The Signal, 1909-12-9, Page 46
- District News.
Miss Mary Porterfield has been en-
gaged aa clerk in J. li. Reid e ptore.
Miss Winnie and Master John Me -
Neil vetuened home last week tom
the Seafotth Collegiate Institute. . tenable fOr the patient.
At the regulet monthly meet ing tif .011 In i=runiion tor Tba ntguin is at the Poo.
the mission hand on Thursday after-
olice.r. win be
. noon last. the.children of the hand vertWing and toe work. and rewriter wtu lia
'4„ presented the president, Moe. Mc.'swil, given for amounta paid for the aallta.
, •' with an appretisetive address anti a (it, HRISTMAS (Won/S. THE NEW
eilver eakehitsket. In losing Mira. Mc- docks of t briat tine. good,. ha \ e arrived at
devoted leaders- who etever spared her- for.ol: and young. and at pore.. to suit er
*elf in the work,of the miewion. hand or kr-, e'en- early and make your -Oren
. PORT ALBERT. ' Division Court will be held here on
Mond,ay next. A number of caseet will
•• NVensEststv, Dee. Sth.
he iip for hearing.
PeltsoN.11- MENTI'll-- Jas. H , in ibt, Detre auction sale. on 1-'riday
den is attending the fat stock show ..11 1 .
NON'. At home every day except Thuni
day.. New mineriyfor extracting teeth tgoinno
form), better than gas. Crown and bridge work.
etc. Aluminum plates inoti.breakable.,
N. H. - You can alway. ha eyour work much
better• done in the dental office -more time.
for doing the work. wore own:
Mosistc. Dec. nth.
The anniversary services of the
Lucknow Methodist church will be
held on Sunday next. Rev. Thos.
Manning, of London, will occupy the
The family of Mr. Freeman. who
recently took the position of head
miller with Treleaven Bros., arrived
last week from Ethel to join Mr. Tre-
leaven and melte their home here.
On Wednesday. December 1st, the
marriage neok place of A. B. Mi•Leod,
of Luckoow, to Margaret. daughter of
the late Thos. Gotten, 1st conereeion
of Riotous. The event took place at
the home of the bride's mother.
One of the very few diamond wed-
dings that have taken place in this
county was celebtated on the LlIth of
Ne ember. liv Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Is tit le, who were mewed sixty
years ago. on the :Arth of November,
1849. Congratulations were received
row matey parts of the county. -
Guelph this week Nirs. Robert tt readonable figure.
Durnin. of Dungannon. spent a few 8°Iti at
dare lest week in this locality .
interning of last week 51r, Jas. tiibson
Mrs. A. Hoy renewed old acquaint.-
ances here last Sampler A...h..r' had the miefortune taint) on the back
door ems site tell heavily to the
liras- returned sfrom the- West hest
, „ artn. Biter hip, war also seriously in- here lest week.. .1). H. McKenzie.
WEI'DIN" RE"-'%• - Wedding nel'i ' jutted and war at th•st thought to be jr., has left for Ft t, Mich., with the
ere einaing beadle in this villages1 Inieken. She has *Mee twen etittering mutant° of testa g there for the
' We• hope this will encout•age SOIIIP, much pain. but is progressing AS well winter . ...Miss . rant Chambet•s,
of our esteorneel ,basehelors in the as call be expected. Bier daughter. of the Lake Shore re, 1, is at presteht
no'ion e if matrimony. es if is rumored eul.,,,, . eConnell. of Kincardine. was visiting friesitdiaNtin..1.11..til district
about to join the t•irele and he con-
. tendance. upon' her: was visiting at the panreanl. Of Huron.
that one of our Port Albert scribes is immediately tent for anti ite now in at- Mr.. Van
fluent., of the parental hotue
war t much for Jack. He
come .No, Kitty, Wal
to theighot :supper anti concet•t i in Moue Lamen .'' published in
ay evening. Dee. 2nth. Tile Lueknow nal. 18 not a broth
3letheeliett choir hive been secured and. the celebrated h
will furnish music on Sundety and for eminent 'office'
the eou'cert on Mondity evening. Miss . the fatuous
Hatt, .4 Hensall, eloentionist, also Solomon
has been .engaged for the concert:Temp
6(410'4 The dedication services, will be head eat
ecuvell. on Sunday, December 211th.
PE iNAI. MENTION. -John Cowan.
jr., ar 'ved home from the North-
west hue\ Monday ...We are pleased
to gay that the youngest child of Rod.
McLennan: who was sericusly ill last
week, has ite recovered Mrs.
F. McLennan and Miss TPIIA MeLen-
One of the most danger-
ous and repulsive forms of
Kidney Disease is
Asi the cage is already completroontie
Work on the new church is progress -
boots and lanteens Am 14, deck night
ing favo ly and it is expected every-
thing tvi
ing on
will lw a thing of the past. resat
let ions. Will.
Mrs. °Awn ne land son Roscoe spent
Miaa Berth* Daemon was quie
non in Toronto.
will lw pleased to hear of her
• after her terent
, wet.. %bating last week
of their tootheas-ind
011 ploVided music
ry servires at Sex.
th ult. Rev Messrs.
onset% and Hobbs, of
bee preachers.
me tons services are to he
huh ehtirehes. The Metho•
inl 4,, hold theirs on Christ -
nd heve engaged MRS Mitt.
,c4O-Olttit-fttr them. The
ris will hold theirsjate,r.
The Nlethodist
tot the 'tunic..
snrit h on the
Mirsard, of
he'd i
be tit reathness for tile open -
matey, December 10th. Prep.
is are now being inside for the
in and dedication service*, also
for which llodd's Kidney
Pills are the only certain
cure. In Dropsy the Kid-
neys are actually dowtosed
op, and the water, which
should be expellee' in the
form of urine, flows back
and lodges in the cells of
the flesh and puffs out the
akia. Remove the filth
which plugs up the drain.
Restore the 'Kidneys to
health. There is only one
Kidney Medicine
Ready for the Christmas Business
WE ARE making this the higgeet Christmas, 'Dade Sale we ever offered. Nesrly evet•ything in Ole
btore its At side maces and these prices are lower than any cut or bargain -day prietra tide rtot•e
11.111 ever offered. The tollowing ere a Of the lines that will be offered regardless ..f iqurt, an we
are winos to clear them out at atone price.
Dress Goods
Every piece will lw on sa e
from now till Christmas. Thee
are a lot of eods and some t weed.
et &Iamb half-price. We lite
• cleat ing them out.
lee' Coats at the follow-
ing teductions. Three at•e all
new this fall :
up -to date Coat for very little
-- moneys
Effective, tic OlPieril,
What more can y
and is the best rem
atingle, skin dier
per tin.
ite cifieat ion
for bites
riles, etc
Mai mot Ituffa and Col-
lars at the following reduced
figures .
" 5.50.
' Mutts
All these Furs are new.
Lawn and Net Waists
Just in --a new. freeh stock of
Lawn and Net Witham. direct
from the twitters, and they etre
extra value and up-to-date in
make and finish. They are hete
simecially for the Christmas. teed. -
and varied stock, from 2 for
up to nearly the hest made.
Enuhroidered. front like each. and
lace edge. how lue. each up.
5c each. An extra line. Cnior.
ed bordere, from 5c to 15e. A
lawn with etubroidered
big lot to choose from. Pure
listen hemstitched. for ladies and
men. initialed.
The above are just few of the things view special attention is called to that are nice and serviceable
foi holiday gifts. Don't forget that the sate covers nearlY everything in the store, and y, IIIMV ranee'.
Big Bargains all through. We must have our stock reduced a great deal by the end of this month. We
intend to make prices it.
t week's Si
of Jack Nlason
°fiat, hut (10V-
. once Dallied aft
ing of Tyre. wh.. aim
at the building
and so named prt
this official also furt
supplies in days of
end of the tat ted ei
cident occurred
this muse it
had been
n. of Lanes.
n the homes
R. Stephen-
ell ra
-.Wit the 11 1 ittinitter of
window Evei h.e e0,1
y extra At Chet,
r and fate wor-e
have the be.t
i.i in the *tenths.
FW every. ',Atm
our eAlendat,
Sisie..1.0 fore,
been- in the .Wt
roa- and you au go
an et our ore. for
We en have $VSTER
yet n why net'
Roberti.. who tor so many. ,yeat
held the office of secretat-y•to
of tne West W'awanosh 51
Insurance CO. lets resigi
Don. 311r. Roberts has
a vet•y efficient office
iroOk on behailf of
worthy of men
the- stonspeny
et eet in
It w
al Fire
his posi-
owed himself
hoer eacellent
e eompany is well
n. The standing of
my well he attributed in
ure to his Untiring efforts.
ith much regret Dom thee dir-
e,f the Company twee -jetted Mr.
he directors on Tuesday of last week
J. H. !Kaake, of Kineardipe, was tip.
pointed secretary and The Stothere.-
pat ulate both these. 'gentlemen nn
their appointments and wIsh them
Ttecan.w. Nuv.:
Scitu m Reimer.
school report for S. S. No. 0, Ash
for the month of November ; na
in oder of merit : V. Leila lila
ly be -
ates the sad
A similar in -
re last week, with
so serious But in
s the fatted pig which
en °et in the wagon. by
its owner in order to have a ViPW of
the beautiful w•enery around isich-
aish. While Dan WWI ill the post -
offices her porcine majesty heing
happy and recognizing that she wait
in a Scotch town, begaetirticing the
Highland Hints with the result Dint
Pitozie and hos went overbosrel and
the team i•an away, but we are
pleased to say with nee damage what -
Ernest Hall, Nlaty Saunders. Carman
Tvlestesv. e. 7th., Effie Johnston, Edith Johnstee, res,„
a of !December ird. Preparation. Baker. *John Glen. Sr. Pt. 11. Irene
-weir "pada tea", good time tknd 31orain. Jr.' II. --I 'evil Joliflf,t011,
len program and d orations will George Oben. Sr. Pt. - 1.-Frechtle
George Twentley. Class A.- Nlatilela
Hackett. -Number oil toll, Z..! ; aver -
5losistr. Dec. lith.
Nett e\teitt Reeintr.--FnInewing i•
J . Culbert spent Sunday at
IP report fine S. S. 'No. 17. Ashtield.
g.tral enniltiet.. Total for ereeb 5Irs. Phillips and Miss Mary are
-Levine Johneton. 431: Riche le- lay rettu•nel home
. Jes : Walleye Mark. 34m. mensal(
• Lizzie
, IIiiet coiled on his daughter,
Steels% . ".3: Lloyd Black. 342: "" Nli-s" J. Mak last week.
E. Henry it el W. h;elwarde visited
Dungannon ft ds yeetterday.
to Roy Bla
11011,1e of Wm. He
• MONDAY,- tecernier tit h.
W. Stewart. of Dungannon. is at
present the guest ed his etude.
church Sunday evening.
Joe Certer. who has been visiting
his brother in Midlittid the past weelt.
returned home on Settu-day.
Quite a number from here attended
the fowl supper at Walton Presby-
terian church last Thursday evening.
A. Somere, whd has been confined
tO the house wit b an attack Of aPpen•
sheltie, is able to 'resume his work
Weight Inspector Coghlan was on
FOUR& here laat week. The
De W. Sloan, who was home for a
ays front the Bursvmein Lake
t, has returned again and will
eecting in that country until
win visited at the
Mr. and Mrs. ' Gartnier were
ick 'yestifday.
51r. and Mrs. Bert. Finlay visited
friends in
51r. and Mrs. Win.
Satiirelay and Sunday wit
Bailie and Isaac. Stothers
ing the week -end with fri
Lochalsh. '
David and John .Intlr'ett. of\''Wton.
pent sinuday with their nutuebitis
ft•iends here.
Hey. Mr. Young, of Tiverton, tot -
(hanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. Saw-
yer yesterday.
Gordon Mothers, of Goderich, was
in this vicinity last week advertieing
for Cameron 14: Moore.
'Most of the people around here at-
tended R. Heine sale on Friday and
several made purehemes.
Mists leohel MeDiarmid and Will
Clarksttn, Peramount, visited Miss
May Mattnilers on Sunday.
Those whose names are marked atom
WANTED. -The iindler-irtned tiny the
t market colt price for any .01.1t,t ity
chicken:, and fowl delivered every Tne*lity At
?At. Meier,. All nrnittrv tilted he i.renerlY bit -
viceS will be held in Chri..t church next
sunday, when Rev. Mr. Nines. ef
Aylmet. wilrnreach at 2:31) end 7:3o
o'clock... We ere some to new Mr.
and Mrs. Eel. McRoberts from our vit.
!age. They have gone to lief. with the
former's parents. They anticipate
building in the spring. . . About 125
people pertook of the excellent sop -
per fttenished by the losing side in the
Rifle Association 'match. Atter win-
ner an excellent program POI, given
bv Miss Hart and Mr. Bitchanan.
Heneell. assisted by local talent.
Costosi; 'AN!) Goiso.-Nlism Eliza-
beth Salkeld. ef Goderich, is spending
A few days with relativee here
Miss Jetted'. Cameron is visiting friend"
attended the tee meeting, at White.
chue-b on 51onelay evening', Mies
__Mary 4ttithorford is_irmilina few
dare in
returned on WOITIPPAIRV after spend-
ing three months in the West ... .
fat stock @how at Gitelph this week
big a enuptc• Of weeks the guenrof her
aunt, Mrs. Rutherford Durnin
Philippi Was hone- from finderich over
Sunday John McGuire, John Me.
Donald end eon, Carlyle, spent Sun-
day in Goderich.
be pro
weted and
ere. who bas had a ',Hone
ickness, is, we are glad to
yin's ae well ate can be ex -
will soon be able to resume
week that he
left on Sattits1
panied by her d
IV. Phillips, sy o has been in the
West blacksmithi on railway con-
struction work, w home fot• it few
last week rent as left for Tor-
onto, where he has securest a good
d received word laid
mother in Innerkip hxd
of pxralysis and she
ighter Annie.
I knew 'Old Satt4s
thought of his
it's his trick, -ask hini. There
'You'll find many a ebeice piece
to "fit in" any hook or corner.
See our stock before buying
your present.
wasi Always
who'd have
the he
ern I hot
news wo
Daily .adves set. for fourteen month.
in ativene..
The London Daily Advertiser. ,
metropolitan paper in NN'est-1
•io. Contains tatted market
- ifteilt71 4T41•Xlr.111. 11'1 askatchewan
WEsTE'liN CAN NI/A. Itilo.
essrv osue It DO (NILS.:
To the General Public of
Goderich and Vicinity -
You will Hod It t.
Your Interest
enry spent
Blends in
spend -
de at
Wilson Irvin Mu been sawing wood.
for A. Finlay and Kilpetriek. and
Stephen Dleves, of Dungannon, has
been in the neighborhood with his
Christmas and New Year Excursions.
The Grand Trunk Railway System
will be issued between all statione in
Canada, also to Detroit and Pott
Huron, 5lieh., Minns Black Rock,
and Suspension Bridge. N. Y.. at the
following reduced tatee : Single fare,
IMO, returning en or before December
27th, Ifni, ale° good going Deetember
31m, 191111, and Januaty 1st, 1010, re-
turning on or before January 3rd,
1910. At fare and one• -t hied, good go-
j_ng December 21st to 2.1th inclusive, or
1st. Mir; returning not later than
January teth,1010,
Secure tickets and further informa-
tion from F. F. Lawrence, Grand
Trunk Agent.
Jas. Cummings, who as been farm-
ing in East NVawanosh r number
ot years, has purchased t e beautiful
reeidence of the late Dr •erder and
intendernoying hitt) it. It. ill make
and A. V1'. Robinsoti went for short
walk on Sunday afternoon but efede
they stopped they were in W ton.
They then returned the atone we by
.nything ott want in the
lint. of
Metal Work
Electric Wiring
and Fixtures.
Hist- •Iass line of
Gran itewaee
and Tinware.
Preempt attention given to all
kinds (di/inning,
Phone 155. •
Sole Agent for the celebrated
8,antford Roofing.
good time.
lowing officers were elected for the
gart V. 14., Jas. Cutt : recording
secretary. John Weymouth ; tee/us-
urer, D. Eloody.
Mr. Hood, who is at preeent visiting
hie mother here. gave splendid e.d-
in the morning and in the Methodist
chtirch in the evening last Sabbath.
op -Sunday school wmk, of which he
is the head in Michigan.
V. held a social in the Presbyterian
church lasement on Wednesday even-
ing of this week, at which there was
a very gond attendance. and a splen-
did program. It seems this is the way
the local option party is doing most 1,f
the campaign work,.bIlt 1PP are afraid
it will have to get down to a better
system to win the contest here.
Sasvlso.- The children are enjoy-
ing skating on the brickyard pond.
hut it will Ise spoilt if the snow comes
in any quantity. Judging from the
number that go skating it looks rte
here, ail premint when the winter
settle* in there is ne1 place for the
jroung people to go hut to the hotels,
which are it head place for either
young or old to 19
New Cut te Ts
I hsve received and placed
stock a cernead of Cutters.
a I invite the inspection of
dat driving outfit for the
A pair that
annot be beat,
Robert Wilson
Agent, for
Massey- Harris Implements Mel-
lotte Cream Separators. and
other leadine lines of Farm
number of good Colts.
ts rtiE W1)10.1) BEATER.
. Produced mere wheat than Manitotw owl
Alberta csocultined
Ave on n 01;111 ;Wee. 010/0i; oprit t mine
whew land. in chi. ce,ieheated di.t ict.
liteliable and experienced men who can
make -ale, We will wise rculu.tise tettiterf
o Northern Crown Bent Bldg
A Good School
In which tn train for Peen-
ing a good Nalary is the
Toronto. Our fine Cat-
. end mailed free
on i•equest. If you are
interested in pntparing for
and seeuring a good sit -
11110011. ite Us: without
delay. Adonis
INNS • 011•1111111110
We May la a_rauss but we can wa't on you, and are making prices that :1
will make it w th while putting up wt At- This Sale is for CASH. --Our--
Christmas stock is bout all in and w e have e best lot of goods for pre;ents that
can be found. lit.•re ;ire some tiew onc,.
A line of pretty Children Ikon Banks.
A line of Christmas Flags, very prett
A ine o
Steel Hand Sleighs.
IOW only Saiikalta steel Range, the latest and ,
best Steel Range on thee market. Has. all the
- latest and, hest features. We want to get it
introduced. Regular price, *WM. special
McClary Heater
lime that is gond •.rre value or Law. or two pairs
7'8 511e Mitts foe 41e ; all 7,5c litts for Me; an
41.1 lines for kr2e.
Carpet Sweepers
Razors and Strops
we win mirk.. our Razors and Stt•ope TI.
.•1014 lines we will clohe Out at
Ina( *ISM lines for 75e
One McClary's Fatuous Heater, with oven.
Regular tat Etat. Special sale price, re.00.
In fact. ell Heatere and Rangel.. ixcept the
Pandora. will be freduced 111 per cent.
It is imisissible to give it list here. hut, to make/
it short. WP Will cut prices On an average 15
per cent.
A (net ty Sugar Bowl, tegular t.75. to deer
at 5112.51 P. A Biscuit Jer. reguler 3.25, precis]
at $2.45. A Candy Mug. regular la2.151. epectal
at $11.25. One Fruit Stand. reguler $4.51), special
itt $3.25. One silver Cream Pitcher, register
situ, special, at $ One ellver Water
Pitcher. resnilar $2.511, special $1.t5,- Silver
Berry Spoirhal eoffee Spoons. and e lot more of -
the Paulin stock we wili clear out at big re -
Tea Spoons
One dozen silver-plated, on good white base,
regular $3.10 dozen, retineed to $2.2.1 dozen.
ris clear thenrout by taking one-third oft We are going
Plain Table Spoons
Plain Dessert Spoons
One dozen silver-plated, eel good white FIDSP.
regular $4.51/ and $1.75 dozen. reduced te, $3.65
Dessert and Dinner Forks
1 tessert recite, $4.541 to $5.15) d.,zeti, reduced
to $3.05 and $4.( 0 dozen. Dinner Forks t educed
NVe will rut the price on all Lamps
out of fancy Lampe.
1 The Howell Hardware Co., 1
11111;1•11111 m T El; •1111110111111 Ili
Totem,. up, we might say this in a genuine ',Ale. bAt we saV WP try to .1.., and. to makit a long
story short, we are giving at least p•r cent. oft almost all lines Vint eASfi, Panders Itemises excepted,.