HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-16, Page 5,feW3 of the Sistrkt. A branch Of the Y. M. C.,A. hal been orgenised iu Seaford). A recent death is that of James Keith Gotel ttttt of Whitby, father of MIs. (Rev.) West, of Hluevale. The death of John S. McTavish. formerly of Howick, took place at Wroxeler on Suntley, 'December 5(11. Lorenzo Smith, the fourteenyear, old min ut Mr. and Mts. Amor Smith. (irey townehip, died ou Tumidity, Ottb ult. John F. Groves has been appointed cleik and treasures' of the "Amu of NVieeleou in succosesitni to J. a Fei-- Old Exeter Resided; Dead. gtleon• , „ Robert Freyne, one 41 k.:xet,r's old - Mem Mitre.% Smith, daughtate ,of est residents, died on Mot. John Smith, of Heetreekk Wm accepted a position VA teacher. to a school user Draytoti. Misr (Harm Cudinore. deughter ueorgt. Cusimore'of Exeter. was unwind ou Thureday. December 2rid, tu William Frazer. vi Ceutralia. Joeeph Totten, brother of Mrs. A. Murton. of litytti, premed away on Wednesidey of last week at Sitoka. loon. Sara., where he wee iu bummer. Was It Murder? Parey Parkinson4 a former Co borne boy, was Shot and killed at New Liskeard on Thuretley even- ing lest. An (Nuttiest %INV held, and the verdict of th jury was that the shot was fired Perkinson's partner it Roes • snits that the y alter Root a mining a rel. loll claims that he ti\red the fatal bus llet in elfilefenceHe has been he charge of 18 t%venty-Nil a buil of '4. elite committed tor trial on murder. Parkinson year of age and was Parkinson, et near Cent John NcTeggart, of the 15th con- cession of Orey. 11411 purchased the Neil MeNeir farm NU the seine line for the *um of $4,7110. Ile now owu8 250 acres. - -- Mrs. Rachel Buchanan.- a resident of Brussels rouse year* ago. tiled 141 nipeg recently at the 'evidence of her itotein-law. The interuieut war, made at Heapt.fot& • A quiet wedding was solemnize., at the bottom of Mr: and Mee. Damn,. Hey townelsio, on %Vedneaday, Uecesubel. let. thew youligeet daughter, Moe -Ethel, becauning -the_ brute a _Jelin McBride, of 4.0 otiley„ • The funeral of the late Mrs. Tufts, whodied recently at Plioen:x. 11. U., took. place to Winglituu ter.), on 'Tuesday 'Afternoon of . last week. The. der...reed e 44, .-foresser rsSoMlent of Brig. ave. The' marriage ef S4111.11. datighter opt Mir. And Mr.. William Duprey, of the 101i confession of 'Grey, to Russell Riddell. of lolino • townehie. is to take 111.41.). next Wed- ' tieroloy, 1 hot.. us lirr ?Zia. M41) A. ifirovetolge. relict the late Alwohani died at Ilel grove iII Mat ot-.I..). the 4th the vight y•I hint year of her age. '.lie and bet husband were g the Ilo.t sett the Th. Ilfle .4 .31.is rio "seine to ilw hog.. 'Attelidattee_ al the Nettlotth Collegiate hotitirie the 1 '481 4(8 11in Vi lininil it rieteleary to ell- •• ..age a sixth to -,so leor oriel hote the service. of 31e.. Annie (1. Alatk. Who has been teaching at Clotteittotit- 'rite 11.41111411'.4) 14. 4htireh tot P41.. Jo...11We !no rnhwoo. the seege-,,..t - poet1 y woldiug Noveuiter when Key. .1. A: . tuotto• 1 Mi., 1t).. p to 1.11,•.1,1,1 .1.....141 !tonneau. Name, 'Nlicto. gab, W. 11...Kenzie, H. A.. tele. pepu ar )d 141• 4, etrinch at Wooketer. has taken. biteeelf a life -ear owl 1)) Die petoVn 411 Moo Agee. M.- SI'-pley. 31 r. ii4I Nils. Joseph !they)• .4; 1 deo% Wimp& • her lith, at the good ag eight years and ten wont centred' W148 14411111 in NOM Devoriehire, England., in when twenty-thrto years married to Margaret %Vey Ky. Decent. of eighty - 'r he de. 311eultoth 1 :42 I, rend age eat 011, 1.1111 couple making their honey 0011 trip to their future bane in Called They fimt settled on the London , nese Devon, but latee ed tr. 2nd concession of Ceborne. where t ey re• eidet1-1Tm twen g 1 a when they retired Exeter'to their declining years. Mrs. F died aboutti v 4- y ea r s Who thweased wait 14 strong apThe of the Methodist church .1)1(1 10 t tics wav a Conservative. He ta a r wised i'Y thee sone and five dist' leis ; John evil lames; of Cohort' Peter, of Exeter ; Mrs. William Ok Htirondele Wark, Ceradoc 31m. George Hemmen. Regina ; 31re. T,11111itinini, London, anM ti i.. Lizzie, et Immo A Morns Golden Weddinil! Tbeillyth Standard of last week had n aextended' account of the golden weddeng anr niveleary of M. and Mo.. Shoetrees', who have 'spent the fifty pend yne go. nt. 111 - ' THY wlIZN A• nOrWRICI4 'ONTARIO COUNTY COUNCIL. roeiseluded froui PORE 31. Sze the Legislature to amend the Aide to the effect that. indigent 'winos ppttlentA he not committed *147101111%without coneulting the reeve of the be adopted ; that the council CO -operate with represents tiger from other countiee iu accool- arum With the request 6f UM (loud Roads Association in *eking for an iulditlonal grant from the Legislature fur the improvement of county roadie. Adopted. Presentation to Reeve Leckie. A pleasing feature 01 ,Thursday morwing's session was the presenta- tion to John Leckie, the veterau Reeve of Bruesele, of a handsome pipe and kingsoand. by that worthy gentlesuanU allow-membeni of the council. This took place just at the close of the session. Councillor Wet,. I.011 reading the following addnee : Me. Jouec n lere. Reeve of totieseie Dote tint, W41. your fellowthentherr of the county couttell uf Huron fur 111011. deans to tam, this -opportunity of showlmsour flintiest 8144 e.- Lecon fur you *rat114mm of the good old county or HUrolt, and for Main' YO0P. 01 4°' 'V° 1. a veined member sof the county council, by 11.41/. In( yne 11n4,11.1 this present of pipe and soloting'stend. which is pi esented to (tat strPh bent wi-4,....-for-yetw-eusaioutied welfsrit, and sincerely )rustiug that you toay long he spared to represent the good tillage of Brussels as neve in the euntiOn of Huron. :signed up behalf 01 (1,44 members. PETICIK Waz4ci.. U141._ _Thbeia certeinly • other start ling." were Mr. leckie'N Hist wortls in reply. "It k'taking treung man 141 114!) by os Bette' Mr. Leckie raid he leul lied no expeetetion of getting tory nowledgment wit all. He first came in- to the ty .13)(11161 in 14142. war 'way from el for twenty years. leo venortillY, mte the cat. 17181110 Iona. P di.11 not know what. had mum/toted kindly roo .gnition to the of fehOW•o1P11111/011,. They probably luded," he said, “tlint I wits Ft, NW D 1 would not, be heck. I hope e. is converrient way a bowing me ("Not et ell, 1.141 411 all. III intim all round the board.) LNG BEFORE HE KNOWED. if a little bit o' feller -I resew ber still- Ust to almost cry fer Christiana. like a youngster will. Fourth o' - July's nothin' to it; New Year's ain't a smell; Easter Sunday. circus day-jes' afl dead in the shell! 1 • • THE MARKETS. Liverpool and Chien* Wheat Future, Close Higher -Live Week- . Latest Quotations. Monday leverting, Dec, 11 LIverpool-iiiwat `futures remelt- tree.) lid to higher than Saturday', tern on changes,. At Chicago December wheat closet, to day 44c higher than Saturday ; Demenbei corn 3%c htgher. and December oats than higher. Winnipeg Options. At Winnipeg December wheat dosed it higher. Dias Saturday; Deorenber otos un• chewed. VItheat-Dscember felic. May $!Calle oats -December %c. May 30/se. years of t uric married life on tot 114, 13011- is fl( cession 9, township ol_Moi on the 081... harm *0 WhieIt they moved error their tchora marriage. The relebrot len 1.. dot place Sixtieth on Droller Mt it last, when Hatt melte • her., of the ferrety who wet it 1848 11.41,117, row with the relatives nod 18 tew of. the 1•31 neighleno, jzateiteed at the (Amity r.•141 -V. , 1114.1... 1.. Ink.. ;Intl. inthe joyous ucC i• • Wii1,61 wt sion. The (4111117- 5111744'))) of father mid mintier With an eitey chid ram% Thi..r, for the Warden. • id event out a ihe ordinary council proeet.dings 40444 4 lie 141 )45ll'l'l'lI4t10fl of the r mien. Mr. Peter lotmoi... a feature of the eltoine oanwil en Friday en. Or, HUI e445I1'eF141011 111 n- an klteTeCof o(.4411d -the 14.1811417* ivineniliered thew with oo 5)) "84411141. Aloe. ; It" wt"' ret"Illed 01111" the e psv partaken of the .01 a, 11A87:7,.1 1„;,'' . n teainUey 01 VUOVilleili!... ,14•111111147 MO; I e4.1'11.. M4.01111)4 I ed by a liriet adder... vides). Iwo; W...4 14)1 pro. 1 Th.. rrsaia., .4 as st.a goon, mooting. of congratulatory I by Meows, Moir .1 Geiger, that 1!, - sp....•Ires 1 tollof of the tong :opt and !council .1141111741 *44 1,,,„mio. of 1 li.• 1.111 height...1-s that lied bn ore tion i 404 114 1 and rittaii:,;;;;m1.1y the 1.111-41(.11 anti treet•of the 1141'al-mg mariner in whieli 1. oremt wit h M ' • !'"I'm I re" 14 cie'm..im'c 'I' I je•rformed theser0 'intuit tint &Ores' IMO, The. luuyillotili (111.144 .4, 1.. di*, I 41,5,„) ri„g 0„ him .,,, #K.,,iii,„n of 04,„ tri. -t teat if y to the mos -eerie.' r. .1-ol...ow: I y '.ng that e is an °Mein' ittl•••• itt the pitineers in 1 fist tespeet. l 44 4.44,174110)1141 ..x.,,,,,,i, a1,i14(7. l'Ut fifty 71714" "ye. w"")g" I1A117 lealowing is the sidd as puerent clienge. • arid thine Wootill be hitt few tom,. 4 .„,1..111 : ort -rive 4.11 nen:116ov to ilinSWer LINA tirnr-I-T„ m , 1.,...,.., Lsoms..T. I oi(o t.olook 111•10`e on Oet.,, her I•Ith. 1"59. ' „.!::;,1,.11%.Vri,.-2,..1,,rr,:pu.",',In"F,','„, 11-1111., FP ,..Y. rite **Vent of lit y yeArs W.,nitta of ties) ounty of 111 at'the laidels. home in 111.' teown.1111. of . inotrottimity it hnt ttf the *Mal nn •on lesill • e0111111 . of lialem Bele t rap,,'... wIlltItott expr.,..itli: tmr -on. 0.0 17011,','nnt let titl- ing of 141f .1111. Toronto. Deafly Market. Wheat. bush it 0810 SI 0: %V hoot. rod. bush Wheat. goose. bash es 101 Buckwheat,' bushel - - Rye, bushel 44arley. bush 0 IS 0 IN Peas. bush441 pals, bushel Toronto • Dairy Market. cheese, per Ib 0 13 • 0 13'4 Ks. coin Icts„ dozen 0 ``. 0(4 flutter, separator. dairy, lb0 ZS 0 % 1(4,11.,. store Iota s 0 22 0 24 Hotter, creamery. solids 0 203 Butter, cteumery, Ib. rolls0 0 Honey ---.-ext racked -----0 un• 11.1.44)4, Tombs, per dozen 2 3 CO New York Dalry Market. reetelpta, r'reamery specials. roe; ea - tram. 34e. (1tre to first. Ve Vie; held 2Z, tot 324.0., state dairy, common to, finest S., to Ele; 1144041448.$04c to 34e: Wesitellt fltfe, to 31d; winitErn iron:you,' eroartnory. :Pist o.r. --t-Lherne- Firm --rere4yrtior-9111t-slata.-stirs toil cream, Lepental. 171ec tei !fie; do.. 'tete tartey; 17c; -do.; -rtetober 'Nowt, 1144.': !.# gracile twat, 121444: .00ntnion to /MIA. 1 le t". skims. full to inertial, 5c 10 1414c. Eirga--rinvi; receipts, 1674. 4140'; Penns nod netoltv Uettnerv. White fancy, 42,- (17 814914.35c to 40c: do., reirnery, i.iiwn ..,d rotlxot faucy, fits• nr.twn. fair 10 pro 'Lo •-n, "t"(irat, irst. 33e1" 1.- 21'ic 31k 1 e. 31cto. 24e: ' T11011$0.1T. Diet:mime 10 I� 5 sroWslAss.es.Ps ..04%.stsosessolsoososew All new fruits Raisins Currants Figs • Dates Peels, Etc,. AND UNA* THE OLD YOLKS. Leidy, though. at night, you know, to set around and hear The old folks work the story -11mtit-tbi-dedge and deer And Santy shootin' round the roof all wrapped in fur and fuz- Long afore I knowed who Santy Clans one. UST to wait and sit u later a week er two aheitcl. Couldn't hardly keep awake ner wouldn't go to bed. Kittle stewin' on the fire, and moth- er sittin' near Darnin' socks androckin' in the skreeky rocking cheer Spices Allen'sClder. Cider. • Make your Mike Meat now. 41 QCAR'L WITH tint IdtoSTE.D HEELS. Pap gap pd wonder whe ons the money w And quar'l wi and s frosted heels is liniment. a-dreamin' sleighbells when The annual Meet ildt Cheese moil 11401)1 lieloi Ft idoty. 1 ',emote'. Ont. The heat 41 ro,el(ete.1 with 51)17 I,X• reption ..f L. IIliosmotri. who 11as lllll yeti. 's% ill Maxwell eiis elected in his olive.. • A pretty wedding was celebrated *1 (11.' reeidenceot 41 r.• and 31 no John Falia4r. 1 reditore 011 Viiielereolay, lieseinher 1st, when their Mi.. Lavin*, berme.. the bride a !'.V41. 1181,, 11. Ilutz. 3 promenen yam I lei f 'Little (vin Holmes. of. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley 111..1. ham. met with n 1114 y accident one day recently, a wiericli firms art pole 1.11 whirl' A workman wee engagetl and indicting an ngty gash on the chihre forehead. - • • Mtn. Joseph Morrow. of Fullerton. 01111441' 'well.knewn I of Vitriol. „. as CA NoliVe1111Wr :1101h. She was a daughter of lief late Jame,. 31.-31.nchie and was , born •ist York. county in iteh.. Her • hueband predeceased her in Hsu. The Sault Ste. Marie 1 Miele. •News hes atengthy refetence to the death on Monday, December oth, of Alex. Mc- Doneld. is former resident of Egmont]. ville, who fer years 111141 resided • at Sault Ste. Mat ie. The decerseed Wes horn in and !went 'off par years Ago ntOes, a t Miirie. Mr.. Euphemiis Voting, of. Wrox• eter, passed peacefully *Ivey Wed• • needato Dectenier 1st, at the age of eighty-four pram, her death being due to a general I reeking up of the sys. --The:- -A gterWiroto "Indy i • The deceased wee • an industrious woman of a kind dispoition and wee esteemed by ell who knew her. Jacob Vance Brooks, a native of the township et Eato Wawariosh, passed away at. Portage le Prairie Alan. on Tcresdar.-ttorintlr-ntt.. Th;--ripo.,;pk- in the grocery bueinese in Wing. ha for a few years. moving to Port- age a l'rairie from IVinithario IIIS o e, formeily 3lies Ellen Ram= age, of Visweinosh, predeceased him alma ten 4/ 1.1 1 itilesp.e, fyyst• ,r• iv 1 . . chnitab. Nlansewotal. Ithiting in Hint - 1)44117 Mi.. Alnry I i•Lirrniii 84.11,11 Mr. John S11,elly...1. The twat), vonsistol of now "children, three of whom; Misses 3.1.,i, y /111,1 Tena and .VAlter, have 'teen coiled litany, The 1111 viving ineinfters are W intim mud 11 0.01. nt no, w110, farm on elle • h fiserg..„ a inerli.• m4,1.0(111111'1' .11 lir Ilia VIVW. MI.. S 'elf. 'rel(.' And Mr.. le. Mr sip 11,1171 SUFFE n. Witithroe, 33 YEARS. . E. 4.. Doe; tithorSpecial 1 1.1 being tortured la thirty-two fo314 WY ere! Pot' Wm. J. Vineent. Puirice• I., known t rimer tiVing noir here, is, 'Treading the weal trews that he is Met' 811. it Well 111 111 and Dint he owes los core t9 Ihithi's Kidney. Pills. 31,-. says 011ie.- been re.thenel wills alone: hack. .rheiies- t eal 411111' heart disea.17 for (Iver hitt y. Yeats, and have Dien all kinds of lini- ments, plestere and electric 'wino but ail failed.•° A trientee dvieed me to t ds Kidney Pi a. •Ifenight thre boxes and now 1 , cured. I- wooed Advise &repine siitlerino f •• lame beck to 40%.• Deld'is Kidney Pills it (feel, for 1 know it will be littakey well spree" Touching, 'Their Vanity. • •te.11 tong with a petitioning Noted, very -somrH-tritsb. Whrnr, the n0111413 opened the door a young chilli stood outside with his hat in his hand. '• NVilliant pioneer 'lend • Usborne, died Ord, in his NeVont. Jaques was born i land, and when a rot Canada with his paren settling in Northumber Olhatly after the (Amity lieborrw. About fortyanx Mr. Jaquee married Eligishet ish, and 111.44.14144.his widow he "rived by iteVen children. Mrsn . Thoeus Manning. delight of NVilliam afeConl„of Monett, died at her home neat Londeshoro', on Sao Decendser 5th, at the age of tireNtfrelitlit Team The - lady had been ailing ire nearly two years with a serious form of throat trouble and had !leen in Clinton hoe. Weil for some time undergoing treat. • ment. Over* year ago she and her linsband went Wept in the hope that the e.hags would 511'0V44115448,1113118114)141Ott their return Mrs, Maiming spent sometime in Toronto under the care tit trpeorliott. ues, highly -respected of the township of Friday, ['premien. -fourth year. Mr. Yorkshire, Eng Man ratite to and family. 41 count y. lowed to (14 111,411 Corn sur 08 day." he said. "which is worth a miarter.ifor In cents. book. A little steel knife with it, If you let me shew it to your maid n minute I am sun. she will like it." Staid" fieortrt- at- IP , the 080111408, "hilt I'll take it." Then she left the door open a trifle to see if be world work the meld rarket on her east side neighbor. who haul no mote maia than shrlled. He did. The neighber also took the knife hod theediarpener.at Ill Chaps, Cold Cold Sores "and Rough Red . Skin. t • Zam-Hrik will give ynit 'speedy re- lief. It svorks while y..,1 'sleep. Ap- ply it to sore pliket.o 041 before relit, ing and by mornino it will have done its healing work. Cold crack.' ere dangerous ae well HS peinful. The sir .in bill of germs, mei cold torti•ks simply invite them to invade the syetetn. One,. hav- ing gained a lodgment they may I.hen produce rat imin•it ion. gat her age.... even bloat -poisoning. Resideo three in ell the pain. Zain•Iiiik is highly antiseptic. ICills the disease germs, stops the pain. heals. Fifty cents per box, all, storey Anil druirgietp, or poet -free from Zanurtirk Co., Turnnto. 'min receipt ef priee. -Nothing- "j'.u4 good," although imitestion is the omit form of flattery. Pro • ssionel permie. Amor., lavvYeee, doctors n41 minister, who frequently suffer fr. 1 exhanstion and prostra- tion as n till «1 r•x4•PM,11 VP nervous strain, find Tovitto t hi• invigorating tonic unequal .1 to strengthen end renew LW exhails ed tissues of their body. Irettnettn composed of fresh lean beef eitrete iron, pure old Spanish IhertY wine. 1 per bottIs. 11,1i1 1111.1 iliePlirt inlay won stitch 1o4t-, tios4"hsrget1 the duties of your 11414 45.„ wood oor (on neaept [Ito. ritt •• .iIIt liar 001 our lor)t It Istst yo,i-losto n rho sig„... 11e1,111 Unt 00111wil. ••• •‘. • ' NtAC•EW AN. • • • -.--- ng afore I knoWed who Santy Claus wuz. SIZE the fireplace and figger how old Sant), could Manage to come down the chimbley, like they said h,e would. Wisht that I could hide and see him -wondered what he'd say Ef he ketched a feller layin' fer him that a -way. anal CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Steady -Hogs Lower at U. S. Points. toeersi I fee. 13.-LoOop /115' 141., VI at 121- 1o'144' per Ili 4,ve cattle, iteelltiell weight: lever) • o ..• refrigera.lor bort. nno.• , 104.o‘ to' , 140.a. Dar It.. Union Stock Yards. Coast -sealed Oysters Sturdy & Co. 'Pboise et - Ws(SideSquare. eseeetereesteoesereWairteeteseeesteeteemerseterise TOR( INT1 Dec. live ...had( at the .Ctiroti Stock Vent,. t'Iorotioas market were 105 fkarleads. •loistire. of POE cattle, 12 hogs, eter!:. Ill,. MO Vt•S.. Exporters No soden of exttoort steers were retort. -1, ot Mono, 1...111.!hi a 1411441 a .'X(4"I 4,11i. 14) 14 to $.", per w1. • Butchers. 01;-4r* Iota tot :Olin 27 • toff I' Ft/7/1101i Inn/ omit* ran • tools 1.1 4'•' • . f4.:a • eel., otiNe, 14 to LI *4 71 With II. fen: "NIT:, total- ' .444 1.11111v ito V foul Milkers and. .Springers • -1,1" Eotu h tree 414,111.' o 1,1 milker,. al . '.• to ten oftil,. Yea! CesIves.• lLudesost4assusel from (1 to r-puz-aset.._,..-. Sheep and Lambs. so.r. oors )4 10 544' c, 8., "••4 44 ' • ,44, r Hogs.- Christmas Stock Our Christmas stork is in. awl owe patrons eon depend • 1111 getting the (whitest, and best goods tiers.. Raisins. Currants. PeeliTUF•anges. Extracts. • Fig.. Dates, • Prunes. Change of Business I desire to announce to people of Goderich and vicinity that. I have pert -Muted the Har- ness Businesson Hamilton street lately carried on by David StA„dilart. and solicit a continu- ance of favors from old custom- j'ers. and invite new customers 1come in and get acquainted with' your new Hero/es-maker. In addition to everything found in & Mat -class haroese shop. I carry a complete line Of '-TRUNKS ••• -DRESS SLIT CASES , "-ROBES --BLANKETS .# -.HELLS, W H I PS -HALTERS, gro 11. J. Fisher Surceesa to 0. STOODART. ww NEW Lumber Yard ___5,horeerAnd Coffees. P. ff. RYAN eroltrii-fte pluelieetol the entire so ek • 4,1 Lumber ,if tire • fe41..ri• 1. lllll ('o. 81' I ititteri; h. preistrt ti • 1.. supply tho tal.11,-. and retail. it, itt lite- of ifarrolion St. at lowest prices. ERNER V; RATZ SETTLED. Plculiar Case in Which Senator Was • Defendant Berlin. 7, Tho h taiked.,,t action '..f Aleml 35171. 11111' 'versus Hell- stor •Valentine 11.411 WWI tliallii./Wli without Coat. 1,1 Sir Glenholme Fal- eimbridge this tate) noon after17( tunnel Wel bonnetetha d at settlement h ad been arrived at by the partite-. inter- ested. The following statement wit'. read : "The Pieties hereto agree 1,11 tt. 1 heti. has been a mistinderstending as tri he in atters'i ri quest ion- in this action. 'nip pin1111 j15 4441414 not 5)1-110414 when there woe. nay CI144514'114P41i4ln betweser the late Senator Mesmer and the de- fendant. and After is free examination for discovery the plaintiff is satisfied ###k ebtalilieh nue-cause for 'totem, and (hi) dehmilant is -content Deo etch party pay his own cows of this.. action. to which thq plaintiff agrees. - The ma ion.reas brought by 31r. Men net", who' alleged that Setestoi. flats Wan indsitit.etto hint for 513011, for in- fluence in securing father's 'resig- n:0i as Senator, and the appoint - mem of 31 r Rem ite hie emcee -Poor. - SETBACK FOR ' PEOPLE'S RAILWAY. 4. 'wives, e01.s.t.,,,' Pit 41141 watered.. ..1 • , aio • c.o., 1 ‘1.1., ears. at ....roo'n ' • 7 .. nts. . Mart:real Live Stock. 1 • o...orite.',1 2. Dee. 13.7 oSpeclal I -At • : . • •ol 41. 11 ' V a ' iht .west end' ma, 4'4 411141 • t live stork to?' last u0..14 .. • _ • .1,1., , 1.-,.. idno•eti and iamb", ziiiin 1 - .. s 014,- , supp.y this morning. 1501 e•4 • e 7.111114 1.40olt., 1111. hoes, ::21, il • ',.. 1,"/Pli A... ,•t'1,1(1. 1,001 act%,,,,,,,t ior is,ittel since tiall ',III: ss. . -olo 61 liniltril piiiipt%- and 1-4114,' o o... oi d.t.y. Tteri• 1404 111144111..114,. II p'4.-. 0 inning firth wilt, afro O. 4. I ,., , .k_ f,'W sink), Iota 'id i Y • 4 • .'loll -(sI steiers anvil, , . • , ••• • it ',nit, for the Christman itl.,• • • 1 o4 o of sits 0. 44,4111 nt 0,.. per ts. , pair of lit•11. 111, %%eight 'AIL.:. 1..lio.• , Lb, towing to noire Mia5i01.41 • .. . Ie. 4,1144t44e4', (1)44 1)441414 1444(4rI444404. •If I , ,41./.• 1I'i4,10171, and the 117 presntion 4 . ,,.. for Peet are tending 1.1Eher, ,11,.., •• ,., a good ,.emand frotn htitohers on , .,. tote !rade was dont, 1.144a••• ,44''' ..... " :.,,i•• to -,,,o. g,,.), at '1'... to. -. , , '', od.lo,.• 1.. 40 . median, at :14%. to " • I • 01111114, at opt. to 3144 Per IS0111111 '1" , ,.:101.1 from paekers 4 tor eiLlinerm. WaI ,,r,..401 011p414le8 1084 SO *1414444 MN a , W* . 41, 1, nd prken vsdre steady, at l'ss . ,, for cows, L soul itt 2tee to 2...t• for ,....s for faults neored, n further .,. t ••ss• of kir to ,tte TN.!" It, .,,,,,Witoo..! to '1,4. ,_ l• lialoil....1“m11y.ls: 1.1.u1am tra.ra... an “1, • 1., 1.4,,Y• per Ili. filbert, privy. •st..•, • , . la' 11.111,. 41"!. and demand wits 4141 1, ,1; tilyr.O.t.. ion' IlyThe ;own. 1 1 a 4,1 in (look." calves toy' idiom:" Stipph. • • .11 smattsand sates at fr. ,,t 4:4,p to '41. ., 1,, .11, f arasr Ps hoof po, 4144)17) in 11,4 .1 ,,r,,,,i for ,hoits and tort, es a 44.4i'llin f Ifs• to 7144 per cwt.. 0I at coon( of, more lois., Ito supplies, $igh, 1o4'' r .... I e, all 1 il ll . '1 I ars) of Toone. Wert, Hind., at ts .4 . o.,' (17 '10 Unnt o: ';,' .ront.t. nt 1.-.441 to ts o . 4411.4 .41 ..44r4,--'--A-4.--04.-4,-o.rpfrAltro- See . low.. Ftoi.it warket rooftree- e.o.-e-e oo 101 f7411:e or 080..44 ewt•fmtrit -ar, • • ,-,171e, 7.81' sheep Ow ta'ftdis. 241-7 hogs .1 11)4) • ealys. 4 Offatinon lid. , ere ',to 114).) 1.-, iIW f mho, ,• .atid larthIst, at., \ ••• altoss. East Buffett, CattleMarket.. ...\e'r lioreAtol. _Dee. 13. -i•uoce-it,, 7 i ,, 4" neart-vDttrly----artier-7- t 1.61t, . l 111.11 't.LLIJA•rs 1L• atiajor_j.,,,,,,.1 ,--4.4.4114 $7 1., Pk:Z.. Shipping. tr, ' lg. (1 71 .•t ,..•4••• 54 ..;,...lu Al JP.• 1i...tiers. 341....$4...o.-, • ,.... 111 4 • Po 17,,,7•,. .0118, 32 to Ei.:ift. 11,414 os wrist feeslens, n41:4.4 to ' 8(31: fresh tlywo ,..,1 yprIfott..r11. $4l I., i70,` I I. '11!'' lir I, dart, 11.4440, fiend, 5.11,ve .., • 1 , doe loweti 1..11%1, ,-$7.41' lo 5/4 IC.: no '. o, pi:pi lo Well: yorittis: 1s St to i• Al , r11 &.I44.t4._40' onowps,.4:7-....4...414e-lehewel; :4 4. to 87.:::,: (4071, 4, itt:,St to 1,:, s,,-..., 110.7 lolitili.--Iteeelptr, ?"....41,, hew: . e.., soo oht-rs and onnoo l'iln! ,, AVI'L'IY Ito.o. to ' loog'Iumr , lount,,. I, „'s", th .2 istti 11410,11410,f :1.,rro 8,. ,. .'., , ,., ,,, - 4 • • '7 , srza THE IrlItEPLACE, But 1 bet on him and liked him same as ef he had Turned to at me on 'the back Mid say: "Look a-bere, my lad - Here's my pack; jes' he'p yourse' hire all ,good boys does"- Long fore • I knowed who Santy Clans wuz. W ISHT that yarn wuz true about him, as it 'peared to be. Truth made Out o' lies like that nn's good enough for me. Wisht I still wuz so confldin' I could jes' go wild ' iquag_itockin'i fly, little child rdwiewaerretWoliede044144.,.44....4. Vote on Proposition Will Not be Takes at Stratford at Present. The plans .4 the Iteeple'e Railway Company, which included the building of- electric norwity lines Jean New Ilambure through Stratford to Sea - forth and Goderiell, have rereived a setback. It was expected that the people of Stratford wctild vote tin n • bybsw at New Ytiiet4 to take 5114,1800 of stock in the rompany : but at it meet. of the city council was decided not to proceed with the bylaw at present. The proluoterm, while disappointed, claim that they are not ilipenuraged, and will go Ishead with their plans in Another direetion. They feel confi- dent that an newel to the hitter, of Stratford at a lister date will meet with success. Another Railway Project. It 14 announced from London, Ont. amt. • foreign eapittiliste have taken 1101.1 of tha North 41dland Railway, and are flnanoliiig if. --Ato a result it is expected that eterst ructionoperations will commence in the spring. It IN re- veled Heil the line wild run north from London to Lur,tn, theace to St. Marys and Stratford, After netking these conneetions It is planned.. to ex• tend the line frau loireor to Exeter and (loderirli, and another extension may be made from e), Marys to woo le 4 amid thrtAten-- 1.4* aeltdfoolsomersly The eontrect to float the bonds of the company ir 1111111 the rt oeipt of eneouragement and amintence 11.1)11 11144 mitnieipelitiee through which the line is to 594'..l, This mentos, no doubt, that the munleipAlitiro will be &eked to grant cash bonuses; or guars antes portions nf the bond The road wolild carry package freight, as well as pabeengeir. 1111: 51144 L1TT1,t- tII.'. Climbin 40 my lap tonight and be- gin' me -So tell --likutt-falem reindeers and old Santy, that she loves sn well I'm hall sorry for this little giol sweetheart of his - Loa, afore She knows who Santy Clans is. .....lames Whitcomb Riley. New York Live/ S:ock. • 1)14e, 1.; 41 -14-utstistsl • •. ntlx, to st-o. Intl 10 ,1',,,, •!1 W. to' o':r,ro,u 1 1' 1 ,oe•. Texnn 1,sopt, 7e tn 15•44n7111s, 17te7in. to sp•4 ft' ,,t. le,•nvard .-;,")res, lir $1.01, .7... 447.4 •its-:• enterers!' 11.414r. -Mk ,4 irt•stiell enter., titttritl: rity demi*" I., 1.• ltdise; eau? Iry fir, asstt ,O4,,tmill barnyard 1110/ 7--n. ft. ' • • 1 ./3,1 'slinks- It tipts 1.44477 • f14/1. Innhhs. ntrorts: 040. e1.7.47 tc 1141, *11.111 to LI: hirntrs. .35 te Itlett 10 at: yearlings, 51. •-ereetteretteso eootet Aro, at 45.4n to p.a. Chicago Live Stock. --Yrft - Alf nyarkety Ifs- to Toto stoa*. HAS ts MO to 8114 Loiters, II Is hulls. 112-40 u. 84-111: onisce, 4 es• 0144 • odorfs antl focenvit, mr, 10 8131 I4''- Rot'.ltda. 41l.000 market. 5r to td • ',sot : cinder bieter, IAA, too total hutch 1444.447 In SIAS: Melt itsiy(sf, it tt chop." litit. Ilter to Seigle. pie/slant • a to ssm: 111.20 to as, Pout a rs, PA to ;am. FINE TAILORED FOR MEN FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL When made by • DUNLOP The Ta:Inr West St. neW yo'1..il 'i 'na(e.) bet wet- ti -Orr -Ken 1011 ri.1-111111Ilt 'le0:F 14 actory- , and the Wheel Rigs Factory. J. BROPHEY & SON _nip LEADING- . Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders m1604111, - attended es a$081 he re. .'14s7' annillOMMOOMMEI ...".../....••••••••Isense../..".0..eiseseNetr•se G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIREaTOR UT niture and Under ak Tog wartaltoonts. West ,ide square. \ 'PHONE : ',tore Nfl. OMetIch • Healdeuott 178 Nlebt calls: At se.fernoe, SS William 147 reo,t. ...11.110.11111.11.13===.11.1.1111.111 • S Y Whitt Oman itiing putt' t'r'ade neXt year 1 Yotill ',impel -ea at the woe we ran 4: 1 tour modelS. even y0111. lieig11 wrviu,s-- Joel. try ne I or etu_e y/Orlt il-P-Crtleinc`e417-- f entlyto... eildlitte arres goist, try 1. The etot .11 he 'nthig. the seeing4 per hero 1 lotA 11tosnetribr, every 1411 rent, makes a &dial, 11,1,11. I Gfif r-" toMAN IcBtki? 1c.25ts.PAII IARD'S HE % Alt F. DI' NOLO ON 'Mr MEItir41 "RED A -r JELLIS. KTNt \ 44 =1911.111111211111C To the lienenil 1•111.1i.e .-,ml Viritrity - `o You will 1iii41 i! Your Interest , t(1 era! on %V. It. pinder f.o . \I 118TIP01i -inhing ' ,.,ii;') 11 i ng i..E.oitectS11110 itt '4 line tor 11 Mehl . 5 rk ic Wiring Fixturea. First- lam li arises 110415114 ,. Granite's/are and Tin ate. Prompt oll lent ion green to II kinds ot Jobtking. 1 of W. TINDR , • 'Phone hate Apr fee- Ow ealiteitted cominfroed Roofino. imaiwimantommommati ree 5. , 4'