The Signal, 1909-12-9, Page 2THt• min •• $ THCIsaDAT, Dstctaas:R 9, 1906 t.ODISR1CIL ONT t1tlO, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSI AY ■r THE: SIGNAL PHI.TIYU CO. Limited Telephone {'all Ss. 116 ,1'erwu of Subser dian THE SIGNAL : GODERiCH. ONTARIO the Lords or the Commons is to be the they allow tbewelyes to he ruled by a (supreme authority in Britain. The ' lot of hereditary tax-dudgen, j leaden of the Neuss of Commons de - Well. Iba iosda dndt get oUr vote clam there will be no quarter. and the revolt of the contest, if the Govern- anyway.Row some to be a name to conjure mint ie returned to {rawer, will b not I Couldn't the only the triumphant paws nwith in Mea Iddlea' budget. but probably &leo a radi •ed Grits find anybody else of the name to rurtaihueut of the prerogatives of the Agbt for Duoesn Rosi seat in North House of Lords. ; Middlesex! The IA ells were warned against the e ut 3Y Y. Ncl.ean. 11, P. for South ��tt OU per annum Int savanna I course they have taken by swat , Slimenthe. SUc ; three months, Me;. To Unit.d State. eub..cribere. •I.SU . year I for weightiest weatherer of the shim Huron, is moving for reform of the 4eSubsc is ed,, ' her of peers, who foresaw that the ',Senate. The member for West 8abscrtben who fall to receive Tax VtUS. Awaits( us et regularly by mail - fact will confer a favor by t as earls a date �- probable consequences would be the Huron might go one better andmove tnatiuD of the people never for abolition• Peedb n. When • change of addter le+s desired. both the When old rod the new addra"Mould be given. ad..rt,sina Retail: Legal and other duller advertu.menne for lne per lute for drat In.erUo., and 41,.: per ured nonpareil *ode. twel a lo.es to an Inch. bYy • Widows c•rde of sit one. and under. 113 Per Sit - year. Strayed. Stt- AdverVeten nt.. of Lost. Found. • Hones. Satloor Vacant. Sit a_wtion.o anted.ale Hent, Bale le toRent. Farms fnot exceeding eight liner ti for Sale, etc.. ter a Mac uteeh n.rrtkm : tb. Lege advertise- mentseach Yutap•,7uewt mouth. Larger menta in -proportion. Announcementin No oot ldinaryce ..• t eaadd "ng type ten Dents per line. Any epochal not tee. the object of which le the pecwiiary benefit of soy Individual or asonei• ettpo tabse run.idered en advertisement a -d be charged . onrdingly contract advertise Rates for d4lom andel t .1 to will be gleno on apptte*U0a Addrew all communtoauon. to THE SlONALPRI.TINU�� ire d OODLRltHi. THURSDAY. DEC. a. 1901t THE NAVY QUESTION. The Hamilton Spectator. in an article which we republish in another column. indulges in seine speculation as to what may happen if Canada in- gtsts upon retaining the control of her own navy. This game of supposing is one at which anyone ran play: en let us take a hand at it. Let us suppose that Canada gave a contribution in money to the British navy; or supplied tbe money fora- so-called Canadian navy tolls under the control of the Bri'ish Admiralty. and suppose this money or these ships weir used for purposes in which Canada had no in- terest. or which were regarded in this country with absnitite oisapptv.val • bow long would f'anafle continue to send her money or spend ner money for the suhp et of the British. fleets? Not only would the uminey which haul been expended in this way he regarded as thrown assay, in the view of Cana- dian opinion. but a feeling of distrust would be engendeted which might have utost aerinesresells upon the I;,erial eonnect inn. But. The•Spectatnr may say. why are we to imagine that the British authorities would employ Canadian money nr Canadian ships in a cause that Canada rbuld not endot se ? Our reply is. why should The Spectator or anyone else imagine that the Cana dian auth3rities. 'ontrolling the Cana- dian fleet. would 'ever refuse to place thattleettwhenl required at the dispos- al of the imperial author•itles 'r The trouble with Th. .p•'rtater '- that itatrnot get rid of a notion that while there is a Liberal Government at Ottawa Canada is in .{anger. some- how nt other, of being committed to some "disloyal" •+'nurse. This i. ,t notion for which there is no reason. but pre iidires are not built upon reason. have no relation to reason thrive best. in fact. when they have no contact with reams. it is of no time 10 remind The Spectator and its kind of the vast growth of Imperial sena i, ant Jt- 'anada 1 Government. and of the palpable man- ifestation of this Sentiment in the tariff preference to Britain and in the assistance give;' to the British cause in the Barr war—actions without pet relent in the history of Canada. The et'trttionof a Canadian ttltvy is, really another step in: the same direction. The Government's routse to by Imperial coneideratinne, not by a narrow ('anadianism. Canada does not need a navy for :herself : .she is embarking upon the new policy frmn a sense of ot.liKation to help in bearing the burien of empire. avid there is no question that when the Cause of the Empire requires the assistance .rf ('an• ads.. in navel ro•operation or in any other way, such Resistance will be given voluntarily. eagerly. it is not neeessary for Canada to give' bonds for her "loyalty." Th.. Loudon Times. which may be admit- ted by The Spectator as an authority. says ttat Sir Wilfrid Laurier's speech on the navy question "contains the true Idea .•f imperial unity." Cana- dians are not children, incapable of being trusted with the conduct of their own affairs. The strength which they contribute to the Empire is all the greater that it is the strength of conscious manhood extended will- ingly in a common cause. NA.matter;what course the present or any other ('at►edien eiov.-rnment may adopt in thio matter of a navy, it will he at all times dependent.tgton .and responsible to the will of the people of Canada. determ again to allow them tot assert such a Huron and Bruoe have been leading power. The men of lii•eat Britain;cootributon to the building up of the have in past shown themeelven cap West. J. A. Macdonald. the new able of attending to am h canes, and if 4 Chief Justice of British l'oluwbia. is a the Lords, in their desperate attempt 1 Huron old boy, and' Thomas W. l'at- to escape paying their fair share of , fersol'. . who has been appointed the taxes, pull their bougie"dow'n upon 1Lieutxngnt-Governor of the same their beads. so much the better. 1 Province, is a former Bruce county — ------- --- , I man, • CHRISTMAS GIVING. Government to secure from the Im- Almost every year there comes am A the cry that the be. an official recognition to the eonsub ,.{„flips -of pitta AL Cbristuld b$ oe• ip{ontatic agents of nth r conn - virtue a burden trod should he abut• f tries iu Unlade. Heretotute et le rec- ished by common conw•nt. Perhaps (Ignition bar, oouie only throutt the a better plan would be so to amend Colonial Office in Loudon. Suitt of our rules of giving that the custom Mr. Lewis hieuda will he calling 1' would become what it ought to he, a a separatist if he keeps on this line. source of pleasure to all concerned. • E. N. Lewis wants the Canadian • perial Government the right to grant flow some source ex - It is unfortunately tbe costo many to wait until a week or two before Christmas before beginning to prepare their gifts : then there is no time to think. end money is wasted. A little more time and ' thought given to the matter would make the gift productive of greater , pleasure to beth dodos• and recipient. A costly gift that is not especially useful to„the receiver gives not half the pleasure that a much, simpler I gift would creete if it were just what a person could make use of. or could enjoy, Children should early be introduced to the delight of making gifts to their friends. and to those about them who are less favored than they. From the old toys some could . be chosen. uwrnded, re -painted or freshened up, and Riven to some unfortunate child whom Santa Clans might forget. Where toys are not plentiful. nor money to purchase, gifts of serviee might be proferred, and give not only pleasure but comfort. One of Gilbert Parkers earliest stories. "The gift of the Simple King." though not a Christmas story illustrates well bow one poor in this world's Rhode can vet ail of share the joy of giving. So beauti- PSI .14 .k` Ali -, .e' '_ �} ' -6 1;-1:—.;((,k-) • London Life w' •-.tV(' Four �. • Payments.Payments.Payments.Payments.ODnsCp ` 4' 4/e) O fr .: ,I'v.• Dividend Or wr ' I'.fld OW illt'11I 1 lin /� w dntees than Iht: ordilldr\ 20-0-vt'ar L''- " dowment. Yet last four p.tyments t'c'- rte% • main in your potkt't and your poli'•v "'3' • .till shares in surplus earnings. Iw Write for Booklet 1(i -2t! vs 20.)1 1. PCLiCIES has l.trt; -'r :;u(tl - _ t y. tle y 01t. `V / W. H. 1(UBINSON, District Agent, Seaforth. Or.t. The Brook. I ` Ripple. ripple: ripple. i.e., the little broot. Korot... ripple, ripple. I ,;.want t ..t. ,.o look : Oa. ,rougli vale and woodland. '.1 flowery meadow.. green. Stu. nig nut Its progrw. •, see or to bf teen. RIPPk. ripple. ripple. Bubbling on it.. way. nipple. ripply. ripple - Hark' 1 hear it ray D foolish man. why dwellest thou On thews. of long ago Pa... by the old. take up the new. -- Times fleeting—let me ao t. Sophia V. 0ilbert Lee. The Navy Question.. Hamilton Spectator. speaking of Premier Laurier s dec- laration that the Canadian navy must, he under the, control of the Canadian I'aitiainent The4oderich {Signet asks, "In the natne of common )(ants. in Whose contud should it be lint thAt -the representatives of the people who are paying for it ?'• it is bat • g mote and• more ap- , parent that if Canada ever gets is navy of her own, planned on the Laurier tines and controlledy a over f ment of the Laurier auttenomnus sort, there are likely ter arise •mate national quer_ J tions bigger in their import thou any I tb to Winter Term from January 3rd. CENTRAL STRATFORo. ONT. moi' The best practical training school of U Arlo. We offer advantage's not red elsewhere in Canada. Our teaches are experienced. re coues•thorough and pent -tient. end we assist 'graduates to gond pos- ition.. Thr, demand at present greatly prepare a t tpp teat ere for Htlsine, s College work.ritefor our free catalogue., ' D. A. Mc ("ULAN, Prin I. W. ACHESON & SON Saturday and Monday Bargains • F. C. B. College' LONDON, ONTARIO �I Business & Shorthand', e peopwile oftbis country have yet had deal th. It is not unlikely that ful a custom as the exchange of Great Britain, following het custom of tokens of goodwill should not doe the past in declining 10 do sny more, than suggest lines of action ftrr herself- I, allowed to die out, nor shotiln it doe governing de endeocmes, would toe est- robbed of its beauty by carelessness istled if Canada, through her Govern- 1 or thoughtlessness on the part of the went. rhn.ad at some time decline to send her navy to the aid of the [toper- 1 giver,. bet fleet : but would that bre all? Let us suppose Great Britain were A FARMERS' PARLIAMENT. at war with Germany, and the lana-' ditto navy, by order of the Ottawa Gov -1 -- was kept from participating An inepittont step in relation to the in the cuutliet. And suppose, which agricultural intet.•pte of Canada has t hd d he Germaneasily possible, tateet, scog in tion been ttaken in the preliminary organs- tic waters, ran, across some .port ion of l nation of "the Canadian National „tit baby aggregation of war Vessels Council of Agriculture," which it is in- flying the British Hag, as we suppose tended shall be representative of the they *Mild. despite our. boasted Tust- nonq•."• Would the Germane be whole agiictdtural population of Can. likely to accept the st•ttemeht of the ala. Thie step was taken at the an- ,. pander of our peaceful squadron e neat mer\ing of the , I►nminion Httitiohhfltgti the v weree not liftoff for Grange, h«fid recently at Toronto. fighting purposes? not—out Either Bepreeentati\es of farmers' rirganiza• tlw British flag would have to he loca- tions in the Western Provinces were seed and our British fealty forsworn resent and gage their enthusiastic sup- or [herr would he a fight, whether Par - port ti ills riot mens, wd.•h h isrx•' went ordered- -or MAL- .„ SUBJECTS , • Resident and Mail Courses . i Catalogues Free. N'PrineipaLelt J. t%V.t ice %VeetPrincip•l. Jr 4.A. $962 4) O One year ego. Mr. Geste fie \\'.keutan was earning snout $1111 per veer ea farmlaborer. N... he is est fling at the r..te of trill_ per year. Six ths' training at our 1111,4m-1 College anode the difference. \Vas it it goad in yr)(ttnent? He thinks so• His snide*** is New Degoode, Sask. Four Courses : PREPARATORY COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHY TELEGRAPHY Gait;Enter any Gait;Ind ivi,lunl lnstructia»t• - K -rite for particulars. GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE- (T. OLLEGE( 0. SPOTTON, CHIN. DECEMBER 11 AND 13. Fifteen hundred yards Flannelette, light and mid soft. heavy quality, 34 inches wide. Worth 12c a yard for. One thousand yards (rest English Printa, ti inches "Crumb's beet." Regular 15e and 1'S1c a yard for ... ,.. . Ladies' Skirts Twenty only ladies' stylish tweed and fancy dark Worsted Skirts, beautifully made and fashionable. Regular $5 and all yutlity.$3 50 Clearing Jll stripes, Qc wide 10c Floor Oilcloths Scotch Floor Oilcloths. About WO Tarts, extra heavy weight and new patteros,,I 1i, I j, 2 yards wide. Kale price, per yard Ladies' Coats $. Twenty only ladies' Tweed Coats. full length, at ylish u,annidist �n Crit. Remoter values., /6 to $11:0. Special. tau days lisle, ears 50 Men's Fur Coats Brown Wombat Coats, $25, for $2o. Black Dog Cot's, $20, for $i.7. Black a o a. oa s, ;o, tot $25--.\- 25c W. ACHESON & SOJV peeted will take tangible shape within Full autonomy in fine sort of ex- presab,n, but there -are eons condi- the next few mnntbs, bone which it cannot meet. and this rp new association one of them. if ('anode develops a rat population of navy and proposes to remain a part of otudy of social the British Empire. her navy will have to be prepared to fight for the having a bear- Empire whenever the British navy The objects of t are to organize the r the Dominion for th anti economic problem ing on th.-hmepireem MIS tiiittertal 1tndait -necessary to make war for It. prosperity of the people : to collect And incidentally for the benefit of c a e--•-4hese-�iea. l people who_ have and disseminate materia?' for tate in- slant dread that soutehow or other if formation of the people : formulate we get a nay y we will le dr'nwn into demands for legislation and present the vortex of tome horrible' European thetas to the notice of I'arliament or conflict that is none of our affair, let us remark that the British navy, is rifpiPP '}I'Itielat iter ladies: to secure a *i in existence for the aateguarding larger Influence in the political organ- of epthe Empire : aiso that it is nut Mations of the eouutpy. and to encour- fighting except when the safety of the sire the adoption of co-operative Empire is endangered. And this be - methods by farmers. ing en and Canada remaining it part of the Empire. it is initwesihle to im- At this meeting the Orange took shine any case in wh'ch the ('snadian strong ground on the tariff question, Parliament would be justified, in with - Urging the reduction 3t the tariff holding the aid of our ships of war in wherever possible. the acceptance by an mother co flirt in ywhi h the navy of the the Cenadiaa Government of the offer on the part of the Costed States of fres trade in certain linea of agricul- tural implements, and further action THE STRUGGLE IN BRITAIN. The Aouse oTTioFIVIYAS Main the budget sent up from the House of 1'ommons, and a great enttstitlotions' straggle has commenced. The Gov- ernMent will appeal to the conntre, the elections taking place in January. find the result will determine whether f Law mi ht 1* engaged. if it ie really meant that, we will on occasion withhold the services of our navy from the empire cause, it would be touch more dignified and honorable for ne at once to ask for a straight for thesuppression of trusts and coin- separation from the mother land and Niles. A prdtent against militarism become in fact. as well as in theory, it took the form of a declaration that nation with full responsibilities as the Dominion Government should not well as absolute autonomy. embark upon tbe policy of a Canadian navy Until the wishes of the Canadian people in regard to the question had been fully ascertained. The increased taxation of railway property. to place it upon the same basis for taxation as rother property, was again urged : and among other resolutions tempted was one favoring the policy of Provincial ewnersbip of long-distance telephone lines. The Conse•rvetivee of Canada are to hold big party convention next year, and the choice ie between Ottawa and Winnipeg as the scene of ,the gather- ing. y The bye -election in North Middlesex on Monday resulted in the return to the Provincial House of J. W. Doyle, the Conservative candidate, by a majotity of lei over W. J. Mitchell, the Liberal nominee. The seat was formerly held. by. _i._11:oss. _ no•� representing' West Middlesex et 4)4 taws. EDITORIAL NOTES. bier 41 new—g•eir a hristmaa ..shop- ping. The gerrymander did the trick in North dfiddlenex, TORONTO. ONT. r'nr. \ ot.re and Alrtander `rte. A hieh.rl.t-' Reep•ct for the people of Great shoot Enter any time. I liiiitea re*Alty xi t tporniti .. ,. write ti4syi fe eedsornel Britain will he greatly mnlifle,l it (atwlnRite, � c,, l NOW IS THE TIME Renew your subscrip- tion to The Signal for 1910• Clubbing Rates with al the leading news- papers and periodicals. See list on page 8 of this issue. During 1910 The Signal will be better than ever. Look tor the new serial story to be com- menced shortly. THE SIGNAL GODERICH Two Weeks to Christmas! And we have, as usual, many strrecti%elines in Cltrtsfmas Goods. andGaod Values to show. Hair air Brushes, Military Brushes, Hand Mirrors, Brush Sets, Manicure (vases, in Ebony. Rosewood, Olivewo,d, Celluloid, etc. , l'urses and Pocket Books Shaving Goode Christmas Perfumery in great profusion, ranging in price from toe to $.1 II. S. E.' HICK. Central Drug Store, - - - Goderich. Ont. GIFTS FOR MEN Collar Bags Tie Pins Gloves Cuff Links Sweater Coats Silk Mufflers Smoking Jack: is Silk Umbrellas Lounging Robes Swell Neckwear Boxed Suspenders MARTIN BROS. 'Phone 180 TAILORS and FURNISHERS CHRISTMAS GIFTS \� • Our line this year cunni. to of : TI,H:k:T SETH in leather cases MANICURE SETS in leather reagin Combination TOILET AND MANiC't'RE 51:I Ebony HATR TIM SHER___ . Ebony MIRRORS Ebony BONNET JI M•SHER Ebony NAIL IGO•SHEti Ebony /'Loin BRUSHES ' Ebony Nail Ft Pe and Shoe, horns: Ebony Military Bruehee, etc. Fancy Piper. Ciga , Cigar Came. Fancy Perfumes. in bulk and is 'ales. Big range a d close prices at , RUTLAND'S R 0 STORE - GODERICH IONE Of`.TNAT PLEASE! Something to Wear is the Best Thivlg to Buy for A Christmas Present for a Man or Boy Select this store as the right place. -to bufy. Our assortment of here.wea oods is to be isbles is Read a few siitggP tions to d the beet 1p yogi decide what would heO•olnd t pt the proper ing to hoy• \ NECKWEAR EXCELDA HANDKERCHIEFS \ MN IRT; CUFF LINKS GLOVES TiE PiNS NECK SCARFS UMBRELLAS BRADLEY MI'FFLER FUR CAPS UNDERWEAR FUR COLLARS HOSE FUR -LINED GLOVES SUSPENDERS FUR ('OATS BILK HANDKERCFIIt?Fs A 5)'rtt CENTURY SUiT LINEN ,. A ^-ftrtt'7ENTITRY OVERCOAT Watch this Advertisement next 'peek. WALTER C. PRIDHAM THE HOUSE OF REAL VALUES