since Phelan in hue Investigation. Miss it wee organised thirteen months ago, Ziegler's father has since been taken mostly of young men without previous to the house of refuge. musical education, and started train. by the boys. The latter portion of the program was of $ more popular character, add the youthful perform- ers and their audience got more closely in touch, and the closing num- ber came all too soon. Both in their quartette winging and their solo num- bers the boys showed a refinement of style and s technique which Pio- neered long and careful training. Mr. Roney, who played the piano ac- companiments, in an interval of the program told something of this train- ing which the toy. undergo before Operating in 'SUMS, iind-srso gave - seine ine very interesting information as to the way in which the entertain- ment tour, of hie company are con- ducted. A feature of the program which was especially appreciated was tbe cornet playing of Walter Lienke, and the various costumes donned by the boys for different numbers, in- cluding the iouave costume, the Highland Scottish costumes, the sailor costume, snd tbe cotta and cassock, added much to the effect, of the per- formance,,. This Wes the second con- cert in Mr. Jordan's series, and the first two hays been so excellent that the remaining two will be awaited with eagerness. Tho 'Nasser Girls" will give the next concert in the series, Junior Band Concert ing under the diredtion of Mr. Help. icke. The duets by Walter Marchant and George 'Thompson, cornet and bar• done, and G. Smith and J. Mclvor, cornet and trombone, showed that the membership of the band includes lotus especially promising material. ReeveGallow, who made a brief speech of thanks to the audience in behalf of the band, raided some words of cotn- teendation of the boy* and their direc- tor which were received with apprecia- tion. The male quartette (Milton and Mete Tyndall, A. K Cook and Jas. F. i Thomson) gave three numbers, Men of Harlech." "My Lady Slee s," and "Skippers of Si. leer,' in splen- did style. Misses Alix Saunders, Cora \Vashin ton and Ruby So there gave an exhibition of club -swinging, and ten Y. M. C. A. boys. under the direJtion of Ernest Colborne, made their tint appeere use in a dumb-bell exercise and acquitted themselves handelotnely. Miss Heinicke's violin solus were executed in her morel bril- liant style, and other instrumental uuwhen were a piano solo by A. Roy Adam* and a born solo by Mr. Hein- !eke,- Miss Keturah Brown contributed a delightful rendering of the song "My -lin Folk." The *tar of the evening was Mr. C. J. Pink, of Loon - don, who possesses a minuet tenor voice and who used it to advantage in a variety of sows, including "Thr. Death of Nelson," "Empress of the Mel." "The Kerry Dance," "Nora." "•O Canada," "Lucky Jim," Ind ieThe Little Irish Girl." Every song was a hit• and at every appearance the singer WAD heartily - encored. Altogether She program was one upon which the band and its management have reason to congratulate thetuselt•eaa,_ Board of Trade. - - The monthly Meeting of the council of the Go dericit Board of Trade war held tonou Y R .Q da *venin A letter from the Seaforth Milling Company. urging the erection of freight sheds at Goderich. was read and the secreta* was instructed to correspond with cer lain t'alsportateon cornpahies and en- deavor to get at nurse :agreement as to what can be dune. The idea is to in- terest some c panics in Goderich- as a pbrt of call For their litres and to'*ee whet. If anything. can be done in the way of art arrangement -for building such sheds The Seettorth Milling Company ni .v Iiiiiiwfa :t considerable quautit y - i ..s.1.•Id vnd by way of P..,p 1: eod •o ret I.. "log and we..lal )...•• i'n. ii'-• it - one- 1q way of God,: ...1. The I<n •• • is in t•orrein !sondem, wiih n 1. N - iEng ) com- piny whys is lues i to hi:Hien' for the .,iahlisIttueot ,a brh'o•1i of its l'ares.lin•, mule. ' 4 I. -rte- from T. F. Hardiest. of B.ttftttio, Asked for in - Ns t( •1 format r n : N . » t Loges c I. 1� m fora line ih't rsilwoycapitalise con- template. bulletins •'.ill! Linke hrie to iIAke Hilton. Tht• t.-er.•taly was in- structed to reply, giving what infotw- ation tl • ell'tW_ No net' watt taken on balers .from C.. H. Mallei•, Gerrnan consul At Montreal. with ref- erence to the intpt•evement of trade relations with Germany. .'t letter from the Hamilton Board of Trade proposing the holding of all civic holi- days mrthlr-same day was not $p, proved. Nn action was taken on a letter Iron' the same hoard with refer ence to h•gislstion with reference to trade conthtntatiune. '1'b was directed t• ask the new t)wn council of IOW for a grant of $110) to carry on the work necessary in the various matters which come before the Board. • Set olarships for Huron. J. I. Carter, of Sarnia. is toasting COM in scholarships to the students of the collegiate institutes and ' . high schools of the county of Huron. 'rbere are five seholanhipe of SHE, Sad, $Qf), Set and '$80, respectively, which will be awarded in order of merit to the eendidates obtaining the highest aggregate marks at any of the uuds,,comer examinations in upper school subjects. These examinations are : Entrance to the Faculty of Edu- cation, honor matriculation and schol- arship matriculation: lir. Carter. wbo is An old Huron boyis now proprietor of the Empire Salt \Vurks at Sarnia. in recognition of his liberality, at the last regular meeting of the Goderich Collegiate institute board the trustees put the following resolution on the minutes : "That the trustees of the (loderich Collegiate Institute desire to place on record their high appreciative fain yeti flri%ntiue action of Mr. J. I. Carter In offering five echolanhips for eompetitipn in the collegiate insti- tutes snd high schools of the county of Huron, and we trust that the re- sults which he desires by the awarding of these scholarships may be accomp- lished and fully ,attained, and that the secretary of the hoard send a copy of the resolution to Mr. Carter. together with the sineere thanks of the trustees for his very generous gift and for the practical interest /shown b one of Hur- on's prominent sons in advancing the education of the youth of the county. Mr. Carter is also offering similar scholarships in the counties of Lamp- ton, :Middlesex, Perth, Oxford and Wellington. Mr, Carter hoe had a varied experience in different places in this county as well net elsewhere, in the milling and salt business. As a boy he lacked many of the educational advantages of the present day, but in epite of this handicap he has evidently madegood, judging( hp the extent of his liberality. Veterans of '66, Attention 1 A deputation 200 strong recently went down to Ottawa G, interview the Government aaith regard to obtaining further recognition of tate services rendered by the volunteers who served nn the frontier during the Finian troubles in M. The vital question is, should it be land or a pension ? The latter seems to be the unanimous answer of all the men 1 have so far interviewed. We don't want land at our tinge of life, as we ere to., old to settle upon it, while a pension would serve every purpose with the advantage that in all human probability It would tape entirely be- fore many year.. As the Western members are very moeh opposed to any further grants of land in their Provinces this method of recgrnition would mutually appear to tbe'(iovern ment and the men alike. As 1 Wish to ronlmunieste with our member, Mr. Lewis, M. P.. as to what we wish him to advocate, l desire all three in- terested in the subject to let MP know their wishes an soon aa prtesihle by simply saying, land or a pertaion. J. J. WI(IOHT Pres. V. A. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. If you want ant claw+ shoe repairing promptly dom go to /l. M. tctltot ti There Is • pretty calendar for you at lite Signal oaltw when you pay your suttctlpUea for 1910. Huy uof is oroeroat, Yoht u aprrecate kiodoes- to yourself. 1'. .1. I'ndhaw Is tad right tailor. Thera is still Uu,e to do a good deal of 1brist- nusshopping,ifyoudoit at Wainer Swathe. i'. -t Street where the large assortment of goods suitable for gifts snakes shopping easy, How about a kodek for a ('hrisunas gift for that boy/ He wants something that will keep him Iutterestod and a cower* Is gn.in t rona,ny. 'allows sells photography -uppllor of all kinds. We regret to learn that yin. (Hew.) Milliard ns very seriously ill. This is the lYtrisiwas shopper*' edi- tion of The Signal. Read the ads. lnveruese Camp, S. O. S„ will meet tomorrow (Friday) night to wind up the year's business. Have you seen the Miguel calendar for 19101 Every paid-in-iulvance sub- scriber for 1010 gets one, We are, in receipt of a copy of a new 'Patriotic song, 'Empire Comrades," by R. Autone Perrier, 70 Grant se, Toronto. Price e5UC. A. J. Cooper shipped two carloads of wheat to St. John, N. 11., yesterday for export and is loading two can of oats for shipment to North Sydney tor export. The statutory meeting of the town connell was held tart night. when arrangements were made for the printing of the annual financial state- ment. The stores ere' looking bright and attractive with. Christmas displays. A geed reeelve would tot to do ail your Christman *bopping, withy our home. merchants. They have the goods. Court Goderich, No. :td. C. O. F., will meet on Tuesday. el7• euatr T ta December 21st. A large attendance is requested, as the election of (officers will be held and the appointment of a physician will be made, \ single correct white Leghorn hen ilelougieig to Durst tiros.• liennliller, took a second prize at the Provincial winter fair at Guelph last week. It takes a pretty gond hen tri take any kind of prize in the immense exhibi- tion otpoultryd t tis fair. At the November meet ing of the pub- lic library board the List of paper. and magazines to bre purchased for next year was decided on and (ieiirge Porter's offer to sup.ply the perieeli- cats was accepted. .The list ie the sante as for this bear with the addition of The Railway Men's ylegazide. On Tuesday morning 11. \V. ilall re. ceiyed a stroke of paraysie. and. while notitis immediately \ mut batrl tie •' r I xt .i . Y Ball's age it is a question whether he will reeiwer eomptetely from its effects. His host of friends in titan and elsewhere will hope for the hest. A. letter eeived. this` week from Calgary says : "Received Iaat week's Signal today rl)ecenlher 71. and was amused when 1 read that clipping from The Aylmer.Exprese. where a newly -arrived Westerner clairur that it is not -cold -at -44 below. They can't tell mo that. Twenty-three is the 7 1 lowest that we have bad so far, and that's quite cool eacugb tor me," There was $ large attendance et the oyster supper and ball held by Court Goderich. No. 1:, C. O. F., last Friday night. and the event was voted a suc- cess. The cowtuittee in charge wish to express their thanks to the ladies who did the baking and to all other who gave their assistance. Superintendent Gillen, 1). A. Mitch- ell, chief of buildings and bridges, and Roedtslaster Fergana*. of the (land Trunk were in town on Wednesday on a tour of inspection. No doubt the contemplated annex to the ele- vator would be one matter they would note at the harbor. Thos. Handsley has been sentenced to three months in jail with hard labor for giving a bogus cheque to the first of Tozer & Brown. Clinton, .in payment for a suit of clothes. The chez ue.was tor $1D and way drawn on the Royal Bank As soon as the man was out of the store Mr. Tozer sailed up the Bank by telephone and learned that there were no funds•. ANNOUNCEMENTS. New fth•nitute *tote. 'Phone 1014: You can get the dandy hockey boo's at G. M. E1.tjorr's. Choice Sift goods . at MoKHIWt k VAN True s china department. Send furniture yen don'e-eseet-te+- the Auction House. Pbune 1454. Christmas fruits And confectionery. nuts, etc.,- at MoKRIsII & Vaearre11 N. There are many cough mixtures, but only one Allen's Lung Balsam : try it. German h.trtie-wtule sauaiages, lien- berger cheese. etc., at MoetJlsu & V.tN.arrKlt N. • The W. C. T. I.T. meets in, the Temp. entree. Hall the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 3 o'clui•k. Two hundred turkeys wanted. Highest price will be paid. Deliver any time 4'hristmns week at Mistimes At V.aN.%T'rrit's. / - "Lifebuoy Soap" is delightfully re- freshing tor' lather or toilet. For washing underclothing it is unequsl- le11. 1'leanse. And purities. 'Mitre copies of Tho l •ht'ist Inas Sig- nal nil may hail at 3c each, or six copies for:Jtict. Many vuboa;ribw•rs sena thea[ to hiende at a distance. Three hundred and fifty men wanf.ei sada to carry away the ready- made louts (1,)111 ('AMKRUN & MIN)11N) 4 clothing department, *3.93 rep. lining; out of Linins*s. I lAVillg moved lino say new elevator on the G. T. H. tracks, 1 have turned my old, warehouse into an itp•to date feed store. where 1 will keep every- thing ver -thing in the feed line. Hotels delivered to ant' part of the tnwn. 'Phone Ne. a)7. A. J. ('ten•Eri, Hamilton street. Half a cat' of sweet Christmas oranges clearing at ti price to pre every hod y, :bre to Ick• A peck or $1.311» bushel. Five tone choicest raisins. 5Ih-. for 'tic. Half a ton of mixed nuts, regular 31c per Ib., sale price 12jc. Everything going a'. cost prices!. CAMlittOr -k )11/011.161 (6ioc ore-. Depart men t. NEW ADVE,RTISEMEKTS- Dee. leth. Page. Teacher Wanted S. 8. Ma 1. 4hf epi. . 1 4'hlckeru for eels -W. F. McPhee .. . .. 1 Christmas offerlagr D. Millar t:o a Hest Uifts for Christmas te. 51. tiJliott.• 11 Headuaartere for Santa . tan. Peron- Fair 1.. , Holiday Fsetweer-Dowoiue R M1&Ybftr es Hirt Nuggeetleos W. Acheron a Maw. .... i Fur Throw loot Signal Office .. . 1 Middle-aged Wonsan Wanted nes 10 The Signal- 1 l'hrk.tnus Hater HNrgalna. ['has. S. 1.:wing Renders.--Morri-h& Vs/atter. 1 t;iitethat Mears --tiro, Porter ('o keret* for Sale Durst Hro. 14nerukr ► Scotch Collie Doe last -Wm. tike. Meemuter 1 Holiday ,:oodw-H. Harney( erluw to Nuti,r tot'ndHens- Proudfoot. new* Nktu ► !testier n•.P.R... Sable Acuff Lost -Sturdy.. .. (iroce y ... - . ► Announcements H- M. KlUotl .. , t Harnew Wanted Wort•eIiu' CHRIS'T'MAS SECTION. Music for Christmas- Jai. F. Thor.hs'.t. t'hr otroas Mite - H. t'. Dunlop Nig Selling -out Sale 1 •am.•roa ot Moor. Alteration bole Cuut+ 1 - Howell Hantwr.,rr t•'o. Sensible Christutas f'reseottt wursello Hen[wr.,'e 11au.d-ouie t'hristmoo Goods S. 1:. HN'► Furniture for Christ tugs fro. !uhnstun t'hrietunt •• greeting J. H. t'alborw Kodak, H. tit. t'bri'truae Uettd 11Ur t•lattb . Chinaware for Christmas 1(orri,h A ti'aa.:t, Neckwt•ar for I'hrisntw.:-Marlin How. Suint -Dons for t•hri-tInas 91114f.ent . Hodge r.• pro•. 11 Chrb.tns Ui/tr- W_ 1 bre tlalsI:MNa-John stead tnleetlnos mina Walter C. Pridlasu :.•. 11r. Ile anti :.ic W41144 -1h0. Pellet AUCTION SALES. • Frons v. la•ceinh r 17th. t t ttun ,.le r1 farm stork at Soutt• west corner ss •"t Athtleld toneqihalf utile front *hrris,r•1tur1, cotnroea•ine.it 1 e ,'Iork. F. A. HAa'p, 1, Ire. prielor. •hast, ttI"apha,..nct err. SA'rr at.�r. Percent) 'Or IR. Auction saleof-- toil,h.wws .eel heifers at; thn Ma. 1 -etch•. Nrnecarkl. •oep.wincing at 1 o• l.s 4 • 1.•N,, •eII *5 (01 'Jr.• proprietor: ha.•.. I:t..lr l.r, anetit het t, _. 1 \Invnia, 1a-,eu.her doth. 1 pealing ,.i. tit . I .f household ft•rnaure MAI furn n htug, d [ lie r.-iden,e of t be tele )It.. A lea, K ttkhrhle, Kinat-ton str.•rt, tloderi'-h. Mrs', ',1- . Nt.r:a 111.1.„ 'r0 mums Le-, 1 v 1: V 1 1. t. l• Iu . t.,u, t 1. ti0114441'. o •Il.tndv in the hereto n4 a ete.k, Davi: ylouthol Satv,' clitetgttit•►dy_.t great nt.iny of the simple e:ifteents .uch : s'ctlts. akin mitlf•ies, ifloort 1 dee and sting... $-,•. h tit) t1 olrewet•:h. H('NTF.R:,:In 11t.htr.b a "rid. Notsol- iSt:.ln• t wife of A, i'. tlnn'••a til. 11/et .► K N KEs1/ %W.. at i i.yG•rb h en T• J.ty. De- ccut ti. :e:d 1(r,, Eteeet M .'e- Ile th. is r _ LAWSON. - ,A1 4 keil•Li 14.1 110.44,L4y. t'rcw• her nth. •n 'tlr. \•, •I 'el: F sl I... w.}a OIEU. pip its l':otli'K.--.11 tondat, nf1 t':,,Iwt, 1'tti to her loth. J, W. Hnulere•k,` fooit.11y Uoderirh, :.tied 11 ye.an•• KIRKHR110.7. • Iutttdn'i.h on '.ler,b.y 1'r. b °emer I:Nh; 1'1,-1104,e ••••oph,a lennae, relict of the Late AMttw,Mr Mit khr.itic..g,•.iAL 76 year. stud :1 months. 4111 SEM 11111111•1111M o 1 1 Yteadquariers ...fir... Santa Maus. COME EARLY before the rush sill get the first choice of our large 'stock of Toys, -China, Pyrography Supplies. PARSONS' .11 0 FMR M 111111111111M 1 1 1 1 1 Dolls, Fancy foods, etc. Just look over our Loc., 15c. and 25c. tables, as WC haVO sonic I3IG BARGAINS on these tables. We have Burnt Wood outfits for $1.50 and a large assortment of WINO