HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-12-2, Page 8s. TINVIkattalf. Dittintiiiu 2, TIIK SIGNAL GODERICII. ONTARIO WITH DR. GRENFELL INTERESTING SUMMERS EXPER 1ENCES OF THREE NURSES. One ot Them Miss .Care-Harrs, of Ketgsion. Rastee R. 2- Car- Harr,is Formerly of Oeyderich Leut. Peary's Call at Battle Harbor on His Return from the North Pole. A lengthy accunt. from The si. Joint (N. B.) Sun. of the adventurrs. a three Canitaliau nuniee at Dr. .tinn- 1.11. lebrador 111140.4ln has reached Ith. 01141 of the 111111Wih Misr Carr -Harris, of Kingston, Ont., who evidently Mum a good deal tif the love of ad. venture end of the stirring and all. sorbing etylol of life which took her brother, .IL H. lerr-Ilarris. 401 known to ()Wench peple. to China, whore he has been engaged on Ilii. Im- perial Chlueee Itaitway from yanton to Hatslow. Mr. Carr-Hasvis is joist now in To onto. whither be mu. recalled fr China aa • witnrss. tor the 1', P. H. in tbe Pigott mat; but a. his leave ex pires in January be means to return 111 Chis. .11e had three attacks ot fever while in China but since his o \ tarn to Totbanito has winked it olf. Ooderich peple. who made the ar• 44 M.. Cesy11 I gu h nseidence here sui one of the pogo,. who eonstructed the Guelph a: h Ridgway will be interaated iu tour actount 401 the experi- sister -at Battle Harbor. egAn. of St. John., N. 13, CarrHarris and they are gredually learning gratitude, how. sever, and me realizing thee Nelf-sarerl- nee of the people who c frotte eir ilitt where they might he heatable and notable. purely tint of Itily for 111P degraded steange-speak• ing LAI ratherbois of string.. °eight. All of them have a supreade utast in I H. (irenfell, who, u hen the smuttier 11141111//1 111/4/1 111111 114111p Harbor canal), be rt./wheal by framer. oein• rituruala 1 eavelop an. down Tity Komatik, ministering (Attie inhale. Hantsdesperate !Wed." Gas Eriplos▪ ion at Bleuselt: On Tuesday ever • g of last week 411 explorion of acetylene gas at .1. 1'. %%•etorl's factory in Itriessels wrecked t he gar untehitie and injured both Mr. Vestal and IL Otago.. who etitt•retl the building where t he. gas machine was wit Is e lighted latisrn. The gt.neratur ball fawn emptied its ...intents elut ing the day, but it turned old that gas was *till there. Mr. ‘1',ert al was burned reVerely Matey the face anti argils and abut eat by flying torts of the gt•tierator. fl wds feat et, the Iltip of eine eye wdul41 11P lot, Litt the doe - tor says it will o 1 all right. Mr. Plage %viol knocked down and LI shaken es God radio epees of The Mimes were with M have Just re rned from 4 tour moths' experie. e of the hospital work which is makisszawpeople the stern Lab - punk loullete.: he nursing Harbor. loy out of the Liveyers o rador roast. "These says The Siin "form anal hentsekerping ronfolln hospital at Rattle All were volunteers, so !Mein* the desire to aid in the w rful mission of which Dr. Greaten is head that the difficulty of the trip an the work seemed obetacles of small moment. Tbe interest naturally at tched to the faNcinating work in which they were engaged was added hy tht. fart that th••7 were. the first White Women whom Lieut. Peary met after he had turned his face 1 •- wanl from the Pole. 'The newt, ..fthe f•ruwing expl tits of Cook and Peary reached the hos. pital by wireless the sante day. The explorer's arrival at the first real unt- wist uf civilization WY a quiet affair as compared with his later rceptions. although the hospital people, who re- alized the importance of hie feat, were thrown into • state of intimee excite- ment. TJ the people who live 1.11 Halite Island, however. the rolling iif the Roosevelt WI.. hardly a matter of comment. If they looked out of their windows to we the yew! dock,wiu. it became the cannon fired from the top of the hill by the Marconi 1.11W1111rr a1. tracted their attention a* romething nousiusl. All of them people have roams to know Peary well during his twenty-three years of exploratin, in the course wnich he lies put into the harbor many times. They do not consider him • -•elehrity in any way. A. the Romeevelt steamed in the nature and dortore, and those of the patients In whole: interest eould he •akened, were an•eni tiled 1,n the ver- andah of the hospital, lett no it -son greeted t he es plot ing part y from the wharf. Peary called upon the num.,' later. htit spent motet of Ititt time vrhlle in the harbor in writing hs ;story end furnishing up the Roosevelt to awoke her presentable for the trip to New Vot k. Littered co Oh the tentains td musk oxen and the walrus and whale meat with whirh the dogs and Eski. nue: were fed. the veinal wale perfeelly mot y. 11 seemed to those nt Battle Hari ea• that the members a the x• ploring party were sorry to leave the Noo to behind. They ileectilied their y PAX an a 111010' pleatiant our, in whirls the wikiernee. Mit thrown ovt.i. them • faocioating • "When Lieut. l'eary wae iaulimig • from Battle Harbor he presented to Ib e hospital &Nal worth of canned pl- yipletne. the loam and Immo hoped from among selich proved a Saturday night delleary to the hoopital for 1.1"e- era1 weeke." The Misses Heston rarrII 51 loh brought home with them Many valu- able. niemente, of thr pole-Huding ex- pedit bar and of their sojourn iti Labra- dor. Not r he least interesting of the 1.1011PC1' i• • photograph of Peary *Landing with NI Hai Carr -lien is and Miss Hegan on the verandah of the hospitals also brought 10111 111P111 ninny valuable strap -shots, which include* somber of sti iking groups and MiiIIIP ly interesting SPPIIMI re111111114- petit of the s mer, the hard wink of which was Kill pleasant through ite novelty, the clear air of Labradr, its manyhued, unbeatable sunsets not• able for their vivid colorings, and its we roderf tel night's, Quoting again from The Sion Mimes IIPX•11 and Miss tarr.ltareji left for Battle Harbor (in June Pith last and arrived (le the 1tTi. At that time of the year ice was floating in large oitointitis, and during one night the steamer Home, whiih visit.. liattle Harbor weekly. was enclosed in the ire and unable to move. After teach- ing Bettie they V/PIP isolated for two weeks by the flowing ire which blocked the harbor. The trip home, rem meneed on October 11 th, occupied two weeks. 'During the summer past, the hospi- tal did much more extensive work than ever before. Its capacity strut MI. OtiUnl to the cases which appeared. and patients were compelled to 'sleep cm the floor and in chairs, while the move« were called upon for perlode of duty no tryingly long that they were cotnpelled to resort to invention of their own which would afford them a ehanoe for deep. At the lAihnulor, the people look upon the mission iromewhat In the light of their government. It **Mom occurs to them that thenke sere due for the good oflirml they teceive and anything whirls the doet,rs and n urses can do they refer to as 'That. what the mission it here for. They A Letter from Saskatchewan. TotI*. lo:dtur of Thy Sgii.d I)i.:o Mtn, Some 1 ARO I no- ticed a shint strut to the Cat low taro.. to the effect that we were hailed out here in the %Vest. star,' that we were hailed eosedderaly, loot glool t hat a goodly pot ion vet 11.1111 t 41 111 Ie• IltieVe"Olet1 14 11.. gt41U i auII. AVe j11111 tInkheil thseshilig Lod Fi Way. I hey.. L 511 beediels of No. 2 N. ern wheat alt 114 granary_ lotoodiele of oats. Not too, bad for it hailed ertp for the seemed year in the Hurst part ter' Saskeh atewati. with Ili* Little Manitou Lake one !mil- itate. souam th of us ! the thriving town %Vatrous, a divisional point on the G.1'. four and a half millet directly south of our holeetemod. My advice indied ' /emir men is : Come West, young man. come WM. • - Thanking you, Mr. Editor. for the soave in your valuable paper. As 'rhe Signet reechea us every week. it gives lir all the news •round our old II • Your.. truly, tee. Thu.:111.r WatroUs. Sask.. Nov. '22nd. The Perfect Man. There is anuin Who tiea dtinkea. Nor smoke.. nor chew. norwe • never gambler. never rhit, •' 0 .I11... 41 .111fl•nalM, PM He. tarelyed' CHRISTMAS WANTS Alf new fruits— ' Raisins Currants l'igs Dates Peels, Etc. Rubbers and Overshoes Dont allow the Rubber Footwear Question to bother you. XimsellLabeaga-Sd-that the IttibbofFo—r-ind Overshoe* we carry i stock , "titian fall value tor the money invested. Out primate • as low aa it le poesiole to make them. Quality Spices Allen's Cider. is our watchwool, and we never allow factory-datudged Hubb's in our stock. Everybody likes quality, and that is what YOU get when buying Footwear from us. here Ir a m A thing thnt not rhea : HO. wife ran tll- I where Ai tuarnnie. noon id nght. For the 1. . remiun He •• dead. oho never de. . Rural Telephones. tVinghatis Times : Last w k at tlollerich what hi to he lisowii a the ioderich Hurst Tel,•ph • Cum'siv was ganized. Th company exit .crs to operate loess iva A.h11..1.1. East and %Vest k•awanosh, • Milieu and lioderieli townhips. Huron vomits. will have her full shine of oral *Oriel • lines, with romeesrievetyper eying oat of ttrxte• WitivItain. 111. Seafortis. hutch, Hriethels. %Vroseter and (for- rie. The North Huron Teleph • eta has had a Vet y eneeehoof oil seawmThe first telephone on DM comp snylines Wil in operat ion on Lhe 14 or htipt•Wit • heir and now there are in at y stilt scribers on the. lines, wit Is cat.ti-mt it on at fleltitore, Illtievnle. Ilelrave, Whitechurch tool St. A tigitstine. Nlany new linrs will le. bail', next season and bebire many years nearly all the farmers ill 1514 dist net will 'save telephones. • Old Acquaintances. The folleiwing is from The Kin, slin•• Reporter of lam. Werk: Out hf fart Mr. A. NI. Poller. tioderich. wax lime renewing old nesontillitsittoey. W4/1 'W011 known in this vomit y in .11to early .1 ere when hi' • tam Alm 4iirforich 1. Kin. mstiline Maize Etnit later front here to Stint hampton when lir and John (tenth.. Welt* in part fiertehip. Mr. is well aelvettieed in v• .31-4 lett t ime m lightly on his shotittlets. the early days him stage tine 1114 MI. the bissitieso. and smirtirtt frei ht tuhti laid Monti 10 I hefib:it Is rine 11.11, The rtnittanro, woe large and when he had 4011P thfill. *4' 1011,4 tql.cheit/ full of t lie needful be used c )) over the 1. rail I • self or else Mr tient Ire ream thrweeer. In 4111-Tbeit business expel ieeire they I% 1.11. 1101 m. •lenio. I. kir. Polley was the gitent 01 Mr. Marlton, hem) of the if:edging riorienny, Whio i1111t• Illo here in his !Mirk cite, lied the experience. um at isthat tan f nen t he days of stage VI oil 41.11111. W11111. 11,11" I Set -.ml rind Mr. Polley had tiplensatit eh at mid Hwy 1. I it Wigs lift y one years eget sinee they Hist lesame ne. emainteil. 11 WU-Piemeeting of ex- tremes politiealiy, the Doctor le•ieg etaiinch Conservative and Mr. Polley heingti ittftlindt Liberal. y both Jong be sparest to their respective ties. We know of no other medicine which has been so suc-. cessful in relieving the suffering of women, orsecured so many genuine testinionials, as has Lydia E. Pinklpn's Vegetable Compound. -„In almost every community- you will find women who have been restOrsal !ohaIth by Lydia E. Piakham's etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has. either bccn bm: efited by it, or knowssomn e one who has. In the Pinkhain Laboratory at Lynn. Mass, are files con- taining over one -pillion one hundred thousand letters from if--gignatu re; ffvt tlicy have regained their health by taking Lydia E-Pinkliam's Vegetable Comound. Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations:, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made ex- clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless:: The reason -why it is so-sueeessfut is bectiueiti.untains ingredients which act' directly uponthe female Organism, restoring it.t.o healthy and nomial, activity. Thousands Of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. Belleriver, Que.—•• Vilthout Lydia' E. 1'111kb:tut's Vegetable Compound 1 would not he alie. For five months I had painful and irregular periods aml intiammittion of the uterus. I sod- fered like a mart) r and thought often of death. I consulted two doctors who could do not king for me. I went to a lampital, and t he hest doctors said I it submit to an operation, brsause I bud a tumor. I ent back home much (1iscouraged. One of 01) ciiii•i A1118441 me to take )our CUIIIIrouliul, as it had cured- - her. I dill 1.0 A1111 S11011 1" '4341 t41 feel better. and my appe- tite came bat•k rs 1t5 the first bottle. io%% I feel no pain and am cured. Tour remedy le deserving of praise." — Mr*. Emma Chatel, Valles field. Belleriver, Quebec. Women who are tifferitig from those distressing ills peculiar to their se \ shouldnot lose sight of these facts or, doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound to restore their health. Sturdy & Co. Pim, to West Side Square. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square, Goderich. NEW Lumber Yard Jim Dean k 6o. having purchased the eti'ttre stock id L ber uf the Goderitth Lumher ro. nt Ooderirh. 110-tPtUtaert el lo supply the pithier, wholemle and retail, tn all line. ot The Signal's Clubbing List for 1909-10 LUMBER Make Each Animal Worth 25% Over Its Cost On of a Cent.a Day Nobody ..Vv, hear -au( ,45 the bot• or cone. Making m wnt,tn...i.ellsmtt the ..1 m14 live Wounds per wow•dar. ur restoring run -titian aninuis to plummet, s and inerm. When you feed s ankelood ' bo your ow. home. *sinew poultry m what you are owing on your own farm. Hockey Notes. ' • tends Blake I hilT. the new eel. dienrtint the tThiiiriu, 11orp WWI*. li011. 1.4 an olo Maim boy having been bronglit op in ifittevele, wheel' hi. father still resides. Mr. Duff was serretary of the fialt club for ortniber of yektit. fir lika hind it With" 1"11III11.1.1 5111 Wit It Mier sports also. notably assarlat• football. both as player avid official, and now holds the honot•ary presidency 51 the ‘Vestern Foot bell Antieciation. In 1122i and Ilfori he was president of the W. F. A. Ile was manager of the Galt club when its team tomed the Canadian West, winning sixteen geinee turd drawing one of the raventren played in twentyeieht days. The leans scored forty-four goals to four. A mtill greater triumph was won when Mr. Duff took Ida teem to the Worldi Feb. *1 81. Louie in IRS and won the Olymiee champlemehip, defeating the picked Chicago League team four to 1 MO. Mr. Duff VFW. called tO the 0. H. I A. executive in WIC and the following year became isecond vice president ! by acclamation. In 11417, again hy ac- climation, he be-anie find vice-preid. dent and retained the peltion the fol. lowing year. Y:.. o are merely feeding "TEE lntif animals do nee 0,4 sees Id Itt something to help the, EEL" • 14 .1. , igr t AI the, good ,,,(dt the 1..4 1-I 1 IRIS, MOM Re the) can Set Lit int am ./y Lot AI iv. Jr round: a Not° pree•nt dr...aft, to,. disease. and Iter p itl.e I..) p -.111e torM,14ton No ' Mk 4 food" can do all the.- I a' "" 11."'"'" ''' tik'en:,. t"OYAL PURPLR STOCK SPKCIFIC can JnJ does 11.. Ve'n/Ar.:uPti. '',74 Nota tock Food' But a "Conditioner" at lowest prices. I heir IllW yard Is sit- t.,11.twi•en the 'Sensing - 1.11 1.•••1 n11111'1' FAC1Ory alit! %%•heel Rigs Factory. The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe $1 60 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe . • • 4 50 - The SIgnal And Montreal Family Herald and • Weekly Star 85 breading preastion pittars. -TM teed • awakening: The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1 75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star . . • 2 20. The Signal and Toronto Daily World. • 3 50 The Signal and Toronto Daily News . • 2 35 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire 1 60 ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SP IF IL ,on" nolo- n• nor Loin pod, I. It inert •sts 'ell of n:ik from tsree to Me pund. r o* r .1.1b 1".1., the Sftt.itte has born used two week,. It milk, milk richer .ind Ja deg/ Leger lt,n.ny other preparation known. 1.un4 ..."14,41e.1,,th ROYAL PURPL c large at tot w ,4 old as thty would be when -fed *th 1.1" mter.2114.4 ten week. , ROYAL PURPLIS STOCK SPICIFIC F 1J.". tip run-down a mils and '*.res them to plumpnees alrngist muge,ally Cures hots, iums,ukin diseg,es debilits r‘rrnanently. Dun 5,1,sten, the hs -sem in. sa):: -1 hare ei • ROYAL PURP STOCK SPaciptC Per1tatentleetteluste-U4g4.1"The frt' Str4 tars., •inesi put,er on Giuind Circuit in low. and 'Henry 5', ,it,.. 2 DAbnother tot I,n ' .nnr of 111111e1U in t rott n* stakes in !se The, horses haver ne, cr Ii. -,n off their J c 1 • mnMem0,1 uses 1400A Purple .110 • year ao. and 1 won sh..o•S i1.11, 1. 1, • Jas. Dean & Co. wietrerossoseteresio oya.1 P le day Mlle over toy...third, ot c. ”t • 4 sa. t.of sieve nE, I F Pa.lpe oROYAL PURPLE STOK SPECIFIC STOCK AND POULTR R amount of Ire panij1/1.471:.wholrIte .1111111"1.4'1;tql°. "RIOYAAIL5141"Ii P"LiTrilan•in4cfrra...hm.e;ihetet of your stook 2.5". It is an astunishingly moat 10:rocr, stimulating 'Kr appett• nd the releJs for food, assisting nature to digest and turn fecal Imo flesh. Asa low fa 11e0, -e11 4% w.ttsav, many tulles its 45s1 Metter:mai:I bills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SP PIC .Sher morcia, for poultry. root Co. att-wit Onec. ntule_selllast twenty licullIttaa-coo-prwrwinomytt-SawttttaetWrnty "Po dal which s, four time. TO m ttrmal fur only three 'me, the c,o.t. It ,not.,-* a Pay:rig roecto ea out rf your IPTrfl. 1;:,TraWy ;ft; kilieptinflifttiets7vinift147; POIflTRY 31" lFIC 1. guaranteed. Jost uK ioyAL PURPLE On are of too, animals and nor oft, mpriparatieotion another 000,al in the Condlnorl7 after curripuing resol• you OM say OYAL, FUMPLII hag them .14*14.1 Mal, th. or el." b.o.keerrieettrmonee Vont Mer.hant or (IS for our c.duable t PAgc bookha no • Posen) i containing shin cooking re, eipes nn,) 1 particulars about ROYAL. PURPLE STOdK sod FOUL- , TETI? SyPollCIPanIC.t. id Royal purple SPeeilies from merchants nr agents. we will supply you direct, express prepaid, On receipt of 11.40 a pail for either emitter Of lit‘k SpeCiltC!.. Rake Money .0.tiss s. our ago* Is your dstrict. Write for term,. Por sale by all up•fod,ite . I.Jesklss Ilk Co., London, Can. NEW STOCK of Pickles plat in. MUSTARD, PICKLES. SWE ET PICKLES. MIXED PICKLES, AT THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY Almon new stock a CURRANTS. ' .RAIS1NS, Etc. Ili /hest caa's m 1 ait,priers for l'.tat (WV, 111111 ter and Eggs. 1.1.1 OM have p.m orders for F'1,01R AND FEED. Prompt delivery. --Ft. R YA .1 I ;11 •. Isi I I L111,1• ,r1 SI asilairsdh.M.IssMIWirmeraiiThiParPstessetew FINE TAILORED FITS Wit LOOK WELL W EA RS WELL Wom made by MEN MENI Pie ... i . int twiner. -.IC: het. Afreille sates. The Signal and Farmer's Advocate The SignaLao_d Canadian Farm . . The Signal and Farm and Dairy The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press The Signal and London Daily Advertiser . The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser . The Signal and London Daily Free Press ItIorning Edition . . . 3 50 Evening Edition . . . 2 90 The Signal and London Weekly Free Press 1 85 The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness . 3 50 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness 1 85 The Signal and World Wide 2 25 The Signal' and Western Home Monthly (Winnipeg) 1 60 The Signal and Presbyterian . 2 25 The Signal and Westminster 2. 25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3 2,5 The Signal and Catholic Register . . . •i 60 The -Signal trrd-Saturday Night cri o—rrmiiii5-77-2-35 The Signal and Busy Man's Magazine . 2 50 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto) . . 1 60 The Signal and Youth's Companion (Boston ) 2 90 • lorle•lillif 1,14fte to canadlan subscribers. The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (Neil'. York) 260 seaman* reooteue 44. "nonannt strhsertbent. • These, prices are for addresses in Canada or Gr at Oritnin. The above publications may be obtained/by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the prt for any publication being the figure given above less $Loo representing the price of The Signal. yor instance : alan less t Si The Farmer's Advotak113; The Stgnal and The Weekly Glebe j $0 9S —making the price for the three/papers $2.95. 235 150 75 T 60 290 I 60 DUNLOP The Tailor West St. ••••=••111 Itayal Put tile Stock and 1.0411TV tiperiftTr trirt frre bantam,: . • 1. . See Thlt Triple Curved Spring!" RCN BABY CARRIAGE t7eNTHDUMe " thrre are toe: of goal plain reason* sirby you should " T h - caRilla*-111 Is beauty, and Ws the car lot tne. buy a Ga siggraw I, r r,:dly. ntuvEn.• "Thi,. carriage e tr is mad. in Lan Ids. Ivety Inch of mat'Frial embodied in the GLINinsefel le the beat tt at moac7 en 1 tq. "CC that triple cur :ed erring 7. That (ea um in reels:sive to the ag,NPRGIN. it's made .01 selected and t.- t,,i me ..- thc triple :Aint: etest The crere jar, makinge c.al_CNI9a-SLY::-•auds.a.00-4f,•-firra'r -mt.- 4-- • lig 14.11i..., ' te, Larriau car Averit- able feather bcd for hshy. ' There are .the • • lam n • p,. -nu should invcat in a en ---t •S44ENIGM0141 . rarisee cars ate pc cat ; for us ha y i. % IP I r•,..tt :...; Sell by all ern class teals. . Wssia est! re ts; c .1,02 (CO nal!: • Ussis. Gendron Mentitse luring Go, Led' -4:. '.Carento The Signal and Tb. Weekly Soo The Toronto Daily Star (faan less Sem) . • The Weekly Globe (Vie less $1001 5t 75 1 20 60 13 SS -the four papers for SA.55. Several of Mese papers, including_ The Weekly Globe. The Weekly Mail and Empire,. The Weekly Sun. The Family Herald and Weekly Star, anTod TmheRWCanadsuBniasc arksaaritesse. at FREE FOR THE BALANCE OF MN If the / we publicw ion you ant is not in above list, let usk Canadianbicipcaretisosmorsdueprptloy almost any well-known Sen .orexpress hrough local agent or postoe The Signal Printing company, LIMITED, Goderkh, Ont, 5 1, • tr.:, • • , • ' • ▪ " 1 J•t. • r fAir4Cr' '.5.1.trAPYttlf • ' " — ""..`r • - , t ':2711,1' " - "10114:4140C • 4-riVitMOZtesSti! AKAliZettn,"iii& ° $44 t "4": f*** /'1, 1