HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-16, Page 2TIIVa.DAT, Lttrg>rnKR 16. 1106 -"Pullman determine to give the little Chap as good r time at. possible. and the story of their egoists, the hesi- CI) Laney of The Lady in Black. the tale . I34DERICH- ONT Una plated ire Tha Erg Farmer, and the PU* eIBUUED EVERY THUR81 AY phrf ctly satisfactory outcome of all j as. ere just what Is needed to touch the Ttt� SIUNAL PItIsTINU CO. L'aited heart and iwatatrthe sympathies of the thoughtlessly selfish and the relfisbly morose ; for, as the preface says, "Whoeo loves a child Iylver not himself but God ; whom) delights A child labors with God In His work chop of hearts ; whoso helps a child brings in the kingdom of God ; whoso saves a child trout the fingeri of evil sits in the seat with the builders of la•.f.d and other plantar advent einem., tib cities and the procurers of peace." • per one for drat hn-rrtn", cud lc per line for - ....chubs guest Moeniu... Measured by a INDUSTRIAL Tli'AINING% nonpareil "nate. t we're line. to no inch. Bother cards of ,wiz hum and under. 103 per __ r year. Aalt ertl.'emente of Lost, Found, Strayed, alt. The (,dole appears to be of the opin ualionr Vacant. Situation. Wanted. House. for Sale or to Rent, Vara.. for Sale or to Rent, ion that some people in this country Artirhr (tar Hale, etc., not exceeding right were a short time ago opposed to feeach male outh. .eh sbeesuent month. : in forfirst advertise. -technical trrihing" and have now went.' In proportion. Announcement. In ontlnary reading type ten been cativer[e>d to lis advoeary. The -_ coni per one. Nou mottos leas than wt., . -`_ Globe, we think, has its ideas rather -Any mesa, nexiee. tine object. -I} pecuniary benefit of any Individual or awa • raised. There 'woe a time w- tr""ta - Won, to De eon.ldered an adverth.ement cd De charged a-•ordingl . Sets" -to oro The Globe's word -advo- Rata for di -play and 'contract adveruro. cated industrial training to the sIC1U mer.,. w111 be sorsa on apply: dam adore- all oom,mnniawttow to .nun in some port of the cultural train- - .THCsioNALPRENTINK(%0.Ludtrd which every Nan end woman (So..ertoi, Ott 1 should have. Tit people are "tad= a - dist.•-stow fie mush- -ever they were. OtrINI RICH. THURSDAY. DSC. ltd igllR Thome who ars op Telephone tall \o. St. 1 ,Tern.@ et Wbaer,ation : Witter annum in aAnu vao It .nontbr, S,oc three mouths. tic. Tot1t.otted State. subscribers. $L30 a Year 16nice,'' 10 advanurl Subscriber+ who tall to eecetve THE Nissl. •vgubtrty by mall will confer a favor by ac- ualnttng us of the tact at ao early a date aa t Nlhea a change of address is desired. both the ole and tie new address should be given. Advertising Rated: Ur the "tad" plx>'ed 10 tbA turning • HOW DO CANADIANS LIKE IT ?'of the schools of the countryo int • juvenile. workshops. They ale opposed The Birminghntu Post, inspired Ao to for doctrine that from `intrno y doubt by the Chamberlain influence, the only •ides worth implanting -in a Inst wrist gave an outline of the child's mind is that when be grout's up he it to he r doctor, ora farmer, o a scheme 'of -tariff reform" which is lawyer, or a bricklayer. or a miner. t likely to be prupoeeed by the Unionist a machinist. and that all his life must (iove:fo ent if the l'nionist* are sue- be bent toward. rise tultilmens of that cetplat in the coming elections in on. ide.. They believe that intelligent Btlitain. A paragraph of peculiar in- manhood and .womanhood is the ideal terest'to Canadians tons thus : that should he set before the children. -. gra wheat wiH-ire-batiste (a. +- and that-tl>r-vocation .comer along dot\• of two shillings per quarter• wayafter. with piefr,ence t.. the coloniew,'but riot Gr. removal ..t the whole duty. How can any person be opposed to Flan[ will pay a higher rate in order Industrial training for those who wish to enr•uuage house grinding. while to engage, in industrial vocations: heron and utaizr will also be excluded Nobody isopposed to it. It a splen. from the fila List." did thing. Ilut, like other splendid This weans a duty against Canadian rwheet,-amt a Stitt -higher ditty *gairrst- things, it must he kept in its place. l'on:ul'u►n Amur, where bit Morin them has Leen a tree market. How do Ca. nrdians like the pew:pee•t % Even if the priers paid by the British consumer be taie.J to rn amount sufficient to 'give the Oanadisu farmer the prices he is nuw_gtting for hie wheat and other produ-tis, hir market. will be t'e- . .trieted, both by the decreased con- sumption and by the increase in 'Brit - EDITORIAL NOTES. How do -you like The Chri*'tmas Sig- nal? ig-nal% Gut your Christmas, shopping•,m he way yet? • DaVid Lloyd George goes forth t.. light. the Goliath of the House of Lord*. We bet nn,David. It is a policy of ptotectioh for tRe The weather roan must be getting benefit of the British landowner rid ..f his remnants, judging from the which the ••tariff reformers' ate pro- variety of weather„ we ate getting posing, with as h regard fur the. there days. C inadixn producers as our ('anadian mannl'netusers show toward, the Brit- ._ i,h m:tuufa,•tuterr. The adoption of the proposals wound le a blow to CAW' adieu agriculture and to the Canadian milling ind''.;.). THREE REASONS. Titers. (tie at least thtee• mind •1•easn s ivhy (•alladioms would l'egrrt the t 'omph of the Lausduwne• Charm.@ lain patty in the British ele, tiory.. 1. It wo ild mean the perpetuation of au• "ima landholding system to (seats the etf%cts of wtrir(t tine -fathers of many CAna, eons left the old land. 2. It Would Mean the 11 i''nlph of an tins epu•e*ental ire,' il'reepnnsille is 'utterie alien 1. the deux,eiatic spirit of Catadt. 3. It would mean a imposition of a duty on Canadian wheat and other pr,ducts entering the British market. in plaice of the (roe market n ,w av;alable to -the taru!rt3.of Can- ada. • The long Het of voted disasters dur- ing the last two weeks should cause some retie::• on the part of vessel- ( owner.. le it worth while to take Humeri with the weather after the 1st lot Decewler:' • --- Mr. A.,eaith bar declares the intra. tion of the Liberal Government. it re- turned to power at the corning elect ions lin Great Britain, to grant sed -govern - fluent to Ireland. The nnnouncetaent \tits been received with great-satisfac• Lion by friends of the Irish borate title cause, and hits not created the alarm in England which a similar declara- tion created twenty -odd year,- ago. It is being and more fully real- ised in Great Britain that it•ish attain; can best be -attended to by an Irish • :'I'll IC 14I;NAI.• 1:1iI►p,•t.'(i'it, 1 , Lit if 0 Carol, Brothers, Carol. Carol. brotte•., carol. Carol Jo) fully ; Carol the good tittles., Carel nserruy; And pray a gladsome Christen,. For all good Cbrbstlaa mea. Carol. brothers. carol. Cbri.taua. come. again. Carol ye atili gladne.o. Nut in eons. of earth: On the Satviour. birthday. Hallowed be our mirth. \1'hlle a thouwud bls.(ryt. 1 111 our hearts with glee, (' ri.'uua. day sell keep, the F'ua.-t of charity. At the joyou. table. Think of those . tide. none - The orph.un and the widow. Hungry and alone. Bountiful your offering. To the altar bring. let the poor and needy I tirioniso carol. dug. Listening angel music• I n ur"1 d .0 rt. to a.t Uea.O ; w'two Allure hate hi. brother I hi t hi- day of peace %aline the heaven. .re telling To man tmil goo.( will. Only lore and klydur,.. I:t bosom all. Let our hoar to. re.pondlog To the .enaph band. W i -b this morning '- .unebine Blight to torn la+d; word •ind deed and prayer Npe d the grateful sound. Bidding worry Christmas All the world aro..ad. • ' Iter. w. A. Mublenb,•rg. D. D. ti clothes. and more for ever other I e necssary of his life 1n order that great tuanufactuiet•s might keep up their proftr, and in order, above a11. that great landlords might maintain ata raise their mots." The Language of Stamps, Toronto Star. Ever and anon some impassioned swain writes letters to the newspapers demanding “the language of stamps." He want.. to know how to convey to the inlet's** ot his stfections the pre- cise palpltationr of hie heart at the mintent. of posting .bis letter. He yearnr to show her. in this delicate way. what he hesitated to put iu worts. to cry nothing of writiog. So he wri•rs to the piper sod-tegneate it to republish '•the language of stamp+," to the hope. perhaps. that the fair one will see 0 too cud this* r•eogiize be- yond douI.t the tender intent of his astomous desile*. For the benefit of these young gentlemen, and perhaps of tonne young ladies tax,. the language ot stamps is here stat forth in a summar- ized form. %Vith it little carr it eau lie made to express a great deal : 1. Placed upright in the right-hand corner, the stamp denote* common sense. • 2. Placed upsida,duwn in the same -earner,-tt -denote. @series tees -or haat@. 3. Omitted, it denotes ahsent-q>ind- edneas. An unstautped letter aright eonvev to the young lady a hint of her admirers state of mind, but there petters., unfortunately, do not teach the addtes.er. 4. Placed enywhrteelse than in the upper right-hand curnrr, the stamp denotes a lack of consideration for the potutofflce employes, whore labors are hindered I,y the sender's whim. The language of stamps is the Ian. guage of love without doubt : love for one * fellowmen who have to hit thew with a .aneelling machine. There aright he worse things than a regula- tion providing for the return to the sender of letters beating the stamp in the wrong place. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. • A New Meaning. • Hamilton Herald. • It to be that the term "Cooked" as a,•. lied to record* will take on a \M• a guiHcance. Friendly Advice. ln41,1.,•. Free I',... >vincial Srcrer:try Hanna is the real tad of he hotelmen when he mays threw -1 lurk hotel. T1s. Day -Of- Meat. Hamilton rip•^trtor. One of the joys of life -to wake up of a morning and have it gradually dawn on you th.tt it's Sunday. . It Wasn't Rejected. Boston Transcript.. Hubby -What it this list, my dear % Wife ---The Christmas budget, and don't von try any of the House of Lord businees nn it, either. Eggs Ant Oranges. Ouelpb Mercury. It may sound strange, bus j► t the same you can buy two oranges now for the price of one egg. And tbl in Ontario, the home of agriculture! - A New York Sign. New York Pres. One of the oddest signs in New York ir,in the window of an old house in Moore street. 11 made, "Cara taught tri:ks if they are brought in while they are kittens." Ontario Has Some. . Toronto Star. British Columbia is called a :nining province. and Ontario an agricultural. Yet in 16100 the tuine.ol products of Ifriti.h Colombia reached a value of about $24,tilstOW and those of Outitio No Monopoly. , ( 116,4m/to Puck. ••I want a license to marry the best girl in the woad." staid the young man. -Sure." couiu,rnted the clerk, "that -makes thirteen hundred bream for that girt this b(Isou.•' - She Work of the Gerrymander. London Advertf.,•r. If the Liberals weir represented in the Outrt•io Legislature ire proport ion to their share of the' writer vote. they would have forty seats •instead of eighteen. 'rhe present• (lrl Loral systeu) often' work• out titl'ria•ly to. ,rash parties. `THE HEROES OF THE LAKES. Tb.. 1 •rtible tate of death and din- nater un the baker during the last two weeks cuwp-ls the sympathy ..f th,..e who shay on land for tbe brave men who gel .forth in ships. it is only a great disaster that calls forth this gen- eral recognition of the danger braved the sailor. ; but it unit be that man time the lads of the ships• trews are led upon tor feats of en- durance and .i,m that are not half appreciated by world of land - Ali honor to the men w. rave the dangers of the deep to keep t l -eat comhierce of t hese Likes in motion . "THE SUITABLE CHILD." . The (annnlnceulent of a new hook by Nisi 1101/1 Duncan always awakens interest in those who have enjoyed '•IN.•tor Luke of the Labrador," and 'The At!vent•trea of Billy Topsail." -- Hie -lit+at-Ie bUcatiun. i1 (_Suitable Child," is only a abort stogy tone ran read it in half an hour'. but it goes 4trsig1t4.i-tha- dealt_ -The scone is in a Pullman car on 1'hrist,naa Eve, The Old Orntleman With the Twinkling Eye. dierrivet•s, through the F.egii Muter, a lonely little boy in the Day Co /tell, it 1' l►Id Gentleman, Is "anorphan" going. bail 10 the Home beraure God had sent to his adopted parents a -child of their own. The pweppte int the -- It is an encouraging sign to •rind that • the bent newspapers, of the United State' ere protesting alpine. "yeltow" journalisim Of course the "yellow" journals say that they are d only printing what the public de- mands ; lett newspapers are expecte to read and uplift the public taste ; at any rare It is not thiftemt..tnyr-to ter cato the basest demands of the lowest minds. 1t would be a revela- tion to many Americans to c0utpitte a page, say the front page, of a typical United States paper, not on- of the lowest hut one considered quite good, with a corresponding page of one of the big Canadian dailies. On the one, Haring headlines call attention to mid - tides, divorce's murders, or other sen- sational news : on the other, more modest headlines point out events, perhaps of tittle interest to lovers of scandal, but of real importance to those interested in the progress of the world. 1t is true. indeed, that some- times even our leading papers will prominentmake very prominent some sensu- al crime, but this is the exception. Can , n journalism it on the whole fairly fe Prow objectionable feat- ures. A few re here and there Thwer themselves the grade of the "yellow" journal, butt. • r circulation is not of the largest nort readers of the. beet class. Candido papers, perticularly the great\wires, follow British traditions rather' than "American" style, though they apt themselves to the need 0t t ft radical %Vestern world. bounds Familiar, boon Its Toronto (;lune. aerrsis_R.n.p, alar)gnn i� �o�oo• to water, the. turbidity y tieing due to the fact that the intake is not carried down below wave action. Filtration is guaranteed to remove the nodes'', able admixture of clay acrd sand. Belleville Ontario. the fears of Mr. Foster and other Conservative Ieaulrl* that the United States would iwpuee discriminating duties because of restrictions placed by Onteri.. and Quebec ..n the expo, t of pulpwood have vanished into thin air. the States will not discriminate brr•se>se,by redoing they would injure their trade more than they would ours. The Fight Renewed.• , , t)ttawa rete Prean. A hereditary chamber, responsible to nobody. representing only an arta. hieratic caste and territorial Interest,., has had the supreme audacity to as• Mall the -louse of Common, in the veryteentre of its•ntajesty and pride. All that is glorious in the age -long struggle for Britiab freedom is em- bodied in the control which that great assembly has over the national purse. Why Not ? Tot•nnto Weekly Sun, The tariff on Canadian plows enter- ing the I'nited States is fifteen per cent. Still in the fusee of that tariff the Cockshutt Plow Company, of Brantford, has secured an order for seventy -live carloads of plows to be sent to the %% astern states.. If the 1'ockshutt Plow 1 pany can do this in the fare of a tariff equal to $Li on the hundred, bow wucti mote should it he and• to do tinder a policy of re- cipt•ocal free trade % The American tariff contains a standing otter of absolute freedom of exchange, not only in plows but in other linea of agricultural implements as well. Why hot accept it tnambert*in M OThat Day'. - Hamilton Time.. `tpeakin f a nuggeation that Great Ilriteno oho* !,friers 614-114414441014 Jlteeph Chamber in his days of ental and physics Ith said in a spe.wtl Mt 14rrenir>ghar4+ WeII, If I had time 1 co point out to you the aIslurdity and i ac- lrcatul L$ 11L &uyaLLCtl eeOta but what 1 wy now is tCbhat flirt cnthulil be rarti.•d Ona it mean* that .teary workman in Birmingham a n d through, tat the country should pity more for his loaf, and more for his THE BUnGET THIS WEEK. Discussion of Technical Education- Branch'Line's for the I. C. R. Ottawa. Dec. kith. -A great stir - and no ehuingrs of iutisu francs in the tatitf a ill probably be leading feature. of Hon. lir. Fielding's Midget statetnent in the Howse of Commons tumor' ow. It te djndrn•stood that the Government. pursuant to the policy of tariff stability. which has been fol- lowed since 1411. and in view of the fact that there 'is no iwtnenfl»tr nide• mond for changes in the tariff this amid )))) has decided to let we -Il enough alone, and for this year at least these will be no change in the tariff iwyood that consequent upin the rowing into force of the new undo convention with France. The prohable action of the United States GOvet•trment in the mn..tterof-i for maximum schedules of the Payne -1 tariff is an interesting quee- r schedules of the Payne-1tiol*, : but it im null t•rlieved in Govern- tQpnent,circler here that the maxirbuua dines,\will Ie applied to Canadianl goods, \v.> far aN can be gauged by 1 the trade figurev ot the first two months of tbe new United Statism tang. there ie apparently littleebangs in the trade rettitaons of the two coun- tries conrequen upon the recent tar-' iff revision on l other side of th,• I.lydrr. The new *riff. maker little difference for the be er or the wow., • in the trate r, irried in'acruss, the ba. tndary. line, , Technical Education. rhe question of technical -or.. ma ''he p•el,•rretl In ea (List:eel training -Was tailed Hou..' 'of C Inst war resolution pr..rnte.l by ((ugh GI l.- tie. the able member fair smith W. Wigton. Mr. (iuthtie strongly adv. rated ,e.tur action by the •(lot•arn- Tent for the tooviding ref such Gain.- Ong for the arliaana .'f Canoe*. 01 warouppnrtt•d by. sevei 1 . h.repe.1.- ri in an interesting discussion. ' The Minister of inls.t, Ikon, W. 2.. Nar- k •nzie King. Karrblu *r .rt!king facts to 'drr►om-trate lair good tempt. of technical training. but on accm•.1 the question .1 rrout!clinn g F.d••...! and Prov rt.. a es. r , matter of edudatien he advise•ol the House to go slew And allow the Goe- rs ov rsnnwnt.n opportunity of eohtider- ing this. phase of the [natter. 3Ir. King s motion for the sdjottrneawnt .,1 the debate was cat tied. neat hot it. in.' the k v a The lntrrcolontal. Ily a 1,111 introduced hp the 'Minister of Railways, the(ioverninent i, tak- ing power to Iea.e Mauch lin,•, con-- necting with rife ino•rrntontal, in order that patrons "t the (iovetuulrnt road may have a better .service. This Action should put a ,top tit th ;mute that the Government will tallow-Ihr Intercol..nial to pass into private hands. The Premier Still Holds.Two. At the general election* Sir Wilfrid 'Laurier WAN returned for two constit- uencies, Ottawa and Quebec East, and so far be has not stated which of the two seats he intend., to give up. The Opposition last week tirade an effort to force the, Premier to declare his in- tention, hut up to data Sir Wilfrid still represents the two ridings. Resolution by E. N. Lewis. Mr. Lewis 1 %Vest Huron' has glv b • notice of a rrorlation declaring that in the ..pinion of the Parliament of Can- ada the imperial Government should he asked to appoint *Canadian attache W the British Embassy at %Vaehing- ton, with a view to providing a direct medium wherebythe (ioveinment rat Canada may avise with the ifritish Ambassador at Washington on mat- ters pertaining to international rela- tions affecting solely the Dominion and the United "States. An intarlopstt�._ _1, _ A benevolent New York Woman was visiting a lower east side 'Sunday *chine'. _ TA test the apions of a par titular indigent cluster of jairitTis she took the class in hand to question them,•.Cbildren. which is the great est of all tuts Y'Not one answered. "Think a little. What is It 1 am doing when 1 give up time and pietis- m come down amnitg Tutt for yrs moral good :" A grimy fist went "Well. what am 1 doing, little boy "Bastin' in . New York Bun. v London Life oci, ,• U F t D a� G er-all'Se ver‘ desirable 1'<tttlrr' is contain 1 the special r •olive t)ividen Olicl('S iat•ued b Us Company. 't' a sample py of our Endo ent at life Kat protects your 'ate and make. ►►vision for yon S It es pr fut Do it tire. W H. KVti2NSOtc, District Agent. Seatorth. Ort/ Winter Term from January 3rd. CENTR Gr14/1 syAATrowN •s. .O* �.. The t W. ACHESON 4 SON Gift Suggestions We have devoted great time and care In selecting and bowing our II'litstoles Stitch. Mouths and won the ago oar orders were plaoxd for all fancy Linens, tillks Wincing, and so many dainty novelties., and now all will be placed thir week lo, your approval. HANDKERCHIEFS Beautiful embroidered and initialed Innen Handkerchiefs for ern and women. daintily 1a1zee1 and of azo1ui.ite quail tier.. Ladle.', $1.1111 (4) $(1 sal per dozen. Men's, 111.50 to $t. ;u tier dozen. FANCY LINEN PIECES !Olt $ '1's. t ('loth('ravers, Doylies, Centrepieces, etc., in hand £ embroidered effects. UMBRELLAS I .seltu s' and Men's, at $1.511 to $5.104, DOWN QUILTS Splendid values in hand,a>nte Down Proof Covers, at $,-, u. 4(1.11). WAIST AND BLOUSE LENGTHS 1►air.t y .tri f.- and check patterns• very new and in 4Otid color.- tnpro nay y. Wille, 111011Ve, sk y. iatlk, glary, ere„ 111.40 each. LADIES' FUR -LINED COATS and`FURUCOATS liar valor. stn from rhe best tuantifsettalt in Canada and the gannentr are beautiful. I'iirea from W. ACHESON a SON practice' training schooT of Ontario. %Vis otter advantages not ()dried elsewhere in Canada. Oatr teachers are aap•'riene,•d, courses thorough and practical, and we assist graduate.. to good par*: itinn•. The derlhand at per -sot greatly exceed, th f impish*. We pietism teacher.. or Business College work. %Write or our free catalogue D. A. MCLACHt..tN, Principal. • • C B. College LONDON, ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident find Mail Courses Catalogues Free. •--17-iet-Wilteterr sit W- Westervelt. list C. A, PriM•Ipat Vice -Principal, ammum., _. \ ._ TOAON1 O. ON T. Cor. Twee and Alexander St.. A high ala-. .ehnnl. Enter any tune, r;rAnatr. 1,1,111) wet eneltlon.. Write today for b.nd,elu. CaWgnto. HUGH ROSE IMPLEMENT AGENCY • Hamilton Street. Goderich. The attention of f.Armuen. is directed t.. the fart than 1 am in at posi- tion to supply their wants in the line of IMPLIMI•:NTSand 41 It III3. EIBV with the Fast good* at right price.. 1 ..in agent fur Deering Farm Implements BrockviHe Buggies Paris and Wilkinson. Plows Page and Frost Wire Fence Dairy Maid and National Cream Separators, etc. We .h•tll h.e grad t have an opportunity of allowing 1•(11' out goods and quer. Glovers. Ont aim is to supply the BEST ( M PIE M E VI'' on the marke t o th.faranerr of this distort HUGH ROSE. NOW IS THE TIME Renew your subscrip- tion to The Signal for 1910.. -_ Clubbing Rates with al the leading news- papers and periodicals. See list on page 8 f3Ft�his issue. During Iwo The Signal will be better than ever. Look for the new serial story to be com- menced shortly. THE SIGNAL GODERICH 1 Qd CWake .13 8. le C o • ea eer N • On year ago, qtr. George •.an no.. earning about Jul tt>'_fatntia4etrr, Now he i Awning at the rate of $1012 per ear. Six months raining at our Wellness Collo mode the difference. %Vas pit It goad inveeetmrnt% He thinks so. His whirrs* is New t$gewde,' Sask. \ \y) Four Courses : C 1 0/ 3 `, •C I.. PREPARATORY li COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHY TELEGRAPHY Enter ,arty time. Individual -instructloi, Write for particular. GODERICH BUSINESS' COLLEGE GEO. SPOITON, PRIN. • • C B. College LONDON, ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident find Mail Courses Catalogues Free. •--17-iet-Wilteterr sit W- Westervelt. list C. A, PriM•Ipat Vice -Principal, ammum., _. \ ._ TOAON1 O. ON T. Cor. Twee and Alexander St.. A high ala-. .ehnnl. Enter any tune, r;rAnatr. 1,1,111) wet eneltlon.. Write today for b.nd,elu. CaWgnto. HUGH ROSE IMPLEMENT AGENCY • Hamilton Street. Goderich. The attention of f.Armuen. is directed t.. the fart than 1 am in at posi- tion to supply their wants in the line of IMPLIMI•:NTSand 41 It III3. EIBV with the Fast good* at right price.. 1 ..in agent fur Deering Farm Implements BrockviHe Buggies Paris and Wilkinson. Plows Page and Frost Wire Fence Dairy Maid and National Cream Separators, etc. We .h•tll h.e grad t have an opportunity of allowing 1•(11' out goods and quer. Glovers. Ont aim is to supply the BEST ( M PIE M E VI'' on the marke t o th.faranerr of this distort HUGH ROSE. NOW IS THE TIME Renew your subscrip- tion to The Signal for 1910.. -_ Clubbing Rates with al the leading news- papers and periodicals. See list on page 8 f3Ft�his issue. During Iwo The Signal will be better than ever. Look for the new serial story to be com- menced shortly. THE SIGNAL GODERICH 1