HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-16, Page 44 TiiraaoAv'. Dbo M:M11KN 10, atilt
1' was the night before Christina.
"Squash. squasb!" went tine
wheels of the carriage to the
be..-ew-e . -whistled the wind:
And It blew Peter's hat out InTo Tb
.1 the nod.
"Whoa:" -yelled Peter and climbed
down from his high seat.
The princess poked ber bead out of
the window. "What's the mktter?"
abe Asked.
-Sly halt Mew off." Peter told her.
e' and. the wheel Is stuck In the mud,
-Ob. Peter. Peterr"the princess
chided: "You must get that wheel out
Of the fund at once."
-Willett Is easier said than dine,"
Teter grumbled. -it's that dark 1
enu't see wy [laud be'fore,me."
-There's re's a' light back there among
the trees." the peilu•ees Informed him.
"P.i hoe._ Jou _could get some one to
":'ll g•,.nnd see. mhW, If you alu't
Rfta d t e stay along" said Peter, after
BY Ja.igt
be the nicest Christmas( That 1 have
had anew 1 was a wee bit ..f a girl '...
So liter wend au ay. and the prin-
'•rw.:, v. 110 her eyes shining like slurs,
dance.[ bail( Into the r..um and said.
••I eh, ler'a piny mariners!"
Jessie and Jenny had never heard of
.u. h n :mete. 1.11 the princess told
them that otic was 11 ahlp un the high
.eata and that they were to tell from
her -caret' -what reentry *be halted
"•I t•nrry tea." she began. "Where do
I hell femur
"China." guessed Jenny.
' "Japan." cried Jessie. web her Ilttie
face glowing.
Then the little girls pondered. "It
tnigbt be ludia," ventured Jenny. but
the princess shook her head. Then
Jessie cried. "It's Ceylon!" Aid that
was right.
. And after that Jessie brought a cur -
go of oranges from Florida and Jenny
(Copyright. late. .•ress Aeao-
' bits of gold and blue and starlet pa-
"We are going to popsome popeorh,"
' Amoy explained. "and string It and
ban;; At OD the tree."
-oh! utuy 1 belpY' the princess asked.
"1 haven't popped any corn'alnce 1 was
u little girl
Jesale elusped ber thio little bands.
"I think It would be the loveliest thing
in the world." sbe said. "If you would
stay "
"Peter is Bolas to and some one to
help with the carriage. and 1 will stay
weft i.o conies back." .\
And Whe& Peter bad game tbe .rin-
taos •I!ppeet off tht long red c k•.
.l uhilertaenth It she wore a shim
;.eu ..rwu, and around her neck wa
...liar of {earls.
.aud uow It you wUl lend :me nn
:on." she said. "we will pop the
princess. "but let's go on with the
:epee Just fur fun lege fru know
it all through, so you mustn't mind my
changing It a little:
"When out on the lawn there arose such
'• a clatter
Jsatrlrsprang frota tar sham -to see what
was the matter.
Away to the window she flew tike a flash.
Ton open the shutters and threw up the
When what to her wondering eyes should
But au:datere sleigh and eight tiny
"Oh uo; I forgot! 1 metin-
niftier •chat to her wondering eyes should
- a.. car
But a . rrtags stuck In the mud right n�.t
I. ..
And -:• untie old driver. so lively an,.
You must have thought Peter was dear
old 8t tick."
The children laughed gleefully. and
Jenny said: "We would have thought
that. only we aren't going to bang up
our stockings this Christman at all.
Jessie and I aren't going to get any
present& for mother hasn't been well,.
and she couldn't get any sewing. But
she said we could make our Christmas
merry and we were to pretend that
we bad been to the big stores in the
city and had bought things for the
tree and dolls and everything."
"That's a lovely ways" saki the prin-
e es gently. and abe laid her hand.
With Its .tlashing rings. over Jessie's
thio ones.
"And we are going to pretend." Jts-
Me said. "that our chicken is turkey:'
I: it Jeiie:e nod Jennie were gazitig
her speelde.a. , _ .- _. - T:.. -.. _-_.. ..
' oh, pm i uttalse a fairy princess!
Ise httie.IrrtsI t1 i -t
1' eds.:tutlful lady laughed Joyously
.'.•:rr eittk ne the princess," she
L . "11e - 113. lived' with me ever
- u e, 1 was a tittle girl. But really 1
ails lata sin everyeday young woman
tnhig.w ette1141 t'bristuras with'
:".• fr:esids In the next town."
Si, ,!i.1:ti.wvl the subject with a
eaiie of her hand. '
Jenny br.tieht a treen gingham
:spree. seal Ill, princess tied the apron
on: u, ::.iu: a big butterfly how 'of the
` A..� a� •:ria_• .,!u the back': and then alt
`'Yst'e\ et ,ter.., 1 over H, trite dempy little store.
1' ..peal. into tiro but hling pot.
tlp.,U.' ' SUS Aa6LL.
1..c 1111: .aril. A, rwNO so . -•i id you ever mined anything mei
.• gocd?' *fie asked. '•1 am as bun;;ry
peter eTort ~,:•['yelling in quieting the la siIr•ur
Lbe ` Git,r g!t'ls 'laughed joyously.
I :.,❑ dreadllilly afraid," she admit- "Ile brau.s.•up." Jeuoy;aatd. *nue] ee
tedt,liitAnitigly. "but .1 suppose you are ,..'ii1, t.. hive It Tor %upl.'r. will!.
will Fate to go." a 14 .1 Ile dumpling+. In. It. 1 wa!
Now. ie the middle of the pine grove ;t;r:I'J it casu't 11 . t e•uou:h for. you."
aaa set selittte.eettlge. I'eter knock. \i,a enough:" the deliphte"1 lady
�{.yt, the d•lor: • eseletassed..-- 01 think bean • situp, stud,
• ••st'Ini a there?" naked it childish . IN,?r aueloimgserr-tau-die:" .1c.1
tool: , :Ito► a little girl poked her bead sne rush out her ti:lnda eaplessire•Iy'.
Out ! f t1..• .yusre wlndoW. i...I!'•.Liht." Jessie remarked faiut-
eu•1r o heel. Is etn'ek ler. the mud." t . "414et /.tiry princesses only ate.
Prior answens) from the d:irk. "and 1 L .nee :++ lel .t .w ' ,
Wnut s,. _ct a HMI to help me. C, nl a shotes that I am net a true
"Then. Nn't. any num here," Jenny „ ; ri.,` emit the is'nutlful 1«dy, neer
1nf .rtw.I bitn. "There is only me and hotter and dew wooed never aat!.fy
.T.wy fietcf?r
TeenZ %TOW, A .0 rrs rack[,, sitivtQDlo
bruught a cargo of rugs from Persia.
and there were cargoes of spices and
of coal and of coffee and of fish and
of grain aud of lumber. and the prin-
cess finished triumphantly- by carrying
a cargo of oysters from the Chesa-
peake bay.
"One more," begged Jessie.
"I carry a cargo of castles." said the
sparkling princess, "Where do 1 bail
The little girls•guessed and guessed,
mad at last the princess said:
"That w•:asn't a fair one. really• for
my castles are" caatlei to Spain."
1'he�l. with Jessie In her arms, she
told them of her own castle building.
and when she bard finished she said,
"And so pair mother shall have all of
mr sewing. and that will keep her
testa rantttapenes" --
"•Ob, you are going to be warned
and eve happy ever after:" sighed Jes-
sie rapturously "It's just what a
Je+ae, and . nr mother has gone to
nureen n'IC neighbor. and she won't
• be morning. -
c Peter, wrest back to the carriage
had repealed to the princes».
"1 shell (ret'ze out here." said the
.'t,rittresl. "1 WIII go np 40 the ho.iie
sup sit by the t:re While you lack for
sere nuc' to 'help you with the enr-
rn. iy1!mIMetl out ief the carriage. els{
W i' b vtur In then lead title phld01.4i
4.'1',41::11 'the we..ds, ' and the wind
,npd at I:rn. Wet end punting, she reale
to the little home.
.bud ourr more Peter knocked. and
ince more dent?} 1•atue 10 the tonin*.
then she r11mg the door 'idr ••pen.
aud w., tall Was the prl.•ree* that She
Itad to .('M,p to e'hter It.\\ tt was a
dingy little room, and the're was n
dumpy black store in the curter, with
a bubbllne iron pot that gave forth u
Mot appetizing odor.
"'Oh. ob.. how nice and warm it !"
rate the .princess as she beW, ,t.nt her
hone lo the Ore.
In all their lives. the little girl, 11.1,1
never 0. 1, 1.1 such :1 wonderful per
Nano, for the princess Wore n long reel
�k. and n black velvet hnt, wltb
w•neine l :t ere. and her muff ons
nnll`,round urd anft. and she had a
rue soft fur about h.:
h•:,r.t get . r:1 three 11tPubitie bowls
Fed s a Item- e11 It.' table :tett. was
el: Is a ,etaso bet 'pollees
cir,t h. There Were to trusty leaf and
!.icer sweet Winer. 'Ind hast and beet
,•f -;1 11 I10•1e Wert• the Tenn ain't and,
thee bel 1.ten little dnwpling. served ter'
g:•�hi•r I:eau [dei mulberry tureen.
It. Waw perfectly wonderful to see
ht her shtntttg J(owtt tM
Omen Lt, gt•ttTl.V. VT7101t,' WAkazu Tilt
enlYie aa. -
But we won't have to leretend about
the miner pie, .Mur }mother has %nude a
Int•t•ly 4.114•.'•
''1 r. kb I could helpyah -eat tbe
l•ItieL'eu.",said the princess wistfully,
"raid 1 should lila. to meet your moth-
er. i know she Is lovely-. And I
haven't any no.ther. you know:'
"Oh' NSW the little girls, retied
eyed with sympathy.. And then tbe
princess told) thein that all ber life abe
bad lived In a big. lonely bottle aud
-•lee• had nlwac. }ranted .for a cozy
honer amt for a •Iarr.
After supper they popped the corn.
end Just UM they tiuishrd ler came Pe-
ftnd--atre -t r-hrif>. miss,"
he nnrouneed. "and It's snowing. I'll
Ti to unitlleh the hwlica and go
Leek to toter and get something to
inti,' y..0 ,Perin"
•-fio" the princess demurred as she
,ebw,d in. ilio° middle of the ?.atm with
t. heaped up dish of snowy kernels In
h"r haul. "No. Peter, l'in going to
w ay herr all )sight:'
• Peter stared, olid the little girl*
cries{, "Ob, will you''" )
And the princess said: "I realty will.
And. .Peter. you can 'bring up the
._it ii(TTiilnk and buybig." - — -
"Won't your friends expect You,
miser Peter inquired, as it awaiting
orders -
'1 will send r, note by you," Was the
':elm malonate, .Ind as the man went
'• in rhe followod him rind shut tete
`il ear Lel,Ind'her. "OIt,'I'rter, Peter"'
/i:" whispered. confidentially. "1 nm
y`,eing to the them ttueh a Christmas!"
-The littleg iris, miss?'
' ses. They are isweet and brave:
.Ind 1 have the prisettle in my blink
Nkat 1 was going tb carry to the other
chthlren. itut they will have so much
Olt they won't mise them, and 1 shall
epetat my Christtpas in a plain little
house, but It will he n Joyful house,
Peter." .
` '' *es, tD-1tla w -Tri a ljiiid [,Oder•
" wi h we bad a big tree," said tete
princess regretfully.
0 %'Cil, leave that to me, miss." Pete!
':HM her es.erly. 'Ton jnat ret. thein
little thing. to sleep early, and I'll be
here with n tree."
"Oh, Peter. Peter- Santa (laes!" ea -
Maimed the prineees gieefully. "1t wit
scarf if the
neer:. 'tier heir '
hod the West t
13ri. 'aril 1 r lel
n hat »n
n o 1 tTt
'() 1 m y
t:1 he littl, Nchalr. M•h'e'd
ord.. But ph. Ili (lent
r 1 ns nv crot heslde
J- le'. chair in a squire window.
".and 1 nm wind to be Item." mW the
r es we're tah-
tn` In the ":'•1:101 of the phablry room.
"Ilam) nice and warm and cozy"
"jstt't fir' +mid Jettey Itappitv.- • riot
we are krttfng ready for tomorrow."
On a emelt road table bestir ,tea.
u chair wase tine cedar tinah, and
�b angers had been batty -''w
tend ilia
and e 1 '
• Jecele, ft.
her elster's
ns pale gold. and
'VS 11 11(1 the A'nti's
: sweet enol
I trap 6,
T n right up to lire
A l' :Tit acl;l'all 1:'.. s I'oP1'GB Tag cu e.
.u• bend of tete table, and little lame
std. "Volt Weft` just sent to ns'
'hrJ wins.. Why, It's just like -
'rhe u: ht tn'fnre Christmas, when all
th u:t", the Wouae
iee.tart. was stirring, not even •
were bung,by 1A..WgaaP
Nicholas noun wduld be
1'. t.0 int tenets
their nods.
SNhlle visions of sugar ohms danced In
"Oat our stocklni; t weren't hood
yet. and we weren't la bed," said
for1ti "-10Itt10
",U:d what you should do" said the
priuceas, looklug nt the clock, "Is to
go to bed. bed. bed. eo that you can
wake up early in the morning."
She tucked them iu and came back
later. tea fascinating pink almuao.
with her hair In a thick yellow braid.
and ahel kfsed them both. But 1t was
little Tame Jc.sle that she kissed Mat.
end Then She went away like a glo-
rious vision. and the little girls sank
Into slumber. -
ln the next room the princess open-
ed the (I.or cautiously, and there was
Peter with snow all over him. ,and
his arms were full of holly and tube
Heine, and a great tree was propped
against the doorpost._.
"Quietly. quietly. Peter." warne'eI the
princess, and Peter tiptoed In and set
the tree up in the curlier, and its top
reached to.the ceiling.
The terint'ean opened the steamer
trunk and heel- out two white '['eddy
bears, one with a Oaring blue .bow
and the othk with • faripg,pink one.
and then she took- out a green and a
yellow and p red t nod a blue fairy
book and ■ beautiful square basket of
candy, tied with holly ribbon. and
then front the very bottom of the
trunk she drew string after string of
shining little aflrer bells. fastened on
red and Bale greenlribboni.
"I was going to get up"a cotYlon
for the ebtldreu at the other house,"
ttbeeI the princes,, explained to Peter, "but
e hale
The little bells Went "tinkle, tinkle,"
as Peter hung them, and Jessie.
girls?' sbe panted. "1 saw the light.
and 1t la w late." Theo as she Debstd
tete gulden haired %Won in pink and
the guy tree and Peter In bis trim liv-
ery she gasped. "Why, 1 believe It Ls
fairlee!" And she sat down very sud-
denly ler Jeesle'e chair.
"You are the little Mother," said [Lei
princeea as she knelt beside her and
put her arms around her and told her
twit elle carne to be there. and when
elle had finished site said simply. "And
I hate wanted my Own mother 110
much this Christmas. and the little
Vela were an sweet that I knew I
should love you."
"You ?Nor little thine!" cried the Ilt-
tie mother to the tail princess. and the
beautiful lady put tier heed down 00
the other's shabby shoulder and wept.
because 1n spite of her riches she bad
been very• very lonely in her Mg
and after Peter had gone they talk.
et untilmidnight of Jessie and Jenny.
and then they concocted great plans
about -the pretty things that the little
mother was to make for the princess.
And In the morning Jessie and Jen-
ny, waking in the early dawn. saw
sitting on the footboard of the bed two
Teddy bears. one with a faring pink
now and one with n flaring blue bow,
end the Teddy bears held out [belt
artns anucily and gazed at the happy
little girls with twinkling eyes.
"Oo-oh. cried the little girls. wbo
had never seen a 'reedy bear before.
end that was the beginning of the
most wonderful day of tbelr Ilvea fot
all day the tree went "tinkle. tinkle,"
is they foraged In Its branches for
bonbons. And the chicken dinner was
a t;eliclous success. And to the after.
11000 they all took a ride In the pi-te-
ito-eels' sleigh, with Peter driving on the
lox, and when at last be set them
down on their own humble doorstep
and lifted little Jessie in his arms the.
prtnees.. smiled nt them radiantly from
under ber plumy hat.
"Remember. Peter will come for you
every Saturday. and you are to stay
at my house all day," she meld.
"00, yes:" Jenny sighed, with rap-
".Ind you are to Come to my welds
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ding In the spring -all of you," said
the prinefiie ayt',
"And see tele prince:" saki Jessie
ever Peter's .boulder.
"And you are going to let me share
a third of yout lunthert"
"Yes, oh, yes!" from Lath of the lit-
tle girls. '
"Then you shall .hare a third of Pe-
ter," the princess called back us the
Polling roachrinan drove ber sway,
through the glistening snow.
"70U AItE •rill:LITTLR melees" vans gun
Pa1N001111. '. ..
dreaming in her little belt. haft tbs.
sound and thought 11 a part of bat'
The Pasant Said"Papal"
Iu-NI:::ool IS, to New lork•city. a
young c:erk who was sorting a sack
of Ctiriatmas mall was a'mazeel to Otte
a packag.• in the sack move. 11e car-
ried the sack to the sorting table and
dumped out the contents. Something
eyetatmed. '
"Papa: Papa!"
The frightened clerk examined every
package 'carefully. ler the oast that
moved he found a 11ye kitten parked
In a small Gird ,.age. The kitten bad a
pink bow of ribbon at its ne'k, and
attacked to the ribbon was a card bear-
ing the'ivacriptiotl:
"A Merry Cbrlstmapl from Uncle
-karther-.1nVeatigaioT_n bought
the fact that the cry "Papa:" cam*
from a doll with blond curls that call-
ed "Papa:" each tltue it Was squeezed.
In moving the mall sack the postal
clerk bad frightened the kitten In ons
package, aud squeezed tbe mechanical
doll in the other package. lie, was
much relieved when h* bad unraveled
the double mystery.
Mavis./ Fee Christmas.
"You say Jack writes he can't be hats
With you on Chrletmaa day?
Well. 'Absence makes the heart grow
So the poets say." •
'Tis not Jack's absence. What ware t
Because be can't be near?
'It's nn.enee of the presents
That 1. of all, most fur."
For sake of up to detonates now ' -
Wa'It chases tale tittle rhyme. '
"'T1s presents maks the heart grow foss.
-Jeiwat Cillstwt•s USW.
-Walter WsUmsa,
• Daddy's Christmas Dream.
-That Christmns comes but once a year '
Is ratner sad for Whir,
And likewise Waits much the cheer
.01 Mabel, Maud and Nilly,
Pot they would welcome ten or twelve..
To shout around the shanty
'And in then. stockings deep to del,.
- _ For goodies tit by Seats.
And while Peter and the trines*
trimmed and whispered and laughed.
some one rattled the doorknob. '
Peter opened the door, and there
stood a white faced. shivering Utak
"Oh,what has happened tO Illy Ldf&
'Rut lance a year le milts enough
teince'buytng'• such a bother
When times are panicky and tough)
ror thew dear youngsters• rather --
le fact, poor daddy !topes the rat..
WIII cause (to get a Moat year)
The calendar to change It. dates
AM l ai swap with leap year.
e0snR1ZJti1•s. rte.
The most delicious of
chocolate confections.
They stand alone in
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richness and unique
flavor: Insist on
having COWAN'S.
design patented and reg
A branch
been urganis,
A recent J
Keith fiords.
Mrs. (11ev.l 1
The death
formerly of
roxetet• ou
Lorenzo 14
old eon Ut Mt
lireY WWU.h
John F GI
Ilei k and t
'.1, tu)tltaui In
Marr Mari
John rimtth,
a p,witiuu as
Miss Olsri
(ietroe Cu
uaartted 012
w W i►Iisrtl I
Joseph Tu
B. Bunton,
tutu. Salk.,
Jahn McT
cession of
Neil Atcfiait
for the runt •
2511 &E7e0,
Mrs. Bach
Brussel' win
nipeg recent
at Brapl ort
A quiet w
the home of
township, u
1s1, their
i. -.-Ethel, tweet
McBride, of
The tuners
Tufts, who"d
11. 1:., took 1
tery un "Ti
week. The
resident of 1
The. marl
daughter _ol
Buttrey, of
'Grey. to 1
• townaltie. is
tlelelay, I M.
Mal) A. I
late M.i.t.
gl•uve 441 1r.
the [ighty-t
a,,,I h.a hu•
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Wlr. Das 1..•e
J'r.rp6a pts
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.lo.e•pl' 1141
Jb•t,'1 , 1
Some people who enntr*ct a cold
are, iIprone to say "It's ntat serious,
I'll let it wear obi:"., That's an
uns"fe attitude to take- -
One of the children goes about
cty.g:eing-""lb, WaUw-is.-pseiiy
strong, I'll keep him home a day
or ::o and the int:gh will go
Pe:haps it will Perhaps it won't --
Yes -this astnma doesn't give me
much re -It and I've tried nearly
ret orythini( " Fricnl says: "My
f 4 tier Intel me of asthma thirty
year.. ago with Shiloh's Cure --
Sint 81111,0u's CCHE TODAY"
a ,•• is
A croupy. whooping i mR cough
de, "ling -"What can we get
Y r
tr'tt�te arttY n'
rt< nn t
Crit that
d..s.grernus, choking phlegm?"
"Don't like the way snn':. •-::-h
in settling on his lungs. Ile
they're sore, feverish: we.,::
there's danger.": There is -
Wife says: "John, you really mint
you can't keep up with it.': Valu-
able time le nt-situation imper-
illed Needlessly. Form one nigrt-
snows trite CUES c5ttus-
"Bronchitis again\ --1 sect :t et -yr',
winter -do wn;h I'could carr
You can, once for all,'wit h S •
Cure -it allays • little), ,: .'.
builds up weakened lute;
SEILOH'S all IS GCAarfrE►_p
re banishes Asthma, ma1
rs F.
the vocal chords and sti utrs
the whok brrathintl'!rc'r
'health and strength. g Just try
TI?r FAMILY PRiEISD TOR 40 TEAR*- R1r.OR'g' (11111
Tw,putar pe
chu/e[l at
hiuuelf .5 III
A,,. Agog.
Mt:. Mud 111
Wu1M1. •
The an14t1
1 bee 'e Ned
It iday, 10,
director.. n
ception of
re Tel.
elected in h
A pretty
at the reset
Fahneir, 1
Miss 1,-1.% in.
Barn N. 11
1.Itlle (i
ami Ctrs. 1
haler. met
day ?neem 1
an electric
wAn engag
gash ou ( h.
Mrs. Jose.
former 'woe I
flan c,dird-
of th,Y late .
. horn int ti
• busbaud pr
The Maul
has a lengt
on Monday
Donald. a f
villi•, who I
at ;exult !
was bora
year•• ago t.
Mrs. Kt
eter, passes
• nseday, 1►e
eighty -foul
to a lienee.
h1t, A
The decea
woman of
esteemed I
Jacob Vi
away at In
in the
ha . for a
age a I
His e,
about ten
pioneer r,
Uebornc, I
8rd, in his
Jaques ,ues Wwit
land, anti '
Canada wi
settling it
Shortly a
Mr. Jaime
Ish, and M
lived by s
Mrs. Th
of Wililan
de_t Uere
t Tell
lady hack
years Will
trouble at
petal for s
�.IDeHl t. O
• chaos
on 'their t
Of ',,genial