HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-16, Page 3selecting 61111 nt6N ago onr •. VVaiatings rill be placed handkerchiefs 17Visite plait 1.50 to $l., ttc., in' hand vers. at =5.,si, • in g/1niteolor 111.50 each. RJCOATS 11 l'Nnada and Lo 30N SE Y \ Goderi ch.. t 1 am in a 00.1- 4and MACHIN• for , ors. etc. inane V01' ort iMPI•F;l1P:yrs THE I►IGNAL: G 'DERICH. ONTARIO BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES` bound or repaired. ' • BOLD (.R'PI iINIi on LEATHER GOODS All peoml attandet to on Isevlug la Im al HE OWLL Oodench. A. K. TAYLOR. $TRArVORD MUSIC ;III K. M. B. KILPA('1;. A- t., 147- . 1 i, eedoa. Kngiaad,, organu.t of St. lieo►Irt's thunmb.0oderelh, w pr.iouud. to give b4otra•- p,Wt u. pll•' ,••x40, UMW) wll4 soleal culture. :Togs! at trot . given tolthlw the y ,ole.. For rnoer o,.u1Nr. apply market imar wrl Air. W.Cur .4onufliow aid North �1 RitKD K. COOK. TKAC111Nti4)lll , liou,u-pl,ying, Theory. Harmony ,Vaud •rt••ud. Ih,pil- prepared for sky( - t,on. of TWumo l'onservat Wy of Music., Apply ieeeeon • 51a -1s' 'stole. U,derl,h. .Non aY. . y4. C ./14411, 141 4.u -'Oros .t 'S11. Alex. 1 ocher, rot. "otano street. 11,dcrl4h .1 44(0 .11. Y. 51 • t A r,•nn. m.•..4. •�t.u..lard 1.4.04110'2 ulnae, 1-rUt •Inns. i , SBWATCHMAKiNG;'ETC. ' I1 4.L St:V• 1'AIIK s 7ATlaisaata. Jawlttli. writLee. +„0th •610 of rlu.ur, Iiuden.rh, Ilnl CIVIL ENGINEERING COUNTY 1 COUNCIL. number admitted since the opening of the house was Inn. There were thir- teen deaths during the veer, ahseuud• ed two, diecharged seven. The ex- pwnd,tures (.11 houso and farm ac- -404.01s were a6 follows : Permanent Improvements ... ..... .e INte1 capital w'vouut 41.44 Hired hely, hours rad !*r11..._...-..tl¢i4 a(ock and Implements 1557/00 Warden Lamont and Reeve Leckie Re- a lane"—In.portor. keeper and matron rat OS YOydciau'+salary and .uPpllanoer 717.1 Repairs to building sod furulture Stata Prost ons and clothing 2,71157 Fuel and Tight 670.67 Hook., postage and rtaUenalr. • • • ISM Taking Inmate house, $O 30.410 Iu,tldental expenses 1SLUS Sundry ao(oontr for farm - 347.43 MEMBERS DISPERSE AT CONCLU- SION OF DECEMBER MEETING ceive Testimonials at the Hands of Their Fellow -members A New Scheme for the Encouragement of Good Roadmak:ng-No Change in School Inspectorate. • The 1) ecrmtwr meetingof the county council closed last Friday morning and the mewbere were able to get home to their ruLpective tauniciplali• tier in good time. The lambent an expressed the wish to bee their fellow- lurwlrerr back at ter January mesions, burviving the ordeal of the Municipal' elect lone, anti the general expressions of goodwill all round took a wore sub- stantial form in the crow of two tura• herb, the wurthy Warden and the Vet- eran Reeve of Hr11.relr, to whuw prwr- rotation. were made dufing.th( pros. lees of the 0140 trig. •Warden L awIolt is reimitta The physician of the bougie of refuge reported making sixty-seven visits, treating 4K1 caws and giving out med- icine 501 times. The average age of the thirteen persona who died In the house during the year was seventy- eight, and the causer of death were as follows : Cancer three, apoplexy one. pneumonia two, anaemia two, old age three, epilepsy nue, pernicious an- a*'milt one. The keeper reported the following prdduce' raised 'on the farm : Hay, 15 tuna oats, 275 huehrh ; barley, 1541 huahels ; mixed grain, 25 bushels brans, 1n bushels ; onions, 541 bushels : eat rots, ;tjl l bushels; bowl P. 25 hostel.: potatnoa, Mt* bnahehi : manifolds, 7450 evidently a weighty man in wore- ways ouehel. ; parsnips, 25 busbel4 : clover JAla1r*no-artti-beeshail'-er.IIspeeti-uttrtrt--weeder -141111111/1411t -4311.41t11041. bins at one 01 the mine us', wlmch ex- apple.+, d) Miracle ; fodder corn, 1 alae; naso. a clause in the report of tin- . r 1 to 1 , t property co11111 tittee - Y It 1 1 rel' mending the repair of the chair. -Auemlg the 11lattere rrleried w 1114 - rinent-i ,11 c4. 111t4HZ4C swee-si k 11. r float 'I'ru4.te0'1'. E. I)urnin, of llungannon, r��rfd g or Inapwl•tur 1' 'b 10 eminnentli lg extellsuma of crl•tQoato 441 4,1 the 'meters in the school without tie ryquest.4 the hoard. • Milne, hallow and Smith w ady lira oral report 011 the pr(sal t1 4J4- tal.Ii-11 4 building Iur the ,case of in- digent t•41nau1111)Li0Ce 1s - r,unnecthg w n h t lir house •ut'refuge. The da':ors Let •Itided leaving _the matter in i4l.-ya111.0 :u 1114,4111. 440• the gnee12on was being deall Willi hy• the dories)• lig' the l .-I.tei men4 of 1'0110 (41i v01. Moved by Meier.. *hotter and 1441 - low, IhNI a giMlit ul $1111 Iw 111x(10 to \I 446 Hower. oil Il.•liealf, who is des- titute, blind soil rulfering from tuber- culosis 1.1 the 'pine, lit .enable her to receive. Vr'gwr Mutate! - treatment, 0L411 41(414 to het Pahl tint tinder the rupervi02ou of the -Reeve of ILrnsall, stn the lin al 1 ,JIT bus adrenal 1 Y y been at rouOhferabh• expense in her cosi..., :aria 44. 0Xrrulivr 0 aisles. Executive Committee Report. Thr , 4.• •4(40'4 4 tea'• reci,nI 114.w,dr(1 : Witt, • Irforeeire j to the np(1 i3O, 11 Messrs. Vartsitaiti aid Rene *11,4. Caretaker Mfcl'1rot 11 1 1Uist:f► iWiT- (()4J.uls: k,.gu.INrr. trutitelo, livid .11c lawn Mock.* Unclench. corner 1,.., eel street, Irlephuue 117.4 MEDICAL A LSe1\ a t' t\ I (. � 1•. Ikkl 1 t . HULL. w is. Ira6attls 54, 11, It044 4114.41- '1. 4.a , II du, h w LK.; '10NIw 40.614.e,er f.1.111. ..toss, ' 1 Is.•3r rl. 4,0.1 x,•,rluu eh, 'photo( Inn. u ,11.6 nrolieoce. Morisse! .(rest. - - 00001 ui I'utdu- Linear 4.4WIe 1:11 I , 4% F. I ALI,u'1 , N'.. B. idr„ra, \•14'1, .140.).litlitrr1411. .. /,Net• 47I WWeet.. it.. LEGAL ' 11 ,, , t 411•, t4,\. ti -i':. l Alilth ME ttes not being in the jail by April 1st, 1010' to hang the wall paper requited et the jailer's rceidrncr. Air. Griffin be,,given power to employ sonle0nl W do the work. mud that paint he allowed for Bundling the other four alK)tur up- stairs ; that lnmb.r be (unlimited to 111•1re x cover for the Imo stairs used in the summer tiros an woman- so- the yard. as' they are not need in the win- ter time and are dangerous' to inean« patients; that the turnkey's attention be drawn to the paragraph in tie in- spector's report Beating with the prat - otter's bedding and the washing of the prialmers; that the matters of a coal shed, accomneidatiop for women and a cement walk at the front entrance of the jail he dealt with at the January meeting ; that an addit' lw made to the shelving at the law library at tusked for by the Law Association, the work to be dole nndor the supervision of the clerk : that a new cocoa mat Ie bought for the north doin' of the court I NO ; that new linoleum tw pur- cha steli for U. McDonald's office: that the ulerk have the Warden's chair re, - paired ; that Mr. CuaLN kw *Hewed to have a carpenter to In00e the Lop oK a desk at the registry uffi/e as re- quested ; in regard to the request of Mr. Brandt un behalf of the IA-0meg yesidenta of the town tor permission to use the court. roust 1.5r .1202,14' ser- vict+ el erg other Sunday, that tate .usd of the rooms lw granted free of charge; winter .r*.+nn f heir 1114111901111Ctlt l' ' 4.1 11 itta r 114ee'4.ha %Warder anti agree A n ,1 fee t, IN' paid by them) to rover the price of the extra hurl runwuuld ii* lieatii,r Ilse room and titer they ire*ke their arrangementir-witty the 4a r es' w o .r I takrrwl t his 'services.. The tar- pon r pours was adopted. / - Roads and rRridges. ' 'Ili. county °resumer reported that Ihe routs •Iur6 had completed the ron- , l e r , Merl o f r o 4.+v' r t and M I f h H i t til awl • illy h1 id get+ 1 the 1 um r0IJ' fur the I, len bridge. hot that the at eel of this is'', ,4.e la.. 'let leen r.31y11rted :-flint I(.111* air1 KII 1.4. l,I gobs h'liven erected ueo ;the June aro.i•at. `two on the lake road, ',Arhn4141, one 4'1 the lake 1.1.1 in Ility told one 014 1h,• 11 .noises of /'4,1),,1 1,1 and V4 s'.1 \V./wau«sh town -bin,. Mr. l'4tter.o11 it•otn11urntied that' titah:uu'. bridge. -1-blind. lie rr'imlt N..410444 am pos. 1 u P411,y Ste pried :Mgild. seconded I') 1I. J. A.. N, !•.wan : Whereas chi, council 2.. desirous 4,f pr1111111 ins Nm,l el •,guru •in • the buihlilt 4,f good I. t. q toads within the limits 4,1, the county, and whereas it WAN deenlr,l inexped- ient 10 ,4,101'' I'loSju4lal rid a- pen- poo-• .1 I y' 11.,county irod-ystem. I„• 22 4.h„ 1.• r -olved that this rr,ut,ell 11;4-'4( t,i law 44r:oiling 1•]rh (1iwn'ibt44 O. the vomity the ...uru,l,d .71::41, t,. be gi vv.. in.fuur prizeste01he.sl(i1114e 141r"ir Ie -al. 4.•.•rf•*''ung 4.L.• gi ealv.t atm lioI of w.1f. sod the 01041 .1R1•4,ont 14001- (10 110;1 1e0lwetiVP. 1w014 04-14 town- ship In 44' divided into girl •.t'''rio() nlakittic a fir.' prise ,.t 815 end a ,•g•. !dared min 11 g' award pay list of rbr -soured, ia• that no notion he taken with tiler. er,st 410.0 10 lb/,• 111111111 0l N shot'•4. (:4i,4r o 4 t u. 5 and li.rliuw for a grant n14) to'Hls. 1Lwle.. •d 11.0. 1, a i 2nd rod desti- tute Ali I, that the Nun, int Ie ,ltmit ed. 11..1'4 16.1141. .111 0 xl'.pt (Intl case : (hot the a11letmt W $..4e/ a6 reported by p4s11_6*5 sultplelurut the i I. 4 I'I'- ;14. :I;I.1I..:1 I peg sol the men trona this county 114 4' ' '' ,•4114)4 1114pawl,i1e' 111114r:thatthOGilo- I,uP 4.J• L mol. -,. P. 0%V, 1. 01 olt:Vl: 7 '.seta b. tall \_II 11111.1 1'1tIV.t enols u4. 4') •01 Ilu11n 1V01tlell's Insti- t{)Al1ls_ LIC' (oleo' shock—mg a balance 1411 timid 1f IFfn;+r and for the gest t1,000 , 41 Ii 12l\11S•l'4► -1 4) 44' aNt t(w,•,'.,pl. nen. 11 It. 11411JP:lrr.oN, • IN"I'It. W E AtiI 7(T'. • s n Let ,l 4.p 14a : 411 111101.4 .u,sd0u, 411(1 • . •. 441. x.5.101' a.' iJ ;hit 4 4,•h Tat i'4 ,u4r.411,e4 ..1. 4 l l"n. .: a. 41k4. ,, re ...s .,,ter , fNe,,Nnr, J4. - , mitt trawl viper.' 7 4- - : lbs. I•. - !rola. PI - 1;14 •'II \ 4.4., t 'HA it I ,("11 n t .41111 (yr leeln, •„ , t (4.u'- 4464 .N s” -. e'.. r-wsv't t'treet $.,-sere 1-' W. •1'It A nil Y.. hieing -IN4)10, „4..I ,11.1.41I' 4144'1'1'A -L P'IttP: t\- 1 I t-,1 1: \ '4 ' tti x':113 and Vote 004... Hru4rtfeld I'. o;. 21, y.. 0..• f4...4.., ?44.d.,• h 1'. 41 • _ • .' 44. r.' hn(4.': (image U Ih , tte.forth: • ••, 141111111: J4.13.4.J4.13.4.to au•, Iar.•h ..4.1 AI I. ,IAtt..k: 1hn., bre-er. 1.60. ft Slelwu. Klppen;'Jus. , 14141 -4,4. Rata. .I4e. .r bee l►_ 1.. 11.N•1. r, •414 1.4) emtnn. 01 AI' It , Cant . servos 4.y, treat, tiodarleh. t Their ranis rrrxlple4 ay T •r 44. IAGIo LICENSES 12 x1.11•.11 r.. hl•,I.L11, ' thou 111 H. ',NT. R o,4ht,lak.r, J. ell .r and 117.11(00a Ismer of Mar Lint's'. „' • LANK,M1Sl'Kk, 1)1' MARRI 14)011 s 17,0pine! '.howifig a I al4nr*' 4,n 10.11.1 0 814XLL'll, her Mrd : that 11tr ten- dst of f'. B. 11,11,4,4"•4 for .ro.4l lo' t1,' co•41ty 1•ui,di11g+. sit Lh1.7,) net ton, be• a',', rd: with tefer011(1'10 1.114.11101' 411 X14••.1-. 12,o'kie a11.1 til(%rn14 lilt, ask- ing h.4. the repeal . 4 11) 1416 X11, • :4 of 114._, pruv,Jing hitt 1lie payment to the 4.l', ,-Wort .If 111:4, extra, owing to hie teu,K ,►(ked to give -.014111 Nl seeing)y 4,f ski:0ll4 on ar(,tm11 of kering 4 larger' .uuolult int .inkiig fonds.,,,, baud, Must the 14)1.404 ns' repeoled rind that Ihe security remain res it is for t hr jot P..•ill E,lucation Committee. The rd swat 11114 r 'I.tl•o reported as 14,04.: Re0(w.ttig the notion - of �I 6.s'.. Geiger and K,•i , w4. ter one .( that. 411 the fifth -Hash 'clue& be p1ji:1 iy the cions)• un 1110 4:1114 -114.10 fiery 1 1110$1 2011 rias .,hello and we would cp. that all grants not yet for- warded w pod at.otR4t7 that the ae- 'san'ts 0 tier Harri.tun and Chealev hiKli 441 -Lexi . for maintenance of Nnl oi. (4,411114' pup! s 'attending tbe..c schools Ie 41,114. 4.t it 1•r.pert (4, the no tion f, in '1. E. Dorm's. Ihln. together e11 the i formation it can pro. ('11te in regard tort 4 complaint against Iusp ectur 1' , art after cnn.ulrring 1b,• platter very 1T fully we would stli't.gly urge that no action 1.• taken by this emitted. %%'it referot,cr to the letter trona the Kduc t' Depart- ment e art- ment in r1nn,•rtiun with the changes wa1)• by the I'ub110 bleb, els Acr. (4. 1(511), we 'Selsmnmend : The • the two insI.•a•Itwitter of elle teem/y' left a, plums. 40 'sockets ; tomatoes, Ilio lug• j r r• two • . f *ere Dutch est �WK l Ile•NIY I N 1 I I arra. sugar beet* and $6i1.8H worth of live hogs wild. Moovedl►y-Messrs. Shearer and Ilein- stock,that the words in the present furan of commitment, for the haute of refuge Iw changed frau "Hr hal heal!) a resident of this c y for at 14/4x1 0110 year".10 'lie hart been a resident of the county for at least one year 11112 inediatel . polar to the time of 001(1- ) / Hilal."• • The bonito of refuge committee re - Ported Vlwlting the. InstitulTn .guar - h . n s and f 4" 1 finding C. 1111 11 4.l • andthe K equipment in good condition, the premiers genrlally well kept, and the HMO yh inmates 'well cared for by the officials. With reference to Mr. Shen, et sun to change the forgo 4,4 • 'Wont the l•urntuitt('e recom- mended no action. The committee 1evomin0nd041 that storm windows be pl.uvrl uu the east side of the house of refuge and Chet the 'walla, and woral- work on I l e'seem d floor of the main b be .o. r be w din . xlnted the work L. 1 K 1 r,' in- spector n4n1 r the supervision of the, In• specter and keeper at an early date: 11141 the 44(11.14 ion of. the enftl celnrnt t f payrurht or the balance mf $i0.. dile. t., the ••.- fr the. estate of the late Peter 72neleii• foe' his rnain- t104me 44:3 inuiittr of 1114 hout40 o1 refuge be left to the enlln.il. 1114 14,11i4•i( I1 ti'N0 .1ecidwl Io eanc.l the dein.). The conumiftro rrpor1rd hav- ing surrw'1r4) in stetting a eharitabie instil11r ion in Toronto to Ieke the child of 1:111e It•iy on the 1ayulent of *lull and the ripener. of I:ik111g .the child -tiers', the county to be relieved „f 484.4' 1111i'rp I4*)w411sibility. ' The Omar examine' Ulcktiy's bridge on the boundary between Huron lend Bruce and act in conjunction wiih the engineer of , he 0011444.y of Bruce and timid the 411114 11 necessary: that no action he taken on 1,11e 1ant1•444 'Maulers. Medd and MoEwan, oRerntg privies for the tw't-kept 44494)6 iu the different tourzeth oi; that...1L. Hill .be paid $2 per day as inspector of the concrete work on Holwenville bridge in accordance w b h 1 hr tuotihu parsed by the dtln00 in 11)07:'with r•e.p, et to the enqui. y of Hew•ve SIti dy of G,ale- rich town..htp •.K 10 tttr length ul the appr0acbrr un coon' y bridges which the county 'andel telitee to keep in re- pair, thea this is goer -loud by the etxluses of !OILY, wee. lJl►1 of the Munici- pal Aet. - Thr c 4.'.r )s•peuled that they b41- nlel. al 1lotutr'wvihr bridge and (mind • hat. • h.' , lie eels And Iron wul k was c (410,4() Th,. work of filing up the 4(1)rorya.'N it. tie,raly c.'mpl' tet The 1•,11113111144 8')Vl.r,l 11Mt tlo• old wooden 4'11.1•4 hr l 41111..V4`11 0,4 N4,n11 air pe,s.4Ihle, 0.4)14-4 11)4-4442)1 14,44. coin..• an 11163 rile, 2''11'11{ the i.,•1',111' ilig l{ e.11r1 w, The cossiollt.'I• 'm old (sot 511•. 1V.-t11- rls(wl„n, 4)4.). • OIs"'g • (e•�u1Y,Id.II11. Made an eireavan• m • ,u4lr IIH1114gi11 Ihe 1.0:01. 410)41- 11411.1 ax• 1)U('.. 111 ,11.1126 *'x1401400. ' 1•.•6 anl�o.v to the The 4.r( I[ W 1 1'tfer-t ttmt •h.- entree* *meet 614:1k6 • u 111 4.•41 ,l y bri.t,lr) needing ibis I,. Iw thole w•h0h'yn (Le • pil(••11 "(Abe ettg111- 4' .obi 1.11 Iha i•rr It is d• r 1 4 , , r, a 1 Huniripubti +�, whil.11 hove. ;Mt 4.'11 w'llnt',•1'•,Ah 10.0 „4411 ,•Xl'4•1•1• 1111 .10,•1 lu4•r.•••- .0,`4.1•0•' •444,• 44'a1- 1'tI0$ lw Ie•vrp-r-!-:4.t. . the A.•-'-U-t fl. H111 st )11 (4r da3• lie paid infill. Finance Coiiiibtiee ''-• '!'he 1111 1".•11, •Il(ly' .1'•e'•llb 1414114441 u,., 11„• to l •4.s i ;{ re t ,1• ie refertirIh4,•4,0 . lu•• ilnjll•-r ,lid ' 1 won not 1. mil Ihe! s'1, nl'> 1 lu her In. li,uln'• a••:',:one, '4f1 onr C%tt411•114 l' i 111''•' :`1'11 14•, b) op•r- sting ru nn tot $L' f •. ..1.' ,' 1 11 ms' 1 „Iron I. 4. it 'h.� h I ,1 1 n rnllneetPn1 •e (4• 1" ink (' ,1 •M'n /1.1 - temp, 00 rtis lit'• , O . ('.1U, h� of %,112,2,. $111 2i' the a .0• rail •''I1 II E ,.'.. A I 141, 4,22 4'111 r4.-� - `altrwb4tl, r 4o, . h ftir line. w hile.'`- po14111 144 (i 41*' 4 h b •"I'iial, and .RI. I)1th11ag••, 01 11 1. is', - 4.„r % 14''' of 111•,II. .. •/•.•,'.4,d r'- p'1•1. 4.r 110' 10 .,nee drop, ..its -T- 4.v--r•-ctnK- t h,• ',7f -- 'photo sun h,1, 1:111'• I:.4 os i0 ....t in 1414- ,'Ileo it 4 04•'4• J .1 11., lits 1414'11 1111.1)11 31. r: num•.:, L • , 1 lir, 1%114 - utl.l-on h I,t 011.0,' „air he paid, :. 1- 1s' '. dr o i. 1 and 411 i r Y� N 1 1 1• Nle- ty.,i11^,l 11 a -4.c.•, .,1 to..;- ItI1:4.:ulied h4' nn. Ig.J;i•-i Is1 ••c 1 • •.,1441 5 14. • Mil 4401.11 it•1,1'n's t' ,l-ui•1' h.• y:Ju'vi.01 1•,•• 1.4414• • 'e the e...irty. 4(4.ts In, - „f trovie r14h. foie! 1'. '. K ,. .i 11us..•l�, .he. v;,Iu4111, _ +a stilt , ' 1101 I h,ot I fir ' Si - S i >ot,*V '• ...hi ..a 1x(N'+144K' 1(11' 9,10•', ,-'1 2.1 '-.o, :r, , ' : 1 14'1•x' 11•- 1.01I -1e.,,' I ('' '' „ ,'e1 k,.11 rand 44 1..' 141 7x111 in emelt ...still, 1 h.+ 11111' 21 il, +:), •• -'.1'. ,, '• i ,,, 1 11 .•Y, Cin0. ih•wt0'w iliiling, the prize.- t1 have the ter.' .''.)*.lint • ,t t h.• .4 11•••,1')* m, vitt r.1 amount -Iri•u1 4,n their Iwals, ins •.4 1'1.' 1 . .N-,1.. 2'al rhd• roe Ile-yavar4ellc-Aral th.t ulurli(•im e! coo. .... i. •4. P. by the comply* of the taxr6 ,In Mos. 4(4411(.. to tette. 1)) jil lg , lv• -.,• 1 aiUl t 1'•rr l•, r 'not ro,ie 1 Scett's prepelty iur (Tinton and on Nov -d by N4". -4.s. Syrth :and ft..).. ' ' 11100 \V'rsl phell'N ' prb)wrry at Eg- that Ibi4 (.aulril 0rect Kurrd6 un the tb4l the :'1•• 1.,1 pl • 4tion (4'.141 'ly*iilr, n- I.1th 41 (11 uties Are held B4yll. i'1 he i gr 214 nriler 1 , retei(1 snow r•• 1 i •'N- 1' 1 ` l} , ng 4g4 114= In Trost Ry (04.county rift the 34111- 1 1 ... lesions.• 444 theme persona as inmates of tbo huu,:r 04 refuge. Adopted. I Ir. Unice :Smith repot ted on his see. hrialge 'r.s.m.g the >4,1,4I*nd linter al int uu,•d oil rot in04erti,n of 4(0- county hurls• mf Allbin a 214)1,1.•4' 444 stain the 440004 Iu mfrs.-. "'There )6 11,104 110 better core w1n t'1, .1104041 holier of refuge in Ontario M'"4.•.1 I -y Nrssr Iden. and Txyllr, ' than this. and it 2a Heist. sat 281actoy t hat a windbreak lotion pnrun all cooly to note the great improvement that hltidg,•- %shore ,beamed nrre4.n' y and hos ten• made in the men lgenietil that t„•• .•x)wurr which ' r 1,6 the hers.. Every part of the 6011se and j l' t' 4rurs Ie ce Ie••u to 214 potting pleenises wail found neat and (lean them ee Ie retund0(1 b), the co'nyty-. and the. inmates are evidently kindly Moved h0 \441+1(0. maid and S rob-' rntrll for. The walls and ceiling on era. 'host the bridge knmevti a1 Ihrk1)• s the second f1o,r require painting and bridge •'4P the 14411141(141))• 10.1 woe's this' needed improvement sb,1dd r.'- Huron int ., Bruce Ire boil) next year if sews rally attention. Thr painting the engin •err Thinks it ,,ee4s+.o v. .1on4” daring the past year has been '1'h. raid and I., UI,r , 4 I)I11,1ttee 're- very* satirbu tuv.'-__---_ pe.rtta, te4,, •n(1ing.that no xl:tion 110 ta.kru 441 inrH.1ilt wilts ref"rrn.e to- -the pdn,•ing of wireibrenke tier county- henlat4' at 110.4-0,1. but that 1n father -they lo• haul oil all new bridges iI pit- : nd h• of steel sheet ink no tests than 1.1 et in lu fight : that the c1 • en• 10 on 114•. u.anwuv ns' nl•• roots.'. - Moved 1,7 �I,..r1. sl - :wan end K1a1.•ett : • 1, 1 n ' I'u,, rd 4.4..61:0. %le,hl, rhai 4 44iudbr. Ik Iw (4441 on Thr,514.1•aprraced R i..1 , a :1.1 iueiu1tI11 • Report on the Jail. . -1►r. !knee Smith, ins-ppect.r tlf pri.• Mir and eharitiee..nu4de 4 report nn hie visit to the 411 41 (ioelerrhon No- vember:s,h. • fir w•I.1tP 1 "I11) inNpec- 'inn the, general condition .4 the hl'lding, 1•urrieior ,_ cell., 4)017441.86 dodoes.-, ven4ilet4'n enol water amp- ply- were found . ati.faetory, Some of the 4,4(44 4n,1 Melding were not as clean as t hey should he, kept, and the 111ThIl 'y irh-rntht Fi. Th1tr tits rintllrtlg is w'4shed rrgulatly, and also that eseh ori"olrr It bathed s1 Iea.t once 11 'Week. Some of the beddingindicated that it hal not been washed fns along time. Such condition., cannot he''tril- eratrd. The attention of the county property reiniti atte.. of the county' Newell .Could be called to the fart that the acemaineslatimn for female pritmrters at limb -rich jail i*. most in- adequate. and 2* not in accordance 1, int! int! 4.V:, �:...' t�0•pLl', lot ` .4.8 i`fr '0114 tel:. Lain. lu:» Make Each Animal the work to be a0 equally divi 1 as SHAVING PARLOR possible: that the inspect -pr's be ell to arrange their work a4 nearly it ��I(wnihle along the linea prescribed c i(u iw))ril41lr tiroVided by the 51ini.t. of E4,,e*tivu ; that the clerk 4,roeur.•- frou, the 1IINpretgrs, or from the r,rupa•r 4unrce, the number of set ops in detail in eons inspectorate, with the nulnh'r of teachers, in eaclh and for- ward, a diet of the KAMP 4.0 the E,luca-, tion Depertment. and that he 'leo keep a ropy of the 4,11,11' in 1120 office ofthe council: for the figure reference 4.l 0 1i , that the allowance fol travelling rx- perinea., etati,h)•rv. portage, 0'14• , h (tie twitted it-pel•t44,- IN' $17:, slush. The report, nem ado ii.ted hy'the ronneil with the eXeeplIll 141 ole lost which was laid ''stir until the J,tn- Ih:5Vt7U1).IIL(Ktlf ISAK111"1ieIJUP 7 Ihls well•kl,own lend popular land patterns Me (west -en • uI -hoeing 7Oft.. T✓ullr-'-hdansiort l .1). Ihry sku404,5 ham!. emYk,yeil {•wrlln g.' wall 4o appnr4141. H. (4 ' n 11):1', 4 POprlelur.' ARCHITECTURE • 111 It .1 BARI'LAY, MEIS %L- I- It 'rnl ln4'ate Itriti.h A l•hitnet soon. H.,•, Hartwig h. Plans. de :b,1 -t H4111.1..e•In,wllnn, prepared 2m re.t.11thee- Public buildings. Correspondence Ih I. 4 AUCTiONEERING , 1111211.ab lel. 4111'', I.IV i.%101'A..u4(1')' es.iun. s'oa eenerel anetimmer. Offlets o. Vont h - it, here he will be found at 141 time. House of Refuge. •' tying MUNK. Perms rearmiable and 'r. 0.011 to sere sou toot-woosThe report. of the inspretor of the house of 1 .'fuse showed the average weekly expenditure ler iliuuufe 'to be -$ONBERIPlas 402/e. Plevrertoefrirtntat45 *err when - ted for the first. time (luring the year: one .from (ilxlerich township. one fr Colhorm', one from Howick, one from West, 4Vnw4nn.h, one from lire, two (rumJlnrri., one from Ash- flehl, two front ,McKillop, twee from Ntephen, une•fron ('linton tine fr %%Ingham. one from Exeter, one on Blyth and one from lirueec*4. Th natjonality of the Manatee f4. mil during the tear woe ae fo110w's : r. It len.1- two, I,elaniT"IX. England two, '. nada three, (iermany three, France ( '. The cantles of pauperism were: 11 with four, old ego 61X. intemperance n imhrility three, inability three. The miter of inmates -in t:he .house Decent let, 1)542), wag eighty -sight (sixty-elttltt males and twenty females). Total the rules and regnlationo. Attention should nl.o be railed to the fart, that a ah*'d etneull lw provided for coal. The rivet ion of the rival .tett and pro- viding the phange previously recons - Amended by which. the female !trimmers ould have at thio jail proper ietilp- 1, • n 4r• very much Hewn -ed. , M'y vas of inspection impressed me fav - oral) in re'gar'd to the manner in 'whirl thio jail is conducted." The in- apN'rlm alter made allgge.tonr as to the hull( 'ng of the -oat shed by prison laTal • I the 1•Il Ilnrlly*'t ' ptro 1 hog the ma- terial and a'o the material for a tem - mit walk fro 1 the piddle entretwe In tie; jail. .o Ih• t Is walk lending thele. to wotl,1 et -11 rot with the content wnik already ten ttnrt0d on the cher Nide. 'The 2nepee ns' found the pri.• to,ert pro# hitt wit-wh,.ies • lues. the emit id rat hum f the part gnat•• ter being Me. a dev, .071 ,, 1,t1h. 1 .'sly at Iemil.l to. Parra. nips ••stork pairs. res 0)x14' ami ,nerrhandie -d(, 1)144P anywhere. •l iso for date( or .vel "'u link it mutt with (leo,1E3ecke Henrtten Street, (:ad Telephone No. tog Oat. ?day he largely increaard by knnw•inz tit/ tract condition of the termer's market, and by /earning of the best mrthrl i fann practice. This is precool? the *en of information the Farmers' Weekly Ban gives in every testi,. it has no,egwl t. a farmer's I3uninese Piper. Orel (Armee, rn'', nn It. For prise psi 151 Gabbing oast FARM PROFITS .140 County Property ' The ('minty property rt 1111itt'•1're• ftm$trt and six , for in - :nth. the •r (torted viuibing the Art 'seven pri..n.M, one f,'mn melee, three onr' vagrnttry, 1 sanity, our for swing drunk a orderly and one for indueent A. The eominittee recommended tha (en4*M .prisoner be returned to friends nN Noon as this jail physics thinks .he ie sufficiently reent•Pretl, and that the other .'rise of insanity be removed 10 14)111*' asylnnt at as early a 404 wa t(yN.0'M . na the Mil ie no place for alM Mae* nal tender/4 be *eked for by the clerk for fifteep (nils of green wool for the jail, ennrt .hoose and registry office ; that the clerk And chairmen of the property eon' mittee he inolructotl to 41urehnst• one dozen snits of underwear and one (107.011 out- side thins for the nne of the prisoners; that, in the event of a 'ousels man „1".0111111W...... swereeseinemeowereess:so.... ear O,f.. 06 G,n Ciin,rt, 'r" • THVR*DAY, DKctsanaa 16, 1000 HERE IS THE PROOF That the best body-building and strengthening tonic for Delicate Children 'My 9 year old daughter was � weak, pale, and had no appetite. 1 gave her Vinol, and she began to thrive at once. She gained rapidly in weight, color and strength." Mrs W. H. GILMORE, Durand, Mich - Ls inol "Mr two children, who were puny and ailing, rapidly gained flesh and strength when 1 began to give them Vino!. Iproved that Vinol isasptas- did tonic for delicate children -- Mrs. C. ALLEN New Bedford, Masa. Vinol builds up healthy flesh and makes thin little limbs rooms and plump. Children love to take it. We return people's money without question 111 Final does not accomplish all we claim ler It. Try It. please. H. t- ►'i - , urn- t t't•it'II, Ont• iwtMlt► }iornas Edison Vicror Hebt Mepy. Eins That's the romhinatidn' that will bring joy into your•homne it there are any little ones there (and e.t•t•n--i( thorn are not),'because. Mr_-Edison-hacmalle-site I'honograph that v4.il�p v t -*o s}l t<d-I wrds,and Vidor Itfrbert has made music for it which you simply can't . res=ist, .and, bcsi�es Vidor 11er•bert'there are hundreds of .other good” music -makers, grave Old gay, all whiting to introduce the real Christmas feeling tfffit-yourdi*•tfe. - ‘Vhatever; yc 1 have for Christmas, be. t sure ,that sow hotly gimes somebody an 'I':4);son.l'hu .Lelj)h. Then there 44111 be at least one p'reseitt which will be wildly aril?'titptttrot,�lv.,welcomed. • • . t: • •4.1 ; U•2 -they 4 ane hh 11 4 -"r.In.� and Agri ,..,. 1 lt b I4, t . , u,,. ., e. ,.:c:dur. ' 7•, ) o'U1 )eaisr Of t r,,... $ATT ONAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY Ido 1a15.o4' Ave.. Oreag., N. J., U.S.A. tt't: 4.421171' V ('(Itll'1 P:Tii `1`cll :i ul' EDISON PHC?NOG!PHS AND RECORDS a/ A Pt j l._ S ! e' T II O S O N \t):- 1 :11.1•: S(11'.\ifl{. 1:0111,111) II I't1,1, :\\I( -P ' , %vifI'I'I• 44101'1'1'41,4111'0. Worth Wead The Signal's Clubbing List • 25% Over Its Cost On 3a .of a Cent a Day ICnl.dy ever heard mf "at•w.k fold''curing the hot% nr ...lie. making heti% lay ,n winter. increasing the yeekt(,l end, t,ve pounds per cow a day; or restoring run-down animals to plumpness and vigor. When you feed • stock food" to your clue, horse, *wine Or poultry, you are merely feeding them what you are grow,n4 on your own farm. Your animals do need not ware feed, Prrt something to help their limbo, all the good out of the Iced yell glee them so they can get fat and stay Lit all year round: also to trn•vent d,%rase, currdisease an keep thongs. ROYAL P RPLE STOCK SPECIFIC can and does 4.t nesr Nota "Stock Food" But a `/Conditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPICIFIC,:•ntons nnrea'n.nor farm produds 1;mcrcax% y:wktofawik toon-H•ree 0' tive pounds per -cow re, d:rr.-''Tore the Spec,(1c4es been u,ed two weeks. It rn,,es the mdk richer and add* flesh faster thaw any other preparation known. %%ungcalves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are aatarge at,ra%wakeold aaahey would -bestehen feJ a•,th nrdm,,ry materials at ten week* ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds us run-down animate and restores them to plulnnnese atm.. 't m14ieally. Cures hots, colic, worms, stun diseases and debility" permanently, Cyan M(7,am '..thehorseman, says: - "t have ..,dROYAL PURPLE STOCK sPjcipll: persistently 2n,P..• feeding of 'The Rel,' 2.01. largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in 1051. and 'Henry Winters,' 1064. brother of Allen w'Intern.' winner of !:44.1110 in trotting stakes in low These h•-e*e* have never been off them 0..1 ,m;e 1 commenced using Royal purple Specific almost a year ago. and 1 will always have n m 4* etahlrs." on page 8 of this issue. oyal Purple STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS +o in,. pack ,-r of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy day+, whicn tea : a over twn4htrds of a cent ads 'M".4. .',ink ('sr4-: 2n fits • •sent poo ',Ate/ last hit 4lfty day, . -0.. 4.r n three 1414-a a 4),y. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC is given hat flits.:,,: ,,, and ':Isis half ag,,4n es Inns{ A h.S4 r�i,I containmg Inur times the amount of the fifty : grit package will Iasi 2100 days. ROYAL PURPLE will increas, :he value of your stock 21 ,- It is an astonishingly quick fatarner, stimulating the apoetito and the rel2.h for fond, a• .4ne nature to discal and turn feed mos' flesh. Ai1AI h" fart neat is a leader. It WIt savem.: 1 02. 4 cost inertcrinary hills. ROYAL PURPLEPOULTRYSSPECI- FIC ,'."4rother ;-, 4a, fu► 4oaaep:,41,0h.r'4144e4r One let•entr10kat4' win tatet rweni y-1144 %11 lays, or n r- 4.044.40)45).10Wi7)Tast ttrcmv-flee hens 21) dabs, Wh•,h is four times more m..t,n,l for nn,p 1'ole time'�es, the co.t. It makes a "laying machine " nut of yourdhens Iloerry 4' kagerntrROTALIPNRPI. TOC& SPPPPP t;IFIC or rOIf1,.r'1'R �t�IR4.1 Lf; guaranteed, .snot use ROYAL. PURPLE nn one of yn1,r anima?* and spy other erepq+l:tlrat;0fl en :mother animal in the s:, n, • condition: after comp:,ring result, you will eayROYAL PURPLE has them all heat to death. as' 0,e hackenme, your money. PREF-Ask your merchant or w•r t r us for Our valuable 32- pagr brooklet on cattle ' �110or,d. ('0.11,v.. dia,:1)e5._. containing also r10YAs-Pt1IP1.BISTCrCaitliid PO*W4 'TRY SPECIFICS, If yea cannnt let Royal Pu 4011ec..., froor- ns' Wlisnra or ager s, we will sorrily y -'fl direct. emeses prepaid. on receipt of St.Mta pail for either Peseta" or Stock Sowings, Make Money acttee ao sur agent la four d„triet. Write for terms. '- I POs' sale by all up,tndate.merchiets W. I. Jenkins Mfg. Co.; Lotdor, Cll.'.' ltoyal Purple Stoke met Poultry :oecineg4ud rrevtee iu.'..,,,• ,,. ,, 004 ..,...sot...- ,,..,.,.�• A Newspaper Not An "Organ" The man who want, an open-minded diacntsaion of politics, the steady support of right, justice, and decency, without cant or bitterness, and an unpre- judiced, common-sense treatment of public affairs, will thoroughly enjoy the Toronto Daily Star The Starr is not tied to tiny party or any "interest." It has definite opinions of its own on political, social, and moral questions—but it recogniz^ the right of others to hold exactly opposite opinions without necessarily being scoundrels or fit subjects for abuse. The Star's editorials are broad-minded, honest, as keen and clever as some of the best writers in Canada can make them, and always Fair. The Star Is published for fair*inded, intelligent people who take an active interest in Canada and the world. Consequently It viae More Readers Than Any Other Paper In Ontario. $1.50 A Year This poor 0111611 TORONTO DAILY STAR IogofhsP Ile ens year, "l,if• Guaranteed fountain Pen given for 50o. added to .bore awbsoription p'roes. '1 7 ,. .,.,stir.