The Signal, 1909-12-16, Page 1"11".".",,c0 ,u. /. Read The Signal's Clubbing List on page 8 of this issue. • Now ie the time to renew your rubecriptiuu and *swore your r-e•aadiug matter for lain elerY eitt'OVI* Ylc&lt•-No. tlT* jowl, GOIIERICH, ON'T'ARIO. CAN ADA : DECEMBER 16 . 1909 A Pretty Calendar for every paid iii-adverge subscriber to The Signal. Now is the time to renew your ..ubwcription. THY SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. Ltd.. Pvatownow. Financial 1 am offering for salt Debentures bearing interest at live per cent. per annum. payable,*alf-yearly. These 411 )ettu es offer an absolutely rate and prof- itable investweuj. I would advise anyone baying money to invest tn•iM, sure to call and ire me. W. L. HORTON -THE STANDARD L O A N Oa a.r ii A N N0T ICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of changliV running advertise - manta must be lett at this office** Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. - - Strayed !...TRAY.- 1'KA1(.-('AME ON MY PItRM- 11$itnations Vacant f11ICACHER WANTED. --FOR S. h. 1. No. 1. sebgeld tPort Alberti: dories to oonmuencr January are, 1010, AeonsoUoe. mating qualifications and malary s tad. wilt received by the uoderd11 aoed. H. 11LAY4)YN: Secretary. Port Albert H. O. It - WANTED AT ONCE.-MiDULE- elato WJ1 10,, 014/08o 1. 10 Wan Mirk. ANTED. -A RELIABLE AND peaking ..(slum to feyness& ter h and dl.trlot. A Iwruwnent too -Mon for the nicht roan. N CONIC t WELLING f07'. Football N ureeriee, Toronto. Ont. Notion to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice b hereby given to all persons.' Merkur elder.+awtlet too ESEATE•OF SAMUEL ECHLIN late of the town.blp of Aehaeld and formerly of the town 01 0uderioh, to the county of Huruo. contractor. deemed. to feud it their claim., endue pas Ocular. In dant, to Richard Eddie. of the sold Monads, of A.kaeld, Nile P. V.. on or before the 3m 1.11' OF JANUA RY, 1010, • GODERICH MARKETS. after which data the rata h4oh1ld Yeblin. adc:/nhotr.tor o( the estate of lbw said de. temed .,coed to dl*tribute the sumo- . THUaaMMT, lucember nab. Fall wheat. per Du.D _ .... 111 0, to 51111 B t w h • t/ 1 pM eat. r bu D.. .. .. 1 l to 1 0 Bye per btub 0 a• to oto Butitwheot. per bueh 0 ti to 0 14 Oat.., new. per bu.D . ..... 0 :11 to o 34 Peas. per bosh 0 et to 0 tai Harley, per bulb et 1.. to 033 Hcmnnina•a per top 3I u, to 311111 11our. faintly, per cwt 2 75 to 3 75 Flour. patent. per cwt s (1 to 3 leo Ian*. per ton 3d til to ZS W Short.,. per ton Yti tit 10 Si Ip Ilay,yn r ton 1: cL to 13 a, ISIS.. 44 2, ounce -ton " 1'elhnrne. Nhout Wood. per cord 3 rel to a 1n A town.( 1310, a red ye.rib•g heifer. owner h. butter, per 0, 0 11 to 1 Z trqur-ted t0 pr,... prn1N• 0. t.3' e• is I.e. And Chew, per Ib 0 13 to U to take It missy. Vl M. VI .11.1 LIte. Sett turd: I' Este•. froth. per doe .0 'L. to 1, :In - Pot Aloe. h'3. to o Mt ;_-_.__, Cattle, nrd4u') legend.. per cwt. I 10 to .1 3 .1'ot Sale • - Cattle. export, per ewt .a 1.. to . 3 2* unit --__..._._ _ . ill to . ' 3u int to 4 O 3 01 to :1 L, 11, o h . f a• I Vint NA LE. -THiL I•NISb:R8I(:1KI1 Sheet/ per ow; 'love for oak 'hived I0.4w nd simile' Ham. fwr lb r anb 00 hue Leghorn 'ow'1 err(.. e1 u' .•.et. µwon, per ib ...... .:....:.. s.. m t. 10 4' t A1.1101' .air, a thnn,ughh.od look -hire boat, • Lard. ter 14 IS l0 1 - two veer. old. If 1.14141. B1µ»... l3eumdler. . ' Tallow, per 1D ... M W 01,6 7.:'t. i tilde per ewt - 7 ,Nt lu r n: Sheep .kir,- Pt to I'' 1Fon olt NA I.K.-TI11►K- t-bicken. Tito 11 ' -01'1;H11BFit-t.egbent-tanners tar 4ai.., I ei.•............... ...:12 -to -13 Ic KALE. -A Fi:AMK. Ifl'ILO- Ie IIIAO of .4 Jit 4ero.ov'ade ti -foot Aur ction Sbi( - a .-t- and dee bents. - Apply to ICP.\ - A.- i.6NNAN, Limner. lint. 4LEAltI\li AUCTION SALE K 'Olt 41A1.. -U' J 1' t-14-4- - hr.'.••: Lege item. .([ply ('wrrtwkrr'e: •FARM STI* K. Hoew•. /daft lend . era. It r3'. , Mr. F. A. Hayden will .ell by public aur1100 1 al r,nlllhM eel e0flop' 1/ 41. of ,t.bfiekl 1. toe I IDA I. FI'RN AYE -Ft ilt'SALE.-A :from aliepp.rdtom.(m l• ..teeed-I,.ud I:ark - .M frnnw e. Itkedlnm kitjuAL..lbEi•F Yl11;R 17111 -too. ooze. in Korot condnid.'TTrVfeteW-T *RI ommenriot[ at 1 o'clock : - old r air rife. omp(.,' well .ell cheat, a. I o I eve no tin keit. .Apply to J. IL C'UL.. qt 1:. lN1e Wotdn este, wx 3.1101.1* old : Y hoer), li,4pnrh - hello, b77• Hua One Wan lorry : 1 ally, 'long four yren obi. by Antill. Denegelt : I ally, Armon 11.1':►KK--111((41"NI►I:It51GNliD Iwo )sen old. by Toe Pony. I Lure -h; el regi.. 1 • ha'.tk1.. w e11'.1,. :rued home N1 euw. In calf:1 purebred .horn of . 11 e.ke. and 1 heifer. nine two year. old: 1 mkt' ...w. will •e11 more to w'ymood •tl. et a14.16' a ton in In r,lf: 1 W* .'00r•. read" to feed : :4 heifer.. too I*. 0, 51.73 per cwt. le 4... town tom lob. 4.Ini t.0 *roc. old . 2 ever., '4.4041 two yeah nn Mont mat of r.udenrh. 1',r expected about *444:2 *piing .salve.: 1 .pore-0n1'ork.hlre 1St it U, lob of 1e.en,ber. 'end oriental once. bblar, two year, old :a number of p'llft • and a,•4 ' Mr. r of emit Al of ver will be g,1e11. hen.: l cho4•e ppwwir of turkey*: 3 gene. aLo HUI1H HILL. IletorniPer:• flan power windmill. 1 '1'4.110124. ton fowl emeN. Twelve months' --- I credit oilf*,rr,l.hinhI &perme I joint note.. A ' TO Bent , dirount of it per omit. allowed for cash. Sale _ _ ___ w,11 he he41 under rover If welt her 4. rough. UI'Sk POR RENT. --MODERN 1 wales to o-11 everything 1 0*.e advert Nhere. a. I am .hun't of feed now and want to enoveo rostral. reason to rent, break up my' 1••"lute 4n lit..pr.ug. Apply toJ. 1t. 11A0'K1Nt4. 27(1 St. } MOO..'* i FRANK A. HAYDEN. THOS. lql-VUHi'. rept .t rt ,0 tf Proprietor. Sbeppwrdton P.O. Auctioneer. ileal state tor bale. __ __ .- -- -- ' - - :ashPti -aFivx Ir ) a -fir --"'- - - ---- -- i I 1-1°,1;811C J'UMAI.r..K.rel -I)n.N;,,...KR:mI'tea 'E ! te:twoK.torims, lrt,I ' nnnr olener. : un0 rel the moist plrnw .nt end 1 I 1evi/C bmf h. -,tion. In town. For tern,. noel, i et ' U II:N... ()Frit 'E. 75 -ti IA11M FOR MALE OR EX•i 0 `}tint 'a r9` V CHANGE for house Awed lot In(loderIch.- + Fort five me. eel ,4lot K oo,, * ion N. Colborne I - ih. John Buchanan loom: brick boons. barn LjATI7III/AY, i)ECEM HN'R I ITH.- Oxe! • Reese -fading well. • rood orchard with I A7 sale of high-r4w w',Jn01 furnitore, ('all (1'-*-clu. frail. R. H. ,JMI:KSALI. Loral. I and .,a• 41 *ho- week. The .',,,,-lion .Hi11.,'. holt. I0 -t _414(41711. RECKI:TT..luetlotoier. 'flrII..TIEfx-t NOrt-F tt KALE.- no weft with 21 Non., In en*: tome . Wanted 'phone• ,,. with 'phone In, ;Pried gloss Inrindln 41 _ -_ - -_ coop: hind a rich loam. 221noe, tat cls per _WANTBD TO RENT: -831 A 1 arm broken and farmed. Tho, 4. • omit, to 1m1a1 I. Going Ip every leer. 101 acre. with home yr salt* of rearm. Addeo,. IK)X pod bulMlog'., IN4 acre. broken : price $10 per 142, 1:..1crlch. scrip, good Inealny and phone In booms. An ` nfthee eon b. booffbt in easy termer, J. H QUARDEita WANTED. ----BY MRS TIWSLKY, Yorktun, tack. sr JI'LI 4 KING, Victoria street. 0od.rloh. 1 Comfortable hopes. 711Im HOcr+E FOR MALE. - A NEW I a 'tfli.-8 .(7O. D-HANI)Fi:CR brMk Awelllrlg with the modern improve- t` N 1345 wanted In exchange for 0.11 bent., p4eeeetl1 eltuMet and near the Square. Na1,4,, stove.. sial. WGtWF.LI.S' HARDWARE. A Indy to W. R. ROBKKTooN. lit/USE FOR SALE. -A TWO- ' brick hoes, with seven 'none. Lost or Found ,n Hare t,rel_ Pat Oculars Mu be bad by rolling at SIGNAL (Mine. 3841 put SALR OR TO RENT. -IN THE 1 )water Mow * date of W IlnamJonee. de. cooed. I am In.truoted by the executor. of this ental • to ofee for tele or rent lot number 1 in the ninth cnnr anion, we.tern divOlon of lir towo.blp of Colborne, containing 111) acus of I,nd. There 4s erected on the premblee e frame hoes, and kitchen In good mush, also n let as bank barn, with crone foundation. driv- ing hoo.e..t011e end hot pen. Fee further particular.' apply to WFTU1 E. I to N(' RY. Ikarrt*ter, rte., thoderich. 7141 1 1 LOST. -ON THE SQUARE, ON Swturdey afternoon, a swble stuff. Finder will b' reworked on leaving the name at 441 UBDY'.Orover.. ern pt *'00041 the pereurie entitled thereto. Monier regard only to the claims of which ho tbmt e/N11 hese had bodice, anal tint he will nut be Robin fur the prnceedr uf the elate .s dl.tnbuted 10 any per.ou of wI.u.w clams boom .hall out have been teeelyed. Gated at iamb:hen this 15:11 easy of (scan• Ler. A. U. thea PKtt'U►U 1T. HAY8 t BLt1R Solicitor, for .tdmloletrator. Public Notice. , 1 IIYI.A\V TO PROHIBIT 'l'HK .ti r.'I.E OF 4.I*.l'111* IN riot: 1'140''.• II11' OF ((41.1041:N1:. Ni TNI: COUNTY lot' 111.011N. The ,tm4.'itiel •,Hanerl( f • uN.• township of 1'nlSvne Den -b3 4.1,811. it. Iolk,u. : 1. That t he sole by n'UIII of .pirlttou.. fer- nitntwlorrelher,u. Metered Minor.. M ,,,,.4 -holt tr. pnd,41111.a1 in ....my latent, .4nn or other ;dao -•..r pu bile .-utertal opt in t titae mid nnun.'ll..li14. noel *40 .,.le tbener, exc.'l)t h3 w o 1 h ,leets a. , u. 1 •. 1 d ) 01. 114 tie n*l +..ur,4,,r,,I 1.>-e.Fle+thaw«I Meese .A , ,bre enterta14mlriot. 2. That the sale ..f t he elector. of .aid town- hit d 1 ,,It'. ne s. ill he taken ol. 0 bylaw to - the deport ort 311140dneemea . herenianernamel 01 3140.41413, 11n- :int .ha) of Je l.utr)..1. 1. Irh,, , '*eau al lane ui•L''k iu the norm mg and ontlu.nog until flue '.l'.4, in the .ti-rlw..ual the llodct_tauautar,l yb.rs : - hotting Sul.11.4,son No. 1. Ten,p•nuw•r ilall. I4.tu1,iller. Andrew Ileidle: Deputy Retur,ung Intl.-cr. Polling `nleltaidno No. Y Tro ..isnot hull. *.Jt fool, 0!I.•rt J.l ol4thurpe. Ia.• poly Rot one ing tartiver- - - 1'o*Iing soh/14.4.1 ,n Na 3. T.,o *.hip ilium t „rhow.1.1r..M.-I)„agh. Depot} lirlur,dnir tighter. 4'. linin subll, 4elou Vo. 0. Temperance Hall, I..•churn..0Ober .a. William., Deputy Itetunh- Ing (steer. :4. *0.4 oo the 13th da) of 1)ovember. A. 11. 1114. ,d the !menden. I411 at I Arbor. in the .nod low width.. g: *he 1,4.174f one,,,l,.-k hi the erter1NN111. the 4,01.e 414111algment. 411 writing, . W41nw1 by D'mself. Iwo. penrlit. he attend et the bunt . ' g up of 'De 101e* ay the Clerk. /11111 ' p'r'..11144 attend el load, ieflho1g doer uu 1a•Le11 of the promo iuta•rr.tcd in end ole. -iron. of promoting 4le. n..in4 o1 1114. bylaw. 41141 11 like uo,J.•r ou 'whey of the (.•reals be 1,04,4 r0 ,u,1'Ar.irvum of eine/lug the peeing 01 1111. 6) law . t. That, the 1 !,rk' of fir *,gid noonPripet em,n'il of the tuw'noi,ito .4 1'olMnrle ehnll at- tend at the said Too 1.1.14. ILalt at the hour of 4.111. aid. k in the after,,,..,. 11.11,,' Ith .h.y of January. A. 1. 10111, to .no,111 the bar of .rete. got r,, fur and menthol this by law. The bylaw .1,411 emu, Into 4111e1111114111e11114111e111111.•nd n e 1*hof full fur.-.• NMI cll.r•I 411 And ,after the 1.1 day of . %ley next after theal ;m final thereof. listed at the Connell 4hetuber. 1n the mold luw'n-hip. the 17th dry of Novemb•r, ..a. 1. Poo - • . 11. J..0, 31.4c1.4VAN. e Reeve. F. \1'. 31. *404. ll:ti, (lerk. No rtes. -T+W►I:4148Flagi'-MM fb-istarvelm w trner.gpy of N1 ropes. -4 bylaw whil•b low b.•arlb,ken 11110 .r,tl.ideratl.n, h,1 the 111111114•111111 .441•111.11 the toe rookie of 1'o,Ikunar. Nud w-bkal wn1 b. /,al)• m per.1 by the w d 1111,,.4110. rho event of the piwr•ut .4 tic- elector. l.•ing obtained tb.rrtol after one Union h. front rho lied pnhlicMinn 1h...1411 111 'The. Signal." the dote of which pub- lication .• am Therein). the 2nd day of Ilrrcnl- b•r..0. 1). IDR. armlet 1 be boor. dry And pia....thenrin fixed for tasking lhc vote of the electotw the 4444" .111 be held. F. 0'. M.•IH44t(itt. Clark. IOMT. -ON WEDNE 4DAY EVEN - 1 NO. December 24th. between Vlmorie M Lr.and tit. Peter'. chliroh, a fur throw. Finder will please (say. at THE SIGNAL (Mice. It LO -- ST.A YELLOW AND VY Scotch Collie dor. Hae a very .harp nose. An*wen to the name pf •'tlueenle." Lost about five week ago. *uppo.rd to be mom - • whole in Goderich. WIII glee two dollen T H E reward teany penton giving Information that 1 will lead to her recovery. Drop w card to WM. i ,1 11 ,Il r O KK laacm e . (Mt. ItKLIN( BANK OF CANADA RNA .Ihrt011 TO14011 0 ADTa,,a1SD OL7ITA4 ..1100.000 WIMP/RATED 11Y uPDCCTAL AC T Or DOMINION PARLIAMENT TO RECEIVE DEPOSITS To accommodate the Formerly we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VNA and • BARFIELD Patronage of the $TrD. Hllibeat ,' t r e of Interest paid Inr SAVINGS Kq PAIL ♦V IJ8 AN T- D \ $ oft depodts of $l.tl0 t pwarde. 47ODBBWOH .BW(UH 1e. 0. QaM111.1.Maoysr 1 QYNOPMIS OF CANA I AN \. N'JRTHWEST LAND REGULATIONS. Any pe,won who le the Po1e hood of w family any male over 110 yeart old may hoimeteowi w qu*rtersectlon of available Dominion Wand In Manitoba, Sawkwtchew*n or Alberto. The apullcwnt mud sppenr is p4.rpr*nn wt. the Domin- i n Land. Agency or Sub agency for the dirt riot. Entry hy proxy nifty be made wtpiny agency, on certain condlt,ons, by father, mother. son, daughter, brother or sinter of Intending hnmestm*der, UmtIe*-Nis menthe residents upon and cultivation of the land In each of three years. A home,teeder may live within nine miles of hlo homenead on 8 farm of at tetot, n) acne solely owned and nompled hy him .or by him (ether, mother, eon, daughter, brother or .1 '.r. la certain Minden' a hnme.t Stet 111 good atwnAing nifty pre empt w quarter -section alongside ht. homeete,ad. Price a%(4) pet erre. I intros -Moot reside mix month. In erten of mix yearn from date of homeateid entry llnclnding the time required to earn homeetei4 patent) and cultivate flhy acme extra. Ateedome. . 1 who ham e.h*noted hie home - Mead right and eminent obtain a preemption may tike w (anrrhaaed h0mewtew4 In eertwtn d istrict.. Prier 50.01 per tree. thole. -Moet. rwe1Ae 111 4410111 hi, In each tf three yews cult) fifty acre. end peed et Mow worth 33110.00 W. W. CUR[, Deputy of the MInleter of the Interior N.R.-Unaut.horl,M pnblie*tlon of t.hia ad- e rtimement w111 not be oald for. '4. Lake Huron Shipments. Goderich Maintains a Prominent Position among Canadian POTS. The following s'atire's copied from w report of Fronk E. Gibbs, chief imam inwpector, and published in jhe December issue of Thr Itotw'Ny and Marine World, show what an important factor the port of armlet ich is Ia the Irian*• 'shipment of Manitoba grain. Shipment* f • Fort Witham) and Pelt Ar•thiar fr Sear' esubr let to October 31.1. 111481, were as follows :• UOars-- - t -_ P utx J • WHEAT 4 oltlnewnrvl . , tepee ret Ra 'Dor deMh. K n tri . K M notael . )midland )I«*font owe' S,m141.. - ...r 1're-tela. _ I'oet 1'olborn...., P..' Yd wird... .,.. . 1i'111 ..... -• 1'obd.. ..... 13,81sl.Ult• pt 157JCnJn 111.6 44.34 111.040311 40 ire 4411 14e!* I'J 11u,1= yl 14.1414. 13 :111'7:4 -;-- ;47.11311.:4 101.4a1.19 1\'hilt• the *ht,vP a ate*Irnt coven on two nth.' handling . f the new crop, it will be 1,0ticed chat G,wtrrich rank* thin in the handling of ,bath, (,1111th in wheat and third 111 gross t','. iptM\ alll•para•d only by rill Ii p' pinta Not '4'.431., enol Kingston rind Mein, Killing the lotto our nhulnld pair, of Mon- treal.1,111p .1 Id he the more gratifying t., ( ln• (iliz•-nr in 11 -11.''1041 tlo. pr.'1I41'try, of o Ir In• ,N elevator from the fact 'that. 4.a'r•ing elm rnr at l' J- lin}}'1y1o.i, it is oner-ob the 4044111.4. in storage cep:Mi*y. \iodic n 1 and 'Tin10 h'4i'e a combined storage .o4 4,(44),1$4) hesMrls, ,Montreal aion1• Ira. a storage of 1.111111,0141 inahels. Depot Harbor 1.7:01.14$1 h,,ehrlw, Kin orlon 1,:alM1,QM00lo shell. 1 •r- nyt , .n•Ilin I lura sound L..Il,1eN1 bushels and F (ort l'mll.,l'IW i:,'I,Ir Nl is.l.hr1-. I l h K 171114111y no.ingdr-ltg elevator Hullo. lakes ran .1ispatrli %.'.$trio nP')'" glickIy than our men bx•ol honer. and ell 11.101110W rent eine tar to. a d,1 to,. *trance 1 0*,r pw'.ition in the handling 1f one of the work w ge at est Cut re 44 In extend' mr.' storage capacity more of au e 1t*lit ) with that of oil r {► loo' tut At. -ta,rit' be don -aired. 4'1)4'.111)4110111. takers are attempting to steal your none v and our reputation by putting out a., imitation of •'Thr, D. A 1," Menthol Plaster._ Re mire to yet- the genuine wade by Davis & Lawrence far prloeitwl nun littered in re+tort of Furl. debt .4.11 be, e. nearly Nr polo-*h*e equnl 10 the .0 L'4) able In etc!. of the 01 her yews. of theal ',mind. Abe w here*.• t he amount o' the .hole rate- able Pronto *v of the town .4 (italrMrh. IoneM- ins 1.. the IA.t revi-ed e•aw erritent roll thereof, i. el 'xa 1414.,, i. Ana ..*.roto the *mount of the existing 4,. beeline debt of the .a4 unultc,p.lity is 5131;111.71 multi -lee of Ideal -improvements debt. meowed by epw.L: eco.. otter or Room.- mrnl.,, ., hereof no pdneipal ur Interest 1• in arrear. • Tllras.oltr. TIIK M l'41lrlt•A1. COUNCIL n41 711N 1''01a1aAT1o7 /1• THE. T1w'N OY Gn11KRir11 ICSrAM..1' Ip1.l*1ws: 1.-- for the perpoei, df rwletng the -amid erten. Ael,ent ore. of the sold town to the *mount of $13,0 on in ail .had be looted within two yawns from the o elet% hereof, each of which d.benterr..1011 be dated nn the 4.7 ot the loom thereof, and.hell be paywhle within twenty yep-. rt the Bank of Montreal ,n the Wald lows of loterch t .-1toeh of the maid deheeluree eha11 b.• algned by 111e Mayor of the mid town, or by morns of her pen.nn ant rewired 01 0y1.w to dgn the mane. and by the tntuurer of the said town. and the clerk. ■hail sheet thefeto- the 00/00/011, of the ettenicipalit y. 3 -The mid debenture...hall bear Internet at -ale me of five per cent per nemurn payable yearly at the -*4d Bank In each and every year during the currency thereof. 1.-Ilu1Lut'11uo of thereid3J_b_R. tole* th•o,•'-hell be 'Mord ennumlly by mpecial rate on all the rateable property 4n the said tnw,n of O,Idench the .an. M 54:JmKl for the mope." due In emit of ye... for principal nod Interest In :ro- 4*1*01 of Ihr salt debt. 3. - -TAG M Lw .bell to Ice effect on the day of the anal pie -4.g thereof. ' a- ) 1'he vele . f t he e4.•tors 11f the hid town of Goderk•h -1,411 be token on thio bylaw ret the following tone. and plan•-. that L to mor: on Monday, LhWyyt bird day of hu,ttery. ipso, eerie menclne ret rhe hour of nine orbs' n, the fore- noon end continuing tint I five oi4u,•k in the Afternmmn of 1 L. .nme day, by the following >. D;LA\V NO. 5 OF HMI, OF THE L TOWN OF lioDEKICH, - A l3vl-.aw AL•Tan*ix,Nu Tl*IICI•M'Nt71, OV TIM Tow 4141 000I HIC1/ 70 MI )lo1e 1111141 root T11K 1.11I40.1C nr PAVINIl tA1.1771, *Xl".N01. TURN de t%ellse 051µK4 AND E CTate' 1.11,14T 1171111014. 411) 0r RKPATIN( 11l TS AD,ANCILV w1 TRIC Kure (3r MONTIaAL Whereto to ur town of OMer4eh hap ctrl. *notated, and Tor .nme year. u.Ainlalned, a water works and electric light Nymten, for .np lyln water and light to the 4nhabltanLo of the mid tow and hfur public purpose. under the rov winos 1 of The Mrtnl nc, r pin le Act, And whereto the moldantra have been plowed under the control off oomm4wfnner,, In pursuance of the provldons of The Municlp'ill Wwtnr Works Act and The Municipal Light and Heat Act. And whereas a debt of 513410.110 has been In- cnned In respect of eapitwl expenditure upon the raid .y.ten,a, which cannot conveniently be paid out, of the ordinary teven,e of the paid town or of the sold'y,ttoeml, end it L deemed adelo Me to borrow thdswid amount spun the debenture,. of the mid town. And whereeo the meld town le Indebted to the Honk of Montreal In the mum of S830.*1 In ✓ eolrrt of money* advanced from time to time hy the said the think of Monlr'eel, which money. were n.gnlred byy s he sand corporation front time to time for different purpm.ee. *red which were Iswfnlly expen4e,l nlmn mwUcrs wither the ierisdlctlon of the council of the said corporation. And whereto. it I. deemed ncivleahla Lo, c- row ohm maid arm upon the debent,t rem n( lire said town for the porpoew of repllya,g the molter so ad:anae41 by the .*lel think. And whereto for the amid pureness It will be n ( r1smtosery to bone debenture,. of the town of tie,larlrh or the mnm of Molteno.% am herein after provided. whieh Ix the amountof the debt Intended to he (treated 07,ho* hylww: the pro- ceeds of the meld debenture. to be spotted to the mil pure -sem and to no other. And ',Therese the total amount required by the Conwnlldated Municipal Act of 19113 to 1% mimed nenutll7 by ope let rate during twenty yeArx tar poying the sAld debt and Intermit ,s the mus, off$12. .at. And whereto It. 1s &rateable to Irene the sold debenture. at n e time and to make the ',Meet - tot of the mid debt rop*yufile by year) ,m. during the period of twenty years, being . the 10rrenry of the oat debenture.: maid yearly *num bring of .nth re.pentive amount. they the aggregate amount payable In each year ✓ oping eat.-dtvi•i.0 No. 1. at Thotnp.on'r wood ohne: ).y John H. Iitwrmet. Ifepnty Returning Uttleer, and Joh, H. McKay, Poll Clerk Polling anh 410 1.1m1 No, Y. at Wm. Nharm,n'o repair shop. Ere, *tree. : by (Mm, Hans, Ihpu. yp Returning Officer. ere /leg. Sherman, Poll Clea. _ PMllryt •nbdivirlon No. 3. etc Town 111011; by K. C. Reicher. Deputy Returnng'01n•wr, and Win. Knee, Poll Clerk. 1o11boX •*bahrl•lon V0, 1, 141 Illolhe.r: wore'chop: by Alex. moo-*Iton. Deputy Returning ()Meer. eel 11-,1110111 P11411 hell/. toll Clerk. PolIlo uh.l,. o4no Na 3, at Mia WmIton', ..let .t root : by Geo. 1'. Ria -k, Depnty atetiM4(Ing ()este, and J. C'. Lel'uoxcl. 1' 11 Cho*. Po1lInS a n. inion No. 6, at. John Itrophey'm stere. Wert .f : by if. 1.. W*t•on. Dep„ 1 Returning Officer. mid WIIWat Tait, Poll Clerk, Polling ..b-divtolnnNo. i.nnlaNeville'., hmlme: b7 Daniel McKey, - to Returning Officer. and Robert TMs, poll 4 le -len PrMa )•. the 81st d* of Dean r It1N1 rhe Ma Mir or oflhrs..lAt wn. w r n11 en e he (i(it1Af111Rfe ,rf IhN town R[. o'clock In the forenoon to appoint. nenmmm to attend et the varlone m111nR oleo" Afore.od and at the anal .umming no of, the voee„ by the et. sir, on behalf of the ppr•aon. interested L, Ann promoting or npla►ng the peeing of thl. bylaw r.wp.et4v.43, m. -The clerk of the rho ncll of the awld town of Ooderlch than .trend at MI Mike In the Town Hell *t ten o'clock In the forenoon of Tuewd*7, the fourth day of January. 101,4 to Aum up the uumb,r 014 votes -for end agaln.t the bylew. Dated at the Cannell Oh*mbent *t the town of lialerlch the third day of De -ember, A. U. 11100. A. H. MACKL N. 1..L. K,l)X. . TAKE NOTICE Inst t0, ober, 1. a trnc (bpy of w proposed byl*w whin(( has been taken into non' d.rr&&Upopn and which will be finally ht a evo othe ..*.onto of t1,e erecters being f at rhe *Tett Ilea obtained thereto) after one month from the Mot puhllr*Uoq, In The Signal newspaper, the date of which pnbllroOon wax the ninth day of loe,rn,ber. and treat Lire voter. of the elector of the mold municipality MITI he token therein m, the day And eit the 0,111, And p1A0e. therein fixed. AND FURTHER TAKE: NOTICE that A11 le*.ehol.er. Qualified under the pro. felon. M 1 Edward VII.. chewer 19. 40cpnn 344 S. e. 1., aro required ten day. before the AAy of voting to file with me * Wit Ivorydecbrwtirm of quail- flcallon. otherwise their names will not appear on thevo:ere 144 for much vet Mg. L. i. KNOX, Clerk. tf-D E-DOVLE-I'RESI County Court and General Sesames Progress This Week. Toe Cudnty l; sire an 1 General 1(e's- Y r a w before His loo' n n 1 uu !'uewdi ref fin Y Honor .fudge 'htyle. "There writ. Pleven Crier,. 1111 the ('.0101 y Coml. cal- endar, and Ihr• grand jury Ii*l to rr. part on two toil.. Mal cares. T. H. Yarling, of Exeter, w*. the foreman of the grand jnry. and :a titre hill was brought in in Binh scam. One pink the action -*gainer William Bird for the theft of tit.. grates, .or., from John Logan, of (Lute,i'h township, and the otheqr wan an action against J. W. Cook ' for sierdinq fr c ciel travellers and 1 • he .r ore r0 of the Belford hotel. The first ease has been disposed uf. Mr. Bind being toe= quilled. The civil cases en for disp!ised of are as follows ; - Pay lon vs. 'Shier. -An Action hy Edwin J-. Payton, formerly of Thun- der Bay, but now of. Colborne town- Nhip, against Agnes J Shirr, of ('lin- ton, owner of the rend in, Colborne rented by the plaintiff, for the ret al of rent paid by hila and for damages for alleged miarepresen'ation of She nature of the land. The defence Is that any statements made welt. cor- rect an ...that before the plainti f__rn_} teed into the lease he Made w per- sonal inspection of the property. Action dismissed with root.. L. pt,; Dancey for plaintiff. W. Pomdfls,t, K.(l., for defendant. • (),ihert vo., McCaughey rind McLean vs. the North British 1'10.• Insurance Company were Milled In toren the pa''tir.. Oovenloek vs. Cleo no -y & Art Id. -Thr plaintiff, 1\'illfarr, Ooven of ek, is tt asst t1. -anal.. "f Se -0m,1 h amt the -ftp: fendnnto are, a arm of hardware titer'• chant. in Seaford). The plaintiff and Mee, 4.loe(7*,snood settled into an agreement for the sale to the Int ter of *certain property, and 1Mr•, ilal•(jKm- mond entered into p •Kole -Alco of the property rind had . a new furnace in- stalled. The defend .tits installer) the furrow,. and r*Kf;tered a Ilrel-haniele lien ag*in*t the lap.tw. Mrs. MacCaut- d, according to the Abatement of *lnim, not hooking payment.' 1e• tier agreen►eeit with the plaintiff. ha1 notified her to vacate, A *h .,-t time (Ater the defendants had Mrs. Mac- Caluntond execute w mintg*ge in their form- on the premises to secure the purchriae money of the furmtre. Later the defend/tote Iernoved the for - mice and executed a discharge of the mortgage, The victim' woe brought 4010 damages. The defendants *ay dict not sell the old furnace and hav: ways been really rind will- ing to deliv the same to the plain- tiff. They also that Mrs. Ziac• Cammood had p the 'plaintiff largely in excess ret w'h e g*vr het credit for, on a17Dunt of th )party, and that at the time when the ,u,: was removal lyhe wan entitled to with the lands rind allow the defend- ants to remove the furoate. On the finding of the jury the action woo di. - missed. J. 1. Killoran for plaintiff. Wm. Pro,Hlf,slt, K. C., and R, 8, Hayyti for defendants,_ Wallace vi. frwtu. -=-Ain- sctton by Robert Wallace, of the township of Howick, against W. A. Irwin, poet - master at Oorrie, for *.**alt and de- tention. Acceding to 4.he writ the plaintiff, on April '(Nth, 1045*, at the re- quest -of the defendant, want to 'see hint at the poitoffice'and WAR invited Into him office ; the defendant then locked the door and assaulted hila. The defendant mays that the pI*intilt first ammwultel him and that the alleged assault on his part was in self- defence. 'Dial of this actionwas postponed on account of theabsence LAKE !DISASTERS of plaintiff. (:baro.. (farrow for plaintiff. R. Vanstdne for defendant. Barnard & Pope vs. Taylor. - An action for helium of account for work dons and material supplied by the plaintiffs for the defendant in and shout the erection of a dwelling. The defendant is F. r. Taylor, of the town- ship of Howick. On application ot the defendant trial of this action was postponed to the next jury sittings of this Court, R. Vanetime for plaintiff, D. Holmes, K. l'., fir defendant. OBITUARY. Cantelon. As the result of a stroke of paralysis Mrs. Arthur Cantslon, an old and much respected resident of town, passed away on Saturday. Dreem- iher 4th, at the age of seventy- four years and • eight months. It is five years since lobi received the first stroke and from its effect* she. et -forret!. 1 he de- ceased was til Irish ancestry, being a daughter of the late John Curry, who at the time of her birth lived at Tor- onto. While Ace. was still quite young, the family i0oved to ti..lerich township, and here she was married. For the past thirty four y'earm she and her husband haul lived in GaNlerich. Two brothers and two Stitt.. anrvive, Adam and Joseph • Corry, both of town, and Jlrs. James Elliott and Mrs. 'Inhn furry, of North Dakota. The deceased wahine a quiet, rot Mini: die- t o-itio.n and in n•Ifgbm Wile * Jlelho-dist. The funeral a•riMeee Welec con - dittoed by Rev. Dr. Dougall. and the pell•Iwatera were Robert Melrose. ,cloth Foster, Itobrrt J ihn•tnn and E. t'. Belcher, of town, and Daniel and Arthur Centelon. of t'1intuit.. McAvoy. °nee mole d,..11.11 hili entered into the, family + of Mr. and Mrs. - John 31..A Toy, of town, the dread di.rilw• which had dais..( the other rhildtr n of the Doody • by one riot vetoing its work mita Gil, lost aid' ) re1.•Vf mem. Burnet. 11'_ • monied ,a 1 In,rd * a "more t i ravages. It is ho•'m re than N few 'months More the de- ree-rd'. glister parsed stoat and at that t' •-H.,rnett w:ar in a Ind state ofhrolth. The funeral took niece nn 1 Tuesday morning tit las( work 11 / the 0'-4holm eenii,'1. v in Colnenn", Rev. Father McRae oftlehatiug at Sr. Purr's church, The pall -hearers W('ra1 John. amt AliotIn 1'hliholm, 1nlet(-d'tcd- F:41genrih'on and Janie.. Phelan.. It is no na•e..awry b, win that the arm- oatthie of *11 MI. with Mr. and Nlnl.l M*Avo 'n their very henry here-toe- Inont. Kirkbride. Charlotte Nita tram..., relict of this tette Alex. K •kbridr, pa.Nel away on Monday bat at he ngr of -eventy- rix years and three ,nodle,.n.vlvin41 her hi -band about t h rears'. Mrs.. Kirk hride was born 1. New York State -in DM, hat the bon ' moven to a,.lrrich t*wn*hip whip• .h war quite young. She eras *worried i - Detroit fifty nine years ago, being at t • time about eighteen years of age . torr Ler marriage she, lived .for a mini r it yearn at Detroit before *moving t Ooderieh, nod .ince taking no their rerid.nee here they returned to De- troit for a short time. The deceased was one of a family of one mon and eight daughters, of which only two daughters are now left surviving, Mr.. i1'itfi40m MacMatty,'nf (inderIch town- ship, and Mrs. John Patton, of Syra- cuse. Kam. The dereased'o only brother, lames Lomas, died in Fant Tow**, Mich., about two years ago. Four chf?Aralf iturotve.- Mts. Wilhiwm Lampert. of Vancouver. H: C. : Jlrs. WyNong, of Dayton, O:: Mr.. William' Reynold;, of feed.. N. 0. : and AIPx. Charles. of Cheboygan. Jfich. Mir. and lbs. Wysnng Find Mr.. Reynolds were here for the funeral, whieh took place yesterday afternoon to Maitland cemetery. The Ferri; es were con- durtrd by fiery. Dlen*ll sand e nall•twsrera welt• .(r.sinesoNIgeVirar,thE. Downing 1.-W. li Willi3111_D1c- (lreeth, W. 'P Roherteon and D, Stoddart. Remember "Plriatore. ' ' A great deal of interest is being taken in the Juvenile production of "H. M. S. Pinrifore'' at `kaolin- °perm Ilnu'P this week, under the wnapireo. of the Dwllghters of the Empire. Th.... who are nonlife to attend 10, night'( petrol mance should 1K. moire top get spate for t.mnt•mw night. Those who have seen the rehearsals prom ioe aomelhing nn,,-nnlIv attractive. and 'to the hospital funds will Teeple' the benefit of the financial pt tweeds *here should be a toll house 'at bath per.fo a e. rTn n ern. Everyone s n who has ever *Pen 'Pinafore" played( will wont to nee it again, and those echo have never 144.011 it have now an opplrtun- ity which they should not neglect. THE CHRISTMAS SIGNAL. This week we issue The Chriptntait Signal- an edition of twelve pag001 and a 'pedal Chrintma', section of eight pages. A copy gore to each nuh- 0rriber. Extra copies mat be had et :,r each, or six copies for 'Lk!. , 'iw, addition to a large amount of readiiigs.,,,tnatterappropriate to the Christmws'Yeat n, this number ,'on - tains the annou mends of the pro- grrlllAve ttyrrehM, -CAW _ fowl), which will be specially h ill in the purchasing of , Christm•ls and other holiday goods. We invite careful attention of our readers to the advertistng'cgdnrptl*, and. would ma - gent that at this newton of goodwill it would he Iwrnliwrly fitting thwt.o far as popsiltle all the. Christmas purohas• Ing he done with our oWn home mer- chants. e TERRIFIC RECORD FOR CLOSING DAYS QF NAVIGATION. Fifty-three Lives' Lost on Lake Erie -4. Steel Car Ferry Goes Down with Thirty-two Men -President of Lake Carriers' Association Ad vi s e s Earlier Closing. The closing days of the season of navigation on the lakes have ieen ac - c ponied with terrific stormy and a - consequent heavy loss of hfe add prop- erty. The record of disasters is an apn '1palling'h,. steameo,'.r Henry Steinbrenner, of Cleveland, was sunk on Sunday, De- ' cemlwr 5th, anti the steamer Berwind was seriously damaged, as -the result of a e'n:liminn in the St. Mary'. cover. !'he crew c,t the Steinbrenner escaped, The steamer Badger State, ow11t - by the Allen* Cedar & Lnmhwr Com- pany, was burned at Marine city. Mtel. 1 on Monday ndx • night, December, a'cen l 3 R 1 wr lava Th•n'sday dredge No. R of the Great. Lakes. are grnll (' pany .prang a leak between !dottrel Island 1 the W.'icomen in Lake Superior and in two min to rot filled and went to the batt , eat •yibg with her !rix of the're'in of f treit. The sinking of the steel car fet•ry Bessemer Nu. 2 in brake Erie last week added Ilin•t1-Iwo UI 1141•4...n40W.ltet oC *crowded. Captain Root. .(chin( wars forhrrr Ktor mho.. men an,I Itis Id/ober ow. a4' h hint ma male. • The iasnlioiht ofthe role of the ferry was rellluyrd mel Monday. whenw 11.11 Lug tower( the Car fury's filo-hoot No. 4, coataiting nine dead holies, Into port et Fite. 4'o. The bolt w V:alurd at 110.111,11110 and plied he•t.vr.•n l'oine*ut, Ohio, anti, Pot t Stanley, (Int. The srha,o,,1.•114, li•s Spadc,,Ian WAS 'oink 110 ,undey aileron rel half a dile west of S.n11h H,.. Islanrl, Lake. E,-ir. The Npadru,ai lel: Huron Mar- hor un Friday afterunolt in tow of the steamer 11 urous; ,,__Ino it eAnaele .lar- iat loaded with coal -for Marine City, RIO neer Pnt-'n-R.,y they ent'm,:nletwd ire, which stove a hole in the Spade - 'nen. The crew weN taken off by the Ilwrol4-U4ty-anal--the r partenan stank tell 11,11n(tr. Iul1.1'. The Anehm• Line f,eightec Marion was Lntnet,to the w•a,ter's edt-t. off Soothe/lot • Shoal, Point Pelee. nn \j edrnPoday'night 01 lost week. The Heat elate and one of the crew per i•hrd. Six men were taken off the burning Boat by the steamer Hann*. Thecaptwin 711111 twelve Sten left the vessel in a .teal lifeboat and ore he- • heved to have perished and another of the crew also wow lost in on attempt to swim hack to the veneer from the yawl, which tem. swamped. The steamer W. C. Iiichardtlon went on t1.' r'e•ks ab1,.1. three miles out of . Buffalo 1p►.t Thursday morning and five omen Are reported drowned. The Istat was bound from Duluth to Buff a10 with a cargo of '1' 111,01$1 Ilouihelw of xre'e11 and was . Valuer) at 11 010,0110. o $:ii1►,1$41, : The Lake Erie Disasters. Cleve nd, Ohio, Dec. 12. -Th,. ter- rific a101' . which pwwaa*Pd over Lake - Erie Wedn day -night and Thursday reaped a hot- . t of h.lmen Iiv.0 and ;noir than $1,1 GOO worth of shipping property. (.ate V porta whew that Afty.three live* , }oat. (list twenty .wi1.11 is were 1 e.ciied, that four (ata ►- *PIP deetto el, and that one is ' agroun.l end badly d ounged, The *urtlmary shows :-Stegner Clarion horned,, fifteen lives Io.t, six saved ; Ale/1111PM NV, O. Richardson slink, five drowned,. fourteen sawed : car ferry BP4rrmer No, 2 wreekrd, thirty-two lives lost: steamer Josiah O. llntiro agrrnmd, att. ntpting to res- ent' sailors fr the Clarion • two hnvg clank,-nrj lives toot. Keith frons. , Ca, the Richard/son. ers•rrd hy exposut•e, committed s*icide. Thele is now prartiC*Ily no (Mance that any of the thirteen menllwrs of the tree ret the Clarion have survived. Two of the crew bre known to have prriohed, - The Season's Harvest of Death. Detroit, Dec. 1'2. --- With Ihr CPI. hnbty that, he ,,.en of the-tealne,- I'lei ion and the Ma' -queue k H-rmPnnrr car ferry Nu! 2' have s • *o their• • doom, the toil ret death Iek,•n l,y wind and wave sine the official close of navigation on the greet lakes one week ago fall; but four short of the 0111cial .r,;nn'o 143011• Sixty -Three men was the e011111t rep to Net Motor. day. This w'eek's de ithlist--53 et. Lake Et ie and six on Lake Superior--- - already is 511. This total of 1122 lives filet in iRN41 is not for h four times the total of last year, when :iii men found water y groves too the result of storm 011d e Speaking of the tvrent marine dioa.- trrotreN.,, t'resid.nt LivingstoneoftheLake Carrion'' Association said that this has been one of 'he, most disastrous years in the freight carrying trade .m the great lakes. "1 think it would he Metter," he said, -for *ll intere,.teeon- --a corned if the season of n*vtgst*ov would clear eve' y year on December 1. On wn_soreregit ofears Ihr carriers would he-men and mossy ahead." --- ' • Cameron & Moore's store will be n 1•In the even Iie h Ings next ..sake Plenty of choice putter and fresh a,La(ounta1t.dt VANATTKICS. - ._.. Our oe etre will bre open Pvetnng; 4'nring ( ',t►nas week till A 'clock. • (i M. EI, M L New lot of glxofs at the new tut nature store on Ham street. Call and see. Otto. iBa(•Klt'n', ;xainelrl''lenis